M.ni!,v in. " Hard to Drop I'sail ,a MAIL SCHEDULE He used a pchltio (o The Daily News All depends on what you cut " keep his nwuih moists THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IK NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA as a substitute. It is a jnod Published Dally and Weakly For ths EasL time to study "food value" Monday, Wedncsday'B and 8al-rdays Guaranteed Largest Circulation Vou mav be catint tlitN at 9.10 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: wrong foods, the foods thai Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, D.C Tel. 93. cost most and give the least Sunday,From 5:30 ths p.m.;EasL Tuesday, Shredded TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. nutriment. :S0 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Wheat Dtscuit contain Contract Rates on application. more real, body-building For Vancouysr. DAILY EDITION Monday, Dee. 31, 1017. nutriment, pound for pound, Monday 7 a. m.,n than meat, eens or potatoes Thursdays Tuesdays 10 P p. m. and costs much less. Two REPRESENTATION government of the country? Saturdays P. n. Biscuits with milk As a specimen of Toryism, "Canada does not want Quebec of these pure and undeflled by any democratic to beoome her Irelaud. for and a little fruit make n From Vancouver. strain, the recent utterance that would confront her with I nourishing meal at a cost of Sunday P- of Sir Herbert Ames re. a proDiem m comparison a fcw cents. Make Shredded Mondays 9 a. garding the people of Quebec Wednesdays 10:30 a, r.rr ir Wheat your"meat." A satis 0 Js worthy of attention. This Fridays P. reactionary staled in his best mensions. Ireland has less than fying breakfast on which to Saturdays ....... 10:30 a. m Prussian style: one-third of the population of start the day s work. It is "You cannot mix oil alhi Canada. Laws for the safe-J ready-cooked and ready-to- For Anyox. water, and what the future of Burumg ui me jiauonat inter- Made fa Canada. Sundays 10 p. the province will be it is im est must u eiuurceu iu iueuec Wednesdays 10 p 11 possible for any of us to tell as elsewhere, but to helo that Fridays 8 p. in at present, but I hope and believe enforcement it is desirable lhallmeasures could be kept perman Saturdays 10 p in that in time they will do the province should be fairly lent even in peace times, the gain their share in winning the war. represented in the Government.I w ould be great. From Anyox. Meanwhile it cannot be expected, Incidentally. Sir Herbert Ames I m Sundays, a. mH Mondays, a. m MADE IN CANADA nor is it desirable, that they is about the last person we J There were no Christmas cour Tuesdays, p. m and Thursdays should take part In the govern should expect to hear from onll8les exchanged with the Oer m, ment of the country." the undesirability of expert-na.ns this year, as was done for Yet Sir Herbert is a Unionist tnenting with th 'oil and water'I tbe first and second war ChrisU Port Simpson A Naas River Points lie wants a Union government of racial interests in this coun- mases. The more tbe Dritisb sol For Sundays, 10 p. m. which seems to make his state try. It was the political or-jdiers get to know of the Hun from Tuesdays, p. m. WRIGLEYS ment somewhat paradoxical. A ganization in Montreal of which I troops, the worse they like them. statement of this kind would he was one of the heads which Queen Charlotte Islands. evidence that Sir Herbert and provided the funds for that ex. For Prince Rupert and district. Mails Close OcL 10 and 21 those wth him do sot want any perimentof 1911 and by flnanc-w have secured the services of ov. 7th and 2 1st, Dec. 5th and gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, Union government. They want "r- ain ivroc-scr, r.u. u. o ing iiourassa s DrooaKanda did 9lh 10 p. m. no government that is not to more than anything else to Prince Ilupert, I. C phone fled Malls from OcL 14th and (8 refreshing confection