MHI.Y lit ' TUfK DAI1.I NKW , Winlr turning gnmcs Wnl-301. FORCE 18 ONLY LAW SANTA CLAUS WAS All-wool Axmlnslcr floor rugs-a IN RUSSIA TODAY gift suggestion- - Wallace's. Local News Notes luce's. G. H. Arnold . w w ti. .iiwimor Orny is leaving London. Icc. 17. All ndvlcea Yesterday Mm I'rrHvnl Jinni. nf TVIktvit. .n,.r, , Laiirsiiiilh with n full cargo of rrnehlng here agree that force Is left this morning for Vancouver, Toys fur girls and boys WaU Coal and girls of the a, NOTARY PUBLIO 301 coal for the l'rlnee import the only law in Hum In today, nnd ""'tMHt where she will spend Christina. lace's. 0o. She Is tupeeicd to arrive iicrc the strongest force for the mo. Hehool entertained ih, '''nt. Hees, phono 219, ..i i 'ruaa.tav. 300 lueiil is wielded by the llolthevlki, In a prfigrnmitw nf For Sale Ilemington No. 14 For Christmas who under the guidance of Le-nlnn rendered We Bell Real Estate. ypcwrller In first-class condition, Frilt. number. ill We writo Firo and Marine .pnly Dally News Office, tf MEN and Trotsky are said lo have after whteh they , wanin fiau.' llrndouarters- Hrlng your gift problems to us. established a despotic regime by the Visit Insurance. The ofllcers comprising the Wnllnrp'n. tf. We have Jutl what She wants-Wallace's. against which many of the llol-shevlkl tftm Ill,H; We have Apartments, Stores, Medical Hoard, which has been are murmuring. Claiis, who rewrJe,i Houses, and Ofllccs for' visiting Anyox and other coast Mr. K. II. Hays, of Usk, Is paying wltli a fine supply ,lf , hfl Itcnt, nnd Want More., " points, returned south this morning. h to thd City. I Ln Ul iri.,M...vv rtiinrt- an.!-- dlttrlcL CHRIIXTMAS 8AILINQ poodldt. m We Deal in Mortgage Loans. have secured the services of we M the and bric-a-brac for sw hi. We Sell Timber Limits.' Chlnaware 301 Mr. Martin Kroeger, F.P.. It. 8. Arrangements have been made i.(ir(U Wallace's. lllshop llunnx We do Conveyancing. Huy your frenh turkeys and presents Prince llupert, ii. pnone lieu by the O. T. P. Sleamthlp co. for tw local geese at the Sixth Street 399. Consult ii I in about your of eneouragrftent i., u ,hll. Prince Miss Alice M. Wright, graduate tho Princo George leaving Store. Lowest prices. Fresh eggs a. a Hrltlsh Colum and nUo to the tearhr. ,,!" Ma.Mo in i ft a iif nn it 11 nri itnn. garden problems. llupert next Sunday evening, In-stend II 11&DC III IHU A IIIVU a w I'v w w H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. 75c per doten. Mrs. Clnpp, phone morning bia Nurseries. Ltd.. Vancouver, oral Hospital, left this of Monday for Vancouver. 'il. plnywl In Um , 133 300 if. vifr, fn Imp hnma in Vanmnver. AtlaS II. C. iThls will permit of Passengers . r ..- . .. little once. UBf or in- The Hon. T. I). Pattullo. minis. Gladys Aplakcr, also of the Hospital arriving in Vancouver early on i'. 'i " trr of landa. nnd member of Par stafT, left today for a two-weeks' If there nre any noultry keco- Christmas morning. Those who children programme submiii. t ,1V' 'Ml I ulio want few nolnl. wea of out.i ,, in a r nun 1 liament for thin district, returned holiday. desire to spend Christmas in Vancouver a . m. . . iiiru. tt in tho of restoring the ii whs a irroioffue. mi,:, The Daily News" to Victoria by the Prince nupert ers way will thus be enabled lo this morning. See windows for toy values for faded plumage of geese, just ap. Join In their family reunion on dolly" arnl was perf i ., 1 l' His, 301. nlv In Men Self. The nriatina iMrm Melrfwn. Mm u the little ones at