V.., TUK DAILY NKW'B Join the Home Defence a used MAIL SCMrOULE a pahhlo to The Daily News movement for the conscrva THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA tinn of food. Help tO pre z?rj- ins mouth ntohU PubMahod Dally and Wtakly vent waste by demanding.the For tha East. Guaranteed Largest Circulation whole v - wheat eratn a in ureai:- Mondays, Wednesdays and Bat-Mays JSS-n WE fnst foods and bread stuffs. at 9:30 a.m. USE HEAD OFFICE: Substitute whole wheat for From tha East. Daily News Buildin?, Third Avenue. Prince Kupert, Ra Tel. OS. meat, eccs and potatoes. Sunday. 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO cent jer inch. tThe whole wheat Brain is the 30 p.m.; Thursday, : p m. i i avi" iiT, i' r itr.nriAi in a w most perfect food given Contract Rates on application. to man. In Shredded For Vancouver. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Dec. 26, 1917. Wheat Biscuit you liavc Monday 7 a. m. the whole wheat grain made Thursdays Tuesdays... 10 P P " PATRIOTISM Saturdays P. Speaking about the war, to ma.i .inn-nharii h .urt.it" .uircddmg and baking. the correspondent of the To No matter what happened, that! Every particle of the whole From Vancouver. rooto Globe, while speeding Canada do her full share in the I wheat grain is used including Sunday 10 P scross the continent towards conflict was his duty. It is his the outer bran coat which is Mondays 0 the capital after his visit to duty still. so useful in keeping the bow Wednesdays 10t30 a. m Vancouver, Sir Wilfrid Laurier Ufa statement is that or a els healthy and active. For Fridays A P. m said there was no question of statesman, whose vision ex Saturdays ........ 10:30 a meal with milk,and fresh quitting. On the day before the tends further than the im any election, at a time' when the re mediate horizon. Uninfluenced fonts. For AnjfOi. suit was all a matter of con by petty prejudice, unexagger- Made in Canada. Sundays 10 jecture,, and at the end of i ated by pre-election cnthu Wednesdays 10 campaign of misrepresentation, siasm, his words are those of a for 200.000 being married who Fridays 8 mSMm deliberate and malicious, the man who believes and knows otherwise would not have been. Saturdays 10 Grand Old Man of Canada had the full intent of what be says The loss in births to the Central the following to say: "If it Is Canada has reaon to be From Anyoi. ten times as great Empires was i at i i nii'inn i v, n my good fortune to form a gov. proud of the Leader of His as In Oreat Hritain. Great Hrit-I Sundays, a. m Mondays, a. m- CANADA ernment, I will form a national Majesty's Loyal Opposition, SirL, .,i h.v. .'i.P.. ...ml... fuesdays. p. in, and Thursdays government of the strongest Wilfrid Laurier. I --- f- fl I m. IP oonulation to fill tin the more men in Canada for the winning sparsely populated areas of the of the war, and if I am defeat NOTES AND COMMENTS Kmpire. Port Simpson A Naaa Rlvsr Points ed, as leader of His Majesty's For Sundays, 10 p. m. loyal opposition, I will still Real Christmassy weather this craves of americam t From Tuesdays, p. m. WRIGLEYS , support a win the par policy of iiiruun. i ininirnt im rnsMrr any government that is formed. Queen Charlotte Islands. as I have done heretofore. T.auoi a a morning t aiw a irtnngisi m it i.. p,.i. rwI Hanarol n.r.h. Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21 There is no question of quitting. somewhat in evidence today. Too ,nD. rvmrnn.i.,.in-PM.r r th. ov. ?lb and 21st, Dee. 5th and gives . . . us a wholesome, antiseptic, a a , C t w awaa-uwa a W In a word, I am in this u.ucu lursej ana pium puauing: Amfrican forCM ,n Kranc,t vIflu 9th 10 p. ra. war to a finish, because the Mails from Oct. Itth and 2(t refreshing confection cause of the allies is just. I wuuging, . . irom. many remaras, icu mo icravra hn 01 tnu uiw .tnierirsn m munn iov. Ilth and 2Slh. Dec. 0th and to take the place of the cave Wilfrid t U.,'?h?I!'if iBnd. P!e" !U"e. countenAace9Mn the first week of November. The 3rd p. m. man's pebble. Laurier, yesterday, Santa Claus must have irravo u-.r. m mrmsl ttilh fltral which he has reiterated time had an awful load on his reindeer iPihu. ,t .i h. k- Uewart, Mapla Bay and Swamp We help teeth, breath, appetite, . , and Laurier 1 f T" ' - again. Is no quitter. xieigu on tiuriJimas .ve. roinu is the following touching Inncrfp- digestion and deliciously soothe He It in the fight to the tion: "Here rests the first sol. For Thursdays, 10 p.m. mouth and throat with thia welcome finish, although it his pleased And Australia does not like con diers of the great republic of the From Saturdays, p. m. political opponents to make out scription. There must be an aw United States killed on French sweetmeat. that he was a quitter, and that ful lot of "traitors" there. But Alaska and Yukon Territory. soil in the fight for justice and Chew It after If he were elected at the head perhaps that's different. Will uberly. .November 3. 1917 For Mondays 9 p. m. every meal of a government, Canada would Australia ue accuscu oi wianinK From Saturdays, p. m. 4 drop out of the war. to "drop out of the warf The Flavour XOTICZ IS HtACBT GIVE Uut IJ-pUt- As leader of His Majesty's m will bm load la Um LrtiUut At. COAL NOTICES , . . . . . loyal i i t I i Opposition, Laurier will ie ii, snips, aeroplanes anu ioouiniy r vrttua roiimrui it iu mii still support a win the war Is the order in which Premier tor u t la iAcortKrie SaCLXA LA.tO btSTaiCT OlSTKlCT Or Lasts! policy of any government that Lloyd George placed the allies' wcUUw know Tb EatUMnaf aod out umwnt islands Ttthnml tatunit of Brtuife ColtmUi.