Halunlny I toe ember 22 1017 THE DAILT NEWS AN APPEAL TO POLES LAND REGISTRY AOT BE CLEAN HIE CHIEF CHARM FOR POLAND'S SAKE (Section I ind 1I4 im AppMtaiisn no. StQI-1, Fllinr lf INTERNALLY TAKE NOTICE tlx I ipplldtkxi till been OF LOVELY WOMAN ' TUt "Onlre biii Hokol I'ulunais Mde to refiner Anns Diffr. ef r finer AT BED TIME hsperi, 0. C, si owner In fee under s IiMtiicrique," which is signed Uy tii Sal Deed from lbs Ceflettor or Ibe Over 500,000 People Are Now the Committee of Iho Hokols, is an ilr er rrinrs tiupert. betiinr lat In Doing So. If ovenCorked and too Soft, C1er,Smooth Slln Comet With appeal lu Poles to join the Polish iota day or September, I tie, or ALL A5D tired n u. of -rnuiT.A-TivES". Army, which has beta railed to si.ioULAn that eerltin parcel or Irtcl or or nervou to sleep. T fight on the side of the Allies. The lind In the snd Nunlelpalllr prendses iltuste,er frlnee Irlnf,nupert,snd belli more for many years physician tart a treed folW these directiorw and thai tl per cent of human ill waj caused inspiring principle of the move. ptruenltrly known sod deteribed st Lot ay accumulated wast in to Lower tales oratedMI, restoring rest is assured. for IT-one (II), Block tblrir (10), Section rttrnt is "a united and independent un; thai la our pretenl way or livlor BL Poland,' which has been recog etfbl ((), hip SIS. lalur could hoi remove ill tbli wait "jMg For each person or cup use t Ton tr required to contest the claim of nixed by the Allied Powers, and it the ui purchaser wltbln IS dart from the without assistance, no matter bow rcralar teespoon oj a cocoa or chocolate,at 2 pointed out that the ilatt or lbs terries of r migbl be; tnd thai lb poisons from is raising of Mils notice (wblcb Ala waste circulated through tbe Mood cup boiling vater, o tablesroonfuls of MCana the army will "confer on our na attention ar t B?ei4 It called Ljr publicAUon),to section tt sad or your tbe trvIM ei away down below par and war First" (Evaporalea) Milk. Add tnisjar to suit taste, lion the right to take part in the I.a ml Deriitry Act" witb amendments, snd rMponetb! for many disease of a tejtoui bring to scalding heat, serve hot. Peace Conference." The nature. appeal lb feltewlnr etlrtct therefrom: stales that the movement is a "And In default of s caret! or certificate Daring tbit time tbe "I. I. L. cascade" Your Grocer will aiekt "Canada him. of lit pendent tielnr filed Leror or iBtcrnal Bathing baa, becaus of their Flrtt"Atk sign of "the end of the century tbe rerMtriilon tt owner or the person .ecoMMr oration tad those or lie usera, THB AYLMER and hair CONDENSED MiLK COM LTD. a enptivily of Poland," entitled under lacb Its tale, all persona wen iteadily grtwing in favor. ATLMta, ONTAItlO onj a protest against the O'er, to aerved wltb notice .... and Iteeently, however, the ttartHog mws, manisation of Hilesia and Poland, that rlslrrrinr tbroorn or under tbem, which baa been eevering th country that and the expropriation of our soil, and all persene ctaunlnr any Interetl treat targeon and speclalliu hate been In tbe land by virtue of sny unrerliiered operating on tb Lower loiettioe In lucb against the slaughter of Polish MMIroment, snd til persons elalmlnr sny eertott diseases as Tuberculosis, tod it children for refusing to cease Interoti to tbe land by descent whose trtbut tucb eondlUoot of ckronic 1U title It not rcftitertd under tbe pro-vftieni praying in their native language, health aa Nervous Debility aad Rheums or tbit Act. i ball be Tor ever NORAH WATSON .and againl the vile treatment of