THE DAILY NEWS N' THIE is IIEftEDT OlVEN that ppllc Tho First L The Daily News j Hon will be made t lb lerlalatlva A Defense -Your first svmbly or Biiiuh Columbia " THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN DRITISII COLUMBIA m t a session tor an act lo inrorporst an at oi cieiense in cny unr- enristion known a "Th Enrineerlnr end Published Daily and Weekly r British Columbia, Terhnlral Institute taking is sound, well n nj Increase the Guaranteed Largest Circulation with power to promote nourished body. Real pre knowledt. skill nd prollelenfy of It an tmnr reisnnr member In HEAD OFFICE: paredncss for the day't vor. o the Architectural. Enrineermr, sur Daily News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. OS. calls for a well-balanced veylnr and technical prolesslens,fmlna and to , With the land forces nd conduct Ihst end lo eslsbllsh TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO cents per inch. ration. The whole wheat is tkma and MYSrrlbe Ufh 111 or COTO ! and with the fleet ym- nd nieral character at may be the most balanced pelenry perfectly Contract Rates on application. tbournt eipedient and lo rranl certificates , ration given to man. of membership to those approved or, and Bt WRIGLEYS to nurrhe or otherwise acquire and hold J IIAILY EDITION s Thursday, Jan. 10. 1918. Shredded Wheal Eiccult . i , ....I .... lap I u r&t. t . mirruil. ' -.-i-w..j .v. ' --- mmi real yrrmmmt is 100 per cent, whole wheat r the Institute, and to dispose thereof and nothing added to it, nothinj reinvest the proceeds In such manner as jrl lues so,ace ,n the WAR AIMS bourg, too, declines to remain mar m fit and to (It entrance fee nd yi There 1 little chance Ull for in the family compact which wasted or thrown away. the annual members,fee or and subscriptions to vry the to be same paid rrotn by VfeJ lon2 watch, it fresh-. any ambiguity remaining in the was the first string binding the Two or three of these time to time, and to provide for the man 2? W'f ens and refreshens. minds of the Kaiser and his small states together, into tho crisp little loaves of baked arrment or us affairs by council to be ronntimim in suco uiiuiirr uu n government as lo what are the empire.Yes the Kaiser must swallow whole wheat, eaten with vided fr by By law, and to have it head j y- J steadies nerves. office and bold It annual mectinr within, altavs thirst. hplD: I milk and little real aims of the Allies in the his pride, and his fire-eating a fruit, make DMllsn liumis. ana to navr, enjey, ana M-jHis continiicnco of warfare. The chancellors and ex-chancellors a complete, nourishing satisfying eirrrtse all power, rlrhtt and ptlvlleee I appetite and digestion. nereassry, usual or IneMenlal to all or any Kaiser has been informed in and Hindenburgs and Luden-dorffs, breakfast, lunch or or the airoreeahi purpose. and all the rest of his dinner of BRADSHAW k STACPOOLE, at cost no uncertain terms, not once, a only a fine soldiers will find to a great Solicitor for th Applicant but times what the terms few cents. Made in Canada. many eilent their occupation gone. DATED at Victoria, B. C thl lib diy are upon which the allies will or December 1017. consider peace. The latest ASKS DOMINION TO PAY "HIS FATHER'S SON NOTICE. speeches both by Premier Lloyd COSTS OF HALIFAX Oeorge and of President Wilson The play to be screened nl the Se Oull." "Brown Ber," "Ltitle Tomy have removed the last vestige Halifax. Jon. . The Halifax Wes(holme Theatre tonight Is one Fraction." "Sunlirht Fraction," "Sea Hoi of uncertainty which may have Commercial Club has adopted a Frsclltn.'