- ; Tuir riAiiv Nfwc 11IL. LniLil JllJLi VV iJ roL vni 25M- - -juxnB ftm'HHT. . c, batuhdav, dkckmukh is, 1017. phice fivk cent iWEFEED TMES MICC THIRTY THOUSAND APPLY FOR ADMISSION TO HEAR CANADA'S GREAT MAN T HE FATE OF VENICE NOW LAURIER SPEAKS TO FIVE -a FAKED CABLE TO AID UNIONISTS HANGS IN THE BALANCE v MEETINGS IN VANCOUVER The Peck committee published aa paid advertising what (fll i NOW urrnuvnBLi islmhu iu wnn&iAnu purported to be a cable from our boya overseas, asking THOUSANDS HEAR THE VETERAN CANADIAN STATESMAN AND llCOC AkU uni intMBunLg a lit. in onrt.IT unu int. support for the Tory Unionist government candidate. The THOUSANDS MORE FAIL TO OBTAIN ADMISSION TREMENDOUS POPULATION DEPARTED BRITISH POSITIONS IMPROVED fact is that one of the brave laCs, who was supposed to ENTHUSIASM AMONGST VANCOUVER FIGHTINQ IN CHAMPAONC nave signed the rceage, wu killed tlx months ago, or PEOPLE FOR GRAND OLD MAN thereby. Another has never been In khaki and Is still In also l the imrlheasl of Ypres. Canada. A letter from still another sends quite the opposite (Spcclsl to Tt Duly .1M subject, which I am. Sir Hobert 1 ac Ic 15. The fate of Russian Prisoner. message. Some of the others are on the firing line Vancouver, Dec. 15, Making! Horden staled 1'uat th Military V,. - t w bangs i Uie balance. I'elrgrad, Dec. 15, The Russian while some are In England. his first visit to Vancouver since'Service Dill became necessary be 3 ho ;b "' 11,0 Italian authorities have ordered the Need more be said as to the alleged message? Is It not 1910. Sir Wilfrid Laurier arrived cause the voluntary enlistment i'v i',e destiny l,,e release of civilian German pris manifest that It was forged? The facts speak for themselves. here yesterday morning on board had broken down . I denied that jjfa f ill The Ilomans oners in eichange fur four thou The Unionists realize that the great wave of the Imperial Limited. Great that reason was a good one, and tZ tipcat Ibelr lat drop of sand Hussion officers in German opinion from the common people will no longer stand for crowds, surpassing even those staled that in the ten months that Ua ia cc defence. The city u prisons. It is reported that the Borden and his financial group, who have been profiteering which greeted him at Winnipeg, preceded the introduction of con-scription ; bt ;;g "irtWleJ into an unit,, llustian troops have been ordered In the blood of the soldiers. Hence the faked messagea as Hegina or Calgary, greeted his ar into tbe House of Common!, , hLid island lo w lllittarxJ to evacuate Finland. Tbe independence to the soldiers' vote. A safe-cet Is that the vote overseas rival in the most enthusiastic enlistment under the vol- it urge Tbe Venetian plains of Finland is said to be will go about sixty-forty or almost so In favor of Canada's manner. Uis reception In Van- untary system had reached to be . slitutc a veritable laby- recognized . A warning has been Grand Old Man, whose life fias been consecrated to Britain couver was simply great. tween mx anu Beveu uiuumhu ilh of dcfeoces. All Ibe art issued lo kereiiaky that if be dues and a United Canada. In less than nine hours. he,men mommy, wmcn was quue-spoke Immediately, of the Pe 1 provide reinforcements, features oi Venice " not surrender voluntarily to five gatherings' rr4Cl aay l placet of aafely he may be lynched if electors, upon the real Issues Th6 lame. uwuhwhh found. which are before the Dominion at) My countrymen know how to cite buried unuer at f sand bats Moi f thcpopu- French Front MERRYFIELD SENDS I FRED STORK RETURNS this present time. One of the;"8ht, when they want to fight. At laUon ot lbs city bat departed. Paris, Dec. 15, Artillery fighting HILDITCH TO SKEENA meetings was held In the greatjlhe am m. 1 must say that FROM TOUR OF RIDING .Quebec has not done well as occurred last nlgbl in the hiilmnm nf ih Hotel Vancouver. as German Rslnforcamsnle. (CpetUI to Tbe Dwlj .Vtwt.) I" olhtr provinces in the matter to Champagne district. Nothing else and was exclusively for women. London, Dec. U-Olog