Llbrsry The Daily News )I VIII. NO. 209. ux nuW ,i. a. nuiuT. igcgnmi ,,. . mgl 01SHEW II IS DP AGAINST TIME AMES I f RAND DUKE NICHOLAS IS AGAIN IN THE FIELD - FIERCE FIGHTING IN ITALY RAND DUKE HON. T.D. PATTULLO, SnlrflNG LOSSES BRITAIN'S WAR CONSCRIPTION OF MORE SERIOUS MINISTER OF LANDS, ARE DECREASING INDUSTRIES FAVORED NICHOLAS HAS RETURNS TO VICTORIA AIMS AGAIN POSITION (Special to Tlx IN Dtllr newt. (Speciai to The Daily nwi, ANARMYT00 The Hon. T. D. Pallullo. minis. London, Dec. 21. There was a London, Dec. 21 The British EXPLAINED distinct note of confidence In Pre- government have not yet seen fit .... NORTH tcr of lands, and member of Par-1 I n i I. ITALY u,.trr ..,,u uwrges voice yesier- to Introduce conscription of men ',.nkw Now Marchlnri Aaalnat .Uamenl for this district, who hat i day when he stated in the House In Ireland. It is said that the cab-of Moscow-Bolshevlkl Olves 'en ,n.l,,e for ""I 10 Premier Lloyd Qeorge Makes It Commons that the shipping Inel is In favor of the conscripJ Only One Allies two Months to juays, relumed south on the Prince Plain to Germany What are wsses ai sea are now fewer. While tion of Industries. Mountain Rampart Now Iluperl this Conditions in sinning by submarines Between Huns and the Level Join Peace Move. rnorniug. When interviewed of Peace are In Australia. I by the Dally News at to From the Allies. fewer, shipbuilding Is on the In Sydney, N. 8. V Dec. 21 The Plains of Venetla I ..I.II I. f , crease, and the Fierce Fighting. speeisl to the ban ,tm,, ' air. i-atiuuo saw: margin of losses early reports from the larger Dec. 21. cm "or"' 1 look Into a Special tn The Dally 5ews.J Is steadily growing less. cities throughout the Common- -.,;, arapanda,be . successful in Kerensky raising J'"""J' le". w,,,c.h. a.ffec London, Dec. 21, Premier Last week there were fourteen wealth make it practically cer- f1 to,Tbe D"J Dritisb merchantmen of slx- InL ''"dfluartera in the field nbers of troops in sym.!"". r,,"rc ""'7 T ,iricl Lloyd George made it plain to over tain that today's vote has gone iteen hundred u"c 2lf Th "'tuatlon In tons lost by sub favor of the antl.conserlniinnf.1. I the his Ideals, and with w ,0 le Germany in a great speech delivered a T,,,Y. marine and mine, together with The first million lhelnorlher" flh"n zon today (question taking care of the in the House of Commons voles on three smaller vessels. rpfAPaonHitm &'tS(K li re 8erl0US aspect. been' n v a iirt the city of Moscow, which l"""'!., " ' n,0,iuuo "eci yesterday that the only speech de has lT,,e enemy been successful In -.nii." . . . ... counted eive th a a HtTllCI dill. as well as discussing livered in the House of Commons ma rt ioflI 1st in Ilia Vianrfa f II,. v t i' - ear v hhuu vl M v 'the with GERMAN SOCIALISTS Jorlty of a hundred and l"" Mon'e Aiolono from power question members yesterday that the only security twenty llGlicvikl. In the Caucasus, the of the council. which the allies wftuld consider ARE NOW UP IN ARMS thousand. ,whence there is but one stretch of I hind Duke Nicholas has also j Hills between him and the level "The fishing Industry Is one of would be that which would come thered a great army of (loyal. (Specta: lo TU Dtllr .Vwt.i Plains or Venetla. This great the most Important in the north from the destruction-of the mill-tary GREAT DEFENCE PUT Ih and it Is expected that he will Stockholm, Dec. 21. The move mountain is the last of the heights and I am very anxious that every power of Germany and the ate with Korniloff and Kale-j In that section with made by the German an altitude of facility should be afforded for the democratization of the German government UP BY THE ITALIANS with the than Ukrainian forces In toward a separate peace with more four thousand feel, and protection of the fishing fleet, and government. lu H llussia, together with Ker- Russia is.now being'assailed by u