Tuesday in THK DAH.l hew LAND ACT t G. H. Arnold L Local News Notes to V. I. PRIVATE tetrplllaii DETECTIVE BUI, Vaieeisf.AOINOV SKt&lA UNO OUST,DISTRICT IUNCK 4.DISTRICT OF Anyone Can Have NOTARY PUBLIO Judite Mallory has nrrlvrd In Day Phone. Seymour 41t. TAkE 01ICK that John Orare. of Van Whipped Wrht rhone. Fairmont SOU. cooler. R. C. oervpatMi fisherman, lit Cieam town from Port Clements. e lends le apply rr permission to lease ibo TIMBER SALE X1095. i Mead 0e, ' MIBee;e BU. follow Hi described Isndl; Wo Sell Ileal Kslate. livery thing for home furnlsh- Victoria, B. a, Then Mtt coiiuneneiiir l pol planted on th I'AlIIHi; Mi an ini? at Tile's January Sale. tf foreshore on lb ws thl of Btewari Scaled tenders will b rtcelred tb rich and Marine by in n Wo vrllo l'iro asrrews, about two mile soaib of llstlif i it Minliter of Land not later than noon on f Insurance. lh tOtb day of January, till, for the There Is still nothing doing at Bty; thence west chains, thence north whips ii It rbaiot, tbenco cut ! chains, tnenc 1 It We have Apartments, Stores, purchase or Licence X 1091, to rut 7,009, tlio police ciyirt, so far this year. "A Dollar in the Bank is south 10 cneM f Ibe pfiiol of cvmitieiic. I m rl most of 009 feet 6f Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on Houses, and Offices for tueni and eootainiar 49 acre more or less llent, and Want More. an Charlotte area Islands situated District.on Dana Inlet Queen WANTKI) Young man to learn Worth Two in Promises" JOIIM On ACE. Applicant cream mil i "IIilJ butcher business. Harry Atkins. DATED .1trembr It, HIT. We Deal In Mortgage Loans. Two (I) years will be allowed for re I he iToviif tnovsl of timber. II BN have a you AVIOAIILE WATERS PROTECTION ACT We Sell Timber Limits. runner particulars of the Chief forester, The train from the east which w substantial havings in . a chapter I is. , Mrs. McCary of New W. Hi.' We do. Conveyancing. Rupert,Victoria.B.B.C.,C or District Forester, rrtnee It. is duo tonight, is reported on Account, you do not wrote In to ay that .i time. have to ask favours Akl.liSI.ltO THOMSON and COMPANY, PACIFIC MILK rrRi,i;, 1.IMITID, bereby ir netiet thai they I court refusals when treat for Iho H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. U. Suga, formerly of Sixth Ave. or you hero, under seettnn ef ld Set dffwstled yonnu cash. A Savings ready brrnkfail. require ins now moved into the Hay View ilh ilte Minis lee of Pabtw Works at Account in The Hank of iiuai sikI m the ernee of the IHstrtcv All she does I Ui . Hotel. 2J British. North America makes Reitstrsr t the Lnd Reitsiry ume. im- otnounl all e want, In a of irtet or prltirr Ittifert. dert4pU4 f te promises. you independent fer a time ami then if . Mr; 1). L. Tingley has arrived is He Stxi la plaM itr Whstf M other The ready back In the from Char money yours ba a selve- tpg-bemter. si,, city Queen work! prtMtsed b built Xl Lot mm. "The Daily News" when you need it protected W'tterfrMil Block City f Prtnee he UmisI arid TIMBER SALE X 1082. lotle Islands for a few days. F. pert. mt Rive it ! c against loss safe from fire and Proline of Brit Oatumbia. and take run for tirertlfftst. theft and earning interest at noUre that after the ef etpHaHea etw CLASSIFIED ADS. Seated tenders will be rtcelred by the There will be an open meeting highest current rates. nitb fmeu taw date of lb am pubttra You'll And it is o) n . Minuter of Lands not Ister than noon, on of the Trades and Labor Council Una of I his notice Aketbetr Tberaaoa and the 17th day of January, 1911 for the tonight at 8 p.m. in the Carpen Deposits Svins of SI. end upward are (laay Umtled will isadef SeetMej seveo PACIFIC MILK CO,. LTD, purchase or Licence X 101! to cut 1.100,-' ters' Hall. All workers are in. receired oa accounts. of the said Act. app4f to the Mhtlster mt Factory at Ladner, D, C, ton feel of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and ited. THE BANK OF PubHr Work at hi one Ml the Qly l WANTED. Balsun cn an area situated on Nowuh otuw for wprosal f tbe at4 silo and If ymi have a k"' ru Core, Susan Island, llanre J', Coast Dis snd for tear U plans eonsmct Use M British North America Yu YTkXISb Woman ror hotel work. Apply trict. Mr. G. L. Thompson, of the harf and works. in. may get a One will be allowed for re in rliirn. Addresji h k-: Hotel Central. year llocher de lioule Mining Company, m Dated at more Rupert B. c . IM seeoad vi '.ms w - rs?. nortl of Umber. sailed for the Queen Charlotte day or JaJMsary 11 roiiver. II. I'.. WANTED man for Janitor work. Ware further particulars of the Chief I wester. CAPITAL AMD SLUrLUS, S7.SSt. ISO month with board and room. Apply Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince Islands by the Prince Albert yes. AkCRBMMi THOMSON and COMrA!Y. LTP to Secretary, Prince Rupert General llupert, B.C. I 17. terday. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH Dtrtd Tdoommi. Seers tary Hospital . tf W.J.SMITH ERS,Manager " - I WATER NOTICE Many of the boys in town have WANTED To board two firls. School received their notice calling them NOTICE. alrl preferred. Near ktnr Edward School. Apply ftl Ninth Are:, East. TAkE NOTICE that Dolly Varden Mines up for military duly. They have Company whose address is Alice Arm. B. to report to Willows Camp nunr Sea OuH" "Brown Bear." "Utile Tom) If you want health WANTED Good woman cook. Must be C, will apply for a Urense to take and Victoria by the 2 1st curt. Fraction." "SunlirM rrarUen " -Sea Uo tood baker. 7S per month. Enquire use ten cuble feet of wster per second Friction.'. "Sheet Anchor Fraction.- "Sky you can have It, by Ivccdlng Nature's laws. Keep the Knot Hotel. tf out of Trout Creek, a tributary of kit-sauli I me," -camp Bird rr action and "Obser (Urer nowlnr Into Alice Ann, Cas-siar Mr. Theo. Forbes, of Alilford ratorjr Mineral Clstms. situate la th stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure arj DIstrlcL The water will be directed Hay, who has been spending a day Skeen Mlninr Dlrtslon of Coast District. the bowels regular, and you will seldom be III t Jce LOST at the head of the Falls on the Sllrer or two in Prince Rupert on business, Where tors ted: near Bear Lake, Surf good care of these organs, and at the first sign ol Horde Mineral claim. Lot 1104, and will Inlet, Prince Reyal Island. returned to the Islands anything take Beccham'g LOST Small gold cross. Between Post be used for power purposes on toe Wolf by TAkE NOTICE that I, Fred M. Well. wrong promptly Illls. omce and Borden Street. Finder pleace Dd Dolly Varden Groups of Mineral the Prince Albert yesterday. Free Miner Certificate No. ttltSC, the return to Dally News Office. (I) latins belli r Lots 3711 to 1797 Inctuslre, duly authorised arent or Millard r. War you certainly need and Loll 1191 to 1197 inctuslre and Lot The kindergarten at the Con- ren. rree Miner Certiorate No. 11014 C LOST Gold Stickpin, between Iroquois Jilt, Caislar District intend, sltty day from the date hereof enl will Tool Rooms and Fifth Arenue, E. He Application will be made also for the reopen on Monday, Jan. to tpply to the Mtntnr Recorder for the help and relief of this world famed remedy, to ward. Finder please return to Dally rlfbi to store ISO acre reel In rtrst Trout 7th. Little boys and girls from Certificate of Improvements, tor the pur keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor-mal News Office. tf, Lake and 1.100 acre feet In Second. Third four to six years will receive care, pose or tbti'ntnf a Crown Orant of each conditions, so tlic organs perform their functions and Fourth Trout Lake. The water will ful training and preparation for f the abore ciairne. as Nature intended. No other remedy will so be stored In First Trout Lake by toe construction the primary class. tf AND FURTHER TAkE NOTICE that ae surc'y of a dam at Its outlet and in lion, tinder section St. must be d strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate DENTISTRY Second, Third and Fourth Trout Lakes by Yesterday was Christmas, nmced before toe Issue of such Certiorate the bowels and quickly improve the general health as the construction of a dam at the outlet ac ef Improvements. or Second Trout Lake. The estimated cording to the Greek calendar, and DATED thl lilb day of October A. D CROWN ft.NO BftlDM WORK area of land to be flooded at First Trout as such was duly celebrated here '! ill A SPECIALTY Lake Is 17 acres and at Second, Third and Uie by adherents of the Greek NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that apptlca ateHAMSPlLLS Fourth Trout Lakea U twenty acres. DR. J. S. BROWN Church, of which the ex-Czar used Men will be made to tb LetUlatire As This notice w as pot tea on the r round to consider himself the head. sembly of Brttlsta CotemM at It set DENTIST on toe lltb day or October, 1917. session far an act to Incorporate an as OflUei aatiu Block, TDIrS , A copy of this notice and an application soctstt-tta knew) a -The Earrtneener and Pfteae 4 pursuant thereto and to the Water Aet, Miss Marjorie Campbell returned Technical Institute of Briutlt CoHmbi. Worth Guinea a Box till, will be Died in the office of the to the city on Sunday everting with power to promote and Bwrras the WmI mJr kr TV.. mU,f.IU1.ULV.TU4. Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C from Telkwa, accompanied by her kjMwiedre. sun and preacsescy of tu The date of the Drat sppearance of this sister, Mrs. Hoops. Miss member la all tntnr reUtin Campbell, notice In the local newspaper was the to the Architectural, EnrtnecrUr. Sur tint day of October, 1917, and objection who graduated in the Prince llupert reytor ana tecbnical professions, and to Prince Rupert Feed Co. may be Bled with the comptroller or General Hospital, has again that end to establish and conduct lamina Water Recorder within thirty day after taken up duty there. Hons and prescribe ssch lest of com the Mid date, SMency and moral c ha racier at may be A HOT BATH THE PHONE 58 DOLLT VARDEN MINES COMPANT. tboufbt espedJent and to f rant cerufltaies R. B. McGlnnis. Arent. per E. A. Cleveland. DESTROYER SUNK of membership to those approved or , IT MINUTE YOU WANT to purchase or otherwise acquire and bold Fon WATER NOTICE London. Jan. 8. One of the real and personal property for the purpose ' of the institute, and to dispose thereof and You are sr-eurH- ' rd (Dlrerslon British torpedo boat 1 and. Use.) destroyers relnrest the proceed la such manner as (tsttlng txAA wou-f BULBS has been sunk by a torpedo in the may seem Bl and to fli entrance fee and stantly. Think of th' TAKE NOTICE that John a Mediterranean. All the annual fee or rice, whose officers subscriptions to be paid by t Isfaetten of Tulips, eddres U I7l Tew Street. Vancourer. were saved, but ten of the crew- the members, and to rsry the tame from iretl :r Hyacinths, Daffodils, B.C. will apply for license to take and lime to lime, and to prurlde for the man XVolor in Uie sam way ) lost. use SO miners' Inches of water out of an were element or Its aJTair by council to be abuixlance. reftr:!"-! ' Easter Lillet, Narcissus. unnamed stream on west side of Stewart constituted la such manner aa may be bit. how mueh has br fJ narrows about two miles south of Hartley NOTICE rlded fer by By-Uw. and to bare Its bead pa Bay. Tb water will be dlrerted from the Mies Simpson wishes to office and bold lis annual meetiors wtthla bfure. an Mall Oretrs Promptls Attended to. stream at a point.about 1170 feet In a British Columbia, and to bare, enjoy, and MOT WATCM LIKE M tOIC nounce to her customers that she westerly direction from the mouth or said eterctse all powers, rlrbl and prlrttere stream and will be used for power pur has moved her dressmaking rooms necessary, usual or Incidental to aU or any P. O. Bat 133. OS Third Ate. pose upon tb land described a unoccupied to suite 18 in the Itichmond of we anrerrsaid purpose. Harry Hanson Crown land. Thl notice was BRADSIMW BTACPOOLE, Ilooms, over Orme'a Drug Store Hut Water Service t n posted on the around on the Srd day of Solicitor for we Applicant. Norember. 1117. A copy of thl notice Phone Blue 69. (7 dated at Victoria, B. C. thl lltb day you this cuovruj snd an application pursuant thereto and or December hit. 3S PHONE 449 P.O.BOX to the Water Act. 1ll4f will be Oled In Prince Rupert School Board. the office of toe Water Recorder at Prince J.L.HICKEY Notice to Parents and Guardians. RuperL Objections to toe application may be Sled with the said Water Recorder or Pupils will be received for the Harry Atkins CONTRACTOR A BUILDER with the Comptroller of Water Rla-hts. receiving classes from February Parliament Bolldlnrs. Victoria. B. C, within 1 to February 10 inclusive. 