Tua,y December tl. 1017. THK DAILY NEW! WHAT A LIBERAL QOVT, the grlndslono ever ulnco the MINERAL ACT Tik .) inn I intfnd to apply to NAVIOABLK WATERS PBOTKCTION ACT. MEANS Ibe Honorable (.ommlailotwr of Landi and R. S. C Cbapur III. FOR yEOHLYMEDICil RUPERT,Tories came inlo power In itl f Work! to leane Um followlnr deicrlbed and are still grinding. ctnTiricATE or isirnoviaiENTB larwll: (Continued from Page two.; If Lnurlcr Is returned at this Gnmmnlnt at a pot planted at tbe THE ORAIIAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND NOTICE nrihMi earner, above birb water mark, CEDAR COMPANY UMITED herewith lire eleetlon, the tariff will bo reformed, HELPED HER lion Miiwral it Rarttett point then ten rhains due notice that It hit under section 7 of tbe fflAT Act, Ihey hope to do. and "MolrtHnum" and "gurrM! profiteering slopped, .Vlnlnf Dltl eait, then th to the Shore Une, then laid Aet depoilted with the Mlntiter of Bketna The Manufacturers' i;Ulm. Mtuii In tne Asaoela. the men and firms now making fAllowlna the eontoiir or the Shore Line public Works at Otuwa and In tbe oawa Hon of Caitlaf Dliirlct. , lion of Canada, the capitalist and huge profits will be adequately lo tbn pir of commencement, eontatnlnc of tbe Dlitrlct Reriitrar of tbe Land nc Proves Its those who are making Vtwr Jociu-d Ahoot 4 mll Weiirly Iweniy arree, more or leu. litry Office, Dlitrlct of Prince Rupert, at F rolt-a-tlf es Again million tated over find above a reasonable frnnr tun tx-id of Alice Arm, and about JAMES DCSBMSAT, manarer, Prince Rapert, deicrlpilon of Um alia and out of the war, are behind the !return on invested capital. If you I mll frtwn tbn Bcirn, Wilei liland Cannery. plan of tawmill itmctore aod other works Extraordinary Powers Ilorden Government, wlUi their want to see this and a reduction TAKE NOTICE that UU W. ratmore, November 141b. 1117. ril propoaed to be bail! la Oneeniiown Hir cold caah, to defeat the Liberals. in the cost of living, then vote for rrro Minrft ctriifleate o. Ullt-C. ai hot at Port Clementf, B. C, In front of Kncwo, Qc-. March 2nd, 1313. rrnl of tbe MoljM!num Mlnlor and R SKEENA LAND DISTBICT- DISTBICT Of loti rire to fifteen Ineluilre, aceordMr to hi kjT9 received Ihe mott wonderful They got their cash from the Fred Stork. A vote for him means durilon Comrinjr. Llmltnl, (.fon reraonal CASSIAR. reriiured plan of tbe Towniite of tbe from Uklnf Fruita-llTM". poekeU of the consumers of Can- a vole for the prosperity of Prince tUbililj) rrte Mirvfi crtinat Ko. city of Port Ctemenu reriiured In tbe UDtHt tot yeara from Jtheutnnlhrn ada through high tariffs and heavy rtuperl, the O. T. P. and towns Iflltl-C Intendt lUljr dan from tlx! dit TAKE notleo that Walur E. Walker, of aforeiald Land Rertitry once ai Plan No. I mffered duiien, preventing As tierwr, to arp'T to the Minlnr htort Vaneoimr. B. C, -oeeapellon Manarer, 1079 and take notice tnat afur tbe ex of and I took competition. along the line, lligger towns MJ tUnje life, every for a Ortiflrate of Improtfrnenti, for tbe Intend to apply for permlnlon to kaie piritlon or one month from tbe dite of meJr obtainable without reeulla. I much as 2H per cent duty is means a bigger market for the purpoie of obuininr a Crown Ortnt of tbe followlnr deicrlbed Undi: tbe Brit publication of this notice tbe j Krult-a litea" and It wu the paid on certain goods from the farmers and what they produce. Mfb of tbe abote cliima. Commenclnr at a poit planted at tbe Oraham liland Spruce and Cedar Company, medicine that really did mtgood. United Htalei. Tho Ilorden Oov- Laurier Is oiil to win the war, A.in rt-RTIIEn TAKE NOTICE that aetlon Nortb Weit corner of Lot Ml, Caiiiar Limited will under Section 7 or tbe said only entirely well the Uheu-Bitum ernmenl clapped on 7 V cent, to with andrr Hcttlon tl mail b tMnnxnced before Dlitrlct; thence nortb It cbaini) tbenea Act apply to