Friday. December 28, 1017 THE DAILT NEWS FELT LIKE A BF.7 LAND LEASE NOTICES BE CLEAN mm. fffrrrrrrrrmtr 8kEfc.1A LAAD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of FRED STORK'S HARDWARE COAST, RA0 ftVE. INTERNALLY PERSON TAKE nuik-e ihst Walter E. Wtiser, or FOR 0ANNERYMEN vansesr, B. C, ocespttten Msnseer, Now V have added to stock of valves and inleexll l tpply for permission le leas Over BOO.000 People Are our pipes a complete 'he reHowlny described land: Doing So. line of Itubber lielting at right prices. Coram not nt at s post planted si Inter F'ir srreed FOR FISHERMEN One Box Of many year physician bar Alter Taking Only Motion r Wrh Wsler Msrk Tonrsss Pas hat tt per rent, or human Ills wat caused A complete slock of the best goods that e and n Fail and West Line pssslns -'nm'iisted money for r-T wtile la the Lower lute-viiM; "Frull-a-llves" itruofii Concrete Monument si Bsrtlell that in ovr present wsy of Itrtof trolling Spring JJrass, rJihrer and JJrome. I'uint, Wslet Islsnd, B. C.,i thenr essi tur could not remov all thi wait FOR THE WATERFRONT East Bitir IIasbocs, N. 8, ' rhami; tbence sou lb is ctisins, ffiore itbt ssililanre, no matter bow rtrular The celebrated Leaf Taints Maple "ltd with great plfMuro tint I srrllo t less, to Wrh wter Msrk Tonrss P and VarnishesSpecial boat e ml ht be; and thai tb Irotn tr, Uieoe northerlr and westerly fol t poison paint "FLOGLAZK" A complete Hne of Ship Chandlery. to tell jrou of the wonderful bnefi!$ 1 J waste circulated tbroutb the blood "Wioc tli Line or Said Hirh Water Mark have rrwirod from ULlog "Trull-, u the poJni of commencement, sod con .iwiled n away down below par and were FOR EVERYONE tires". For fetn, I tu a dreaf tl ainiDf 110 acres, more or less. posibM rr many disesse or t serious A fine slock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stove's. sufferer from Conslifalion and lltad WALTER E. WALKER. u Mr. We Sell Nothing But The Best. aihtt,sod 1 tu miserable In ererjr way. it tub dsy or October. If IT. Dunns thi lime tb J. B. L Cascade" for internal Batoinr hss, because or their In the of medicines seemed Nothing way kEEXA LA.1D DISTIUCT DISTRICT or reeuiaeeendstion and those cf Its titers. to help me. Then I An illy tried CASSIAK. tjeeo stesdily rrawlny in fsror. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE " Fmlt-a Urea" and the effect waa Recently, tuweter, Ibe starUinr news, splendid. After taking one hoi, I feel TAkC notice that Waller E. Walker, or lHcii baa beeo eererinr the country thai like m new person, to hare relief from vsifriever. B. C, oeejstpsilon Maoater. treat mrreoo taa specialists bar been thoso sickening HeaJacliee". At the ei holme Theatre lo- intends to spply ror permission le lease peratins on Ibe Lower tntesune In such is fWHewmr described lands: Subscribe for The serious dieeese si Tuberculosis, tod attribute DailyjpVew iln. MAHTHA DE WOLFE. night. Commencinf si a post plsntcd si Ibe inch condition of chronic 111- COc. box, 0 for fiXC, trial aire, 23c. lorlb West Corner or Lot tfl, Cuilar neslUi Hervou Debility end Rheums- A t all dealer or tent postpaid by Fruit, AMERICAN ENGINEERS Oisimti tbence beriberty and westerly ste to inss cause, also Mylny that Hies SHOW THEIR COURAOE foil- If. tbe Hne of lllrb Water Mark alle UinliJsd. Ottawa. Pertland Canal oKon are favorable lo UM development to a point where an test and West Line drswn throurb a point ts or Cancer and Tuberculosis (as slated In Parle, Dec. 17. The condurt of chains Due north ef thu point t com. a reeest article in Tbe Sew York Time), the American engineers at Cam-bra leneesaent intersects with ssld Line of censed people to become tborouthly man Water Msrk: tbence west TO awake tn tbe Importance or keeplny thi chslns; I wan praised in a letter writ, thence southerly and easterly, parallel to Lower i oiet tine free from all poisonous Serve ten by General J. II. Seely, com Um said line of Hiyb Water Mark Portland waste welter, and ever 1 0-0,000 are now manding a Canadian lirigade, to .anal to a point IS cbalne Due West or oMnr Internal Batbs. Wilson Cross, viee.presidenl of ih feint or OMnmencetnent; tbence east This eatbusistlic and grateful letter la chain te said by no means sn eteepUenal one amonrst tho American Chamber of Com. S point or commencement, the bwndreej on our Ble: TIMBER SALE X 925. sad cwntsHriev tt acre mere or less. merce in London, which waa read WALTER E. WALKER. 71 Tin Ave. South, Lethbrldre, AJbcrta. to the American Luncheon Club by laie ISrti dsy sf October, ItlT. Dr. Tyrrell. Toronto: Setled trotters win be received hj toe Dear Doctor Tyrrell. After uslnr your Save II. Powell, the chairman. Mlnlitrr of Laod not later loan nooo on SkEEXA LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF "J. B. L. Cascsde for feur months, I reel ibe ft III dsr or Jsausry, till, for Um put-tint "I am at home for a few days," CASSIAR. tt my duly a tbankrul psUcnl to express of Licence Xttt. to cut 1.460,000 Gen. Beely wrote, "and before re my enthusiasm for tbe (rest bless-toy fret of Hemlock, Cedar, Balaam and Spruce turning to Franco I cannot help TAKE' notice tbst Tbe Anrio-BriUsh Co H has been so me. Tea cannot feel my cm an area situated on Loot Lake. rraser lonics of Van esuotioo aa I write uua letter In praise rscktnf Ounpaay Limited, of the DistrlcL telling you extraordinarily of work. Words simply lirscn. runt 4, Coail ewvrer, B. C, oceapstloa Salmon Canoe rs. you in your treat Two f years will be allowed for rt-motal gallant fight put up by a handful nirod to apply roe permission te lease fsd to espies my thankfulness for, of timber. f American railway engineers Um fuiinwto r Cescrtbed Isnds: Brst lesraMf or your Cascade. Previous Produce ibe Chief Tort so uetsif it I eowld not a day without Further particulars or Her. r during the second phase of the Conameneinr at a pest plaated at Hlfb Victorts B, C or District rorester, Vrinrr Water Mark Portland Canal, I chains Due drat or om sort, and since usiny It I Huprrl, B. C. J 14 Cambral battle. I happened to Twlli and 40 chains, or more. Due West save not, on my word of honor, swallowed bear of it first hand, and the facts the orth West Comer or Lot ttt. de eenta' worth of drut. I spent over TIMBER SALE X 026. are worth recording. Cat lar District; tbence northerly and la tbe two yesr previous to bear ing f Ibe -J. B. L." Would that all Um westerly roUewl&s the Line or tilth Wster 'They running their train were younr men and wueuen l see In this town Msrk, Portland Canal, to a point where an Sealed traders will be received by the forward at dawn and laying a line East and West Line drswn throusb point with thetr races covered with horrid, un-sirhUy Minister or Lands nut later than nooo on front of it when they found cham Due North of the potol of com- pimples would use IL They would tbe Win dar or rtrury. roe Ibe themselves surrounded