TRK DAHiT HEWS Tuesday lie I Uj) A SURPRISE THE NON.PARTISAN i Local NciVs Notes G. H. Arnold A pleasant event took place last UNION GOVERNMENT j 9 t fcgss mm I rr are High u Ern. night at the residence of Mr. est t'nwln, late accountant to the wuum sir Thomas White and Ladies" lloudolr Slippers Wal. PUBLIO 1 1 1 1 M - - " I NOTARY Canadian Fish and Cold Storage H..mtiM nf th flrivprnmenl laen'a. Use Them Co., Ltd, when the dTflce staff of are preaching economy and abol- 1 and The- Supervisor of Scalers will for Turkeys m,lfTri the company paid him a surprise Ition of patronage, the Premier rrlxeils hold an examination In Prince Win.a We Bell Ileal Estate. visit. During the course of the and other members of the Cabinet Christmas Poultry. Lowest prices lluperl on Tuesday, 18th December. high a eggs tet We write Fire and Marine evening Mr. Unwin was presented are rushing mrougn appointments Sparkling new cut glass Just In Anyone wishing to take this wom ' el Insurance. with a smoker's set and pipe, as a of prominent conservatives 10 for Christmas. Hulger & Denlke. examination to secure tho II, C. heads lk.u 5 We have Apartments, Stores, token ox appreciation ana remembrance highly remunerative positions In Scaler's Licence may obtain full get a; Houses, and Offices for upon his raving the service the Government Service. We effftare our turkeya for the particulars at the Forestry ODIce. Rent, and" Want More. of the company Practically every position thus oven. ()rder early. Harry Atkins, It. K. ALLKN, District Forester. We've dozens We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Mr. Unwln'a uprightness of filled has been vacant for the last Third Avenue. tf omen have of We Sell Timber Limits. character and quiet humor have two years and no Inconvenience lloola make Meal Xmas Gifts. given We do Conveyancing. endeared him lo all with whom has been experienced and the pub. 'Utility" gifts will predominate No war prices. Easy to mail. Mcllae i. . . . - ' j'- y he came In contact and lie will be lie service has not been Impaired this season. There are many Hros. 200 sincerely missed amongst his Why on the eve of an election the kinds of these at Wallace's. tf eggs in so many t,ia. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. many friends, who heartily tender country should be asked to as PUBLIO NOTICE Here's a DaU Puddlns I him their best wishes for hisjsume the burden of adding over Gifts thai are easily mailed Publio iNollce Is hereby given lluh oup of lard IU1, XJ future success. I eighty thousand dollars' annual books.-fountain pens, burnt leather that under the provisions of the Hour, one leasp(J(. .f .'.'8' expenditure to accomodate some souvenirs see Mcllae Bros, Dominion Elections Act, the following owder and one lD nf 1 Do your shopping early. Do It twenty-three hungry olllce seekers gentlemen have been duly If led together. ,t'' "Ife Daily News" at Wallace's. If-1 at a time when economy is needed Whether you buy or not you're appointed oRlcial agents for the dd one eup of eh-.j . j is going to be difQcuIt for the welcome to look them over the candidates at the coming election: pour In H eup Pa, i Mi,J' CLASSIFIED ADS. For Prince ftupert and district. Government lo explain. And let great variety of gifts at Wallace's. For Col. C. W. Peck, W. E. well and steam .Uo i. ,, ' we nave secured me services on a be noted that not a few of these Fisher, barrlsler-at-law, Prince hall be glad Mr. Martin Kroeger. F. n. II. 8. appointments were made by the We have some excellent values Ilupert, II. C. recipes you may an I ft print it..i .1st' Consult mm about your garden U0.calll Union Government in Diamond single-stone rings for For Alfred Stork. Fred. a. Daw. nln In mln ii... . Christmas at 130. 