TfcK DAn.T KW Saturday lrt'cmbcr 9 SOME SIDELIGHTS A FORCCUST OF THF. 1' CAPT. SIMS SAYS PACIFIC Notes ELECTION Have you Local News RtSULTl ON INDIAN LIFE G. H. Arnold HERRING IS SOME FISH jjnrrirr"" From reports rereiv,i r,,,... Indigestion? Gifts set aside till Xina. Mo. Last evening at the Hi. Andrew's various portions as i , NOTARY PUBLIO lurcher Island, 205. of tho election would .," Refuge lar. line Bros. tho (lev. W. K. Colllson Ind,. Your food will continue to disagree December t fl tit. 1917. Society, the Laurler Onvermnem "J and distress of the most interesting with you, cause gnve on Headquarters- relumed until you strengthen your J"ilil.r Paily ews: Santa Claus' tf. addresses which it has been the of 01 Power by . , " We Sell Heal Kstale. digestive organs, and tone and Sir Permit me space in your Wallace's. privilege of the Society to hear. seols. made up as f.,,1,, We write Fire and Marine thf RfnmAch. You In el press a Tew thought Tsial Nt, Seau ctraoron can tinner Ilia which he was Lib. - for Turkeys and subject was one British Columbia Insurance. do this quickly and surely by regarding the development of the Christmas Friiell's Poultry. Lowest prices. Jilted to deliver and for residents Alberta 13 12 ti U'e have Apartments, Store, rc w uuscs ui h.rrinff industry In these waters I promptly utuug ja In this northern B. C. was of n Kaaniclicwan Houses, and Offices for !Being out of town for tTie most Wine and other glasses for the peculiarly Instructive nature. Tho Manitoba 15 10 II Rent, and Want More. InarL I am unable to be present n 0 HEtHAM'S ' . . a.ft......, I,V maallnir. nnil fin Christmas rheer Wallace's, tf. speaker told of the six tribes In Ontario 82 31 We Deal in Mortgage Loans. IIIC iaiicnn:i v..i.f this district and how their Ouebce 05 8 I have had long experience In ladies' fine leath. II SI sloek of New different. He V Sell Timber Limits.. languages were so .New Brunswick tl herring llsliing. I feel I would bo Bulger A 4 Just in. hand bags We do Conveyancing. e-r enlarged upon the difference be. Novn Scotia 15 PILLS only doing my duty at this time 0 Denlke. tween the Indians on tho const Prince Kdward Isl'd. 5 In services to tho public. .1 give my and the Indians of the Interior. Yukon through the press. Mr. O. Hanson got back to town t 0 H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. The latter tall, stolid, Their natural action relieves are spare, if worked The herring fishery this morning from his tlmo camp the stomach of undigested food, dlgnincd and nomadic, while the 23S basis 87 and developed on a proper Sheraton. at i stimulates the flow of gastric would put the fishing industry In coast Indians are short, quick-witted Liberal Majority in llin U juice, renews the activity of these waters fifty years ahead. At Free with every dollar purchase and lived In splendid settle, oi seats. M the liver and bowels, and tneuts. Their language, mythology present the herring fishing Is a ehanee to win a 970 Vlclrola. "Ik Daily News" strengthens the digestive sys farce, to say the least. We use Mcltae Bros. 205. and origin were very Interestingly j tem. Take them with confidence, dealt with. It is the eateh herring 60 the seine method to for years experience catch We prepare our turkeys for the opinion of the lecturer that at CLASSIFIED ADS. that Beecham's Pills and bv this means we prove merely the "scum" of the fish oven, urder eariy. uarry AUins, some remote period, the eoasl Indians