M ,.i .. ,,. TMK DAILT NEWS Tri Brawn and Brain The Daily News of MAIL SCHEDULE of a boy ore not made out THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA books or sermons. They arc Published Dally and Weekly built out of foods that supply For the EasL and 8aL Guaranteed Lars cat Circulation in well-balanced proportion Mondays, Wednesdays rdays at 9:30 a. m. and in digestible form every HEAD OFFICE: needed element. These ele From the EasL Dally News Building. Third Avenue. Prince Kupcrt, B.C. Tel. OS. ments are found in Shredded Sunday, 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday, TRAN&IEaVr DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. Wheat Bbcttit.areal whole 30 p.m.; Thursday, 5:aa p m. i a i jm pk?imiih wr. w. r s i 'u 1 Contract Rates on application. contains wheat food which For Vancouvsr. all the material for building i. Monday DAILY EDITION Monday, Dtc. 21, 1917. the human body. A perfect Tuesdays .....5 p. m. food for growing youngsters. Thursdays '"P CHRISTMAS GREETINGS umphs over the evil alliance oil Its crispness encourages Saturdays P Once again the .Festive Sea the Central Powers. There is which chewinc son is upon us and we wish to u iimgiu.i. lit i n,.uiu .......names nunui thorouph - . , From Vancouvsr. our readers "A Merry Christ makes our battle of today part develops sound teetn ana Sunday 0 P. " mas." Notwithstanding t h of a longer and a greater battle I healthy gums. Children like Mondays 9 a. m trouble, sorrow and desolation between rigti and wrong. jt thrive on it, It is Wednesdays 10:30 a. m which has afflicted so many up The history of the Holy Land ready-cooked and ready-to- Fridays 0 p. in to this fourth war Christmas during the time when it is fa Saturdays 10:30 a Ihe old greeting will be received miliar to us is the history of cat. For breakfast or any and bestowed heartily, and with struggles between good and meal with milk or cream. For Anyoi. every desire for peace and good evil, between the ideals which Made in Canada. Sundays 10 wilt. Old Santa Claus appears taught the value of human life, Wednesdays 10 to have lost none of his rubi and Ideals which rested upon Fridays 8 Millions cund joviality, and on his cruelly and brute force. Our Great Britain Is going to In. Saturdays 10 rounds on Christmas Eve, will fight today is the same. The stitute meatless days once a week bring Joy and gladness to the Ancient champions of the right From all accounts received here. From Anyoi. 4 ' tf m cisLsTiarCt;b little ones as he ever did. .are with our righteous cause hat has been the case there with Sundays, a. ni., Mondays, a. m Christmas of all times Is the We fight for law In that prom t very large proportion of the fuesdays, p. m4 and Thursdays II of Uiis famous War-time Sweetmeat are children's time the day of i .i i.n.i ..mk I copulation. for some considerable WVM WUat V V UIVU fUV Pit CO!IT p. m. sent to the soldiers,sailors and aviators and tlme ih oluntarlly family reunion. The wonder law-giver looked down