TBK DAILY HEW CHRISTMAS SAILING Your Liver G H. Arnold Local News Notes by Arrniigi'iueril the (I. T. P. Steamship ha' ! i qy.made lor If Eges arc High Don't leaving Prince 1 1 I B 1- It II H relieve It with the l'rlnco (leorgo w v It wclLHilugglsh, iu-ntead NOTARY PUBLIO Santa Klaus' Headiiuarters- Hupert next Sunday evening, Use Wallace's. tf. of Monday for Vancouver. Them 8ECCHAPIS till- will permit of Passengers Heo windows for toy values for nrrlviug in Vancouver early un When fg3l Wo Sell Heal Estate. blgharil L:"' the little ones at Tite s. 301. Christinas morning. I hose who W writo Firo and Marine drone to spend Christmas in Van - - '-7 wome ncl Axrnlnslcr floor rugs PILLS Insurance. All-wool couver will thus be enabled to ana Wo havo In gift suggestion Wallace's. Bel nlung Apartments, Stores, join In their family reunion on t.. Houses, and Offices for Larteet St!. el Aa MaJkUe U Weia without It bears the 07-niece dinner set, 20 per cent. Sal TW7kr. U beta.IS. that date, and be there In time Jlcnt, and Want More, reduction at Tito's for Xmas. for the customary celebration of We've dozens of , . We Deal in Mortgage Loans. Seal of Purity the great festival. Aotnen have Riven u E',, We Sell Timber Limits. All over the world tho Priiell's for Turkeys and af mve dlseovcreil Hint i a, ,'fl! We do Conveyancing. name Sunlight stands Christmas Poultry. Lowest prices. On account of the Increase f For Prince Hupert and district, can be made to take lJa tJ for purity in Soap. Our in tho cost of provisions, we have secured tho services of ggs in so many pia. s Cf $5,000 guarantee of Wine and other glasses for5 the laundry, etc., wo Mr. Martin Kroeger. F. II. II. 8. Here's Date Puddlns H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Purity is something Christmas cheer Wallace's, tf him about garden Hub advertisement. are compelled to advanco Consult your H cup of lard tnt l tL, than more an Columbia Nurseries, Mfitir. ., Of llrilisli lMitu,...i robleins. (iiiti i some articles. rocker our prices on It marks the Useful present. Chair or have discount at-Tile's Ltd., Vancouver, 1). C. If .tiurr nun one r., ,f I high standard we Special Xmas Nltr uTfjffrrfrrrrT"""""r""" set (or ourselves to give 8BLFf CAFE, UlM toKether. you the best laundry Open every evening and Wed WHITE LUNCH, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT dd one eup of ehoppM g. "Ik Daily News" soap it is possible to ncsday afternoon this week- IlOYAL GAFB. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. pour In H cup lann. x lt j, produce at any price. Wallace's. tf. well and steam on. i, AH parte nattnt aeeBla anion the We shall be Rlad ' 1 CLASSIFIED ADS. Toy bargains for balance of the City pita render them la roll and up is recipes you may sei,.j IT.J Sunlight week at Tile's. See windows for dale the f tin or December. 1ST. elp to relueo llm i - Xmas values. 301 Theatre Special Wednesday,feature at December Weslholme 19. A. BROOkSBANK, Pvrttiatlflf ArenL If they eonlain Pu. : WANTED. Free to you. A 170 Victrola Dickens' Christmas Carol and The newest in waists Wal- will send you a little i TEACHERS WANTED FOR PRINCE RUP- Soap See Mcltae Hros Ltd., and learn special Christmas pictures. Tickets lace's. tf PACIFIO MILK ERT PUBUC SCHOOLS. Teachers for how to get in on this. tf 50c, can be reserved at Onne's CO. LTD. ungraded school op to ind loclu31nr I Ltd, 297. Factory at Ladner. B. c. Junior third work, irjr 110 per month.I MEN Toys and novelties. See our 15c, Alt teacher for Intermediate trade.I Mlarr 171.00 per month. Salary acbedul! 