by Germans. cesaeat Htterseels with said Una of soma set rid of them, aa I did. 1 must VERY ONE CAN do stop, or 1 win be keeptnr you rrom your purrbaa or Licence X Iff. to ent t.tte.too llifh Wsler Msrk; thence West It ebsins; No man thought of surrendering work, but I eeuM 011 ten more ptses or tret of Hemlock, f prure. Miasm and Cedar thence southerly and easterly para lied with something for his Home fired with rifles pest eoudJUue of heel lb, alao in praise rraser my on an area situated oo Loot Lake, the said LUM of Klfh Wster Msrk, Port Resell. Hear 4, Coail DIstrtCL to cover the retirement, and oth land Canal to a point 10 chains Due West wt taw -I. b L.- May yon enjoy this tire country Three il years will be allowed ror re-nuvsl ers rougiii iianii-io-nana wiin tbe point, of commencement; tbence te the tulL Sincerely yours, or umber. east M chain te said point or commence rorthrr particulars or the Chirr forester. crowbars and picks. Not one man ment and eon taurine ItO arrea more or William Devoy. Some can bear anna Victoria B, c, or biairlct rorester, rnon of tho party fell unwounded into fee ef the Bed and foreshore or Peruana If yea try tb "J. B. U Cascad' you Some can produce food Kuprrt, B. C. n 4 will md yeunetT always brttnt, conn the hands of the enemy." MAX. THE A-IOlvO-BRimil COLUMBIA PACKIXC and eapabie tbe poisonous waste Some can make munition. oi bilious, blue, dull and nervous. TIMBER SALE X1036. COMPANY LIMITED, Walter E. WS!ktr. Aft Some can give money For Fale Ileininglon No. It nssensal Biths are .Nature's own cur for of ttlT. Oste ISU dsy October. ypewriler in first-rlass condition CuoaupslSoo J eat warm water property It is the privilege of dfl to help. force Asture the "J. B. I e. Drrs testa lenders wUI be received the pa-Mi by pply Daily News Ofllce. tf S KEEN A IXS0 DISTRICT DISTRICT or csede" aula la her. I.. tenuy Minister or Lands not later than noon on CASSIAR. Um lm day uT January. If If. for tbe coil and se It at Cyril IL Orme'a Dru or Licence X to rut ISS.SOe Store. Cur. Ird Avenue and f tb SL, Prince OU CAN SERVE percaase lIt, take aeuc that The AnrW-Briusk Csv by frel or Cedar. Spruce. Hemlock and Balsam losntxs Psckms Company Limited, of Vsn- aopeet. Y ab roe "Why Man or Today La Only SO on an area situated Bskefs Inlet, on nowvwr. B. C. occuvasioa Saimeo Canoers. Fighting Working t (MM. EJtcieot. a baeklet ef (rest In- Hants 4. Coast IHatrUL insrnds lo apply roe petmlsitnn te lease one 1 1 year will be aUewsd ror removal he roMowtn descs-ttied lands: wbsea Is flven on reciaesL if you Saving Giving Clue. A. TyrreU. write st eaee te of Umber. .rnmewrtM at a post plaated at Ills Cetiere Street, Toronto, for this M.D.. its rurther particular of lb Chart rertie. Wster Msrk, Portland Canal, ft ehalns Dave llctorta, B C, or District roresler, rrtnee eth and 4 chama or mere Due West ef beek. This Is NATIONAL SERVICE Buperu B. C it! TIMBER SALE X1038. Um north West Comer of Lot ttt. Cassiar LAND ACT Are YOU doing pert? (Msliiet; tbence north SS cbetnsi tbence your TIMBER SALE X1017. Scaled under will be received by the t re chain, more or leas, to Hitn Dlstrtcl rerester. Prince Rupert, . a. not Water Mark Portland Canal; ibene uth-eely SkCA LA3D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Uter tlun,ftuuo on lb Srd day or Jsnusry. and easterly foitowlnr the tine of COAST. RA3CE 4. EYES turn now to Sealed lenders til be received by the fit. roe the