Mondny, December 31, 1917. THE DAILT NEWS WASHINGTON SCEPTICAL LAND LEASE NOTICES WATER NOTIGC SEVEN YEARS BE CLEAN Of GERMANY'S GOOD FAITH SKEENA LARD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of TAKE NOTICE thai Dolly Varden Mines fllHt LAN St STSTM. coast, twxoz rrvc INTERNALLY company whose address Is Alice Arm, B. C, win apply for a llrenee to lake and emevrr no. 1. TORTURE Washington. I)e. 29 The TAKE noUce that Waller K. Walker, oil use ten eubie feet of water per second ea 11 Ith SL and Ird Art. condition, surrounding Count MZ2nZul oat of Trout Creek, a tributary of Kit as 1S 4Uj tL and Ird Ave. Over 690,000 Peoplt Arc Now suit River flowing into Alice Arm, Cas Bei 14 1 1 SL aad Hd Ave. czenun a proposals lor a dosis oil the following described lands; - Dolnfl So. slsr District Tbe water wlU be diverted aa IS Junction of 1st, HMt and Nelt-ajlWipoel Ilia Until He Toolc Peace cause olTlcials here to feell Commencing si a poii planted at later- at the bead of tba rails oil tba SUver trd Avas. -FRUIT-A-TIVU- f,f,t.ri.n.i t. n..i. .in on of Hub Water Mart Tongass Pas- Horde Mineral claim. Lot 1104. and win Bar IS III Avi between tt tad a-.. a..... h ,. -.., For many years physician liar sirred th Sis. (Knot Hotel). -ar, awa,v jaiif be used for power purpose on tbe Wolf eerily. There is a great disposL tfironrh Concrete Monument al Bartlatl I lhal per eenL el human 111 was caused nd Dolly Varden 0 roups of Mineral Bos 1T isi Ave. and 7lh SL (Can tiun u fool thl ttic German dclc- Potts!, Wete lewd, c .t thence east by.accumulated watte In tlx Lower late lalms being Lots 1711 to 1717 Inclusive. tral Hotel), gates are simply trying to pro- 10 chains, tbenca south SO cbalna, more I line Wat la our tmml -Mmf si S712S mi au,! ia t t) inclusive and Lot tract the negotiations as Inntr as " ",,B wr lon" ' M"ur remove aii mm um 1114. Casslar District t3i now rr no. c Mre. bele, nor,,,,,. i0(, westerly rD- without assistance, no matter tow regular Application will be made also for tbe M Jrd Ave and Ird BL (Post I'""""" wiuiuui. our expectations i lowing tbe una of Bald II lib Water Mark I we mliM La; tod tbat tba poison from right to store no acre feet in first Trout oniee). I of a peace agreement, with the W me pctnt of eonaneneement, and too-1 tbia waste circulated larouib the biwd Lake and f,!t acre feel in Seaood. Third i M Ird Art. and HeiHUa L double purpose of leading the uinlnr 140 acrci, more or less. palled us awajr down below par and ware and fourth .Trout Lakes. Tbe water will Bos 24 1st Ave. and Mefinde SL !German people to believe that WALTER E. WALKER. responsible for man diseases of a serious be stored In First Trout Lake by the con as - nd Ave. and Sod SL I Data liib day of October, 117. oatura. structlon or a dam at Its outlet and In Bas So tod Are. and 440 81 their Is de. government really Durtnr this tuna the "J. B L. Cascade Second, Third and fourth Trout Lakes by Bm 270. T, p. 'slrous of making peace and of SKEENA LASD DISTMCT DISTRICT or for Internal Bathing bas, because of their the construction of a dam at tbe outlet .gaining time for the further CAS3IAH. recotoioeodaiaoo and tboae of lis users. of Second Trout Lake. Tbe estimated omeurr no. s. " strengthening of the German lines been steadily growing In favor. area of land to be aooded at first Trout Bas 31-Ith Ave. and fulton SL K, jpF HH TAKE notice tbat Walter E. Walker, of ibbbbbb. Lake is 17 acres and at Second, Third and Bet a Borden and Taylor Bte. Recently, nowever. tba siarumg the West. newt, in Vancouver, B. C occupation Mtnagcr, fourth Trout Lakes II twenty acres. Sn 7ih Ave. and fulton SL bleb bas been tba I uiiendt to apply for permuflon to lease covering country tbal One condition regarded as im Tbls notice was posted on tbe ground Boa SO ttb Ave. and Comoi Ave. Ute following ,described landit great aurreons and pectalista bate been nn..llil fnti tl.o r.