THE DAILY NEWS RED CROSS NOTES BANK OF LAND(C4kM REQISTRY it sod U4.ACT BE CLEAN Tiikim m conjunction um. 11.. jrilisfi Hortb America colleclion in old of lh Hatifat H ApoHratkm Ma anna.I mm lati INTERNALLY IIMii-f fiin.j n.t week, hMt taae Nonce lb 1 application hat teen ft: AT niuunletl to ,9o, lhe w rtriaur asm Dnirr, of rune BED TIME U th. Dominion realiiwl mmM HNri, B. c, at ownfr In ff rnidtr a lut.mnt (Condented) from the into of i,om T Sal Dv4 from th CUWtUit of I he 0tr 600.000 People Are Now Oottrnmenl 1917. cooking dm Friday, amounting to' f frtaie Dapari, lannr dtto tfc Dolnfl So. If overworked and too 30th April, 40.0. wa, aulta g(MMj tn oar of sf pttraMr, llll. of A IX AND laillm and SI.IOtLAB thai rartaln bartvl or irarl t.t tired or nervous to sleep, in charge, Mr. J. W. UIILITIM TO THI PCBLI0 i0u UM and pffMaci titaaie, Ijrlat, and twlur For follow these directions ter and Mm. Dcmcri, many yean pbytlclans bar a creed and are to m ... ao,! he auDicipauiy or ITIne Nuerl, mor oirttlM ... i. mat Tl per cent of human in wst canted congratulated the paniralirl known and tieacntwd Ul is assured. mm" uioii reiult of '"fl at by sceumaltied watt la tM Lower Intel restoring rest OM (111. Block lMrtr AI. rtln iitWiniM a-w,n ineir lauon. 'till line; thai la oar prttent way of lums (, Ibap It. I ' art raulrrd la conical Um rl.lm a. Ntiur could not ream all this waato For each person or cup usj i . I The residents of 0rt Cluinenti Ik Mt DUreiMMr WlUlIn Ik data rmm tha without ttalaUnce, ao maittr bow rtfular teanxxm of cocoa or rhcvnUt. 4 are to be thanked i f we lulfbt b; and tbal UM potion! from assets for a contrlbu-Uon in aarrle of tbla nolle blcfi cup fcoilinil water, a tatlejooorifuls of "Canada of W U, the fuujg M l ITMid bjr pvllrailon). and your ibis wa.U clrcutalad ibroufb tb blood , M of ihe Knt" ' 810.840,110 Hed Cron """"" " eaiwa 10 tctkn is of tb pulled u sway down below par and wer (EcaporaUd) XfilJu Add styjar to suit taste, , Society, made through UM reapentUil for dieeatel of IxsHtrjr Act" wltb 4nModmDU and many s aerlou to Mra. Dnng scaiaing neat, serve hot. A. It. 7e nets OtrcwtatlM 1,a,004 Mallory. Theo are the a Um foitowiar tuti urrrotn: nature. WSOltl-! Vroceeda of a lea and hoouI even-In "AM la fltfault of careal or ccruo-tau Darint tun um th ). B. L. Catcada" Your Grocer willaJebe "Canada First" Atk him. a..l" " tarill. . 11,004,47 In J'ort Clcuioula. The ladle c,c in pnjni Ixlnt oled tfor ror Internal Btuunr mi, becaaa of Utelr . . tt rttiitrauoo at wnr of the person ree4tiaeadatKin and It of lit uteri, THE ATLMER grf SHeM UtH 7,71 M there look ponesaioa of a CONDENSED MILK CO- LTD. O's- pool, miiiiii Ur sacti ia aal. all penons oeen ateadily yrowinf in faror. ATtMSR, ONTARIO 4.a gtxi kr aa,ltMCT room and lunch counter. They an trrd hii MtM . . . . and ItweatiUy, boweter, tb turlUnr newt. aeeirti-remlt's t8,844 managed the tablet moil enieienU laM riaimifif tbrosfb r undtr tbem. bicb bat been cor trier lb country tbal M,l M all prna ctalmlnr Intmil snr rretl lurreooi and apeclaUtls bars been In lha land by mis sf any oertiuifd S70,(M,110 