from the P ful Christmas tale is all the mmmfain inn krvint, ih.t k. necessarily, because of scarcity Port Simpson A Naas Rlvsr Points at the front. more significant at this time, himself was' not to enter in. and h,gn Pr,cs- For Sundays, 10 p. m. If have a friend there, see that you every and the hope for the realixation We are flKhtine attains! tvrannr From Tuesdays, p. tn. of Us promise is again renewed. In the country where David won "was siaieu puouciy on ine parcel or letter contains a few bars or a "Peace on Earth and Goodwill his people's freedom. Our Strug- '0"00 n,snl that only the pro- Quean CharlotU Islands. package of WRIGLEVS, the great chew, toward men has been the great gle is a protest against false Lermans ana me "lower element Malls Close OcL 10 and St ing confection that is used around the hope for nineteen hundred and Ideals of human conduct and ltlha not voted for the Union gov- ov. 7th and 2 1st. Dec. 5th and world. seventeen years. The time is Is being waged in places where jernmenL So you know what you 0th 10 p. rn. Keep aJwaya on haaxL It not yet, but "hope springs eter the mighty prophets from en- " ru remember how you Malls from Oct. 1 4th and SB help Irclb, ap-pxtlla, diealioav. nal in the human breast. eration to generation launched voleJ' The lower element, there- lov. lllh and SSth, Dee. 9th and forth their stern denunciation re, muil predominate in Prince 3rd p. m. Sealed tight "Atter every THE HOLY LARD of unrighteousness. The forces n"Prt. "The lower element," by ! y The good news from Pales, Highbrow, would be a good sub Kept right of evil were the same then asa lUwart, Staple Bay and Swamp tine has brought home to men's now, though different in form;!'61 ror ermon. PolnL minds the continuity of human their strength was not less; For Thursdays, 10 p.m. history as no other episode in their delerminstion equally! "The Merry Moneymakers. De-persistenL From Saturdays, p.m. the war has done. The old wars I spite the appointment of Innum- in France and Flanders are It is no small thing to re-erahle comic control committees, Alaska and Yukon Territory. familiar enough, but there were gain the Holy Land, that the!the price of necessities and com For Mondays 9 p. m. many of them, and their details nations who love peace may!modifies of life continue to rise From Saturdays, p. m. HABt could not be expected to live in enter in, to banish from it the!to giddy heights. Only caviar re- 11 CAMAAVA the general memory. But mes rulers who for so many cen-J mains normal. There is no Just! COAL sages from the Holy Land re turies have stained its soil with Ication for this abnormal in NOTICES The Flavour Lasts quire no prompting of the blood and whose harsh and crease. It is simply iniquitous I'AtE.ii LA.1D WSTWCT tMSTRICT t)T IS . memory, and no consulting of corrupt government has taken I Profiteering all round, and Is a Ql'WI CMAaUITTK ISLA.1DS books; their appeal Is immediate from it the old praise of the damnable indictment of the old TALE .lOTtCC