estopped and debarred from tetttar op um to tMt eaase, also taylnr that abet 66 Draytoo Ave., Toronto. our sisters and mothers by the any dauu to of In reapecl or IU land potaoat sr favorabl t th Ucreluptueni to told for Uiei, tnd tn nrtutrtr of cancer and Tuberculosis ai t la led in X v. Wi, ry Herman and Austrian soldiers." tball reenter lbs perton entitled under a recent article in Tb new York Times) A hesutiful complexion is a handsome The MJinmons to enlist in the sucb tsi tale si owner of the land so aaa caused people to become thoroughly womsn'schiefclorysndtheenry of her I'olisb Army 1s addressed to every told for taxet." awake to th Importance of keeping thu Serve l( m fori unate ririt. Yet a soft, rWr i Pole capable of bearing a rifle and A.vt WHEfiEAS application nai been Lower Intestine free from aU poisonous nude for s Certificate or Indefeaiibts Title wast matter, snd over 100,001 arc now with health Ik of Sw n (low Ins; is only undergoing the fatigue of mill. slog Internal Baths. Ibe above-mentioned lands. In tbe name ntturat rtiuUof furt Illood, tary lle, and urges them "to enter or Anne Daffy: TMt enthusiastic and grateful letter la I troubled for a eonsMeraUe the national ranks and to A.VD WHEHEAS on InreiUrtUnr Um UUe Uj no meant an eseepUoua one aowogti time with a very uuplraiAnt,dirfrip march under the White Eagle to appeart tbat prior to tbe I lib day of the bund reds on our Die: KaJt, which covered my Csea and tor victory for a Poland one and independent." September. ISIS, (tbe date on wblcb tbe Dr.?SI 7th Ave.Toronto:South, Lethbridge, Alberto. Save aid landa Tyrreil( were told rsr overdo taiet,. which I u.--d sppllcaUofu and remedies II is claimed that roo were tbe aiteated owner tberer. Dear Doctor Tyrrell, ATler tialng your tnJiout relief. After tulnt; "Fruit s there are no feeble hearts in the ri'HTHEA TAKE MOTICE tbat St the I. B. L. Cascade" for four mootba, I reel Ltcs " for one wees, the rath is eom ranks of the Swkols. "For a quarter aam time I tball effect retiitratlon In paravane It my duty as s thankful patient to express plctely cone. I am deeply tlunkfdl for of tucb tpptleatien snd ttiu t my enthusiasm for th great bleaa-lag of a century citizen soldiers it baa been to me. You caanoi feel toy Certificate of Indefeatlbt Title to tbe laid the relief snd in the future, I will not be have been trained in prospect of landa in tbe nam of Anne Daffy snlett emotions aa 1 write thia letter in praise without "FraiU-Um". take and tbe or you In yeur great work. Word tint-ply the struggle for independence" yoa proaeeute proper pro Produce NORA II WATSOV. ami the ce'dlnri to eiutlUb your claim, IT arqr. fail to ei press my ibaatrislneea lor is hope confidently ex Brat learning ot Cascade. Prtvisst tbe taid landa. to lucb your or prevent pro CAe. a box, 6 for trial size, 25c pressed that they will "respond to pound action on my part. lo aetng It I could Dot go a day without A t dialers or sen t pott pal J on recti pt of the present appeal with all the DATED at tbe Land Aetiitry OCre. a drug of torn tort, and since using it 1 price by Kntit-a-tires Limited, Ottawa. dignity of an advance national rrmee Iiapert, a. c, tbii tb day of September. have not, en my w ord of honor, aw allowed A. D. till. flv cents" worth or drugs. I spent aver LAND LEASE NOTICES guard." The "Ordre" concludes: R. S. MACLEOD, llss.sa in the two yean previous to Bearing "Down with flermany; today will Diatrtet Reditrar of TlUea. of lb "1. B. L" Would that alt th decide her doom or the doom of To hobert