25c. 50c and $1.00 assortment Lady smith Wellington Coal re preride for aa Increat or ft.00 perl Drintr vour irift nrnhloma ua. tables. Tito's. 301 duces your fuel bill and glvss satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. For Sale' So. 1 w- IVn nit.'. ft Hemington Coal Co. and aualincallona. ADDllcaUona eloe " '"VB Harry Atkins ypewriter in first-class condition Becmber ttlh. W. D. VAUCE, Secre tary. III If there are any poultry keep. pp!y Daily News Ofllce. tf We prepare our turkeys for the The Supervisor of Sealers will eawWr SleUSee, Prleee Rat h i.ttelljoent person may earnI5 who want a few polnt- oven, unler early, uarry AUins, hold an examination in Prince The Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minis NOTED FOR for In the of the Tlifrd Avenue. tf 18th Decern Ifafl monthly correapoDduir newt-lcrs way restoring Hupert on Tuesday. ter of lands, arrived in the city PRIME 8AUSAQC paper; 119 to ISO monthly In sparelfaded Dlumairo of luL P" ter. Anyone wishing to take this time, eiperienc unnweetaryi do tan- Til' this morning from Victoria Oil a I,cn Children's Plaid Felt Strap examination to secure the H. C raidor; tubjectt sucretled. Send for El ,f: MlUbMu tf. Tomato Sausage a Spsclsltt, particular!. NaUooal Preaa Bureau ttuueuess oi meir learners gets slippers. Wallace's. Sealer's Licence may obtain full room 1174. Buffalo. N. T. so smutty at this time of the year. Christmas tree and entertain- particulars at the Forestry Office FOR SALE. ment at the Methodist Sunday CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT It. K. ALLEN. District Forester Phone S74 P. 0. Bci Furniture wanted. Any quan. School Friday evening at 7 o'clock TELEPHONE DINtCTORV for sale New Monarch store, at Poir- lll uooa prices paid for coro-ler'a, Silver collection. 209 The City la about to publHn s new Seal Cove. Enquire at llannan's plele household furnishings and TelepnoM Directory, pleat adtleo lb Store. "Hall kinds of tools, men's suits,! Corporal Adams, of Prince Sopl In wrtunr before Dee. Ilia of any New Oaaa Uadae New !aa PERSONAL boots, etc. Phone Red 213 or calljOeorge. passed through the city alterations la Union detired therein. on I . M. Crosby, 715 Third Ave.llhls morning on his way home OMINECA HOTEL KNOW THTSELF Send date or birth and from the front. RAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. If.SO to Profeetor Dunstone, till R, S. C Chapter III. Oeeriia St, W Vancouver, B. C, and Friziell's Turkeys, largest stock TIMBER SALE X S94. you will receive by return maU char" lowest prices, courtesy and ser We have a beautiful line o HAZELTON - - - B, C attar readinr. practical advlc on bull. vice. 30 1.1 brooches this year In gold.filled THE 0 R-UI AM ISLAND SPRUCE AND Old HattJtcs i, bealtb and marrlar. baaed'on true 50c up and solid gold. 12.50 to CEDAR COMPANY LIMITED nerewlUI alt Sealed leader will Ue reotved by th aisiODCLLEO, sttrvaaiiMtB scltounc line. J 10. no tire that II baa under tecUoo T of the NHUtter f Und nol later than anon oa SltOtOORATtD Shoes to fit the Christmas $20.00. Ilulger & Denike. aald Act depoalled with th Mlaltter cf Um fth day of rebntary. ISIS, fee tb tteey artltle fee tk Oaafaft af MiSCELLANEOUS stocking Wallace's. tf. rnblt Workt at otUa and la lb oar PHbet oT Ueenew X to cwi S TS, Mrr K. A. Cleveland, of Vancouver, f lb DMtnct Retiitrar