MonrlAY Ieernrpr 21 1917 THE DAILY WKVVH THE CHIEF CHARM CHRISTMAS PRESENT LAND LEASE NOTICES BE CLEAN aila FROM THE KAISER IklXMA LAND DISTRICT MStnJcr Of CO AIT. ruaoE me INTERNALLY OF LOVELY WOMAN abington, liec. tS. What TAkE notice that Witter T Waller, of AT BED TIME Vanewaeer, R. C rrapaiMt Mantrer, purport lo be an ootline of the lRtr4a Over Art Row apply fer permlsMM to let 500,000 People Kauer murh-advrrtUr-d "ChritU tbe If ovtjrVorlxd rellowlac deacrtbed land!: So. m Ice Sft,CW,SMMti Skim Cwiin Whit ma I'cace Terms" lias been re. CotnmeiMiof at pott planted si later Doing tlrexl tv u of TRurr.TivEr. ceived through neutral diplomatic eettoa of uirt water Mart Toe rati rai or nervotH to iir and an tail and Writ Um pattini for follow tlt5 tJifcti'oftt if hanneU. The Ao-reJIed terms in mtny yeir pliyilcliM bin treed and' throat Cneteret Moovineat at BtrUeti ibtt per cm l. at bsmta tfis wst csused elude the following: rotat, Wtlei liland, B. Cj I bene ettl by secumuUted witie la tM Lower tales-tine, restoring rest Is assured. H To leave the disposition of rnaintt tbenca sostb II cbama, more that la our pre tent way at llvint or leaa, W Hlfb Water Mart Toartei rat each For Altace.Lorraine lo a plebiscite of Mature could not renter all tali will person of cup te f , tttet uaeaca aortberly and weiterty rot inhabitants. Mwtst tb Um or Said HIH Wlter Mart without a tan u nee, m matter bow rcrular temm ' in nt ftym n -i 1 - 8 N I Hritain lo pay Ornuny for ber Um bol&t 6T Au&enceniajit anJ eon tali w miibt wail be circulated i and that throuth IM Pol loo im I Mood from cup bciliru rater, 9 ktLWxnfuk cf "Caruwit lost African colonies, tbe Mlaitir IIS sere, mora or leaa. Fint" "( money WALTER E. WALkER. pulled us sway doe.a below par and were Eeaporalca) Milfc, AdMtuAir to suit tat, to be used for tbe rehabilitation Is.. H. I a 9 m Date- lltk day of October, HIT. responsible for many diseases f s serteul Dring to scalding hest, serve hot int llel plum, Serbia, lloutnanla and Mturt. Northern France. Ilim LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or Daunt tblt tune tM "J, a. L, catcadi' Your Qroctf wtUaJebt "CenaJa Fir$t" Atk htm. The llussian provinces border CASSIAR. for InterMl Balbint baa, beciate zt tn'r recmttfneodiUoo and tbo et Its users, THE AYLMEN CONDKNtKO MILK CO LTD. ingr the Ualtlc Sea, the Black Sea TAkE neure that Walter K. Walker, or oeea ileadily trowinr Is fivor ATLMeit, OreTASMO and Prussia to become independ tancsMver. B. C occupauon Manaier, ReceaUy. however, tbe iltrtllnt rnwi, ent under a German plan. launda a applr for remittloa to lease btch bat been certrlnf the country that Poland to be called an Independent Um follow tar deacrtbed landat treat surrreobs and tpeciaUits nar been Commeoclnc tt a pott planted tt Um npentmr on um Lower I a lei tin in lucb I slate under Austrian Soria Weal Corner of Lot III, Ceailar tertoBi ditettel si Tuberculosis, tnd si-1 suzerainty. Dltlrlct; thence northerly and w-eiierty tribute suca coodiuon ot chronic in-1 roUowtai im Um of Hit Water Mark ' Disarmament, freedom of the brtltb Rcrvou Debility snd RMuma-l Portland Canal t a polo I wbrre aa Eait NOK.AH WATSON (seas and commerce to be left to and Weil Line drawn tbrootii a point IS um to ibia caste, also tarlcr that these 88 Irarton Atc, Toronto. tbe peace conference. chit at Dm Rat lb of Um foial of commencement pottoM sr ravorable te IM development tnteraecta with tald Um ot of Cancer sad Tuberculosis (it stated la Not IDUi, nii. Houmanla, Serbia