TfcR DAH.T NEW RED CROSS COLLECTION c ka,8EoVgAELrKSan wrath FOR HALIFAX RELIEF Have you G. H. Arnold Local News- --- t Notes m tif t r-r j Amsterdam. Dee. !.A Herlln' l'lie total amount realised from t Indigestion? says the Kaiser has sent the canvas of the city of Prlnco NOTARY PUBLIC All-wool Axmlnstcr Wallace's.floor rugs telegram the following message to uenerai Huiert by the Canadian lied Cross Your food will continue to die, a Rift suggestion Kocirty for the Halifax llelief agree with you, and cause div voa Below : tress until you strengthen Santa Claus' Headquarters- On the Upper Italian battle-rut.n Fund amounted to $1.9 13.C0. , digestive organs, and tone your and We Sell neatstale. Wallaces. tf. German troops, side by side No cJpeiiWs whatever were liuj sweeten the stomach. You can W writ? Fire.and Marine this which do this qukkly and surely with our loyal Austro-Hungarlan cu rred hi matter, cii-' bv Insurance. and Mrs. Bernhofl left this promptly taking rj lew Mr. broke, under your com ahled the executive (o remit the' doses of We have Apartment, Stores, morning for Sfeatlle. strongly and full amount collected toward t li and Offices for mand, through the Itent,Houses,and Want More. It bears the Friitll's for Turkeys and i.nariotisly defended mountain relief Tho of executive the sufferers.of the lied i:ros 1 BEEOUMS We Deal in Mortgage Loans., Seal of Purity Christmas Poultry. Lowest prices. positions of tho Italians on the Society wish to thank the people We Sell Timber Limits. AH over the vrorld the Isanio, and forced their way out of Prince lluperl for their gen and other glasses for the PILLS Sunlight stands Wine name After an the Julian Alps. erous donaton. We do Conveyancing. tf. from Cor purity in Soap. Our Christmas cheerWallace's, iin..nini nnrsuli across the $5,000 guarantee of IllVi..""'t.'.i..u Main thn Piave has been CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Purity is something Mr. Olaf Hanson sailed for the Their natural action relieves H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. r.nch..!. the rearguards or me the stomach of undigested more than an advertisement south today by the Prince George. food, It marks the Italians offering a desperate re-.i.i.fioo NOTICE TO MIRCHANTS AND OTHERS. stimulates the flow of gastric high standard we have Sparkling new cut glass Just in OI9ISvi Tim nourinK rain and AH parties bavinr areount atalnst Ute juice, renews the activity oi set for ourselves to Hive for Christmas. Bulger Denlke, miry roads could not arrest me CHy rri render tben w tall and up to 1 the liver and bowels, and you the best laundry jewellers. swift and victorious course of dtut on tae tlth of tiecember. 1ST ! strengthens the digestive syj. "Hie Daily News" soap it is possible to vinr nrmv. A. BROOKSBANK. PurftuilDr Arent ; tern. Take them with confi. produce at any price. Onen every evening and Wed. Our faithless rormer any uas dence, for CO years experience CLASSIFIED ADS. nesday afternoon this week-Wallace's. vnrinccd what German wram The newest In waists Wallace's, prove that Ucccham's nils If. and German strength can accomplish. tf. Sunlight With me, the Fatherland Are good for Our sDecial seven.piece water thanks lis incomparable sons WANTED. set at 11.50 is very attractive. Forward with God! Wllheim. the Stomach Soap Bulger & Denlke. Jewellers. TEACHERS WANTED FOR Pftl.ICK RUP "AT FIRST SIGHT' EAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Teachers for uaeraded school tip to and tncludlof SPECLAL MEETING of the Fisti Junior laird work. salary I0 Pr month. Packers' Union will be held on fjhe tille or this photoplay Also teacher ror Intermediate trade, CHRISTMAS SAILING Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. which is to be screened at the salary 171.00 per month. Silsry schedule Business: Election of officers. Westholme Theatre tonight seems I The Supervisor oi xcsiera win provides lor aa increase of it.00 per Arrangements have been made examination in Prince meeib esch until maximum of tw. be Incomplete. The common Jhold an 11(1.00 U reached.year, SUM experience by the O. T. P. Steamship co. for .Vinas Tree and Entertainment 'phrase