LX- The Daily News - ' f VOL, VIII, NO. 206. I'MNCK I1UPKHT, II. G, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1917. RICK VE?W?fr . ,, -. ' 6 " " i'j AMOTMER SLIDE ELOCIS mILBwAI) TMff y AVALANCHE OF TREES, MUD AND STONES. TELEGRAPH SYSTEM INTERRUPTED ANOTHER TRAWLER NOW HI GILL WILL RUN CONJECTURES ABOUT ALDERMAN MONTGOMERY SLIDE BLOCKS THE Bft DEMANDS FOR OPERATES FROM HERE) AGAIN IN SEATTLE THE SOLDIERS' VOTE TO THE CITY ELECTORS RAILROAD AT KWINITSA! NORTHERN l.C SPRUCE The fishing boot "Zorra," be-longisg Seattle, Dec. 29. Immediately From time to time articles have To the Electors of Prince Ilupert, As the result of the thaw and It has been known for some to the Atlln Fisherle s, Ld., following announcement of the been appearing in some of the m Ladies and Gentlemen Having the warm rains, there has been little time that the Imperial authorities arrived in lha harbor today with attempt to disbar the legal firm .Vancouver newspapers claiming entered the contest for the Mayoralty another elide along the railway have had Ihe develop line near to Kwinista. The track ment of the resources in spruce some 3,000 lbs, of "scrap" fish with which he Is connected, came that the soldiers' vote is going of your city for 1018, it is my is blocked badly and the train lumber in British Columbia under that i, llah of all kinds. The the announcement from Mayor largely for Colonel Peck. This duty to place a platform in front from the east which was due to consideration. This clear spruce Zorra liai been fitted up with a Dill that he would again be a foreknowledge of what is going to of you for your consideration. I arrive here last evening was unable is required for the construction beam trawl and hat made two or candidate for the mayoral chair, happen may carry some algnifl-Half submit the following: to make it. of aeroplanes, and already many three prospecting trips lately lo a dozen or more prospec- 'cance. The soldiers were practl-tlve I. Open up the question of our The train is stalled somewhere millions o f feel have passed candidates are in the offing with the G. T. Rail on the other side of Kwinitsa, and through this port on its way lo And out Just where the flih were. ca,.y a,i golng lo vole for Colonel agreement P. wailing for opportunity to slip its arrival will depend upon the the East for manufacture. Thirty Being only a small boat, her an p, Tu9 wa8 8ai(j to be a sure way Company with a view of gel-ting speed made with the clearing of million feet per month ws the in their bids for office, but Mayor lhing. Al flrst it was claimed an understanding with the success on this occasion is con. Oill anticipated them somewhat lnal Co. peck woujd have BOme newly appointed officials of that the track. The O. T. P. have got original estimate which the Im sfderrd sat Is The available man on tne job perial authorities were prepared factory. variety by his definite pronouncement. .000 votes from the soldiers, but company, as to their attitude to every of flih caught by the trawl Is In-1 His most feared opponent is Har- according lo the latest article oniards the Prince flupert agree-old and everything possible is being to utilize. This amount ot,ctmre I Preston, urged to run by the This matter lo be pursued done to get the line clear. depends altogether upon the number fin I If. Practically all are edible, this subject, this has been re-'menl. The slide is reported to be a of loggers and the quantity of .. ....... . .. ... i best Intentions with, the as re- and many of the smaller varieties! w .a w duced now to 1,250. been most active in to very bad one, and Kwinitsa is fa machinery that can be procured opposition of the are or a mucn more delicious When it is considered that some Wds the interests railway llavor than halibut. Gill and Is still unprepared to believe sixteen months ago the total num. company and Prince Ilupert which mous for slides. The warm rains for the purpose of- getting the together with the melting logs into the water. The spruce snow, that his belated decision to ber of voles cast in the--orovin- I consider are one. rilirs of flih is great in other clean up the city Is sincere. cial election by the soldiers from? 2. I am opposed lo purchasing loosened large quantities of muskeg, trees are there thousands of which eame rolling down the acres of them in the Queen Charlotte In his formal announcement countries, and good prices are the three provincial constituen- the power rights or the Prince nu-eiea mountain sides, carrying with it Islands for the getting. realized; in many cases being Gill says: which make up the Skeena pert Hydro-Electric Co, situated away above that of halibut, which MI really hadn't intended to file; Division for the Dominion Parlla-'on Falls River. I consider this Is tree trunks, roots and all, together Since the Hon. T. D, Pattulto, Is the main standby on this Pacific my family did not want me lo run ment, only numbered 2l alto.' too expensive an undertaking for with large quantities of minister of lands, returned to coast. again, and I had decided lo go gether, Ihere must have been jibe city to enter into al present; stones. Victoria after his visit here a