operilisf ea tb Lower InteitiM In tucb laainHMAt. aa4 all proDa clatmlor any The tale of home-cooking will In tern I in to uad by deacenl boa aertoua dueates sa TnbercolotU, and st-trtbut Ue" be held,iu the lied Croat hut at Utl 1 not rtalattrtd itndr tb pro-irtoo lucb condVxDt of chronic 111- health at Nervous Debility and Rbeuma-uara r inM Art, tbau b for er titual, arid will be under the to toil alao Uitl tbea LEASE NOTICES 4ppd and dfbarrrd from atunr op cauae, tayiny LAND charge 01 .Mra. Cowley and Mrs. any ttaiin u wr 10 rtapcci or tb laod peiauoj at fatoraLI to 4b drclvipmebl Gamble. The clly't houneheeperi d for uiaa, and tb Ktitrar of Cancer and TuberculotU (tt auted in in 4 l"" DlTWCT DISTRICT or Hill be buey with the making of ball rttuur tb person enutim uaAft a recent article in Tb New York Timet), V.348T. hLiot nrt inch ui al a onr of tb land so oa cauaed people to becom tboroachlr Chrittmai cheer at thia time and 4d ror uit." awake to tM Importance of keeptnf this Serve till 4nl Walter C Walker, of they are reminded that the demand AND WIIEAEAS annliratlnn h. Lower lateeUM free from all poisonous MM'tr M44os) MkJUftr, for liomccooklng it always otadc for t CarttOeat f IndeftaalM Till vail nutter, aad oeer 411,010 are now -rig i applr '0T peeintssloa to teat In much greater demand than the 10 uw alwvt mentioned laodi. In tb nam Mtay laternal Bttlia. ft23 3i OescrtUd landsi of Ann Dvffy: Tbla tatbutiaaUc and rrateful letter U rfinitf i Pi pleated t inter- aupply. I'ut in tomelhing eitra AND WHEREAS on IflTeiUraUnt tb UU tl un means sa ctcepuooal cm amoont MtM f Kir Water Mirk Toot us rst. lint week for the boys at n. tfeara tbal rnor is u 11 in i r mm Modredt on our 84t; it, tad to C4t 444 Will Unc ptitlBf front who are wounded. Sepirtnber, till, (lb data on vfaicb tbe Til ?th At. South, Lethbridre. Alberta. par r4t Monument 41 Btrtlell aakl Unda er sold for ettrdsa taae.. Dr. TyrreU. Toronto: Save fKA UI4B4. . Cml tkent l yj vers tb aaieaaed owner tbtrf. Dear Doctor TyrrelL After tialor your toeac aval It cbala. snore The collection made throughout rt'HTHEH TA4E NOTICE tfcat at th. I B. L. caacade" far four month. I feel 0 ket, HU Wster Mirk Toerau Fti-nywr the city last week by the Ited aaiM tim I atull tffeti rt itiirauen la pur It my dsty st s tbaskfal paUeni to ei- oortkerlj t4 wettrrlj fol-H Cruit Society in aid of the Ilali. aaanca of lurh aroneauan anil luu pewaa my eatbutlata for um treat bteaa-1 44 ' w M,B W tkf Mark Ortlfleat of lndfeiUi4 TIU to tb aald M it bat been to m. You cannot feel my 1 fas Hlllef Fund amounted to n M of usBMcaaret, sad too- unoa in IM nam or Ann Daffy untcaa emotion aa 1 writ uui letter In prais ...f in acres, swuro or 4m. H.V4V. Thia amount liat been yo tak and proaeeat tbe prfr pro-cMdinr af you Ut ywur rretl work. Word aim , Produce WALTER C WALitK. rflleetd without any local ex. to eitabUib your claim, ir acy. ply fan to etpreta my thankfuineat for Ml Ittk 47 Of October, HIT. !Mnet whatever, and the whole of to tb aald laod. or to preet lucb pro am Mtrunt of your Caicade. Prertoua poaed atUso on my part. to uaatr it I