110, 165, 175, m a a a ' iltlBf WANTED. roDiems. jjrllisn coiumnia ur- Here of the aoDoint ii are some son, merchant. Prince Rupert, I). uiey contain Iu ,flr Milk TEACHERS WAITED FOR PfU.ICE HUP series, ua, ancouver, u.u. u menls recently made: 100, 1150. Hulger & Denlke. a tf will send you a Mm i SAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Teachers for J. II. Fisher, Conservative The bridge parly and dance let JNO. FLKWI.V, Returning ipxM acbool up to and Includes Furniture wanted. Any quan Member of Parliament, Officer for Skeena Hlectoral PACIFIO MILK CO, LTD for Wednesday evening by the or junior third work, salary 119 per month. tity. Good prices paid for com appointed to Senate at a Factory at District. Ladnsr, c.' Alo teacher for intermedials trade. household and der of the Eastern Star has been B. plete furnishings MUry 17.00 per month. Salary schedule salary of 12,500 postponed on account of conflicting all kinds of men's provides for n Increase of fi.oo per tools, suits. Richard' Hlain, Conserva LADIES ONLY bodUi each yr, notu maximum ef boots, etc. Phone Red 213 or call tive Member of Parlia. engagements. A hand-painted calendar Is to tios.00 U reached. Sum eipertence on F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Ave tod cruaHncaUom. Applications dose ment. appointed to the A.N OPhLN MEETING of the be presented to each lady cuslo December lllh. W. D. VA5CS, Seer Senate at salary of f 2,500 Prince Jlupert Trades and Labor Imer by the II. S. Wallace Co, Ltd. MIX SIS Xmas Gifts for young and old Lendrum MeMeans. proml Council will be held in the Car. Ladles are asked to eall at the Harry Atkins rich or poor and just what you nent Conservative, appointed penters' Hall night at store office to receive WAITED Toonr woman tl kitchen-maid. on Tuesday their copy want. McRae Bros. 290 '"LH! apsljr (a Matron. P. R. Oen. liasptUL lo the Senate at 8 o'clock. of this little ork of art. If. ai salary of 12.500 ST, PIRSO.t MAT XAICf NOTED Full Toy department now ready I fit monthly corrpoodiuf for new, Wallace's. tf. D. O. Lesperance. an ex- in to me tuets concert ,m Post Cards, 2 for tte. PRIME SAUSAGE paper 4t to I0 month! la spar Conservative Member of Being neia on ine ttn curt, the other dainty cards 5c up. Mcllae time: experience tubjecu unnecessary;surrested. Send no caa-riitint; for WATER NOTICE Parliament, appointed to O, W. V. A. dance will be post- IjJros. 290 Tomato Savsags a SpKltHt. particulars. 5iUooU Fret Sanaa (Diversion and Use.) Senate at salary of 12.500 poneu until me si si. Admission room J174. Buffalo, ft. T. G. G. Foster, a Conserva gents tl.00. Ladies 50c. 299 Friiiell o Turkeys, largest stock Phone S74 TAKE ftOTICX that John Grace, whose tive, and Director of the P. O. !, lowest FOR SALE. address Is 1711 Tew Street. Vancouver. Canadian Dank of Commerce, The matter of the city's con prices, courtesy and ser B.C. will apply for a license to take and vice. 301. FOR SALE ."Ww Leror Slova with bot oh IS miners Inches of water out of an appointed to the tribution for the Halifax relief water coo. Phone Black StS. tf 1 unnamed stream on west side ef 8 M wart Senate at a salary of... 12.500 fgnd was brought up at the coun Narrows about two miles south of Hartley fl. S. White, a Conservative cil meeting last evening and re- 4 FOUND bmj. t am water wiu Dm averted from lam and owner of ihe Montreal ferred to the finance committee, Broughton & McNeil PACIFIC iream at a point anout ills reel In a with to acL CARTAGE, UP. rUXt Man's overcoat on Third Avsnos. wesurly direction from the mouth of said flaxelte. appointed power Apply at Dally News time and pay for stream and win be used for power pur to the Senate at salary of 12,500 TELKWA, this advertisement. ISO poses upon the land described as on It. II. C. Pringle. a Conser Every cilizen, lady and gentle occupies crown una. This noUco was vative, appointed to the man, interested In the return of Oder this special price on General Tcaiskf PERSONAL posted on the rround on the srd day of Col. Peck should be hand fresh killed on at Hulkley Valley .tovember, HIT. A copy of this notice Senate at a salary of. . . 