FrMnr- December 21 1917 TIIE DAILY NEWS HIE TONIC THAT 'GUERILLA WARFARE LAND(Sections REOISTRY St and lit.)AOT I BE CLEAN rU-rtiArrrAA-A A A AAA ! BY TURKS IN JUDE Its AppllcaUon .to. seos-l, films 1171. TAkE NOTICE Itiat application hil been INTERNALLY BRINGS HEALTH Willi the IlrilMi In Palestine made to rerliter Anne Dorr, of Prince AT BED TIME via London. There lias Lecn Ituperl, B. C aa owner In fee tinder Tat Sile Deed from lbs Collector of tbe Over 600,000 People Are Now stubborn flglittiiir diirlnK Hie last CJijr or Prince Dupert, betrinf dais Um If overcCorked and "Frult-a-tlm" Builds The forty.eiKlit hours in Iho Judea lOlh dar of September, till, of ALL A.TD Doing So. too Up hills, where small bodies of Turk SINGULAR thai certaia parcel or trad of tired or nervous to sleep, Whole System are, atleinntlntr In delay nnr n,i land and premlaes iltoale, Irlnr. and belnr For many yean physicians bars ar-cedl follow these directions and in IM Municipality or Prince Ituperl, more Unnco rather than alUriiDlinir thai St per cent, of human ills was caused I In particularly known and described ai Lot br accumulated waste la tbe Lower Intee- is assured. restoring rest TheM wlio talc "Fraiu-Uvet" for (hold any specified line. The nar- forir-ooe 4li. Block inirty (IS), Section line; that in our preaent way of livinil Ihs first time, ar of too aelontelied at eleht (si, hip sit. i row rocky defllea and gurge in ub- tmM ri rtmors ill iWs wiite For each You arc required to eontcit the claim of rxmon or nm f tA 9 ths il builJt ihim and fnaifl way fi j i,ef)e parlll facilitate defensive about aiiuuoce, no matter now rcrularl ibe ui purcbaaer within si dayi from toe tk,mr,lbeUrllovtr. They may U , lacllCi or, ,noro of ,e gucf,a dita or tbe aerrlca or urn notice (which we mlrhl bej and tbal tbe poteens from I teaspoon of cocoa or chocolate, J UklDr'-JruUs tlTesyorsomeipecifie ., bul thpy are nol , may be effected by publication), and your ibis wiite circulated throurb UM blood cup boinng vater, a tablestxxmfuls of "anada i1'. V,?!"0"' LndJe.e,.U?' ery effective against our deter. attention H called to lection IS or the pulled us away down below par and were j Firit (EoaporaUa) Millu. AcUmgar to suit teste, Land Detiitry Act" with amend menu, and reepMieible Tor many dieeaaei of a serious I bring to scalding Kot, ""-ned which heat, serve t' Progress, continue. io tne roiiowioc citraet tlxrtfrom. uature. m;tUorP7a.mck" AndTTey "'"torily. The Inhospitable "And In default of a caveat or cerufl Durinf una lliue Um . t. L, Cascade" fl M.B' arnclcr of the region and our cate or Ha pendens belof Died before or Internal Batnins has, because of their I Your Qroctr will aJelse "Canada Flrd"Ak him. ' tbe retlitration as owner of the person recoMioMyiaUon and Uiose of lu uteri,j ttieaa. that th rl Kttr .n.i ;1nglhenlng lines of communlca entitled under such lax aale, all persons jeen steadily rrowmr In favor. THE AYLMEft CONDENSED MILK CO, LTD. In t,on niraY throw a great strain so served with notice and AVLAIBR. ONTARIO stronger eeery wsy. This is due to ItecenUy, however, Ibe aurtUnr news,I Ilia wonderful Unit firofvriiti of thes , on lhe transport. A heavy storm those elaimtor throurn or under them, bleb has been coverinr tbe country that) famous tablets, made from fruit Juices, yesieraay uia not neip mailers and all persons claimlnr any Interest treat aurseona and specialists nave been I in tna land by virtue or any unreustered We. a box, 6 for 12.60. trial site. 25c. but the