royal FLYINQ CORPS i.t the supreme court or bjutish' - I THE MATT EH COLUMBIA.Of THC ADMI.MISTRA 1 Local News Notes REQUIRES TnADESiRfeN i G. H. Arnold TIO. ACT J Mav-r McT-arTery has received! and from the llK' i.i the matteh or the estate or great vr,c- the foiling NOTARY PUBLIO JACOB IART1S. DECEASED. I.1TESTATE. Slippers n oyill riylBg Corp. in Vaneou NOTICE IS MEREST GIVE.1 TO WHOM "I have today reeivw-iei- IT "AT COMERS of aa Order BUAt bj inetmcttons informing lilt Honor r. McB. Toonr. Local Jadr la llr K. Muiiro salicu lor me frrapbtc mej We fell flea Estate. Um a bora natter oa Um Htn day of fla south iatt nigbl. that men promieni in me Really Sir V write Fire and Marine rmNf A n It IT. at follAVl? V .... Ing trade are requested Imme- mm IT li ORDERED tint tb Mid Jobn H. Conpersmtiiis, engine Insurance. Se windows for toy values loridiaieiy McNullia tnall be allowed to twear to Um you are We have Apartments, Stores, dctta of tb MM defeated aa ocevrrtnr e the Utile ohm at Tile's. 30l.lntlers. motor meehanlos, turners. iim r it it. after tb lii..Biiha. altmakra.. laltora.l.. sin Uouies, and Offices for dty iij. ,,....... -. - - (lent, and Want More. pi ration of mm month Tree tbe due of 7-preerrdinner set, zo per ceni.i.lMmakers, eeka and poiieemen.i vastly tb Brit publication or notice or lnl order, redaction at Tile a for Xmas. I nan I ask you to make this fact! We Deal in Mortgage Loans. cnWn In UM BteatlaM proof I rarnltaed la the Rerlitrir of Utfi Court at mac .". known owl have applicants for- interested in We Sell Timber Limits. Rupert, B. c. that tb Mid deceated. Useful. present. Chair or weMmr( qyattAoatrefts to mo either We do Conveyancing. . Jieob Jarrli. wt lli it " tutoequeaUy to Special Xmas discount at Tile's by wire or letter. Age 10 to 40. um mm it dar or July, hit. A3D IT IS fURTHER ORDERED tbat Um v.,j'. TWk.v. lareoat aloek Medical category A. Married or Sunli S LTD. Mid John ii. Mexotiia do petiua ., P I single.' ghf oaD H. a. HELQERSON, of tan order la Um Prince Rupert Dally fi. . ,goXEl) ewt. a aewtDacer DuxmiDea ai man i vice. ROYAL FLYINQ nOItPS." Rupert, B. C for period or oo moots. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C, Mr. ft. Itabart a among the uu pay for tho llarrHcm. ii cic.,,,r M lm day or November, A. D. If IT. leaving for Vancouver well and to carefully Ym !IU Vour , 0I J. H. MtMt'tXJ.1. passengers have Jeiwrc and to be free from die dt t "The Daily News tt last night. of wath-day work. ou. tn ahititne,, n,Z LAND REGISTRY ACT No lleserve All Toys to be I can appreciate what the SStOOO Suoiah. CLASSIFO ADS. (Section l and til.) eleaned out today and on Monday I fCuaranlo of pmiy twiH mean. Wallace's. 302 SutfiMl lo her that Sunl?sbtSsp ,., R Arpltcation 5o. Illl-L m SITS. be worth a trkl foe it is. TAKE .10TICE that ippllcaUai ba ttm TIMBER SALE X 1034. to rerUter Arthar A. MeEvta, or Mr. Geseheltt, of Oeldbleom's, Sealed lender wtu be received by Um SaaJliM See It mI ty 1 .a a a r,r,. WANTED. more Rsrrt. B. a, at oocr la let no