. "Sheet Anchor FMCtlon," "Sky of (he .Me(ro Wonderplays combining line," "Camp Bird Fraction" and "Obser lingered in their minds, and resolution expressing the view powerful dramatic action vatory" Mineral claim, situate In th tho ever-growing army lined that the Dominion Government and the most delightful comedy Skeen Mlnlnr Division or Coast District uu against the Hun hordes should make full reparation lo Where located: near Bear Lake. Sarf elements. It Is a story of a rich from the English Channel to Halifax for the loss suffered in Inlet rrince Royal Island. father becoming disgusted with TAk'E NOTICE that t, Fred M. Well. the Adriatic Sea goes to back the recent explosion and fire. The an apparently worthless son. He Free Miner Certificate No. ttOUC. th up the speeches of the allied resolution sets forth that the bets the son $0,000 (hat he cannot duly tutbortied a rent or Millard P. War statesmen. dreadful rrn. Free Miner Certtnctte Na Itottt: occurrence was one for hold down ICO job for whole The sanctity of treaties, and which the a a Intend, tltly day from the dale hereof. people of Halifax were month, in order to make the ' anj to apply to tbe Mininr Recorder for a respect for the rights of small in no wie responsible and that, bet somewhat attractive, at the Certificate of Improvements, rer the pur nations is Insisted upon, and therefore, its cost should be as same time he cuts off the young pose or obtainlnr a Crown Uraut or each territorial settlements only or the above claima sumed by the country a n whole. man's allowance. "with the consent of the governed." Last night the following AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ac resolution, The young fellow starts off with tlon, under lection It, must be com- These terms, together seconded by the heads of his valet in an automobile in menced before tho Issue or such Certiorate 1 with the limitation of armaments, I thirty-six religious, educational, or Improvrmrnt. search of the 100 job. They take are the minimum which patriotic and philanthropic DATED Ibis Itlb day or October. A D societies, quarters at a cheap boarding 1117 JtO have been put forward by the was telegraphed to Sir house and begin to read the want allies. They are unanimous on Robert Borden: these. While there are many aas. Dramatic incidents come COAL NOTICES "Resolution passed by Commercial into the picture when he is set other things to be considered Club, or Halifax, wherein it to watch a valuable large emerald at a peace conference, still asks for full and complete SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF repa-1 known as "The Lady from the these are the fundamentals, Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ration for damage done to property Sea." How he outwits the inter without which any others would and persons, is endorsed by national crook who be useless. is out after TAKE NOTICE thai I. James p. Re Id, of us and quick action is asked for, the stone and how he disposes of I'liore Rupert. B. C rrosclr. Intend t The materialistic Teuton as people here are entirely in the him finally and wins the SG.OOO spply for a licence to prospect for cjai mind may ilnd, and possibly dark as to future. Citizens are end petrotwum over tho rolktwlnr deeenbe-lands nre things well worth seeing. will find it disagreeable to be anxiously inquiring what they are on the West Coast or Moresby Island. set right by the allies in this to expect and Gomiueortnr at a post planted about prompt announcement Advertise in The Iaily Now. mile souUieatterly from a post I ' atcd . fashion. To have lo treat with of Government's intention so the shore of a small Bay openiur Belgium and Itoumania upon to make full reparation asked for of Canoe fats between Marshy and cheat! an equality after the evil treatment is due those so grievously afflicted." Islands, about 1 mile northerly ateor the which they themselves 1 Xorsby Island tide or Canoe Fas rrotn jSaEE A i '.o fU- ' i.- i.. i -i . . Buck r4ol; tnence south IS chain; thence have meted out lo these smaller jl ti ' 'I I i l l-i n I li ii., , i i-i Ni' - west 10 chains; thence north 10 chains, T A) K .VjTH.fc . - titarui Bull i -. nnd peaceably inclined nations BRING YOUR OWN SUGAR thence east 10 chains to tbe point of commencement frtnrr r : B arrMl w will hurt some, and to have i ) a U' ru their weapons of war taken Snuff boxes are said tn b JAMES P. REID. AppHcant p lr..l. um -h i Ilia -M-Vi.igJ - i . - ll SWOT Iter tultuw, theii huVl coming Located November tin, HIT. (and lb Wvsi i I f M -li) t.ianu . . VA'eel t-waet from will the Huns back into fashion in ttngland, TIMBER SALE X1036. ai a p...i t in. i t . -i 4ii..MBBSBt at a more, even more so than but with the difference that they SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Mir asierl rr at a puat tutalvd uo ir iii.