n.     w w &fAB

                              IHfc Daily News

 1& VIII NO. 207.                                               MUNC1 III PKHT. II. C, WKDNJ HDAY. lK.KMni:fl 19, 1917.                                                  PHICE FIVE CENTS

 K of? MS M ji n lifiT!ii it ii v ii tVaU ii El COIfOf 3 N NORTH SEA                                                                                                                                      .!



 CFRMAN WAR WS A TACK                                                                                                          TORIES PATTING THEMSEVES                                                  1

                                                                      How Skecna Riding Voted

                    CONVOY ON NORTH SEA                                                                                                         ON THE BACK AT RESULTS

                                                                                        Total Vote for     Majorities tot           ,
                                                                    POLLl.NO station
                                                                                        Stork    Peek     Stork    Peck

nivCN VESSELS SUNK BY ENEMY RAIDERS' DASH OUT FROM                                                                             HAVE AN UNBOUNDED BELIEF THAT SOLDIERS' VOTE WILL

  THC DEFENCES OF HELIGOLAND NO FIOHTINO OF ANY                     Anyox                351      233      88                      HELP THEM FURTHER, BUT THEY MAY BE SURPRISED

      INTEREST IS REPORTED FnOM ANY FRONT                           Alia Aran . . ,       49       13      30                          INSTEAD HOPE FOR GOVERNMENT MAJORITY

           KERENSKY OUT FIOHTINQ AQAIN                              Ileiki Qoola . .       17      38              21                         OF SIXTY WHEN HOUSE MEETS

                                                                    Burn Lake . ,         21        8      13

   lflal 14 TIM Dallf ?lea.i                                        Gasslar ....           17       C      11                     (Special to Tbc Dally nwi). great things yet to come by virtue '

 LcaJca Iec. IV. -Anotber auc-trtifui KERENSKY IS IN THE            Gcdarvale . . .         1      10               9           According lo advices received of the soldiers vole. Where there

        ack IiM been made by                                        Cf-axton                        9               9         from Ottawa, in official circles are at present Liberal majorities,

urziaa warship on the North             FIELD ONCE MORE1            Bndat)                 16      20               4         there it is confidently expected they expect that these will be

fa,  b.' a baa resulted in the                                      Hayspert ....          5        7               2         that when the parliament meets wiped out. If hoping.could do so.

luijuj f eleven veiteU.  Tbla      airu; to Tlx VtUf Xewi.i         Houston . . . .       20       15       5                 again in February next, the Dor-den it would certainly be done. The
Ui rjuna aa an uncomfortable                                        Hubert                 18       4      14                     Government will have a ma  winning of ten seats by Laurier
                                             Dec. 19.  Keren-sky
n-prlie i be llrltlsb public and Copenhagen.                        liaieltim ....        66       74                         jority of about sixty. This, of in Ontario is ascribed to French-
        ted to cause a revival    has appeared near I'etrograd      KtUurakalum            15      19                         course, is the Tory calculation. Canadian or "Oerman" influence.
i a ttpt
i a aertuua critlclain of the Ad-avttty. at the bead of several thousand Kilwangar . . .   5        9                         and the wish is doubtless the father Even in apparent success, the

                              troops. The Bolshevik! have sent      I.awtihill . . . .     12       7       it                  to the thought. It has to be re. Tory politicians cannot desist
                              armed forces to meet this newest      I'riftoe             783      478     305                                             for from slander.
 la addition 10 tttls, another raid                                       Rupert                                              membered that in accounting
tat made off the Tyne laal Wed. of the rounter revolutions against  Lakelse                2       13               11        the Unionist majority, some 37   The going solid for Laurier In

r..UT AT   German   warahlps. their usurped  authority. From        Iorn  Creek ,                   7               7         are  Liberal Unionists. These, Prince Edward Island is excused             i f

Their taclirs are to mail a daab the details wnicU Have come        New Harcltefi         20       39               19        combined with the Laurier Lib  by the statement that Union government

v.t , the S'irtn Sea at full speed through, it cannot b ascertained Ocean Falls           131      82      52                 erals, have got the old Conservatives  never was popular there,

do at ttttca damage aa thejr can whether Kerensky Is operating in   Paeifte                It       S       9                      in the minority. Sir Robert and the result is not regarded as
                                                Korniloff and
 m a lr misutes and then dash eonjunetHHi with                      Port SiMpftM           13      21                         Borden, if he is to remain the a surprise, while In New limns- '

 hack trim Vu U shelter of the Kaledin, who have fought pitelu      Refuge Day             12       3                         leader of the administration, will wick tbe Liberal members there