and Monte. Hifh Water Mark thence weal II recent article In TM Mew York Times), A betutifol complexion la a IiAndaom negro to retain their original cbainji tbene souUterty and eatterty, parallel te bat ceased people to become tborosraly woman's chief ckry And the easy of her boundaries with tbe right of ac tM said Um of Hint Water Mark Portland twike to IM Importance at keeptst Ihlt Serve leas fortunate rival. Yrt a toft, clew cess to tbe sea being granted to ill to i potal IS chains Da Weal or Lower In lei tin Tree from all polsoaout . la ctowinrwilh LeaJU) is only Me Serbia. Um rotal of Commence menlj thrtx cut watt mailer, and over 110,000 are bow IS cbalas to aald pout of uelaf Internal Batba. mstmrml rtiuttpf Bleed. commeocetBeat, furt Turkey to remain Intact. and rooulniot Its arret more or leas. Thii enihaiiatUc snd sraWfuI letter It " 1 iu troubled for a considerable, WALTER E. WALKER. by ao metal aa ciceptlooal om ament-tl tiroi" villi a very nfiUtnt,difiiring TURKS ROB CHURCH ERE 0io Mia day of October, HIT. um hundreds on our nlei Rik, which cotrml my far Ad or LEAVING JERUSALEM T0I Tlh Ave. Soulh. UUtbridte, Alberta. Save which I used spplicationaaoj rcmexUes SkLLMA LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT or Dr. Tyrrell. Torontei CASSMft. Dear Doctor TyrrelV Alter ustnt your wititout relief. After usine; M Kruit-a Washington, Dec. 22. An offi -J. B. L. Catcede tor four montM, I reel livr for one week, tbe rub U com cial dispatch received here from TAKE aoUee that TM ABtto-BrtUah Co it my duty as tbankral peuenl to i-pre pletely" feme. I am deeply thankful for lumbia Packlnt Company Limited, of Via my eaUtuilaam for IM treat bleu-lit l!e relief And la the future, I will not ba France says that the Turks be. sourer, a. C, eccupatloa Salmoa Caonert, II Ms beea to me, Toa caonot feel my fore surrendering Jerusalem to lateod to for emotiona at I write tblt letter la prtlte without M Fruit-a apply pennitiloa to leu tires". the Ilritish brutally mistreated Um follow lot deacrtbed landa.- ot you la your trett work. Words simply Produce XOKAH WATSON. fsit to UkaakfulMts for eiprtti my Christian priests, carried off the Commencinr at a poll planted at HifB lea of Caicade, Prtvtout Srte. a box, 6 for 12.20, trisJ site, Water Mark Portland CanaL SO cbatna Due Ortt mint your i famous treasure of the Church of to attnr It I could not to a day without ."forth and 41 A t delert or es t poctpAld(n receipt of chains, or more. Dm West a drvt of sum sort, snd since mint It I the Holy Sepulchre, valued at of Um .torta Wett Corner of Lot III, priec by KruH-a-Uve Limited, Ottawa. bait word of swallowed not, on my honor, millions of dollars, and sent lo Cattiar Dlitrlel; thence aorUwrly a Ave centf worth of draft. I spent over wctlerty roUowtai Uw Una or tilth Water lierlin the church's celebrated 110.00 la lb I wo yean previous to bear- Mark. Portland Canal, to a point where an LAND REGISTRY ACT itstrnsory of brilliants. tat of Um "J. B. L." Would that aU the Cat! aad Wett Um draws uuoatli t potal IS And IU.) men Xd cmea I see la this town (SeCttOBS fount Monsignor Cemassel, the Pa. IS cMim Da Rortb of tbe point of coo witb uteir races covered with horrid, un- triarcli of Jerusalem, Is said to meucement Intersect with aald Um ot ONE Mikity pimples would use IL Tbey would CAN do Re Application Jto, 000-1. mint MM. HUB Water Marfct thence Wett II cbalats have been deposed from bis office, ooa let rtd ol them, ss I did. I moil EVERY been TAkE .HO TICK I hit