organization is so efflcleril Instrument, and all persona claimlnr any uperatlnf on tbe Lower Intestine la sucb I A I alt dealers or aent postpaid by Fruit- 'and such energy and goodwill are interest in the land by descent whose icrtoui dlaeaies aa Tuberculosis, and at tribute such conditions of chronic Ul- stives limited, OtUw. exhibited on all hands that the title Is not rcfistered tinder Iba pro-Visions hcaim aa Nervous and Rbeuma- Debility or this Act, shall be Tor LAND LEASE NOTICES .troops have not had to suffer from eitopped and debarred from setUnr ever up Uim to thia cause, alao aayiot that theeel (any shortage. Fortunately the aay claim to or In reaped or Ibe land poiaona are favorablo to U develcpmenll (.rain seldom louts more than a day to sold Tor uies, and tbe Retiitrar i.t Cancer and Tuberculosis (aa atated Inl SIIXJA LAMD UIITIIICT DJSTIJCT two and aball rerliter Ibe pereon entitled under a recent article In The Mew York Ttmea), or today's bright sun COAST, RAN OK FIVE. aucb tat aale ai owner or the land to baa caaaed people to become tborourbly I shine and wind have restored nor- aold for taiee." aaake to the imporunce or keepinr this I Serve tam nouts thai waiter e. wetter, oriinal conditions A.1D WHEREAS application nas been Lower lateatlne free from all poiaonoual ZESTS "L TO. everywhere taking made for a Certincala of. Indefcaiibia Title witte mitter, and over 100,000 are nowl to the above-mentioned lands. In the name mint Internal Batne. ti roiiowinf deecribed Undji ,nd vantage of the first rains to be. of Anne Duffy: This enUiuitaiUe and triteful letter lal cotnmtacias si s poii planted n lour- ,8in ploughing and indeed an as KUD WHEREAS on toreiilriunf the Utle by no mtana an etceptlonal one aiuonail eeciioa r jus water Mtrk Tueiui Fee- lonisbing change has come over appears tnal prior to Um lltb day of Ibe hundreds on our nie: Mr d an Em tad West Um U,e ac of U,e In lho September, Hit, (tbe date on wbicb tbe TSI Ttb Ave. South, Letbhridre, Alberta, urouib Conerete Monument ti BerUei" ounlPr- tald land! were sold for overdue taxes, Dr. TyrreU, Toronto: Save rotat, Wales Island B, c, umms mii aanuy region souin oi uaia, autin yon were the assessed owner thereof. Dear Doctor Tyrrell, After uator yourl ss tbiini) ibenc eouta so tbaies, mors da nt verdure seems to spring up FURTHER TAKE KOTICE tbal at tbe I. B. L. Caacade" for Tour mouins, I feell or lees, to man water sura Ton(in pas- tnn.i in ih rmira nf n nlirht mm lima I aball effect rciletrailcn In pur- It my duly aa a thankful patient to ex tbeace northerly end folio press my enthusiasm for the treat bless- Mm westerly uince of lucb application and lisua a As at the though of tar U Ue of Sld Hlt Water Mtrk summons an Certiorate or Indefeaalble Title to Iba aald lut II has been to me. You cannot feel my I to Ux polo I or commencement, and eoa enchanter's wand, the whole es-pect lands la tna name of Anne Duffy unleaa rmottona aa I write una letter In praise I uioioi sis atrea, more or ku. of the country is altered. you take and proiecule tbe proper pro-ceedinra of you la your treat work. Words aim-1 Produce WALTtn t WALKER. Everywhere is green where formerly to eitabiub your claim, if ary. ply fall to etpreia my ibanktulneaa for I Pete- lltb day or October, HIT. to the aald lands, or to prevent sucb pro Drit laarnlnt of your Cascade. Previous was monotonous, tiresome posed action on my part to usint It I could nol to a day without! skic.iA distiuct district or yellow sand. The going also has DATED at the Land Rerutry orsre. a drut of some sort, and einee usint It I cah. greatly improved, although rather Prince Rupert. B. C ibis lit day of Sep-' have not, on my word of honor, swallowed nve'eenta' worth of draft. I spent over lember. A. D. HIT. ,at l TAE notice Uai Walter t, W.U.r. .r tol Lene.fll " R. T. MACLEOD. 