I THE DAILT NEWS .nm m nn i atnrn GOVERNMENT MAY nUN LAND LEA8E NOTICE8 I I ' f v. HE PACKINQ HOUSES CLEANSE THE fii'i Llu, unmfutu, FOR DURATItN OF WAR tk'EL.IA I.AAD DISTItlCT -WSTrJCT Of LARGE INTESTINE COAST. HAKOE FIVE. Toronto. Jan. 7. nvernrncnl TAKE notifa thai Walter t Walker, of FIGS AflDJROKES operation of Canadian Vincourar, . c, orrapation Manaier. Prttent War Cry of Advanced house for the duration of lluj war lalrnd to apply for permliilon to lean Phytlolans. was hinted at in the County ino rolKwlny deMrited landti Fruits Used In Judge's conimenelnf at a poll planted at Inter Four Criminal Are The Court here by eeiion uf nifb Water Mark Toorm rai Soma of tba leadiny lurrton of the .Mr. (ilileon Grant, counsel for "ire snd in Eatt and Weil Line pintni world bvs rons so fir recently s to remove Making "Fruil-a-lives several West Toronto abbatlolr ihrtmrti conrrtta Moauinent at Bartletl pari of tba Larrs Intel una in cam companies, which Point, Wales liland, B. C; the we sail so lerloui ai that of Tubereuloit snd rs-itored were charged : iT A-TIVES" U the only e chain! Ibenca south 10 chain, mora Um patient to perfect health by so ,n tho world that U made with creating n nuisance. In the it lei, to Hirh Water Mark Tonraia ri-arei dolar. juices of freah rlp fruits. course of the evidence, Mr. (Irani thenre northerly and weiterty fol-lowlnr Tba Kaw Tork Amarlcaa baa recently manifestly nnWr to Mr, "I aid he understood the Oovern- the Una or Bald Hlrn Waur Mark fild: - lo tbo point of commencement, and con "Durtnr ConiUpstlon the poisons In I liar menl J. . J ruit a-tlrrs becauso contemplated passing nn iilnlnr no acre, mora or leai. the Lsrya InteitltM often becoma so trcst , , remedies and they did me order in Council which would WALTER E. WALEER. a to form s lertooi menses to bealta and 1 10 the. other hand, theTact .plare nil the Canadian nackinir (tile- llib day of October, III?. even to life. Throurh the walla of tba a live" Is entirely different house tinder the Jurisdiction of louitine thry cater the blood and contains SKEESA LA.HD DUTMCT DISTRICT Of ths besttby blood Cell, lmpoverlib-isf . Vr preparation in the world, the hood Controller beforo the ' , CASStAh. tbo blood, snd If tbi proeci I con-Untied ,uU should tire It a fair trisl, Ural or March neil. In the mean. kjcr enourb an scute poioninr I i le of tbo Btomscli, Lifer, nine. Mr. (Irani said the com-panles TAKE notice that Walter E. Walker, of produced." i. L.eys or Skin. Trult a. were doing their lie I to Vaneooter. B. C, occupation Manaaar, It I ImpoeilLle tinder our preaenl-day , . .Hfvudoftk (itve printipU lotendi to apply far permliilon to leaie loode or tiviny ror tba InteiUne to rid it ., abate the nuisance. The tonic concerns be follow toy described Unda: it if of a.1 waits, and it li eaiily proven . anj tkt greoleit nerve ever in uenlion were the Harris Abat Commencinr l a post planted at tba thai there li an accumulation, no matter L rfd. (jOe.aboi,Gfor$2.0,triaJ toir, (iunns Limited, and the Swift North Weil Corner of Lot III, Canlir now rerutar ws srs. , x Atal1dealrorcntrolp4ld Canadian Company. Diitrlcti tnenca northerly and westerly Druyi. ir Uken rerularly, form s habit, , Umitml, Ottawa. folbmior tbo Una of lllsb Waur Mark but Internal Batblnr by means of tba Portland Canal to a point where an Eail J. B. L. Cateade" cleanae tba Lower REQISTI1Y ACT AUSTRIAN POPULATION nd Weil Lino drawn throurh a point II Inuitine in entire lenrtb with pare warm LAND and GETS ITALIAN FOOD chain Poo Worth of tbo I'olnl of com- water and make It clean, iweet and -f it menremcnt lateriecu with sold Lino of healthy. ,.... .w !, tllUlf ttii. lllsb Water Markj theoco weal 10 chain; . ii' E that application ti been 'Ahin(MoM, January 9. The Ibeoco aooiberly and eaiurly, parallel to At snd tha makes ama lime cos reel It reroute that every tba func-ton system Make This Work Easier for Yourself . r'ur Adm Duffy, of Prince Austrian population is belnR fed lbs laid lino of IllrH Water Mark Portland la workinr smoothly and nstorslly owner in fee under Canal to a point it rbalo Doe Weil of with food taken from tbe