Vancouver, Dec. 15. J. H. of enlistment. Dut the blame the is reported. Liberal They filled the bigr room to over and the Il.stla disintegration Mr. Fred Stork, tbe shoulders Berlin's Report. Hilditah bas been a frequent pas- flowing lo which admission was rests altogether upon Its ian defeat, the enemy It now candidate for the Skeena riding and the conscience of n.t la put largtr force Ibaa eer Uerliu. Iec. 15. The Dritlsb svnger on the coast steamers re only to be had by ticket. This upon for the Dominion House of Parliament, the Horden government. They 3 the French front. There are Irwpt eudeavoring to recapture cently, lie ts the emissary of J. was the great Liberal leader's created the sentiment that exists returned to town last evening and address. From a. 1 a m trenches at llulle court first longest t w a nunurru anu uiit ocrman llinr lost 1:. Merry Held to tbe southern polls in Quebec. The Conservatives In tli- t-ambrai front, were beaten after having toured tbe greater there, he went lo four of the u ua ruuai iu awvi tnu urn 011 alliance with f the Hkeena riding, in the in. 1911 concluded an llatgest theatres In the city, which Tbe French artillery are 'of this constituency. Mr. 2, hundred and fifty thou-uj bai a. part Nationalists tereste of the Tory Unionist candidate. i Hourassa and the Quebec crammed to the limit of their tbe utrreated a ttie east front. Stork had an enthusiastic reception were atn, on western front, na Col. Feck. lo carry on a war with supporters and ad ud sctenty-nine divisions on the in practically every place in capacity against Laurier. The creed of itc 'c front. We inul expect VICTORY IS NOW A MAJOR M. BCLL IRVINQ the ridinir. and is Confident that mirers of Sir Wilfrid. In all he lheKationalists was that under vii.Monuaj j .iil receive the epk to ten. .thousand persons, talf a muimn fresh German Oghl- circumstances siiould Canada COMMANDS 16TH BATT. which will and thousands we're turned away no SHIPS of the votes at v I Km m I ! fsc-vl bniI um QUESIIONS OF majority of Great m - mv v VMt tM m participate in the wars Ibe east by the electorate. disappointed, unable to get ac aH.I aa.fl .aA ty. n e.la w aaaj stv as is 1 1 41 1 1 UW- ?ful - Tb M bidd ltritain. Dlondin and Sevigny commodation in tbe various before the people at I The issue, UrtJ ibe Times' and the military critic. In of the facilities which Victoria. II. CL. Dec. 15. -Major , 4. . ttiM flM ih.i ihiv ings. Everywhere Sir Wilfrid was preached this doctrine isa Itepington. In an article Prince Huperl for the who has such cheers and Conservatives financed it. .itt in 11. IMI Irving, given 'ttl eVeryone directly, and the received with hearty 37 emphatically warning the building of ships, and which have snfcsdkl service to his country, . ikii,D rr .....ihom. was listened to with close atten Tory Money. - ' ,bal iter many was prepares o.r.r. .UtfTB. aio ..to "There was an alliance of this the never been ulllued by has been recently given Umpor- luan ever before. On tion. ' tier ef- but later it fell apart and supreme military taken kind, Go- Ltd, nor 16th Uattal- lwtelutrieut ary eosnmand or the Mr. Stork is confl-ion Conscription. hal aeeountf Lrtttcre over by the Dordeu government. in the Canadian forces. . h hail lhe majority of Sir Wilfrid devoted the greater the truth came out. It was Tory of" tbe British Front. the following dispatch received Ilhe voters in this district behind part of the time to the conscription money that taught people in the Tie llritish have improved today is of interest. The dispaUb Are, veti puttied about what to . lm ... .,,,,-iine Sir Wilfrid issue. He declared that by Quebec never to participate I want French u petitions to the eat of but not coercion, Empire's wars. give 11 Kit T Try Wallace's. M,Hr and democratic govern- persuasion, by I will make them BOtc t ts the result of bomb "London. Iecember 15-LloyU he would bring the province of men to fight. tftL3g tatt night. The enemy (ieorse in a speech last night at menL Quebec into line with the other