ahelleatlon bat tbeoce souUterty and eatterty pt railed wiu la re titter Ann Duffy, of Pnnee and Father Piccardo, an Italian tM aald Um or IHrh Waur Mark. Port nop, or t wiu be keeptnr yea from your for his FVHMtava B a - - a m - work, but I could Oil ten mors pat of priest, lo have died from the effects land Canal, to s pout II rnatnt Du Weil Ti tale Deed fna tlx Collector or IM of Turkish brutalities. or Um potal oT commc nremca I; Umbo my patl condition of Malta, also In prals country of Um "J. B. L May you cajoy this Uf air or Prince Dopert. bearta dale Um eait IS cbama lo aald point of commence. The Church of the Holy Sepul to Um fulL lllh Uy or September, HIS. of ALL AMD tnent and conuinmf us acres more or Some bear SI.1 01'La R tlut certain preel or met or chre had remained unmolested lets' ot tM Bed and roreaboro or Portland Sincerely yours, can arms land tad prcmltet tltuite, tytnr. and belar heretofore during all the centuries CanaL WUIlam Dewy. Some ran produce food In Um Minicipaliiy of Prlnc Rupert, nor of Moslem occupation of Jerusa. THE AS0LO-BR1TISH COLUMBIA PACU50 If you try the "J. B. L. Catcad" you Some can make munltioas particularly known aad described m Lot COMPACT UMITED. Walter E. Walker, Ati wm Bad yourteU slwsy brttht, confl foriroo dr. Stock uurty (II), Seciloa Jem. Oatettlta day ot October. HIT. Sent aad capable the polaonoua wait Seme can ftlvc money eitkt . aap tt. Tbe same dispatch told of in makes us bllloua, blue, dull and Den-gut. Vou ire required to coaiett Um cuun of dignatfon among Mohammedans SkEKAA LAMD DISTRICTDISTRICT or Internal Batba are Raturs'a own cur Tor is the privilege of aU is help. Ibe Ui purcMtcr tibia II dirt from Um CASSIAR. Coat itpat loo jutt warm water property oat of Um ervlr or UU do tire (which of Asia Minor over the action of tppHed. Drutt rorce ?ltlure IM "J. B. my Im elected by pebltcaUoa). and yoar a Herman general in establishing TAkE nolle that TM Anrto-Brttlaa Columbia L Cascade" really atauia Mr. OU CAN SERVE sltcnUua It railed to Mellon It or Um staff headquarters in the great packinr Company Limited, of Van Call and see It si Cyril tL Orroe't Drut by 'Lam! Dt rutry Act" wiia a mend meats, and mosque of the city of Aleppo, near couver, B. C oecupaUoa Salmoa Canoe rt, Store, Cor. trd Ateou and tth SI, Prince Y Fighting Working to Um toUowtnt eilrtct therefrom: mteada to apply Tor permlaaloa to leaa Rupert 'And la derauli of a caveat or certificate the Syrian border. Um rollewur deacrtbed land: Atk for "Why Maa ot Today I Only 10 of lit pendens belar Sled before Commeaelar at a pott planted at HI to Per Cent. Efficient," a booklet or ire U In Saving Giving Um realttrauoa aa owner of lb person Water Mark. Portland CanaL II chalM Du lereal which la uvea oa reaueak If you eaU lied uoder ueb lai sal, all person .lor Ik and 41 tatlu or more Do Wl of prefer, write at once to Chat. A. Tyrrell, This Is NATIONAL SERVICE to terved wiui notice .... and Um .Morlh Wett Onrner or Lot IIS, Caaalar MJ), Hi Collet Street, Toronto, for UU ibuae rlilnunr throat a or under lata, DUtncts tbene aorta 10 cbaintt thence book. Are YOU doing your Prt f and all persons claimlnr Any inter! el IS chain, more or let a, to Ulrb la lb land by virtu or any vnrcftttered Water Mark Portlaad Canali throe toulh-erly LAND ACT Uttlrutncol, and all person rlaUnlar Any and easterly rollowtnr the un of ALL latere! la Um land by deaceet wboee Hith Witer Mark PorUand Canal to Um EYES turn now to uue I not rettiiered under Um pro TIMBER SALE