 aerencea ..i unianu ociur                                          tlettto             x   2       2                         have to quicken his pace consider are too accounted for by the racial

   ifl . ruisers ol the British.)f(w- iii.h.iv.u BO(llh. of i,.mr yi9tC99tm th.fr Itoeher de IWwle .... 21 7 17               ably with such a majority of Lib   division of the population. In
                         .. .                               ..
                             ,    "v ''-    -                                               C       8                         erals In tbe house. The anomaly
i. jnj Meet can Mtereepl                                            Smith Ilalktajr                                                                           Nova Scotia, the two Halifax seats
re:urn.                       hands full in maintaining their       MutN Croinff ....       1       7                         of a Conservative leader holding and the soldiers' vote are to swing

  Tbs sailing of the convoys 'authority even in the little part of  ftmHfeer           .   99      50       49                in leash a majority of Liberals thai province into line. In Alberta,

(oru (.."i. s and jM.rls of departure Russia which they do control. Swmm Ilay              59      33      2ft                will be watched with great Inter where there are three Liberals

an anarn.!) kn.mn by the Oer-oacs.                                  Tulkwa                 tl      45                         est.                            leading, these seats are still regarded

      wuig    their system of GERMANY'S ECONOMIC              i     Terrace                21      44                           In discussing the results from       as in doubt.   They are

 ptocaf" all through  SeandL                                        fk                     It       6                         the different province, lh official the constituencies of Bow River,
                                        RUIN IS PRESAGED'                                                                     circles in Ottawa are hoping for Battle River and Victoria.
ca,a, and it is somewhat re.                                          ToUtft                              644      138

urtabie thai nnire of these raids                             i       Hiork' Majority                     50C
                                London.   lleutr a represent, i
                                                                                                                              FREE AND EASY IS                SERBIA GALLANT
       British Front.         live last evening bad an interview i
                                                                                                                                     THE RUSSIAN STYLE                    LITTLE NATION
 Ttco ts nothing of special In.
                                                                                              THE LARGEST CAFE
                                                               PUBLIC INVITED TO
ikmj , report along the western of the lUllan eltuatlon. the Mm-
                                                                                                      NORTH OF VANCOUVER
 3t be  ud the usual artillery I... .fliL.V..I-                       INSPECT THE. UUIIVblll                                  The   Happy Go Lucky Standard Victoria Nurse Recounts Her Im

a vjty.                       ly all our lufortuation is that the                                                                by Which Men and Women          pressions After a Year in
       French Front.          spirit of Italy ta quite untouebed. An event of more than passing Yesterday evening anotber          Live   Broad Latitude            Balkan Battle Line
                                      I h. fnoiUh ta dear that interest to the Catholic oongrega. union was consummated. Ben

haw!  tt lite aiong the Rhone-Ubero has been a serious reverse lion of Prince it u pert, transpired ,tt- mw unton uncn counter          Everywhere             -The                                      i 1
Uls   aua)  A Herman omclallbut our information la very spe- at St, Josepb'. Ooment on fc"0-.,       operations. Alterations in                                      Serbs are nature s gentle?          N I

 UUocn   haa been   made an. ctflc that it baa Increased public day evening last. His LortUh p                 h   y London     The wide and willing acceptance men. Even the humblest peasant

       the capture of American courage      bought lbe whole                                                                  of the brotherhood of man as aj has a native dignity and courtesy.
                                                               j Metlratb pecforBwd the cere-
 -ers  xaleU near me linone. neoPie logemer.    nir    w             .                                    fne  nme time now                                   They are, moreover, fine looking,
                              i"  -                                  a        i nn i a siniinna aan vn                                             is     ofl
     anal on November 3. The o f disagreement or panic an m. laiffiiw"";-             V ',7.1: Part of the Dartition dividing the fact, not as a theory, part fellows, of strong physique.               i

      ,v4y reported by the uar'reverse, but only a strengthen   f tn                          Uo oafes has been removed, leav. the Russian character. Snobbery i Th:s is the tribute paid the peo         f

    was the repulse of Herman determination I  finish the flght. chape within                 ing a Urge fl0or space for dining unknown in Russia. No respect is ple of one of the Allied nations'
       he south of Olvencourt.'Ae for the Allies, lliey are uoin miiu             ,  T ZT. .  tables. A new- horse-shoe coun                                                                              1
    lUlv Calla Mora Man.       and  m .i   .ii itl U tMiasibte. being Kiwem.. mi             !ter has been put In around the re- paid to birth. A title confers no by 'Mrs. Eric Colborne, of Vic- ;
                                                                           m. laiiinir ill..
  kmt     j. 19. - New contin.ifur wo regard tho front as urn  iivered      merilTol the" cre.''nder of the partition and takes dignity.                     toria, who has returned from the

