THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, cmh. f The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA For ths EasL Publlehed Daily and Weakly Wednesdays and 8aU Mondays, Guaranteed Largest Circulation rdays at 0:30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: JnM Kgf From the EasL Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. Vrm Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO cents per inch. 30 p.m.; Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Contract Rates on application For Vancouver. MSElauZlassl Monday ' a. m. IsKftJPiiilr u DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Dec. II, 1017. Tuesdays P m. Thursdays ' 'OP m. when unity is essential. HI P m. Saturdays UNITY military gain might be offset by cry now for a Union govern, of warfare a greater political loss. Which After three years ment is a farce. That time was From Vancouver. against the most powerful en. shows one of the differences and three years ago. A strong premier Sunday 10 p. m. statesmanship has between emy modern civilization would have had ere this. Mondays 0 a. m. had to face, the British Empire mere politics. as a whole is more indissolubly The same situation exists in Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. WHAT A LIBERAL GOVT. o p. in. Fridays knit together than In any other Canada today, but only to a MEANS FOR RUPERT Saturdays 10:30 a. m. stage of her history. The one certain extent. In Ireland Great ness wilh which the constituent Britain has a problem. They parts of the Empire came to the have a people with national I Continued From I'ae Une.i For Anyox. help of the mother country in aspirations. They have a strong Sundays 10 p. m. blame for the stagnant condition 10 m. Wednesdays p. and troublesome Nationalist her time of need is a striking of l'rince Rupert and the O. T. l'.T Fridays 8 P. in. tribute to the soundness of the party, which want Home uule. .British idea of government. But notwithstanding that in Who but the Borden Government? Saturdays 10 P. in. The Great Britain of three hun Ireland the percentage of the Recently orders for a few ships dred years ago, composed off population enlisted Is small have been placed in B. C. at Van-couver From Anyox. separate peoples and contained compared with Great Britain, and Victoria, because the Sundays, a. m., Mondays, a. m, In the group of islands to the its people are not execrated as east could not supply the demand, Tuesdays, p. in, and Thursdays, northwest of Europe has de traitors to the Empire even If but no orders came to l'rince Rupert. p. m. - veloped Info a nation and a section Of them did rebel, and The G, T. I'. got no extra company of nations. In this racial strife and animosity war traOio to carry. Why has the Port Simpson A Haas ftlver Points time of war, their spirit is as created to embitter the existence l'rince Rupert drydock plant, costing For Sundays, 10 p. m. one and as one the soldiers of of an Irishman, whereever two and a half million dollars, From Tuesdays, p. m. this company of nations stand be goes. Nowhere in Great been allowed to stand idle since against the tyranny of an auto Britain is to be found such in it ii builL Instead of doing its nin rh.rlnlle lelanila. cratic enemy. vective against even the Irish share to win the war? Because Mails Close -Oct. 10 and 2t. Mr. FRED STORK Great Britain herself did not people as is to be found particularly the Borden Government and the .ov. 7th and 2lst, Dec. 6th and xhe Liberal Candidate for the Dominion Parlinmcnt, ho ask tor the assistance of her in the Ontario newspapers, C. N. II. have been bucking the G. h received the endcrsation of the Prince Rupert Lib . "daughter nations. It was given against the French. T. I. and l'rince Rupert, because a'met. nth and j. voluntarily. And while she accepted Canadians. The Tories there it was a Laurier road and Laurier iov. nth and 25th, Dec. oth and and