could mi ro t day without i 1411 U IXO DUTWCT DISTRICT Or it goea to Halifax. DATED at tb Land ftefUtry oce. a drat of some aort and ainca utlcr II I i CASSHM. Print Bupert, B. L.. tbu lib day of Sep- ut al, on ray word of noaor. awaiiowod At last week'a tale, the varioua imier. a. d. hit. S ceou worth of droit. I (pent oter Ult Wsller C Wtlker. of articles drawn for were con B. r. MACLEOD, ISM.o u Um two year prtrioos to bear- far of tM -7. B. L," Would that all Um Wt4UOl XlMltf, DtatrKt Retlalrar 4 Tltlea. TMsaC. tributed won follow Mr. aim at a: ywojar men and women I ac la tbu town (,1.1. far partuutiuo la 4mm To Kobert Mordock, Ej , J. C. Oavigan gave fruit, which alt ibrtr faces red with Ulwll. core horrid, un Oh lcS91M Sescrtfced si 1 nooaon 11, TaMaater, V. C, f,niit tt 4 (XMl tUatd it Um w4 won by Mra. I. W. Anderson; til hUf punples would ut It Tbey would j ONE CAN do ! C3rwf of t4 tit. Cseeiar Mra. J. W. Potter cream and augar MINERAL ACT aoua i rid of 4bem. aa I did. I mutt I EVERY aociwrt aad weewrtj atup, or l wrtu bo keeptny you from your for his Wwvdi tel. won by Mra, J. C Graham; tiiu fcM 4 mm water nut wwtk, bat I could 811 lea rnor pares of rrBu Uul I 4 t44t V. J. McCutcheon thermos bottle, To NOTICE c. W. Calboaa:TO DELINQUENT PARTNER my patt eaadiUon of bealth, alao U prala country U4 WtM UM SrtaS UkTMCk 4 txH! won by Mrt. J. W. J'otler; Provincial Tak notice, wbereaa I bate ckwt and of 4M "J. B L." May you enjoy iblt lift i4Im tm tm M im rui r CI04 eminent, tack of potatoes, aaaed to m dOM aeatmeot work on tbe to Um fuIL Sincerely Some can bear arms youn, attil A Um 4t Mkrawcl kwrwcu won by O. McNeil; Mrt. MidairM rrartlow mtneraJ claim, allotted WlUiam Devoy. Some food Wjr ( aw t ctetkii oa tb tmanc river, aboat foaneea mne can produce Urr tcsiivr y m4 MfcUr, (4rtUl la (lutktein, pickle won by Mra. from tb bead of Alice Arm. la tb Skeena 11 you try Um "J. B. L. Cat cade" you Some can make munitions im iiM r ;ft M tkr M4rm rantA4 Htillwell; Mr. Killat, box of candy Bilnrnr drnatoa of SkeeM diitrtct, tiaett-mI wiN Bad yourself always brtrht. confl- a4 t. I tUJ i Uit Dm WhI ! won by C B, Dells; Munallem work for HII, Hit, and Hit. and it and capabl Um potaonoua watu Some can give money It f i ; jc.-a3fcnwflli ikr tMl make ua bluoaa, blue, dull sad nerrous. II cmu 13 4t4 u4t Wtnrnrftwl. Uros, box of apples, won by Mrt. bat un lb paid inm for of said II. fniea and recordins yon pT In urea! Baiba arc Natuiw's own cur for ts the privilege of att to help. t4 9II4J4( 144 CfM BMC ST l44. Halt. uetupnee Jatt warm wtter properly aw th lata or 1 1 1 I.I, for yoer a ha re anaited. Drr fore Naturo um -I. B. WALTIA K. WALltH. of tb tak atteaameal work, loretber wltb Uk- t:ta 447 ' otictor. III 7. ChrUtmas shoppers are asked lb coal of tut advertisement, I than, at L catcad" reaUy saaltu Mr. OU CAN SERVE by IM tptrtoa of ninety (IS) days from call aad tee it at CjrB It Orms Drsr to remember the supply of useful Y HUM JL13 tlllTIUCT DKTIUCT Ur stare. Cor. Jrd AtetuM aad lib St, Prince Ut data bereof apply to tb mutter re Fighting Working IAUIjA. article made by the