..mirdn: Jnnunry 11 igg THK DAI1.T 4 "THE COOK OF CANYON CAMP" Local News Notes lo be If want health Arnold The sffry ' " IIitplny you G. H. lh WMtliolnif .lnfHM-lnibl is ime of the woods. H jtju can have It, by Jicctllnp; Nature's laws. Keep the NOTARY PUBLIO Mr. T. T Diinlop, of Smither. ThCfllre French Canuck. In which stomach ttrong, the lr cr m Uvc, the blood pure, nnd is in the city on a visit. Is of a lleban i sen ae "the the bowels regular, and you will seldom be 11, Take TIMBER BALE X1095. rote Oeorge Camp." and good care of these organs, and nt the first nfgn of of fanyon Mr. 0. W. Harrison, of Tcrrncn, cook take Ikccham'a promptly Pills. anything wrong Wo Sell neal Estate. , grated Undart will I rtealTSd by Iba is paying n visit to the city. fleorgo ues Onely his opportunities. Wo write Fire an J Marine Minister or Lands not Jalr than noon on He portrays the bappy-go-lueky Insurance. tna loth day of January. It IS. for tb Kvenrthlng for homo furnish flapjack artut as only the you certainly need pnrclMt of Uttnca X 1091, to cut 7.000, inn- ni Tito's January Sals. If great elnfrnrter delinealor can Wo have Apartments, Stores, 000 reel or Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on nnelriv Slldl. JHI IS Wholesome the help and relief of this world-famed remedy, to Houses, and OITJces for in ara UluilM on Otnt Inlet. Queen VANTKl Young man to learn and wbolesoulwl n nhllanlhrop- keep the body in health. They quickly establish normal UUnds District. Ilent, and Want More. Ctrl9tt Two (S) years will bo allowed ror rt-tnotal butcher business. Harry Atkins IsL ho hesitates not to leu n conditions, bo the organs perform their functions We Deal in Mortgago Loans. or Umber. "berg lie." when to liftn the end as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely We Sell Timber Limits. Further particulars or the Chlr Foreater, Fishermen nnd boat owners lo Justify the means. The strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate Victoria, nccr District Foretter. Frlnce jn.'ct Sunday ! o'clock. City hall, seems bowels and quickly improve the health We do Conveyancing. Jnupert, B.C. cast Includes Helen ISddy. who the general as the Prin mnkoa n flne foil for the leading Until further notice, TIMBER SALE X1082. will not call nt Alice player, and Monroe Salisbury, the ces Iloynl H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. Sealed tenders will be recelred by the Arm, mnmse tenderfoot lumberman. & Pills Minister or Lands not later than noon on who has gone to the w.i l eehams the I7tb day or January. 118 ror the Mr. flco. Hlndlay of South fortrelhis tlomesHe trouble. Hu- purchase or Licence X I08t to cat 1.100.-000 Hulkley, arrived in the city this production is one of the fines! and reel or Cedar. Hemlock anJ Spruce, morning. lonvM a most Pleasant impression Worth Guinea Box Newish Balsam en an area situated on "The Daily News" (a.. an.r t.l.rnl Dinra . Coast Hit- at the clone. With sueh a comedy tUmimlmLt:m4jt4U.A.Amm. UUim,1Imm. trie t i Mr. and Airs. u. J. wiiiiams as is on tonight as well, tonight One year win be allowed ror re came town on the late train show should prove a sure euro for CLASSIFIED ADS. noral or timber. nnKlur A llnnlA'mlniv Further particulars of the Chter Forester, the blues. Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince Itepert, B. C IT- Mr. O. O. Fisher and Mr. O. Ellis, of Alice Arm, have arrived MORE CABLE NEWS WANTED. NOTICE IS HEREBY 0IVE.t that appllca-tlort In Prince Hupert for a few days. REGARDING SOLDIERS A HOT BATH THE will be made to the LerUlatlre Assembly WAHTED Hotel Central.-Woman ror hotel wort. Appir or British Columbia at lu next A letter from Mr. W. E. Thomp- Ottawa. Jan. t-The tnllltla department MINUTE YOU WANT IT session ror an ti k lucuryvr.n u nation known as -The Engineerinr aod,on re the labor situation at the has received a communication You are accustomed to WASTED To board two tlrli. School Technical Institute or Brttiih Columbia,".dry dock is unavoidably held over from the Hrilisb war office getting raid water Hrla preferred. Wear llnr Edward with power to promote and increase toe until Monday. to the elTect that the cabin in. Think of tbe Hintn Ate.. East. eUnUy. satisfaction School. Apply anowieate. sain ana prcracirocx oi m members in all thlnr relating will bo used more freely In future of getting I 1 the Con- WANTED Oood woman cook. Muil be Tbe kindergarten at i M.luititl f elnaHnv All f. A i t. lo information reRardiiiK baker. S7 month. Enquire at convey Water in the same way ,t rood per vmr ni techniMi Drofessions. and to vent will rcxipen on Monday, Jan casualties soldiers of the Knox Hotel. tf. that end to establish and conduct