- TAtt XOTTCC Ual I. lum r of is formed, as has done hereto. necessities before, the American im pgwvr to prooou ta4 lamM rrtM Krrt. B. C. rrftor. taWad to fore. No motter in what posi. Mission visiting London a month kaowlrdre. (kill tod proOcteary r lu tor- (pply far a Maw to praptt fee tea! tion, the suffrage of the peopre ftyur m tetanic! pruTrtUuat, ul to I ago. Then they bad more men aad prmitoaaa avtr taa rattoaiat tnb4 SktE4 LA.11 MSTkKT IH t aj t -H Al kit 1 lid l. : of Canada chose to place him, than they could transport over- UmI rod to tuLUih sad coodact iiu&tiu Uad oa taa Writ Cuil af Marrtsy liUad QiltX UUftLuTTK taLAXbS vi Ski i ai . . PfTKTlt) IVCh UIU Of i lOirwnrtaa al a ptaatad abmit r he was in the to finish. r- St ML paal TtkE SirtKt thai O.nrwd. war a srus, wuich tnaue ine d Imi ai ai I snips nrsiiMirorj nortl cturacur u but t aula a iaraiMly frua a pod torafed His is the statement of rraara hafoat. B. C ataak. iala k a a man. necessity, then aeroplanes and"K,rM tipixoi io to rnnt crtmcw a taa ara of a aaua Br cfwaiav aai -at in the full sense of the term. food. Seeine Canaria'a hnn.lr.Ml uanbtp to Uwm rprol f. of Caaoa rata tMtva Martky and CaaaU pay far a BOaaaa tha to paaapan fr nati im 40tl T SaMavtaf acrlo4 He knows full well what Canada Ihnnt.tirl AAnMAt v. I ... , ,I w wwniiH .ctjutf. Boa mxwt Itlaadt. aaoal S Ma aortwrty aloa tlx Ua aa tha Waai Oh4 of biraa NtaM awrt-.l m H. has to do to help the Empire in immediately, they might do equal-f um btuuu, ad to aupM uwrMf ao Bark Mrby ra4at;JtUad tame aktt aouUi af Caaoa raaiM;rui lavara frtxa t at s pwl sdaafcws aavt I 4aa i'ir a its hour of need, and as be saw ly good work on ships, aeroplanes fi um ia tara Buoacr a t IS raaiaas larac aorta caai aatlarty faaaa a aval am tod m Mm I ii ..;.,. of tha rM aMa af Oaaao raa at I h " tar It, he was prepared to do. and the production of food. The P"' TV"tttt"or""Jtl vbcruaNU"""to tw,M Ifcrac eat SS caalaa to Um pOal r (naa- abaat aaHaa aaWhrrSl abaax ak aad ai a p-"' During his three years in necessity is immediately greater. u i.ri. ud m ur u uT trJ. Btrarraacat JAMES r. HtlD. Arpuraat. roar rraat BTk Paaati thraos aaasa M ahu" l' opposition, since the outbreak rhaia: tka rati a rhaiaai ihiato aaaak item aurtb SO uae to um. and to prvtkte tor Um bmo Lmrlr Ttmtr tia. 117. of war, he has given the government The Dritish Registrar GeneraL ewiacu to U S ahataa; throw r ia abate I .a inm laaia s i I. 'kato f pakM r ' of the day all the as-! nt,lr..ln.r It.. Ill CI..I. "M""" aar M nay M pn- SkCMA t-A-M blSTRICT blSTKlCT Or araiM;t)E hit. tllStTM ai ! aistance demanded from his! society in London recently slated a aad hoM iu uutl neuat la Tttt QltLI xnriCK auatOTTC tbat I. ioarpa ISLANDS Srtloo, of By ftta K. Ckttalraara. i position for the winning of the1 that Great Hritain for four years I oaimuL. and w . eaiT. a4 maea Mapart, B. C. rropt. Utrad Lahd .lotaaafcre It lb. lilt. i,aktMi lack n imi is sun nis purpose.joi war would nave lost half a itra au povcra, ntau aaa prttucr M epplj for a araaaa to protpxi for coal tltVik LAMl mrUCT-M11MCT r iT)- r aftfMat lam ital iaMaui BcvMrr. or to all "Whatever be the verdict'million andVtwilrtiia oarr tba folloataf dracrtbrd may potential liVes, by the fall r im affoivaahl parpoMa. OtIK.1 OiABUrTTE MaViXIW fika. vai"i it teada oa tba Wral Coatl of or the polls," said