Manual htdtert corder at frtneo Rvpert, B.C. to bar Training Class. These comprise ywer late ret U la tb Mtdnirbt r racoon Atk far "Whj Man of Today Is Only II 744X clM iUI lit A4(t ftrtUt CV teapot stands, lie raekt, pipe sauersl ctatm veiled, ta m. la parauaoc rr CaL Emctent" booklet of rreel Interest, Saving Giving kaJU 7(4lM bMk(4j UBll4. mt Vu- of IM pretttlent or Um mineral act. which U firen on request If yoa and In Mtr I i twtntxlk mJomw C44wr. racks, etc range price Dated at TTtnco Rupert, B.C. this 1 1 lb prefer, write at once to Chas. A. TyrreU. This Is NATIONAL SERVICE i MK IC t.'7 faC prUMlM l 44M from 10c up. Hp buying these. ty af September, HIT. Dtl M.D, III CaUer Street, Toronto, for IbU t fcaf trtU4 4lli yuu help the lied Cross and en-courage it a raLurs. book. j4re YOU doing your Jmrt ? i:ttf tt pM Btanl4 tl Milk the boys. Mk rW1U44 C44L I fkilAI Dm The Prisoners of War branch WATER NOTICE SktENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Wtt vj II cfcitM, r 4bot, Dm Wrl ALL EYES COAST, RANGE I. turn to f B .Vm Whi Onrtwr ( III, have recehed the turn of 8t now CMt CJmi, iw artkrtjr 4ta of Queen TALE NOTICE that DoST Vardea Mine Mrs. Ilarge through the Canadian trt7 rUtB lk Um f llifk Wtur 0upa wba addreai ll Alice Ana, B. Tak MUC that Um Weiura Salmon Farmer, kvt, r "J44 C4Ml to 4 paUl Wr m Charlotte City, towards the sup. C, win arpry for a been to tak and i'atktnr Ce. LliL, of Vancoarcr. B. C. oc- In 44 W Um art Uirvvik 4 tial port of their adopted prionr of lea cwbK feet of water per second rspatiea Salmon Caoners, Inundt to sppry for he can render the M cktiM tf ml Tmt CMk. a trtbaurr of Kit- for permtttlea to Irate Um follow toy d I4aru 44 tM potal 4 cua-Uomu war, Arthur Hristow, in Germany. 1U m4 Um 4 aaoll Rirer Bwtar Into Alio Arm. Cat- acftbed landi: Empire SPECIAL SERVICE lit TM water will b diverted Commeoctnr at a post planted at Urn (ran ur Mtrkt Umc Whi II cmjuj star Pt ( MlkirlT ua4 MtWrtT MfJM lik Salvation Army. at IM bead of tbe TaUt oa tM surer waier mark. Steamer run re, (on a small in this sternest year of the k i4 Um r Huh Wur kut, rert H-rmm Mlweeal olalot. L)l llll. and will U(4i oa IM said pattar aboat ooe mil M Oaal, MUt II M4M Dm Whi Public meetings, Tuesdays, aed for pewer parpetes oa Um Wolf oiru or Qulniatttt Bay) I chalM da war. rti. tbenco St chains due north, thane Bm Mil 4 cs4n4areM4B(alj lk Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. a4 Patty t ardea orwape t anerai do tbenc to chains rbauia south. rait, lilt 4 ITU tncluiU. Lou 1) CkilM to 44ld Otat Of CMB4MSC4 aetata betoc Hi a4 mnuiBiBf III cr axtn o t. Sunday a at 7:30 p. m. aad lu lilt to jist taetatire ana loi tbear back to point of commencement But our farms are badly undermanned " at um b4 40a rorceker ( rvritoad US I Cattur DUtrwt calamine 41 acres more or lest. 25.0M men are needed ee S4EENA LAND DISTTtlCT DISTRICT or a4teaika ill b mad alto far UM THE WESTERN SALMON PACETNO COMPANY, tit AlOLO-klUTUII COLUMkU PACklMO OIAST. RANGE flYE -im ta atara AM arr feet 4a nrtl Treat LIMITED; C C Robertson Art the land. DATE tth day of December, HIT. OkrAHT