ineir J iking, or inal nas any create the present unfortunate 399- Consult him about your tov. 11 tU and 25th, Dec. 9th and lo take the place of the cave differences of opinion with the situation. In these serious garden problems. Hritisb Colum 3rd p. m. man's pebble. bold knighL times the Union Government bi Nurseries, Ltd, Vancouver. It is pointed out that "in his should see that its alliluri ln- m B. C. tf, Itswart, Map Is Bay and Swamp We help teeth, breath, appetite, hope that French - speaking wards grave questions is not PolnL digestion and dclidously soothe Canada will do its share in the announced by the wrong peo Salvation Army. For Thursdays, 10 p. m. mouth and throat with this welcome winning of the war Sir Herbert ple." Public meetings, Tuesdays, From Saturdays, p. m. Ames will be joined by his Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. sweetmeat. English-speaking countrymen NOTES AND COMMENTS n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Alaska and Yukon Territory. Clreisy H after in all the provinces. But, it is For Mondays 9 p. m. mvry mmmt to be hoped that in elating that, Hogmanay. Good health I HOT ICE IS HEREBY OIVTft tbat apptlca From Saturdays, p. m. lion win be made to tb Letlslauvs As The meanwhile, it is not desirable Flavour sembly Of Brltlah Ccliuubla at 1U nut that this element shall have Tbe Scots people commence I smkjo foe an act to ineorporst in - COAL NOTICES any part in the government of their celebrations tonight. Christ- 0u,ton " tnrineeruir oi Lasts! the country, be does not represent ma. is past, but the New Year 1 1 ,"T,l SUX.1A LAND DISTRICT--DISTRICT OF faithfully the attitude of QCtEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS kaowledre, kUI sad proficiency of iu J5ir Itobert Borden. Every ef If the Russian and Prussian members la all thtnrt relatiaf TAKE NOTICE tbat t. Jeaw F. Reld. fort should be made by the diplomats at Bresl-Litovsk would la lb Arcbitectartl, Enrtneetlsr. Sur rnaee Rupert. B. C, Prwpectar, la lead art4y for s Uceac to proepect tor cual Prime Minister to have this vrjrnr and technical profession, ami U agree, the Kaiser would go there and petruleum over tbe follow in deecrtbed tbat end to establish and conduct nialu bklXNA LAND DISTRItT-DllThUT OF kEtA I AND MSTsjLT third of the population of the himself, and would endeavor to prescribe such lls of tend on tbe Weal Co it of Moreaby lUaad. OI EEJI CHARLOTTE ISLANDS iE 1iE rt tatARXOTTE v U. IN) Dominion adequately represented assemble the sovereigns of Eurone I peteney nd moral character a suay be OwiiaweiclBS mile al puat plaated abuat of TA1E NOTICE tbat bertrwde baott. af j TAkE WTKZ Ibat tasabrir S xz in the Cabinet, not only into a rMi. rnnhr.no. .(milnr il"urti eipedient and to mat ceruocatee on tbe shore southeasterly of a small from Bay a post aipeotar located oal rrtar Rupert. B t. eject. Mi trod to p ) rnaee kapert, U, C. aurr . ; for the good of Canada's war what took place after the over. of Canoe Pais between Moriby and Cbaafl ply lr a MeewM to prwsp for reel aad taw ad t sppty for Beeoe i . t? ui or otbermtM acquire aad hold ' purt-haM effort but for the security of throw of .apoleon. Tbe only dif real and personal properly for lbs purpose Mland, about S mile northerly a tour tbe lands petrolenca os lb over Weat tbe Coast feavrwta t Mereaby dreenbed tsUadt larvbeel fa eael tad leads twlraHass et U over t s t Confederation. There is no ference is that the Kaiser is not f ibe Institute, and to dispose thereof and Bock Moraby lalaad aide of Canoe Pats from Comaueaeta at a pul puated abewt I Meeeebt talaad fsanioraresr a a ptt petal; t brace sontb t ibroce chain, dearth of material. The a Napoleon. He will have lo ask reinvest tbe proceeds In socb manner a eat IS cbein; tbesce nor Ik I chain mil eetirrtr froos past lor ted a tb ptaattd abno foe yard eartartr reea French . Canadian units in wax seem m aad to Cx entrance