containing these three i Ilupert on Tuesday. I8lh Decem If Eggs are High Don't cIom the Prince George leaving Prince ber. wishing to take this Anyone loS quaUIlctUooi. AppIlcaUons at the Salvation Army. Citadel on words usually has another word December I f th. W. O. VA.1CX. Secre ftupert next Sunday evening, in examination to secure the II. C. Use Them and tn all probability urr. SIS Wednesday, Dec. 26th at 8 p. in. preceding it, stead of Monday for Vancouver obtain full Scaler's Licence Everybody welcome. Silver collection, when this play Is seen ai me may V iaTCLUOE.1T PERSON MAT EARN ,Thla will permit of Passengers tf. Wi-ftthnlme lonlahL it will be particulars at the Forestry Office. mm When eggs trt u fit monthly correipoodlnf for mwi arriving in Vancouver early on District Forester. It. K. ALLEN. papers; to ISO monthly la spare Christmas morning. Those who found that the missing word is high ss ther are now do can- The which have the subject. The star actress lints eiperlence unnecessary; liquor cases really women set their desire to spend Christmas in Van 1 x vassinrs subjects surfeited. Seod for been before the police court for is Mae Murray, who Is one heads wikiif sad particulars. NiUootl PrcM Bureau couver will thus be enabled to resumed this of the favorites here, and with i alona room SIT4. Buffalo. If. T. so long, were again ft-et as well join in their family reunion on morning before Judge Carss. The fine comedy following, the pro without. that date, and be there in time FOR SAUL hearing will be continued this gramme Is one of the best. for the customary celebration of afternoon. NO MORE 8CHNAPPSI We've doiens of rer?tpe that FOR SALE New Monarch store, at Potr- the great festival. Aomen have given us since they ler'a. Seal Cove. Enquire at Haanaa's lave discovered that Panflc Milk Store. til. A three-stone diamond and ruby Amsterdam. Dec. 17. The 200 TIMBER SALE X SS4. BOAT BUILDING A REPAIRING ean b made to take the pises of ring we have at 175 is a beauty. distilleries of Scheidam. which PERSONAL Bulger & Denike, Jewellers. produce vast quantities of gin and Seeled tenders win be received by tbe iras in so many places. T. M. Orwig, Seal Cove, Prince KNOW THYSELF Send date or birth and other liquors, have been notified Minister of Lands sol later than boos o Hare's s Date Pudding, 11.10 to Protestor Dunstone, III! Rupert, B. C. Formerly builder of by the Government's grain bureau I he tetk day ( Febrwery. ISH. fee the flub H cup of lard inl 2 cupt of Oeersla 8L, W, Vaacotirtr, B. &,-and vessels for the Norwegian Gov Oven every evening until Christ. that after purebaM f Ueee XIII, to ret 1 1,471. flour, one leaspoonful uf bstiGf The Telegraaf reports, you will receive by return mall char ernment, and delegate from Norway mas. Wallace's. tf. SS fret of Sprwee. Cedar. Saleaan and acter readinr. practical advice on boil' this week no more grain will b llemteek cm aa area Slttte4 cat Nootuta powder and one eup of surer Exhibition the Fisheries at to river. Barke Channel, lunr S, Ooasl LHs sifted together. tii, health and marrtave, based on true supplied for conversion into alro seieniinc noes. jib. London, England. TWO MILLION DOLLARS' holic products. This means the trlcL dd one eup of chopped dale t tad WORTH OF PLATINUM Three (I i years win be allowed for re- paralysis of one of the industries pour in H cup Paeifk Milk Mu i) MISCELLANEOUS u ee instber. Children's Plaid Felt Strap BROUGHT FROM RUSSIA for which Holland is best known Further parucalar of tbe Chief roreeter weJl six I atesm'one hour OLD FALSE TEETH AND BRIDOEWORK slippers. Wallace's. If. abroad. Thousands of men will Ylctorta. I. C, sr DUtrtct Fereeier. Prince We shall be glad t print asy bourbt any condiuon. hlrbcst casta prices A Pacific Port, Dec. 15. In be thrown out of emplayment. Repert. B .. t tS. reeipeM yew may send "i t! i wii' seat by.return malL Post to Mrs. Dun MEN boxes carried luggage, F. W. rip in reduce the lost as .i cf. sloae, 1411 Oeorrla St. W, Vancouver, llrinir rnnr trlft nroblcma In tin. TIMBER SALE X 103S. B. C Est. IT years. Jtl Draper, an American engineer, SHIPPINQ LOSSES If they contain l'r,f M k We- have