purchase of Ucenee x lets. Hirh Wsiee Msrk Pecttand Canst te the AL Minuter of Lands not later than noun on cut T.eee Uoeal feet of cedar Pile en it or enmrae nee meet and contslntsr TAKE .tOTICE tbst John Grace, or Van the Canadian Farmer, Um 1Mb day or January. I tit. re the par ra sisusted on West Shore, Uunter aeree more or less. eoaeer. B. c. occupation osnerman. in- i chase or Licence X ItlT. le cut S18.0 island. Plumper Pssaate. iUare I. Ceaat rm AXOLO-BAJTISII COLOMBIA rACU.10 s te apply far permission to lesse Um for he can render the reel oT Spruce, Hemlock and BsUam on an DistrlcL guMPA.fY LIMITED, Walter E. Walker,Att. foUewtBf deeertbed lands: arre situated on klUela River, runs f. on tli yesr will be allowed for re isate tth day r Oetober, ItlT. Cajsnmenetar at a post plsntcd on Um ! Empire SPECIAL SERVICE Coast DistrlcL suoval oT timber. roeeebore on the west aide or Stewart j Two it i years wilt be allows ror re rurther parttcular of the Chief rerester. 4KEEXA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF arrow a. about two miles sou lb or Hartley i snuvsl or Umber. Yiewrta, B. C or Dsstrm rerester. Prince COAST. RASGE FIVE. Bey; tbenc west IS chains, tbence north in this sternest year of the farther parUrulare or the Chief rerester. RonerL B.C. Dll. to chains, thence east to chains, tbenc Victoria, B. C. or District rerester, rrtnee TAKE nestce that Waller E. Walker, ot south f chain to the point or commencement war. Rupert. B. C Dtl LAND REGISTRY ACT Vsncowver. 8. C occvpauon Msnsrer, and ceuiatnins- so acres more or less. (Secuoos St and llt.i tnteinTs te aprnr rr permission to lease JOIl.X GRACE. AppncanL But our farms are badly undermanned s Mm win t described lands: DATED November It, 117. SALE X1129. TIMBER Cctftttocnelnr st a post planted at the 25,(KM) men are needed on Re Appttcauu . stt L ntur '' StasnsusanMBBtai ntersecsiuo of an East aaa west une MINERAL ACT the land. TAKE KOTICE that appUcatlon has been Scaled tenders will be received by the iheouch Concrete Monument st ssruett District Forester. Trior Rupert, B.C., not mad to re slater Anne Duffy, of ma otM. wsles Island. B C with liifb water ! With insufficient help, the Man oa RuuerL O. C as owner in Tee under a -.NOTICE TO DELLNQl'EJIT PABT.1ER hater than noon on the 1th day or January Mark TonesM Psssste; tbeoc souinerty Tas Sale Deed from the Collector el the To & W. Calhoun: the Land fights an uphill fight to aier Itlt, roe the purchase of Licence X lift. and eMrty foMewtnt said nun or rrtnee Dupert, beertnr dele I Take notice, whereas I have done and la cut 14,0 reel or Spruce, Cedar. Hem City Milk i s point where a th and South meet the pressing need for Food. Mlb day T eeptember. It 14. of ALL AD aosed to be done assessment work on the lock and Balsam on an area situated in Uoe drawn throuth a point tt chains Due SIAOULAR that certain parcel or tract of Inter- Midnlthl Fraction mineral claim, situated (ifctcrtalory Inlet. Cassiar District. East oa UM posnt of commencement land and sitaste, Ijlfif. and besns on tbe Hilanc river, about fourteen mile premise On l )rsr will be allowed fr re wcu said IHth Wster Mark or Tonrass nuvsl or Umber. us the Municipality of rrtnee Raprrt. more Passare; thence sooth S chains; tbence from the head or Alice Arm. In the Skeen , and TOWN particularly knwn and described ss Let tnlninc division or Skeena district, assessment CITY further particulars or Ibe Chief