was a nansenger tor tne seuin Hit Met ruretter. Pnaee Rapert. B. C. notl It i, ta Camada ly Lavav dr t Tat Site Ded rrun Um collKtor of evening. I liter thia ncoa oa the Srd day af lary. Brolbert, Llallad, Toreato. , ...llal1 u WA.1TED MUinrtl Tor Mux It lalel Lam- in. t r m.m I If. for Mm pwrcbaM of Ueear X I St 1.1 lr Co, Ltd. Arplj to A. A. Mccrta. J;J r. mi. ti au. W for the I" ewi T.awa uaeu ire or toar rwe i ourturkeyB ttr nnn.,( r.....i ti. .. ttttt rtruin earctl or tract e prepare MmtM Wm, 8bw MUr wWVama,A.yWV.a. liarrr Atkins.I lataad, riamper mur. ruar I. Omii i perso.i MAy ears iini la um MuoJcipiit7 of rrtoca RBpcrt.(Third Avenue. tllEMitrteL t Iff amoouuy corrctpoodlaa for awt-a)or parucniany imn aita uktum at Oaa ill jeir wM ba aMwd for re- papera: i w o moatur la tparrl" i-ruj-uT mi, owti imrij-iouri ... ... I bmvU or Umber. ... I I "S" "01 tc and daughter Ilnva. fill artlAH if I Man at rvrtber paroewlart of um Chief roretter.l Taisiac tabju tuttriid. Bead fori To r rwjuirfd to cooutt Um clatmlalld for tne south last evening iiesoru. B. c. or DHtrWt raretter, rrtacal particular. .laUootl trt Bartaalor u Ut purcbr wlUxtn II dart rrotalby tne l'rlnce Ueorge. Rareet. B. C Dll. Anyone Can Have ronfn iiti. Buffalo. .1. T, I"" "' tao or Ul noUca ivuca mar m ffeid by aJrtrUtlor at Free to you. A 179 Ylctrola. Whipped Cieam lrction it of it Lod Rrutrr An- itnPce Mcliae Uros, Ltd, and learn LAROCO CA.1ADI.A.1 MAIL ORDER HOUSE laaModJDraM. ud la Uw ToUowtar tttracllbow to get in on this. tf. TIMBER SALE X10S2. wanit men errrjubere to toon Mioplet I UMrcrroca: or mail ctrralart. if prererred. Position -And to drn0it or a caTat or cento- a Ihree.stone diamond and ruby win par III weekly, Ttte Cotucmen' eM or Ut pcndcai itnt filed tfor rln h... t ... , hAaufr tied tondeea wtM bo received by Um AMocuuon. Wlndtor. Onurla ill MMer mt Land a4 later tbaa mmm oa eauticd aadcr iod us tale, au pwJnu,w' Ienike, Jewellers Hm iHk day or Jtaatry. Ittl fee umi . LOST acnt to tcrred 1 ta noUco . . . , TIMBER SALE X S94. aT Ltreaew X tail to ral 1.1. I IrJ aad ttwao cULmlur taroBra or aodar For bale Remington No. It Sealed leader wtfl be mat4 by Um af Ifwua. Cadar. Heeatotk t4! saoat LOST Watch rob. between Royal Hotel Ibwn, aad all penoa clalmtBi' aay ta ypewriter in flraUclass condition. Miateier of Laadt not later Uua aooa BtrMta aa area iHemd o Rawttk and Government wharf. Gold nnrrtl umi ta um 1x04 dj nrva or aay MM tfe dajr of rtarwary. I til. rr letoad. Rar I, toall tnt vlin diamond. Initial i. C Finder pleaca ttarrtlttrrtd rtutremcat. aad til pcr- .pply Dally News Ofllce. tf wreftate of Llcew XSSI, to ral If ITS, irteL IIh Pru' return to RayH Hotel Reward. JO moi clttmiar aay tatcrest ta Um land feet of Sprwew, cedar, BalMaa Oa tear t ba tiUaed fee r br detctnt dom UUa It aot rttttrd MIs flray. of the .Prince Ita. Mecatotk aa area tJ lulled Rootam TartWr 11 r NN PERSONAL under Um prortutni or Uui Act. ibanlpert General Hospital staff. left e. Rarka CBaatwL tuan t, Ooail tut rruetiitr af Um Ckief