Mardock. Esq.. yuuog men and women I ae Id this town SaLt-IA USD DISTRICT DISTRICT or with thetr face covered with borrld, un-tirbily til RobMO St., Vaocoover, B. C COAST. ;U.XOE ITVK. Poland." pimples would use 1L Ibey would ONE CAN do MINERAL ACT euun get rid of them, ta I did. I mutt EVERY TAKE DOUCS Uktt waiter E. Walker, or Advertise in Thlailjr Nows. asvp. or I wlU be keeping yoa rrom your for his Vancouver, O, c oecupaUoo Xar, work, bat I could fill ten inert pegel of, lateoda to apply fr permission to lee .NOTICE TO DELLNQCE.NT TART.NER uy past condition of health, also in pralae country WATER NOTICE To C W. Calhoun: i be roUowtor eero4 lead: of the "J. B. 1" May yoa eajay tbit Ufa (Diversion and L'ae.1 Tak notice, whereas I nav done snd fuU. Cusnieeorlaf st a I planted tl later-teeiloa to the pot sused to he done assessment work on the Some can bear arms of 1Mb Water Mark Teasata u- Sincerely yours, at and sa EaM sod Wtil Uae peaatof TAKC .NOTICE tbat John Grace, whose on Mldnirbt the miane Fraction river,mineral shout claim,fourteen situated miles wmian Devoy. Some can produce food thruuib uiotrci Meoameul si Bartletl addrr la Utt Yew Street. Vancouver. from th bead or Alice Ann. tn the Skeena if yoa try th "J. B. L. Cascade' you Some can make munitions Wild B. Ibeac east for Ucctia wiu flnd yourself always Bright, confl-drat I'olot, lUo4, d,s C. will apply s to Use and Mains division of Skeena district, assessment S castas, Uaeore toath is cbAiBA, mom a SS miners' Inches of water ot of an work for 1114, ISIS, and lilt, and tnd capable the poltotioua wails Some can give money or le, la Mlb Water Mark Too fist t'e-urt nnamed sir am on weal aid of Stewart anaket ua LiReua, blue, dull and ncrrou. ibrnee -oortberl sod westerly rot-low arrvwt almal two milet tooth of Hartley a navs. Ik.paid mm for if tald tISf work SA I'nU.l and recording itam ra v Internal Bat ha are Nature's own core for It is the privilege of all to help. tar UM UlM f 8U4 MIS Water Nuk say Tbe water wui he diverted from ih me the .am of IIOl'.IS. foryour T'r "T.nLr'rf to Us point of cucnastticetiieat, sad coo-Uimef irtaaa at a potal about ills feet In s .. ..L.i tiS eerea, mors or less. teriy direction from th mouth of said tha mat or thU advertlaemenL I shalL at OU CAN SERVE by WALTER E. WAUEH. stream and win be used for power pur- the eap.rat.on of ninety (S0 dayi rrom .call and see it tl Cyril IL Onne't Drug ftl tSta 61 of October, IS IT. fttr opvai an land o scribed as no-oreaipled the date hereof arolr to the mlnlnr re ssure. cor. ird Atenu ana tin si, rnnce Y Fighting Working crown land. Tbit do vice was eorder at frtnc Rupert B. C to hav Rtpert. SKLCAA LAAD DUTIUCT DISTRICT or posted on the (round oa the Ird day of yoar Inureau In lb Midnight fraction I Ask for "Why Mta ot Today It Only SI CASSIAH. .Xemofcer. ISI7. A copy of this notice mineral claim vested la me. In portiine I Per One Emdent," booklet er great in Saving Giving yuS an applies lion pursuant thereto and of tbe provisions ot tbe mineral act Itereal. which la given on request. If yoa TAKE notice tbat Walter E. Walker, of the Water Act. till will he Bled in Dtted at Princ Rupert, B. C, this lOthlprefer. write tt once to Chas. A. Tyrrell. This is NATIONAL SERVICE Vanrouter. B. C oceopaltoa Maoater, the oBco or the Water Recorder at frtne ay of September. HIT. Dtl.lM.D, Its College Street, Toronto, for this laienda to apply ' pcnniaaloo to kas RoperL Objection to th application may II. C. PHILLIPS. book. Are YOU doing your pert? Bled with th said Water Recorder or k lollowias deacrtbed lands r with th Comptroller or Water Rifhu, IXtsaueocInc st s pott pUated st tb WATER NOTICE LAND ACT raruament Buildintt. Victoria, B. C. within AorU Weal Corner or Lot Sts, Caaalar EYES turn now to t dayi after the Brat appearance or this tbeoco aortnerty and westerly Dutmii nolle la a local newspaper. Th dale of TAKE .NOTICE that Dolly Varden Mlnea ALL foUowtas lb Ua of Ills Water Mark SLEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Canadian Farmer, th Brat rub Ilea Hon of ibis notice la OMnpany whoae addiaaa la Alice Ann. B.I 1-orUaod Canal to a point wner an East COAST. RA.NCE 4. .VotfoJicr IS, 1117. will apply for a Urease to take and and Waal Use drawn tbrooib a potal SS JOH.1 ORACZ. AppUcanL use tea cubic feet of wtter per second for he can render the ctulai Da JtorU of tbe rotnl of com-mencMBenl oat of Trout Creek, t tributary or Klt-sault TAKE NOTICE that John Orace, ot Van UlcrtecU wlln said Use of couver, B. C, occupation Haherman, in- NOTtCL River Bowing Into Alice Arm, Cat- Empire SPECIAL SERVICE lilab Water Mark; tbeoco weal IS cnainti star DlatricL Th water w1H be diverted,!fnoa to appiy ror permission lo lease ua Uteare aoatawrly and easterly, parallel to at the head or the I aas oa in silver t '"s wn ,uu: in this sternest of the ibe said line of linn Water Mark I'ortUnd -Sea Cult," "Brown Bear," "Little Tomj Hard Mineral claim. Lot JI04, and will ujnmeneing at a post planted oa wo year Causl to s puial SS chains Due Waal of fraction,- -ssnlisbl rracuoa," "Sea Lloc he used for Dower purposes on th Wolf I foresbor on the weal aide of Stewart lb Total of butnmencetncal tbcac east rraction.'. "Steel Anchor fraction," "Skyline.- bd Polly Varden Croups of Mineral Narrow, anoui two miiea toaio oi uarucy- war. it caaloa to said punt of cotuiaeoccaieal, "Camp Bird Fraction" and "Obaer aatma being Lou Silt lo HIT- Inclusive, Bay; thence west to chains, thence north snd cootaiaior tts acre inor or leas. vatory" Mineral Claims, tltuate tn th and tola silt to IIS7 Inclusive aad Lot 10 chains, thence eaat to cbalot, thenc But our farms are badly undermanned WALTER C WALLER. Skeena Mlnlnr DlvUlon of Coast DUtricL till, casaiar District I south to chalna to the point of cummenct- Date- II Ik day or uctuUr, tltT. Where lorated: near Bear Lake, Surf Application win be mad also ror thelment and containing 40 acre more or let. 25,64)0 men are needed oa Inlet, rrtnee Royal Island. rbt to ator lis acre feel tn first Trout JOHN GRACE, Applicant. the land. SKEL.IA LAUD DISTRICT DISTRICT or TAKE .NOTICE that I. fred M. Wells, Lak and t.ttO acre reel In Second, Third DATED November It. 1117. CASSIAH. re Miner-a Certificate .No. UOtIC the and rourth Trout, Lake. Tb water will With insufficient help, the Man on duly aalbo tiled arcnl of Millard f. War be stored In rtrat Trout Lak by tb coo-iIi-vkUuo. MAV1QABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. the Land fights an uphill fight to free Minef a CerlUlcaU 11514 C tr a dam at Hi outlet tnd In TAKE notice that The ADtto-British Co ren, R. 8. C Chapter til. need for Food. tumble raekin Company Limited, of Van intend, amy dayi rrom the dat hereof, Second. Third and fourth Trout Lake by meet the pressing cuuver. B. C, occspaUon salmon Canners, aiflv to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for a Um construction or t dam tt the outlet Inteoda to apply for permission to leas Certiorate ol Improvements, for th pur Second Trout Lake. Tn estimated THE GRAHAM ISLAND SFRL'CE AND Um followlnt described landa: poae of obuinins a Crown Oram of each area or land to be flooded at First Trout I CEDAR COMPANY LIMITED herewith give and TOWN uanmeocUic tl a poll planted at Ulh r tbe above claims. Lak i it seres and al Second, Third and I notice that 11 hat under section 7 of tbe CITY Water Mark Portland Canal, SS chains Due A.ND fLRTHER TAKE NOTICE that ae fourth Trout Lakea la twenty acre. tkt Act deposited with Ins Mlnlaier or ftorlh sod IS c bains, or more, Du Weal tion. under section tl. must be com Thia nolle waa posted oa lb ground I rubllc works at Ottawa tnd la tha ofBc help. or lb .North Weal Comer of Lot SIS, tneoced before the Issue of tuch Certificate on tbe tlth day ot October, HIT. lor tbe District Registrar of tha Land Ret' and of tniDrovements. A cony of thia notice tnd an application I Istry omce. District or Prince nopert. at Cass wtaterly ur pis follow irk ins l; tbe thence Liu northerly of lush Water DATED thie 111 day of October, A.D. pursuant thereto tnd to the Water Act.I mace Rupert description or the site and Municipal Councils, Churches and SIT. ' 4. will be Bled tn the Office or tbeipian or tawmiu airuciure ana ower worms where an and other organizations, Mark, I'orUand Canal, to a point Schools, to be built in uueenstown iur wsiee Reeorder el Trlnee Rupert B. C. I proposed and Weal Una drawn throuin t point render tail IkilCNA LAAD DISTIUCT DISTRICT or The dit of tbe first appearance of thli bor it Tort Clementa, B. c, in front both of men and women, can SS chains Due .North ol the point of com . tuenceoienl Intersects with said Line of COAST. RANGE FIVE. notice tn the local newspaper waa in I wis rive so tmeen idciuiit. nxumiui National Service by directing all 1017. and obJecUona reglatered pian or me tow-naue oi u Ilrd day of October. lllab Water Mark: thence Weal 10 chains; available labour to the Land. be mea wiia we compirouer otji wu.,. Ibence southerly and easterly paralled with TAKE notice that Walter E. Wattar. ot may Water Recorder within thirty dart trier laioresaia s.nu neurj omi ' th said Una of tiiata Water Nark, rort Vtneouier. B. C occupauon Maaarer. Um uij date. 107 ana late nonce mat wiier um i Farmers themselves can exchange land Canal, to a point 10 chains Du Weal lu tends to apply for permlaalon to leas DOLLY VARDEN MINES COMPANY. plrallon or on mooin rrom sne aaw m labour. School boys can asslst. t,f the twin! ot cuminencemenli thence Um follow Ids deacrtbed landli of noUce the n... R. iiroinnia.. Aeent. ner E. A. Cleveland. I tb Brit publication Uli tald point of commence Comruencmc at a post planted tl in v w - - s - east 10 chain to lurtDtro isuna epmcta sua vctnir uiuiuwm. Were you raised on a farm? Can you meat and eonlalnlos ISO acre ttr or nteraection of an Eaal tnd Wast un las i.- wH ...t. BilnH iia slaVw IX THE SUPIIEIIE COURT Of BRITISH . " . . . 1 . L.I..: Can handle fork lest ot tbe Bed snd foreshore of rorUand ibrouih Cuocrele Monument ai varucii rntnunii 11 it1' w a. drive a team? you CanaL ulnL Walea Island. B. Wltn mtn aier or hoe? If you can't fight, you can THE A.N0LO-BIUTIIII COLUMBIA rACKI.NO UarK Teniasa rastaset thenc toutbarly ltrviai Vl tV Pava 7V auav Sanaa CO M PAN V LIMITED, Waller E. Walker, Ait snd easterly foUowlnc aia iiisn aier TIOM" ACT- lf?SlV I i.s..a i W IVIMMMI Anil hiaI I fA alej wnrni-kr wwvaau.a firoduce. Spend the Summer bate lltk day of October, is it. Mai k to a point where a .North and soutn aw . uia-rn n- -rsitw rariTr nr 1 sr.uiru... . i rmn nuti-i.l Bt v. w w stkla d iti Kit Farm. Line drawn ihrousb a point SO chains Du .l I ll w " r sw t...,w. a t-a a a 1 j wsi. oaMn itniia iNcrpiarrt Ktririf r I ul ui ui ivjsjr. v. -. ini. a OF Last of tn Point of cumutencemeni inter JALU.Hlia, DEsu, i.M.a.