forester. norihwseteely in a straiffal Um to a patnt lorur till. Block thirty (li. aecuen work ror 114, Itlt, and Itlt. and ooe Vlrtorls. D. C or District forester. Prince to eaVsm Du West of the point or com have paid ror said work and reeordint help. B.C. Dtl eisbl (1. hsp ttt. awsiccmeM; thence IS chain Du East ot Rupert, You are reauireU to contest the ctsun or the point ef eommeoeeuest and eeolaUUnt sam tbe sum or tJOT.tO. Unless you pay um ui purcbaacr within St days from the less. m the sum or I IDS.SO. ror your an re mere er WATER NOTICE date ot the service or Ibis notice (which acre, WALTER E. WALKER. oPtbe said assessment work, lorelber with Municipal Councils, Churches and may be effected by pubUcstioo), and your lat tlte dsy or October, ItlT. tbe cost or this advertisement, I shall, at Schools, and other organizations, 1 section I of the tbe esptrst-on or ninety (tO) days from s motion is to TAkC .lOTICE Ibal Dolly Varden Mines both of and render can men women, -Land Pcfistry Art" with amendmceu. and tbe date hereer apply to Um minint recorder Coaapanr wouse address Is Mice Ann. B SKCE.VV LA.tD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of therefrom: at Prince Rupert B. C to nave National Service by directing all C. wlU spply ror a license to tsk and to Mm folio win ottraci CASSLVR. And In detsult or a caieat or ccrta yunr interests tn the Midniybt Fraction us ten eubl reel or wstcr per second available labour to the Land. Bled before mineral dalm vested tn me. in pursuance out or Trout Creek, a tributary or Kit cate or Ha penJen beln TAKE neuee that Walter E. Walktr, of ssull River flow Ins Into Alice Arm. Cas the rtflitraUoa a owner of the person Vancouver, 0. C. occupation Marnier. or tbe proviaion of the mineral set Farmers themselves can exchange will be call l led under such 1st sale, all person Tor permission lo lease Dated ai Prince Rupert, B. C, this loin sisr District Tbe wster diverted HUetsJ to spply labour. School assist. served with .... and ay of September. ItlT. mi boys can al the bead or the rails on tbe Silver ao notice, I he fvHotvtuc described lends: llurde Mineral claim. Lot ttOI, and will those eiaiminr tbreutti or under Interest them, Couuneneinc at s post planted at Um ll, c riiiLurs. Were you raised on a farm? Can you claimlnr any be used for power purparts on Ibe Wolf tod all persona North West Corner or Lot lf. Lsssiar ud Dolly Vsrdcn Orour or Mineral in Ibe land by virtue or any unreti'tered Ms trie I: tbence norm so cnaina; wm drive a team? Can you handle fork Culms belnt Lois 114 to S'tT Inclusive, instrument, and all persons descent clatminr whose any wet 4t chains, more or less, to Hitn "A Dollar Saved is or hoe? If you can't fight, you can the laud by and Lou Sltt to S 1ST Inclusive and Lot interest in Water Msrk Pectland Canal; tbence south Jill, cassisr DistrlcL title Is not retiatered vndcr the pro erly and easterly followiot Hitn aier Dollar Earned " produce. Spend the Summer working siatuns ot Ibis Act, snail be tor svrr a Msrk PerUand Canal lo point or couiuicik-meni the Farm. Application will be made alao ror the on rrwn seiunc up stopped end debarred and eon t mint te rre more or nshl to store lit acre reel In first Trout Third any claim to or In respect oT the land lee a. to your credit Let woman and child la Lake sad t.too acre reel In Second. so swld ror uics, and Um Rtiirr every man, WALTER E. WALKEH. and fourth Trout Lakee. Tbe water