    have been called up by the , front. What haa happened only course   the                  iup me miuuie ui iuc tam           Nor is there a money s'tandard eastern front where she has been
l. ?ntn.i.i ts. .I..... f      i.iun. H.ai..... un ami (illim liave                                             have the larg                                                      1916-":
    " 1'  iitc v.wvvw. iivw'. iiimu.                                                            lien Self will now                                            nursing since August,
   dy mobilued consist of all 'got to make all the stronger axer The new Comeut wuwu in all is eeo-eiau- est eafe in the province north of to exalt the rich. A cabman will Mrs. Colbome is instinted ol j

'titlr and fit men betwren the lions. There is  not the least .ratly appointed,               Vancouver.  II e employa  white ask a General to give him a light her     of the Serbs, and this
                                                                                         -"JThelp                                                                 praise
   cf 18 and 43.               reason to suppose that the reeuli tiai aeians.                      only, and they have a six-day for his cigarette; and the General after seeing them under their
    Want to Declara War.       ul Uiv war win i              -        TT           .      ,,h week.
 Hurnos Aires, Dec. 19. A com- our enormous power   If all exert wor my oi insuii  "i "w                                      gives it with a friendly word- Mat present Vlistressful conditions,

'. :(.- .if nnt.i.1. .oi.nn. -n-M   iititimiiMinniliM' .weeould lie. That a hearty welcome win                                ters between men and women are without            homeless,
                                                                                                        SUCCESS !                                                     a country,          portionless,
" i ng Juvenile committee com- do an immense amount. The Uer- be aceorded bj the fcislora is as He has achieved success who arranged upon what are often des           and often as in in the

fed of a hundred prominent Ar- mana fully recognUe the lmmes   eured.                       .                                 cribed as natural lines- If a hus        under  intense
                                                                                    -rdial m                                                                                          physical
                                                                                                                    often and
                                                      offensive. Tbe buler.                   haa lived well, laughed
rrntmes. have  adopted  formal power of the economic                                                                                                 find each
                                                                                                                              band and -wife      to
solutions untlnir unon the Ar. ti,.r  u    .   neet of the eoo- vilaUoa to the puW al largo i loved much; who has gained the                cease             sufTcrinjr is no mean tribute to a $
trnllriH iriivf rntnrnt- - w In' .1rlaFtf iaav.r -n...nnn V wwj)--iK.I tiiarll" the Visit thHl Ofl Friday afternoon truat of pare women and the love others' society congenial, and if pic who have proved thclr.na
                                                                          i.. ..iu.n iha heun                                 each takes another mate, no comment
ar upon Germany.               very cloae attention of the uer-  n r        ,      - - - -    of little children; who has filled                              tional metal in so splendid a way
                                                               of 2 and 5.                                                         is offered. There are no rules
                                             the mere                                                                                                         in this
                               mana. That Is                                                  his nich& and  accomplished his                                       war.
                               fact that there is an Inerea.itiR tbea through ptaw 'tfrtitulfon tak vvlw has left the world better today in Russia for the regulation "Wc were just behind the Scr-1
                               danger of  world ahorlage of ea- .lore                              ;                              of existence.
                                                                                                                                                                                said Mrs. Col-
                                                                                                                                                              bian        lines,"
  Frizzell's                                                                                           he found it. whether by                                    reserve
                                                   to the uimc                                    tlinn
                               aentiala, partly due            1      CHANCELLOR'S GAME                                         They get up when tliey feci like ome. "In the Battle of Kaymat-
                               and partly due to the Indirect njr THE                         an     provcd popPX   a
                                                                                                                              it, and they go to bed at any hour,    in  September,   1916, in
                                                   this la bound                                                soul who has                                  chalan,
                               aulta of the war, and                                .         poem, or a rescued    ;
                                                                    iseoeui m ft Dir                                          preferably three or four in the
                                                            on.                                                                                               which the Serbs with        gal-'
           Markgl              to increase aa the war goea                                    never    lacked appreciation of                                                       great
                               Tho unncinenta of Germany   H- IrfMMtOO.      19-The                                           morning. They   seldom-keep appointments stormed and captured the
                                                                                                                 failed                                        antry
                                                                                                                       to express
   rttrs   ordr                                                                               earth'  beauties or
       your     buw tt4 t ur                                              iuiw aaya iuai  uur
                                                   f   at pro- CJiuc4ior                                                                     time; often, they
    rour  trjr reiulrinBi for                                              West is clear." ue       It: who has always looked             to                  mountain of that name, we were
                               portion of these essentials, and it way in the                                                 forget all about them. They do not                          the
                                                                                     of Oreat                                                                                     to
     usual      fears Um Urrt  i. ....ii.    i ii.ni nfior the war kiMMk to lh I1 eople        (or the best in other and has ru-u                              able quite plainly    see
     ten  titorinwnt of Turity.       ...   .       i- ..M..i.ir iu.i.. in a manner. similar to  the best lie had; yhosc live was have rigidly fixed hours for medls. roops advancing up the steep,
                                     win urai nave w v""" i'""'"
                               iney                                       7,               he
       Ducks. Ouckfnt. elc. la                                                 "                                                t dinner parties, the guests dress
                                                                    of V"                                                                                           slopes of the hill.-The bom
   """ro BrllUh Columbia.      their ow n needs, then those o   hat                           an inspiration, whose memory a                                  rocky
    LOWEST PRICES              neutrals, and finally perhaps, if sp..ke to the n1;; benediction.                               as they please. "Do as you please banhncnt before the advance took