few It Is possible that before long back lo the practise of law. Hut some scratching to gel the num-!alo too expensive to buy and hold WIRE TROUBLE days ago, he is able to predict with titer will be many trawlers operaUj last night, after I had been served ber raised to 1,250 now. J for an Indefinite period. If the absolute certainty that private ing in these waters. There is no)with notice of this disbarment One thing is certain and that IJ proposals made by the present Toward the end of last week. enterprise one concern alone doubt as to the fish being there proceeding, I had another family that the majority of the voters Inlcouncil are accepted by that com- there was a great blizzard in the having made definite arrange for the catching, and in times like,caucus, and we decided there was the Skeena Division voted foripany, I will consider it my duly Fraser Valley, which caused extensive ments for the moment will within these, when there Is a world-wide no alternative save running. Fred Stork. He is the choice of(to have a by-law drafted, and sub-the damage to the telegraphic a very short space of time com. scarcity of food, there should al. "I will go on the stump and tell people residing in the district. milted to the people for their con- system. For miles at a stretch, plete Its plans whereby about ten ways be a good market. a great deal that I have refrained siuerauon. the poles were levelled and the million feet per month will be thus far from saying. Of course "WHAT MONEY CANT BUY" 3. Cow Bay. My policy has al-ways wires broken in many places. In procured and placed on the mar THE CRADLE I expect lo be re-elected. As for been against the closing op the Skeena valley over the week ket for d-lspo&a! along the essential Horn to Mr. and Mrs. William the disbarment proceedings. I do The play to be screened tonight of Cow Hay, because it is the only end, there was a very high wind. channels. Other concern are C. JtfWli. 233 Kighlhvenue East,!not believe I will have any diffi at the Weslholme Theatre is anj outlet the city possesses to the which caused trouble to the wires making tentative plans which' will at IhefPrince Ilupert General llos-'culty in defending myself. I In adaptation from the play of the!waterfront. i Is the orilyplace and which""were"doiiBlIes9 further pe-certottt to m&UeiaH$ Jt; r pltal on December 29th, a son. tend to handle my own case and 'game name by George Droadhurst (for repairing small boats on the interfered with by the big slide at soon as the engineers now making I know of nothing thai would inTlie p(ay is well known, and in'townslle, as Seal Cove will be in- Kwinitsa. practical investigations have completed NOTIOE any way Justify the attempt to .the adaptation for the screen. it'terfered with in the near future Prince Rupert is, therefore, cut their findings; So that r .1 i ln i..m whereby lands off from communication with outside what appeared to be Bxt deer to We beg lo Inform our patrons rrciii me iiuiii ii uciiviiif. inn. has lost none of its strong points. 4. Adopt avolicy that we are operating on strictly The star actors,Jack Pfckford and which have become the property points by telegraph, and we aa impossibility three weeks ago cash basis on and after January WHALE MEAT NOW TO BE Louise Huff, are famous and they of the city through tax sales shall have been unable to gel our usual I practically certain of conversion 1st, 1918, as we shall have no EX POUTED WOttLD-WIDE are supported by one of the become revenue producing, so as press dispatches for publication into an accomplished faet be time lo keep open accounts owing strongest casts ever seen in one lo relieve the general taxpayer.' today. Next year, however, conditions fore many months have passed. CI to labor shortage. Victoria, Dec. 29. In an effort picture. It is really one of the This to be carried out with the may be improved. Startling Comparison. u Your patronage solicited. to distribute whale meal lo the finest productions' that have ever view of supplying industrial sites The enormity of the undertak flOYAL A.I SEftVlCE. market of the world, Instead of come to the coast. wherever possible at a reasonable to remove the cause of our present ings now planned by two.or, three restricting Its consumption to the Tomorrow, New Year's Day, a figure. deficit, which I claim is due to private eslerprisea will be best IlufTel, dining tables and chairs Pacific coast, the Victoria Whal- special attraction is lo be given 5. To enforce prohibition to the bad administration. IBM p-iraM st ii uauw pooisjpun at Tiles January hale. 20 Inir rVimnanv la nlannintr In -in the shape of a "Hutterfly" pro letter, and all olher laws and bylaws. 