1100.00 In the two jeers previous to..bear- Ve&tourer, a. C, occupation Mw4tr, "ave now advanced so far District Rertstrar of Titles. lot or tbe "J. B. L." Would that ail the lawodj to tppir for pcmiiiioa to km in Palestine that we are now well To Robert Mardock, Esq., fount men and women 1 see la ihla town U folnf tfcicriM Uodit bevond the Bandv limit. pint if i nooion si, Vancouver, b. u. wltb their facea covered with horrid, un- CumtMftcInc P tUle4 it loo!,.. ..,, , , ., eirbUy plmplea would uae 1L They would ONE CAN do Her to writ Comer 4 Lot Alt. CuiUr 1 ul l"c MINERAL ACT aoou ftt rid of them, aa I did. I mual EVERY Duirictt utmco Borttwrtr n4 tuHy otl around lUuikh and to the atup, or I will be keeptat yea from yourl for his work, but 1 could OU ten more pnei of I NOTICE TO DEU-lQl'E-IT PARTNER rvruaou uw m potoi worn uii claylike loam, very sticky during To C W. Caiboua my past coodlUon of health, alao In praise I country ad Wtit Um divo, Uraifb s point IS of ibe "J. B. L" May yoi enjoy thia life rain, but ordinarily firm under Take notice, wnereae I have dona and cmum Das Aorta Of to rots I of com to the fuU. aaaed be to done assessment work on the Some bear Ottftfratfnt launfti 1U imLA Una of foot. The nights have turned Sincerely yours. can arms Mldnitbl Praeuon mineral claim, altuated Hits wtr Marti tacoco mttt s ctuiM; ' bitterly cold, which in the circum- on Um llllance river, about fourteen ml lei William Devoy. Some can produce food uwKo oouiocriy mm tuunr, prtui to stances is likely to tell more on from the bead of Alice Arm. In tbe Skeena ir you try um b. l. cascade" you Some can make munltioas mm vi iiivH niicr nrK roruaoa wlU nnd yourself alwaya brtfbt. confl mtnlnr divlaloa or Skeena the than dlitrtct. asieie- CMl to pout It OMU Due Wtll of enemy on our well-clad men! work Tor till. Hit, and HIS, and dml and capable the poleonoua waste I Some can give money im roloi or CoousDrcmnl) Uwac cut lads, who are also more accustomed toakca ua bllioua, blue, duU and nervoua. Tor aald nave paid work and retort la t IS cncini to MM Internal Batha Nature's Tor It is the privilege cM to poiot or comntcoccmcat. to climatic vicissitudes same um anm of IIST.IS. I'nieia you pay are own cure of help. and coouiaiof its ccrvt more or lc. Gins Up tkn juel warm water properly than are tbe Turks. me the sum of HOMO, for your share WALTOl applied, Druta force Nature the "J. B. K. WAUER. of tbe aald aiaeitment work, lorether wltb Pu- ttta it or OctoUr. hit. Cascade" tenUy aseuta her. me coat or wis aavertiaemenr, i anau, at "OU CAN SERVE SktE-IA LA.1D MSTMCT Useful presents. Leather goods, tbe etplraton or ninety (IS) days from caU and sea It at CyrU H. Orme'a Drut by CASSIAIL DI9TMCT Of brass fern pots, Jardinieres, china, tbe data hereof apply to tbe mlnint re Store. Cor. Srd Atenue and Sth SL, Prince Fighting Working bartb rugs, etc., at Tile's dis corder at Prlafe Rupert. B.C. lo have HuperL your Interesu la tna Mldnisbt rracUon Atk ror -Why Man or Today la Only 10 TA1I boUm Ucl Tk4 AS(to-rlUili Co count prices for Xmas. 301. humta rickior Compear Limited, or Via-coarcr, mineral claim vested la me, la pursuance Per Cent. Erflelen, a