the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council the assistance, which have been doing and are doing town. l'rince Rupert and th 3rd p. rn. wes more than welcome, at no still everything in their power country tributary to the G. T. I1 LAND REGISTRY ACT time has she turned to the self to alienate Quebec. Even as will never come to its own until tlewart, Maple Bay and Swamp BE CLEAN governing dominions and said regards recruiting in that province, the country gets rid of the Borden Point, (Secuooa 14 and III.) to them that they were not doing the Borden government Government. In order to dtrtliis. For Thursdays, 10 p.m. Re AppUmteo no. 0(01-1. miaf lift. INTERNAL!! enough in the struggle. have handled the situation most it is up to the electors to vole From Saturdays, p. th. TAkE .HOTICE tbal appticailoa baa beea Being self governing dominions ineptly. From the manner in for Stork and Laurier. av4e to reittter Aaoe Defy, of rrUK Canada, South Africa, Australia which things have been bandied l'rince Rupert and the National Alaska and Yukon Territory. Rupert, . C aa oer la fee uikler Over S00.000 People Ars Hi Tat late Deed frota tbe) GBeir of Ute and New Zealand left to it would Transcontinental was the atnbi For 9 almost Mondays were seem as if the p. m. aty of rnnce trvpert, Uartar date um Doing So. render such assistance as they Borden government did not tion of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Ilia From Saturdays, p. m. SSIb day U September. ISIS, t ALL XM chose to give. And naturally, want Quebec to come up to the ambition was realized and he will SI0llJlR tbal eeruia parcel or tract of for many ytart phyaldaaa bate ir-i the LAND REQISTRY ACT Uad and pretntMra aitaate. lytaiC and belar tbal tl per ceaL or kmaua a$ first available help that standard of the other provinces. yet see its further development. u catiH at tbe Mialdrallty ttttm Rupert, toore by aeeuaaulated aiM la Um Lever could be rendered was in men. Their method of recruiting, Ills return to power means re- (SecUotM IS and 114.1 parUfutarly komia and deacrtbed aa Lot Ual la our preeeal sty at btue-toe; trau Thousands of volunteers came their treatment o f General stored confidence in northern B ferty-ooe (ID. Skxk tatrty (IS). SXUoa A a lure could ai react e aa su from these new Britains across Lessard, the handling of the C. and the rapid growth of l'rince Re AppUcatioa .la. tltl-L rile II7. eirhi l). hap MI. Ubwat aaeillaaca. no inatler be ntut TAkE flOTlCE tbal appUraUoa baa tares Too are required te tea teal Um claim of the seas, notwithstanding their French - Canadian battalions Rupert, which is destined to be e aMfbl be. and tbal tbe petayu trm to rt inter Arthur A. McEwaa, of tbe Ut portbaaer I lb la It daya frued un distance from the seal of war, which were raised and the latitude come one of the largest cities on rrtaca Rupert. I C 11 oaer ta fee; on Jau of tbe aerrtc of tbla cwlice (tbtc UM aie cine la wd tbrvtri ne bM and their sparsely populated allowed to Bourassa and the Pacific Coast. Its develop der a Tat Sato Deed from Um Collector of I guy be elected by pvUMatMmj. and rr polled n aeay eVaa betoo par aal aeai tbo aty of riinre Re pert, fecartst date I ttteouea ta caited reeoeibte fur anany eUeeaMa af 1 aerttu countries. And neither did the Lavergne is quite enough to ment means the development of U aeettoa IS af Um tnd day of .tovember. It IS. of ALL -I mnA rMilrv Af m(IK .MKftmMl. A aetaea. fact that Great Britain bad show that the situation as it the hinterland as well. .OD SI.nOL'LAR tbal certain parcel or tract lo um fetbwrtsr eitract tnetefreao 1 tbta uaa tba J I 1. 