Sir Wilfrid.) In births. On the other hand, the aaADsiuw a sTAcrooLC Ceanoirartar at a poat plaalrd Mararby aboat UUad.of T aitTKE that Aktaadrr L. Sathrr. Tttt !W1M mai In his manifesto, "I will accept war he claimed was responsible ' SUcitora Im- Um AppiwaaL a bum aoaUMrattarty frua a port feratrd of mar impart. I. C. an B - " DAT ID at Victoria. B. C, UUa Km day oa tha abora of aaaall Bay opaaiar ol Wckla apply far a hero la proakvot far a aytty for a .... of DMraawr ItlT. coal aad iwiratrara attr taa Maaasac or of Caauo rata Utaraa Momby aad CaaaU amtMl laad aaj taa Waal Coatl of Moraabf Kiaao. aboat 1 miWt .lortbtrlr ahma tba ituad: Guuaractai al k ti t4aaiad rauad . MINERAL ACT oaaoxoraif Morraby ItUad atd of Caauo paia fruca I am ratirrly fraaa a poal lacatad I aSB) yraa aau Bark roial; tbmca aoatb ss raata: thraea S. S. PRINCE RUPERT cumncATi or iMPnoviMtirrs raai ss raalaa; tbrato aorth IS tbaiaa tha abara of lb rail aid of Caaa rati bxm oa to aaoea aa ta-caaa tbrara ! is rbaiaa to taa polol of cub I a pota atwat b auara swrthrriy akaos raaa. aad at a a- t - sailing njrarratrat iaa aaora rrwu Bark Palal, thrac aart akaoc aba t NOTICK is chain, ihrar aaat IS Hutari ibraa f WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX "MolifedtBum" aad "Sactttt" Ulatrti Loratrd .toatbr lOIEril SEXTO.f. AfrtlraaL au ss chaiaai Uwoca i is caaMta u THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, CUinu. altuala la tba Skrcaa Mlnlof Dlvl Ilk, T polal of ttauenracaaaraL VICTORIA AND SEATTLE, of CauUr DttuicL Sit Li t LASD DISTMCT DISTRICT or ALUASblN f. SVTIUftlXtt. A LUC I Wbrra tocaud: About 4 aulas Waaicrly OlEEJI By Coartra fc. Barrraa. arraL fet Caf1a i 8. S. PRINCE JOHN frua Um brad of Allca Ana, aad about TAkE .tOTICE ClltRLOTTE ISLANDS Laraird Maaroabrr ISU. IS 17. lecalra) .1araar issb i I aula from tha Brack. lb 1 1. Caartea E. Barnaa. Bailing altercate weeks to Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, taie AOTICC thai UU W. rtmora rraw naprrv a. c. salarr, la trod to SkECtA LA.1D DISTMCT DISTMCT T &krav and the Queen Charlotte Islands. tVT rar a iioaaa la proapxi for enal aad rrl MINERAL ACT ' mtmurm cartuicaia 19. lilll-C, a Ql CHtBlnTTC Ml 1ta TRAIN SERVICE aai or tka Moijodrotuo Mmlor tad Ha I prttek-am an,u M .w-orr u....tba i- fbikraiac. u daatrlhad. . TAkE NOTICE that BrtW kaalL of rrtaaa oucuoa cotcptajr, Ualud, 5oa rrraonaJ 7 " . " Bapart. B. C aaraa. isiradt to appry for CtRTiriCATK or iroi"tTt l'Z.mm4tl' WM"'tr "" a m. tor Smltber.. Lumuij, rrra tfuiafi CarUfleata Ma. a tmi puntaa abviii of a It r,aaa I praapaat for aoal aad Iwtroiaoai Grvrtr. Edmooloa aad Wlaatprc, laaktof dlratl eoaaUoo for all isift c. lotrada autj dar from tba data a mila awUMaairrty tram a poal locaiad arar UM raUawlar dritrd Uada oa Iba . MOTICC on iba ahora of poutu rul and aoaUL brraor, to apply to tba MUUnr iitcordcr a amall Bay opratar oat Writ Caatt of Morraby liUad: CMmaraa- ST of Canoa rata -. IrrdSBmT' "i ror a cenineata al bapratanwau. far