Italian, and. Indeed, thll U so. 1 Irom UM ColUeUir of tht Um Point of Commencement; theoco eait will Jlnd that Sunlight Soap is the .. , napert, brtrmt data the according to an ofllrial despatch IS cbaln to aald point of commencement. This letter will convey s messara cf YOU -.ptembcr, 1114. of ALL AMP frotn Home today, which read: and eonuininr lit acrea more or lea. rood cbeer to many: and handiest helper for washing i certain parrel or tract or 'Two military autotnobillsln WALTER E. WALKER. WelUnd Ontario. dishes ever used. , . ii. HI site, lylor, ao4 betas Olio ritb day of October, HIT. Dr. Chaa. A. Tyrrell. you .psmy of rrinea Rupert, mora who were captured during: the Its Cotters Street, Toronto, OnU i in.ws and described at Lot first onrush of the Austro-Ocr-rnaMs SKIE3A LASD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Dear Sir, We beartlly end one tba I. Try Sunlight, and the hardest part of ,i . Black thirty I0). Sec Hon have succeeded in escaping, CA8IIAR. B. L. Caicade. a we nod In our work dishwashing will disappear. The work hip tft. and have Joined the Italian forces that a toaded cokm meane s poisoned system, ,,.,irr4 to motet I Um claim r TAKE notice that Tba Antto-BriUib Co wnkb. In turn, meana Uramealou will Lc quicker done, too. ..rr within St days from tbe by swimming tbe I'laxe. They lombia Parkins Company Limited, of Vancouver, contraction of Um ipina! muKle. rnil .. r.we r trtla MUta (which have brought Information about B. C. oecupitlon Salmon Canner. nblrh our work la directed. Of Sunlight is the best all-round i- a by poMteatlan), and your the ill-treatment Indicted by the Intrnda lo apply for permliilon to leaie Anytbinr belplnv In rainior reUxa-tloo course, t ailed to section 1 ol Um invader on the civil population iba follow toy deacribed Undi: we eoMlder a boon, both to eurselvea soap you can buy good for dainty fabrics, i) Art" wlih amendmcou, and commencinr at a post planted at lliyh and our paueou. ior attract therefrom: of the invaded province. Water Mark Portland Canal, It cnaina Dae Meat sincerely, and those woollen blanket you want to i. rawli of a caveat or rerun-. "All money found in posaeasion 9tih and 41 cbairu. or snore. Due Weil Dra. Iloitey and Oirljnd. keep fresh and fleecy. Remember, it is prOiUul bung Bird before f the civil population has been or tba Kortb Writ Corner of Lot III. over Ore hundred tbouiand are now en-tlHiiiaiUe . ;'tiw ai owner of Um person Caiiiar Diitrlct: l hence northerly and kind to the hands. ri.ttfUcaled (tie who dis ber of tbe "J. B. l Caieade." MMb Hi sale, all pri ,y enemy, weiterly follow In r tbo Una of lllsh Water .... and tributed bread cards. Men, wo PorUand whirh u now beinr anown aod eiptained ua now, Mark, canal, to a point where an II cynl It. Orme'a Drur Store, cor. Srd . miasr tkeaotn or under them. men and children have been forced tail and Welt Una drawn throurh s point Avraur and lib IL, Prtnco Rupert ,- ruoe cUMHor any interest ! work in the construction of It chains Dua North of tbo point of com . 1 t rutue of iy uoreru tared mencement Inlersecta with said Una of Ak or writs now. while you think of It, . m. m4 al parson siaimlor any wire entanglements and all sorts Hish Water Mark: t brace Weil 10 chain; 1. thai. A. TyrrelL M.D. HI Coll re itrrel Sunlight Soap hi the lend by descent w bote of defensive work. I brace aoulberly and elite rly pi railed wlin Toruata. for rre snd interetllnr booklet, .. i reentered under tbo pro-. "The Vienna Zeit relates that Um aald Line of lllsb Water Mark. Portland -Why Man of Today I Only St Per Cent. mm Art, sfcal! bo for er Canal, to a point It cbaln Duo Writ E1B runt" tbe Austrian population is being 4iid debarred Trsan acinar up at the pulal of commencement; thence . m i- or is rpet of Um land feil Willi food captured from the eail It chain to aald point of commence- 8alatlon Army. i fe All grocers : f r nit, and tbo Reeuuar Italians. men! and ronuimni Its seres moro or sell and , 'VI im person en U tied under Tbe lierlin press publishes a lew of tbo Bed and rorcsbora of PorUand ... -.