is snowless except during the while the financial situation is not The alms of the allies war as y against the oppression of the Herman Socialists as being Prussian Guards and Austrian severest of the winter weather, what we would like, nevertheless enunciated by the Premier in his Holshevlkl. Oie greatest danirer menacine Jaegers Meet Their , In the fight for the possession I hope that we may be able to speech yesterday demand the coin. Match In of the H -Iside of the cities and I lie democracy. The Socialists are Italy. height, the utmost ferocity make some provision during the plete restoration of the territories was displayed by both r?r towns, Trotsky and Lcnine ow up In arms. sides, and goi no great support. The Voming session, when the esti taken by the enemy; compensa At Italian Headquarters, Dee. the Italians contested every Inch M tali, who constitute four. mates are brought down to lake tion for the damage dohe, and se CANADA'S TRADE 21 After over a fortnight's hard of the ground with extreme pertinacity. li r-1 f it.- I . 11....1. I v " '"" T curity for the future peace of the and breathless fighting, during The Austro-German forces ..... iiuruiauuil VI "Ul, ll .,,1. I rrallr taken wrv little lo .In!" - " i world. (Special lo Tbe Dulj .lews.) which the Italians disputed every had brought up a tremendous Ill J:e w c ions of the Bol.hevlki,- - -".nahini. IiaaI IV'. I The allies are determined lo Ottawa, Dec. 21. Canada's inch of the ground, whether on number of big guns and with no t rven in the cities, owlns to tn say that I think j fight on until their war aims are trade figures show un largely. the Piave line or on the high regard for their losses, which the prospects for northern Dritlsh j achieved. Lloyd George's speech plateau of Asiago, in the neigh were terrific, caused the Italian me l arcity or food, fuel and The eight-month period for 191" Columbia are brighter today than has been received with acctama- borhood of Fellre and Monte retlral. shows general increase in supplies, Uie tide of a 8 pop- prac-Ccally jla, indignation la tbey ever appeared to me before, tion throughout the country and all departments TIiere-rcipt Grappa, as though the fate of tbe British Front. rising against .the.. and while worldw ide conditions J he Las the pepole of Great Britain for the month of November entire nation hilng "1ipn "i&cn Lonfon7Der-2 1.Portuguese The Osneral Peace. generally are untoward, yet this behind him. alone exceed those for the same!supreme action, it is now possible troops near Laventie, north of I Mrograd, Dec. 21. The Dot. is especially a time when we must I period of 10Ifl by f82.000.000. to reckon up the gains and rea Arras last night, repulsed an attempted not lose our courage, and I think FISHINQ ARRIVALS lize how much has been done, even German raid. The Brit hr tu now gives the Allies two This of course is largely to be ac that as far as northern British I though a colossal task still re ish artillery Is very active on the counted for in nths in ulilrh In inln by war production. in u.e CwluBlbla u concerned, there isj The i number of fishing boats ar- mains. Tbe enemy hoped by a Vpres sector, but otherwise, ex-V jieral Peace which they pro.he reason why ,hou,d main- Wing for the past few days has THE POLICE COURT Budden onset, sweeping like an cept for hostile artillery activity' T!rJ:"r0j:-"C.r.ding Uin a healthy spirit of optimism, been mall, on account of the se. avelanche down from the mountains, near Paschendaele. there is noth speech of Trotsky. .No In "In addition to the fishing and vera weather being experiences This morning before Magistrate to have paralysed the re ing lo report. ormation has been given out by mining development that li a s outside. The ftennel came in yes. Carss, in the police court there sistance of the soldiers and Officers Retired. rroUky. however, whether the ,laln i.lsa I It a f I niliaf i n j 1 1 1 f . 4 ..4... ft A A It.. crushed the spirit of the entire London, Dec. 21 Questioned In antral Lmpires will also join ln;hlt. ,hftn tnark-j ..ivanenment. .hti. .i.i isu -m- t.,a,.- was one case, when Nels Nelson nation. Instead, he met with a the House of Commons, Bonar was fined $10 for being drunk. lur general peace, two mnQIII'Thu .... lhr have been five or Iho nnl arrival ia Ihf nnrir K. series of painful purprises. Never Law could not stale how many - ( - aw v av -w vv D v iieivp six times as many timber sales in Foster with 90,000 lbs. for the THE CRADLE since the war began has fighting generals had been permanently The Russian Throne. northern U. C. as last year and Cold Storage, had such a personal character or retired in connection with the recent London, Dec. 21. The Morning when it Is considered that these , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. given such scope for such deeds operations in France. i ' tuuay carries a uispaicu iroiii-.. - .i.g are made upon a SAVING THE FAMILY NAME" Chandler, 232 Ninth Avenue, Kast, of heroism and self-devotion as if rograu wnicn siaies mai ine j basis of immediate development, on December 20th, a son. in (he Italian effort to set up an From the baby to grandma and 1 tussian 1-l. throne may t be Is.re.estab.f a ,U, will give an indication of the This is one of the many remarkable effectual barrier to the advancing grandpa and everyone in between, . ii.iiru, tivriimuy uricrnm. .... ,.,,. ... n,- lmh,. jn plays produced by the The Princess Sophia will sail flood. Tbe conformation of the uitable gifts at Wallace's. tf. lo restore the dynasty and to place du(,lry geVfra, arBe underUk famous Blue Bird company, which for the south tomorrow morning country, with the valleys running the ex.Ciar back again In his ings are also under way which is to be seen at the Westholme llipail PseT Sow! ssec hhnlr-cp saparalely to the plain, rendered tingdom, or else sonic other mem. will help the situation materially. Theatre tonight. A s the title at 9 a. nu arriving in Vancouver! general action impossiDie, ana Ilomanoff family, on the j "I am very pleased at the local suggests, the play contains some on Monday morning. Passengers breaking tip the defence into epl Frizzell's I irone as an autocrat. It Is ex. i result of the recent election al. strenuous acting, and it is one for Seattle will arrive there on sodes in which each regiment. rcted that a German pronuncia. at the each battalion, and each officer i though disappointed gen- continuous sparkle from begin- Monday evening. li-nlo announcing this will be re,ut. however. now that the ninR to end. The stars are In the could feel how much depended on pu.m, ifiueum t-ciruHruu. nre js over it behooves all to front rank in their profession and Toy bargains for balance of the individual action. All nobly rose e arrival of a large number of beml every e(Tort towani, tt,e best the play is surely a good one. It week, at Tile's. See windows for to the occasion. The Bersaglieri Place your order Downd I"ura v.,,, iU ..rBuiiavo juiuro r" ways and means of winning trie f. almost too good to mis. .nd Xmas values. 301 and Alpine troops brought down of your ererr requtrtiiMDt for ingemenls with the Bolsheyikl, ;war amJ of beUerng conditions m addition, there will be a fine from the Carua and Cadore positions, Christmas Am usual dinner.wUl bara um Urrest inpcmiing. uennany in luiure generIy in ou. own country. comedy. ; o. For New Wellington Coal and which they had held so ably, and best assortment of Turkey, likely to control all Itussia and i ai a time when the general , Ir Lumber of all dimensions. are now Joining In the defence of Oeesa. Ducks, Cnlckrns, tic. In expected lo oppose the vast',...,,,.!,,,,.. . Uner-healed and: Th neweL slvles. the newest (hone 116. the' Piave line. They are full or