10 camllr Buttnse. Prlace fUpeet. I days sfter the Brit appearance or this Store and Office Fixtures, notice In a local newspaper. The date of NOTED FOP. Letterheads the Brit publication of thl notice la SCHEINMAN'S SALE Bash, Door and Moldings. Norember it, 1117. A SURE STARTLER PRIME SAUSAGE Knrelope Oak and Uard Woods of all JOHN GRACE. Applicant. SUtemenU Tomato Sausage Card, Ete. kinds. The sale of Peck's stock of Specialty. MINERAL ACT boots and shoes which is boing We Specialize In Hardwood placed before the public by Mr. N Prions 574 P. O. Bo i Boat Ribs, Sash, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Schelnman, has certainly proved Doors, etc. NOTICE to be one of the bigget bargain The News Job Press Plate and Sheet Glass and Molybdenum" and "Success' Mineral oners ever placed before the pub Gluing. Clmiuii, situate in the Bkeena Minis; Dlrl-alon lie in Prince llupert. Since the FINK ALARM SYSTEM. Prisls; ef AH DfKripiit.i Dbc Corner Fraser and 6th 8U. or Caislar District. sale opened on Friday morinng, Where located; About 4 miles Weturlr the store has been crammed full CIRCUIT NO. 1. PKONE GREEN 269 from ui,i the iruui bead uie of ceacn.Alice Arm, and, about of eager purchasers each day, and Boa 12 lib St. and Ird Are. P.O. B 89 P. O. BOX MS. TAkE MOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. up till last evening something like Boa IS lib SL and Ird Are. 1'rcKrama Bji is lib SL and Ird Are. CsUlogs rre Miner1 certificate No, Iitll-C as fourteen hundred pairs of shoes arent of the Molybdenum Be IS 'unction or 1st, tnd and Dmltfer Mlninr and Reduction had been disposed of. Ird Are. Company, Limited, (.ton Personal rosters,etr Liability) free Miner- Certificate No. The bargain prices placed upon 1 1st Are., between lib and ltJlC Intends slaty day from the date the goods by Mr. Schelnman are lib tu. (knot Hotel). STEEN & LONGWILL hereof, to apply to the Mlninr Recorder the best ever placed before the Bsa 17 Hotel).Isl .r. and Tin St. (Central for CerUOcate of lioproremenu, for the public In Prince llupert. who are purpose or obtalninr a Crown Or ant of SANITARY AND HEATING eacii or the abore claim. not slow to realize a good thing CIRCUIT NO. a. A.XD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action when they see It. The stock of Boa 22 3rd Ar and Ird SL (Post ,i ENGINEERS unaer section SI must be commenced before goods Is all high-class, and there Office). the Issue of such CerUOcate of Uo- a 21 Ird Are. ant McBrlde SL FRED STORK'S HARDWARE is provement. nothing cheap nor shoddy in Bsa 24 1 it Are. and McDrlde BL Agent for DATED Ibl tltb day of Norember A. D. the store. The shelves aro rapidly Bea 28 tnd Are. and tnd BL McCLARY FURNACES HIT. rtt incoming depleted, and now Is Bsa 2tad Are. and Ith II FOR Bee 27 O. T. P. CANNERYMEN PLUMBINO your time. n Wo havfl ntlded to our st-rk of valves an J pipes a complct" CIRCUIT NO. S. -Bea lino of llubber Ilelting at riglit prices. and Harry A. Harvey For Prince llupert and dllrlel 31 lib Are. and Fulton SL FOR FISHERMEN SHEET METAL wa have secured the services of Bea S2 Uordan and Taylor II. A WORKS (Lai Lead, ., Ceaserratolr wr. Martin Kroeger, F. ft. II. 8. Bsa S4- 7th Are, and Fulton BL oofnplelo stock of tho Lest goods that money can buy Ic Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. f Musis) Prince Iluperl, IJ. C, phone Bea SS ttb Are, and Comoi Are. Irolllng-SprliiK llrass, 8llver and Ilronie. rUFIL OF UNSD0WNK fled Bea 27- lib Are. and IXxll Place Night OOTTBXL phones 570 300. FH THE WATERFRONT Consult . him about your Bea SS Cut Ar. and Thompson SL and. Dlue 270 Pupil Taken for garden problems. Hritlsh Colum. iho celebrated Maple Leaf l'uinla and Varnishes Special boat The rlrjnt work, at the right HOUJf.UAHMONr.PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO ud bla Nurseries, Ltd Vancouver CIRCUIT NO. 4. Plnl "FLOaLAZK" A cUiplete lino of Ship Chandlery time, and at the right price. c- tf. Bea 41- lib Are. and Emuterson FOR EVERYONE CXAMINATIONl flaco. Pupil Prepared fee EiamUatlen Bsa 42 lib Are. and McBrlde II. A fine stock .f Hardware, (luriieys Oiford Stoves. Ssaecleted Boer-, Vanaeuisr, Csnter RETAIL CLERKS Sea 4-tib Are. ail flreen , Ws Sell Nothing But The BL ADVERTISE IN Beysl Oollsis of Musis, Lease, Bag. Be 44-4ia Are. ami Basil SL " Meeting called Be 45-Tin Are. and Eberu. for Monday The Daily News TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 7:30 night prompt.at Carpenters' Hall. Time Be 141 7tU At, and Tounr IL FREF STORK'? HARDWARE