THK DAILY NEW8 Wrdneaday l, You Can Do Your Bit MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News tn the trenches, in the home, THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA n the office. In the factory, Published Dally and Weekly in the store, when the body For ths EsL Guaranteed Largest Circulation is nourished with foods Mondays. Wednesdays and BaU rdays at 9:30 a.m. that build healthy muscle HEAD OFFICE: without overtaxing the di From the East. Dally News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 08. restive organs. Shredded Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, TRANSIEJJT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 centa per inch Wheat BkcH contains the :30'p. mj; Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. greatest amount of body For Vancouver. nutriment at lowest building ? " Monday DAILY EDiTIO Wednesday. Dec. If, 1917, cost. It strengthens the Tuesdays P.'in. muscles of the stomach and Thursdays 10 p.m. LI Ft AND HOME governmenL for reasons best intestines by- making them Saturdays P nt. For the second time during known to themselves have de do their normal work m a these last few tempestuous layrd putting lis original pro. natural way. A better-balanced From Vancouver. months in Russia, KornilofT is visions into force. Notwith ration than meat Sunday 10 p, m. up in arms against the constituted standing all the hurry for re easily digested Mondays a. m. more or eggs, 10t30 :n. Wednesdays a. inforcemenls the a authority of the gov. fof boys there is still sign and costs much less. Kcaay- Fridays B p. in. eminent. Some months ago, he the front, no could see whither the policy of of a single man in uniform In cooked and ready - to eat. Saturdays 10:30 a. m. Kerensky was leading and he Canada as a result of this Act For,breakfast with milk or real lied tha weakness of a peo Still, it is the law. It is pas cream, or I or any mcax wun For Anyox. pie drunk-with their new found and done with. If the men who fruits.-- Made in Canada. Sundays 10 p,' m. freedom.- Too well ha knew tiie have reported for service are Wednesdays 10 p. m difference between freedom and not called-up and in training Fridays 8 p in.I licence and his demand for dis by this time, the fault lies with further than over the destinies Saturdays 10 p m. cinlfn and obedience to the the Dorden government. What's of aihundred thousand men. law, wbitber civil or military, the matter with them, seeing From Anyox. was logics!. Ills forces melted that more men Are so urgently NOTES j AN B COMMENTS Sundays, a. rru, Mondays, a. m. away; however", when -It cama required, as they say. fuesdays, p. m. and Thursdays,! to fighting against the burning Tbe real fact Is that the The alleged Union Government p. m. enthusiasm of Kerensky. Now United States have so many is still the Ilorden GovernmenL Kerensky is no more a power men ready to go over to France Isn't .Dorden.lhe boss of.the gov.lpori Simpson Jk Naaa River Points I in Russia, so far a can be that the allied shipping is eminent? And isn't Flavelle the For- Sundays, 10 p. m. learned. booked up.for months to trans