Hntunlny January 5 1 0 1 B. THE DAILT NEWB BRITAIN 13 PLANNINO HttLTIIIEST LAND LEA8E NOTICES MINERAL AOT Offi AFTER WAR FINANCES 8KEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF CERTIFICATE OF IttrViOf EMtNTS Washington. Jnn. 4. Informa. COAST, RANGE FIVE. IN THE FAKILY Hon linn rpnchpii Wnahlngtnri that NOTICE the Jlrlllsli Ooverntrienl 1ms sp-polnled TAKE nolle that Walter K. Walker, of "Molybdenum' snd "Suceeii Minersl Vancouver. B. C, occupation Manarer, a Claims, sllust In th Skcen Mining Division special coinmltlee with Intend to apply for permission to less of Caasisr District H Sign Of Dropsy And KUoy TrouM n view to preparing for financial lh foiiowiar described lands: Wbert located: About 4 miles Westerly Simt, Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVE3" nrrnnKeincnts to he made after the Commenclnr at post planted tl Inter from tb bead or Alice Arm, and about end of (he war. Blr lllchard V. section of Jlirb Wster Msrk Tonrsst Pss. I mil from tb Beach. ssr and sn Essl and West Line ptsslnt Vassar.Bmilh TAKE rtOTICE that Lewi w. Pstmor, of Lloyds Hank Is throurh Concrtt Monument al Btr licit Pre Miner's certincau No. Utii-C, as Chairman of the committee, whose Point, W!es Islsnd, B. C.,j thenc essl rent of tb Moljbdenuia Mining snd Reduction unties are denned as follows: 40 chains; thenc south 10 chains, mor Company, Limited, (Non Personal or lets, to lllrh Wster Msrk Tonrass Pss To consider and liability) Pre Miner Certlflcsl No. report whether ssre; thenc northerly and westerly fol tOltt-C, Intends tiny dsys rrom tb dst the normal lowinr tbe Lin or Said II arrangements for Ith Wster Msrk hereof, to spply to th Mining Recorder the provision of financial fncili. lo th point or commencement aad coo- ror Certifies t of Improvements, for th ties for trade by means of exist-ing itlnlnr III acre, mor or let. purpose or obtaining Crown Orsnt or WALTER E. WALKER. each or th abov claims. banking and financial Institutions Dale 15th or day October, ill?. AND I L'hTHER TAKE NOTICE that scllon will bo adequate to meet the under Section It must be commenced total- LUX SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF needs of Ilritish Industry during CASS1AH. tbe lsiu of tuch CerUflcst or Improvements. the period Immediately following DATED this lth dsy or November A. D. the Iremlnatlon of the war, and, TAkE nolle that Walter E. Walker, or ItlT. Fll if not, by what Vancouver, B. C occupation Manarer, arrangement emergency Won't Shrink Woollens Because it's Different Intends to spply Tor permission to lease WATER NOTICE they should be suddIc- tb following described lands: HATTIC WAnnCN mentcd, regard being had in par Here you have a preparation tiny, sstinlike Commenclnr si a post planted at th Port Robinson, Oat , Jaljr 6th, 1915. ticular to the general assistance wafers of the North West Corner or Lot tit. Caasisr TAKE NOTICE thai Dolly Varden Mines purest essence of sosp that actually Company whose address Is Alice Arm, B. "We h- tnl "Fruit-atise" which be District; thence northerly and westerly In may necessary. makes woollens as fresh and light and fleecy following tb tin or High Wster Mark C. will spply Tor a license to tak and ,." f r i' r '.;..) m.. . 'J.svc "(A) To facilitate the conver as when new. Portland Canal to a point wher an East us ten cubic feet of wster per second always found them rood medicine. sion of works and factories now snd West Line drawn throurh t point 10 oo t ot Trout Creek, s tributary of Kit-sault Our liitU girl,I fall if, usi$treublid witk engaged upon war work to nor. Socks and stockings sweaters and sweater chains Due North or tb Point or com slsr District Rlvtr flowing Tbe water Into AIlc will be Ann,diverted Cass KiJiry tXitcte. 