4 l riiL.UflT a 4 ILY News VOf VIII. NO, 301. prince rupert, u. a, Friday, decemuer 28, loir? J? PRICK FIVE CBNDf Tnl EEMCM CH MX MM MI 11 IOCS A YERDUN i-j tj suus u THE VOLUNTARY SYSTEM PLEASES AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS NO CONSrRiPTinM ADTITIEDV ATTIAATC rAIUMAM 1 AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS sei mm m m-m m m i wj nil kuiiiii i. m. j in in till ii iiiiii BRING DOWN TURN DOWN COMPULSION! IN ITALY AND IN FRANCE Melbourne, Australia, lice 28 ELEVEN HUN ARE GENERAL i-eirograu, uec. sts, un ac -The latest figures of the refer-; FRENCH GUNFIRE REPULSES THREE nrnMAM irrrMST to endum taken regarding the ques- 1 AEROPLANES count of the unsettled conditions, IN GUATAMALA REACH FRENCH LINES ON A8IAOO PLATEAU THE tlon of conscription show that the1 prevailing in the capital, and the ITALIAN POSITIONS IMPROVED BARRAGE majority of the voters in the Com- difficulty in procuring supplies of PREVENTS ENEMY ADVANCING! .monweallh do not wish to Intro- Austrian Squadron Attempts to material and labor, two of the Whole Districts Throughout the ;uuce compulsion Into their do-1' Bomb Trevlso, but Meets biggest metal plants in Petrograd Country Suffer Many,Lives Paris, Dec. 28, Very heavy ar- ! " triealift nrrnneornont Tha tn i With Disaster From employing thirty-eight thousand Lost and Extensive imcry. "re.......conunues on me iront jorlly against. .conscrlDtlon Is now1 Allied Airmen. men are paying off their employees. Property Damage. ii.- - a i ...im on u r -ruies unDtiittn - i i i mi! icruun irciurs. lesieruay rw... iven as 183,000, which Includes It has been found preferable the Herman forces, who had been !the soldiers' vole. I to suspend operations in heavily reinforced, made three' In tow of the Tug "Queen" and . Ilome, Dec. 28. A large squad- the meantime, instead of con Washington, Dec. 28 Exten distinct attempts to reach the iauen coai lor Albert & Jic 30LDIER3 INTERESTED !rt" of AU8lrian aeroplanes aU tinuing under the diiUcultfes, sive earthquakes have been re French front line trenches, but In'u'ery. MU, one of the barges' IN LAND 3ETTLEMENT,,enipted to bomb t,,e cil of Tre" which are daily getting greater. ported from the state of Guate ' i. i. w t a i i Karri r n inn nnvniiriiiir unsmv i tiiivii iiic v a astaec qluuiifu i mala. Different districts through' i vlso yesterday. The enemy ma. lines were shot down before tliey !rrlved in the harbor this inorn-j Ottawa, Dec. 27, The Govern- ch,nps wre strong enough num. BRITISH ALLEGIANCE the country have been afflicted, g l across ,-o .Mans Land. The ' " one "e two . ;,. , . . . : .i.ativ in i,9i, ii,M0h k. -i CANADIAN LIBERTY and there have been many lives i i a (a ti sa r i h a L-sanoii a !ii iiH i i t si m ii if ii i nrn fin rr ii n mi i rm - - ie paHicurly 'a-ccuieenUy to handle the heavy traffic Jf. inQuifie. indicating a river,lied cordon and concentrated guarding their the Piave flight (From The Globe). lost, and exceedingly great de- hlch together with the deadlr 'arising along the coast. The In- ' rcsur..i so. struction of property. New Guatemala, which lies In reply to for diers to take advantage of the upon Treviso, not far a request a state r ill fi f a nr l h !Anfti InfflnlMr ir..ua u -uv ir-c.. on e the capital, has suffered ....,, bind the lines. Doth Italian and ment of his attitude towards the repulses each separate attack, in- EiartTiM.. An iiiflL ir-AiUA nrisLino- ml . " -oldlers In- ' w Ilrilish aviators immediately at Military Service Act, especially as severely, also the towns of Ama-titlan settling OcMn1""1'1 upon nriinir vrv n,avv iia unnn mm Anvor. Swanson liny, and ,,e and tacked the invaders with considerable it affects Quebec, in the light of and Champerico. fnemy. Many prisoners were Falls, as well as the Queen Char- , Produellon.?ndto ,n"!a?The legislation f'0"1 success, bringing eleven of the election, Armand Lavergne, Full details are not yet to hand. taken, some of whom voluntarily lotte Islands, might be loaded the Hun machines to the earth. who was defeated in Montmagny but the distance which the towns gave themselves up as soon as direct Into the cars, and thus save',prv,dr I0!S-Ulement e aPPtinlnlfnt Doard, of Some of the duels in the'air were on