Tile's. M..n, CLASSIFIED ADS. that dale, and be there In time Mr. L. Jessen. whiteness of their feathers gets and Master Ilmlolph i 1 of Alice Arm. who for the customary celebration of Man, Mr. D. II. Morkill. of llaiellon. smutty at this time of the of the parenU pre. i , so year. has been in the city for the last the great festival. left for Vancouver today. Ihcmtelre as beitiK . day or two, left this morning for '" "US Plaid Felt at Isfted with lh . Children's Strap pr..f. WANTED. lite south, where he will Join rthnP up Ot.niera dinner net. 20 oer cent. CITY OF PftlNCE RUPERT children under Ihr '- with the forces. slippers. Wallace's. tf. .; :,i '. waited milrirht for Massett Inlet Lumber reduction at me a lor .mas. Ing of the Sitters Co, Ltd. Apply to A. A. sicCrea, NOTICE TO MtRCHANTS AND OTMENS. Prince Rupert Oraeral Hospital, il Colonel Hocers. suDerintendent FrtietP fnr Turk and Furniture wanted. Any quan TEACHERS bf Jasper Park, accompanied by Christmas Poultry. Lowest prices.tity. Good prices paid for complete All narlla batlae irnainl, t.lnil IS WAITED FOR PRINCE RUPERT rl'BUC SCHOOLS. Teachers for Mrs. and Miss Rogers. Dassed , , household furnishings and Oty !) rkVrr them to rtl tad sp to un traded school up to tod indudiny through the city this morning on Wine and other glasses for the all kinds of tools, men's suits, dale cm tt tOUl ftf DeertAtier, lT I Anyone Can Have Junior third work. salary $10 per month. their way south. Christmas cheer Wallace's, tf. boots, ete. Phone Red 243 or call A. SitooAsBA.tK. mrrhaiiaf Arrnt i Alt teacher for Intermediate' trade, on F. M. Crooby. 715 Third Ave. 3- salary I7S.00 per month. Salary schedule Mr. E. F. Dubr. who la htiililinn- Uaeful nresent. Chair or rocker. The newest In waists--Wal- Whipped Cream provides for an increase of 11.00 per special Amas discount at Tile s. Fritxell's Turkevs. largest stockllace's mtau eacn year, until a maiunum or tho new sawmill at Seal Cove, left , f 1 00.00 la readied, state experience this morning for Portland, Ore., lowest prices, courtesy and ser TVTVBBBBflSeqBBBPu462k- - close Solid Bold rnfT linka. nt last an qualifications. Applications where he will spend Christmas vice. 301 December tiULW. D. VA.1CE. Secre A with bis year s prices. Dulger Denlke, tary, tit family. jewellers. MEN whips a. "I LtTf.LUOE.tT .l M PERSO.Y MAY EARJt Mr. W. Grant the We have what SIIK wants was amonsr I ISO monthly correspondinr for mii Ooen everr evening and Wed .Tl moel 1.1 t f,, papen; 110 to 110 monthly In iparc passengers on the Prince It u pert nesday afternoon this week Wallace's. 301. timet experience nnneceaaaryi do can this morning. lie will ?o lo Vie cream Tasiinr; auDjecu turresied. Send for toria, where Mrs. Grant and fam auace s. tr. The Gift Shop Wallace's. If Jll?y the Pr. tt, particulars. AaUooal Prtes Bureau room- mi, Buffalo. II. T. ily preceded him some weeks ago Sons of Canada regular meet. TIMBER SALE X S94. ling lo be held on Friday evening CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Mrs. MeCary of New W ter FOR SALE. The train Sealed ladr tll b hhIi k t wrote In to Uiat from the east which at 8 p.m. 299. say -PACIFIC MUkUur of Uads sol later taaa was due to arrive in the city last YEIEPMONI DIRECTORY tMna m MILK reguia ' r I fOR SALE Mew Monarch Stove, at Poir- Tb Oty Is about to pabOsh a Um ttttj day of rebniary. ltd. fee tae evening at S.-30, got in this morn Mr. J. A. McMaster. of Anyox. treat for the young' isrs, seal core. Enquire at Hansen's Telrpnooe Dlreetory, ptease adrtM I perrMte ( ueetK x Ott, M rat It ITS.