1 ! TV etcr 1 rnal coats white flannel suits meneement Intersects with ssld Lin of m 'e production. underwear blankets at th bead of th Fall on th silver was threatened with Dropsy. Ilerllmbt "(H; To meet the exceptional all come out of the gentle LUX bath absolute lllrh thenc Wster southerly Msrk sod thence essterly,west parallel 10 chains;to Horde Mineral claim. Lot 3104, and will and body were all swollen and we began demand for raw materials arising ly unthrunken and CLEAN. Get a package, tb said tin or lllrh Water Mark Portland be used Tor power purposes on tbe Wolf to think ahe could not lire. Finally,we from the depletion of stocks." read the directions, it will be food news if you Canal to a point 10 chain Due West of nd Uims Dolly beinr Vsrdea Lots 3?tl Groups to 3797 of inclusive,Mineral decided to try "Fruit a-tirea". Skt want your woollens to last th point of Commencement; thence essl snd Lou tltl to HIT Inclusive and Lot btg n fa ikow i mtrotttne a tfltr uf Aad 10 chain to said point of commencement. Caislar District KRUPPS ARE MAKING 3114, and containing tto acres mor or lest. givrnktrarteMMt. In a ahort lime, MORE SUBMARINES Driluh raaaV, h WALTER E. WALKER. Application will b mad also Tor tbe right to store 310 sere feet In First Trout the swelling had all dowa aad her gone Lever Ilrothera Date nth dsy of October. Itl7. Lake and 1,100 sere feet In Second. Third flesh began to look more natural. Now Limited Oeneva, Dec. 22. The Krupps Ml grocers SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF nd Tourth Trout Lake. Tb water will ktallkUtf 'tr-J she Is the Tsroot in lit I on t mi CASSIAR. be stored in first Trout Lake by th construction and has no signs of the old ailment. lave recently quadrupled their of a dam at Its outlet and In We ran not sajr too much for "Fruit naval plant near Kiel, according TAKE Second. Third and Fourth Trout Lakes by notice Uut Tbe Arif lo-BrtUin Co Uvea" and would never be without to a despatch from Berlin by way lumbta Packing Company Limited, of Van' the construction or a dsm at tb outlet rtt 1 1-t I - .it..i-. I'l.i. or Second Trout Lake. Tb estimated them". "' "'v v.i o o v. nua Kami I In IK. .,h-4..l- IK U...I couver, B. c occupation salmon Canners, area or land to b flooded st First Trout done at the request of the German Intends to spply for permission to leas william varrf..v. eipti EiecUons am, insertinr commitsioner Lake la IT acre and at Second, Third and fiOe. a hoi, 6 for flM, trial site, JCe. Government for the purpose of of Police Board la Um approprUU place tb following described land: Fourth Trout Lakes It twenty acres. Commencing al a poal planted at High making losses ai nau iiiic ine names, resioenc ina This notice wss potted on the groutwt At all dealer or seat postpaid on up In submarines, Water Mark Portland Canal, St chains Doe or description of eseh oceupttion person on the llth dsy or October. ItlT. receipt price by Fruit a tire Limited, which, the despatch asserts, have propoeed In such s msnner ss sufflcienUy North and 40 chains, or more. Due West A copy or this nolle and an application Ottawa. been heavier than or tb North West Corner of Lot (IS, the German to Identify such csndidste. pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, Cassiar District) thenc northerly and Admiralty admits. QUALIFICATION FOR COMMISSIONER OF till, will be filed In Um office or th TIMBER SALE X1104. westerly following tb Lin or High Water POLICE. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B. C. LAND REGISTRY ACT Mark, Portland Canal, to a point wbr an TIM uutllflrallon or candidates for Um Tbe date or tb first sppearanc of this (Sectioas it sad III.) Salvation Army. East and West Lin drawn through a point Sealed lender wiU be received by lb In local Um said Board Is thsl Um candidal shall b notice the newspaper was 10 chain Du North of Um or com point person who It a British Subject ad of Mimtter or Land not later than noon on 13rd day of October. ItlT, and objections lu Application ."to. !. HI lor SITI. Public meetings, Tuesdays, the full aye of tl year. the list day or January, I III, for th pur meneemenl intersects with said Lin or may be filed with th comptroller or TAkE NOTICE thai sppllcatlon has been SCHOOL TRUSTEES. chat of Licence X 1 110, to cut l.ltO.00 High Water Mark; thenc West It chains; Water Recorder within thirty day after aede i register Ansa Doff, or Prlnc Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. 1 am notined by Um Secretary or Um feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam ttirnc southerly snd essterly paralled with tbe said date. Rupert. B. C, as owner la fe under a ri. Sundays at 7:30 o. m. Senool Board that It will ba necessary to on an area situsted on Loor Lake, rraser tbe said Um or lllrh Water Mark. Port DOLLT VARDEN) MINES COMPANT, Tat Isle Deed from Um Collector of the Reseh. lunre Coast District land Canalt to a point 10 chain Du West huU an election for two persons to serve 4, ft B. MrGlnnls, Agent, per E. A. Cleveland. uir or rrtnc Dapert. tearing del to fee a term of two years, to take the places Two years will b allowed for re or tb point or commencement; thenc 31th day of September, Ills, of ALL A.10 MUNICIPAL ELECTION of Miss Rose M. Dsvts sod Dr. W. T. ker- movsl or timber. eait 30 chains to ssld point of commence' SlNOl'LAH thai certain parcel or tract of rm, wbo terms eiplr In ISIS. II villi . further psrUculsrs or Um Chief Forester, ment sad containing 110 acres mor or Ud4 and premises sltusle, Irtur, sad being PROCLAMATION 1918 therefore be neceisare that nomlnsUons I "oru, . or uistnci rorcsier. t-rmc Cats!.less of Um Bed sod Foreshore of Portland Harry A, Harvey ta I be Municipality of Prior Rupert, mora U banded to Um Returninr Offlcer at Um I "wen, a. u THE ANGLO-BRITISH COLUMBIA particularly known an4 described as Lot time and ptaro as la Um ess or Msyor PACKING (Late LenSofl, Enf CnrvaUle forty one dii. Block thirty (0, Section riBUc 50rH E I hereby riven to the sal Aldermen provided by Statute, aa set TIMBER SALE X 1170. COMPANY LIMITED, Walter E. Walker. Art f Mnla) r Ire lor of the of tb Cltv Date IStb day of October, HIT. elfkl it). Msp 113. Municipality out snd sbove. slso at th um or nomt- PUPIL OF LAMSOOWNE COTTELL Vow are required M cooutt In claim of Prtoe Rspert. Umi I hereby reqalr nation each candidate make a declaration Set led lenders will be received by Um th tat purchaser witnla It oars from lb the presence or the said Electors si tb abowtar hit quallBcaUoo In Um ssm msnner Minuter or Lands not later than noon on SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTIUCT OF Pupil Taken for oat of Um service of this nolle bleh air aerk's oraee. in the aty lull, air as provided roe Msyor snd Aldermen. the list dsy or Jsnusry. It IS. for tb pur CASSIAR. VIOLIN. PIANO. VIOLIN CELLO and may b effected by publication), aad your of rrsaee Rupert, mi Monday. Um llth day QUALIFICATION FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE. rfeane or l icence X1I04, to cut I.IIT.S0I HARMONY. stteouoo la called to section It ef Um f iaauary. A. D. I SI I. at It o'clock noun. la in Srnool Dlttrlcu or th first. feet of Cedar Spruce. Hemlock and