Monday, telegraphed The Globe reported to be damaged are apart they were within reach of the handling again at Prince Ilupert. of three members and con-The the thrilling affairs, and although from Quebec city last night: from each other, indicates the ex French trenches. After the third ..loaded......cars can be ioweJ... IPllilinc n f mrinov in anlillAP outnumbered for the most part. "lour telegram received. Having tent of the earth tremors. Guata. attack, the Germans did nor resume equany wen or me barges as tneir - - " ' "'.:, the suDerlor skill and mrlwr nf been overwhelmingly defeated mala lies almost due north of their activity in this direction, contents, only. ncra son.n an auiuuiu nut ciceeuiug .. a1""' w successiui" in anv- in Montmagny by a Tory-Liberal San Salvador, where there were but contented themselves These barges will be operated J9. SnSlZneS ,n lhe remainder of the enemy combination, I am gladly out of disastrous earthquakes a few with extremely heavy artillery out of Prince Ilupert as the traBle l d , headlonir fllirht back politics, therefore have no opin months ago. The railroad run bombardments of all parts of the requiremenis are, anu tne lug . to their own lines. On their way ion to offer, and can only pray the ning from the Gulf of Honduras tnaae iere but action mis. was French lines. The French batteries Lome which is at present undergoing delayed by the general election. across the Piave. several others Almighty that Nationalist ideals to the Pacific has been destroyed were not behind, and replied overhaul in the south will The matter will receive early at were winged by the anti-aircraft may soon triumph for the maintenance In several places, and on the coast with two shells for every one be used for towing them. The tention, and the board will guns on the front, but succeeded of Ilritish allegiance and tidal waves have been reported. of the Germans. Several of the loading of the cars direct at the likely in landing behind the German Canadian liberty." which have caused much damage be named nearly in the enemy batteries were put out of point of origin of the traffic will new year. lines. and destruction among the shipping. action by direct hits from the save much time and labor in There Is no damage reported AND "PAT" SHOULD KNOW! French suns. transhipping. HERRING CANNERIES 'm the city on- rv. Iri the capital, the government Italian Front. CnD THE D T fAACT! British Official. Mr. Pat" Hums, the beef king, ii sending relief out to the dam. Home, Dec. 28. Artillery action GERMAN TROOPS Mm lut D. I. IUAM London, Dec. 28. There is is responsible for .the statement aged towns, and has the local intense on tho Astago plateau. DEMAND PEACE some artillery activity north and made to a representative of Tbe situation well in hand. The Germuns have brought up an An industry which may possib- east of Ypres. Elsewhere on the Province at the Hotel Vancouver enormous number of guns, which Pelrograd, Iec. 20. Au ini-twrtaut ly assist in the reduction of food British front, quiet prevails, that within the past few years the CHINA MAY SOON BC fvere . delayed en route owing to Foreisn Office official as. prices, has been started on the Jell Icoe's Retirement. herds of cattle in Canada have EXPORTING FLOUR the difficulties In transport. Not-i verted that evidence had been re- North Shore by Mr. A. II. Sher-' London, Dec. 28. There are almost doubled and that at the withstanding, however, their ac-jceived that the German army on man. managing director of the other changes reported in the Ad-Great present time there is no scarcity Ottawa, Dec. 27 J. 11. Ross, tlvlty with this arm, the Italian J the llussian front had been great-and Northern Canneries. Mr. miralty. The latest Is the retire-Sherman of meat. As compared with the Canadian Trade Commissioner In-. Ilritish and Frenrb gunners ly Influenced by the peace propa- intends to can harrlngs ment of Sir John Jelllcoe. The number of cattle in Western Canada China, in a recent report to the are fully equal to the occasion. Iganda literature freely distributed on a system similar to salmon London Telegraph demands that about ten years ago, the num. Department of Trade and Commerce, The Kalian batteries made an ef- by the Soviets. Distribution is canning and will ship the product tbe fullest statement be made by bers now are much greater and discussed the probability fective concentration of fire and proceeding on a large scale. One to troops in France, as well as the government regarding Sir the quality of the beef has been of China becoming a great wheat kept under their barrage several j hundred thousand copies of a selling it for Canadian consump- John's retirement, well maintained. In view of this exporting country in the near fu- , sections of the enemy line. 