-.. - r.iana lal IVA drtBITrr iv u n Let woman and child In SKEL.NA LA.ND DIST1UCT-CASSIAR. -DISTIUCT WHOM HCt VI Ik.'S tt iJaart.iV 01 sww issi every man, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO of Too sects tald HUh water Mark rase LTD CEDAR CO., I'aiiaae; Ibenr south 10 chains) thence IT MAY concern of tn Order made by Oeo. Nickerion, Agent the Dominion who has access to northwesterly la t straight Una to s point Ilia Honor F. McB. loung, Local Judge in Land, no matter how small the plot, TAKE notice that The Ansto-BrlUab Co tbe above matter or the I lib day of No- chains Due Weal of the point ot com to lumbia racKlns Company LUnlted, ot Van tuencementi tbenc 10 chains Du East ol mhp A. D. It IT. aa follows: make it produce Food In 1917, euuttr. n. c uceuDttlon Salmon Cannert, IT 13 ORDERED ttllt th said John II. AS: the point of commencement and containing luienda to apply for penijiaaion to leas tlO acre, more or leaa. McMulUa ahalt b allowed to twear to the the fulliiwlne described lauds: WALTER E, WALKER. death of tb tttd deceased ta occurring on 'eaaaW THE tNGLNty KEf INEMLNT Commendni l s post planted at HUh Ilia day ot October, 117. the sib day of July, tltT. after th ex For Information on ny subject relatiaf to Wsirr vsrk. 1-oriUuJ. CanaL 10 chalna Due nai piration of on month from tb dat of tbe Farm and Garden writer Morih and 40 cbalua or tuor Du Weat of lb Aral publication or none or ima oraer, Hi Monti WH Corner of Lot Oil. Cattlar SKEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF uuless I11 the meantime proof II furnished risHCRMAirs saaiNi I INFORMATION BUREAU District; tbene north SO chainaj thenc CASSIAR. to tie Registrar of thli Court tt Prince AGRICULTURE Oil-a 1. la. b y la 1S-1S DEPARTMENT OF in rtulua. uiur or less, 10 lUlb Rupert, B. C, thai tbe tald deceased. vl'.i.. u..k inriiii.i final: thence sou lb TAKE nolle Ibtt Walter E. Walker, Of Jacob Jen la. w ti alive tubiequently to Herat Fewer. OTTAWA erly aud eaalerly followins th line ol Vancouver, B. occupation Manager, th aald lib day of July. HIT. cri. s s la. ki i t-a Uu w llliu Water Mark Portland Csiul to the lutenda to apply for permlaalon to leas AND IT 19 fURTIIER ORDERED that th Naesa Pawee. point of commencement aud eoulainlnf SO Hi following described lands i aald John 11. McMullin da publish notice oL 11 la. hf hv. !S- aiaMal Siwta-ah ant laSksl. Commencing at a post planted st lb r thia order In tbe Trine Rupert Dally Mora Ptwsr, rrtaiiKiriM THE A.N0LO BIUTI8II COLUMBIA fACKI.N0 Norm Wilt Corner or Lot III, Casaiar News, s newspaper published st Prince COMI'A.NT LIMITED, Waller E. Walker, AIL District; tbenc north SO chains i thenc Rupert B. d. for period or one month. Date tllb day of oetoner. ' wi 40 chalna, tuor or less, to HUH DATED at Princ Rupert u, thli For Further Information DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Water Hark Portland Caaali tbenc south ism day ot November, A. D. HIT. Apply tt) Salvation Army. erly tnd easterly followins High Water J, II. MeMULUN. CANADA. Mark Portland Canal to point of commence OTTAWA, Public mtelliigo, Tuesdays incut lei. snd containing 100 acre! mor or SUBSCRIBE FOR W. E. WILLI SCpOKT HON. MARTIN BURRI3-L, MlNirrcn. Thursdays and Saturdays at B p WALTER E. WALKER. The Daily News Prlnee Rupert, B. O. I.. Bundny at 7:30 p. m, Dal- tlth day ot October, If IT.