Just what She wants Wallace's. tf. brought from Petrograd 1.000 Sealed leader win be reeelved by the will srnd you a little sur; n (Specie! to The DsUy News.) MflrWt roresur. Prince Repert, S. C sot I DENTISTRY ounces of platinum, the safe ar London, Dec. 18. One British leier than must eat tbe Ird day ef laaeary. PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. If there are any poultry keep rival of which at a Pacific port and one neutral merchantman. ISIS, for tbe pwrrbaee a Ue X 111. Fsctory at Ladner, B. C. ers in town who want a few pointers was announced in Washington la l T.e Lineal feet el Cedar Pties set CftOMflV AMD amtSS WON one British destroyer and four sa are situated est West . Ilaater in the way of restoring the yesterday. The metal, valued at a asftouu.TY mine-sweepers have been sunk on Pluaper Paieate. Rear S. (.Mil faded plumage of geese, Just ap nearly 12,000,000, is consigned to the North Sea by the German DIstrtcL OH. J. 8. BROWN ply to Ben Self. The pristine the secretary of commerce, and is forces. The tonnage loss One (t) year will be allowed for re osarrtar whiteness of their feathers gets urgently needed for war purposes. approx motel of Umber. imates eight thousand. Further Atkins parucalar of the Chief Forester. Harry i Salt Sleek, Tan aeoan so smutty at this time of the year. Draper, in relating the history Vkriena, B. C or LHilrtet Fereeur, Prtsxe f his trip, said he travelled alone For Priuce Ilupert and district, Reiwrt. B.C. oil. eemHf BeUee, Prleee Waeeet. Shoes to fit the Christmas and unharmed across Siberia to serVices we have secured the of stocking Wallace's. tf. TIMBER SALE X 102. NOTF.D FOn Vladivostok, where he took a Mr. Martin Kroeger, F. It. II. 8. PRIME SAUSAQE Frizzell's Turkeys, largest stock steamer. Consult him about your garden Sealed Under will be received by the Harry A. Harvey roblems. British Columbia Nur Minister of Lands not later than nooa e a Specialty. Tomato lowest and LAND REGISTRY ACT Sausage prices, courtesy service. (Late Lewdoa, Baa-. Ceaoeeeataleo (Settled l and 114.) series, Ltd, Vancouver. B. C. tf the ITlh day of January. ISIS foe- the of si note) 301. purchase of Ureaea X 1411 to cat !.!!.-MS fret of Spruce. Cedar. HeenkKk and Phone B74 P. O. Boi pupil or umsoowm oottcll Free to you. A 979 Victrola. Re Application No. SUM. File UTS. Balsam on aa area illei4 ai .low lib PapUa Taken for TAKE NOTICE tnat appUcaUon bas been Cove. Butaa Istaad. fuate I. Coast DU VIOLIN. PIANO. VIOUNCELLO and See Mcllae Bros, Lid, and learn made to redster Artnur A. McEwen. of IrtcL HARMONY. how to get in. on this. tf. Prince Rupert. B. C, at owner In fee under One rw wiu be illiwed for re CIRCUIT NO. i. Sale Deed from toe Collector or aovsl of ) EXAMINATION S a Tai Umber. New Oeea Ueeee New Keeeteaieat SMlBMe, for Basai last leas Solid gold auff links at last the City of Prince Rupert, beartsf date 1Z -itb SL and ird Ave. Further parUrutars of the Chief Forester SeeeelateS Bsere. Veaoeavee, Qeatee the tnd day or November, till, of ALL Bes 1S 4tb SL and Srd Ave. Victoria. S. C. or District forester. Prince IWval Oelleee Steele, Urtw,Kae year's prices. Bulger & Denlke AND BINOL'LAR that certain parcel or trad Ses 1 lib SL and Srd Ave. RuperL .C J IT OMINECA HOTEL of land and premises sltyste, lytnr. and Bes IS Junrtlon of 1st, tnd and The Gift Shop Wallace's. tf twice In the Municipality or Prince Rupert, Ird Aves. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 See IS- 111 Ave between tin and more particularly known and described aa C. HAZELTON - - - B. Lot twenty-three III). Block thirty-four fin its. (knot Hotel). 'ID, Secuon Seven (T), Map III. Ses 1T- HI Ave. and TUl SL (Cen (Old llsieltoa Yon are required to contest the clatza tral Hotel). RCMOOCLLKO, RCFURNISMtO B J.L.HICKEY or the ui purchaser within II days from RfDIOO RATIO STEEN & LONG WILL the date of the service of this noUce CIRCUIT NO. a. lieey Fretlslea tee the Oeeifeet ef (which may be erected by adverusioy as Ses 22- 1M Ave and Ird SL (Poet La4 lee aad Sealleai'a. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER directed), and your atlenUon la called to omce). SANITARY AND HEATING section IS or the "Land Reentry Act" with Ses 2S -Ird Ave. and McBrtde SL TIMBER 8ALE X 1085. ENGINEERS Store and Office Fixtures, amendments, and to tbu follow tor attract Ses 14 IU Ave. and McBrtde SL therefrom; es 2S lod Ave. and tnd SL Sealed lender will be received by tbe Sash, Door and Moldings. "And in default of a caveat or certificate Ses 2 tnd Ave. and Slh SL Minuter of Lands not later than oooa on LTD. Agents for Oak and Hard Woods of all of III pendens bclnr Died before Bee 270. T. P. ike ism day pf January, till, for tbe PACIFIC CARTAGE, the rctlitration as owner of tbe person purchase of Licence X till, to cut 7.040. McCLARY FURNACES kinds. en tilled under such tat sale, all per. CIRCUIT NO. a. 000 feel or Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on We sons so served with notice . . . . Bes 3! tin Ave. and rulton SL aa area sliusted on Dan Inlet Queen General Specialize In Hard-wood Teaming and those claiminr PLUMBING tbrourn or under Bes 32 -Borden and Taylor Sis. Charlotte Islands DlitrlcL Boat Ribs, Sash, them, snd all persona claimlos; Interest any Ses Tib Ave. and Fulton SL Two fi years will be allowed for re and Doors, sto. in the land by virtue of any Ses SS lib Ave. and Cunot Ave. moval of timber. DOMESTIC SHEET METAL WORKS unretlstered Instrument, and an persons Ses ar- lib Ave, and Dodte Place rurtber particular of the Chief Forester. BLACKSMITH COAL Plate snd Sheet Glsss snd claiminr any Interest In the land Ses SS -fib Ave. and Victoria. B. Thompson SL C . or District Forester, Plloee Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. by descent whose title Is not registered Piano Glazing. RupeM, B. C. SL Careful Attention to i under the provisions of this Act, shall CIRCUIT NO. 4. Night phones 578 Corner Fraser snd 6th Sts. be ror ever estopped and debarred from and Furniture Removals and Blue Z70 settlor up any claim to or In respect Bes 4.1 - Hh Ave. snd (nntruii SUBSCRIBE FOR PHONE GREEN 26 of tbe land so sold for tates, and the Place. PHONE 83. I The right work, at the right Bes 42 -Hh Ave. and McBrtde SL Reriatrar shall register the person en time, and at the right pries. P. O. BOX 448. titled under such ui sale as owner of Bes 4S tin Ave. art nn a. The Daily News Bee 44- 4th the land so sold for Uses," Ave. and Baill SL AND WHERETS application bas been es -7tn Ave. snd Eberis. Bet 141 Hh Ave. and Yaun ai made for a Ceruocale of Indefratible Title "frf(,iiriii)n Tfca Weekbia lu'i Name. to tbe abovementlooed lands. In the name Prince Rupert Feed Co. of AND Arthur WHEREAS A. McEwsnt application bas been THE HUB mirte for a CertlDctte of Indefeasible Title Protect Your Family PHONE SS title It tDDcara Hut crlor to th nth i.l A bmi lw atuateuea Seooad At., between Slilh A Seventh of September, lilt (tbe date on which f. O. SOX m PRMOC RUPERT the said lands were sold for overdue OLD WATCH FREE. uses), you wtre tbe retlttertd and si Fort sessed BUY owner thereof. BOWLING ALLEYS FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that si the POOL snd BILLIARDS BULBS same time I snail effect retlstratioa In HUH I. - 4 DOMESTIC BREAD LUNCH COUNTER pursuance of such application snd Issue a' ML. Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said' "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" B. RtpreseoUnn Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, lands In the name of Arthur A, McEwen jw, Wrlt. AUee unless you Iske and prosecute the proper lAfltr Eormeerlor Company, UriJuU. Afw. B. C, T. A. Kelley Los tins Easter Lilies, Narcissus. proceedings to establish your claim. If any, Ihhl l.,4,,m HEADQUARTERS FOR to the said 1 Isnds, or to prevent such Lumber Co, Ltd Queen Cuarlolte I. pro- CAKbS yjttti acuun on my part. CHRISTMAS WE CASH PAY OMEOKS DATED at the Lend iteslstry Offlee. Mall Oreere Attended U. Mike Tbe HUB your headquarters, Premptli Prince Rupert, B, a, this I lib day of with High-class Decorations lave yout mall addressed In our care. September, A. D. 11 it. II. T. MACLEOD, District ftittiirar .T-" we toST Phone Sleek BIO. M. E. Roee, Proa. P. O. Bes StS. SOB Third Ave. of Titles. To Charles Edmonton,Planus.Alia.Boi Til' La Casse Bakery