'paper translated into German tioti. Discussing the scheme Mr. ' Russo-German Peace, he was asked.the reason for the ture. thereby preventing the advance- were printed at one day's notice Sherman said: "I want to cheapen j, Petrograd. Dec. 28. Czernin advance in the prices and replied After noting the great decrease tnent of the Austro - German and despatched to the front, in the present cost of food. Therofald at Ilrest-Lltovsk that the that it was due to the abnormat n the amount of imports of flour troons. The Italian infantry have addition to innumerable leaflets, u nmrtioallv an unlimited sunnlr.Central Powers are ready to sign condition and the demand for beef from Canada and the United States made several dashing attacks. 'etc. of herrinir in the gulf which can In peace which shall be Just to all!for the men overseas. He held during the last two years, a decrease which have gained their objective 1 11 is declared that, whatever he ullliied more cheaply than;the belligerents, and also agrees 0ut a hope, however, that there amounting in value to in each Instance. 'may bV the outcome of the peace salmon, while, in my opinion, i to the policy of no annexations.'would be no furUier rise in orices 6,000,000, Mr. Ross says: Little by little, the Italian itosi- negotiations, the German army on herring are more nutritious. I However. Germany could not bind but added that there was no indl. lne almost prohibitive cost oi tlons have been much improved the llussian front is no longer have already commenced the work herself In this regard, without I cation that there would be a re. imported flour has greatly stimulated as the result of the last week's !willing to continue righting on of canning and have a large or-flghling. guarantees from Russia's allies. jluction, Province. the cultivation of wheat in It is considered that that front or any other front, der on hand for the French troops, many parts of China, and the erec there Is little possibility of the Russia, thereforo, could not be Herrings are put up in tins, about AUSTRALIA WILL NOT SAYS STARVATION TALK tion of new mills throughout the' Huns breaking through the moun-1 treated a s a defeated nation, seven llsh to a tin. These, I think, HAVE CONSCRIPTION IS ONLY CAMOUFLAGE country has rendered China very lulu passes from the norlh, or Moreover, Germany does not dare should be retailed at about 20 nearly independent of outside eilher P'tH'1? across the 'piavo'lake the risk of breaking off the rents per tin. which makes them Melbourne. Dec. 26. The latest Montreal, Dec. 27 After more sources. It is quite unlikely that river, and the danger now nf Italy commercial relations already en- much cheaper than salmon in returns in the voting on the referendum than three years of war service. foreign flour will ever again be being overrun by the Hun hordes tered upon. In the opinion of this cans." place the result as follows: Grigadier-General F. W. Loomis, received into China in the quan Is greatly reduced. Foreign Office official. There is no reason for present commanding the Second Brigade tities previous to the war. On the exhorbitaut prices of fish," con-Uinued For cqnscription, 702,000; and of tbe First Division of the Canadian other hand, it is fairly certain Xmas Tree and Entertainment NEW YEAR'S FESTIVITY Mr. Sherman, "and the only against. 