inK n.n.t NEW Thursday, Jurmnry lo lum GOVT. MAKES GREAT LAND AOT ITALIAN AVIATORS U. S. MAKE REPRISALS APPEAL TO LOGGERS SalBM LA It) DISTRICT -DISTRICT Of Amrnna (Pn O COAST, IUJICK I. NOTARY PUBLIO Itnlinu Headquarters, Jan. 7. Portland, Ore. Jan. tf. Colonel i TUK M1TICK that John Orere. of Van Whipped Cieam Uriee 1. IHsmie. lieau or ino The Italian airmen havo shown couver, B. C, occupation fisherman. In work has sent TIMBER SALE X109S. that they know how to counler to Br-rucc Production tHHH lo apply for perniiiiton to leas tbe Wo Sell Ileal Estate. the Austro-Oertnan attacks of the n statement nuu mi nini-i rnllowint acrlld landit VMM'U, Mil R anil at a planted tbe of Loggers 0)neneltit post cn CO Legion Sealed Under! be received by the. In t few nights the cities of Loyal upon Wo write Fire and Marine riealxtr en the west lid of Stewart rieli in en Insurance. ""VH'k0 Und.' Tx Ultt ,hn n.n on ; tlio Venetian plain. Sunday night Lumbermen. This organliallon Narrawa, atul two ml lei eoulh of llartle) Hi um u ll the v.u u., v. ..i.u.ij, ,ur .u ,, numbers 25,000 in the northwest J ns .,m rt ,a- tiny, tntre) hI IS rbalna, thence north v, whips nt t n-raJll ' We have Stores, llwrrhase of Licence X lOtt, to rut 7.000, ti Apartment, em slates, M rftalns, thene eail 10 rhln. then ooo feet of related, they made their way, while Iteraloek and Cedar Houses, and Offices for Spruce, on, "The hendiiuarlers of this division," eewth 10 chain to in point of emnmence-ntrnt Riftsl of ,c b tit are situated on Pint Inlet evil Queen enemy machines were out on and enniiinkir 4 arret more or less Ilcnt, and Want More. I Charlotte blinds Dlitrlcl work, to the nests from which says Colonel Dlsque. "loots JOllt onACE. Appttfant cream kuhi A We Deal In Mortgage Loans. Two (f) years will t allowed for re- these night-birds came, and found lo you to prevent all acts of sedition ItATKIi November II, HIT. in tho Provlnrc Imoval of timber. We Sell Timber Limits. Further particulars of th Chief Forester, the Austrian aerodromes alflight-ed on the part of employer, em- We do Conveyancing. Vletoru, It, C, or Dlitrltt Foreiter, Prince up in the expectation of the Jilojeo and others. MAVtOADLE WATEItS MOTtCTlO.1 ACT. 5Irs. MoCory of New 'ev Rupert, B.C. It mltirn nf Ihn ml,far Tim flnllnll Germany is obtaining airplane n. S. C. Chapter III.) wrot- lit to say Hint li,, .imnn,i n fw immtia material with forced labor In in PACIFIC MILK regular iv 'vnded Russian forests which do AKIRBEIM) THOMSON and COMPANY, treat for the H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. Hint was onlv n reconnaissance. youngl LIMITED, twrtby rtv net that they mil belong to her. Thousands of breakfast. Monday night, while the Austrians have, amder aevtton ef stM art deposited 90 090 were out again the Italians set olT helplets persons are driven to with the Mtnteter of PwbMe Worka at All she tloeis U In s'l a onco more, heavily laden with incendiary work at the point of the bayonet utua and la the omee f the Dtotrtet amount eb wnnts, In a ,. dark." nertoirar nt the Und RerHiry omee. Dii from early dawn until and explosive bombs. trtet r I'Hsjec for a time and then bi-ut- l(Miert, deeertpttett ef tbe "The Daily News" They made for Aviano, which is 11,000,000 Feet Month. all rnd tbe ptias or wharf and ether i seHve egg-bealer. 