boss of Borden? From Tuesdays, p. m. This lime Korntiou nas a port them. All this ultra pa man of a different stamp to oppose triolio talk .about leaving our oil Liberals introduced Into a I Queen Charlotte Islands.' in the person of Trotsky. boys "in the lurch" and "betraying" company of sixteen Conservatives! Malls Close OcL 10 and 21.1 Mr. FRED STORK He may be more successful. them is for election makes up a Union GovernmenL ov. 7th and. 21st, Dec. 5th and The Liberal Candidate for'the Dominion Parliament Whether h should become dic purposes merely. The fact that That's Dorden's Idea of a fifty- otb-iO p. m. J00 has received the endortatlon of the Prince tator of Russia either for his in Canada there is a greater fifty split. And the local Tories Mails from OcL 14th nd 28. Rupert Ltbertk, own glory or for the ultimate scarcity of men for farming, will insist that it's a Union Gov 'ov. lith and 25th, Dec. 9th and and the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council good1 of the Russian people. It for lumbering for raining and ernment. 3rd p. m. is safe to say that he will be for other munition work than, enabled to present a formidable there Is in France for fighting, Besides the Union of the peo Itawart Maple May, and Swamp LAND REGISTRY ACT BE CLEAN front to the Kaiser, if be comes Farming, lumbering and mining ple's representatives, tbe union of I PelnL -Uo aad lli. out on top. If the Russian provide man.siied jobs and the people Is necessary for the For Thursdays, 10 p.m. M AppUraUoa No. nasi, rout I ST I. people have any sense at all. require Class A.1 men success of a Union governmenL From Saturdays, p.m. TALE notice that eppUcattoa M4 beea 1NTERNALLT they will know that a general In producing copper from the The Tories who are loudest for Mils to niuur asm Daffr, ot rnse peaee, which all the belligerents mines, in producing aeroplane this Ilorden Union Government Alaska and Yukon Territory. Rapert, B. C st onr la fa tader s Oier 500.000 People Are Ilea Tl iSeU txe4 frtaa the CoUeclor of lb desire, can only come spruce logs, and producing are the people who have done alt For Mondays 9 p, m. air t rnste bapcrt, tetmi uie uw Doing So. after the dinger of the further food for in their to burst Canada the soldiers and the power From Saturdays, p. m. ista Aey of Upitotr. itts. ot ALL and breaking of that peace is finally allies, men engaged in these wide open. Yet they're Unionists. i.tauLAn that reruia txral or tract ot rr aoAsy ttut rSfttcua Um ir4 removed. Thai can only necessary industries are doing LAND REQISTflY ACT lead aad prtmUee eiuau. lyisr, aad twist UmI tl Pr trmt ot hM 13 u nuH come when the military; caste their bit to win the war just as When Sir Wilfrid Laurier forms (Stcuoae as tad in.) perueauriy ks Um Municfj-aJUr ixxi aad r rttf naprrx. mart ut by wUm4 M U Ur kw. in iClermany is decisively dis much as tbe conscript would. his Union GovernmenL as he! rcrr-oa III). Skxk thirty (IS), SmUm its;Hur uul covki ta Mr prfti i tt tr4 mat credited among; the German Foolish talk about Germany promises to do, wonder if tbe local M AppUcaUoo Ma. S4II i. Til SITS