    COURTESY and SERVICE       there 1. anything left, the needs ,1W .peer a.nrate U the people J           n. A. STANLE.      is the plan that suits them. Ham pbec was terrific, and even where'

       our Cnrltunas Baiktl con-tal'nt of those who were our ciicthi"'- ioti    Premier  Lloyd                                 ilton Fyfe in Evening Post.     we were the  ground seemed to,
       Dn  Urr  Turksy and all Tli  iniior must, however, tnevit- Hritaln from
                                                                                                                about what to
    wtiait for iba Ctirtiunas Dlnnsr,                       the         and  lo encourage  i"    Are you puixled                                               shake under our feet and the noise
       rltt IB.Oo dtilitrtA.   ably come last, and the longer   deorge                         givo Iinnt Try Wallace's.    tf   Owing to the Cadets   concert
    Our diipuy tbit yrar will surpa war continues the less there will -Pai'isM. is appa'"1-                                    bt'ing held on the tvth curt, the was deafening."

  in                            be to g  round.  That la not a                                                                 O. V. V. A. dance will be post
  "'"ear liolidtjr ilock will b round question of policy, but an Inevitable                                                    poned until the Slat. Admission   From the baby lo grandma and
         Uliuts, Cttery. Tomatoes,                                                                                                                             grandpa and          in between,
   rpics.                           and rscnttal fuel, that ehould                                                             gent  11.00. Ladies 60c.    209             everyone
       i:auiintr, awt rouioes
                                                                                                                                                               suitable gifts at Wallace',  tf..
                                                             of                                    THEATRE
                                              the knowledge
          Oretn Oulona, Orapsi, hi brought to                       WESTHOLME
   Willi, pumpklna. oretn rrppri, all. I um not now dUcuwiwg                                                                     The newest stylea, the neweat                                          1

   "Mia iprouu, rars, CoeoanuU, whether or not or in vhat way the             WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19TH.                         ahades in crepe de chine, peor-gelle

     QEORQE J. FRIZZELL        'allies should uo the fwiiomw                   In aid of fund  of rdet Corp                         and mummy silk waists Jus.t
      PMoma                            that they poMMI.    Tli                                                                 from eastern fashion centres-
                10 and ta.     .powers                                                                 CHRISTMAS CAROL
                                                                                          OF DICKENS'
                                                          .allAS                 RECITAL
                               1                a fe  a a           ORANDXMAS
                                is Knottier iuelKu. mu     !                                                                   Wallace's,                   if,
                                apart frm that the Csnlral  '-ern                         - BY
                                                                                   PRINCIPAL J. 0. BRADY
                                   are in n very preenrtou condition                                                             "Koile"   Fireside  slipper
   1AXI!         TAXI!                already, ami I    WH,UI                                also                              Wallace'.                    tf          FOR QUALITY
                                                                                  SPECIAL XM AS PICTURES
                                but greater eoonomle rin                   St and BOc.  lleservo at Orme Ltd. Door open nl                                          F.IIVICK and SATISFACTION,
   NIONE             I'llONK    thrill after the war.               Heists                                                       For New Wellington Cost and                   AND A
                                                                                     7:30, atari at 8 p. in.                     Ir Lumber of all dimension.         IX DAY WKF.K FOR HKLP.

    Rsllahla 41 U....- m 1        The best of them    all Pathf                                                                  hon  116.
                                Pttlhephonc   Wallace'.      tf