booklet of treat In having Giving of the provisions of tbe mineral art. terest which la fiven on requeat. If you B, C SUmon occupctioa CAancrc, Ulcodt to tppir ror pcrmitiloa to Wim ROYAL FLYINQ CORPS Dated ai Prince Rupert. B. C, this to lb prefer, write at once to Cnaa. A. TyrreU. This is NATIONAL SERVICE Um rUolot dcicrUxd Uodl; REQUIRES TRADESMEN ay or September, HIT. Dll. M.D HI Coll ere Street, Toronto, for this I H. C. PHILLIPS. book. Are YOU doing pert? C34nmiicto( tt poll pltaicd at men your Wairr Mark rorUand Canal. SS c&aio Dim Mayor McCaffery has received Aorta and 4S cnaiaa, or more. Due Weal WATER NOTICE LAND ACT I Ue .tortk Weal Comer oT Ul SIS, the following telegram from tbe ALL EYES turn now to Caaur Dlalrtcit tbenca tnd Iloyal Flying Corps in Vancouver: oortocrlr TAKE NOTICE thai Dolly Varden Mlnea voaiortr feilomlor Um Uoe of Huh Water "I have today received tele Company whose addreaa U Alice Arm, B. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF J the Canadian Farmer, Mark, rtrtland Canal, to a put I bars an instructions wlU apply ror a license to take and COAST. RANCE I. graphic informing me tail sad Weil Um drawn Ibroacb a point use ua cubic feet or waur per second for he can render the IS thaina Due Sorth r Um point of com-mearemeat that men proficient in the following out or Trout Creek, a tributary or Kit-aault TAKE NOTICE that John Grace, or Van laieraecta with aald Um of trades are requested imme River Bowint Into Alice Arm, Caa-alar couver, B. C, occupation Baherman. In- Empire SPECIAL SERVICE Mib Water Mark, Uvore Weil SS cbainai diately: Coppersmiths, engine District Tbe waur wtu be diverted lends to apply for permission to lease the Mi are aoutberly and eailert paralled with the bead of tbe Fills on tbe SUver foUowlnt deacrtbed landa: in this of the motor sternest filters, mechanics, turners, toe laid Um of Wis Water Mark. Portland Horde Mineral claim. Lot 1104. and wlU Commenclnt at a post pianud on Um year Canal, to a point IS cbaiaa Due Weal tinsmiths, sailmakers, tailors, be used ror power purpose I on Um Wolf foreshore on Um well aide of SUwarl of tbe point or commencement j tbenco shoemakers, cooks and policemen. od Dolly Varden Oroupa of Mineral Narrows, about two mllea south of Hartley war. eail IS chains to aald point of commenco-meal Can I ask you to make this fact CUima beint Leu ITI4 to ITIT !ncluiive. Bay; Ibenco west 0 cbalns. thence north and coatainios IIS acrea mora or known for and Lota SHI to III? Inclusive and Lot 10 chains, I be nee east 10 chains, tbenca But our farms are badly undermanned and have leai of Um d and Fores bore or Peril and applicants III. Caaalar District south to chains to Um point of commencement CanaL ward qualifications to me either AppllcaUon wtu be made aim for ibe and contalnlnt 40 acrea more or leaa. 25,099 men are needed on TIIE AMOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACK1.10 by wire or letter. Age 19 to 40. rlitt to store 319 acre feel In First Trout JOHN GRACE. Applicant. the land. COMPACT UMITEO, Waller E. Walker, AU Medical Married Lake and t,00 acre feel In Second. Third DATED November It, HIT. category A. or Data- lltb day of October. HIT. M and rourtb Trout Lakea. Tbe waur wtll With Insufficient help, the Man on single. be stored In first Trout Lake by the construct! J AUG ABLE WATERS rROTECTlO.1 ACT. the Land SlLE.11 LAAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF (SIGNED). on of a dam al Ita outlet and in fights an uphill fight to