eithl (). kip tit. iumi ku?,ur, runo u na u4 m totiut kt itrur people themselves. And the winning the war for lack of Unionists will be so strong for TAIK 50TICC Uul arpUtaUoa hta Tea are repaired la roauil the tUtm ot awffci Uj ud Ott W fUMt tnm lA la rMilv Arthur t mru &t uw ut pnttbtMt wtuua a a days tnm um only -way to do that is to beat Canada's hundred thousand Union, then. MI ctrMK4 lAroKis m Utmt frtBM tnwrL B. C ft nur ta Fm nn I Uio ot taw nm ot um aouee (abjea I tbe German armies in the field conscripts does not get any 4r a Tn etl tM fnn um Colter colour hm ltw4 tr pSBruoa. omt yorpUM, tto tuto until they are- powerless for where. A hundred thousand The Union Government's litho um cur ot rtuie rwurt. twtruc oMiitiUoa u ca!W u mum is ot u further harm., More power to men making aeroplanes in graphs showing the dead on the l,'.1, .V' m AtX.I"u- Atr 1U FZl, n.i.i. v. ,k A ptml or um toikrauit timet ihmtrcmy j tbU IUM UM S L CtK KornilofT I . Canada, in logging, sawing, .u .,uu: auaucu "Uf Uftl Aa4 ptml SilUal. IjIBf. ADd -Aad la 4 t toil ot a or rrua- 'r rftkj tumor ba. omomt af mtt m m building, and fitting and learn Union Jack, and catering for votes Ibna w uw Houctvatr rnmc natwri. cam ot tu pMHkaa betas t& ttoro , aad iam m mm. WHAT- IT IMAM ing lo ay might go a great deal is apparently acting as a boomer- a" p"eirur aa4 orrtiMd a Um rrctatrauoa a ar or tat ptrum A aWadriy imai ta tirct There is much more to this further to beat the Kaiser at antr A local on seeintr llut lmair lhr . uunj-loar raUUXI aadr taca ua mm. aU ptmm waUj. awaaitr. u iutism k .i a CUUen, 4J4). McUos Sttrn (7), Map Stl. nro ua swurw o4 mom hot Ixca rvtn UM jsatrf A impending' election than the his own game. ...c uuci uaj icujcu. i uuici yti arr rtm w ceetfst Um clatrn Um cuaaiac urottsa or aa4r Uwaa. f,i misvmm as tfnnniu A t sole matter of tbe Military Let the government conscript two brothers dead in Flanders.It um ui trctut witais i otya rrwo aad an ptmata ctataaaf aay lawrrai otfu$ om im tr Umiih at awa bervice Hill, which the Tories the.war industries and the peo And these rotten politicians are tfViaadbyiriaraaykarfiimd,Mrto, 4fo ot raftUia, tot u-mitnraat, are so fond of explaining Is the ple of Canada, instead of the ...Inf"a m- H.H w l,w ln lh.m vaS II,-HIV taotwx by adwuau oo4 all pras cUaatas Aay lrUiaM t M nimoo ot tormU IM-iaafTi &rct4. Ami lour aiunuaa Is caU4 la I la Um Uad by dcat only issue. The Military Service profiteer, will pile up such a election, the heartless brutes. No Mifca It or Um "Lab4 lUitilrr Atr" vtibl IUM U m. rtaurad uad.r Um pro- Vw uouuu aad Kbka Dill is the iaw of the land. supply of silver, bullets as will support to them from rne." uncsdiiMBU, AC4 M Um foUowtor iuat . Sir Wilfrid Laurier told the uwrtfruas hearten the allies to much ! a ot caaotr aad Ttrruta itt "An4 la defantt of s rami or crtta any cuna w or la rMprci or Um Uad people of his own In 1911 the Tory was "Any province of greater extent. Hut Ilorden cry cam or Us pradtii Uinf tM i.or e. ..... . a mai arwew two f - Quebec to obey the law, which thing to beat Laurier." This time abAjTreilaur Tha eaUtUdVadir