-1 Store. ttt. ng about 6 o'clock. It carried a arrived In town last evening on a Sort la wrlttaf berora Dee. II in of tar rei or $rrat. odr. aiMa and; breakfast. full load of passengers, who were business visit. alteratioas la lutinn desired tkereta. Itaatork eei an area situated en .luoian All she does it to ; ! lb PERSONAL Hrer. Burke Oinnel, kantu t. CmiI District mostly going south for Christmas amount she wants. In a v . INOW THYSELy Send date or birth and i ne "Prince llupert" was held un Mr. F. Phiscator. of Terrace. WATER NOTICE Three" (I) years win he aOewed fee re-eel for a time and then !!-a 11.00 to Professor Dnnstooe. illt til this morning, when she left arrived in the city this morning (Dlrertion and L't.i 4 timber. seive eBg.Lntw iir . l ih . Oeertia St. V, Vancouver. B. C, and ii bout 9 o'clock with a caDacity on a short visit. Purther parUcnUrt the duef reresue on toatt and p1ve ii t- th. rhil4- yon will receive be return null a rhr l . w rate ftfiTtre ih., ink- k. Vktoru, B. c or Dutnrt roreeter. frta acter readinr. practical advice on bust, Joad of travellers. New stock of ladies' fine leather addreea Is I Jit Yew SlreeL VaacMTer.iRQ'en. rtt. rest for treakfi. nets, health and marrlare based on true B. ( w III sioiv roe nenja ia lake ifwl Ybu'II AbmJ ii tn art km i . an4 sclentine lines. J to. We prepare our turkeys for the hand-bags. Just in Dulger A se IS miners' Inches or wsier out ef an pexJJings. Denike, Jewellers. unnamed stream on west tide ef SUwart oven. Order early. Harry Atkins, ... MISCELLANEOUS .narrows about twn miles aouua of Hartley PACIFIC MILK CO.. LTD. Third Avenue. tf Prarivirinn Sun.lav Hjtinnl Bsy. The water wlU U diverted from le OLD FALSE TEETH AND BPJDOEWORE stream at a point about lilt feel In a Factory at Ltdner. B, C i.nristmas tree tonlEht at 7:30. bourn t any condition, hi thai I cam prices For Christmas trees, westerly directum from the mouth or aald phone 219. seat by return malL Post to Mrs. Dan l.veryoody welcorn?. stream ana win be need lor power pur If yu bve a si r. ,i stone, lltt Georgia St, W Vancouver. Frits. - poeee upon the Ies4 deicrUied as In. Yu may t a B. C Est tT years. it Free lo you. A S?0 Vinlrnln. oceuMed Crown land. This aaur as la return. VMf. n - Shoes to fit the Christmas bee Mcllae Hros Ltd., and learn poalea on the around on the Jrd day TIMBER SALE X 1038. ctMiver. II i stocking Wallace's. .oeember. It IT. A fver or Ihli notice If. how to get in on this. tf. and an apptication pursuant thereto and Sealed tenders wUJ be melted by the u the Water ail itn wui be awd ta J.L.HICKEY SKEEXA LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Mr. II. D. ThomDton. of Skeena the one of the Wster Reenrder st Prtnre msinci rerester.. marfe Rupert, B, C. not uier thaw nu Um trd day nf January COAST. RASOE . Crossing, is among the visitors in ReperL ObJecUone tn the application may lee the parthaee f he ,W w.lh U- said W.ur"Rreord,r oi H V., CeOsT rVs'tl CONTRACTOR A BUILDER tne city this morning. ete Ltofslf t ef ilth the Coaictroller ef Wiur Atkins Take notice Uut the Harry Western Salmon an area Mlutud m Wesl SWirc. Ilenter Packlnt Co. Ltd- or Yaneoneer. B. c ne. PsrUsment Buildinrs. VUtorla. B. C within Island, rtwiwper PatMte. Mr. J. M. Morrison and Mr. Ranee I. Coatl Store and Office Fixtures, copauoa Salmon Canncrs. intends to apply 10 days after the 8 rtt appearance of UU unmet. reSr BeUhse, Prtaee Bsserv Miles