UMI t ilCH r Iwld. W and universal. Gaza, land flowing with milk andimen, wno ciamor ror tne young loiwty for tmn u pnt tot cmi Asealon, Jerusalem, Joppa, Da honey. fight first, while they sit smugly I" rtroSroa r t roUovia avrrtb HIE.XA LXM MITMiT MiTtKT if ktlA IA M-Ii macus, of which we have been When the long day's task Is l home. Juggling- with markets ?r..7!7r' ' Vlin CHARLOTTE IStAIrS WAta CNtkl reading in General Allenby's again done. Jerusalem will once making e7ery penny they canl, uu MMUM.it- r . i JL TAAE SOTia UmI OvrtnaO abmm. af TAAE WTtCa Mmi A brief records of great;deeds, are more have peace and felicity.I out 01 me oiooay saennce. misioa, um snr or a mmii r ? e mi Prftar haprn. C cArrt. SMaaiSi a- bT effHBsf PNaapYt. S names familiar to rf cmo and omU PT far a Uttmn m pfifirt Bar al aad sjsaaaH ah- a everyone and we may hope for the bless-l9 contained in an advertisement j wtna otrr Uw raSja fnriad Long tracts of time at once dis. ing of prosperity upon those "rried by one of the big London V. ''"."Z taada oa Ika Wrat Coaal tl Marfey lU4i 1 . m mm V- u 4 appear. "Whatever withdraws who love the peace of Jerusa-,la,"e. by a firm who has not yet I Back rotat. nnn oui cham; bmn al a poat aiaaant akaaat I .i i . m-i r . . a us from the power of our lem. raised their prices, to you eei chains, tbnn north is raiUrly fmaa a paal fcaraard aa tba u . i a'-i. .iriv r 3 senses," wrote the famous Dr. the profiteer la not confined tolUw,K u ,hUu T lb eal aid a ca Paia at a I . MB Ikt aaenceiaent. petal alwwl milra k4tH aaaof tb v . aa4 ai a a: I Johnson, "whatever makes the r.n.j. 4. -.-....- i II.. ......i NOTES AND COMMENTS u.uwi. . bliailv 111 IUB WIIUIC James r. mid, Artucat. akora trtm Bark raaai, ua m - i, u. a 'H (a aA'ir fr t t l past, the distant or the future system is necessary, I Lor4 !tTMSr SUA. KIT. 'baia. thraro rail is cImnm: tbram ank a.i um. uxrta S rbaiai. "j predominate over the present, God rest ye. Merry Gentlemenl IS rkaiiM. tarar ! aa aiaa u ,i a Mo aaaak I "ss- advances us in the dignity of Useful presents. Leather goods, ""V..?!?!5I-Tf'?I"CT or a &. aaaaa . arc SINTRt'DC k.tOIT. lit ASSTH l till thinking beings." Even at this Chimneys are wide, but stove Ibrass fern pots,jardinieres, china. TAAt ."HOTICI Itxl U ;Mpk SiKML r Br Haas k. Ckrtalranr. aarat. a laariM I moment, when the success of pipes are mostly eight inch. Howl hearth rugs, etc, at Tile's dis- rnam Katwrt. m. C, rrottor, iaw4 lrair .-VovMnber IStk, HIT. v-J t . our arms is more welcome to doos Santa Claus get down? Thatlcount prices for Xmas. 301 txr tor UfiM is proprl tor c I Alt' A UUB HATWCT UUTbJCT ttt us than.ever before, we cannot is one of the mysteries which are u4 prirvinm rr in r otto tar axru4 Ot ie.v ciiablutte ulam ikaJIAt M Wlk' i Uad en Uw '! Cm it of Momer !Un4. CSUBt'-! 