I Are good for The seine method should be done Third Avenue. If could claim Asiatic deseettU nway with, and the herring gill as distinct from the Aineri-san Mr. J. II. McMillan, Inspector of descent of the tribes further east. WANTED. net put in Its place. Hy the lat the Stomach ter method we would eateh the mines, got back to town this In the Interior. The Supervisor of R-aiers will TEACHERS WANTED FOB PR1.VCK HUP which morning on the delayed tr'afn. The Ideas conveyed by awl the held an examination io Prmt, Is CRT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Tescbers fori Lareaat Saltef AaV MclM la tie WerU. superior herring never Huferl unsnded scbool op to and Indudlnf MMlVffyWMflb caught at all. Just Imagine us From the baby to grandma and formation of their languages were on Tuesday. IHtlj lu-ctm. joaior third work. salary tto per month. with this "scum" herring trying) explained, and also their marriage ber. Anyone wishing t uke this grandpa and In between, Alia . teacber for Intermedials trade, PUBLIC NOTICE to compete with the herring of everyone customs, which bound the various uaminatlon. to secure the u, (; salary 171.00 per monUu Salary ecbedole suitable gifts at Wailaee's. tf. Sealer's Licence may obtain other coasts absurd. tribes together. The Salique law full provides ror an lncretxe of 11.19 per nenib eacb year, until miiltaam of Public police Is hereby given I The herring caught at presents Mr. Ceo. Woodland, of the Im Is unknown among the eoast parttoulars at the Forestry O0k 1 1 0.(ro It readied. State experience that Undef tbe Provisions OI tnell. nnl v.n trnnA fnr hail eitrentJ Oil Co returned from bands, as descent is claimed llr IL AI.LI1X. Dlitrirt forester'. afr - a aav i g wai V mmm f- perial a and qualificaUoni. Application dote Dominion Elections aci, me toi-iii i. immediately used. The sill river the late train this through the maternal parent. trip on BecemLer 1 1 ih. W. D. VAJ1CE. up tary. -Secre Sit lowing gentlemen have been duly ncl method is the only one. aud morning. The Hev. Mr. Colllstm'a addre I-W Prince Itupert and district, appointed official agents for the lnj. method only should be used was Hslene4 to with Intense in- mm have seeured the seriri 0f i mELUOE.iT pehso.t may ear candidates anne coming election: lf wp are olng gerlously to de Mr. W. Shrubsall returned tolteresl by those present, awl all Mr. Martin Kroeger. V R II. g. Its mooUily correipoodior for news-paper; 140 to 110 dooUU la apart l-or Uol. O. W. 1'eCK, w. xs.veion this ImDortant branch of lown this morning, by the Prlnee would certainly like to lier Mr. (kmsuil him about your tardea tine; experience anneceasaryi no can-vaixinr; Fisher, barrisler-at-law. Prince nhinir. at which thousands nf fleorge after a trip to the south. Colllson on the same subjeet reblesns. British Columns ur. subject (arrested. Send for Rupert, II. C. I fishermen are ensatred in the old ern cities. again. The evening was enlivened series. Ltd, Vancouver. H if particular!. JVaUonel Preta Bureau room till. Buffalo. It. T. l-or AirreaMOTE, treo. u. Daw- country. and t have no fear in with inusieal numbers. son, merchant. Prince Rupert, B. 9aying ti,al we have here ag g004l Tbe members of the Medical . 