7. To adopt grading where the present monthly output of per.tablish modern and of who be practicable so as to abolish as far aeroplane spruce for the whole, cent discount. If a canning refrigerating duction entitled "The Plow Woman. Irrespective may plant at Kyuquot on This is the first time that affected; the same to be carried as possible planking on our city province of British Columbia the For New Wellington Coal and the West Coast. nutlerfly productions have appeared out at a reasonable expense. We streets. product of the same commodity Ir Lumber of all dimension, It is believed that In the near in town, and this one is are now paying 200 per cent, more 8. Economy with ftlciency shall for barely reaches half, a million hone 116. future negotiations can be closed certainly something very fine. than similar cities in this province be my policy with all city busi feet, while the whole of the United with the Hritish Government for There Viil also be two fine comedies. are paying, and in Prince ness. States per month does not exceed supplying whale meal to the Ilupert we are not gelling value 0. It shall be my ambition to three million feet. From the protect the general public in re- insight will troops overseas. Thorough tests for our money. figures quoted some On account of the in- have proven the food to have high See Tile's windows for January 0. To place the city's utilities gard to prices, quality and sufO be gained into the plans of the create In the cost of pro- nutritive value, and Investigators Sale bargains. tf. upon a self supporting basis, and cient supply of the commodities I imperial Government with regard visions, lauaJ.-y, etc., we claim that It should have an Im necessary for their use. Where I to aeroplane construction during are compelled to advance portant place on the soldiers' rations. private enterprise tails to supply the next twelve months, and. Mr. our prices on some ar- Samples o f the canned these commodities at a reasonable Pattullo's announcement will also tides. product have been put up, and are price, it shall be my duty to find bear out the definite statements SELF'8 CAFE, declared to be of excellent quality. ways and means to overcome obstacles made, in private and public, by WHITE 'LUNCH, Wide Market Expectd. which appear to render the Lord Montagu of Beaulieu during HOYAL CAFE. Mr. 8. C. Iluch, manager of the city powerless to act. On such his recent visit to Victoria. NOTICE! occasions I will not hesitate to company, was not in a position (- take action. yesterday to say to what extent 10. I can see no reason why the it was intended to launch into permission cannot be granted to A BALL IN AID OF THE WESTHOLMR new industry, and the operations HALIFAX SUFFERERS cut of householders to a supply of the coming seasou will be of an PECK'S wood for their homes, where timber LJAVING bought out Of IK A HOUSE experimental nature more than is not available for lumber. The first annual ball of TONIGHT ONLY anything else, although it is ex r This will assist the ccul supply In the Sons of Canada Society pected that a wide market will be SHOE STORE, the Store JACK PICKFORD In this city, which has not been sat will take place in the St. found. When given its tryout isfactory of late owing to the dif. Andrew's Hall on Friday, AJID LOUISE HUFF Victoria Summer and whale other meat coast cities proved last a will be CLOSED on TUESDA Y, Acuity in obtaining supplies and January lUh, The West-hohne . Orchestra will -.in In their transportation, I shall provide WHAT MONEY CAN'T BUY' popular delicacy at households,hotels, restu-ranls and, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY attempt to obtain permission and the m us to. Tickets: A 5-reel Player Production, and private facilities, the to assltl with, roadways lr pos Gents, 11.00; Ladies 50c. with the rrum lb OrlrtaU Story or Um canning sun Mm By company expects that the demand for Stocktaking, and arranging for sible. OIOROK BMOADHURST will be unlimited. 11. I shall consider it my duty Willi Sirurr Cut, Ineludlnc to assist in every way possible m4r RoktrU UUbart BMwteth POLICE COURT the Greatest Shoe Sale ever staged any and all legitimate industries, tUfH.ot.ti Htltwi JtmM Crui THE TAXI! which will be In any way an asset TAXI! TOPICAL BUDGET this and shall try all and means This morning In Ihe police in City, ways Full of lalo events. court, Mrs. Annie Ilutten again to provide sites and power for PHONE 55 PHONE appeared before MngUtrate Cars such enterprises. SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S on a charge of selling liquor- The Sale Starts Friday Ladies and Gentlemen, you have Reliable 24-Hour Service ATTRACTION case was found proven, and the r got my record for Investigation for five terms alderman for of as accused was fined in the sum 5-reel Hutterlly Production. (200, this being her second offence. your city, which I rely on, and If "THE PLOW WOMEN" at 930 a.m. you find It satisfactory, I ask for A Nestor Comedy your support on election dy. If TELL MOROAN'S GIRL" Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re I am elected. I shall avote my A Joker Comedy duces your fuel bll and glvs whole time to the city busfoeas THE MAN WITH THE satisfaction. Phona 15, .P with which I am familiar. I wil PACKAGE" Coal Co. N. SCHEINMAN give you a progressive, sane und FOR QUALITY fair administration for 1918, NOTE Tal u""ths ant tints that EHVICE and SATISFACTION "HUTTIUFLY" restarts turn tw IMankcts, sheets, comforts, pillows, I remain. s ,A4B A Item ktwwu In ibU city. towels and lowelHnK Yours respectfully, IX DAY WEKK FOl HMLP, Tlte'a big January sale. tf W. H. MONTOQ-MKRY a O