Donald, of Alice Arm. have notice in kwal Bash, Door and Moldings. lor permission to lease tae ronowtnr described newspaper. The dale of One U) year wui U attewed fee re-metal lands: arrived in the city on a visit. U first publication of this nolle Is nf Umber. NOTKU 1R Oak and Hard Woods of all Coamieaclna- at a Dost Dlanted at hirh at v v .letrmber It. ItlT. further bartleuUra wt IK. ra.i.r r.. .. pnimc sausaqe kinds. aater mark. Steamer Pasaave. (on a small Mr. P Camobell nnd Mr. J. O 1011.1 GRACE. Applicant. Ylciurta, B. C. or Mtinct rnreetrr. pnnw wtm on tne said passare about one mile nsiwri, m.ti. Davies. of Claxton. have arrived on We Specialize) In Hard-wood nor la or Qulnamass Bay) I chalne due LAND REGISTRY ACT Tomato Ssvsagt a Specialty. In Prince llupert for a day or two. Boat esti tnenee to chains due norm thenra (Sections It and III.) Ribs, Sash, www TIMBER SALE X 1082. tv caaina aue east, tbenee ts cnalna south, Door, etc. thence back lo Dolnt or eoauMneemcnt. Mr. A. W. Ilennet. of fl Income. Phone 874 P. O. Boi Re Application 5a. tm-L ru lata Plate and Sheet Glass and conuininr IS acres more or leai. has arrived in the citv and in a TAEE NOTICE UMt anUcaUon ku U, ald tendert will be rr celled By the THE WESTER SALMO.1 PACKI.tO COM' guest at the Hotel Prince llupert made to reeitter ArUur A. Mttwan. of Yiniiier U Lands net Uler then noon nn Qlaxlng. PAJIT. LIMITED; C C RoberUOO. Aft. www rnncn b. the ITlh dar wt Iimuim. . a nupert. c, at owner In fee under Corner Fraser and 6th SU. date tut day of December. itlT. Mm. Corner of Itorden Street. Tat SaU Deed frus th Cwuiur al twrehaae f W X tilt te est j tse Os Usder new "f lie City or Prlnta hMri i.m. ttt feel of ttvmr. cdu. kmk,i I PHONE QUEEN MOJ SKEE.1A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of left this morning for Seattle, on the tnd day or .totember. It It. of ALL Battam on an area Miuaied en newish COAST. RAXGE FIVE. her way southwards to San Fran AU SI.IOULAR that errtitn mm.i .. ..... Gnve. san IsUnd. Kantw s. cmh mi.. OMINECA HOTEL - """ P. O. BOX 44. Cisco. or land and DrtmUca aiinaia i.. .-a trtct Take no tire that t lnlnl li rnl tn helny in the Municipality nf Prlnoa Rupert, One year will be tOewed for re-notal we iionortbie CommUsloner of Lands and Mrs. J. W. Feriruson. of Have ywrtnuiwnj uown ana aescrihed as of umber. HAZELTON . - - B C woru u leaae the fullsiwlnr deurtbed Ut twenty three tl. Block thirty-four rarur parucuUrt tf the CW rorester. port, the was arnonir Danaenarra (Old IUittoe r Undat miwa tercn a. Map ttt. Vlcttrta. B. O, or District roresier, rrtnee STEEN & LONG Commenclnt at a post planted at the on board the Prince llupert (his You are rrauirtd ta Ollll.ll lib. .1. nupert, B.C i t teiooiLiED, ntrunitsHfo at WILL northwest corner, above hirn water mark, morning ror Seattle. of the Ui purchaser within It daft from RCOCOORATID at Bartlett Point men ten chain doe "aie oi tne serttce or Uli notice Itr Prevision fee Ike Oeeifset ef east, then sooth to the Shore u tn. Tile s Xmas drawing. Fery (nblch mar be ttt ret h .....i.i.. .. Ladles end 0Ua. SANITARY AND HEATINO follow Lor the contour of the Shore Line 12 cash nurchase entitles in directed), and your attention Is called lo ENQINEERS to toe piece or commencement, containlnr vmi section St or the "Land Retutry Act- with .mi sere, more or less. a ticket for drawing leather settee amendments, and tn the follow tat eatrtel JAMES DESBR1SAY, manacer, and kitchen cabinet. At Tile's. therefrom: Agents for