X1017. point of commencement and contalnioc SO SkEEA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Or the Canadian Ttikjci r una Act. aball fee for ever acres more or lett. COAST. RAMCK 4. jiX. Farmer, eiupppd and debarred rrom teiucf up Sealed lenders will be received by tbe THE AM0LO-BRITISH COLUMBIA FACK1M0 claim to la of Um land COMPACT Walter E. AtL for he render the aay or repect UMITED. Walker, can Minitter of Land not later than noon on TAkE .NOTICE ibat John Orace, ot Vaa to told tor and Um Retittrsr Date lllb day of October, HIT. Uirt, the I lib day of January, llll, Tor Um pur- cosver, B. C oecupaUoa Bthermaa, la- aball re I it ir Um peraoa niltled under cbat of Licence X HIT. to cut I , trod to apply Tor permlaaloa lo lease Um Empire SPECIAL SERVICE such of lan4 IkEEKA LAID DISTRICT DISTRICT or tai mm a owner tbe a tret or Spruce. Ilemlork and Saltan oa aa rollowtnr described lands: sold foe utee." aree alttMled oa klldela Rleer, llance I, COAST, RAM 01 FIVE. Oomiwencint at post planted oa Um in this sternest year of the AD WHEREAS baa been application Cot M DlitrlcL rum bore oa IM wett atde ot Stewart CertiBrau or Indefeasible Title TAkE notice tut Walter E. Walker, of nad tor a Two tli yeare will be allowed lor re Marrewa, about two ttutei aoulh of Hartley war. to ib atov.Mentioned lands. In Um babm Vancouver, B. C, oecupaUoa Manater, nwtal oT Umber. Say; thence west 10 cbatna, tbeoce north to lends lo apply tor permlaaloa to leat or Ann Duffy: rnrtber parucular or tb Cbler roretler. to chains, thence eatt 10 cMlna, thence AMD Wilt HE AS oa InvesUtsUur Um UU Um followlnr deaeribed land: But our farms are badly undermanned Victoria. B. C- or Dlttrtct roretter. Prince soulh to chain t um point of commencement It Utal prior to Um 14 in day of Commendot at a pott planted at the appear Bupert, B. C Oil and ooatatnlnt 40 acres more or leaa. 25,666 men are seeded on data which Eait and Weal Um September, Kit, (Um oa Um intersection of aa JOHX ORACE, Applicant aid land were aold tor overdue uiet,, throutb Concret Monument al BarUetl the land. DATED Movember HIT. TIMBER SALE X1129. II. )ou wrra tbo ataeated owner thereof. rout, Wale ttUnd. B. C, with Hub Waur ri'llTlltn TAKE NOTICE Ihlt at UM Mark Tontaaa I'ataaiei tbeace soulMrty With insufficient help, the Maa oa A.AV.OABLE WATERS TROTKCTIOM ACT. tame time I aball effect rctUUaUon In pur-auaneo SeaWd tender wiu be rcceUed by Um ind catterly roUowinf said Hith Water the Land flints an uphill fight to of lucb application and Ittu a Dltlrlct roretler. Prince Bupert, B. C not Mark to a point where a Rortb and Sou lb R. S. C Chapter Ilk. Certiorate or Indeteatlbla Title to Ibe aald nater than noon on the 4 th day or January. Um drawn throw h a point SO cbalM Du meet the pressing need for rood. land la Um mom of Anno Duffy unwat llll. for tM purr hate of Licence x till, tail of IM point of commencemewl roler-tecu THE GRAHAM ISLAMD SrRUCE AMD yua taaa and proaecuto Um proper proceeding to cut II 4.10 reel or Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock said Hlfb Water Mark of Ton rait CEDAR COMrAMY UMITED Mrewlu tie to ettablith your claim. If arjr, and Balaam on an area situated In rattate; tbeoce south 10 chatati thence Mice thai It bat under lection T or Um and TOWN to lb aald landt, or to prctenl ucb pro-poted obaervaiory Inlet. Cattiar DlitrlcL oeibweaterly la atraltbl line to t pout aid ACI drpoelted with tM Mini tier of CITY actwo on my part om (I) year will be allowed for re 10 cbama Due Weal or