067,000; majority against forces in France, arrived in that Chinese flour may ultimately at the Salvation Army Citadel on t difficulty iu our way is the absence 175,000. ! Montreal on three months' leave be exported to other countries, as Wednesday, Dec. 20th at 8 p.m. Much interest is being inanl of tonnage. We have the This does not include the soldier of absence. has been the case with limited Everybody welcome. Silver col festrd in the forthcoming pro- fish, but we can not secure the vote, now being counted in Discussing the war situation, quantities this year." lection. tf. gramme arranged for New-Year's shipping facilities." London. the General said: Day at St. Andrew's Hall under the Mr. Sherman said he has a stair Clash of Opinion. "1 think the climax must come For Prince Rupert and district, t auspices of the lied Cross Society. 'of fifty men engaged in canning London, Iec.20.An Austral. next season, and it behooves us wq nave secured the services oi Tim doom will be onen at 3:30 the herring, and the nsli are ian correspondent, writing in The all to appreciate what we have Mr. Martin Kroeger, F.R.H.B. On account of the Hi's in the afternoon and In addition caught by hito fishermen. HU Times, says it is Important that been told, that this Is a very Prince Rupert, It. CL, phono Red the cost of crease In pro- 399. Consult him about your . the isiue of the referendum anxious time, and everybody IU HIV 0UIO Ul WUIA CHI l Attlli iii fl ilClilrt sv s'v i.v i v v visions, laundry, etc., we the dear food question. should not be misunderstood. It should be doing everything they garden problems. Ilritish Columbia musical U promised, in solving compelled to advance programme , ... .... .. aro 1. I V. I.:-1. Nurseries, Ltd., Vancouver, There will be a fancy dance di- -He has commenced the erection is, he says, a flash of opinion re ran iu uruig auuui guiiTts nmvii our prices on some ar- reeled by the SUters of St. Joseph, 'of a second cannery on the west garding the proceedure. The antl-conscriptionists can only be achieved by united D. C. tf. tides. vocal numbers by Mrs. Albert and 'side of Vancouver Island, about consider that voluntary effort. The Germans are carry SELF'S CAFE, Miss Patmore, and selections by sixty miles north of Victoria, at enlistment will provide lng on their political Intrigues In WlllTK CAFE.LUNCH, UMrs. llryant and orchestra. Dane! port Renfrew which ne nopes to sufficient reinforcements and they Canada, and even in Montreal, I TAXI! TAXI! ROYAL Ting will commence at 0:30, for have in operation in two monuis, fear that conscription would In-lerfere Just as elsewhere. They are I., l.iol. iK.fA u.111 Iia n nlmrcrn nf Thorn will bo a Cold Storage plant with the agricultural and spreading suggestions about their PHONE 55 PHONE inn dollar for gentlemen and 50c as an adjunct of tho cannery." mining industries which are es own conditions, about their starv fe in.tiAs. "We have had a good salmon sential to the prosecution of the ing and lack of material on pur Reliable 24-Hour Service WESTHOLME Donations of fancy work and season." continued Mr. Sherman, war. All recognlied political pose, so as to dissuade us from narcela and any other articles despite lis rather bad beginning. parties in Australia agree that the making our extreme effort. No OPERA HOUSK suitable for the sale arc earnestly Our output was above the season's ,war must be conducted until vie. attention should be paid to them.' TONIGHT ONLY solicited mid may be left ul Mrs.'average. We shipped fully 30,000 lory is ttihveu. Fox presents FiiiicU's store at any time be. noses. I have also purchased as Ltdysmlth Wellington Coal re SW'S fore Tuesday. !carrier two ships from the New We have received 500 tons of duces your fuel bill and give George Walsh . I England Fish Co., the Ilorealis lump, and 150 tone of nut New aatlsf action. Phone 15. .P. R. Fnrnituro wanted. Any nuan- and the Emma H.. which should Wellington Coal this morning. Coal Co. In n thrilling story tlty. Good prices, paid for complete 'assist us next season." Prompt deliveries guaranteed FOR QUALITY Millions" household furnishings and Albert ft McCafTery, Ltd. The train from the east which "Melting KltVlCE and SATISFACTION nil kinds of tools, men's suits. For New Wellington Coal and should in ordinary course have 1.1 D A QAZETTE and COMEDY boots, cto. Phone Red 313 or call lr Lumber of all dimensions, Mr. Chester Poole left yesterday'arrived last evening, came in this s IX DAY WEEK FOH HHLF. on F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Ave. hone 110. 1 Vening for ancouyer. jmornlng about four o clock.