U would never do that. The very Um itfUtrauoo aj evr or Um proa pVraoe U?4. they have done, too. The men profiteers themselves would not it Is "everything to beat Laurier. i.uul ndr aiua ua sato, aU ptr aaca HI aTm sT tttllr f J of military, age in the Dominion let him. If Canada is to' be Canada's glorious dead are being uai ad Umm in ttnod ctatminr with throaaa mum or adr ASD told WlltajUS for Uira." vo-mwr waits aaatier.moww aad,v I tea aj a appttuuaa baa beea have done their part with regards placed upon a war basis, government regarded as electioneering matter Um. aad all paraona clAUniaf aay la- naaa lee a Ceruaaata ot laderaatible Title bum latoraal SaUa. to the act, but the Borden control mut extend and we already know bow the Mrtii la um laad by rlrtM of any ta Um iImm BMSUuotd Uada. la Um obm Tau eauaauauc aad sraufu ktar a Kaiser has been exploited. And nartruMraa laairumeBi. aad all ptr- ( Aaae DaffT tu am BMaaa aa etcepuoaei cot omtt even at that the Tories will need ku cuiaios aay launat la Um Uad AHt WintREAS kiMUnlli, th tltl Um buadreda oa aar Ble lMr by deeccoi aaaaa UUa U aot rtiteitrad 7SI IU Ate, Seat, Ushectfr. II Uat appeara prior ta tha Ilia day ot than everything to beat more under Um prartaiooe of Utu Act. abaU Seputator, ISIS, (ika data on abua Um Dr. TrrreU, Taraau S. S. PRINCE Laurier. U tor avtr et topped aad debarred frota Mid Uada aero aold tar aeerdaa Uiea.. Dear iMxtor TirreiL -Uut aaai R RUPERT I m -t, aisathi, i Caieade" for foor aetUBf cUtm a. ap aay to or la retpeci tea vera tha nwiud owwr m.,Mr WEDN EIDAY mldnlrnt for AnToi. tooks make ideal Xmas Gifts. ot Um Und to aold lor Um, aad UmI rtHTlltn TAkK NOTICK Uul at Um II my dty aa a thaaarai paoeai IW THURSDAY Mldnlvhl tor Swibmi nerutrar inau reaiaur Um mm ear eniAnalaaaa foe Ite srtal Bey. Ocean rtm, peraoa ea tamo,uom I ahall tffeci reautrauon la par- Yaaecutar. Vletoru iM Seattle. No war prices. Easy to mail. Mc. tlltavA tWtAMm ataatn a. . I- . at I la 41 baa beea la aae. tr tt lea AT ""7 owner oiiivaara or asca appJiraUoa aad lnue a Ilae Ilros. 200 UM Uod W aold for Ulta." ICemnrala ef InderMiikU Ttiu ika ..k. eaaouvaa aa I wnu uu Utter ar S.S. PRINCE. A.M ot ta rour treat work. wa GEORGE WlltBCTS apptlcauaa taa beealUmi la lk tin, r m ru.v yaa n PIT faU ta say ueeAia eipreea SATtiatMV Mlds!fet for Aayo SSOSOAV t . luwrniiiH iiueirea. . uaa aad proaecale Um proper pro- .u. for Iwum rn Btr. tj t Wa alw.aaauallAKaiS I a &. I Brit Uaratas af yoar Catcaaa. VsneoaTtr. VUvon o4 84iu, " ". mm auae i f oeaiasa ta eiuuuh jour cUiaa. it ary, l Arthur A. McEwaat lla Um aaid Uada. or ta aura rtm. a swot H I could aot to a ai 8:s:sfHNOE JOMNt AND WIIEHCAS appUcatloa baa beealbMt mi m a drat of aomo aott. and elate seat "J roe Quo Durlotu ItUiula, p.m. DceeaSwr. Sift ind ,iIOl. UtU It appeara Uut prior to Um I lib darl nitrn ,k. i nm Ute aot, oa mr word of boac- t"3'? rw Ketetsasa. Wrtntcn, Janet a sad iurr, DtMisUr ittb and Ui. Ot September, Itlt (Um data oa ahlch I Print Howm a r ,m. k a.