Balsam TAKE no tic that Tbe Aoglo-BrlUsh Co EXAMINATIONS Land Detutry Act" with amendments, aad rr the purpeM T electlnr persons to second or third clsss. sny person beinr a on an area situsted la Qust-toon Inlet, lumhls Pscklny Company Limited, of Van Pupil Prprd foe Eianlaatlon to tat roUowtag ettraet tbertrrom: represent itra in Um Municipal Council Brtutb Subject or Um full sr or II yesrs Ranr . coast District couver. B. C, occupauoa Salmon Canners. Aoclstd Boar, Vaaco, Center "Aad In default of a caieal or car unfit as Msvoe aad Aldermen. actually residiar wiuun the aty and bavins on (II year will be allowed for re Intends to apply for permlaslon to leas Reral C!l f Musi. Lwidoa. En. of Us pendens being Bled before Tb mode r DonuoaUoo of Candidate been for Um sit months neat precedinr moval of umber. tbe following described lands: the regitlrttion aa owner of the person shsU be as rMws. Commencing at a post planted at High the dst or nomination, the rertstered Further particular of th Chief Fore iter, nil l fed under sac 1st sale, ail person Tb Canddatea shall b nominated la owner in the Land Reslstry Offlre, of lsnd victoria, B. c. or District Forester, Prince Wster Msrk. Portland Canal, 10 chains DU TEFilttS - PHONE BLUE 273 so served with notice .... aad rtunr. The writ is shall be subscribed or real property hi Um said School Dlttrlct, Rupert, B. C North and 40 chains or more Du West or ibos claiming tarsus w under tbem, by l voters ot Um Maaicipslity u of the astetted valu on Um last Muni the North West Corner or Lot SSI. Cassiar and all persoas clatmiar any latere I proptMrr and ecder. aad II shall b d cipal Assessment Roll, of IIS0.00 or mora TIMBER SALE X 926. District; thenc north SO chains; thence m Um land by sirtuc of any aareititered Htered lo the Relaralar Offlcer al aay Um over and above any rerUlered Judrmenl or west to chains, more or less, to High lusirumeol, aad all persona claiming any beiaeen Um dat or Uua notlco and I:St rhsrre, snd betas otherwls quslifled to Water Mark Portland Canal; thenc southerly Prince Rupert feed Co. Inlertst to Um Uad by descent whose m. of the day or nomination; Um said vol si an election or School Trustees la Sealed tenders wtu b received by th and easterly following th tin ol uue U mi rest tie red aader Um pro-vuioos rtuer may be la Um form Xumber I la the said School Dlttrlct. shsU be elirble Minister or Lande not later than noon on High Water Mark Portland Canal to th of this Act. shall be for ever the schedule to tb Municipal Electlona Act, la b elected or to serve aa a School tbe 1 ith day of February. tttl, for tb point of commencement and containing St PHONE 53 slopped aad debarred from setuag up and shall IUU in names, resldeoc and Trustee la such aty School District purchase of Licence X SIS. lo cut ,14,000 acres more or less. say claim to or la respect of Um land eceupaUott er desrrtptloo or each person Olvea under my band a I Prince Rupert, feel of Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam and Cedar THE ANGLO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING so sold foe tatss. aad Um Register proposed la such manner as sameienUy to C. this Ith day or January. A.D. ISIS. on an area situsted on Loor Lake. Fraser COMPANY LIMITED. Waller E. Walker, Agt FOR shall ft ruler Um ptrsoa eatiiird aader identify such raadidat. Every candidal FREDERICK PETERS, Reach. Rant 4, Coast District Data ISlh day or October, ttlT. such ut sal a owner or Um ttad so shall beter be shall b capable of betas neturnlnr Offlcer. Three (!) years will be allowed for removal scld roe lates." nominated or elected, aad not liver Uua or Umber. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF BULBS A.10 WHEREAS sppUcaUoa S-e been M o'clock la Um afternoon or Um dar Further particulars or Um Chief Forester, COAST. RANGE FIVE. mad roe a Ceruocat of lodcftatibl Till or nomination, ktdt with m s declaration MUNICIPAL NOTICE Victor!, B. C. or District Forester, Prtncr Id the abov mentioned lands. In the name hum to his qaaliacsUoo, la Um form pre- Rupert. B. C FI4 TAKE do lire that Walter E. Walker, or Tulips. Hyacinths, Daffodils, of Ann Duffy: serttml by suiule. Tbeso forms will be TAkE NOTICE that Um Municipal Council Vancouver, B. C. occupation Manager, AND WIIEKKAS ou lavetllgaUag Um UU supplied by Um City clerk's omc lo persons or lb aty or Trine Rupert ns Died TIMBER SALE X 894. Intends to apply Tor permlaUon to leas Easter Lilies, Narcissus. It fpar that prior to Um llth day of actually preseotinr nominatioo papers Thursday the lltb day of January, A. D. Um following described lands: September, lilt, (Um date oa which Um duly tteeuled. la Ut event or poll tela ISIS, at Um Council Chamber, aty HaU. Sealed tenders will b received by th Commenclnr st post planted at th said lauds wer sold for overdu taie,. r necesssry such poU will b opened oa Prince Rupert. B. C at th tim and place Minister of Lands not later than noon on Intersection of an East and West Lin Mall Or set Promptly AUadd t. you wer Um assessed owner thereof. Tbursdsy the 11 lb day of January. A. D. foe taktnr the vol of lb ratepayer on the ieih day or February. 111. Tor th through Concrete Monument st BarUctl ri'RTIIER TAkE NOTICE UtSI St Um .1 tha Council Chamber la tb CUT the folio Inr bylaw: fetircbas of Ucene X Itl, to cut 1 1,473, foint. Wale Island. B. C, with High WaUr sam tun I shall effect retUustlon la pur-suaoe Hall la tb aty of Prlnc Rupert, rrom Um "A bylaw lo reduce the number of Alder 000 feel or Spruce, Cedar, Balaam aad Mark Tongata Passage; thenc southerly or such sppllestkm sad Istu s hour or S o'clock a. m. to Um hour of I men fur tbe aty or Prlnc Rupert Hemlock on an area situated on Kootum aad easterly following said Ulgtt Water P. O. Box tlX. 3S Third At. Ceruarst or lodefraslbl Till to Um said clock p. m.. of much every person Is AND FURTHER TAkE NOTICE that tb river, Burk Cnsanel, Ranr I, Coast Dls Msrk to a point wber a North and South laud la Um nam or Ann Puffy unless hereby required to tak nolle and sovera vet ahall b taken by ballot and that tb tiict Lin drawn through a point to chains Due you tak and protecut tb proper proceedings himself accordiorly. poliior booth shall b kept open on Um Three (1) years will be allowed Tor r East of Um point or commencement Inter to establish your claim. If ary. QUALIFICATION FOR CANDIDATES FOR said 1 7th day or January. A. D. ISIS, from movtl ot timber. sect said High Wster Msrk or Tonrass to Um said laoda, or to prevent such proposed MAYOR. the hour of :00 a. m. until Um hour or rurther particulars or Um Chief rorester rassage; thenc south 30 chains; thenc tcUon on my part. i.oo p. m. Victoria, B. C, or DUtrlct Forester, Prince northwesterly in straight tin to point J.L.HICKEY The aqllSraii for a raadidat for DATED ai I Be Land Registry oraee. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Repcrt, B. u. F 19, 39 chains Due West of to point f com- I'rloc Rupert. B. C. this ttb dsy of Sep-Umber, Mayor Is that the said candidal ahsll b s FREDERICK PETERS hat been appointed meacement; thence 30 chains Du East ot A. 0. HIT. person who is a BrIUsh Subject of tb full Reiurainr Offlcer to tak chart or ssld TIMBER SALE X 925. th point of commencement and containing CONTRACTOR A BUILDER R. r. MACLEOD, as or II tears, but discuaUaed under any vol. tl acres, mor or less. .a , ... J Uw and who bat for tb alt months neit y. PETERS. City Oerk. District Rrglsusr or Titles. WALTER E. WALKER. preccdinr the day or nomination, been lbs Sealed tender will b received by tbe Store and Ofllce Fixtures, To Itoberi Murdock, Esq., Date llth day of October, HIT. reritiered owner la lb Land Rertatry Minister of Lands not later than noon on Ill ftobson 81, Vsncuuvtr, B. C BYLAW NO. Sash, Door and Moldings. orare, or land or real property In Um Oiy A BYLAW TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF tbe I Jlh day of January, 19 IS. for Um pur SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF chase of licence to cut Oak and liard Woods of all NOTICE. or Prlnc Rupert to Um assessed vslu. on ALDERMEN FOR THE CITY Or PR1NOS xtll, 310,000 CASSIAR. lb 1st! Municipal Assessment Roll, or RUPERT. feet or Htmlxk, Cedar, Balsam and Sprue kinds. "Sea Oull." "Brown Bear." "LlllU Tomy l,0.00 or more over sod sbov any Whereas tbe Council of Um aty or on aa are situated oo Lonf Lake, Frasr TAKE notice that Waller E. Walker, or -SutUlsbl " resisiered or ebsrr. and who Is Reach, Ranr 4. Coast District We In Hardwood Frctlon, Trseuon "Sea Uoa Judrmenl rrtnc Rupert has power to pass this bylaw Vancouver, B. C occupation Manager. Specialize rrtctloa.'. "Sheet Anchor Fraction "Sky. oiherwis duly quslined ss a Municipal under tb provisions or th Municipal Two (t) year will b allowed Tor r- Intends to spply Tor permission to leas Boat Ribs, Sash, moval or Umber. line," "Camp Bird Traction" and "Obser-vstory Voter. Act Amendment Act HIT. th following described lands: etc. Further particular or Um Chief rorester, Doors, Minersl Clslms. sliusw In tb QUALIFICATION FOR CANDIDATES FOR NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL Commenclnr st a post planted al Um Skrcna Miniot Division or Coast District ALDERMAN. co UN a l or the corporation or the Victoria, B. C. or District Forester, .Prince North West Corner ot Lot Itl. Cassiar Plate and Sheet Qlasa and Where located.--near Bear CITY Or PRINCE RUPERT ENACTS AS nupert. u. c. t sa Uks, Surf Th qualification tor candidal for Alderman Dlttrlct; thenc north 10 chains; thence Glazing. Inlet, Prlnc Itoysl Island. FOLLOWS: west 40 chains, mor or less, to lllrh I that tb said rsndidsi sbsll b a TAkE flOTICE that I. Fred M. V1U, Is Brltlth Subject of lbs I. Hereafter tb Council or tb City or WATER NOTICE Wsier Msrk Portland Canal; thenc south Corner Fraser and th St. w bo a Ire Miner CertlUcst o. UOItC lb persun disqualified under Prlnc Rupert shsU consist or th Msyor (Diversion and Us,) erly and easterly following High Water full of II not sr years, duly utnorlted stent of Mlllsrd r. Wr-rrn. any Isw and who bat for lb sis months snd four (4) Aldermen, all to b elected Mark Portland Canal to point or commence PHONE GREEN 269 rre Miner's Certincau No. IIOUC, tb day or nomination been IN rrom lb aty tl larr In tb sam manner TAkE NOTICE that John Oraee. wbos ment and containing HI acres mor or Intend, amy days from the dat hereof, pr-dinr rertstered owner In th Lsnd Rertslry as tb Msyor and Aldermen nav hereto- tddress is ITII Tew Street, Vancouvsr, less. P. O. BOX 448. to iply to tb M loins Recorder for a omc In Um cur of rnnc RuierL or lsnd for been elected. B. C. will apply for a license to tsk and WALTER E. WALKER. Certificate or Improvements, for Um pur-Pus or real property in th city or rrtnc t. Thla bjlaw shall be effective at th ut 10 miners' Inches of wster out of sn Date-It th day ot October, HIT. or obtalnlnr a Crown Oram of sscn net! eruulor Municipal Election belnr tb Rupert or lb vslu on Um UM Muaietpsl unnamed stream on west sids or Stewart or lh bos claim. Election for th year A. D. I Sit. Narrows about two miles south or Assessment Roll or 1 100.60 or mor over UsrUey A.1D FT'lUlltlt TAkE AUTICE tbsl S-Hon. PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Or STEEN & LONGWILL sn! sbov sny rerlslered Judrmeot or Bsy. Tbe wster will be diverted rrom th t ttvlltttt under section It, must b com-meured THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY Of chart and who Is otberwts duly quslined main st a point about 1110 reel In befor lb luu or ucb Ccrtincat Municipal Voter. PRINCE HUrtHT TIUS Sltt DAY OF DE westerly direction from tb mouth of said Tilt ENGINtyKtf INLMtN vammammmmmaammmmm ss a or linprovemenla. CEMBER. A. D. ISIT. stream snd will 1 used for power pur SANITARY AND HEATING DATED Ihl ttlb dsy or 0 ember A. D. ELE0TI0N OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS. TAkE NOTICE that th abov It a Iru poses upon Um land described as unoccupied 0 11". 410 AMD ri'RTIIER TAkE NOTICE that Under ropy or tb proposed bjlsw upon which Crown land. This noui was ENGINEERS lb provision or tb Municipal Art Amendment lb vol or tb ratepayers will b tsken posted oa tb ground on Us Ird day or FISMaRMAITS SNOiai LAND ACT Art tH. 1 require Um presence- or st lh Council Chamber, aty IU1L on UM November, It IT. A ccpy tit this notice Um Meclors st lb pise snd Um sbov 17 th day or Januiry. A. p. I til, from lh aud an application pursuant thereto and Oil 1S la. by 7 I - It-IB Agents for SkEEJU LAND DISTRICT DISTIUCT OF uien Honed, for tb purpos or electlnr Iwo bour or t:00 s. m. to th hour or 7:00 to Um Water Act. 1914 will b Bled In Hoess Pwr. McCLARY FURNACES COAST. RANCE 4. persons who shsll serv on lb Board or p. m. lh omc or tb Water Recorder at Prlnc i 0(1. 1 M K. k I 1-t la., a TAkE NOTICE that John Once, or Vancouver, Commissioners or Police, on for tb F. peters, uiy uers. Rupert ObjecUous to the sppllrstlon msy tiers Pewee. PLUMBINQ B. C, occupation Otberman, In-b-nds period or iwo ye'srs frm the dtls of such be Bled with lb said Wster Recorder or 4 CiL S .i la. ky la 2S-S to spply fur iernilsslon lo less tb elcllo4i. snd th other for a period or For Halo Uemington No. 14 with tb Comptroller or Water Rltht, Mocm Ptvtr. and follow in described Isnds: one yrsr rrom tb dst or such election. ypowriter in flrst-cluss condition, Parllamsnl Butldmrs. Victoria, B, C. within SHEET METAL WORKS Cummencinr at a post planted on lb The mode or nominstion of candidates for News Ofllce. tf 10 days after tb nrsl sppearanc of this rorethor on tlM west sid or BUwart such folic Couuuislonrs shsll ba ss .pply Dally nolle In a local aspsper. Tb dst of For Further Information Phorte 5, 831 Second Avenue. Ntrruas, about two milts south or lisrllty fuiio; Csndldsles shsll b nomlnsted lu tb first publication or this no tic Is Apply Lo Night pbones 578 ntyi thenc west it chains, these north writmr. Km wrllinr hU Im tubtcrib4 by Advertise In The Daily Nows. No ember It. It IT. snd Blue IS chains, incur cast S9 ttitins, thenc iwo vows or lh Municipality st propottr JOHN 0RACE. Applicant 270 uutb lu chains lo lb point of couuu.uie-mem aud KcouJar and II shsll be delivered to SUBSCRIBE FOR W. E. WILLISGROFT The rloht work, at the right and couisinlni to acres raor or lets. in st sny iuu between lb dat of ibis The Dally News delivered by Prlnc Rupert, B. 0. time, and at the right prloe. JOHN snd I 00 m. or th dsy or nouil-union. OUACE. AppllcsnL uolir p. The Daily News mouth. CO cents rimrifi .arrler, iifniiiriina per ie.weeeeeeet.eww DATED November II, HIT. Tb wriiiDf may b la tb form