UMITCD. WJur C Walktr. AfU Uk sM t.toe acre feel In Second. Third With insufficient help, the Maa oa ti. Hi, ujr of OclOMf. HIT. Tak aoura tbal I taiend to at7 4 ial mra Trawl Ukea, TM water wtu tbe tiuoaraM C.miH.t f UadS 4M w .mart in rml TnMIt I at It lb COO the Land fights an uphill &ht te "U-n LAND D1STWCT DISTWCT OF desantied urwttiaa wf dam al IU muI (and la Works to 14 tb foUowisr HAIR SEAL SKINS meet the pressing need for Food. CASSUR. landa utotid, Tklrd and roaru Tiwat Latea oj it CoBBinetwlnfl si s post planted at tb ike euMirwetwo of a uam at im oauei I want to yet Into touch wits TA4X MUM U44 Tb AB(k-BMUakj G MfUweal comer, abov hiiii tur mark, T tird Troal Ltlt. TM eaumaiea persona harlnr or wbo may hare II M ratklif CMspaay LUnltea. of Van-oxftr, al tank 1 1 rotat tbea tea tbaia d ar4 of land to M Aooded al rlnt Trout hair seal or sea Hoot iklni which and TOWN B, C, cupuua Salaao csnMr, aiL tbea aotiU u tb Sboro Um. Utra Uka H t" ere and al ead. Third and tr rre rrom scars or fork or book CITY Head to apply tr lea I Iweoiy acre. boles. ' Uke penauaatoa to fallow lac tb coatoar of lb Shore um roaetb Treat I lb faliawtn divnud luwiir . l tb par of coaaBencetnesI, coauiatof Tau wntiea wat potted M UM (roann J. N. M. BROWN help. CMnmewclne at a tnal UDia4 at ui.k lit day af October. HIT. IM twenty arret, oore or lett. a Pott Ofllte Bo t 107, VanoeiMar, aO. Water Mark. Horlland CaiuI aa riuiu r& of IkM MtVe aad an application North and AS ehalBa b mora rtua xa,'i .r JAMES DESBRISAT,Walea Uland Bnaaarer.Canoery- paftaaal a mm Utereto and to 4b Water Act. Municipal Councils, Churches and If tbatlank Weal Gatwr of U4 Stl, Cat alar NeteiuWr Ilia. HIT. 11 1. WtM be tied Ul toe wm vi w Schools, and other organizations, uiamcit uiacf Bona IB ctuiaai tbcac Water fteeordee ll Trine Rupert B. C wtti ts cbafea, snors at 4. to lllib TM dtw of 4M Drtt appearance vi u both of men and women, can render water aari poruaod C4Mli Utectc aotiib IkttNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT 07 .u i ik. taeal newnaier wat UM National Service by' directing all erly and latterly followta tb Um of COAST. lUNOk 711 a. ttrd day 4 oeaober. HIT. and objection Broughton & McNeil available labour to the Land. H'ra Water Mark rortlaad Canal to lb iway u aead with tb comptroller or puiai of oimnieaceaBeoi and coniaiaiac si TAkC nour tbal Walwr t WtUer. wawrr Reoseaar wiuua thirty dayi after TELKWA, B.C. Farmers themselves can cTCBartfle wn or teea, tinnai,. a r oHwailaa MaBatr dat. TIIC A.10LO BMTISH COLUMBIA FACtlNO Ulead to apply far perouaiop, 4 4aa Ike....IR'Ul.aald.v 1 1'iinM, . .. .MIME COMPANY." OlTrr this special prioe on labour. School boys can assist. OK PAN Y U MIT ED. Walter t, Walk.r. Aft. um roiiowmi 4crua r. B. Meetaot. Aent per E. A QeTtland. 4b fresh killed Hulkley Valley Were raised farm? Can w 1.1a amj or UCIAMr, HIT. CtiiuinaMriBe at a Dual tOaOtad at you on a you lauraetUMi of aa fcaal and Writ tto LV THE tf'REME COt'RT Or BRITISH Ileef: drive a team? Can you handle fork ikroacb Coocrwt Monument t varwen CULKNaiA. No. 1 Steer, tide 15c IS HEART BADLY IX4nU Walea Uland, B. C, llb Mik Water IN THE MATTER Of THE ADMINISTRA No. t Steer, hind 18c or hoe? If you can't fight, you can Mirk -r t.aun; tbtae aouiberly TION ACT produce. Spend the Summer working tad caaierly follow my J4 lrk Waiar and No. t Steer, front, ... 12KaC the Farm. Maik to s pout wbr a Wortk and " IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE Or The freight rate to Rupert on Um iIh.ii a natal SI Cbalat Da iAWB J A RMS, DECEASED. INTESTATE. is 86c 100 lbs. Let woman and child La AFFECTED Inter- GIVEN TO WHOM per every man, kail of lb point of coouiMncenMnt V.TTCE W HEREBT (U aald lllfb Water Mark Ol ivu" it UtV CONCERN af ao Order mad by the Dominion who has access te I'aataeai Ukrnra auu lb SO tbtlMi tbenr r MtB. Ysr. Lot' " Land, no matter how small the plot, uvruwaaurly la atralibt Um to 4 pout Z ttalo mtiur oa 4ha I lib day of "Frail-a-lives" Soon ReliercJ IS (balna Duo Watt bf tb poist ( A. D. Hl. rUol make it produce Food in 1917. BienrenMiiii tbenco SI tbaln Du kail ol Trii ORDERED tbal the taid 7ob a. litis tbe p4ol tf eotnmeflremenl and eoaiaioinf Dangerous Oonclillcn lit arret, iuur or I, ZTJI f im W d4 at oceurrlDi on J Hit rGjmNttim 1 um . For Information subject latins to W'ALTkH E. WALktH. dy of W. hit. rtr on any r mCXI aattaso Sr. IU-t, Tokoirro. Data- 141b day of October, HIT. TvJZ of om moaik from tba data of th Farm and Garda wrltsr Por two I of noUc or 4hli order. years, um a victim of eulo T .Ci. rroof I. fornuned risHswatairs isami INFORMATION BUREAU InJIrreatlon ami fla In Tl.n Iklk.NA LAND DISTIUCT DISTWCT or court at Princo SlW4th. U sitrrwwa mtUtktd my CASSIAIU Laoert. B r,.tirar t.. that of tbla tb aald CaMd. I 0L B 1-t Meeaa T 1 1S'1t DEPARTMENT OF .AGRICULTURE ana t nsa pains all 0 r my body ' ialr.t. M alit. lobtoqueaUy to OTTAWA o that 1 Ml.l.l 1 11.. , rate wuilna thai Walter E. WtlieC, Z ii dtr of fuy. HIT. I Cl a t-4 la. k I 1-1 la , Vancvuxr, B. C occupaUon Mtotr. ORDERED 4bat tbo Mori Pwe. all lino, rWRTHEH of Medieino but none latrnda to tPDly for penulttloo 40 4M aVDIT II tl . ... u.udtlln do DUbUah nolle 0)L I M la, I I la, f- lb follow tua aeacriMa tanas: Trloe Rupert Dally fUe4 to try "Fruit a-tlvas". I Cocimrurlnr at t poll planted .ttu, ,order o,wtppr in publUbed 41 rrtuc Meets Pwr. DOMINION tt ""lit thn firmt 1.. Mvrlh VV'assil n4,.rffUi tit I Al tltt. Caaatar .w 1 1 '. . . roe a period Of OM month. r f u""r " Mw Dliiricl. tnenc nor lb 10 ctiainsi I1 "Tirko 4i rrincs Ruport. B. C. ibis Fop FuKhsr Information DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . wett 40 cUin. nwro or laa, w . t. ten Apply to of NWtnuer, a wommtna "Frult-a-tlTCi saw day VVtr Mark rorUand Canal ibenc 1.7 J. II. McMULLIN. w4jyoos suffering from Indljestlon' rly and laitrrly follow Inr M'tt y OTTAWA, CANADA. Mark rortlaod Canal to poiul of auinto SUBSCRIBE FOR W. E. WILLISCR0FT HON, MARTIN BURNELL. MIWISTW. Hub. a t. a . . .... inent and containing lie tcri bmc Jt.ii a . ' ,or JJ" lruJ '4e, 250. leas. Prlnoe Ruptrt, B.'C. V U. it "0,"ni PpaM y Vmlt. WALTER K, WALkta The Daily News jjjjirrrrrrr-f Datav-tlUi day of OcluUr. HIT