12,500 i DOMESTIC OW TItTSELr Send daM of birth and and an application pursuant thereto and A. C Macdonnell, a Con. his committee rooms on Third Iteef: lt.0 to Professor Dnnstone, 1419 to the Water Act. 1114 win he filed In Avenue every evening this week No. I Steer, side 15c BLACKSMITH COIL Oeorrta st, w Vancouver, 1. O, and the once of the Water Recorder at Prince sen alive, appointed to at 8 o'clock. advt.291 No. I Steer, hind 1So yon vui receive by return mall a char' Rupert Objections to the application mar the Senate at a salary of 12,500 Careful Attention to Piss aeMr readinr. practical advice on bad be Sled with the said Water Recorder or Alme jlesard, a Conserva No. 1 Sleer. fronL ... 12fce and rumltur Hsmouls. ness. health and marrUn based on tree with the Comptroller of Water RirhM, tive M. L. A appointed At the council meeting last The freight rale to Ilupert sdentMc lines. Jio evening, the recommendations of Parliament BuUdtnrs. Victoria. B. C, within to the Senate at a salary Is 80c per 100 lbs. PHONE 93. SO days arter the first appearance of this the Orand Jury regarding the ac MISCELLANEOUS notice in local newspaper. The daM of of 12.500 commodation in the City jail were the first publication of this notice Is Clarence Jamieson, a Con OLD FALSE TEETH AXD BRID0EWORK November It. IS 17. considered. The mailer was final boorbt any condition, hlrheit cash prices servative Member o f referred JOH.1 GRACE. Applicant. ly lo the police commis sent cy return maiL Post to Mrs. Don Parliament, appointed to sion. stone. 1 411 Oeorria st, W Vancouver. NOTICC. the Civil Service Commission B.C. Est. tr years. lit "Sea Cull." -Brown Bear." -Little Tomy at salary of. .. . 15,000 At the council meeting held Protect Your Fraction." "SunlisDt Fraction" "Sea Lloa Hon. W. J. ftoehe. a Minis. last evening, the bylaw fixing the Family Fraction.', "Sheet Anchor Fraction." "Sky ler of the Ilorden Ooy-ernment, power and light rates was read Prince Rupert Feed Co. line,-vatory-camp Mineral Bird Claims,Fraction"situate and "Obser la the appointed as for the first and second time. 1 ii t Skeena Mtninr Division of Coast District Chairman of the Civil when after the council went Into BUY PHONE 58 Where located: near Bear Lake. Surf Service Commission at committer of the whole to con. inlet. Prince Royal Island. ft salary of 10.000 slder the bylaw. This considera DOMESTIC BREAD TAKE NOTICE thai L Fred M. Wells. r. A. McLean, a Conserva tion will be extended until the f ree Miners Certificate Ho. FOR tltlt C the THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" tive Member of Parlia. next duly authorised srent of Millard F. War meeting. ren, Freo Miner's Certificate No. 1111 C. ment. appointed as Con. BULBS Intend, sixty days from tho daM hereof. trailer o f the Royal Jimmy Parks, who used to be In HEALX2UARTERS FOR to apply to the Mininr Recorder for North West Mounted Po. the Are hall, recently received a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur CHRISTMAS CAKES Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, pose of obuinlni- a Crown Oram of each lice at a salary of 15,000 parcel In Flanders from Prince of the above claims. O. II. llarnard, a Conser- , Ilupert. It contained a sweater with High-clnsa Decorations Easter Lilies, Narcissus. AXD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ac vative Member of Parlia. coaL which suited Jimmy beaut). tion, under section St. must bo com. menced before the Issue of such Certificate ment, appointed to the tuny, and of which he was nron- Stall Order Promptly Attended tew of Improvements. Senate at a salary of. . . . 2,500 erly proud. "Where did you get La Casse Bakery .. ... , . . . DATED this S(th day of October A.D. D- Taylor, a Conserva ..,ii ' ucu-.1 waca mriDairiCK nn ----- -- isit. jib tive Member of Parlia. oay.