0' greater reserves of population exists is what they were work, The Tories once styled them of land and rrrmlaea tltuiu. Ijinr, and -And ta defaatt of a canal or (erua oei Stibtar baa, becatae f ar to draw upon militate against ing for, and for political ends. selves Conservatives, then they beisr tn Um Munlclpality or Prtnco Rapert, Cale af lia pettdeoa U(n aiad before reenenaalili. and loaee bf aert bora particularly knovn and deacribed aa Um rtrutrauaa aa ooner af tb pere bee tiradtri rrooisr ta ft assistance in this form. Instead of accentuating racial robbed the Liberals and called Lot lcaiy three) III), Block lnlrty-for eautWd aoder aacb Ui sale. aJJ peraon bear any, betr. um lurUai mi. But never yet has Great animosities, no matter of themselves Liberal Conservatives (II). Becuoa Sereo (7), Wtb III K aerved tl ooOea ... tad bae brrm aweeMt tbe eetm a Britain said to her dominions how old standing, a time like: Now seeing tbey are discredited Yoti ar required to eonteil tbe dales Uwea lUUaior Utraoaa ar Obder tbeaa. rral ewieeCM ai eculiau bet a across the seas that they were this calls for very different before the people under their for- ef Um Ut portbaeer iutla It days frcea and aU pereona cuuntos any late real tteu M iaaer Umuh im aetk tbe date) of Um aerrtca of tbla noUca la UM land by ttm of any Mareaielered Tabercuieeu, and at not arrhxii eUetaaee aa doing enough. Even with treatment, which. however, a tner .name, they call themselves (birb may bo effected ty adrartuins at lot ini meat, and alt pereoaa cUlmloc any nal)V-T of tbrcevu H- Ireland, a few miles away, if Tory is Incapable of appreciat- Unionists. Borden has got six directed), and your attention la ceiled te latere-al ta Um tend by deeceat oboaa tMuty aad lUeaa-- the Irish people did not come ing. Canadian law is modelled 1 Liberals to Join him in a Cabinet eecuoa It of Um "Land Rerutry Act" vim uila u not resuured ander Um pro-1 MJtt o., ,m to the assistance willingly, upon that of Great Britain and of Twenty-two. This he calls amendmenta, and to Um followior attract euaona of tbia Act. akall be fee eer Talu aetttareMi Great Britain did not enforce In government Sir Robert Borden Union Government. It is that in tbcrtfrotn:"And la default of a caveat or tenia eawpped .04 debarred fr brlUn. p .JTSIT compulsion. And Ireland was has a great deal yet to name only and the name is one rata of it peodena belar Bled before Z'ZTJ U.aT. Trr LaTl- under the sanw government learn from that same little calculated to deceive the electors Um rerutrsuoa at owner of Um pertoei and even enjoyed greater privileges country. Sir Robert has shown The Tories want o win this elec enUUed tnrvi aa under aerve auca villi ut adliM tale, all per bold for wm tetea.1 mm wvtKr w. m me 99 im ... than the people of Great that he is unable to preserve tion under the guise of Unionists, and Utoeo claimtnr tbroufb or under AMD WHEKCAS apollcaUoa baa beea taaattj autur. aad over IM.HI ar ae Britain. The statesmen of the unity of the different parts by hook or by crook, and to gain. tbem. aad all peraoo cUlnUaf any U at4e for a CertiSrate of tndefeaitbU Title titif Internal alba.aad rrrJ lewer a Great Britain realized that any of the Dominion, and at a timet. their end, they armed themselves, tereat tn Um tend by etrtse) tt anylta Um aboao-inenUuCMd tenda, ta tba babm by TMI h aaeant eouraataaue aa eeepuei aoa aasaftl unreaiaiered Inatnuneat. and aU per-1 of Anna Duffy: at the tail end of the last session ale buodreia oar Um tea aooa cuitnior any Intern I ta um tend AMD WHEREAS oa laecatinuar Um uua of Parliament with one of the by deaceni obooa UUe It not retletered appears tbal prior to tbe I lib day of 11 lib Ave. SoulS. UUXrtin, ar. basest and most outrageous acts under Um proetaioaa of ibl Act. aball Sepunber4 Itlt. (Um cut oa which Um Dr. TjrreU, Toronto: the to for ever ealopped and debarred fron aaid tenda vre told for overdue Utet.. Dear Doctor TyrretL After aa ye ever placed statute book, upon I S. S. PRINGE RUPERT -J. a. L Caacade" lor four ateaua, tetuot up any claim to or ta reepeci rtxi were tba aaaeiaed aeatr UMrr WEDNESDAY mldnlrbt for Anyox. By its means they hoped to cut or Um land to bold lor latea. and Um I ri'RTHER TAKE nOTICC tbal al Um It lay duty