8h in TIMBER SALE X1082. the location of (he Austrian aerodrome Logger are urged lo offset work proposed to be ballt en Let ne. on tosit nml rtvs II to ih. . ' and for Comlna. Germany's gains by increasing Waterfront Block F, City of rrtue Itapeft. reti for breakfast. CLASSIFIED ADS. Sealed tendera will be received by the Ho tn In ir down low in thn dark. the output in the United Stales. rmvtnre or Brtttsh nsfmajia. and take lYiiu II niHril Is WHi.e that after good on the f etptratten on Minister of Lands not later than nooa on Disque's announcement tbe IJth day of January, 1918 for the ness the Italians deliberately jColonel month Imi the date or the first ptibH purchase of Licence X lost to cut 1,100,- rlnA Ihnlr innrlii nmi IpL an thfllr says: Hon T I Ma nette Akerberr Themaen and PACIFIO MILK WANTED. 000 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and 'bombs Th rMiilt un. thai the ur uovernmeni nsits you to Comfany Umtted wtH oetdee- SeeHoo seveo CO., LTD, Bilam cn an area aituated on itowitn produce i 1,000.000 feet tf spruce of te satd Act. apply t the MMkHtcr of Factory at Ladner, S, C, Comina aerodrome was severely . . . . . rMM Works t bis erae) Cove, Susan liland, rtanre I, Coaat DU-trlcL I t. M M r O iw um air 1 WASTED TO ntT Furnished or un eacn monut oi ivio. aiso furnished four or are roomed cottare. damaged, the sheds were smashed auring Ottawa Tor approval ef the aatd Mte and If yiu hnve n P'khI rei-i. Box lit Dally .New a omca. one year will be allowed for re- and burt.ed, and there were scv- U nsk8 'ou lo immediately make ptaae and foe leave u eeoHrwet the said in. Yi'ti may grt nn . - noval of timber. eral explosions, probably in the UP tne deficiency of the last few wharf and wotks. WANTED Man and wife to run lunch Further particular! of the Chief Dated at rrMe RepMl B. c. tMt aeeood ii: r t hi n. AddrM ltix 8R . montns wnen nn oi average oniy imb dump. So complete w the counter, pool room and lrar stand. Prince I victoria, B. a, or District For e.t Trinr. as tay of January toil. nil"' et . Ii. C. about 3,000,001) feet was obtained. nupert Employment cmce. uupreaa no-1 rtupert, B. C t 17. (icvnsiaiion inai an Italian ma AkdlBEM THOMSON and COMPANY. LTD tel. tf. chine was able lo go back today "You are soldiers, Just as truly DavM TbAmsen, SeereUry. WANTED man for Janitor work. Warts! WATER NOTICE and photograph the ruins at 1,500 ns are the boys, knee deep in the tto month with board and room. Apply I feet. mud of France, stopping the bul- to Secretary, Prince Rupert General I TAKE .NOTICE that Dolly Varden Nines Aviano, too, was badly wrecked, Llets of the enemy. A day's lay-off S 4 Hospital. tf I Company whose addresa ts Alice Ann, B and the Italian tilers when Ihey is two days work for the Kaiser." WANTED To board two girls. School IC will apply for a license to take and reached their own aerodromes A HOT BATH THE Edward! ten cubic feet of water per second rirls Near preferred. klnr out of their machines or Trout Creek, tributary of kit again got School. Apply tea Ninth Ave, East. iout MINUTE YOU WANT IT River nowlnr Into Alice Arm, Cat with a shout of satisfaction. DENTISTRY WANTED Good woman cook. Muit be I alar District Tbe water will be diverted I at the bead of -the Falls tbe Sliver You are aeeuiom rood baker. 171 per month. Enquire at on SPAIN TROUBLED BY Knox Hotel. tf.I Horde Mineral claim. Lot J804, and will ONOWN AND BRIOM r8 nSSn getting cold vatr in I be used for power purposes on the Wolf REVOLUTIONARIES A SPEOUITT v staotly. Think f lite sat LOST I nd Dolly Varden Groups of Mineral DR. J. S. BROWN rtfaetimt " of getting I ltlms betnr Lota S794 to S79T Inclusive Madrid, Jan. 9. The govern LOST or taken by mistake(from train ar-Und Lota im to 3197 Inclusive and Lot DCNTIST Water tn the same - ay ment has been acquainted of the nnnr nere on luriaay nirni. leatnerissii Casstar District. Oil slth Black. Third ? aiumlanee. regardless ' suitcase, Inittala D. O. i. Please return I Application will be made also for tbe details of a revolutionary plot ree M how tnueb has bm to Savoy Hotel. Reward. 