tbe Mlnliur of Pnblle Worka I am per support the soldier men, of Otuws for )Co at bii omco in tbejdty ip 40 or leu, to lllfb the liiue of lurb CerUOeite or Im-prorrmrati. eil cbaina, more ha dltappeared, and the ter- of this slnee the beginning of the money and resources, and for the Water Mark Portland Canal tbenea aooth. proval of tbe laid Bite and Plan and for ff-2 Pm 10 mT aro " a"00- ' war to fleece Ihe public and 6 per proprltjr of Northern -Ilrilish DATED thll ltb dy of Nmbrr A.D. erty and eaiterly followlnr Hirb Waur leare to eonitrnct tbe Mid worki. lpe that others, who suffer from such cent, on Ilrilish goods. 71 tlacy Columbia. If you want this, then itir. rtt Mark Portland Canal to point of commence Dated or at Prince A. Rupert,D. 1117.B. C, this Nil.lltb diseases, will try "Fruit- the men I and contalnlnr lit acre more or day October. iitutuiog are loyalist In a land of vote for fUork. lei THE ORAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND Madams 1SAIE IIOCIION. "traitors." No wonder the Canadian V. J. MACKENZIE. Ihe Dally News delivered by a. WALTER E. WALKER. CEDAR CO LTD. gOc a bos,0 for trial aUe,25c. people have had their nose New Hazelton. II. C, Dec. 8th. arricr. 50 cents per month. Date lltb day of October. IIT. Oeo. Nlckeraon, Arent. jit all dealers or sent postpaid by KruiU l.imltfd.Ottawa. t LAND LEASE NOTICES fttUU LA0 DIMHJCT blSTMCT Of KANOE flVK. COAST, mi aoUee ibel Walur t Wati-r. or Xtacju.tr. 9. C occupailoo Ma-tater. Support Unio tstradi UW f(U to rP'T JKfUl for pernuiiloa Uod; to kM N csnmmcior st a pott planted at intcr-KJuoa o( Mtu Waur Mark Tooiui pu-um aa4 as tail anil Wt Um pai.lni ttrveD Concrete Moooment at Btrtlctt rdat WeUf IiUiid. . C ibence eetl IS -aaioi tntoc south 10 cJkaiat, mors er kit. to nia Waur Mark Toortii faj-un Government lacoce oorltxrlr and eeterty fol-Itvtar um Um or Bald HUH Waur Mark w Um putet or ccenmeneeineoi, and coo-water acre, mora or Ue. WALTtH C WALKER. Dim W r October, HIT. IllCIA LAID DISTRICT DISTRICT OF a) CASSIA n. take notice umi Walur E. wetter, of hMnir. B. C OtCBpaUOB MMttltr. Women of Canada: isundj to apply tor irmiatlon o Wee it -uUovIbi oeeenbed landi i - tvnm.nelli tt a PCM I CUOUd St tM Rortk Wt Comer at Ut tl. Caaaur buuuti fatiawtni uce u Uim DorUMfly at mitt aod Waur eauriy Mark At the Front" rertiead Canal to a potst bera an tail "Be True to the Boys tod Writ Una drava throet a potat ee rtula. baa florU of tbo Point Of Cn- uaifianl laUreeeU WtUl laid UM of Hits Waur Marki inence weal St cfcaiaa Um thence Mid KxiUxrl line or tilt sod Waur tuurtjr,aut parallel rortund to Sir Robert Borden in his manifesto says: "The franchise Canal to a poiat It rnatna Dm WhI of of in recognition ib petnl or Cote-pent cmali nunc 4il will be extended to women, not chiefly tad It (knot conuiaiof to nid tit(wial acrta r aaort CMnmcooratMt,or was. devoted and capable service in the war, but as a measure of Dim- tlU CUr WALT Of OctoUr.III E WALKER.lilt. justice too long delayed. If men die, women suffer; if IttENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of they are wounded, women heal; if they are maimed, COAST. RANOK 11 VE. women labor." TAKE DeUre Oil Walur E. Walker, of VaaeMiitr, B, c. occupeUee, Manarer, tetkli l apply for perauuoa to teaio Utt raUewlns deacrltMd Uod relatives of fighting Canadians, CoruMotisr at a foal pUaud at Um The franchise is extended to the women t iMvvik mclioa Coatcreu of an Eail Moamoi aa4 at Weil Bartleti Um in order that they may help hasten Victory and bring the boys back -from rwai. Wale litasd. . C, wiu UKk Waur im Birk eaiurty Tearaaa foitowtnr raiat4 Uxnco ai4l Htak aosUMrly waur the trenches covered with the glory they have won. Bart to a puts l where a orU aad SooUi Uae drian tbiwuib a pout tt cbaiM Dee tut U Um point of cocasBcocetMal Inur mu iahl llirti Wiur Mark of Toorua ruMte. lb oca MB Ik It ctialoJ tbe nee A Vote for a Unionist Candidate atteiUHy la a itralrbt line to a point or Um or com-eacetacnit II OaiM Dm Weil point Uxore St cbaiM Dm tail ot tte poini of conaaencenMBt and cooUlnlni IM ecree. more WALTER or leaa.E. WALKLR, Is a Vote lor Reinforcements October. 