fight, and I hope, by persuasion. trU,"7 is active at different the Lawyers' Club says victory is BY ACCLAMATION provinces of the Dominion in the When have their been passions aroused,and the prejudices way, tU Ejuth of the Hcarpe and now a question 01 tonnage. The following telegram matter of enlistment. He held undo the evil is not by com-. to MiTHING IlUT SHOHTAOIJ OF lias b received in town: (Special to Tbe Dtlij .lews.) that the Dorden government was (in BUM'S CAN OVKIll'OWKIl THK To my agenL I'rlne. Ottawa. Dec. 15 With lh responsible for the showing made pulsion.and The sentiment,way is to to appeal mind and to ' 1 n account of the In. A 1.1 JIM." Huperl. H. C- close of the Dominion campaign, by Quebec, and charged that there reason heart. ' of This is nothing new. Tbe lpr-'den "Very strong and enthusiastic e practically at hand it looks as had been an alliance between the Nationality. " cease In the coal Common pro- governmenl have known what support from be Conservatives and the National ' I t .1. I.i.n.l.ii -I- though there will twenty-five The methods followed bythe tt compelled to advance all the neonle of Canada know, soldiers. Think success seats in which there will be no ists, which bad spent the Conser Laurier government In the past - prices on tome ar- I Dial the allies require ships, ships assured. contest. Ten of these are Union-it. vatives' money teaching Quebec iwlll be the ones followed In tbe , ttties. U iv.1 .till more shins, l'rince Hu "PKCK" and lhe Liberals will have uo iu ue.uk iu iuc -"l'" """....I .... ik. T !. nv.,nnni: perl has a ship shed, and oilier advt. a fifteen seats by acclamation. "I am called a quitter." said 8lrl'ur" T-V" J 8P.LrS CAFK, lor ss" e WMIfrlrl.... "II I. lhi If I.9.M- iauu Ul'UU for slips e - splendid locations ' - I t aro WlltTB LUNCH, of Canadian nationality, rier wins the election, Canada site of invinir down shlos any to creed, nor IIOYAL CAFK. not appealing any have quits the war." the Dorden government How any race, but simply to our common ri..n in th occasion in l'rince THEATRE To the Finish. nationality and Canadian Huperl needs no further omnieni WESTHOLME "I answer that if Laurier wins, citizenship." Canada is still in the war and "Koiie" Fireside slippers WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19TH. then in the war to tbe finish. From tr the day on which war broke out, j Wallace's. In aid of funds of Cadet Corps TAXI! CHRISTMAS CAROL I otooil behind Hie government in TAXI! CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT GRAND XMAS RECITAL OF DICKENS all measures to help to win the 1IY war. I never intended to give the PHONE 55 FHONE FOR QUALITY tclkphonk oiatOToav PRINCIPAL J. C BRADY government a slavish support, r-n haul to Diguw - also whether right or wrong, but I gave Service Reliable 24-Hour F.HVICK and SATISFACTION ti"ik. miwrr. V" 4tM SPECIAL XIWAS PICTURES . .......... of free llritish M)IIHIIII"I it the support a s AND A Jsapi. la wrltinr twturs Pt- flUJ of WT rickets 35c and 50c Heserve at Ormes Ltd. Doors open at l. HAY Wi:i:K FOIl IIKLP. ii-.rnon in Uiuos ama ukccib. 7:30, start at 8 p. m. ' ' ! PUBLIC MEETING FISHERMEN, ATTENTION ! Everybody Invited FINAL RALLY 1 will be discussed. . 4 Empress Theatre, Saturday, Dec. 15 Independent Fishermen & Boat Owners Association IN WESTHOLME THEATRE on AT 8 P. l. Saturday Night, December 15 AT S O'CLOCK In the Interests of NOTICE! IN SUPPOHT OF- Mr. Fred Stork, Liberal Candidate, Electors will please note that the Polls open at 9 .m. Colonel C W. Peck D. S. 0. shall on polling day Every employer and close at 5 p.m. at LEAST ONE ADDITIONAL and Soldier's Candidate for the House of Commons SEATS RESERVED FOR LADIES give to every voter In his employ Independent 4 HOUR for voting, other than the noon hour and In the Sksena Riding. and shall make no deduction In the pay of such employees, nor Impose nor eiact any penalty from any employee by GOOD SPEECHES GOOD MUSIO GOOD PICTURES Everybody Welcome reason of absence during such hour. :t0000000