IM pomi or com- rtibttc Works tt Oiuwa and la Um office DATED al Um Land Seililry uaal or Umber. aiencemeot; tbeoce to thalna Dm Eait l ot IM tunnel Reiittrsr or IM Land Ret-latry help. Prlnr Hupert, B. C. tblt tin day or Sep-lewber, further particular or IM Chief roretler. tM point or commencement and cooulnlsi OlBee, Dlttrtct of rnne Rupert, at A, D. ItlT. Victoria, B. C. or Dltlrlct roretter, Prince 140 acre, more or teas. rrtnee Rupert, derrtrtka of tM sit and R. r. MACLEOD, Rupert. B. C DI4 WALTER E. WALKKR. plan of Mwmlll struttur snd ether works Municipal Councils, Churches and Dlilrlft neyltlrar or TlUea. Pale ttlh day oC vtubtr, HIT. proposed to be built In Queenttowa Har Schools, and other organisations, To Hobert Murduck. tt(j.t TIMBER SALE X 925. bor at roc I Clements, B. C, la front el III llubioD SL, Vancouver, B. C, IKEEMA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or km rive to Fifteen Inclusive, sccordiar t both of men and women, can render Sealed lender will be received by Um CASSIAR. rettitered plan ot IM Towattts ot tM National Service by directing aM ctty of Port Clements re tittered la IM WATER NOTICE Minuter of Land not later than noon on available labour to the Land. TAkE nolle thai Waller K. Walker, ot tforeeaid Land RetHtry office tt IMta Mo. the llh day ot January, llll, Tor Um pur- Vancouver. 0. C occupation Mintfer, tl aad tak notice thai after IM ei- Tiki- nnriCK ik,i rwill Vardan Mine chat or Licence X III, to cut MtO.000 Intend lo apply tor permlatlon to leat pi ration ot om month rrora tM data ot Farmers themselves can exchange Cutipany w bote addrea la Allc Arm, B. feel ot Ilemlork, Cedar, Balaam and Spruce IM rollowtnc deacrtbed limit i IM Brtl publication ot this notlc tM labour. School boys can assist. H to taka and on an area situated on Loot Lake, rrater at s poll planted tt tM C , will apply tor rente Coturoenclnt Orahaoi liland Spruce and Cedtr Compaa. um un cubic feel or water per eeond Hearb, lianr i. Coat I DlitrlcL Norib Weil Corner of Lot III. Ctaalar Limited, will under Sectvoa T ot UM taf Were you raised on a farm? Caaytw out or Trvul Creek, a tributary or kit-fault Two ! )ear will b allowed for re District) I bene north to cbalnit tMnc Act atpiy to IM Minuter ot Publte Wot drive team? Can handle fork niter tlowlni Into Allc Arm, Cat-titr moval of limber. wett 40 chain, mors or leu, to Ills hi al bit omce In IM city of Otttwa tor at a you Dttlrlet. Tb water will U dleerud further particular or IM Chief roretler, Waler Mark Portlsnd Canalt tbenc south proval or tM laid Bit tnd Dan and h or hoe? If you can't fight, you can at tb bead or Um Tallt on lb Sller Victoria 11. 0, or Dlatrlct loreater. Prince erly ud eailerly follow lot Kith Water teat lo ronttrurt tM 114 workt. produce. Spend the Summer working Horde Mineral claim. Lot . od will Itupert. b, c Mark Porllind Canal to point or commence Dated al rrlnr Rapert. B. C thlt Itlt t uted tut lowr purpoae on lb Wolt ntenl and coolalnlnf IH seres more or diy or October, A. D. HIT. Rll on the Farm. ihl Dolly Varden Oroup or Minral TIMBER SALE XtM. lett. THE GRAHAM ISLAMD STRUCE AMD i laima twin Lolt JJtl to JJI InclutU. WALTER E. WALKKn. CEDAR CO LTD. Let every man, woman and chHd la i ml Lott lilt to HIT InclutU and Ul Sealed tender will be received by IM Ille Itlh diy ot October, HIT. Oeo. Rlckerton, A teat. the Dominion who has access to llll, Cattiar DlttrkL Mini tier or Landi not later than noon on Land, matter how smarl the plot, Afpliratina will Im made alto