tba Uelwrro Momby aad CaaaU ias al a paal piaawd abuat I tan ruurty 1 sa k -i :l Ulaadi, aboat S aulas Oaua. auajaaa aa M r aortbrrtv iUa u parpoaa ci ooiaialiif Crovn Or an I of frua a pact laraird aa taa rar f Um Agency All Ocean Steamship Llnaa. rack or tba Ua cUlmr. Morrrby lalaad Ma at Caaoa f.u trm ..ft 1 MXA r .' la. .. . - - . . ' af ClaaWr - For information and reservations apply to A.10 ft'HTHER TAKE NOTICE tkat aeUoo aatl Bark is roiot;tbalai;Ihrora tbraca Dortk i rhalai: tbora fcHra Mrtbrrly alaar I1M at frwa Bark ' caaaA!r ia r aoaih aa .k.in.. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avanua. anarr sactioa SI niul aa coomnaarad bo ratal; .brace OarUl l caalaa, tbrar M Z'ZZ PHONE 260 fora tba Uaua at tuck Cartlarala of 1m- " aa caaiaa la poial of coot. I 1, Mil lift.. IkamM. . b. - fc . mmm ww imim; tor aaa ' nriKTIWDL I- TAkE .lOlPCi: kkal l . ) rati raalaa W poUrl of .......- DATED tbu f m CH Alt LCt E. BROESS. Annll,.., dajr of .torrmbcr A. D. BETTT ESOf "-ta aaaaJ lia tLaaiaiaU Ami Loraird .totmorr aaaac a.a tin. ill). Hi Fit "". aiaa. Mtarr cartMaala so. tin tktE.IA LAID tOTtlrd !t.rabr It Ik HIT. ' ,,. fnaa .ha data brrao n BIIL.1A UA.1D DISTRICT DISTMCT Or DISTMCT niarair-r na nxtf COAST, RA.10E I, Vi .-.- f.HAHLOTTE ISULtDI i.tr.. . ' i to taa Mtatar hrcrdar f or a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TAkE .lOTICE thai I. liana r a.n.t.. m-..,D. 'AlCT Dl i TMCT aar.i....... tor la pari Ta Dotic that tba Wcatara Salmon nro, of rniKa Kuparl. B. C. udU,iA, iiS."'" Is Craaa Oraal of Hm ab.. UilrBd to r! lbnm' Aad tak aour. u... afvly for a lirraaa mthar raeuar co LhL. of Vaocoarrr. B. C oc to proaprci Ruprrl. B. C. Bihrrmaa. InlMdl to . ,.. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points for coal and prlroMum cupauoo SaUaa orrr uia rnii,..i.. Caoocra, latroda to apply drarrlbrd tlfJlT for S llrta t (roii tut real a&l i ,' ... landa ... via Steamer Vancouver oa tba to and tha ur j-ruKia to it it taa rcuowtof da r.., ...u, iTr to iMtaaior dftauad1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY tcrlbrd laoda: Sorrfcy liUnd. CotniarBrloa ai i.i UiHlt rarala. Um oa v,i umii of Mortb iiUod, uxnmrnciar at a poal planted at hlrh Wanird about of s nil aoutbaaitrrty Dalrd taia lift day .f i' Maala and Barth Oonmirertiir al Jncludad on Staamar rrum a pail loratrd on tK. . a poal pUatad aboat tH HIT. iw warn, Btcajaar rawaca. loa rlnta Saphla far Alaska Dacaiaaar 17tb blcfal oa tba aald uiun a I n'l Bjr wnlnr oat ot'Cimm r... rtrdt caitrrly fnan a boat loratad m ih. I PrlacaM Saphla for Vancaaftr Daeanbar 22nd. nortb of Oulnamaaj By cto dual rtlb Cluail lilaad. about I tod tnura II oa s lb raaiarly aid of Caaoa Pait. MINERAL A0T potnl abuui T nil Ui M,iki,i, Prle Roial far Cranky Bar and alka Arm 10 a. m Dacambar IStn, arai; uwoe is cbaloj dua nortb. ihrncarT. .norUrl ,toot " forriby liiand afcmc Um tbors 28tb AMuari Slh. 16U, 2tkr Fabrvarf Bin, ISth, BSth. IS rbalo da cart, ibeara fs rh.m. ....k I,w ,:ta" I'aai from Buck Point: Ibrnra from Buck ratal; ibrara rrlacaa Raial far Vaaaaaiar la Otaaa ralta I La. Dacambar 17th, Urrnr back H point of lommtattaxoi.I " tMIM tbrac ..I A .k.l.. win rnaiaa; lln ami IS cbtloi; ccRTiricATK or i-r"0i"ikti. 27th l Jaaaary 7th, 17IK 2Slh rtaruary 71k, 1Sth and 2SUu .iinl.lhln. J.w .vi,..au. wor or .lata. IK.,... -- . "" win aa caaiBit ibrara tail II THE WESTtll.l SALMO.1 Pirnn .nu .1. " WW loauia to point of rmaMOfrB-nl. NOTICE. J , I. PETERS, General Asent PAJIT. LIMITED: C C. hobari. .7." HA.1S k. cuniarriarw ........... THOMAS rXTCAIO.t, i," "laayart. " DATE Mb day of Daermber, hit. ' tU4 SaisaJk, nl7,,7T: """""" By liana k. Cbnurtura, srraL ton." -CiKtMa raba x Co ner Fourth Straat and Third Avanua, Prfnca Rupart. n.C wx-airq .oTrtaorr I Bin HIT. raft .lO, S ' Mlnoral Clataiv SkkL.IA LAND MSTH1CT hnn.tr. n. aaa,k.l LA.1D DllTklrrr hntn rsrtland Canal Mian i""' " IkkCIA LAMl) DISTMCT DISTMCT OF -aoi, nA.iac nvE. Vi.l UllKLOTTC ll ltil tmirtti. Ol'ILM CIIAHUITTE IILA.IDS Wnrrs tootird Oa T(k. lull.. .k-. ... TAkE .lOTICE that r,ur l.ain f cttrad creak, ir m-' 1 Doa't merely smother couflli , nicna to apply to applir for t llrrnaa la rr.r., . i . rrliM- Itvprrt. R. C. Babrnaan. lut.H to I'ortitikl Ckaal. I' your Worka to laaaa tba iaiMiodr of Uada and priwram oitr tba rii.. .. Mf for S llrrnaa rlrl far toil and TAkE MOTI k Ul ' 1 landa: toiMaiav datcribcd o tba w..i zr-jrri" prlralrom orrr iba rullur darftx4j ifrr MiMrt irussir i aflfTDF1 W Uathirti't Sjrtp of Tar aad Cod Liver Oft not oar Cummrnclnc ll .. " abou'l en in wail Cotil r klortaby It av aa asrat for itki a mut .i.m. P"M I 1 1 HI. I I yraafOr arraau roorfalag, bat thank a to Ha tunic aad noribwrn .v. W-'W aad: (Urfnmwvcloy SI s poal plaslrd abaai Mtarr-t CarUBr.i. No J-muj MM aUtoclbaatng propartWa It halpa tbaajatcxa ko throw aal I Barilrll eomrr. abo, birk water mart " "l Iba ran aid .. . fS ytrdt taitrrl fruia a neat bmilal an attlf dara fnao n SaM Baa cold and taaa cflavta a frsuaat car. It U UU quality akkb aaa worn tor Mil. rB,uB irn tbaia, aj. i-.ii.i .1... . at a... a MM fhrt on lb tin.!, ud. .r o iba Wiaiaff Hi' .i.r f"r Si tiaa Urfaat aaJa ot say cvKigk aad cold raatcd la Caaada. brn.aouu, u tba Ibora una, th,0 nrlhrclr alooa iba ... .. . ... , ttvak PWtlll Uar. .1. V. !,".. .. ." " "" MCW W i ISprM.al. I i. purv X. tsrff bltUi, nwyaiir, " ' Wbrnancrmrnl. exmuiatol larar Ni . ,",., .', " a tnar rrom nark rutoi; ttwar a (mat i.rain larniy treat, M rbalnt. iiMar- ""I? -.,M a-, s ww w aaairtVB), -iaa ihmipi llw ih. JL t. btATatsti cat, rrav, aasaaiBBsni. rja INM tieSBRlSAT.inert or Irtt. piitai ut I.! " 7 ' " aaaiaa Vt InrtM Duflll IS rlMllM; IbtatM nl SUjib-r mcii. r. ii." i , nmiii" uanaser, tnalnt l rtl U'lLta lalaca U iTlltMU.1D. polol of r,itiirtrrttt( Um- iuaH DAJJItl, vrn.D,r Mib. ,,TT. ' fc f'KTEll J till til. luroiA Af r "tMd NorrmiMr ieib . tirnl. Of Hint k. Cfci-Uiaaara. ifML DMd Ibit flit) iHr of M mj. Utcalrd (lorriiibar 101b HIT. I HIT.