& .1 !. oa tbe lltb day of October. 1117. Bea S7 Ilk Ave. and Dodrs Place I'UDOIUIl, lift bC flCBtT,ab Dt ICBBh Comraenelnr at a post pUnud at tbefraunr on tba Lower Intestine In ancb A copy of tbls notice and an application Boa SS- -4lh Ave. and Thompson 8L Is that the adherence of all bellig. Nortb Wait Comer of Lot CM. Caialar I terlotis diseases a Tnberculofia, and i-Dltirlct; pursuant thereto and to tba Water Act, ALBERT VANNCR ereiils must be secured to the tbenca nortberl and wuterly I tribute aucb cooditloos of cbreic 111 14, will be Died In tbe offlce of tbe CIRCUIT NO. , Jlaek!n;;hsci, Quo,, XI," 8rJ, intS, peace the Germans are trying to KMfl.MM following rami tbe bLe j m of m I Hlgb n. MAaM Water mm Marklbealtb r.all.i.. .Nervous DebUtty.... .and..Rbeiusa.. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B. C. Bei 41. -4th Ave. and Kmmerion Tbe data of tbe Brat of this For seven years, I suffered terribly inuave vtiiu iiussta oeiore u can ueilrH wit una drawn tnroam a nolnt II I f.V n r h l In .Ka. a1aaTa.1natnaant notice in tbe local appearance Place. newspaper was the Bes 42 ttb Ave. and McBrlde SI. from Boxen feadacAri and Indention. cuccieu. aiiiin in nccumponiea uyicnains una jiorin or iue roini or com-uf cancer and Tuberculous (ai stated In tint day of October, 1117, and objections Box aa- Hi Ave. and Green SL I Lad belching gae irotn ILo stomach, a demand for the return of Git-aiDCmu, mteraeeu witb said Line of I. nt-ti arucle la Tbe Hew York Times), may be nieo wttn the comptroller or Boa 44- -eth-8 Ave. and Basil SL Utter stuff would come op Into my man colonies now in the hands atl!1-?""1"! tPi to become tborouwij Water Recorder within thirty days after Bes 48 7th Ave. and Eberta. iDcnce aouioeny maa cuierv. persuei w mtl to tte UnporUnee of tbls Ibe keeping said date. mouth after eating,while at time I had Allies. I the Mid llu of Kim Wsler tlsrk PorlUnO It .......... . . ... Boa 141 -Ttb Ave. and Touat Si. m i - I a-v"ti iukiwi. i t .rviu mu yvuvuuu DOLLY VARDETf MCIES COMPACT, nausea and vomlUng, and had chronic it. van ve biuicu Buiuoriiaiivoiy liwi to jwini v uwu vim wi mituit a natter, and over are now R. B. MeGlnnts, A rent, per E. A. Cleveland. Com tip lion. I went to several doctors that the position of the Unitedl" ,WI" 01 uanmencernenu "luiii.f internal BaUis, and wrote to a pecialiat In lioaton but Stales Government has not chane- ".. T...r.r:" This entbasiastie and gruMfnl Utter is LAND ACT without Id no means an exceptional one amonest benefit. I tried remedies many eu iu any respect wun regard to Walter e. walker. but nothing did me rood. Finally, its determination to enter into nol Dsta itm ear or October, im, I tbe bundreds on our flies- SKEE-IA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Harry A, Harvey friend tdriitd "Fruits, 701 Ttb Ave. Bomb. Lethbridre," Alberta. tires". I took agreement with a government COAST. RANCE 4. thia grand fruit medicine and it made which 3KEENA LAAET DISTRICT DISTRICT