lees and sbur of tbe east sat of Csaaa Pas st swm kwwww ea sa shard tbe eaawrt for peace terms, not give them. u null fee I he are east IS chain to Ibe putat of coca or subscriptions to be paid by petal abeol S saOe sjortaerly absar abj u immo twee, aad at a patat about V France include come of the HV 19. . (be numbers, and to vary tbe same tram meaeeearat. shore truss Buck Petal; throe aoata SI bSN aorSberty skaoc the share frees Sei finest types of manhood this A Saanich proposal is to conscript time to time, and to provide for tbe wwa. Located cetabef JAMES Stn.P. REID,lilt. AppUcaaL rwsM. tbrwe rtb (bal. tbeoe ea country has produced. If Dr. lands that are not produc sremeut of Its affair by council to be enain. loror west S cbala V potst s (beia; tbrwca Swatb Si rbams. tber -weet euoauuted n aaeb meaner a may be pro of cweaamweaveat. Belaud, that splendid, cbival-J ing. If the man who the SAEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF is ebeJa pwial af ounawiacwaK owns vided for by St.law, and to bare Its bead OlRTRt'DK kbOTT. EUEABtTH SPTIItRLANI rous figure who will be remembered land won't till it himself, it i I office aad bold lu annual tneeunrs within QCEEX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS By Hans k. Uuteoara. tL Sy Chart E. Barer &r TAkE by Canadians long after proposed lo do it for him. The Brtusb Columbia, aad to bare, enjoy, aad rniKw Rupert,AOTICE B.Ual C I.proepector,Joaepb Beaton,tBtend of Lorsbrd Nevrinbrr I Itb. lilt. Lwrated Reeesaber IStb. HIT Sir Herbert -B a . a exerelte aU poert, rttbta aad prlrUefea Ames himself has iana nas to produce, anyway, no ttaua! uddeaul lo apply for s Dcraae to prospect for coal aeeeeeary. or to all or any SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or SktbNA LAND DISTSJCT WSTR t jxsen jorgotten. were borne matter who does it. Doubtless at tbe afforeaald porpwea. and pnnrtram over the foUowtsf deecrtbed VtttN CHARLOTTE would it not be most desirable BRAOSHAW Und on tbe West Coast of Momby Island. ISLANDS WEE CHARLOTTE 11. Nl.-TAkE this will be considered a war mu. STACPOOLE. TAkE NOTICE Ibsl Atetaader L SaOwr- JTICE that A Ute E B v CutuoMOtclar al a planted about of pott , that be should take part in the sure. Now if some of these war Solicitor for tbe AppUcaaL mile sootbeaaiorty from a pel located Und. of Prtarw fmpert. B. C. Ulaer. la Prsae Ropert. B. C snamed w ssa: DATED at rictorla. fl. C tut istb i of becraubcr ISIT. day uo tbe abor of s sman Bay openlar onl leads to spply for a beeoae t frorvxl fur brads 1 apply for a ticeate t p ' of Car Pass between Morseby and CbaaU coal and petroleum ovr tbe folio alar de eael aad petroleum over tb luti nf a island, about a mile Northerly abmr tbe scribed landa on lb Weal Cvaal af Moreabr scribed land oa lb Vet Ooati U tttiv MINERAL ACT Moresby Island sid of Caaoe Pasa from Ulabd: Caaaoructnf at a poat planted Island CueiKueaetar al a p 4 . srd Buck Point; tbenca soutb SO chain; tbe oca about 1 mile easterly from s pott locaied abol IS yards easier! ir j: s pai S. S. PRINCE RUPERT cawnrtcaTK or istmovtMcnTS t1 98 filg; tLibtm burtk SB chain oo t !br ef the cut HZi r Cetwe Pa twcaied s ths ber oa tbe ewrter ,& tbenca we! It Cham to tbe pokot of conv I pouai abuat I mile northerly atuo tuut Pass, and al a point fci" sailing meocefDeaL tb abvr frven Buck Poiati tbenca aort SMrthertr alos- lb abor f SiKl WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX 'Moljrbdenuai' nonet.aad "Saccea Mlacral JUSEIJU SEXTON. AppUcaaL IS chain; tbenee east tt chain, ibroce Num. tbeor nortb II chela u.- ' TMtJsWBAY. Located November tin. HIT. south si chains; thence weal SI cbalns to I ebate; tbroc soutb IS eat thaw MIDNIGHT T O VANCOUVER, Cteloaa. attuaM In tbe baeeua Mlnin Ilrl. point of cuCBmeacemral, east as ehsta t botal of com -ewrwrat Kn of Casaiar District VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. SkEEXA LAND ALEXANDER L SUT11LRLANU. A LUC C. BUS W'ber htcaud: About i isUcs Wei Icrlr DISTRICT DISTRICT OF S. 8. PftiNGE JOHN from tue bead of Alice Arm. and about VttM UIASLUTTE ISLANDS By Charles E. Burtess. sseaL By Charted E. Ba .