CASSIAR. nOYAL FLYING COUPS." Second. Third and Fourth Trout Lakea by R. S. C Cbapur til. meet the pressing need for rood. Um construction or a dam at the outlet TAkE no lira thai Tbe Antto-Briuib Co-liuabia of Second Trout Lake. The eallmaled THE GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND Facklns Companr Limited, of Via-coueer, Salvation Army. area or land to be flooded at rirst Trout CEDAR COM PANT LIMITED berewtUl live rYTY and TOWN B. C, oceupauoa salmon Camiera, Lake la IT acrea and at Second, Third and notice tbal it baa under section T ot the Inteoda to appl Tor permliiloo to leaaa Public meetings, Tuesdays, rourtb Trout Lakea la twenty acrea. said Act drpoelted wttb the Minuter or Um follow lot deacrtbed Undi: Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Thia notice wai potted on tbe around Public Worka at Otuwa and la tbe office can help. Commencinr at a pott planted at llicb on tbe lltb day or October, HIT. tf Um District RetUtrar or Um Land Rea Waur Mark. PorUand Canal. IS caaina Due I.. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. A copy or thia notice and an application ls try Office. DUtrtct or Prince Rupert, at Horta and 4S cnaina or mors Due Weal of pursuant thereto and to Um Water Act, rrlnce Rupert. deacrtpUon or the alia and Municipal Councils, Churches and Um norm Weal Comer or Lot III. Caular Advertise in The Daily Nows. till, wtll be filed In the office or tbe plan or sawmill structure and other worka and other organizations, DUUlcti incnrs nortb IS cbainii tbenco Waur Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. proposed to be built In Quecnetowd Har Schools, eil SS cbatna, mora or leia. to llish SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Tbe date of tbe Orel appearance of UUi bor at Port Clement. B. t, in rront ol both of men and women, can reader Wiur Mark Portland Canals tbene soutb RAN0E flVE. notice In tbe local newipaprr was the lou Five to Ftrteen Inclusive, accordlnt to National Service by directing all erlr and caiUrlr folio int Um Um of COAST, 13rd day of October, HIT, and objection! retlaurcd plan or Um lownalte or the illib Water Mark PorUand Canal to Iba may be Died wltb tbe comptroller or city or Port Clemenu rtfUtered In Um available labour to the Land. point of commencement and contalnlnc SS TAkE uoUre tbal Walter E. Walker, of Water Recorder within thirty daya after aforesaid Land Rettairy omca aa Plan No. acrea mora or leaa. Vancouver. B. C occupatioo Manater, Ibe aald dau. OTI and lake noUce that afur Um ex Farmers themselves can exchange THE AMOLO.BRITISH COLUMBIA PACklMO Intends to apply Tor pcrmlialon to lease DOLLY VARDEN MINES COMPANY, piration of odc month from the date of labour. School boys"can assist. COMPANY UNITED, Waller E. Walker, AL the followlnr deacrtbed leodit R. B. McOinnls, Atent, per E. A. Cleveland. the Oral publication or thia notice tbe Diis- lltb day of October, HIT. Commenclnt at a poat planted at um Graham ItUnd Spruce and Cedar Companv. Were you raised on a farm? Can you nteraectton of an East and Weal Line Limited will under Secttqn T or the " i LN THE 8VFRENE COURT OF BRITISH Ibrouth Concrete Monument al BarUetl COLUMBIA. Act apply to the MinUUr ot Public Wor drive a team? Can you handle fork folnt. Walea Island. B. C, wltb Hlb waur IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA at hla office In the city of Otuwa Tor aj or hoe? If you can't fight, you can BANK OF u,rk Tun-iti Ptiiaaei thence aoulberly proval or Ibe said SIM and riaa and