- -hlrkpalrick's on Sixth 81" i s. o. Da an. OS Third Ate. ment, appointed to the was the quick and truthful an. Stew Open U4f Hmw BMnaeme.t Senate at a salary of... I2.50O ewer. IK L. Schafiner. a Conser 0M1NECA HOTEL vative Member of Parliament, Ties uis. suitable lor- everr nursA FRED STORK'S HARDWARE appointed to the and person WalUee'e. tf STEEN & LONGWILL Senate at a salary of. . . 12,500 HAZELTON ...BO. w. it. wmoughby, Conser. Free to you. A 179 Virirni. FOR CANNERYMEN SANITARY AND HEATINO (Old Haielton) vative leader of Saskatchewan oee .Mcitae iiros, Ltd., and learn We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a mpleU ENGINEERS REMODELLED,REDECORATED REFURNISHED and Legislature, ap. wow io gel in on Ibis. tf line of Ilubber Helling at right prices, pointed to the Senate at FOR FISHERMEN Every Provision fee the Comfort of Agents Ladles and Oentlein. a salary of 2,500 MINERAL ACT A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for for r.. .v. L.ewis, a conservative trolling Spring Ilrass, Silver and Hronze. McCLARY FURNACES Member of Parlia. KOTIO! TO DtUSQCMT PARTftr. ment, appointed as Ju. To C W. CaOKMiai FOR THE WATERFRONT The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes bol Special PLUMBING nlor Judge at a salary Taka fcoUce, vberrtt I bate done sa4 and DENTISTRY provided by statute. sikliiltiii aaaed to Le dooe aiaeiunBi .v. paint "FLOGLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. K. J, Ilearn, n prominent rractloa mloeral euim FOR EVERYONE ea the llliaoea SHEET METAL WORKS CttOMrSl AND SMil SVOM Conservative, appointed freca Um bead of river,Alice about Arm.fovrteea In ttw. tu..sales A fine stock of Hardware. Gurney's Oxford Stoves Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. SfEOtALTT as Junior Judge at a salary "Ualor division of Sate Da diitrtet. ...... We Sell Nothing But The Best. Night phones 670 DR. J. 8. BROWN provided by statute. bav meat work for 1114. ISIS, and ISIS, ao4 and Blue 270 DEJrrirr C. lloyce, a Conservative same Ibe paid turn for of said t'oless aiwl Nti,. The right work, at the right DSJsei Smith SMoea, Third Svenee Member of Parliament, M the sum of stasia tn, Mn-roa..psj FRED STORK'S HARDWARE time, and at the right prioe. appointed to the of the said assessmeat work, torstber with tbe coet r tbls sdverUsenteot, I sbalL Railway Commission at a im si etpiratUMi of bJuit aat h... salary of , . . "- 18.000 be"f srplj to tbe miaio r." O. II. Urabazon, a Conser. B.C. to bavt Ths Weeklni Man'a Mom. J.L.HICKEY vative Member of Parlia. your lateresu In the ment, appointed Supt. of the provliions of Ibe A HOT BATH THE mloersl THE HUB CONTRAOTOR A BUILDER of Reservoirs, Upper Ot scl IT j , tawa system s? snn sr of September. ItlT. nil MINUTE YOU WANT Av, between Slith A SevMth Store and Ofllce Fixtures, mm. r. .ocnrane, a Con II. C PHILUPS. w e. ,Ccuiloml O. BOX EM MIMC4I RUPSHT servative ft ni" . Member lOU i- f o Bash, Door and Moldings. fold BOWLING ALLEYS. Oak and Hard Woods of all Parliament, to he Bp. r getting Tb.nio ? l; pointed Chairman C N. stanlly. l-iamj FOOL and BILLIARDS A. kinds. II. Hoard at a good Harvey Isfaction of grtlW "?J LUNCH salary. COUNTER We Specialize In Hardwood Hon. J. I). Hazen, a Con. tLsts Lasses. tat, oesaervsuire Water In the 'J 'n. RepresenUnri Boat Ribs, Sash, servatlve Minister In it.. t Musis) abundanee. WW used PUHL Of ben Tsjrlor Entlueerlot Company, Alice Doors, etc. Horderi fiovernmenl. n LANSDOWNK OOTTtLL how much hss Arm. . C T. A. Keller Loactnr 4 pointed Chief Taken for before. Justice Lumber Co, Ltd., Queen Charlotte I. Plate and Sheet Glaaa and of UKC iQI0 Wt CASH fw Hrunswlck at a sal. HOT WATER PAY CHECKS Qlaxlng. Maks The HUB your headquarters, Corner Fraser and flth SU. Hon."y Geo.of st'aaa "AWI.IATIOfIS Hanson lave your mail addressed la our care. . i.erl-y. ft nn iXLL'?'! Harry ervatlve Minister in ili. Service bring. PHONE GREEN tt t Water Phone Black B10. H. K. Reee, Pres. Horden Oovernment, to be "" r "ssle, Lews, Kn(. this convwIeuM. P. O. BOX 444. you rrfinii,j)ffj1JjjJJJJ ej ,8,arr i.oiiiinlssloner,for TERMS PHONP PHONE 4S P.O. BOX 35 0' rri 10.000 - ni hp 1 ffrm-n'?