or lb Land Ret feet of Spewew. Cedar. Baltam and Ladiee aa SeeUeai, OLD rALSE "TEETH AND BIUDGEWORK the well known civil engineer, Ittry orate. DUlrttt of Prtoc Rupert, at Hetneaek a area lUtld act Naoum beutbt any condition, hi r be it caab prices Solid gold suff links at last arrived In the this Princ Rupert. deacripUoa of th alt and rer. Bark OitnntL Rat 1. Caaal pit city tat by return maU. Pott to Mrs. Dun-atone. year's prices. Bulger &. Denike. morning plan of tawmlU ttraciur and tber werki U1CL Hit OeorUt SL, W Vancouver, from Vancouver. prepvted U b boil I In V indent tewn liar Thre 1 years wUI L Hwe4 fer re Eet. T tie J The Gift bwr al Port Clcmeata. B. C, In front aenal o lawier. PACIFIC Shop Wallace's. tl CARTAGE, LTD. Useful, presents. Leather goods. Iota fit la rtfieeti Inelstlte, sreerdinf rtnber prtller af th ChJtf r ore tier brass fern pots, jardinieres, china, rectalered plan of th To nil I of tb Vie lor ta, B. C or Duutct raretier. rnsyw WATER NOTICE diy of Port decnenta r filtered la the Rupert. B.u rtl DENTISTRY (Dlvertlon and I'M.) heurth rugs, etc., at Tile's dis aforeaatd Land Realttry oOc aa plan No. count prices for Xmas. 301 ISTS and take notice thai after th ti TIMBER SALE X103S. Genera! Tnmhg pirauen of on month from tb date of cown and mmout worn TAKE NOTICE that John Orace. whoa SPECIAL MEETING of the Fish u erti publication of uia notice the DOMESTIC A SPSOUU.TT addrett U t7ts Yew street. Vancouver. Oraham Itland Sprue and Cedar Gompa, sealed leader wtll be received by the B. C will apply for a Ilcenae to lake and racxers union win do held on Ltmited, wiu under Section 7 of lb tXilrlel raretur. Prtoc Rupert. B. C sol BLACKSMITH COAL DR. J. S. BROWN uae so miners' incbei or water out of an Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Act apply to in Mmiiter of Public v.4 liler ibaa Snua aa in Srd day af Jaauary, Cartful Attention to Piano DKimrr unnamed itream on weal aide of Stewart I Itn.fno.a- Pl.iinn nt nmr at bit omr in th dtp of Ottawa for ai isis. re1 Ine parehat af Ueeae X ISIS. USUI Sairui Blast, Third Iimm .oiruwi n ,k.auuai iwo...nuiea&. j aouui... ...ot. iiarue.T pro el of lb aald Sit and Plan and U to eat T.a Uoeal feet af CeOir pale aa and furnltur rUmovsls. PIMM M Among our new china we hate ktk io rotutruct th aald works. aa are auaaied aa Wet I Snore, luster atream at a point about O!0 reel In a Dated al Prince Rupert B. C. UU IIU Ituao. Phuaprr Paaaate, Rtaie I, flaatl f HONE 93. weeterly direction from tba mouth of aald some dainty up-to-date patterns day of October. A. D. HIT. Nil witrtcL atream and wiu be uted ror power pur-1 In cups and saucers around 50c. THE ORAUAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND oa (li year wtll be Uw4 far re poaea upon w una aeaenbed I un. a- Haniks J.u..ll.r. CEDAR CO, LTD. ml of umber. occupied Crown land. Tbia notice waa Geo. Klrkertoo, AtenL farther particular af lb Chief ror iter. ftftatAif Ml I K sravtitnil An Ka aw ! a t Harry A. Harvey notieo! T"e' Xma drawing. Every VKtorte, B. C, r DttlMet raretier. prtar Noember. itiT. a copy of tbia nlri, d. c. oj flRC LAR STSTI". (Late LonSoa, Ens, OoMeevalelre and an application purauant inert to and 12 cash purchase entitles you to LAND REGISTRY ACT r SJuale) to tb water Act. mi, wui be nied in a ticket for drawing leather settee (Sectlonj 3 and lll.i TIMBER SALE X10S2. CIMCVIT MO. 1. pupil or LANSDOWNE COTTELL ue omce oi ine water iiccoraer at fnnce and kitchen