aa a tnankrni pctMu te-int out half a million good Liberal Retutrar tbaU laaaaa preat aoy eaUMtlaam for Um pvl reruur Um THURSDAY Mldnltnt for Swanaon Bay. Ocean ran. peraoo uoMltbaU effect rrtuualtoo In tmt-, ttunW Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle votes and also hope to have tilled under ucn ui aal aa owner of I auanca of aocb appticaUea and lioe a It bai beea to lae. Too Um tend so aold fop laiea." I r.iin-.r i.r...i.! vm. ecavuoea aa I write) uua tetur enough floating soldiers' voles to A.MD WHEBETS appUcatka baa bern of you tn ,w (Teat mM!t Z.t S.S. PRINGE In tba GEORGE Duffy apply wherever they want tbem maoa for a CeruOcale of Indefcaatbl. TlUelrou proetTul Z l ,,U - "'" ' urJl MTU MM V Midnirnt for Anyox. SeOMAY a-m. for Iwuwi Sir. They are loud In their denunciation U, tbe abovecMntiocMd tends. In UM - W e.uXb cl.Tlf .ZM"X T', l,. " , Vancouver, Victoria i tB4 Statu. of the Liberals, who tbey A.'rLL u,U.U tend., or to' pr,. pr? j Z'"!? " S. 8. PINNee JOHft claim do not wish to win the war, Y IICrtAS appllcauon baa beealDoeed artkio oa me For Queen ChartMf Itlanda, 8 uua ii appear tnei prior W im oiy nv-December Itii p. end nth. But winning the For war is really a of neplenibcr. III! (tbe dale oa wfelen Eetchikan, WranrtlL Juneau and Skarway, December 11 in and l in. secondary consideration with the tba aaid tenda rre told for overdue or um b. u" would tMt TRAIN SERVICE Borden Government. They want iw were um rcauicrea ana at-1 a, r uin nn ma " ritMorrr Meneay, VVedaeadar and Saturday at llslO aeitea owner loereor. i yHiaf turn tod women I an a " .m. tor 8 mi then, 10 win the mirii n..t... r thu. election first. Which lib ibelr facet covered wiu borril.J" Prtoca ... Otcrje, Edmonton and Wlnniper. maklna- direct connections for aU ,v..,...n nuiiLa. ma i at toaiTo Robert Murdark. rn points eail and aooln. by means of the War Time Elec tuna time I tnall effect rtrUtraUoa ml 111 a at atxouver, . C, alfbtly pimple would IL Tb",l, (Continued on page three.) vai,.iK, wi auca appucauoa ana laiue a toon ft I rid Of tbem. !. certtflcau or Indefcaaibla TIU to Um aaid i lop, or I wiu be kaepms yo " ' Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines, tenda In Um naoM of Artbur A. McCwan WATER NOTICE tm..., Km i tmAA nit tma seer per m For Information and reservations apply to unleti you Uie and proaecatt tba craoer my pael condition of beeltb. aU U prM City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. PHONE MO proceedintt to etubllab your claim, if any.l TA NOTICK tbal Dolly Vardcn Mlnea of tb ". . W May you cnjoT o w' w mm aaia ianu, or to prevent tucta pro- It-earaoy wnoee sddreta It Alice Arm. a, to tb felt poaed acUon oa my part a. win apply for a llcvato U take and smccrely your. tilt tx hated at um Land Realatrr Office. see lea cubic feel of water per a rood William t-riuca nupert. a. C tbla Itlb dar or out or Trout Creek, a tributary .of Ell tea try U "J. B. L. CaacaSe T epiember. A. D. It IT. auU River ftowlar Into Allco Ann. Cat Kilt fliul vouraalf alwava brlttk bvae II. r. MACLEOD, DlatrlCI Rertilrar alar DiatrlcL Tba water will be diverted dent and capable tbe potaooosa ul CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIMBER SALE X1095. of Tltlet. tt Um bead of tba ralte oa tbe Silver make Ut blUout. blue, duU aad serveet To entries Planlii. Box 711 Horde Mineral claim. Lot lltl. and will iBiernal Balb ar Matur" a VJJ! Edmonton, Alia. bo uaed for power purpoaet on Um Wolf OutuliiaUoo jual warm wtwr prco Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Sealed lenders will be received by lb na pony vtrden Oroupi of Mineral tppUed. Draft fore Stisff tb via Steamer to Vancouver and the Minuter or Land not later than noon on the surrtEME coLnT or British Claims txlnr Lou tit I to 17IT Inclutlve. L. CKad" ftoUy auuu ber. tuo loiti of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY purcbaea or day Licence January,X lett, it to 11,cut