11A...I t.I-L. 1 ft I FOR SALE. C. . tflherrinir flf not hettrn nnlv we ouuru vmi i l ii iid wren on in rn rur riTiTraie nar obi rr JNO. FLEWI.V, Returning coast for the past several days. I have nol eauttht them vet. com. niisrtt-r asm mtmtwni n TOR SALE .few Monarch Stove, at Polr-ler a. .aa a . . I t aivaaravw w Officer for Skecna Electoral merclal!y.and cannot with our returneu to town tins morning. If Seal Core. Enquire at Hannan'a Egus are High Don't Store. IS. UlSiriCle I nrptpnf nvftlpm. The newest styles, the newest Ud,' nJ enllemn- The use of the sill tit would PERSONAL MEN shades in crepe de chine, geor.l We desire to thank you in be- Use Them I onen tin hs tf!.af fnp m I la a Bring gift problems to us. a a V-' .vaws VS getle and mummy silk waists Just half of Col. Cy Peck. I). H O. I JCTOW THYSELF Send date or birth and your and besides ealchlns: herrlntr for 11.00 to Frofeator Dunatooe, till we nave just wnai fcne wanis halt, we could have canned. from eastern fashion centres I (Address. Somewhere in France When eggs gt si Oeoriia St. W, Vancourer, B. C, and Wallace's. tf.l bloaters. Vlnners and frshlns Wallace's. tf.I'"dependent and Soldier's Candi t: "Kh as they art no you will receive by return mall ebar-aeter date for Skeena Hiding, sunoorl. ' readinr, pracUcal advice on boat, an industry in itself. Owing to the Cadets' concert I Inir Union Oovernment ooliciea t. T155J women set tkeir ness, health and marrlare baaed on true If there are any poultry keep- priVate enternrise has done heads woramr ibJ iclentlflc line. JtO. ers in town who want a few point- much for the fishing Industry, but being held on the 10th curt, the Win the War. for your assistance m get along si well . A. dance will be post-land rood will in this eamnaiarn in the of restoring the . . . ers way this industry of which I speak, is a ..a - - I - - -w-- without. MISCELLANEOUS poncu until ine 2Isl. Admission Col. Peek Is a Citizen and a Cllu ., . faded plumage of Just geese. ap- for the government to start, and gents sio, utdles 50c. 290 ten Soldier, that Is worthy of "v dozens of rerr,ia Uit old false teeth biudoewobk ply to Hen Self. The pristine start it they should. Why should bootbt any condition, wrhcii caih puce. Whlteness of their feathers gets nol the government do for the ..... , ... lyour esteem and eonfldenee. omen have given us Uej t-inmunudi-,, u. E. tistomsi it- I,.. I..,.!..!.!. I lata tllaemera.! lhal w.ik "niutty at this time of the ii i no tsaiiv vsvit uii ii inisiivnrrav i -- " ai its year. .tone. ceoreii l v.n, people here what the Home Gov- renci agen arrived In the eily of yr.nft, ih. hnxanea fnyu be mode to take the i.iar of B. c EL IT year. J10 ernnfcnl did for the flshermen f Ibis morning from Ketchikan, lie I - -- 1 - his King and OiHinlry. I 'any places Shoes to fit the OhriStmasitliM Rnnth nt Irolnnil Th. Ilrilleli will take the duties up of Mr. II. He hss won the efHtfldeMw of I Here's stocking Wallace's. tf.flnvrnmint In (1lnn tlm litr- a DaU Pudding, i. inn, wno is going on a vaca DENTISTRY rlnc industry in Irish waters sent tion. the people of this otih Ceraairy R H cup of lard iaw 2 ckji of uoni iorgei ine sate oi iancyi(,Inpri, .ftii.h flshermen with aner ieniy years rsidei by our. Imepouiiful of miisi MOWN WOMI Mom, plain sewing anu nome- hoala and coir In Irish water Special feature at Westholme his sterling integrity and Independence possder asxl ooe cup of surir a as-eotaXTY cooking at the Methodist Church The first year the Irish flshermen Theatre Wednesday, December 19. before shouldering hi fted tgHJtor. OR. J. 8. BROWN on caturaay aiternoon, DecemDer u,re tauKht to know the seasons Dickens' Christmas Carol and rifle In