Walea Iilirul rinun e -And in defaali or a catte! or rerun- Mc CLARY FURNACES noTemoer II in, hit. pie Mr. II. A. Ilenwick. of Yirtnrin e ot us pendens bcint Sled before PACIHC CARTAGE, LTD. the rertstrailon aa am,, t .k. who arrived in the city a few days enutled under aucb ut sale, aU TIMBER SALE X 105. per- PLUMBINO ago from the interior, resumed ra wun notice and DENTISTRY ins journey southwards this fore and those clslmtnr inronta or under I Sealed tendert will It received by the General Teaming them, and all ... Miuiiier neen. neracma ,i.ii.i. ef Landa not later than noon en SHEET METAL WORKS teretl In the lend ty virtue or acy we tin day of January, itll. for the DOMESTIC OROWR AND unretisured Instrument, and aU persons purchase of Licence X ttt!, lo cut T.OtO.-tot Phone 5, 834 Second BRIOeM Useful presents thorn nn.l Avenue. a clalmlnr- anr lni.r..i... m,i. ttm b. feel of Inrure. ll.mUw. .. r.i.. BLACKSMITH COAL Night phones 578 srKouu.rr slippers Wallace's. 301 by descent whose till. I. ......way. an area sltuaud r.n. i.i.. n..... DR. J. under the Cartful Attention to Plsno and Blue 270 8. BROWN provisions of this Act. snail isianas OlsirlcL The DcarnsT Xmas Tree and Kntorlalnmoni ,Wr .Ter tsiuppea and debarred from Two (t) yesrs will U allowed for removal and Turnlture Removtls. right work, at the right at the Salvation ..u( up snr riaun in a. i. . of timber, Arrnv 0eei Cltnilel time, and at the right prloc SaslUi Bleea. Third Ateaee nn Of the land to told for Mies, and runner nartirul m.t ik. . ... Wednesday, PHONE 03. Dec. 2fllh at 8 p. m. ia. victoria, B. u.!,r,VUU r"uttr ,b "- c, or Dlitnci rorester, Prince j.veryDody welcome. Silver col tucb ut tale aa owner of Hsperl, B.C. SL lecilon. if the land an aald tar ' AND WIIEHETI nr.ll,..i. i... . The Week lef tun-. Home. Captain Miller, nf lh u.,ii.i Z J ..." "ru"w.or ladeffttihhj Title Prince Rupert Feed Co. Kxamitatlon Hoard. U'lin hnm liAjast r Arthur wtMiruiPDiujiun A. tiVrw.-. In sv1n' "t. en..,u" THE HUB stationed in the city for several A..O W IEIIEAI .t,r,ll...l. L.. . mi I. .... . , . -..- """I. ms neen Seeond between Slitk SevMUi PHONE SS weeks the Military pan, in Servlc connection am with uuTi LZ..rr"""M or,lw Title Protect Your 'Family P.O. BOX SJS PRINO RUPERT among the pattengers leaving for 1' 'or overdue FOH me souin mis morning. "' f V wSBjrsj tn. natsHntu BOWLING ALLEYS aetsed owner ihT " BUY POOL and BILLIARDS unrisimas soc al win. .'JiHVl OT,Cr thai .. LUNCH COUNTER BULBS nan SStBllfJ ,h. DOMESTIC given in bt. ' BREAD Andrew's Hall, Wed. Durtuin.. . rensiraiion la nesday. December 2rtii ... RspresenUnrt Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, lands . 7 ,m w lh "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" Taylor Entlneerlnr Company, Alice . - mo ocan unl... ,a?..??r.J "" A. McEwan Attn. B. O, T. A. KelUy Lotrlns EasUr Lilies, Narcissus. uinaviaii Fraternity. Programme Lroceedl... " "..PJMCU Pwr Lumber Co LUL, Queen Charlotte I. aim reireinmenia n .,I. a, nn. lo th ..C . T"""" 7r claim, if any. HEADQUARTERS FOR WE CASH PAV CHECKS ladles. 50c. Scandinavians draft. CHRISTMAS CAKKS Make The HUB your headquarters. "all Oroers Premptli Attended tew r,i tor military service ia your mall addressed In our cars, invited. All ti.ecially with HIgh-cInss Decorations welcome. 29t.02 S'Pt-nb., .,,,.5?.,al " of Pnea Black StQ. M. K. Reee, Prep. P. O. " Bet SSa. SOS Third Ate. MACIE0D. Mitrlci Kstislrtr Oven every evnnimr nnin pl.i.i masWallaees, if La Casse Bakery