examlna- 7th. Little boys and girls from anions in abundance, rtgardiers f to nest of kin who Imperial army FOR RENT uons and precrtte sue usu or - f0Ur to six years will receive care-riZZ bow much has been use 1 live in Canada. Willi regard lo bfore. TSLZ'M training and preparation for officers, all casualty reports will TO REJCT Desirable rurntshed room In the primary Class. tf HOT WATER LIKE MAQIC nr nwmbenbtn to those irnroTed or and prtrate family. Suitable ror two persons. ! bi cabled, and all new Information to purchase or otherwise acquire and bold Thone Blue Its. (4) admissions to real and personal property lor the purpose i For Prince Hupert and district.)including hospitals Harry Hanson LOST or tbe institute, and to dispose thereor and!wp ,iaye secured lhe 8Crvlcea of!and progress reports will also be Tiz) IBM reiDTesi ine procerus t x.in men.,nM uuourr.nri Mr. Martin Kroeger. F. It. H.S. cabled as soon as received. In the Hot Water Service brings LOST Small told cron. Between Foil annual fees or subsertpUons to be paid by j Prince Rupert, IL C phone Red case of other ranks, tbe eable will you tbla eonvemeii. e office and Borden Street Finder pleace the member, and to ary the same From'300. Consult him about your I be used to announce deaths, dangerous IB? PHONE 4SS P.O. BOX SIS return to Dallr News Office. (4) time to time, and to prorlde ror the man- !,. ltm. niiuh nlm. illnesses, or eases when agement or Its affairs by council to be f, ;! t It men are wounded or missing. LOST Oold Stickpin, between Iroquois be ,bia ZSurseries, Ltd, Vancouver, constinited In such manner as may pro- j Pool Rooms and Firth E. Re will also be used for Arenue, Tided ror by By-law, and to bare Its bead Til G. It.I any consequential ward. Finder please return to Dally Am awt Kr.1,-1 lla initnil tnttn within reports. Hew omce. tr. eonrertted be a prtooner of war. it British Colombia, and to have, enjoy, and Furniture wanted. Any quan-j All other information. Including is usual for his relative to bear exercise all powers, rights and pmileres tity. Good prices paid for com- admissions to hospitals overseas Harry Atkins necessary, usual or Incidental to all or any from Mm before the cHemy au or the afforesald purposes. lete household furnishings and1 of cases not regarded as dangerous thorities notify the war office, , DENTISTRY BBADSHAW STACPOOLE, all kinds of tools, men's suits,! will be notified from the record Solicitors ror'the AppUcanL oots. etc. Phone Red 213 or call office by post. Tbe waroiTlce NOTF.I) FOR DATED at Victoria. B. C, this llth day held wtil bo Kervtrcs of n-rajr OMOWM AND- BRIMC or December 1917. on F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave.' remarks that when an officer or PRIME 0.1 U8 AGE a iouu.tv man is reported missing, often the tomorrow In tbe Presbyterian DR. J. S. BROWN Mr. D. C. Scott, of Vancouver, RETAIL CLERKS speediest way to obtain details of Church, beginning at 10 a. m- a Tomato Sausage a Specialty, the popular representative of the circumstances in which the p.m. and 7:3f p.m. Address oorrtrr this called for occurred is by laymen will b given. In the Ganong's, arrived in town Meeting Monday'casualty to write lo a Phone 574 O. Bo P. 1 Meet Mirth Bek, Tfttr Pitene M morning upon one of his period), night at Carpenters Hall. Time. eomrade. nr the nffleer e-ornmnrvd-ing evening, the sorvtee will be) portly leal visits. 1 7:30 prompt. (S) the unit. Should the person memorial. JOOOCCOOOOOOOOO 8 Peck's Shoe Store Third Avenue See our windows Peck says goodbye, Sunday and and you will sure buy so docs his JAMM Monday Shoes Never in the history of Prince Rupert has there been seen such a crowd of wise shoppers, and every one satisfied. The reason speaks for itself. The public knew that Peck sold good shoes only, and Scheinman, a man of his word. I reserve nothing, and there is a reduction in every department in the store, even on shoe laces. 1 guarantee that there is not an article in the store that is not reduced, and every reduction in plain figures. If you only bought one pair, take my tip buy two more, as the more you buy, the more you make. These Specials, Monday Only Ladies' Pumps Ladies Laced and Button Shoes Men's Fine Shoes 100 pairs only. Ladies' Pumps. them 120 pair Ladies'will find Shoes,Walk-Over,amongst 80 pair Men's fine Shoes, all good Peck's Regular Price, $3.50 to $6 Invictus,you Bell's and Smarden makes year welt, tail end of lines-the Monday. 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Mostly in the small sizes cheapest shoe in lot, $6.50 to $10 $1,65 Pair Monday only, your choice $3.45 Monday, all day, choice $3.95 SCHEINMAN SELLING PECK'S GREAT SHOE STOCK oxoooooo