defence of his eouMtry. dd one rus of elsopfttd dates and 15th. Fish pond for the children. ,.r happinl awls ftlamt amawa-.rtl special Christmas pictures. Tick. The Canadian Parliament will psar Is cup Pacific Milk. Mix - u a aaao mm LiiiiiK. v. a,aau di i. ila a oumrr vear less Krnlrlimen came, anil ets 50c. can be reserved at Orm,alne no etler Citizen or S4dler wl and aleam one hour. alia PKM le.434 THIrtf ateaae t-iace your oruers ai once wun (hA ihirrf P we hi a whole Ltd- 907 llhan Co'- Pcc' I We; h" 'lad to print any the Beaver Wholesale Liquor Co. 1Ieei of boats manned by Irish I The citizens of-Hkeena Diatriet IrwffiM you nsay sectd in lhal will i or your holiday wines and I fishermen. Today we meet these hvery citizen, lady and gentle-1 naV0 never had or never will have! rtp to reduce Ihe lost of livior liquors. 283-boats on every coast of the British man, interested In the return of Is more faithful, fearless and up-1 If they contain Pacifle Milk mt Isles. Col. Peck should be on hand at I r,8"1 ,lf Preventative than Cy Peek. 1111 send ynx a little surprise Harry A. Harvey Frizzell's Turkeys, largest stock Now if a similar scheme were nis committee rooms. ...on Third I ul- Peck's interests.are, ft. L l - (Late L4M4o, Ea, OeaaeevaUIr lowest prices, courtesy and ser adopted here, and the government .ivrnuo every evening mis week I"" o yourselves wiin an PACIFIC MILK CO, LTD, f !) vice. 301. supplied boats and gear to men at 8 o'clock. advt9llPJrfrlenc gained after three Factory at Ladner, B. C SHlSil. Of LANSOOWNK OOTTfXL who were, able and willinir to flail. . years with his fellow men defend The train frnm Ik- -i .... 1 1 .... ... PupO Taken for Free to you. A $79 VictroIa..av a sufficient number in irive - . " niiitniMiK juuf nomes, iiresiues and ine VIOUX. FlkSO, VIOLCICZLLO and 0 Dee - waa aa I was oue io arrive, here in ordin- British ensign from icnae jiros i.iu and learn say one boat to,every 20 square the most HARMO.1T. how to get in on this. tf. miles for 500 miles along the ii i I,,urla)r evening, heartless foe that ever called Its EXAMINATIONS i. i ii rni.l llieae finals emilil nnernlA in una morning at 10:10 men to fight. Near Oe UaSee Nev aaaaaart Shipll rreared fee Ex am la at loo I fcolid gold suif links at last ' . ... ;lne very severe weather iini You " are requested to continue aaeetlatX Bwevel, VaaeMfee, Ceatee these waters, iounn me seasons !--,i , , JoraJ 04lte ef Hitete, L, . I year's prices. Bulger & Denike. fof herring and I claim that it is ::ni hl!"V '7'".'""ns Is your support for Col. Cy Peck. I) OMINECA HOTEL ..racticallv all the vear round. . r delay. 8. 0 till the last vote Is call. TERMS PHONE BLUE 27S The Oifl Shop Wallace's. tf .Now. we have here canneries Christmas Again thing you, that are idle for the greater par given in St. Andrew's social with 11.11. dance W.d-or Yours faithfully. HAZELTON - - B. C the year, hat could be wrell, December O. J. FIUZZKLL. Old Haieltoa) J.L.HICKEY used for herring, and a drydock by 26lh. .18 p. ra H. F. DOYLK. NIMOOILLID, REFURMJISHIO aal Lodge "Valhalla" of Ihe Sean StOSOONATID STEEN & LONG WILL which could build the wooddln.v Joint Campaign Managers lierf Pretlelea) fee Ike Oefer CONTRACTOR A BUILDER boat, necessary, with lumber'and J oT t4lee asd Oeatleaia. SANITARY AND HEATING j . sufficient within a stone's throw ,adie8. 50c. SSlAlfSl All-wool Axmlnster floor rugs Store and Office oi uuperi. ine expense would e,i toe milling .