will sball miller lb person enUlleU unde tttb day ol October. HIT. A1 in the bank, ts yours. the Dominion who has access to be slurvd In first Trout Lake by tbe con Dale You don't have to such.u i sate as owner ot the land o Land, no matter how small the plot, strurtluu or a dam al Its outlet and In sold Ur uses." work tor tt all over fcecuod.the construction Third and or I'ourlh a dam Trout st tbe Ukes outlet by AXD WHEREAS ipllcaUen has been NOTICE. again as you do (or the dollars make It produce Food in 1917. made for a Certificate or indtrtaswie iius w second Trout Lake. Tbe estimated u tbe aboie ntcnltoiied Unda, tn Ibe name "Sea dull." "Drown Bear." "Little Toroj that have been spent. area of. land to be flooded at first Trou Duffy: meeaan." "SaMttBI I rariion. ar sjoc dollars have 1 Aium ul How lake Is IT acres and at Second. Third and AMI WIlthkAS on Inveslirstinc toe uue rrai UuM,'. "Sheet Anchor rraeuon,- -sxy many you For InJormattoo oa may subject rolntlnj to lour lb Trou I lake Is twenty acre. Inst prior to too um u v. mi.- -caniD Bird rraetlon and "Obser that you can call your own ? tbe Farm tmd Gsutien wrritei Tbla uotir was posted ow tbe (round it i uicuOier.appears 11. tine oaie on woicu i wsiory ' Mmersl Usuos. situate la tb Why not start an account in in the 111& ItlT. Di via too or cceat putrict. INFORMATION BUREAU day cf October, aid lands were sold lor oierou hi av.kua umint our Savings Department and A copy of Ibis notice and an application whore iiKsted near Bear late, surf assessed thereof. the owner of the u were save a part money you DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE pursusni thereto and lo tbe Water Act, ri HTIIEn TAKE HOTICK that tt tli ml. I. rrmee noysi iiianu. P A few dollars saved tll. will be nied lii the omr or tbe I sbsll effect refHtratlon In pur TAKE xoTii'-K that I. I Tea n. weiia. earn suie Unie OTTAWA Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. U. C susnce or sucb applicstion and Issue I'm Miners itrunnw f ikiiu tuv cach weck,amount to hundreds The dels of the Oral sppesrsnce of Ibis Ceriiflcal of Indefeasible Title to tbe said dole sutburised attnt of Millard T. War in the course of a few years. nutlra In the Iocs! newspaper was tbe Unas in lb uune of Anne Duffy unless mi. Free Miner' cerlincaie no. itic 1 3rd dsy or October. ItlT, and objections ou tske and prosecute Ibe proper pro iiiend. aim day rrom tb date hereof, THE BANK OF DOMINION the comptroller or the Mining- Recorder (or may be filed with cerdiuis lo eetsbiisn your ctaim. it an i.. aunts to ' Water Recorder within thirty days after or improvement, for lb pur- sucb i rrtincate No.1!4 America lo the id lauds, or to prevent pri British lie ebttmint a Crown Qrant of each said date, posed action on my raru i. .c of DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DOLLY V A HE E.N Ml.lkS COMPANY. r the sIhjvs clsuus. w DATED (I lb Laud Hctistry R. B. McQInnls. Atenl. per X. A. Clevelsnd. Prince Ituperl, U. C this tin day ol Sep ASD ri'RTHER TAKE 0TtCE that C temuer. A. D. ItlT. uuo. under section ft. must be com CAriT.L AND KUUrLUS, f7.S. OTTAWA, CANADA. SUBSCRIBE FOR R. r. MACLEOD, lueocrd before tbe issue or such CsrtiOcat Him RUPfRT BRANCH HOei. MARTIN BUftRta-L. MlstlSTKN. District Heilslrar or TlUea. ef Improvements, tftlh day ot October A. D DATED this To Hoberl Murdoch, Esq., W.J.SMITHERStMaiufjer The Daily News Ill itobson SL, Vancouver, B. C HIT. 0