- - .' ate mil' wwru af drara. I " " Iha aald Uada aera aold for . ...7 ' ' ta um io years pret: aa te TRAIN 8SHVICE ' ' Of UM -t. B. L- Woald Ui aa Uiea. you vera Um fertile red tM tt-1 a. r uirttnn lac PMMiirfr Bour.W4-ut an4 svm.Mr at litis s. as. tor SadUmn. fil A taa fia.ia ms vaatat onr toea aad weaaea I aee a out rrmee Otorr. EUaooton an4 Wlnnipf. nukior direcs conocUQj for aU TIMBER SALE X1096. rilRTIlia TAWS HOTICS bal al Um Ta IltA... V" wlU laelr farea catered wsih aernl ae-libU P1du ttit o4 souta. omoo iibm i inau ctifct MfUtriUoa ta puuplea aotiU aee It rut tit Robaoa SL, Vaaconvar, B. C, fated unden all! b ti,.i hw ih ipwauaaea or auca appltcaUaa aad Uiua tei rtd of thna, aa I aw. AfMcy All OosanittMirnhlp Llnst. MKUaur of Uiula not Uur tbaa nooo , Ortrarata or laderraatbta Tltla ta Um said av. or I wtu be aeeptat yoe Um ttv.iuada la Um- aaiaa of WATER NOTICE k, o.iU an t.a mere ftp ?or Information IStk dav of. ttrmttr. im to, Artbur A. aum City Tlckal and reserratlons apply to purcUta or Uccaca X I09S.- M cut T.SOO.. unl, "0 and proatcttu Um proper aoy pail roadiUoa of bealth. alaa tt f Omoaj, 52 ThlrdaAviiUav PHONE t60 000 rrci of Sprue. Kcmlock aad Cedar on P""aa aautJlab your tUUa. If utr. TAkr NOTICK thai nail ViMm uiu. "J. B. U- May yoa ta area alluated oa Dana Inlet Qutnl "7 'u r 10 preent luch pro. iweapeay aaoee addrtaa la A lite Am. B. te tha full Charlotte lilanda DlMiiet ' r part. li, am apple for a Ueeaaa ta taie aad Stacerely yoara. bete. William Tw (f jreara IU U aUowed-fer ro b. LM B,trr Offlco. Uo cable feet or aaur per otcoo4 moral of timber. . v n.wiL u. U. UUa IIIB d.v AflOUl OI TRMII CFMk , HI If you try the -I. B. U Car J rurtber partlculara or Um Chief roreaur, nrxwm, a. u, ip 17, aall illter no wine Inu Alice Ann. Caa aUt rind youraelt alwajs bruat CANADIAN Victoria. B. C, or Dlitrlct roraater, rrlnca H. f. MACLEOD. Dltlrkl Reatilm liar tli irica. The water wlU be dlvtried drat and capable um poleooeve PACIFIC RAILWAY Wapert. B. C si. Of Tltlaa. at Um bead of Um FaUa oa Ua titter taakea ua biuoaa, broa. daU aad a" TO Charles rianltt. Boa 71 1 " Horde Mineral claim. Ut llti. aad UI iDkraal Bitha are Ntiure'i ea Lowest Ratas i toall Eaatarn Poinu MAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT, AOiDooieo, Alia. ua uaea ror power pnrpoaea oa the wolf CuMUpauoa-Juat nn w-aier via,Steamer R. S. C. Chapur III. Od Dolly Vardea Oroaaa of Mineral aflie4. Drsie force wre--L. to Vancouvrand:thai IH tilt SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH Ciairna beias- Lou STSl to itit Intlutlte CAecade" teaUy anUU aef, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tlte nnilliH. tcimn ... COLUMBIA. and Uu llti to till lacluaita aad Ut Call aad aea II at Cnl H. Meats and Bartht Included tn StMmir CEDAR COMPAJIT LIMITED .r herewith nu AiiiiiiM rii. w..u or ADMLtUTRA 1114. CataUr DUUICL Store. Cor. Ird Atease aad 4U r PrinMa.aVhlaifr AlaafeaiDMmkr.1TU notice that II1 bee under aectUti 7 of UmI Appiirattoa will bo made alto for the Rapert. PrtivMM uid .I end rlrhi to atora Ito acre feel la ruet Trosl shla, for Vonotvnr Dacamtar, Uii a.1 ArmAi .tih ik. ui..., A.k for "vby M.. iJJ'X rrlncMa Majal far ALIle Worka at OlUaa " .7',E aTTEn Or THE ESTATE Ofl"" 0', tr ' Second. Third o,b. Btr And Allc Arm 10 p. m Oac.iabar ISih. and In tha am,. Per Cent. tmeienL a w"V7l if yea or;uw DimtciiRetutrsr-et I deceased. 