- ' tocsted t mile tram tbe Bcacb, TAKE NOTICE tbat 1. CfcarUa r anmu November I0tb( HIT. Locaied Revember IStb HIT Sailing alternate weeks lo Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau. TAKE AOT1CE tbat Xewt W. raunore n.vri, n. miner iniena to SkLXNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Skagway and tho Queen CharloUe Ulands. I roe Miner's cerUflcaia Ho. mit-C, a It.lr for a Hernia Ol'LEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MINERAL ACT ateat pi tbe Moifbdenuia LpetrubMua over tbe fullowtas deacrtbed TRAIN UlaXut aad Ao. TAEE NOTICE that BelUr kaolL af Prtare SERVICE ducUoo Conipaoy, Fiauu. n in ni uieat oi Horraby island. limited, (lion Perscoal RBtwrL B. c. nurse. Intends to atolr for ctRTiricAi c or istrnovtsxtiTS rwwenwrHidair. Msdassds, and felir., at 11:10 a.m. Jor Jmltaer. Uabiutr) rrt Miner's Certincat So. la license lo prospect for oual and belnueiua moe Oewre. Edmonton test S-C Intend mile soutbeasterly from a pot Iocs led and Wlnnlper. makicr direct connectlotu for aU sixty day from tbe dau over tbe foUowuc deacrmed Uad oa ttw. polau east and south. bereof, lo apply to tbe Mlnlnr Hecorder in, Miv inure oi a small nay openinr out wl Ouall uf Moreabr lilmiut hOTIOf for Certincat of Canoe rm between Moreiby and -rst Irnrtioo- -DU) M.iv-si a of Improeerornu. tor tbe CbaaU ms st a post planted about t tulle sod purpuie of obtalninr a Crown Orant of i.Mwa, aoeui i mites northerly alocr the " eaiierly CUtsa, sHuata to tbe rortlsnd cans) M oiM Agenoy All Ocean Steamship Lines. racb of tbe above claim. Moresby I.Und aide at r.rw r... oe pve Mteaied on lb shore of the tmtstuti of Casaiar DutncL oi Laaua pass al s For Information and reservations apply AMD rt'HTIICR TAKE NOTICE tbat aeUoo Burk Point; thence north is cbalns; thence mile northerly abmr lb shore point about Where locaiedi On tb east si! to from City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avsnue. under Section SI mutt be commenced before eei se CMius; tbenca sooth si cbalns Polul: tbrnc north a rh.ir,.. .i Sua.... tascad Crrrk. II tulle from tb br(i ' PHONE 20 tbe liiue of sucb CerunctteTof tm. laenca west sv chains lo Dolnt of nan IS cbalns; thence- wuui Is cbalns wa foflland CattaL provententa. mencenurnL eaat IS cUlua tbeae TAkE NOTICE that L J. JTad Rlli-bie to point of DATED tbU Jttb day or Kovember A. D. CHARLES E. nnacaa imitir.n. oauaeoccawol rvra Mlnera Certificate No. T.&) ai ' 1817. fl, Located ftovrtuber Itb. HIT. BETTY ENOTT. Hi- as seol fur Rerinald klnr Relit, Frer Br liana a, rhri. Miner CertUlcale Na IttT-C. Intend. DKEEKA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT r.r Located Notember lllb lilt. eiiijr dr from tb daw bereor. to apply OAST, RANGE I, Ullfc.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS to tb Mlnlnr Hecorder for CertUlcale SkEENA CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TAKE NOTICE thai I, Hans K. Christen LAND DISTIUCT -DISTRICT Of latprwteoieiiu. fur tb purpusa of obtslniw Take sen. or prince Rupert, B. c. prospector, -,aJZ L.Z. t,,""TTE ISLANDS a croan Ortttl of tb abov claim. noUce UuJ tbe Weitern NOTICE Salmon that T intend lo apply for s license bolus. peursoo Of to prospect And further tak botic that sctlen. un racklnr Co Ltd,-cf Vancouver, 11. C, occupation fine HuprrL U, C. Dsbernn Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point, for coal and petroleum over tb rothm-m der aertkHt IS. tuusl be wwnurofed be'- " W via Steamer to Vancouver and tho for permlailoa salmon to Canuers,lea tbe loteods followtnr to apply de described land on In West Cotx r spply Iroleum for a over liceu the to prjeptet fullowin for real and Ibe iMuanra of ucb Certiorate of