1 1 which was on the point of being uxe riant to store 310 acre feel In Fir it Trout lfie. LOST Oold Stickpin, between Iroquois)Lake and M00 acre feet In Second. Third put into elTect. The ramifications and Fourth Tront Lakes. Tbe water will HOT WATER LIKE Fool Rooms and Fifth Avenue, E. Re- of the plotters were most widespread w MA&I be stored in First Trout Lake by the con ward. Finder please return to Dally I struction of a dam at Its outlet and In and if it had been permitted V. I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AOENCV News Omce. tf. Second, Third and Fourth Trout Lakea by to come to a head, the plans 20S Metropolitan ll-. Vaneeevar. Harry Hanson MISCELLANEOUS Um constriction of a dam at tbe outlet were so well laid that it would Ht Water Femlee bf or Second Trout Lake. Tbe estimated Day;. Seymoor 4441 g most likely have been successful Nlrhl Phone, ralnnoni 301. you this coiivnt.i. will tat cash ror fur.nitl'RE for a area of land to be Hooded at Flist Trout i. Lake li 17 and at Third and in overthrowing the dynasty. This five-roomed cottare. Box U Dally News acres Second. PHONE 49 P.O. OOX 39C Offlce. Fourth Trout Lakea Is twenty acres. much is practically admitted. Head Offlee, S12 Hlbben-tson . Vkurla, B. O, rhene S41t. lMt.,r,frffrfr.J1,JJjfJjJJ,,J,J, This natlr via rwictMl nn thm mnn1 Great precautions were takei WE WANT TO CONTRACT IMMEDIATELY"I on tbe tlth day of October. 1917. the by government, when be With a reliable man as land locator or they e I ' --J JMLU ."3 w.. rulde In each district or B. C. Muit be A copy of thla notice and an application came aware of the danger, and all pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, LAND REGISTRY ACT thorourhly ramlllar with open nomestead, 1814. wiu be filed in tbe omce of the leiepnone ana telegraphic communication and lease (Section SI and lit.) purchase lands, and also the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B. C. was suspended, which B. C Land Act Describe climate, soil. Tbe date of tbe nrat appearance of this together with the other action Uttorhes4s B transportation, etc. SUte your experi He Application No. 1411-1, File SITS. notice In tbe local the ence and enclose references to A. B. C 13rd day or October, 1917,newspaper and objections was taken by the government, com TAKE NOTICE that application baa been reve-Wpva fl Locators, No. tl Dunn Block, Great Falls, may be nied with tbe comptroller or pletely spoiled the coup d'etat. mad to reiister Arthur A. McEwan. of Statement I" Montana. U) Prince ftspert. B. C. as owner tn fee on I Witer Recorder within thirty daya after revolutionary outbreaks were Caria, Etc. Uie said date. der a Tar Sale Deed from tbe Collector ef DOLLY VARDEN MINES COMPANY, pianneu to take place in many tbe City of Prince Hupert. bear lor date R. B. McOlnnla, A rent, per E. A. Cleveland. different parts of the country, the tnd day of November, 19 1, or ALL Prince Feed Co. simultaneously, but the suspen AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract Rupert or Und and premise situate. Irtnr, i WATER sion of the telegraphic and tele NOTICE The News Job beiar tn the Municipality of Prince Rupert. Press phone service this prevented hap PHONE 68 (Diversion and Use.) more particularly known and dearrtbed as pening. The premier announced Lot twenty-three (II). Block thirty