OfliT. ijnxu, lurwui: (Lata Leaeoa. ta-. Ceaaervatalre does not the represent free CASSIAA. uear Doctor Tjrrreiv-arier using your of Btaala) ma well. I am grateful to Trull-a-Uvea will of the governed people. This I. B. L. Cascade" for four moatba, I feel TAKE NOTICE tbat John Grace, of Van PUPIL Of LAJISDOWRK OOTTtXL ", and to everyone who haa robe- would dispose of hope the TAKE notice that Tbe Aneto-BrtUsh Co It my duty as a thankful patient to ex- couver, B. C oecnpaUon Dtberman. In rabie heal th with Constipation and Indigestion any lumhu parkin Cnmninr Limited, or vn-1 Pnt " enthusiasm for the great bless tends to apply for permission to lease the Pupils Taken for Germans might have that the ... ., r- .. ., r- . I Inr It bas been to me. You eanaot feel tor fonowlnr described lands VIOLET. PIANO. VIOUNCELLO aod and TUd I tale Stomach, say ItUSSians COUld induce America tolinlcads to anolr roe MrmiHlon to uaMlemotlons as 1 write this letter In praise Cotnmenclnr al a post planted on tba HARMONT. Frult-a-Uvee ,and jrou will get well M, subscribe to the peace treaty Itbe following described andst I of you w your great work. Vorue atm- foreshore on the west side of Stewart EXAMINATIONS ALBEKT YAILVER. 'u thankfuloeas Narrows, about two miles south of Hartley w for tonmencing at at Paila fee Caamlaatlosia whlch they are now tn planted Prepared trying ar- odcL L ao r!U oral Uaruing of your cascade. Previous Bay; thence west SI cbalna, tbence north Kte. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sixe, Se. Aaaoelated Board, Vancouver, Dealer range. AS lor tne uerman COl I .,,h ... in ,k.i. r, w... I to uitnr it I could not go a day without IS cbalna, thence east SO chains, thence Roral Collate ef Music, Laedoa, . At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of onies, the American Government lot the Korth West' Corner of Lot III,! drur ot v ort- l ltace "m " I ',outb lo ebama to the point of eommenee- price by FnUt-evtives Limited, Ottawa. tms niver rocnrrlorl lU.lf n fh.lCaaalar Dlstrtet: lhence northerlv snd f swauoweo ,msi w conisiiuiir acres more or lest. TERMS PHONE BLUE 27S , . r I j n ... Iwestertv rallowlnr the Line or Hlrh vveleriuve ccdis worui m uren 1 epeus wer svan uiuv. "IV""'". uujrct oiiq L.iuju ueore recently I .. "r." , . ZrT.Z.J: Z:Z" IllOO.OO in the two vein orationa t hear- DATED Rovembcr 1. 1017. declared tbat it was a Bubiect forlr...T. . ., mg of the -J. b. u- would that ail the the peace conference. 40 chains Due north of the point of com- ou" ulru " y llh "tr Ilc t're1 ,d- " mencement Intersects wltb aald Line of mat. water Mark, tbence West SO chains; "rbUy pimples would use IL Tbey would APRIL tTH, 1917. thence oon rtd r U,OT- " 1 ailL 1 mB" southerly and easterly pa railed with FRED STORK'S HARDWARE the aald Una of Hlh Water Mark. Port- ,Ujp- or I win be keeping you from your A medal to commemorate the Canal lo a point SO cbalna Due West or, uut s i uu m ware p( vi a . . at a a . . I t lha. srwrltm tf an i isinn ml I pas rwunHin u oeaiui. sun m prmue TiMKII SALE X0M. entrance oi tne unttea ptates into I n " """ thence - FOR CANNERYMEN least stay you enjoy uus uie IS chains to aald point of commence-1 the w ar and its Luropean alliances u,,,,. V acres more OT U the fuu. We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Seaiad lenders will be received by tbe ior tne preseoation oi democracy I leaa of the Bed and rorcabore of Portland Sincerely yours, line of