- M owner of I be tend ao CanaL Public meetings. Tuesdays, recommend It list of art treasures stolen In tbe ' THE ASOLO BR1TIIII COLUMBIA PACKI.0G Uios. Thursdays and Saturdays al 8 p. vmii hi.as t9lKatioa baa been invaded province of Italy, and compact LIMITED, Walter E. Walker. Art r.. Sundays at 7:30 m. . ruauale of lodcrtatUl Tllle give Hie names f tbe Herman Date flth day of October. HIT. p. mmumm Unda, la u moo personalities who have visited the .".f SKtEXA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF exhibition of these works of aet. i Haas o laTtautauar tba uua CASSIAR. ai ceter to uw I life day ol i k i ft, (Um data oa bkh tbe The Daily News delivered by TAKE notico that Tba Aaito-Bnusb Co ,rr eoM Sar oatfdoo taiea.. lombia Packtas Company Limited, of Van arrier. SO cents per month. - aneoied owner tneroor. couver. B. C occupation Salmon Canner. ii laac onc umi at um ratenda to apply far pcnniialon to kaaa Keep the : .'Mil rM4 resMWatbo, la put- Um foUewrlar deMrtbed Undi: up tfoSkrtthMi snd Iim a CMUDenclar at a poat planted at lllrb I AM assured that r indaraatlblo TIUo to Um aald Waur Hut, PorUand Canal, IS cbaln Due - imsm of Aao Daly onleai .for lb and is cbaina or mora Duo Weal of my people will respond a .1 raiifoi Um feotwr pro Um Sort Weil Corner of Lot III, Caitur Food Supply to every call ubeMk or otalaa. If try. DUtrtct; Utrnco north It chains; thence nde. or to prttet aorb pro- weal IS chain, mora or lea, to Hlch necessary to the success aoy Water Mark PorUand Canal; theoco aoulb IV i tot taad fwiuiry niaeo. TIMBER SALE X 1104. erly and eaiurly foUowtac Um Una of of our cause with ViAt. . . i . B i. . mho alb day of V(- turn Wltcr Mark PortUnd Canal to Um and Help the same indomitable ' I' 111 Sealed tooderi will be melted by Um point of eommenermeat and conutnint It MMtler of Lands sl later Uua nooo tat seres moro or leu. ardour and devotion i .iinri lututrar of Tluea. Um llll day of Jioniry. llll. far Um par THE AOLO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKI.10 with that have .r4aei tt COMPA.tr LIMITED, Walter E. Walker. AL filled me Hum r Uewnro X lilt, to cot l.ias.aoa ii !- si McuoTfr, a, feel of Sprure, Cedar. Hemlock and BaUua Date tm day of October, HIT. Make Victory pride and gratitude on aa area limited oa Loos Lake, rraacr rteaefc, lUay 4. Cm it bUUMl SKEOA ULUD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of since the war began." lMr"; kI i M. Two (I) j ran will ba aUewed for re COAST. RAXOE ITVE. His Kwo GtOkoa of Majistt man I timber V'lK.I i;Mi ii bfiub Canadian rortber paruevlara of Um Chief Former. TAKE swurs that Walter E. Walker, of Sure rl'fi i i U u sddrraa VMtorta, B. C or DUtrtct roreiur. rnoco Vancouver, B. C occupation Manarer. - '.bnr i. ,j,lir VtB-oter, HI Hoperl. B.C Mend to apply far pennlaaton to kaaa cad vue Um rUti&f datcritcd land: "ii.i 1 i-'. J water oat of TIMBER SALE X1170. Commencmr at a pol planted at the -li.i, awi aouuierty Intersection of an Eail aod Weil Una l...... .1.1. ...,i ibi,!, ttwul throe i h Concrete Monument at Bartietl soldiers must be fed; the people at i.r ir.4M Um sovibwcit Sealed tenders will be received by tba Point, Wale Island. B. C, with lllih Water ' l llll MMUUr of Land not Uur than noun on Mark Tontau Paiaare; tbenco souUterty OUR must be fed. And in spite of " ' ' ' br diToatetii frotn Um tbo mi day of January, llll. for Um pur and eaiurly follow lay aald lllrb Water ' ! ibuul qurur of rM oT Lteenco X llll. to cut MIT.Ott Mark to a petal where a Worth and South, '...nwbih. ood HI b Bted for reel of Cedar, Sprues. Hemlock and Balaam Line drawn tnroark a point as r&aint Due Germany's murderous campaign to I mo. Im Uod detcrlbed 'mulled to Oust-toon Inlet. on an area Eail of tbo point of commencement Intersect ' toomi UUnd. Raor a. Coail DUlrlcL aald Hib Wster Mark or Tonrai cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking iu potted on tba (round una (I) year will ba allowed for removal Paiaare; Uaenco aouUi It chain thence ' ut jdutary, I sis. a eopy of timber. sorthweaterty to s straiibi Una to a point every ship on the High Seas an ample and and m appttealloo Durtuial rurtber psrUeuUr of Um Chief roreiur. It cbaina Duo Weil of