four Prntiaj of AH Diae that the government was master 14, section seven ll). Map ll. Deitriplioai TAKE NOTICE that John Grace, whose I You are required to contest the claim FOR addreaa la 7l Yew Street. Vancouver, of the situation. Enquiries are of tbe la i purchaser within SI day from B. C will apply for license to take and now being made by the judicial the dale of tbe service of thla notice P.O. Bu S9 use (0 miners' Incbea of water cut of an authorities. (which may be effected by advertlainr aa Program BULBS unnamed stream on west aide of Stewart directed), and your attention ta called to Catalog Narrows about two ml lea south or Hartley section IS of tbe "Land Artistry Act" with Bay. Tbe water will be diverted from tbe Everything for home furnish Dodders amendments, and to tbe foilowinr eitraet Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, stream at a point about 130 feet In a ing at Tile s January Sale. tf therefrom: I'cwters.cte westerly direction from the mouth of said Easter "And in default of caveat or eertu Narcissus. Lilies, un'Tand deKribTd T V, ' T,,e annua' meeting of cat or lie penden belnr filed before occupied Crown land. Thla noUce was U' SI. Andrew's Society will be tbe realstrstioo aa owner of the peraon . enutled under mch tat aU sale, Mall Ordara Promptli Attend to. I potted on the (round on tbe 3rd day of! held on Friday nijfht for th el- soo au served wilii noUce, . . per-. ITTC' Jl! eopy V "u.Do0c! i on of oincers and nd those claUnint throurh or tinder uw. ew k'iiivcilVU VUIBU1UI ILirrriO lull I a a a meniu'r8 are lo au tbe m, and all person eUimint any In requested mlAU 1 to the water Act. 1914 wui be nied f. O. MO! 833. OS Third tbe omce or the Water Recorder at Prince tend. (0) wren m we una by virtue or any I iHupert. unrerlstered Instrument, and all per FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 1 Objections to tbe application may sons claiminr any Interest In tbe land be Bled with tbe aald Water Recorder or The. kindergarten at the Convent by descent whose title Is not realatered with tbe Comptroller of Water Rlfbts, will reopen on Monday, Jan. under tbe provision of thla Act, shall Parliament Buildicn. Victor!. B. O, within FOR CANKERYmEN be for ever eatopped and debarred from 7th, Little boys and girls from 30 days after the first appearance of this settlor up any claim to or In respect We have added lo our stock nf valves and pipes a complete notice in a local newspaper. Tbe date of! four to six years will receive care-Ithe J.L.HICKEY Brit publication of this notice la ' ful frnlnlntr nn.l nuns.niinn r. or Um land so sold for Uie. and the lino of Ilubber Ilelting at right prices. , Iteriitnr shall reiister the person entitled W'Vllimi Ff 1 BJ the primary class. tf under such ui tale aa owner or FOR FISHERMEN CONTRACTOR A BUILDER JOHN GRACE, AppIlcanL See Tile's windows for January the Und" so sold for taxes." A complete slock of the best goods that money can buy for Sale bargains. If. AND WIIERETS application baa been trolling Spring Ilrass, Silver and llronie. MINERAL ACT made for CcrtiOcau or Indereaaibi Title Store and Ofllce Fixtures, FOR THE WATERFRONT ( lo the abovementloned Und. tn tbe name Sash, Door and Moldings. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS WANTKLv Young man to learn or Arthur A. McEwan: The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnlhea-Speclal boat Oak and Hard Woods of all butcher business. Harry Atkins. AND WHEREAS application has been paint "FLOGLAZir- A complete line of Ship Chandlery. made for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title kinds. NOTICE U. Suga, formerly of Sixth Ave, title It appear thai prior to tbe 14th day FOR EVERYONE Molybdenum" and "Suceeas' Mineral of September, It 1 1 (tbe date on which A fine stock of Hardware, (lurney's Oxford Stoves. We Specialize In Hard Claims, situate In tbe Skeen Minlnr Dlvl has now moved into the Hay View tbe aald lands were aold for overdue wood Boat Ribs, 8ash, sloo of Casslar District. Hotel. 20 uies), you were tbe realstered and al We Sell Nothing But Tho BesL Doors, etc. Where located: About 4 miles Westerly iened owner thereof. rrom tne nead or Alice Arm, and about The Sons of Canada will meet FUitTIIEII TAKE NOTICE that at the Plate and Sheet Glass and I (iiiia rrom the Beach. in the rooms on Thursday evening aarae lime I shall effect realisation In FRED STORK'S HARDWARE TAKE NOTICE thai Lewi W. Patmore pursuance of such application and Issue Ql&zlng. rre Miner's certificate No. I41)f-C as at 8 o clock lo discuss municipal Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the aald Corner Fraser and Gth 8U. areni or the Molybdenum Minim and Re mailers. (8) land tn the name of Arthur A. McEwan ductlon Company, Ural ltd. (Non Perioral ur.leaa you uke and prosecute tbe proper PHONE GREEN 269 Liability) Free Miner's Certificate No. Iiuy your fresh meat at the proceedlnra lo establish your claim. If any, I03IS-C, Intenda slaty day from tbe date Central Cash io tne said lands, or to prevent such pro Market, Stone llldg.. P. O. BOX 448. hereof, to apply to the Minlnr Recorder posed action on my part. for a Certificate of Improvements, for tbe 708 Fraser Street. Mrs. Clapp, DATED at the Land Registry Offlce, purpose of obtaining- Crown Oram of phone 132. 10 rlnce Rupert, B. C, thla I lib day of Whether each or the above clalma. SeptemberA. D. It 17. For Yourself w SreJ"eapfaeT- erpaaFw AND FURTHER. TAKE NOTICE that action Furniture wanted. Any quan II. F. MACLEOD, District futtitrar under Section It must be commenced be Of Tltlea, or m STEEN & L0NGW1LL fore tbe Issue or such Ccriineate or Im-pruveiuents. lily. Oood prices paid for com- To Charles Planltt, Boi 711. leto household furnishings und Edmonton, Alia. GUt lo your Friend DATED this lath day of November A. D. all kinds of tools, men's suits, SANITARY AND HEATING 9iT, rtt oots, etc. I'hone lied 243 or call ENGINEERS on F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Ave. Harry Atkins PERRIN'S For Prince lluperl and district, tamlly Butcher, Prince Rupert. Agents for Harry A. Harvey we have secured the services of McCLARY FURNACES (Lata Lea), titf.. Conservatoire Mr. Martin Krocger, V. It. II. 8. notkd ron GLOVES of Musis) I'rlnce Hupert, II. C, phone lied PRIME SAUSAGE PLUMBINO PUPIL OF LANSDOWNI OOTTELL 300. Consult him about your and Pupils Taken for garden problems. Ilrltish Columbia Tomato Sausage a Specialty. Tho wtll known Ferrin trademark as SHEET METAL WORKS VIOU.N,HARMONY.PIANO, VIOLLNCILLO and Nurseries, Ltd., Vancouver, shown In cuts should U on every glove Phone S, 834 Second Avenue. EXAMINATIONS II. C. tf. Phone E74 P. O. Box you get, as thUasourr) you perfection of Night phones 676 Associated FudIIs Prepared Board, Vaeaewter,fee (laminations Csntae Prince Rupert School Board. Style, Fit and Finish. and Hlue 270 Royal Collage ef Muala, Lent, Enf. Notice to Parents and Guardians. The right work, at the right Pupils will be received fur the ADVERTISE IN alWers tkm urortU ar U (A time, and at the right prlo. TERMS - PHONE BLUE 278 receiving classes from February g-mmimm PBUJUM'J CLOVES. I to February 10 inclusive. 10 The Daily News