Rubber Belting at right prices. Minuter of Lands not later than noon on has been issued by the American I caL William Devoy. tba tllh day of rebraary, till, fur tba If you try tba "J. B. L. Cascade" you FOR FISHERMEN purrbaat of Licence X tie. to cut t.tta.OOS .Numismatic 11 .. J..i,.jk.Society. lii I COM PANT LIMITED. Walter E. aifl0 AgL 111 Cod yourself always brlrht. conn- A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for fret of Hemlock. Spruce, Balsam and Cedar o. -"-"r.'"va a. , i p.! f lth dar of October. 1117. dent and capable the poisonous waste trolling Spring Brass, Silver and Bronie. on an araa tl tailed on Long Lake. Trescr tue scuiptor, and oepicts tije vtnue makee as bilious, blue, dull and nervous, Heath, nanra 4. Coast DutrtcL beaded eagle of North America. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or l laiemal Baths are Nature's own cure for FOR THE WATERFRONT Thrae iS) yeara wtu be allowed for remittal Leaf Paints and Varnishes boat CASSIA.R. Consttpatloo Just warm water properly The celebrated Maple Special popularly called the bald eagle. of umber. spoiled. Drugs force Nature the "J. B. paint "FLOGLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. f uriber parUciUars of tba Cblef rorwler. perched on a crag, with wings ouU TAKE notice that Tbe Anglo-Briusb Co- IL. Cascade" genUy assists her. Vkwtu, li, C. or District forester, frttw stretched and head thrown back. lumbia Packing Company Limited, of Van- Call and sec It at Cyril tt Orme'a Drug FOR EVERYONE Rupert, 8. C ri4 in the attitude of readiness for corner, B. C occupation Salmon Cannera, store. Cor. Ird Atenue and ttb St, Prince A One stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Stoves. instant attack upon its foe. The intends lo apply tor permission to lease Rupert We Sell Nothing But The Bast. TIMBER SALE X103. Ibe following described lands: tar u.n r ti.t is ooi aa only inscription Is the date, "April Omimeneing at a post planted at III rh Ira,, r, pm,..,- . w.tu, r m.t m. Sealed tenders will be received by tba fl. 1917" the day that President '" Portland Canal, so chains Doe vnlctl u n(suttx, you STORK'? Minister Ot Laada bat UUr Mm noon oo Wilaon proclaimed the existence V to Cbaa. a. TrrretL FRED HARDWARE the North West Comer of Lot III. Casslar Ifca Jllh day of Jaaaary. ISIS, for lbs of a slate of war. Toronto, for this tbenca north lhence District; chains: IMrctaase of Ltceaca X ISM, to cut !. The leas 4 limit J ttr see book. 1 1 Ucl of Cedar, Spruce, Uemlork and Balaam Wsier Mark Portland Canal, ibenca south iotaien. SO in silver and the others a an area aitaated on Baker's Intel. Range 4. Coast bit trie t, n urome, All have, liMn suo-i,....I ,., tv.rti.iwi r.n.i" " Ona (I j year will be allowed for removal cribed for, and it was stipulated Ipotnt of commencemeni and containing II of umber. 'Jtal only one medal could be I acres mora or leas. rartber paruculara of the Chief rorealer. Illb A.1UL.U-DIUTISH tULUBDU rAUU.1U taken each member. rictaru B. C, or Dtstrtcl roratter. Prince by COMPANT LIMITED, Waller E. Walker, Art Rupert. B. C 1(4 i Dai tllh day of October. 1117. The Daily News delivered by TISWER SALE X1017. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or irrier, SO cetits per month. COAST, RANGE JIVE. Sealed tenders will be received by tba LAND REGISTRY ACT TAKE notice that Walter E. Walker, of Minuter of Lands not later then noun oa (Sections SI and III.) Vancouver, B. C occupation Manager, I ibe I Sin day of January, 1(11, for Uwpur-Cbaea In lends to apply for permission to lease I of Ltceace X 1SIT. to cut aiv.OOS feat of Spruce, Hemlock and Balsam on aa Re AppUcaUon No. 0401-t. ruing till. tbe foUowlaf described lands. Commencing at a post planted at area alluated oa klldela lUver, hantra S, Coast District. TAKE NOTICE that application baa been tntersectloa of an East and West Una made lo reels ter Anne Duffy, of Prince throuth Concrete Monument at BarUettl Two (t) yeara will ba allowed for re-tuttal of tiatber. Rupert. B. C, as owner In fee under a Point, Wales Island. B. C, with Hlrh Water I Tai Sale Deed from the Collector of tbe lhence I'artltrr paruculara of tba Chief forester. Mark Ton rasa Passaic; southerly Victoria. B. C. or District forester. I'rtnce City of Prince Dupert, bearing dale the and easterly XuUowing said High Water Rupert. B. C DSI 101b day of September, nil, of ALL AND I Mark lo a point where a North and South SINOl'LAR tbal certain parcel or tract of I Una drawn through a point 40 cbalna Due land aod presuises situate, tying, and belaf I East of tba point of coomiencemaat Inter TIMBER SALE X1129. tn tbe Municipality of Prince Rupert, more l sects said High Water Mark of Toogass particularly known and deecribed aa Lot I rataate. tbence south SO chains: thence Seated traders 111 be received by tba forty-one till, Dtock UUrty ai, aUoa I M-ikaMIM-ljr la a einietit Haa a a sIbI District rurester, Trince Rupert, B. C not eifht (). aap SIS. 110 chains Due West of the point ot com nater than nouo on the 4th day of January. You are required to conical tba elaia cf I mencement, Ibenca so chains Due East ot ISIS, fur the purchase of Licence X lilt, the Ui purchaser within II days from tbe I the point of commencement and containing to cut 144,000 feet of Spruce. Cedar, Uemlork dale of tba service of this notice (which 140 acres, more or leas. and Dalsam on an area situated In may be e Dec led by publication), and your WALTER E. WALKER. Ubtertatory Inlet, Casslar District. alleuUon Is called to secUon II of tbe Data tllh day of October, HIT. Ona l) year will be allowed for renewal "Land Dctisiry Act" with amendments, and of timber. lo the following extract therefrom: SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or I Early Morning Sunlight rurtber paruculara of the Chief forester, "And In default of a caveat or certiorate CAS SUR. Victoria B. C, or District rorealer, Frinea ot Us pendens being Bled before llupert. B. C D 14 Use rrglsirauon as owner ot tbe person TAKE notice tbat Walter E. Walker, of I entitled undo aucb tax sale, all persons Vancouver, B. C occupation Manager. ao served with noUce. .... and intends lo apply for permission to lease TIMBER SALE X 846. those claiming throuth or under them, foUowtng described lands: will find your washing finished earlier and better and and all persons claiming any Interest Commencing at a post planted at tbal YOU Sealed lenders wtU be melted by tbe la tbe land by virtue or any unrealaiercd Hi or til Waal Corner of Lot III, Casslar! work will become far easier by using Sunlight Soap, it Minister or Lands mil later than noon on Instrument, and aU persons claimlnr any District, tbenca north SO chains: tbence clothes and for it cleanses and more quickly purifies lite Ith day or Jauuary, It IS, for Use purchase Interest la Ibe land by descent whose west 40 chains, more or less, to Hub of Licence XSSI, to