the point of com- ' i" Ut "Wter Art. mi." wUI Victoria. B.C, w Diitrlct roreiter. Prtnco sienremeal; toenco It cbaina Dua Eail ct unfailing flow of food to England and "h- uac f um Water nerorder Rupert, B. C. Um point of commencement snd eoouintnr "rt. B.C tit acrea, mora or lesa. France must be maintained. " "' tbo (!trilkka may ba TIMBER SALE X 92. WALTER E. WALKER. " "e mm Water Hecrdrr or with Pate tlth day of October. HIT. i". ler at vur Rlybu rarHa-i iiiir.. VMiorta. D. cJ within Sealed tenders wtU bo received by um SKEE.KA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT or This is National Service arirr Um nrtl a(-etiaitc vf Minuter of Land not later than noon on CASSIAR. in t teeoi Mwtoaier. tbo tub day or rcbruary. llll. for tba ' "f Um nrtl publieatkia of tblt puirbaao of Llcenco X III, to rut 1.14.000 Not to the Farmer only TAKE notice that Walter E. Walker, of Jiiuary sth, llll, feel of llemluck. Spruce. Balaam and Codar " BMITIIII CA.1APIAM LUMBtR un an area alluatcd on Loot Lake, rraicr Vancouver. B. C occupation Manarer, But to YOU to everybody Intends to apply for permUilon to leaie "iron.TI0M. LTD. Rearh, Rants 4, Cvatt DUtrlcL i i l atum. ItrceUer and Mantrer. Tbreo (l years will bo allowed for re tba follow int deicrtbed Undi: This appeal is directed Commencinr at a poll planted at tha OeveUnd. moval of timber. AirnL north Weit Corner of Lot III, Caiiiar mrther particular! of tba Chief roreiter. 31 Year Older Than The Victoria.Rupert. B.Ii.C.C, or DUtrlcl roreiur. Prion ril DUtrlcl:weal 40 l cbaln.hence norm mors It or chain:leas, to thence Hicb must unite as a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden small or large. Utilize WE Dominion of Canada Water Mark Portland Canal: tnenca aoutb- to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate tha erly and eaiurly follow inr lllrb Water TIMBER SALE X 894. Mark Portland Canal to point or commence, women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food the name implies, rural snd contatnlor Ht acres mors or aged and the old all can help in the AS Brafrd lender will ba receded by tba Use. Hie Hunk oniritish MUiliur of Landa not later than noun on WALTER E. WALKER. Nation's Army of Production. of towns can find no better North Um tout day of Krbruary, llll, for tba Data Hth day of October, HIT. WOMEN America was of FOOD raised, helpo Important outlet for their purr lute of Uceuc Xlli, to cut 11.411, pound established long before the sot feet of Sprue. Cedar, Balaam and EVERY the cost of living and adds to energies than In culUvadng a vegetable linubM-k on an area sliuawd on Piootum fcfllttxY r(,vmces united nnd river, Uurks cnannel. Rants I, Coait Dl the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. became the Dominion of trlcL Mi.THE LNOINtyktTINLMLN Tbreo Hi yeara will bo allowed for rs Canada. The sound, oi tuuber. Be patriotic in act as For information on any tubjtct relating progressive rurlber parUcu'ara of tba Chief roreiur Much has management Victoria, B. O, or DUUlct roreiur, rrtnes riSHSKSlaiV-S BNOINB to tht Farm and Garden, mitt; well as in thought made it u power Ruperu u rst. I oil 1- to. b I ton INFORMATION BUHXAU "Canadian finance makes Harea Peie. it the TIMBER SALE X 935. Department of Agriculture bunk for your S Crl. 1 S-4 la. by B M to, tt Use every means available account. Heria Pawae. OTTAWA Seared lenders will! ba received by Iba Overlook nothing. S C)U 1- In. b I la-, rs-te Miuiiirr of Lauda not laUr than noon on THE Hon rawer. BANK OF Dm I Uti day of January, llll, for Um pur iiiao or Urenco XIII, to cut S.SIO.900 "rMhli North America fi-ei uf Hemlock, Cedar, Ualiam sud Sprues For Furthtr Information Dominion Department of Agriculture ii Mi sn area silualed on Loiir Lake, rraier to YMtta in Apply imstNrs. luarb. Uauro 4, Coail DUtrlcl. CAPITAL OTTAWA, CANADA. ANU bimrLUK, STS 1.000. Two (ti yeara will bo allowed for re tkOk.. riHivai of tuuber. W. E. WILLISCR0FT JKINCE RUPERT HRANCH f urther particular of Iba Chief roreiur Ruptrt, B. 0. HON. MARTIN BUR RILL, Minister. V.J.SMlTIlEiis,MaHaocr Victoria. B. C or DUUIal forester. Iriiu Prlnco Ruerl, B, C. 1 14