for 7.000.I 1m COLUMBIA. and Lou Iltt to 1117 loclutlv and Lot CaU and ae II al CyrU - Of Meal and the matter or the adhi.iistiu- lltl, Caaeier DitirlcL liar, ccr. Ird Ateo.. aad l Berth included on Steamer 090 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on TIO.l ACT ApplleaUon win be made alto for Ina Prlae Septal fee AJaeka December 17th an -area aliuated on nana Intel Queen aad rlfbt to itoro no aero feel In flrat Trout 'Priaaee Sophia fee Vancouver December 22nd. inaruiiie iiauiat inline I. 1.1 THE MATTER or Tiir riTitr nrLa ad t,lo arre feet In Second. Third A.k for -Why Mt js. Prlnceee Reyal fee Oanby Bay and Alice Asm 10 p. m December tSlh. move!Two of(I)Umber,year will be allowed for re. JACOB JAItvis. deceased. ixrr.TiTr I0! rourtb Troul Uket. Tba water win fer Cent EfneieBi. "V ,t it J th January Sin, 16th, 2Sth February eth. ISlh, ZSth. farther NOTICE IS hereby oivm Tfi wnnu ttored la rim Troul Lak by Um eon urtl, which It f"M, a. Tymit rla Royal fee Vaaeeuver la Ocecn Fella t a. m. December 17th, Victoria. D.particular C, or Dlttrlct of the Poretter.Cblcf roraiur IT MAT COXCERX of an Order mads fayl'irxo'os dam al III ouUcl and In Prefer,ISI writ Collrra at r"' 1 fer t7lh. M.D, Jaauary 7tn, 17U, ZStfcr February. 7th, ISth and 2Sth. Ilupertw U. C. .. Hit Honor r. McB. Younr. Local Jud.. iglSawnd, Third and rourib Troul Uket by book. Um above tnaiter on the iiih h.t r.r m. lttM ettrucitoa of a dam al Um outlet J. I. PETERS, General Agent SKEESA LA.tO DISTRICT DISTRICT Of vetuber. A. D. itlT. aa folloa. I0' sacoixl troul Laka. Tba ea lima led CT IMABl, KAJtOE I, IT IS ORDERED thai th. ..m ih u I are? of tend to be Hooded al flril Troul LAND Co iter Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. McMulUa .KLke It IT and 1UU be allowed tn ..... acrea al Second. Third and TU notice tbal tbe Weilera a.t. oi too laid deceated at occurrtnff I " ,rou UK vn'7 acret. -wtTWCT or rackins Co Ltd., of Mm Ilk day of Julr. taiv an., ,k. ...I Tblt nolle wat potted on in around 1IIE.XA LA.tD PISTruwi Vaneourer, b. cupation Salmon. Canner., InUoda to C.apply oc. piratloo f on moo lb from tb data of P" ' " ' or 0tt0Dr' CO A IT, RASW itoflit jaerdy-siaofter your cougk tul ! the followinf a. i puoucation of aoUc of tbla order I ' ' l,C9 alM application landi: ualett lu tb meanume nMr i. f...i.K-..' tHirtutnl there lo and to lb Water Act. TAkE nana ," Cominenclor ncfitirar or Uua Court pebMal,,,, uma orar or in at a noal nlanua at rtaTinM?' IT iatathlcVa Syrup of Tew aa4 Cod Urar Ofl tacoaOr aur mark, steamer . .m...:,. upert, B. c. tbil tn tald deceated. W,"r hcvrd'r I'rlo' Ituperl, B. C tend B.airly U. M , lWJ w t,Ut toe jJWiTi II promptly arrwu eooxbteg, tmt thaaka to hatogk anal tlf" " tecob j.rvlt, wat allv ,b dw of tb Dnt irpcaranc of this aUeufftaenlof properiUa it belpe the yeteaa to throw of Piiiin about one mile the LtlI lit. a.. .. .. . lubtequently wlnnll- In th. I.w.l n .k. fattewior '.UisVl pianiea oa U ffca cold and Uaoa efletta It la Uite tar Z"', 7' vumaaa nay) cbalna due OuiiunetuHn t Stewart s permanent car. quality wwicbi boa voa IT IS F-URTitrn nnr.U .v.. ...Iltrd day of October. ISIT. and ohirellone fast lama Bale mi I aay coogh and coU remedy la Cajaad. aid John eabor on tb ".i iuil7 a cnalaa due taaj, tbencp to cbaina If. McMulUn do nuhii.h "Ud with tb comptroller r JS5. aargv JeaSCet, mrymAn . tbenco back u point f comn.ncemant aoutn. tbla tb mora huneri' n.n. Wt,r ftwder within tblrly day after Bay, llM-nc wetl ! '"'"'J. VM fltvi. a ...m .lift, .miff .1 A. 1. btATWraJ r.talnlnf 40 acres mora or Uaa T,'E V" Humeri. B. C fee . Ivt Tf I DOLLY VARDEJi MIMES CllMI-ANY. W .PLTar LXU' PACkl.tO COM. hiTrn vi ooa mootn. ,, m ! ..... . i."'" umjIO to cbeta l. rAr. UNITEbi e. r iiluh.... si rrina tnn..i n .kl.iti. m. .tuiuHii. audi, oer a., a. teveiaou DATE lib day ct December, 17. ' r ar nvembr. A. D. ItlT II. McMULLlfl Advertise In The Daily Wows. HATED ftmtt ',,T a