cabinet. At Tite's RuperL Objecuona to the appllcaUon may R AppllcaUon No. till I, rile 1171 Baa It lib IL aod rd At, Popila Taken for be filed with the aald Water Recorder or a TAKE NOTICE that sealed leaders will b received Br lb aai is Its IL and Ird Ave. application baa been VIOLIN. PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO and wltn toe Comotroller of Water Rlrhu. Xmas Tree and Entertainment mad to rt sitter Arthur A. McEsan. of Miattter of Lamia not later ibaa aooa aa Bet 14 Its SL and Ird Ave. HARMONY. Parliament Buiidinn. Victoria, B. c within at the Salvation Army Citadel on rrinc nupert. n. c. aa ottner la ft un lb lllh day r ianaary. ISIS for ih Bea IB Junction of III. EXAMINATIONS jo daya after the rsrit appearance of thia ; Wednesday, Dec. 26th at 8 p. ni der a Til Sal Deed from th collector of purtbaa of Lfrenc X ISSt la rut I.ISS. Ird A tea. i Pupil fr taamliuilloae iuuic iu l eel of sprac. Cedtr. MembMk aiw e IS III Av betweea Its aa Prepared a uku ptwiMKr. ine oia i.. 1 I t C 1 1 -1 uty or Prior Rupert, beartnt dite IUeetala BMard, Vancouver. Cwittr th nr.i publication of thla notice la i i.veryuouy wcicojiic cuer coi- tn tnd day of November, lilt, or ALL Balaam on aa area aliualed on Nauh lb Sit. (laol Motel ftayal Ootlee ef aauale, Uodon, i November It. IS 17. j lection. tf, and sinqulan thai ceruia parcal or lead Cove. Satan itUad, Pan re J. Cat it DU Set 17 Itl At. ar4 tia SL Cta . j JOHN Q RACE, Applicant. of land and premltea altuale. lylnf, and iricL iral lleleli. ' Miss Kaunders returned this On year will b aUowed for re TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 beinr In Ufc Municipality of Prtnc Rsperl, morning from the south to spend mur particularly known and deacrtbed at ooval r timber. CI SCO IT NO. E. Christmas with her parents, Capl Lot iseoty-tlira (tn. Block ihinr.rnor niriber parucslar of Um Chief roretier. t li Ird At and Ird SL real Vuterta. B. C, or Dltuicl roretier, rrtac iti). aecuon seven (7). Mtn til. Offlc). J.L.HICKEY and Mrs. Saunders, at Digby Is. Rupert. D. C J t IL iou art required la corneal tb claim Set tSlrd Ave. aa) McSrlde STEEN & LONG WILL landr Miss Saunders is in train, of th ut purcbater I thin II daya from aaa III Av. and McBrlde IL CONTRACTOR A BUILDER ting at St. Paul's Hospital in Van uai or in aervlc of thla nntita ea SS lad Ave. and lad SL couver. (which may b effected by adtertlalsr at Be i IS lad Ave. and lib SL a directed), and lour attention la called to Be XT O. T. P. SANITARY AND HEATING Store and Ofllce Fixtures, aection II of tb "Lend Retittry Act" wiu ENQINEERS Pie. II, 8. Avison returned to ajnenamenu, and to tb foUowlac attract CIRCUIT NO. S. 8asb, Door and Moldings, town this morning and wascreet wcrtirom:- Bet SI lib At, and raJtoa IL Oak and Hard Woods of all ed by many of his old friends. He "And In default of a caveat or eertifl Bt SI- Borden and Taylor Sta. Agents for is slill rather weak cat of tit pendena belnr Sled before Sta S4 Tut At, ana rulton SL kinds. and has sev McCLARY FURNACES lb re tit(ration aa owner of Um person TIMBER SALE X 1095. Set SB Sin Ave, end Comoi At. We Specialize In Hardwood eral olher operations to undergo cuuiwa unoer such U tale, all per Bet 7-i Ave, and DoOt Place before his discharge from the eons m aened.. . wiu noUc. . . Set as Sin Av. ami Tnompeon SL PLUMBINQ Boat Ribs, 8ah, auu a.A uhh a cuu&ios tbtouib or under Sealed lenders wiu be recelrtd by ine military He hospital. used to be Doors, eto. loera, ana an peraona clalmlnc any In- Mioiaier of Landt nol later than noon oa CIR0UIT NO. 4. and Jwilh the O. T. P. before he en "" ma him oy virtu or tb i sib day of January. ISIS, for in aay Bea 41 lib Av. and Emmerton SHEET METAL WORKS Plate and Sheet Glass and listed. uorerittered Inttrumenl, and all peraona purtbat of Licence X ISIt. to cut T.OII.