1117. aw- tlU day of UUNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or CASSIAR. The Union Government is pledged to carry on its work of raising the TAKE packtnr nouce thai Company Tbe Anglo-Brtuib Llmiud. of Van-eeater, Co-kubt4 100,000 reinforcements so urgently needed to support the Canadians at auada B.to C,apply oceupauoa for permleilon Salawa CanMra,to leaie the front. Laurier and his adherents would stop this work, take a tae ConuBeortnr fellowtnr dctcnted at a poll tandli planted at Milk referendum, and experiment with voluntary enlistment, the possibilities Waur Mark rorUand Canal. 10 cbetna Doe Kt-nh and It tbaini. or wore, Dm Weit of which have been exhausted. The most clear-headed, right-minded CaMUr f Um Nortb Dutncit Weit Uuoco Comer nortberly or Lot til.and Liberals have gladly and without coercion helped to form the Union eUrly foUowux tbe U&e of Ititb Water Mark, rortund Canal, to a point wbere an Government; they have weighed the pros and cons, they have not tait and Weil Um drama thromb a point menrement It cbalM Due Inuriecu Nortb of wltb Um point laid of Line com of allowed politics to interfere with their patriotism, or their promise to Hub Waur Mirk i thence Wit It chain!; France to "see them through." in tbence aoutberly and eaiUrly paralled wltb our brave boys tba laid Um or llllb Waur Mirk. Port Und Canal, lo a point It cbalna Di Weil of tbe point ot (xmuncnctmenlj tbenco rail It cbaini lo laid point ot txtmmence tent and conuininr lit acrei more or WOMEM WHO CAN VOTE Imi Canal.ot tbe Bed and rorcibore of Portland THE AN0LO BRJTISII COLUMBIA PACKIN0 COMPANY UMITED. Walur E. Walker, Alt. Unionist bite -III day of October, lilt. Every woman may vote who i3 a British Such women should vote for the DISTRICT Or in Canada Candidate to ensure prompt reinforcements ttUNA LAND DISTRICT subject, 21 years of age, resident CASSIAR. 30 days, at the front. one year, and in tho constituency TAKE notice tbat Tbe-Anilo-BrlUih Co in Canada should of strength wife, widow, daughter, Every ounce utbUa Parklnr Company Limited, ot Van who is the mother, aundi or, B,to C,apply occupation for permleilon Salmon to Cannera,leaie sister or half-siater of any person, male or be exerted to help right a monstrous wrong Ue r-followlnr deicrlbed. . Bu.,landi:nl.nff.d at Itlth female, living or dtad, who is serving or has the Prussian hierarchy would inflict upon the Wiur vtmuuvnciua Mark. PortUnd ai Canal, 10 tbelna- ------Due served without Canada in any of the Military world. That is why tho vote is placed in the North v. . and... ......40 cbaini or. wore, I.,Due .Weil riilar of within or without Canada in any hands of those most dear to our soldiers, "j nufw nni vwrur v, -. forces, or DUtrlcli will tt tbence cbaini.north more 10 or cbalmj ten, w Uunce of the Naval forces of Canada or of Great trusting that tho wifely love, and motherly vl'. .. . r-.n.l, thnrieaoulb will vote as the i dovotion, and sisterly erly und eailerly followlnr the line or feritain in the Present War, or who has been care, iiUh Water Mark rortiana honorably discharged from such services, and boys would vote to carry on tho work begun, Ploi ot mora tommencement or ial conuininr tt tho date of whose enlistment was prior to and so far' continued in the herojc spirit of PACKING TIIK ANOLO.BRITIIII COLUMBIA COMPANY UMITED, Walter K. Walker, Art Sept. 20th, 1917. self-sacrifice. uiu lltn day of octooer, Salvation Army. Publlo meetings, Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays t H V h. BuudayB at 7:30 P m- Committee Unionist Party Publicity SUBSCRIBE FOR The Daily News i