'I think of these victories only as causing uie wrinkling or many Salvation Army. TAlt nonce Um! AWtifetrr L. Illkr rtttS It v valuable and hard-won Iri- little brows these days. nil KMUMttoriy rraB utl loratod taad. of PMr Inperf, B. CL. BMatrr. A. PtSare BH. B. ' vm than of t tun Sir ccwoiar ot tr4 la appfy for Una.a prtl for ta4 m ai4r fr a b' Publio meetings, Tuesdays, rou am prlruaraaa otrr tb rotkrvtat oV Of Casx rM Ulrt Morrlr m4 CbAtU mI aad prtrtaaa .r -araUed t 4 I Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. IiLumU, UmmiI i Bihrt Xartlirrlr liar tk arrtbrd Iaa4a Ml tba Vrl Caatl of Marraby laaxM a tb VA eal S ndl i.. Sunday at 7:30 p. m. XOMXr IUa4 UU pt Ciarm fM rrxa llaadr Coaaubraxlac al a port pUaleS Maatd- Orawiaraay at aak rvmii ihrmtm mmUi is itulnt; ibrt aiwol I anil raatrrty tlm a poal karaard aaH l-M yard aM ' IIP S. S. PRINCE RUPERT oa tb Akora at lb raat aid af Caamo rata ril riuta; tbrot Bortk rhama. loratrd oa Ik a bar Ate NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVE-t that tpplKt- at a putai abool t aniira BortWrly aka '-a" I'aia, aad al a puiai sailing Uoa wUl b BMd la Um LtfUUUt A. lb tbnro rruB, Back potai; tbrwc imtU el mtrttCTtoral. aorta rAy a Wat tb a. tibblr or Brtutb ColiunfeU l lu Mil IS cbalaa; Ihnrm raat is chaJaa. Ihratr . WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX JOSEPH SEXTOS. AlttUriaL tut. Iki'WM bartk la rk Mtttoa for an itl to Incorporate ao aa-aoclaUoo LorU4 oath IS rbalaai tbrar ral IS cbalM to .lAtMbbrr rjHa. Ik laalk Stk, HIT. THUMB AY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, kiwwa aa "Tb Eaiiavnar Jt4 point f rununrara noraL - - rbaiat to potavi VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. TrrbMcal laMtlui of BrlUaa CoJamtila." SEIE.1A LA3D PISTIUCT M1THJCT Or ALCXA.noril L StTHERUUtn. AUIC r life por I priMBoto ao4 lacrraM Um Sr Clurlra E. Bartra. arraL VUtE.1 CHARLOTTE 9f Cbartra i IIUSDS S. t. PffHNOE JOHN kixiwidr. akiu ao4 proacicory or lu tur LorAtrd ."'oTMutrr ISlk. HIT. TAAE NOTICE Loralrd ' UMI I. CWIra E. larnu. JairatJbrr IStB Balling alternate weeks to Ketchikan. WranuHl, Juneau, rjlnr aod leebnical prufraatooa. and u f trior Rarwri, a. C. mtar. lotraa to itaal M la nubUato 404 eaoduct taaaio IktE-IA Lt.XO DISTRICT nTR!CT OP Kkagway and the Queen Charlotte Island. Ikiaa ad prtacrIL taca Ira La of PWJ rsr a IU-sm to prawri far coal and 01-EE5 ctiARUint: isLAsns MINERAL ACT pin7 am mural cnarscur but t bvtroiraia or Um follwiaf dMcrlM TAIE NOTICE ikal Brlly knolt. af Prtar TRAIN SERVICE Uod ua ttM Wrat luwuftit iijiol um! ui iraol crruocaua Coaal of Momsr laUivt aprrt. B C. aaraa, tatrtHl to aiflr far csrtipicati or iaiporiiiaTt Pasienctr SMMr, WW.irti, ad Strdr ,jg Ln. for SmlttMn. or mrmbrrahlp la ibtm apprord of tad CutanriKUir at a po4 pbatwl afcoai 0r Hrvna ao pmarwet far coal and MtraJruna Prlare 0orr. Edmootoa tod wionlprr. iMklar dirrct cooorttioo for til I la purriuM or othcrwu aeqalr ana' boM I nil aunthraatrrUr front a m.1 i,.,t otrr tb roHealor drarrlLrd Und OQ tbal polcu eui tn4 tooth. rral and prrtooai protxriy for Um purpose ? "t" .f mu ' TJar out taA...... A...! v. fc. hum!i. m raranfnrar. I I NOTKf of Um Ibauuu. aadte