- Plr. ! aaa clalinlor evv reel or sprue. Hemlock and Cedar on any latcrcil la th Phone 5, 834 8econd Avenue. Glazing. I land Bet 41 -th Ave. and Mc bride SL an by deacent are situated whoa tiu la not on Dana Inlet Queen Corner Fraser and 6th Sta. i Christmas social with dance restaured Charlotl Itlanda Bet 41 lib Av. sial Or fen IL Night phones 570 unoer in provuiona or tblt DlttrlcL Act, aball and Blue 270 given in St. Andrew's Hall, Wed b for ever ettopped and debarred from To (li year will be allowed for re Boa 44 Sib Av. and Baall SL PHONE GREEN 269 nesday, December 26th, at 8 p. m aetiiuc up any claim to or in reaped moval or timber. set as Tib Av. and Eberta. IL The right work, at th Bea 141 lib Av. and Touof right by Lodge "Valhalla" of the Scan- vi i"a una to eoia for tales, and lite rurther parUCUlart of th Chief Poraiur. P. BOX time, and at the right prios. O, dinavian iirauirer anau retltter the nerton an. Victoria, B. C- or PUtrid roretier. Prince Iraternlty. Programme titled under tucti tti tale aa owner of Rupen, B.C. at. jand refreshments. Gents, $1.00; "a iauu ao aoia for leiee." ladies, 50c. Scandinavians draft, "iieiiiTS apDUcaUon hat hu. Te Worklnf Maa'a Home. ed for military service specially tor a Mtrtmcat of Indcfeeaibl Till Prince Rupert Feed Co. Invited. All welcome. 201.02 to lb Armur aboreroentloned A. MCEwam landi. In lite turn THE HUB aaa AND WHEREAS aDDlleatlon h.. t. PHONE 68 The smiling countenanco of rwnls of InJefraiibl Till Protect Your Family Second between Slath A Setenlk Harry Hanson was to be seen at . n appcara trial prior to th I lib day p. o. box sas prinoi "upikt the rail of the Prince ecpiemoer. III! (th dale on which hi T Hupert as ibe aid land I were aald h, ........ ami., i I,,m all ni in i iiiwa mmmtm FOIl sho drew up to the wharf this met), you were the rnir.4 BUY BOWLINQ ALLEYS morning. He has been away for aetaed owner IherMf POOL and BILLIARDS the last eight rL'llTIIER TAkE ROTIce i... .. .... months, and has DOMESTIC BREAD LUNCH COUNTER BULBS vlalled Delia Coola, Vancouver, riii,,i...u..am iim,...t tM, ... "'r.7'" "7 Tacoma, Seattle and as far east ,,Kwr""'i cn appucauon Tills and Itiu a "THE BREAD WITH THE LAHEL" Tulips, to lb Itld RepreaenUnt t Hyacinths, Daffodils, i. Taylor. Enrlneerlnr Company, Alice as Chllliwack Introducing his patent iTr. we,ai'ro tf McEwan arm. B. C, T. A. Kelley Loftlnf Easter Lilies, Narcissus. coll, but finds that after all, triiUMi. .k- HEADQUARTERS FOR Lumber CoH Ltd., Queen Outrloite I. there Is no place like Prince Hupert. Wl CASH PAV OHKOKS He says It's the only place Poaed il W to ,,r,,,tn, Pro CHRISTMAS CAKb Make Tba HUB your headquarters, Mail Ortfere Promptly Atltaded U. on the coast Ihul Is not building with High-class Decorations lave your mall addreated In our care. Prlne Ryijart K . ships that he has seen. rptemlier, x. dT' i7t ",0 " ' Pheet Black B10. H. R. Reee, Prep. p o. Bea aaa. oS Thlrtf Ove'n ' r. MACLEOD, Dlm, every evening until Clirlst-mas-Wallace's. La Casse Bakery tf, T Char!.. mnltI '""V eeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee