TllK DAILY NEWS L .... Jjtl Man's Staff of Life Is SCHEDULE MAIL The Daily News the whole wheat cittin not THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA the white, starchy centre of . EasL a For the -. - Publl.hed Dally and Weekly the wheat make no mistake Wedncsdsys and Bal-nlays Guaranteed Largett Circulation about that but be sure Mondays, m. at 9:30 a. vmi net the whole wheat HEAD OFFICE: crain in a digestible form. From the EasL Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. Shredded Wheat Biscuit Sunday. 5:30 p. m.; Tuesday. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO cents per Inch. contains all the tissue-build :30 p.m.; Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. ing, energy-creating material For Vancouver. in the whole wheat, steam Monday ' ,n- DAILY EDITION Friday,' Dec. 21, 1817. cooked, shredded and baked. Tuesdays & P tn A nerfect food for the Thursdays 10 p. in. THE OUTCOME abty look aay from them before nourishment of the human Saturdays P- m Now that the election past, this last election? Will hodv. A better balanced and the Union government they see to it that a proper and ration than meat, or eggs From Vancouver.10 m. claim for themselves a majority graduated income tax Is im. or starchy vegetables, sup Sunday 9 p.a. in. In Parliament, what is left for posel upon those who are best the amount Mondays plying greatest 10:30 m. Wednesdays a. the people of the Dominion is able to pay such? Will the new nutriment 0 of body-building P to see just ho& much better off government take proper control Fridays lowest cost. For break 10:30 a. in. at Saturdays they are under the new admin over the production of ar istratlon than Ihey were under material? fast with milk or cream, or the old Tory Borden Govern These are but a few of the for anv meal with fruits. For Arjjroi. ment- The one great issue things whiefait ia up to any Made in Canada. Sundays 10 p. m. claimed by .the Unionists was government to see after at the Wednesdays 10 p. m. the compulsory recruiting of In Fridays 8 P- Millions be able to ih.Vnn..i. di Union government 10 m. Canada's manhood, under the r.-r m. ,in h,P Saturdays p. provisions of the Military Ser full share in the war. Her full take that Jurisdiction over the un of Packages of the Dominion vice Act. Support for the men share is not only in the sending used resources From AnyoK. already in the trenches and the of more men to France. It also which the Dorden Tory govern Sundays, a. taH Mondays, a. m.. ment couldn't. If not, there are and Thursdays. of this famous Vnrtf mc Sweetmeat are vigorous prosecution of the war consists in aupplfing the Allies Tuesdays, p. in, was the thing which the Union. with food, with aeroplane lum many people who would like to p. m. sent to the soldiers,sailors and aviators 1st party claimed they alone ber, with copper, and the thou know why. at the front. were able to accomplish. sand and one other articles J V m4. cukiaii..fW. a. Maaa' ------Rlwae Polnta To ensure their return re necessary for the proper prose In Great Britain the food con t or aunuays, iu p. iu. If you have a friend there, sec that every quired the expenditure of a lot cution of the war. A regular facture troller has of forbidden during the manu the From Tuesdays, p. m. parcel or letter contains n few bars or a cream of money. And it was expended, supply of ships to carry sup of WRtGLEVS, the chew, winter account of the package great months, on too. with a lavish band. plies to the allied countries is Quean Charlotte Islands. already scarce supplies of milk intf confection that is used around the Every newspaper in the Dominion equally necessary as sending Mails Close Oct. 10 and It. carried a large space more soldiers. If one may There they have a controller who ov. 7th and 2 1st, Dec. Sth and world. advocating the blessings to flow Judge by the uleerances of the controls. th 10 p. m. Kce-p It alwaje on hand. H from the return of the Dorden representatives of Great UriU Mails from Oct. ltlh and 28. ba-lpa trth, appetite, dltfeetio. Unionists. Nor were bill boards ain who have spoken on thi Willi Siberia and Finland as .ov. ltlh and 25lh, Dec. 9th and overlooked. The most was suojeei, u migm oe taken as suming independence and the 3rd p. m. Sealetl tight made also out of the Ukraine in revolt, the Dolshevikl King's even more necessary. Kept rtgUt J&YVk mom- m M. P. P.'s If the Union can hardly be said to have been uniform, cassocks, new government lUwart, Maple Bay and Swamp and K. C.'s. gets down to real business and a brilliant success in maintaining PolnL And after it is all over, the does first things first, it will be the primary unity which made the For Thursdays, 10 p.m. electorate are somewhat justified so much in Us favor. Dut if first revolution n possible.m From Saturdays, p. m. in seeing that the pre-elec on the other hand, it does not, tion promises are carried out. and dallies along in the same After the war the essential sup Alaska and Yukon Torrltory. They may expect to see the Dominion dilatory fashion of the late plies of foodstuffs, and for man. For Mondays 0 p. m. of Canada, for the first Dorden government, which did ufactures which come largely From Saturdays, p. m. from those of the world time since the outbreak of war, so, except in the execution of parts controlled by the allies will be being placed upon a war basis. legislation affecting its own Of course, there is often quite particular interests and then supplied to the allied countries HAIR SEAL SKINS The Flavour Lasts first, then to neutrals. The and a big discrepancy between ex. it could be smart enough the I vaat to rtt Into toacb vita pectations and their realization. one result will be the disruption surplus, if any, may be permitted prraoa fcavtar or vba sue bavo to go to Germany. This spell kair eal ar tea Hon ikta vblcb of the alleged Unionist party. economic ruin. ire rrea f rota scar ar rrfc or book What will the new govern, bole. ment do with to the food NOTES AND regard COMMENTS The Daily News delivered by J. N. M. BROWN controller? Will they insist Paet om Be S07, vaaaaater,B O. -arrirr. 50 cents per month. Subscribe for The News that he do some controlling for The Christmas feeling is be Daily a change? Will the profiteering ginning to make itself evident, .iotice is HCRtar civtt tati arptica on the food of the people n. is m lk will t m4 to tte LrtUUe A. and the food of our soldiers be Wonder what the Union govern KoMf Brttiaa Colaaibu at lu Mil done away with? Will the new ment will be going to do with the artatoa for aa act to lacorperal aa ee- aorUUoa kJMa aa "Tin Eaianaf aa4 government be strong enough Prince Rupert drydock plant? TrrbaUal tattitsta of BMUia ColaatMa. to get after Sir Joseph FlaveJIe. Will they be as much interested life por to pruaou aa4 HxrtaM Ua which was more than the old in the welfare of the city as would kaoalrdrt, (kill and prunftoxy of lu aar- Dorden government was able to Laurier? Let's hope so. anyway. j1n aal tcBBtal trvftUoixt, ao4 to that rod to MUfclua and ccodact aiamiAa do? Will they make proper oa tad prevail toe Uiu of cam allowances to the soldiers, and Air. Cbamberlin. the late presi pctrory aad CBoral caaractrr aa may t to their dependents, as the dent of ih ft T I .(.! .thai. IV, akMikl aipediaet aa4 to aranl cvrUAcalca 1 w w. a. s.hi U IMU has been of mctaLrra&ip la Oum tpmt4 f, aad WOW 7 country crying out Dorden government has no more to parchaM or oUwrwUa acqntra aa4 boU for them to do for a long time? Jurisdiction over the drydock rral and pcraoctaj prrrtr far toa porpoaa Will they give to the women of plant than they bad over any of tba kutltalc, aad to dirpoaa ihcraaf aad Canada the vote which the late other manufacturing Institution rrtari ta prorcrda la aacfe mtaarr aa mar Bt aad to Be anuasca fata and Dorden government unw arrant- oh the D. C. coast Will the Dor- aaaual fee or abacrtptlcoi to t paid by Uta mrmtxra. aad to vary Uta aama from tuna to tsaoe. aad to pro Ida for taa nua arrowal of lu affair by count 11 to ta cooiututed la aaca manner aa may b pra tided for by lav, aad to nave Its bead SPECIAL cSt aad hoM It eeal "Wfi la BMUtfc Columbia, bate, eajer, aad eterciaa all pera, rtsbU aad prttUete Christmas Sailing aereaaary. aaaal or ladoealal to all or any of Ibe afforeiald pttrpoata. BHADSHAW 4 STACPOOLZ. Solicitors for ta AppucaaL DATU at Victoria. B. C, tail itta day S.S. Prince George of December HIT SUNR-AY. DCCCMBER 23rd at 7 p.m. FOR VANCOUVER, MINERAL ACT VICTORIA A NO SEATTLE. CCKTITtCATE Of IMPNOVKMIirrS TRAIN 8CRVI84E 11 04t' WeeaeeeaF aad a.t.rea, t Hill .. for smitten. NOTICC wwr- tlmooum sad Wlnnlptr. maklor direct coanectloae tar all MoljtxVBum"' aad "Succe" Mineral potau rut and tooth. CUtau. altnata ta taa Skaeaa Mlalar Dirt' itoa of Caaaiar DlttrlcL Agency All Ocean Steamship Unas. W bera located: Aboa I 4 mtlea Waiurlr For Information and reservations apply to from taa arid of A Ilea Arm. aid about City Ticket Mlee, SM Third Avenue. Ft,ON MO I mile from taa Beaca. TAKE nOTICC tbal Levi W. Palmare im niwri ceruaeaie no. Ittlt-C, aa item or to Molrbdenam Mlalar aad Re- oucuoa compaar. Umlted. (Non peraoaal uabuity) rrea Miner XerUBcaia No. Itltt-C. tatcada atity daja from ta du 'CANADIAN FACIF1C RAILWAY oeraor, to apply to Uta Muunr Recorder ror a ceruacete of Improvemenu. for toe pvrpote of bbiatniBa' a Crova Oraat of WmjBKU Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points eaca ai taa above claima. A.1D riRTUCn TALK J10TICK Uul acUoa majjlUW via Steamer to Vancouver and tha uaarr sectloa St mult be caaiieoe4 b CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY far to Ittue- of ucb CerUScau at ln. F Meal and Berth Included en Steamer provemeota. Pour LUX the troubled DATED tal Itlb on Prlaceea tonU foe Aiaaka Deeemeer im MIT. day of Movtmber A. D rnacM Sophia far Yaaeeaver Otcmkar ZZ4. rit rlaaeee Re,el far Osaier Bar MS Bllee Arm 10 a. m Daamear ISth, NOTICE. waters of the wash JtUas aeaaerf ftth, ISUl, 2U reenter, Sth, IS, 2SUu rlacHe WI far Vaaeeever via Ooeea rail S a.av Decanter 17th, Sa OuU.H "Brova -Uuu Bear" t. Xtlhl aeaearf TVk. tfia. SSU Fteruer, 7t, 1Slk ana XSUi. rrcMon. "Soaumi rracttoa " -sa Uot rracuoo.'. "Sbeei Aacbor rracttoa,1 -ut of these little LUX wafers wonders J , I. PETERS, General Agent Utm,- -Camp Bird Fraction- aad -Obaer. MILLIONS are working every Co ner Fourth Street arxl Third Avenue. Trfnca Rupert. B.C. lorjr Mlaertl CUiau, iltutl im la all over Canada. In color theyre like.cream-to the Skeeaa Mlaiat u"tu DlvUloa- ' of Bear Coail Lak.OUlrlct Surf touch like silk. The fine, soft, creamy lnther LUX makes, Is tbUU TAkE rrlute NOTICE hajU taal i.uad.f, fr m. W.ll. splendid for woollens-it never shrinks or hardens them. . In fact, all Dttfl Merely another cragfe rrea dulr imaorutd Miner- Cenillcau ireot of MUUrd a, uc,f. tba kinds of garments, woollens, silks, laces, linens, etc., dainty or otherwise, your W.r-ren. rrea Miner1 Ceruscaia No. lisuc are really preserved by LUX. It leaves them luxuriously clean, aPafTTlI? fR MaUdaVa Srr of Tar aa4 Cod Liver OO aw awTr Wly to tae t?t but with the fabric absolutely freo from matting and shrinkage. I .U mW. 1 1 pswatlj smau makUi, but tkaale to Ma to ale anvs carilflftle ' Mum,, fucorde, ..... tmcrovrmeau. r ik- sUD44amtagjatertiaUUIpaUM7aUateUiOTe fata cold and tana cflecta a permaaeat care. It U thai quality which aoe was tar Pj-a In cf abov rtuiaiM Crovs Oraai cf SAMPLE FREE on opjl!cation to Lever Brothers B Ska Urraet aaia a oaj anew a4 coU raeMer la Canada. cltai. jj. iary Jeattfrs, rwrjaaW. Man, iiader ecUon si. nan . Limited, Toronto. Sold at all grocers, V k. atATaHSO CSV, Remember t lit LUX is made In Canada. 2nd. It won't shrink wooUsas. nil " "Mi day f October, A.D. lib lI.-ItTLUd.HAIUlM.jaj