r end caiterly follow lot aald llitb Water TION ACT leave to construct Um said works. produce. Spend the Summer working eod British North America Uaik to a point where a Norm ana sou in IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Or Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C Ihla IIU on the Farm. t iix rfnwn ihroueb a Point SO cnaina Due day of October. A. D. HIT. Nil LN JACOB JAHV1S, DECEASED. TESTATE. Cast of Um point of commencement Inter- NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO WUOM THE GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND Let every man, woman and child fat ecu laid Uitb Waur Mark oi xontaaa IT MAY CONCERN of an Order made by CEDAR CO, LTD. the Dominion who has access te Dominion tuence south 10 chains: thence Oeo, ruckerson. Atent; StaUmsnt to the raaiatei Ills Honor F. McB. Yount. Local Judae In itorihvesterly In a atralbt line to a point Land, no matter how small the plot, Qovsmmant (Oondsnssd) tbe above muter on the lltb day of No aa rhim Due West of the point of com 1917. vrmtier A.' D. HIT. ta follow I!- make it produce Food in 1917. 30th April, nsenccuienli thence SO cbaina Due East ot IT Is ORDERED that ibe aald John II. of comiucnccmeul and containing Ihr point McMulttn aball be allowed to iwear to the LIABILITIES TO THE PCBLIO ltd acrea, more or teaa. draib of ibe laid deceaied aa oecurrtnt on THEEXOlNtyKLTINEMLV Nea la CMraulatlea M3MT WALTtR E. WALKER. the Ith day of July, HIT. afur iba ex For information oa any aubject relating to Depeelta M.TSS.CSS Date lltb day of October, HIT. piratlou or one month from tbe date ot the Farm and Cardan writs Other Llabllltlee MT.11S the Oral publication of noUce of this order, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF unless In the meanUme proof ta furoiibed riSMKTtMA-r KNStlltC INFORMATION BURKAU SS0.S4S.STS CASSIAR, 10 tna Retiitrar or this Court at Prince Rupert, U. C, that the said deceased. t 0L 1-S la. k y la, ILtB DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE assrrs TAKE notice that Walter E. Walker, ot Jacob Jarvla, waa allra aubaequeaUy to Morae Fewer. Coed aa Hand and In Vancouver, V. C, occupation Manater, Ue aald Sth day of July. HIT. S OyU S H Is. t I t-2 ta., t9 OTTAWA Beaka ,S0,S40,110 Ui lendi to apply for pemiUalon to leaaa AND JT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Um Heeee Fewer. Deaeelt wltb Oeiernmenl Um folio lut deacrtbed lands: McMulUn da Mid John It. publish notice CU a 11 la. k S la, f-a aa a Nela Clraulatlea 1,SSS,SS4 Commenclnt al a post pltnud al Um ot thli order In the rrlnce Rupert 'Dally Maraa Fewer. aaarnmant, SJualclpal North Weal Corner of Lot III. Caaalar Newa, a newspaper published al Prince DOMINION and other aeMrlllie, 1S.00MT District! tuence north It chains j thence Rupert. B. C, for a period ot one month. Cell and Sherl Uaaa TJIS.4BS well 10 cna'na, mora or Uaa, to lUiu DATED al Prince Rupert, B. C-, ibia For Further Information DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Correal Leenl and Die- Water Mark portlaud Canali tbenca south Htb day of .November, A. D. HIT. Apply to aeuala and ether Aneti Sa,BS.SOT erly and utterly follow In t llitu Water Dll J. II. MCMULUN. Bank Premlie E.S0S.SS4 Mark Portland Canal to point of commence OTTAWA, CANADA. 110,838,110 meni leaa. and eonfalntnf HO acrea more or SUBSCRIBE FOR W. E. WILLI3CROKT HON. MAKT1N BURRELL. MlNieTlA. WALTER E. WALKER. The DaiLY News Prlnoe Rupert, B. 0, rrrrrrji"rr ""' Dale lltb dey or OctoUr, HIT. -