-,.,... a irifl susraeatlimUaii..-. ENGINEERS Fixtures, ""' -1-rriany b trifllmr. but the i,n V Sash, Door and Moldings. rnense. We have plenty of men1 siiviieu. aii welcome, 291.02 Aganta for Oak and Hard Woods of all who could man these boats and 1 lie Ileal nt ll-n. n ..., I For New Wellington Coal and PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. McCLARY FURNACES Him ,n v n--ii--t -,.. '.. .. . ' i-niuei Mr Lumber cf all dimensions. kinds. ,..vl,v.,1,cm . t-ainepnonet Wallace's. tf 'hone herring fishing, and we have wo-1 116. We Specialize In Hard, PLUMBING men Inn whn enn eiire llm I wood 'Boat MUNICIPAL General Teaming Ribs, Sash, ELECTION and and who could teach other women SHEET Doors, etc. how to cure, and we have canneries HAIR SEAL SKINS DOMESTIC METAL WORKS t is seldom imleeil Plats and Sheet Olaas and to put them up for export for ii.. I want to eel Into touch with Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. Anal..11. V..... 'A.t.n,l n .1 1 '.citizens have had to wall to this persona bavin or mbo mar bar BLACKSMITH COAL Night phones 570 Corner Fraser Qlaxlng.and 6th 8Ls. The u.,iiiiia,Oriental,iEn trade ucaiiuu Is aiiuoiun,ours and .V "e... II.- y"r.l,efore lowing are balr free seals rroin or sea Hons skin blcb Careful Attention to Piano scars or fork or book " and Blue 270 this U the terminus. Are we ,, . ! 'Ue,y.c.anJ,Jal tor boles. and furniture Ramovals The right work, at the right PHONE GREEN 269 asleep, or is the government? L"'! '", lZ'n? ",0 olh" J. N. M. BROWN lima, and at the right prioaj. P. O. BOX 448. Now is the time to do MmethlngX". The Dominion Poet Om Bei S07, VasMuiee, B O. PHONE 93. practical. Our soldier- aMre-'!,?. f Kfcat eaj turnimr. and here is an ln, ot..lU .fnlwett in public af- luhl.l, ,nnnv ftft.n..i.i n.i . .- ,,B,,'... H...has for the mean. '-via mimiij tiiuiu isiita LUiiisriiiui. I s - The Workliia kltji-e Mem. All IHiave said I can bring faeUia" U "L' U,er ,nterpt-to THE HUB Prince Rupert Feed Co. prove, and I am sure every . "" f,nn be wedy in the fisherman will agree with me. 1 1 S!Ime' A',er.e. m "e can- Protect eaenS between Sixth A Siatlt PHONE 58 live on Porcher Island In tho eayo"a chair, who Your Family P.O. BOX C2S3 FRIMCi RUPUIT nild.t of an abundance of salmon 1 VfVri", , " ,nse,f- Alderman FOR and herring, and I have fished nllLi. '?.lh.e only o far BOWLINQ ALLEYS 'y I wiii tii.n. f"La.-;' ?X .e BUY POOL and BILLIARDS CAPTAIN WM. 8IM8 , 1 .T. " the hands of LUNCH COUNTER BULBS honor i ,0f,lle,r inin,n..Kin of that DOMESTIC BREAD Furniture wanted. Any quantity. "" ION- Tajler Enaineerlnf RepreeenUnft Companr, Alice Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Good prlcos paid for complete ZZ. , cou"c y to "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" - 4 It 17 1 1 1, ATta, B. C, T. A. Kelley Lorrtnr k Easter Lilies, Narcissus. household furnishings and Luaiber Co LtL, Queen Cbarlotte 1. all kinds of tools, men's suits, HEADQUARTERS FOR WI CASH PAY CHECKS boots, etc. Phone lied 213 or call LdyV?.Uh W"'ngton Coal rs CAKES Make Tbe HUB your beadquarter. Mall OrSere Premotlf AlteaSed U. on f. M. Crosby, 715 Third AveJ ' uei nil CHRISTMAS lt your mall addressed la our care. Coal aatlsfactlon.Co. -none is. .p. with Hlgh-clnsa Dccornttona . Pha Black BIO. H. K. Reie, Peep. P. O. Ses SSI. Soa TSIrS A For Bale Remington No. 14 ypewriler In flrst.clasa cnnditlnn The Apply Dally New Onice. ' tf luce lowest (a waltts Wol. La Casse Bakery' tf.l ee