1.1 testate. I 1 rout mra. tm aaur am the n... its which la TyrreU. . ....... . , , .... .. ureal, I i. t-M - nilTlrr If III(1 r r u I Fm Ia r1 fn rt.. T.r ui w. .M n i.,r uuice, uuirici or FflACO. RUDerl all.- " uitaui iu WIIUMI ,w., m m h prefer, wrtie al T r, for " 27IHJ ., 7v. Prince Rur.rt. f" COACtB.t or blwn,c,,,, " " aad la .17I,,SU PabftMrr TUv'tSUHand-aau. deacriDtloo of tha ait. .na ,n order made MJi.. I'll Colleie tv pUa or tawmlU atruclure aad other wwail r r McB- 1wt, Local Judie i09CMId bifi a4 rourlh Trout Ukea by book. J . I. PETERS, propoied to be built la Oueenatowa n.. I,b la'nutter'a tha 14th day of No. Ith conltrut,t of data al tha outlet Agamt bor at Port Clemeou. B. C, la from of . fj A" D- follows Beeond Troul Lake. The eailoiated ACT Co ncr Fourth and Third Anua, Prfno. Iota rite ta Fifteen Ineluiita. ...h,.. .! " IS ORDEAED thai the laid Jhn 11 Area of land lo ba. flooded al rirtl Troul LAND Rupart. B.C. reslatered pUn of u Townalu of tha !ftl,u"" ,h4" aUowed lo swear lo halu " 17 al Saooatf, Third aad or v. ui, bieoMota rtm tared (a ihelTJ 'a oeeeaied as occurrlnr onl rv" iweoiy arrta. DISTRICT PIITWCT aroretaid Laad n m try onceaa PUa wa. . ?lh d' ' ,0,' After Um ai-f TW ,wUw , w the around ski-ma LAND t7 ana ute notice thai efur the tl. "0 01 aoam from tbe data of w ,D ,,,n cf oor, 1117. COAST. RAN Df1r fty soofter yow tttk piaiion of one month from the dau of ' '"'W'eaUoa of,notice of this order I A col 01 ,W ,w,,f BI " appllcatloo m- nri puaucatioa af uu nouee the V m ,M nstlmo proof la furnlibed Pur"' hreto ami u the Waur Act. TAkE NOTICE .. W- "Sti MaltiU. . M ... S) Oiaham.laUad Cprnea aadiCeaer Coraoaar. I? ,b lu1rar of thli court al Prtnca M'4' ON la the offlr of Um cm n r to ma woa Lsvar ob noa oajy i.bbiim win under, sectua 7 of Ua iJi "upT' c . bat the aald .r.. WaKr Recorder at frlaca IluperL 0. c. B. e wtI,"i: ..ion w Wa ua rrT KajMrttoa it Lip,UMayaUaa to throw sal ....V,... " ,b Hioltr ot Publlo worka ,1 iMu' " SuuaequaU lol T1m data of ihe Oral appearance of Ibis foltoalnt uiHla ai-pir d.M om wa a ooU tbas caScU a ptraiaaaat twt It la tab quality wkica has vast Saf v.i.ce in toe city of otuwa for ap. .JA 10 at ' II7. inaiire in lha local newtpaper waa Um -i,, Ska laraat aala of aad eotd n- protal of the W nM io4 PUu at aael S' aay coo raaaady ta -- to4 'mTiiKft ORDERED thai llMl,r', ". sodi objecitona on lha me. aatd worka. aaio imm ii, Aetisuin do Duuuh nAii hay ba nied with the eoaipirolier or sJaatl jtf. Aaryr taaVn, raryawt. DeUd at Prince .... i ini Nifraa ,7.. lmn n order la the prince Huh n.n. Waur Recorder wlihin thirty daa after JCCatAl d.r of ocber. A. D. iiit"' wwper publlahed Vi ssM aala UWAIIAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND fiVJ!' c' '" Prlod of one month. DOLLY VARDK.1 MINES COMPANr, CEDAH Oeo.CO, LTD;. I lib Td.. IL1"" Prl, B. C. ibis 01"u. . I-' ClareUod. , .nd AV M..L Rlckaraoa, Aieat. D ' ' !,0'er, A, D, 7. ' . -eauujfi, Advrrl se n Tito Ua y Nows. llATtO NOteuiUr