U.pooa f"' "r" 0tt,"T cmU laa at a mmi hb.uj .i . . ,. r" rrtrlMa a a I lUnda. akovl i mn.t BUira aMrlbrrlr akicr um iim in procraa taca nunner At Agency All Ocean Steamship Unit mt acrni 01 aad to ill totraaca rota and amor laiana ia or Canot rata rrvra ...v ( For Information and reservations apply to annua! fora or aubtrrlptioaa to b paid by Bark Point; Ibrnra nortb SO rkAlat: tkrnra tvas ran ao rnauu: tbrnra aoaih aa k.i.. City Ticket Offlcsv SM Third Avenue. tba BMnbr. and to farjr Um aama frucn ,"rwr PHONE .al."."LTL "T.i "'"iPOtHand Cabal 260 wmrv . unM to lime, and la provide for Um nua- m r cnaina lo potol of com aa . mw r nataij iora ..! lurorrairnL TAAE NOTICE Ual I. M atriucai or lu affair br council to ba al is cbalaa to petni of njota-nttttnu. A' CHARLES t BtlOESS, rrro Mtawr Carimrai !tu - cocuiilulrd m autk mannr a mar ba pro Appllfaat BtTTY .OTT. I f Loralrd ftotrmbrr Mr aa arvavi far RrriaAM Ami Sin, I SIT. Ma ror by law, and to bar lu baad t Ham K. Cbrlauoara, arrtiL XbWa ortHHai X. SlfT omco and bold It annual merusr in Located .lotrnbrr IStb . IS 1 7. AAEE.1 A LA.1D UISTMCT MTktrr r,w Mill day ffwa Ik data brm Iff-'" BrlUfk Columbia, and to bar, tnjor, and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY eirrtlaa Drrcaaarr,All powers.uai or lot nhu Mental and to aU pmilrrts or Any TAAE VI'"NOTICE ciiARUITTK tbal I. Jlaaa ISLA.1DS K. ChM.fr.. SITEJU OtEE.1 LA?lti CIIABUITTK MSTRICT- blSTRICT 07 Iwit'WiinQrala.to tka MUMor Roaordrr far lb porpo.for I .,:n.f . of Piinr Kuprri, B. c . IILA.1M a Crata Oraat of lb abor m iw aaoitaaia purpoAct. proaportor. TAAE NOTICE Ibal Thomas patrraoa of BRADSIUW 4 "ll"7 l or a nrraaa lo r.n.r... Aad rartbar UA aotar u.. Lowest Rates all Eastern STACPOOLE, for coal Prinr Rupert, B. C Oabemaa. tauawi; aa to Points Solid lor a for tba and prtrolrum orrr Ik follow tor dr arkllaai IS. nasH b Applicant. apply for a llrena to brosctrct fur ei and 1 . .i i-.. via Steamer to Vancouver and the uATtru ai victoria, a. C, ikit um day laaua on in Wail ru.i ,. ai. virr in raimain d.uMll Morraby laland. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ui urrnuuer HIT plaaird about Coaunrorm i . r. lAHd OH tb West On If of Mumar l.l.n, I ...... ... ... , A I' or mil . . ' a aooibruirrlr ifatw mn law wr Moala and Berth Included.on Staamar MINERAL frora a poai loralrd on th ahr. . mi a pwai MUlM uaai aoa ISIT. prlHMM Saphla far Alaska Dacamaar 17th ACT MnaU Bay opralar out of Canoa Paaa ba- ysrds eaatrrly frua) a post located on tb shur rrlacaaa Saahla for Vanooutor Doornkar ZZi4. lrrn Xorcaby and Cbaill lalaiula on Iba cailcrlr aid ut r.iv- r.a MINERAL ACT PrlMeee Noial for Oraaby Kay ana Alka Arm 10 aw m Ootoaikor Itth, CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS milrl noribrrly aloof in Hornby laland ai a point about 7 mite ttoribcrly SSih tenurf tlh. itih, Saui Fakruarr SIR. lath, astn. (lit of i-a nor fata frona Burk Poim ii alonr tba abor frum Bark Points t hence lPR0A"kTl. PHikm Worol for.Vonooaaar la Otaan