Rortnera Brl mix Columbia. ower thus acquired awiinst llie'p.opj,, nro BUper-scnsitlve, many shades in crepe de chine, geor- fight, and seem impervious to fa. LOWEST PRICES SERVICE mocracles of the West. harsh feelings are likely to be en- pelte and mummy silk waists Just The best of them all Pathe tigue and lack of food and sleep. COURTESY See our Christmas and Baskst eon gendered. This Is a time when we from eastern fashion centres Pathephones Wallace's. tf. Along the line Monte Monfenera- Ulnlot no Urro Turkey and all TOYS. Wallace's. should both practice and preach Wallace's. tf. Monte Pertica-San Marino the essentials Tor Uta Cnrlstmts Dinner, toleration to each other's view.) Toys and novelties. See our 15c, Prussian Jaegers swept as many price SS.00 Sallvteae. For Christmas trees, phono 210. point, because I believe that in the "Koxie" Fireside slippers 25c, 50o and $1,00 assortment an five or six limes to the assault tU Our our display preriout Uils efforts.year will Included surpass JiU. main, we are all striving for the Wallace's. tf, tables. Tile's. 301. over the same ground, being in- tn our, Holiday stock wUl be found 'same object. Hecently the letter ariably repulsed. On this front. Orantee. Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes, WW WW WW W W m f. .jlr.iariA lPAft I tfkfl IfimA Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re Christmas tree nnd entertainment measuring less than ten miles, the apples. Ctulinower, Sweet Potatoes, I do not at the Methodist Sunday enemy was obliged to withdraw Radishes, Green Onions, 0 rapes. On account of the In. !little consternation. duces your fuel bill and gives Squash. Pumpkins. Oreen Peppers. of Ihlnk that this letter was in any satisfaction. Phono 15. .P. R. School Friday evening at 7 o'clock three divisions because they had Brussels Sprouts. Pears, Coeoenuls, crease In the cost pro. wny endangering to the spirit or;coal Co. Silver collection. 299. been practically annihilated. The rir. Dates, etc.. etc visions, laundry, etc., we the Allies; nor do I think that it slopes ore strewn with corpses of GEORGE J. FRIZZELL aro compelled to advance una encouraging ttio enemy as Prussian Guards and Austrian phosjis 10 ana CS. our prices on some articles. was suggested. On the other handj Jaegers, the finest troops of the I look at it as one of the mom Central Empires. Prisoners ac SELF'S NVlUTi: CAFi;LUNCH. hopeful signs, because it brings CLOSING Q UT SdM knowledge that the Italians re TAXI! to the front the fact that there suteii lueir advance in a manner TAXI! IIOYAL CAFK. has como a keen realtxatlon that which they would have believed tike old order or things Is passing New Year's Eve impossible, and that their only PHONE PHONK and that a new democracy is at hope of breaking through w hand. Lord Lansdowno Is of the with the assistance of the heavy Reliable 24-Hour Service WESTHOLME i)!d School nnd no one realties EVERY ARTICLE IN STORE AT LOST artillery, the arrival of which was better than he the change that Is dally expected. OPERA IIOUSK working at tho present time. TONlQHT ONLY "To the people of northern H. Dolls, games, toys, Wallace's. 0 at thl Christmas seuson, I extend Bluebird present -MARIE my best wishes and hope that LOOK FOR LOOP Owing to the Cadets concert the spirit of optimism uiul courage being held on the 19th curt, the MCLAREN nJ of the people of the north will JEWELLER, 123 SIXTH STREET 0. W. V. A. dance will be post PHILLIP SMALLEY always prevail, for In pile of poned until the 21st. Admission FOR QUALITY gents $1.00, Ladles 50c. 299 IN seemingly direful world coudl- FIlVICi: and SATISFACTION "Saving the Family Name" tlnna wit mnat rntiK'inliHr Unit WATCH THE WINDOW WATCH THE WINDOW s AND A 'God is still In the Heavens and all Are you puttied about what to IX DAY VEEK:FOU HKLP, COMEDY is well.' " 1 give HF.Il? Try Wnllace'a. tf. i