tor the Uw llth diy or February, llll. lor tM NOTICE. MINERAL ACT no nibt to twr III acr tee! In mil Trout purrhat or Urcoce X III. to cut l.ltl.000 make it produce Food ia 1917. lak and 1,100 ifre ftel In Second. Third feel of Ilemlork. Spruie, UaUtin and Cedar "Set Oull." "Brown Betr,M "LI 111 Tomy MOTICE TO DE-U.1QUE-MT TARTRER water will Lake. Tb Lons Trite r 4 fonrtb Trout un an tret tltualM on Lak, -Sunliibl "Set Lies To & W. Calhoun Fricllon," i rntlton," U i lured in Flrtl Troul Lak by Um con-uructloo Reach. Hani 4, Coatt DltlrlrL or dam at 11 outlet and In Three (li fear will be allowed fur removal rricllon,'. "sbeei Anchor rrtctlon," Sky Tak notice, w be real bar dM and For Information on aajr too)set relating to Him," "Ctmp Blrc rrtctloaH snd n3ler tused to be don tement wort oa tM fcecood, Third and rourlb Troul Lake by or timber. ta Farm mad OJaiJaa WTltar lory" Minertl Cltlnis, tlluit la lb Mtdaiibl friction mtatral claim, stuittee'. I he cnntiruction or a dam al tb outlet Further particular of IM Chief Foretler. Ikeena Minim Dlvlilon ot Coat I DUtrlcL oa IM lllitnc river, about fourteen mHi etlliulled HfTORMATfON BURIAU U Second Trcul Uk. The Victoria B, C, or Dlatrlct roretler, I'rinn Trvul Where loci led: neir Bear Lak, Bart from IM held ot AUea Arm. la IM tteefis area of land to be tlooded al rinl Hurt, V C. Ml lak It it acre and al Second. Third and Inlet. I'flnco Royal lilind. tntehil divliloa of BkeeaA cMtlrtet. assess. MVARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE acrea. TAkE notlCE that I. rrsd M. WH. meat work for till, till, aad till. luurtn twenty Trout Lake I SALE X10M. Tblt nolle wa poalett on Um round TIMBER Ires Miner's CerllScst Mo. IHIIC, lb bava paid tor tiM week a OTTAWA on tb nib day of October, lilt. duly aulhorlied steal ot MHtasd r. War ssbm Um suss of IIOT.M. Unltti yea pf A copy or thia nolle and an application Sealed lender! will tM received by IM ten, Fre Miner' CerlHWit Mo. tMIIC. ma tM sum ot lf.r tar yoar saare purtuanl ibereto and lo lb Waur ACL Minuter of Land! not liter than noon on Intend, titty days from In data hereof, OC SiSMb1 MMl aVau?oMMBrMMrt WMMffc t'M'J'aMHVJs 4ts) llll, will tM Bled lu UM offlr or Um tM llln day or January, till, for IM 14 apply to tM Mtates Heeorder for IM cost ot lass swttmea4, 1 saaH, at DOMINION Water recorder al Trine Itupert. B. C. purr lute of Hcenc X llll, In tut 101,101 I trtinril of Iniwmeali, fer tM par. tM tplrt.on of aiaetf ( Tb date of lb flrtl appearaitee ot Ihll feet or Cedar, spruce, iiriuiuet inn rut p it or obiainiot a Crown Orsat of eaeb tM nets hereof apaty la Mm DEMRTIKIT OF AGRICULTURE bolleo In lb Wtl MWipaper wa lb taut on an are alluated on Biker Inlet, Of IM above claim. ceHe r st Prince Rooeet. B.&. ks Mvs llrd day of October. II T. and objection Hani 4, Coail DlitrlcL AMD rURTHtft TAKE MOTICE UM SC suae IftleretU la IM MlduisM i, ni..t nh the couipiroiitr or on il rtr will Im illowea (or re-muvtl Hon, under lection It, asasi m m mineral clelm vetied la as. Mt bmnssms OTTAWA, CANADA. Water Heeorder wltbla thirty day trier or Umber. nteured before Km Im at saea GeeteSeet of Mm provuioas of Mm leaser al sea. HON. MARTTH4 Um aald dal. rurilter particulars or IM Chief roretter of tatprovimrnlt. tHtod st rnac RoM4, B, G, Mot Saok RHJeWSuaU, MM4aTSJt. DULLY VABDE.1 MI.1ES COMPANV, Vlruirla B. C or DUlrlci roretler, ritnre HATH) t4 Ha day of 04er. A. D ay af Septemtxr, toil. . Mt R, B, McOlnnla, Altai. pr K. A. Olod. Ituperl, B.C. Jit hit. m M. C MtSUJPa,