Falla a.in. Docamkor 17th, ROTICI "Minij tnrnra rti is cbalM; win nuins, tbrnc west IS c kilns i CERTIFICATE OP 27th Jaauari 71k, iiriH- noria is rjuins; tbrnc cast IS 1TUv kSUk pokruary 7th, 1Bth ana tstk. "bJolytKjrnum- and -Sucreai- .1 rnaina: Inriira rial ss rliains to ial or "'"fV ",M t rommcncnnrnl, NOTICE. Oalnia. alluat. I. is- . J"""". ..f rnmiornrrmenL . ,, )' " " a aa a,aaaa am iLAiu ar iiiii. a ii i ai THOMAS rCTERSON, J. !; PETERS, General Asent lon or aaaur DUirlcL ' V,,H,,T",:' ''iiL ..... Wbrr localrd r" Sib, T. By liana I. Cbnilcnarn, sicaL bM." "aaa.t r K. Co ner FouMh Siroot and Third Avonuo, Fr'nco Huport. B.C. from tba -About 4 mil,, uieaiea iiorrmbrr 0lb HIT. I sHs .!. k" MMMal Oaa-rrtlA0d SI- brad ''' of AUca Arm. and .r... .... I I rulU from tba Beach. ,?...tt,D D,sTniCr-MTBICT Or CaSaI XIRMH i. HAlK.l A LA.1D MITIUCT MSTHICT Of nuuiri. TAAE ROTICE that "LASPS I. Lawli H..Z,,,LOJ1t 7;.:!.T'?! .TU Vir.K.1 CHARLOTTE ISLAM Wbrr kSMd Oa PTr Mlnrr-a crrtlflc.u m Ibal DanUI L. Snthrrlaiwl aktal of Um TAAE jiothe ibal icier inrn. of Caaid crrrk. It bklbM '" - - - HolyMaoua AUnln, l: f. J1?- . C. cUrk. loUndi lu I'rlnr llu(rt H. C. Daheruuii. Inlenda La rwrtlaiHl CAnal. DT smoftcr mcrdyf coofjli ?.Co,nfw"' rsrira f "ad I II I All your Apply fear llrrnaa nnMiueel for coal aa.l TAkt KaiKt t ' r """J rr MIMfl Ortiflrab. x Ii.... ionomf dracrlbnl l-alrolruw U1I1 1 C Inund. I Is" otrf Um fullualof dscrtbcd III I .M.. w.a ii a ..Iff " bf amy day, from iBT Mor..by . aPI! Ff1, Matbieu'a Sjrap of Tar aad Cod Urar OQ aot omH ib, uu Mua on in wsi Goasi of Mreby Ii a.aal 1W OaAlaV Branr -n I J I K f II ycoattPUy airtau eoocbiaa;, tt tkaaka to tu took aad for :V:'W" te Beo.r i mil aaiH'rB " ' 'lo' pUntrd About lAild: CMKmenclBf al a posl plAaled About ! OrrlMMalr o -" ' of IniDroraawma ry a pual loriud vwnl1 atrcti(tbcBiBf prafMrt brlpa U aatrta ao Uarw o .k. ,h on that too yards railrrlr frua a mil u.ii u ami, a. rtuai tn. av:. !." 1 . Ska oUi J4 tboa cffcxrU a prmaaot tun. It la UiW qualtt wkick kaa tar rach purpoaa er Um of obumm, . croo bran I of ..l Z... V. ,.,M Cm . ., , Iba shorn mi lb eaatrrly ltd r Can'uv ih Mlatar R..r.i fr a "" ',, abora wlh,4 claim IB ttts Urgaat eaia of aay cjoogta aad cold raaood la Canada. n.Klbrrl alanr ih. Paaa. cod a imtai aliuui t miiu noriiwriv ! ImuniMy.... r..r .... urp.' .IV!:'" TA" "OTICE - Ml ruilll' I Italian a...ia. a Urg aWtiri, rrywkrt. IUI icuoo wai an .. akMif in ihar front Bark PoAM. ikAo a cmman Oram ' ' ' , f.7. .,7 itaua of muM wncad ,.U kiirih a. " " ineuco. Aotilk IB rlMlnit tbrnc rati is chains. I And fufibrr ia. c '"' '; JL U BtATaHW CSV. Prip. auch r.mv.!. aVBttBttaaMSBR. Ihrnra txih ss ' cos' "'"',. pfouiuenu. cbalaa, ihw m SS 0r M.u.m ai m..-i thai lis t puioi f , in,. - " " "f ' tATtO aMiiiimmwMt. ,..air tbli tlth U day of Nc.eUxr a.D. UAJItL lUTIIEBUJItl, " "f Clwrlri r. Banna PtlTEII JEMa, mrBlA A, p Pith imi Hf Haws k. ChrtslrnsMi. srrfll-1 Wslrd Ibis fata 07 of Auf, I ArA led .tomntrr ID lb HIT. MSIT.