-d ll. Ill t -u )ll l 4Vl fr li the economic ruin which they Lnow contain sugar instead of Sealed tender will be received by tbe (Jit EN CIIAHLOTTE ISLANDS afaur of tbe east side ui caatu Kit. a a i- .1 l.atnl .41 Ifcr !-r OS Me ! will find staring them in the snuff. The rationing is Minuter or Land not later than noon on pMai about I ml niWieiljr aluor ties h , i lauut. i a. aad al a putait l sugar the 1Mb. day or January. Itll, for tbe alsore from Bock loMi ihiwo SeuMl ae aurtawrty IM Use eawrw fruui i face at the same time. TAKE NOTICE that I. Joseph Set ton, or to expected make it necessary for purchase of Licence X 1CJ( to cut 101.000 efMin; ttmoe east I cnaio. ttsentc n-nn tfasram awrtat okata. io. Frlnee Rupert B. C Intend It will be the prospector. severest blow visitors to around their eeiil tbenca west lo laaint u tkeatc carry own irr oi ueaar, spruce, Hemlock ana sal to apply rer a license to prospect for coal ; phui i ; smUi so cawiat. to the pride of the All Highest sugar and the old tightly fitting earn on an area altuated on Baker's Inlet, and petroleum over the desertbed os ewtmieeiceim-ot. 'i rMM to fMSM-vf rune,i, when he finds that the people Rinse s. Coast District Utis blRTKCDB KNUTT, U4AtttI St-THEIU A . snuff boxes, of silver, enamel and on tho West Coast of Msrtcby Island. One (I) year will be allowed for removal by Ilea . -utiii.a,m. i. aV 4Jaaiie S. Bm'f" of Alsaco and of Cunmenctar l poet planted about of Lorraine, Poland i inlaid wood are being brought to of Umber. Located Noetttibev loth, til 1. alrd lirU 1Mb. till. mile southeasterly fruui a located and of Slesvig and llolsten light for this ourpose. There is Further particular of the Chief Former, on the shore cf a small Bay post openlnr out prefer another government said to be also a demand for Victoria, B. C, or D'jlrlel forester, prince of Canoe Pau between Morteby and Cbaatl KEENA LAND tHTfJCT DISTRICT or tt tatt BmrucT MSTRJ .i than that of the tuperi, u. c. J 4 WIEEN CIIARLvTTU ISLANDS trtUN CMAftUiTTE Mjt.'li Imperial German futurist boxes with weird effects Islands, about S mile Northerly aloor th TAKE NOTICE Ml Afeiander L. SrMbee- I TAkk AOTICC tfatt AJM I Burr -prutao when Moresby IsUnd side or Canoe pas rrom Empire; Luxem painted on them. TIMBER SALE X1017. Buck Pointi tbenco touili IS chains; thence land, of Pnoe Kapeet. B, C, fsajwrt C mes) ei east 10 chains; tbenca north 10 chain tesid la apply for a Hwm t pptwimt tar snestt te fastjr for a te pcH mj nd petrosouai over tbe Mae tar -ui Sealed tender will be received by tbe tnence west 10 chains to tbe point or com ' cnbed Und the West Coast or Mereeby mmm HrsM toe Weei oast of Minister of Land not later than noon on mencemeaL isund: GacbtueeMlnr at a past pUMed ,feattul r at a mmi i the lOih of JOSEPH SEXTON, AppUcant day January, for till, the pur about I mm eaeterty frwu a pool taoaM'atiuoi too rmxds Misortr rruea S. S. PRINCE RUPERT chase of Licence X 1017, to cut (0.000 Located November tin, HIT. on the ahuro of tbe east M Of CaW Pas tucatosj m Mm Hht M Um eeeHy reel or Spruce, Hemlock and Balaam on an l a potat about satsae rtbetlir atuaur . aaua Vm. mdtt mi a ; sailing are situated on Klldel River, flanr . KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or th wr froin Bank pM; aorta uurvkwrly aeotsf tbe ekur rruoa i ' WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX Coast District. Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ! chat; the east t ctmni; lbstoe l uiM, tiaenco aortia i ettau, thence w Two (t year will be allowed for removal THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, or timber. aouth cbams; theDCo weei St obauM to ffaaiats; tfaoace aosilis so cawin. ttJo TAKE NOTICE that I. Charle E. Burr. puint of cvHtfueweeoioat real to caMts to puaal of cmiMwomeat VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. Further particular of tbe Chief forester, or Prince Rupert, B. C. miner. Intend to ALEXANBER L. SOT HER LAND. ALUS l ( Hoaas. Victoria, B. C. or District Forester. I'rlnce S. 8. PRINCE JOHN i.iipcrt, b. c. D3! apply rer a license to prospect lor coal and By CtaaHo E. Burro. sreC By cawrles I. Bui tm. areL petroleum over me follow inr described Loeated NeeiBt iib, int. Imsm - i.ia. i it. Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island. TIMBER SALE X1129. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Comrorneinr at a post planted about of Ql'ttN CIIAHLOTTE IILANDS DISTRICT Of MINERAL ACT wile southeasterly from a post located TRAIN SERVICE Sealed tenders will be received by tbe on the shore or a entail Bay openlnr out TAKE NOTICE that Betty Knott of PrMaa ISJPROVHSENTS District Forester. Prince Rupert. B. C, not of Canoe Paat between Moresby and Cbaatl Rupert B. c. norse, ielva4 lo a(4y for CERTUTICATK OF Passenrer Moadey, Weoneeday and Saturday H lt:!0 a. m. for Smlthers nater than noon on the 4 lb day of January, Islands, about I miles northerly aldnr the Ite to pros peci for coal and petrols am prince Oeorre, Edmonton and winniper. maklnr direct connection for all 111, for the purchase of Licence X Ittf, Moresby island aide or Canoe Pas rrotn over the rottewttir desetlbed tana on the NOTICE point cut and aouth. to cut 1(4,000 feet or Spruce, Cedar, Hem Buck point; tbenco north 10 chains; thence West Cos 1 1 of More by tM: Cotnm ! -Pal rraruoa" and Dally" Mibh lock and Balaam on tn area situated In east to chain; tbenco south SO chain; lur al a post piaatod about I toil esHerty l Portt! canal Mm f Agency All Ocean observatory Islet, Caaslar District tbrnco west SO chain to point of can from a post touted on Ibo start of Msa!TS v7T.-LT7i Dutrtet. Steamship Lines. One (I) year wiu be allowed ror re- mencement " " uam raw si a posan isesi tirhwh ftm ftSA Mil KlAl 1 For information and reservations apply to nrjval or timber. CHARLES E. BtRUEae, Appiireul. mile Mrtbeety atour Oie ahor from twok'ca-. Creek! t uetoa from its head City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Further particulars or the Chief Forester. Located November 9 lb, hit. ' wna aaain; tneao weei : tiut Canal. Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince IV ehaiM; tbeoee aosttsi to aas Km, tbest! iTir t i rri nu.h itupert b.c Dti SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Freo Mtaer-s (rtstlcela No. tiTi c DISTRICT OF QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS BETTY KAOTT, ia a ajM for fteftaaM star Netli. r SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF By Han K. Chfttnn. treat Mlaaf Caettaaai Slu. tltl-C infn.t COAST, RANOE FIVE. LoeaMd November lotb. 1117. suty days rruas tit das twroef. to ii'! TAKE NOTICE that I. Hans k ChrlsUn. to Hat WtBtar ftoeuedei for a trtinisu st-n. of I'rlnce Itunert B. r. . nrumuior SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF far the of obuiun - Take notice that I Intend to apply to tanarfj.rmewss, aurpoae CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Intend lo apulr for llccnsa Ql'EEN CIIAHLOTTE ISLANDS lie Honorable Commlssliiuip nr .nil a to nrnnri crvum Oraat of too abuse claim TAKE NOTICE that Ttnuui tabuu mJ Works lo leaae the followlnr described for coal and petroleum over th followlnr And ftsrMwr Uie nosta Ihii tcUon, u described lands on tbe West Coast Princ Rupert R. C. ntbeefuao. taieod to lands: of OVr sAlion II, MMl to eoenmeoeed U'" Lowest Rates ,o all Eastern Point Moresby Island. Comiuenclnr at apply foe license to protpeot for aoal and a Conunenelnar at a noil nlinuil ha post the iMtaaace of taje Certttteale of Impr via Steamer to Vancouver and the northwest tilsnlcd about t ul i miu unihuuui. petroleum O'er the rollowior described atoMt. above comer, blch water mark, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY at BarUetl point then ten chain due from poet located on th sbore of Und on the Waal Coast of Meeosby laiaad: Deled Mst HHt day of Deeetuber, A ' smsu nay upeninr out or canoe Pas between Cominenctar at a pol pttnied about too 1117. Meala and Berth Included on Steamor east, then south to tbe Shore Line, then Moresby and Chaatl Islands, atuiui l yards easterly from a poll loos ted oa lae followlnr the contour or the Short Line eVlncae Sophia for Alaska December Slat. mile northerly alonr th Moresby Island shore on the easterly skle of Canoe