reenter. ,VT m rorTrettopped and oeMrrtdrroo iat UUt, TVtorta. Rft. ar Dttirm rat titer, prtore I role rn to Mb llal iLiovr TH T I ELT Send date or bin and evening for Vancouver. Three di b Rwr-rt. b.. (PACIFIC MILK Millar ap tor claim to or la rctpect I year H1 aSowtd Tar r jit reguU li.aa to profetaor D urn tone, ti of Um land ao told Tor taie. and Um al ucaber. Irawt far the you r k Cetrrt St, Vancoarer, B. C, and Our special eeven-piece water larUier pertlemUrtW Um Ckitf rorrawr Retiitrtr i ball rentier Um pcrtoa en TIMBER SALE X 10. aWwakfatL yoa U1 rtcelr by return mall a dur UUed under tocb ui ul u owner or set at $4.50 is very attractive. Victoria. B. C. ar Dutrtcl roreeter, Pnaea acter readinr. practical ad tire on bull-aett, Uw land to aoid for Utet." Dulger A Denike, jewellers. Reperl. B. b. PIS. AU S4M Ju la Ui beaiu and marrlar tated on trna A.1D WHERETS appUcaUon tut teen Sealed leaden tH ba recelted by tka iSlltllSJeel alee WrU, III eiauae line. jio. mad tar a Certucau or lndereaiiAM Title LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or af Laadt aet later Uua boo tm Mr. Ghas. Ilailer left on thi for a Usn aaej than i RA.KE COAJT, K ta Um anoTemenUoned land, la UM nam ltk tut a iaaenry. till, rar Uw MISCELLANEOUS or Artaar A. McEvaa. miornlng's train for Prince Genrg SiarrtuM af Ueeaea X tM, to ewt tjtts- iwiva atg-baakler -oai OLD FALSE TEETH AID BRIDOEWORK A5D WHEREAS tppUcUon ha teea where he will spend the Christ- Taka aotto Utal Um Wetter fee af fpewe. lleoMwfc aad Odar aa tcraet aad gtvee ,t t totisbt any condition, bimeti caia prleet mad Tar a Certuictu or tndereMtnW Title I ma vaeatlon Patktof Oa, Ltd, or Vaaeswier. B. area ataaaiew a Ia4 taka. fjwee jrn for lieafmart uim it appear Uvat prior to Um KID dir atrpaitoa Silnna Caaaer. lateadt to tpplf acai by return maU. Pott to Mr. Dnn-toae, or Septemter. Ill (Um data on whJcft peratlMlan to trite um faHeataf do- Two f tvar wB) be askrwad tae ra Y..u ll 04 H to ...) I lit Tile's Georgia St, W VaneooTer. Amaa drawing. Kery tcnie4 laadti- al af tae Mid land er told for orertlu B. C EtL 17 jeara. JIO Uif). yocj vera UM rertttered aad tt IS oasb pu rebate entitles you to f at a paat bJaaled tt brr tetid nmer tberecf. a tieket for drawing leather settee alee mtt. suamer Pataa. (mi a rtetan. Mi trie t Pen i he. Pttow PACIFI0 MILK CO LTO, fTKTHER TAKE NOTICE UMt at UM and kiiehea cabinet. At Tile's McM oa Um mM paiur aboal o aaito B C IL New Open Untfee mw BUaaeeeaeat mid I Use I tnaU effect retlttraUoa la w of OwNiiaatit Bay) I cbama dae Factory at Ladeer. B, C pnnoaae or acfe arpUcaUoa and lto a eat: iteM ta bamk OMINfCA OrUflrti or IndercMiDIa Title ta Um Mid Mr. M. Sh eaily, the well known Ita Imm 4i eaii. ibtacm It tauia mvii. Adveriiao in TV lUy Now If r iHOTEL land la Um turn or An&ar A. McEaaa ailroad contractor, who has beenlur,a u,k r ar atMiiafiimai, in onieM yoa take and proteeatt Ue proper spending the last days in the futetot morm " n proeaecmr to cttaDliib your claim, ir aay. ."T. ,7 I WEaTER.1 SALMO.l PACkllO COM- HAZELTON - - - B. C. to Um tald land, or to prevent tack prj- cu, lor lhe Iatt nlght.l ra.1T. UNITED; c C. Rbertta( Aft. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II ' (Old Haiettoa) poMd acuai oa mr part DATE Ilk tUf o( DeceoBber. 1 1 IT. REMODELLED, RETURN I Sri ID aad DATED tt tbe Land Reentry omce. Mr. It. K. Neill. of Spokane, who REDECORATED Prtnea Rapert. B. C, UUa Itta day or is operating the Iiuah property Attl LA.1D DISTRICT DlStRJCT or PHONE 58 coast. nvc. September, A. D. IIT. Etrr Protlttoa foe Um Coiafart of IL P. MACLEOD, Dlitrlct ReattUar at Stewart, left on the Prince Ttaa nolle uul I tatend to applr to LadlM aad enUia. or Title, George last evening for Vancou 1m lloaorabto Onenmlittoner of Laid aad FOlt Work to leatej Um Mlowtaf detertbed PAanccAmG, To Ckarle Plaaiu. Bo Til. ver. Edmonton. Alia. Ganmeaetnt at a boat t Us ted at u BULBS Tomorrow, Christmas Day. tbel"rtwi comer, above kirk water mark.! 1 J.L.HICKEY general delivery and rmfntrallon I" Bml"1 pba-,um tea ckataa da General Teaming Tk Woellae BUa'a Hon. wicket, at the post office will be 1,7, ,L7 erV ZZ Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Open from 9:30 a.m. till 10:30 lo um ptire or cvaunencemeal, oaauiatai Easter Lilies, Narcissus. DOMESTIC THE HUB a. m I iweair am, mora or le BLACKSMITH COAL VAnta desbiusat. mantter. Store and Office Fixtures, Second A fceiwMa Slttk A StmU ......Me- J w. ...k' nnr,lAn. w.r Tmrrafat.v.. -v., - . . "aoery. Mall OedM, PraeapUf AlleMed la. Cartful Attention to PUm .lotrnoer 1 1 in. HIT ... Saab, Door and Moldings. P.O. BOX E2S PRINCE RUPERT accompanieu &uj ner i son, Mr.. r.l i and rurnltur RamottJi. Oak and llard Woods of all Phiacador, passed through tbe WATER NOTICE kinds. BOWLING ALLEYS city last evening on her way to (Dlvertto and L'ta.) P. O. Bat BIS. po Taie at. PHONE S3. TAEE ROTICE Ikat Ithn One: POOL and BILLIARDS Seattle foP Christmas. aoarett it ITS Tew StmL Vaaccwter. Wt Speclallza In Hard-wood LUMCH COUNTER B. C. apply Tor a UrenM to Ul and Boat Rib. Sash, Furiiilui-tt wanted. Any quan. m M miner" tacbet ar waur t vT aa Door, te. ReprtaeoUaa i tity. Good prices paid for com. unnamed lire am cat wett I Me or Stewart I Ttjtor EBjIoeeeiar Caenpaay, Attca .tarrova aitoni two ml let tonlh or kmu. Piatt and Sheet plete household and furnishings Glass and Arm, B. C, T. A, Eellcy Urrtnr k Bay. Tbe water wtu be diverted rrsca Um T- .1 Glazing. Lumber Co, Ltd.. Queen Cnartotu L all kinds of tools, men's suits. ttream at a poial abeal III (m! la al Protect Yt Corner Fraser WE CASH PAV CHECKS boots, etc. Phone Hed 243 or call weturly dirtctlon frvm tb moatk ar aaidl our ramiiil and 6th St. amaoi M win m aae4 rr Make Tba HUB J oar beadquarter. on F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. power pr-1 vrm iipg to laoa oeKnbed aa . Tt4 PHONE live your maU tddrtatod la our car. GREEN 26S f"' w. TBi aotica wail Christmas social with dance potted oa Um BUY trvund on Um trd day or I P. O. BOX 448. PlM Black St 9. M E. Rom, Pr