Iniprot- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY acrlbed laadss oroj Kiaud. Comnneine at a i.t described puniMi abuut of west coast of Moreabr ItUud lull southeasterlr i' DUd InU 141b day of December MaaU and Berth Included on Steamer Commenclcr st s post pUoted at bleb Mwuucocinr st a bost uLuu.rf .i.., . wcaica on the ahore or a HIT. water mark. Steamer J'aiiiye, (on a small ysrds essierly from rrlneee Sephla for Alaska December 81 et. small bay openinr out of Canoe Paa be. a post locsicd on tb birbt tbe said on pauate about on tulle shore on tbe easier! Prleceee Sophia fee Vaacourer January Bth. mirth of Ouinainass Oayi t cbalne due Iween Moresby and Chaall Island, about s . side-E of Canoa Pass. MINERAL ACT rlneeea Royal for Oranby Bay aad Alice Arm 10 a. m Deeemaer 1Bth, weat; tuence ! cbalu due north, thence mile northerly alour the Moresby lUnd lone lb m VVHII shore BUOUI 1 u from Buck JBUll nlMuary Bth, .JSlh, Sth February Bth, 1Sth, JWth. to chain due ewl, thence so chain touth. tide of Caoue pass from buck Point; thence .....ti. i.,iri. .1 rrmeva for uwriu e cnsiosi tbenca cueuia; tbenc mi aa rixin.. OERTtriCATK OF ISSTROVtSICNTS. Royal MaaoMtter la .Ocmii rail S a.m. Aeomber 17U, ueoc back lo point of eomracnceiitent. weet 10 cnln; thl January Jxh, t7t SSth incuce south so cbalns; thencs l February 7ih, tstli and -2Sh. ccnuinlDt 40 acre more or let. sss SO ebaiii to point of cuaiua io etwimenccmcni. point or THE WESTERN SALMON PACK1N0 COM- eoruwencetncnL NOTICE. 1. PETERS, General Asrent PANY. LIMITED; C C Robertson. Art. Located HANS E. CHIUSTENEEN, Applicant. Or liana THOMAS k n.i......PETERSEN. . "Slnijieoa." Rupsrl," PPIclou Es DATE tin Qr of December, ISIT. November lib, HIT, I . 11, Brnv. bn." "Cssrado I slit No. 4" sn.t ' Co ner Fourth Street and Third Jktenua, .Prinoa.Ruoert B.C. I'u.rmorr 0ID HIT. rails Ro. S" Mineral Claims, siiuti ts 8KEENA LAND DISTUICT DISTRICT or ""f i, UillU DISTHICTIlTl.lfr wr Poriland Canal Mlnlur Division -"' COAST, RANOE FIVE. vv .,iint.uTTE IS LANDS DistricL NVT,CK ,U" fintal L Sutberlihd, . viiahuotte ISLANDS Where locaied. On the eaal " " Princ RunerL " UT1(1E Out li . a. c ru.k ,....m.z uf Take notice -tbat I intend to apply to nans Rupert B. c " V'. " Catrad creek. If tulle from IU "' Boil erdy iroofcer yr cotfi be Honorable Commlatloner of La ecu and nnlv t. . 1. . . ' to Poriland GSittl. Work to lea toe following described t.nl ... ... n""w dewibed TAkE ROTIUS thai I. J. refl ' Undi In7 YIW t01 orhy . . . rr Miner Certincat Na tli c" fHmr TV isafalea's iByrap at Tar aad Cod Urer OQ Botoahr Coimnrncluf it putt rlnted at tbe Lomnieocms si s pot I pUnied about ' ww aa-o n aaatB JM a S n aa nr at sreoi for Oskley besuforl Bui trm I Vi-J LM" 1 I promptly axreeu coMbJin, but tUanka to tta took mmt northweat corner, above blfh water mark, lul . trvm " tb Hiuers Cerimceie No. HM-U i - strcogtbeoiog proparUea ttbelpathetyetaaa to throw a al liartletl Polnu-tlien due IUV cui (too al .b. .'"re tL'v sltip day frotii iim dab bereof. i"" and tbua cfiecta ten cbalns m abo, , nortursl",! J a pennaoeat core. It U tbfc quality wbich ha a bar luUM " Kooid eail, then south to llw Shore Uue, tben to the Miuiur lireetiW far Cr tin"" oalo oi say ooufb aad ooid reanady la Caaada. ib.1T b"tk ,'"n,, loiiowms the contour of the Shore Una MUU SO ini(iwVMiM-ou, for lti puriws of ubum"" lo the place of cowmencemetit, eooulului outh o U IU.OO. crown Orul of tba abov etattti M. U aAATBOSJO GBw 1 Iwenty cre, tuur or lea. Point of tommencemenl. :e .IHirih Stt east as. n..in.. And furilter Uk nolle Ibsl euv "" JAMES DESUIUSAY. manacer, DANIEL Ider iou It, tuusl be ctaunieiieed be fur L. Wllei Island Caaaarr. hv ri.. v SUTIIERUND,..... 'IT IK juiar. i teeuuic t ucu wrrtwr! '"v November Hlu, tT. ril LociUmi RovciuUr. 101b a tllT.vurfctS, SfeliL Hjr llsiis k I...:."."' inetil. Locsled Noveuiber 101b, lirr"' ",ot HIT.Paled this 1Mb day of Aufusi.