pas, tu we piece oi MINERAL ACT Princess Sophia for Vancouver January Bth. twenty acres, more commencement,or less. containinr aide or Canoe Pase rrom Buck Point; thence nd al a point about 7 uttta nwrtttorly Princess Royal for Oranby Bay JAMES DESBRISAY. north 10 chains; tbenco west 10 chains; alonr the shore from Pack rvlettt theeeo January 6th, 16th, 2th February Blh, IClh, 2th. Wales Island manlier,Cannerv. Ibeuce south 10 chains; tbenco east id SMtb to chaht; tbeueo west I ehsloei CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Prlnee Royal for Vaneouier via Ocean Fells a.m. December 17th, November ttth. 1917. fit chalu lo point or commencement. tnence tsurltt 10 cnatna; Usesiao oast so 27lh January 7th, 17th, 2Slh fabruary 7th, ISth and 21th. IIA.19 a. CHHIsTENSEN, Applicant. chain to potnl of mriinnni.nmii NOTICE. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Locaied November lib, 1917. THOMAS rtTERSON, ftMrt" Ptctou" Eior J, I. PETERS, General Asent COAST, RANOE I, By Hans K. ChrltteojaeeL iimi ton, ' "Cascade Fall No. 4" tnd ' ! SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Located November 10th it IT. Falla No. I" Mineral CtatHta, tlluale in m Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Pr'nc Rupert. B.C. Take notice that tbe Western Salmon Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Portland Canal MinStr Dletelou of ca' SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Ptcklnr Co., Ltd., or Vancouver. B, C. oe- District. eupetlon Salmon Cancers, Intend to apply TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L. Sutherland. TAKE QUEEN ClUIILulfE ULANISM Whore loettedi -On lit sl Md r NOTICE lb I peter Jeneem. of ' tor permission to leas the followlnr de or Prince Rupert, B. C. clerk, Intend to Prince Caca4 Cmft. II IWle Fmni lb hotd Rupert, U. c. flsherwsn. intends to l scribed land: tpply for a license to for coal urtlsert OMMl. and Don't merely smother your cough Cunuuenclnr (t post planted at blib petroleum over th prospect followlnr described spply for a lloxuc to pntspeet for oai and TAKE NOTICE thai I. J. Fred Rif hio pctrosetuu over Uie followlnr desrrlbod I il'ivr MiuM svuu.i. eii i water mark, Steamer I'aasare. (on a small lands on lb West Ccasl of Moresby Island, w i'w ! t oast Hi tlurr.liv la n,4 uul h, ibll.. n.i.h ' iUthleti'f ayrtp of Tir &4 Cod LUcf OSX nci ? Milil on the said passer about one mil Coiumenclnr al a post planted about land: Coinnieni in 4t a oost niinbiii ii,,ni m . . . . i cum IT. World or Qulnamass Bay) ten (10) chains mile easterly rrom a post located on th .promptly errtata cofurhiag, bat thanks to It tunic al too yra ei-i.y t,.n B ,,., i. ,,.,( . due west or said blrbl; thence m Myt lrtm horeof, to api'iy twenty f0) shore or the l side of Canoe paa at W"AtM MM properties Ote aiiore it belt the of lbs treortbenln: syatcsa to throw iUtij side of Canu ' . ins chains due Minm, Ror(tr fur CartlBrei north, thence a the coll and Ibo effect It la thU which ha -vwa twenty (10) pouit about I mile northerly alonr the I . snd SI i a permanent cor. quality Bar rhaliu) due N,tii about 7 lutlra orlh..rlv ; li,.,.,,,.. .. . .. . .., .,, fc Um UrxrU el of cough and cold remedy la Canada. east, thine iwemy (t0 ahor (rum Buck Point! Ihenc aouth 10 ili.iii, -ih.' , ....... .. .. " " -" ' any ih'iii nun i'iiiiii iii.,ir rlialns aouth, thenr bark to point or com-UM-iireturul, chains i ilwnc wrest lo chains; tbenco "nth iu own o i mu i.l ih ebaw clsliu j. Urn kMUt, tvtrywKtrt, and containing forty (40) north 10 chains; thence) east 10 chain to lbl'n' nrlh.uaiii.,kit im,ne rest mi uiii i i inrihn uk.' iiuUi'O that etlnii, ii less. ,I,, ii..,,.-.. m,. u .,, -i I In ImIok acres more or point or rotnuuincement i Ilni" i-OIMncvd .IISIII. II. I1J.IHI . . . JL lm MATH!KJ O. rrea. MUIBMBI PJM. - Uffll. l I III II III I II,, I, l - THE WESTERN SALMON PACKING COM. DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, --o. .in ii i riieeie i iiiiwi". I I il ii it t , ,, PANT, LIMITED! G C Robertson. Art By Charles E. Burress, (rent H Halt K I III Nli'iK, ,. mm.,nt ..... .... ... ... . . 0. DATED December list, KIT, Uctied November. 10 lb, tl7 . IVIU ,,,, .... A.Ml