given in St. Andrew' Hall. Wed ioemUr. HIT. A eopr of uu notice! nesday. December 26th. at 8 p. m. fdk wi f Kaa ao !.appiicaiioa a aa.punaaai Urrtta tad I I DOMESTIC BREAD "it wui po Bled la by Lodge "Valhalla" of the Scan. Um omce or Um Waur Recorder at Print uinavian fraternity. Programme Rupert objection to tb aDciu.u. ... THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" STEEN & L0NGW1LL and Ua ,b M BANK, OF refreshments. Gents, 11.00: r.f? wu' Recorder or laoies. ooc. wwnpirwier or Wtur Riibu.l Scandinavians draft HEADQUARTERS FOR SANITARY AND HEATING British North America ed for military acrvice specially 1 Parttamtai dait after Buidiaa.tb Dnt Victoria.apcaraor.B. c.Ae witkia....I CHRISTMAS CAKES ENGINEERS tnvueu. All welcome. 291-02 nolle) la a local aeatpaper. Tb data of I puoNcauon or Uui notice U with High-class Decorations Statement to the Dominion THE SOLDIERS' VOTE Tnoer II, HIT. Agenta' for Government (Condensed) iOII.1 0RACE, AppUcaal. McCLARY FURNACES 30th April, 1917. In September a year ago, at the La Casse Bakery PLUMBING provincial election, it may be of : DENTISTRY LIABILITIES TO THE PCBLI0 interest lo note that the total and Not la ClrulaUoa I BSMST number of votes DH . polled bv th CHEET METAL 84,73,08 caowN a o Bnioet vxoaa VW0RK8 Other LUailltlM 47,1 IS soldiers from the three ridings of a SPBOIALTT wedBa.d1 Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue, Miin, umlntea and Prince Ilnnri Night phonea 570 60a,TB in Canada and overseas, totalled On. J, 5. DROWN A HOT BATH THE and Illua t votes, ineae three DtNTiar 270 ASSETS provincial The right work, at tho right CMh n Hand an la ri.Jiiik-s constiiule the 8kena obwm aith'nee eiMi. n MINUTE YOU WANT IT and " 11040,110 invision xor tne Dominion Houe. i aca time, at the right prise. D0Mlt to with Oeitrmnent It Is MMt aoouitond questionable whether You are o a Nt eiraulattoa 1M8,e4 the BtitramHl, Municipal number of voters who have gone ii v getting cold w"r and othtr Sicurltltt . IJ.OOaTS overseas since that time will be Harry A. stanlly. Thlek of If" ; Call and Snort Leant HarVcu of twin" " 7,71 StM greatly increased now after fifteen lifaitlon Atkins Harry Ovrrtnt Lea and Dla- months, as according (Ult Loaaea. a... r............ U'Rter in Um sain. eU Md Ollite Att S8,a207 to the' statement Wm w www TBIffiri ' comity utckee, Print WmpmU PrUt BOSM f Ibe late Ilorden Govern, PUPIL Of Mla) ttbwadaiva. rar.lle- ment. recruiting has fallen off OP LANSDOWNE COTTILL brrw moeb has be-" NOTF.D FOlt laia.tio since that tune ao lumenlably, fHpM Tlken r laaote, PRIME SAUSAGE Notilhlandlnir VU,U',k' VI0U.1CEIXO aaJ MAOI0 atnt.mj.i. ... HRMo.iy. MOT WATER LIKE the eantrary, it looks that IW Tomato Sausage a Specialty, are not suraJenl soldier from EXAMMATIOAS Hurry Hanso.t Phone 674 P. O. Box 8UBSCRIBE FOR V . . rw,n nonetly f. It!! eit!Cell,,,V4'.f MHtlt V"M"w'. Ctatte Hot Water Servi" b"" The Daily News I n.ilh.r candidal, will gct all of yuu Ua ooutei"1""3J5 the TCRma 0.B0X BoWra" votes. PHONE BLUE 278 PHONE 489 P.