cut 1,440.000 title la not mistered under the pro Water Mark Portland Canal: ibenca south- thoroughly than ordinary soap. feel of Uemluck, Cedar, Balsam and fipruce visions of this Act. shall be for everlsrlr and easterly following High Water I tu au area situated on Long Lake, rraser eet4iid and debarred from aeiung up) Mark Portland Canal to point of commence Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian lieecfa. Raits 4. COUI DUU1CL aar claim to or In respect of the land l incut and containing 140 acres more ort Two (I) yeara wtll be allowed for re-nut ao sold for tatea. and tbe Rertairerliesa. market today It is pure beyond compare. al of timber. shall reiuter tbe person entitled under! WALTER E. WALKER. rurttwr particulars of tba Cblef rorcstur, aucb ui eale aa owner of lha land aoinale tltb day of October, HIT. You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and you'll see Victoria B.C. or District forester, I'riuce sold tor laiea." Rupert, B. C J II AND WIILUCAB application bas been I NOTICE. the early morning sunlight fchining on a line of the whitest made tor a Certificate of Indefeasible Title clothe that ever spoke of housewife's pride. lo tba above-menuouer1. lands. In the name I Hge ouB." "Brown Bear." "Utile Tomyl of Anne Dully: fraction." "Sunliiht fraction.' -Sea Uoal AND WHEREAS on Investigating the Ultel fraction.', "Sheet Anchor fracUon." "Sky. It er peers that prior to tbe 14th day of Une." "Camp Bird fracUon" and "Obser. Seweniber, tilt, (tba dale on which ibe vatory" Mineral Claims, situate In thai said lauds ware aoid for overdue leies,, Skeena Minim Division ot Coast District,! )il were tba asaessed owner thereof. Where located: -near Bear Lake, Surf I fL'llTIIER TAKE NOTICE tbat al the inleL Prince Royal Island. Soap Sunlight TIMBER SALE X103S. tame lime I shall effect registration la pur-susuos TAKE NOTICE thai I. Fred M. WeWa.l of such applleauou aud laaua a free Miner's Certificate No. IlltlC. the SeaWd lenders will be received by Ibe Certificate Of Indefeasible Title to Ibe said duly authorised aient ot Millard f. War-I District forester, ITliice llupert. B. O, not lauds In tba name of Anna Duffy .unless ren. rree Miner's CerUOcaVa No. 11014 C later than uuon on tbe Ird day of January, you lake aud prosecute tba proper pro-ceadius intend. aUly daya from tbe data hereof,I till, fur the purchase of Licence X toil, lo aaublub your claim, if acy. to apply to the Mining Recorder for a I to cut Lineal fast of Cedar I'lUe on lo tba aald lauds, or lo prevent aucb pro certiarata of Improvementa, for tba pur an area alius led on West Shore, Hunter poaad actum on my part. pose of obtaining a Crown Oram of each! lYa Ltssd to tka ksuasla. A tssOOO ssaranlea) aaya tWre Island. Plumper t'assage, Hime I, Coast DATED al tba Land lie U try Orore of Ute above claims. FoHotr slIrretlosM. la nut a partlcL of aJultrawsa liutrlcL Prttkve llupert. B. C, tbli Sib day of Sep AND fVHTUEH TAKE NOTICE that SC I Bold nt alt gioecra. r iosjHirHr bt Huailgbt Smb. One (I) year will be allowed for removal Umber, A. D. HIT. lion, under section si, must be com. of Umber. H. f. MACLEOD. insured before the Issue tf aucb Ceruaeatel ' further particulars of tba Chief forester, District llrvielrar of Titles, of Improvements. tViclurla. B. IX. or District forester, I'riuce Tu Hubert Murduck, Leo,., DATED this 14th day ot Oc-Wbar. A.D. liuiwrt. 0. C Oil. it I ri oiisuu au Vancouver, a. i tilt,