THE LONO TRAIL" tnf Irrro itt I Wo .i . eeeeeee.ee0 MUNICIPAL CANDIDATES the Prince Rupert llydro-F.lectric E i of Ml. lift M lisvi. h,, , ADDRESS THE ELECTORS Falls river Notes 1 i Sin, wtme mm (tpm , T.o., regarding tho Local News This play ( l slngoU ul tho Urtrtw Irr G. H. Arnold He showed thai this company tirTTary ! u power. Wwlholme Thenlro this evening m bsndid t Heron,,,,. ..... i Continued Front Page One. lind applied to the govern-mcnt, is one of the I.nsky Paramount: mm trnt ptsta M mi it.. , ,., ' NOTARY PUBLIO as did oilier companies, for M. Jacob, returned la. town ; hieh In Itself is a ltd AMemia protfcWii Bt .,s, !, Shaw, who Instanced economics on extension of time, hut the min this morning from tho south. of leclltmee. The owl lftt IM shto ! ih. , which would bo effected by having ee 4, MHon urti tirxlhltt tuk ister of lands, knowing that this s ' aiii of the Gnnndhm imtr m I practical men directing the affairs Mr F. II Kwfe, of Froneols tor is one (mtmimn ,,, () in tho business, Cty wns power tm as ptovMeU fur IroppVrs nml of fur M. Wo Sell ncnl Estate. woods, of tll lake'arrivedinlhoclly this fore- or me city, no wanted to cxperi- n,j n9 their present plan! was Wo write Flro and Marine mcnt with tho concreting of Third limited, refused this extension, dealers, of love and betrayals, and QUALIFICATION PON SCHOOL Insurance. 4 . Of vengeance. There nre big drn- in City SeewH M,lru "V'1 . ..... avenue. had until tho company approached t am t.L-M Wo hare Mr. O. H. Nelson. Mr. H. H. Jones, lato of gkeena 'inn He itiemenls, and tense slluo. ''.i w rmt, ari 1 1 Apartments, Stores, tho city, with tho view that tho RflHetl SStjAMt of tb full t! Houses, and Offices for At quarter to ten what proved rllv might become possessed of Crossing, relurnedilo the city this tloti. Tho evil one man so in actually nsWMi wiibtn th. in llent, and Waul More. to be only hair.Uine Aid kelson! this valuablo power, which is cs-was morning after a trip up the line. eliotd ean do to III own Is strikingly br rr th sit raooih. and tho retribution tb Of nasntMIKMI. th. Wo Deal in Mortgage Loans. called. As n member of the 'tinted tho best in the district, shown, of Smllhcrs, owner In In Land llesiiiry n Mr. V.. T. Kenny, which nssuredly follows is none last councils arid chairman of Wo Sell Timber Limits. two j .s a result, the council pureed, real pewteety Mi ih said . 1, 1 arrived from up river this morning tho losa Tho play is a great sure. tho finance committee, he took his 8Uiijcct to a referendum of tho 4 Ito ateessed vans nn 11.. Wo do Conveyancing. Stuire Of the Credit devolving for ml.nnrrn In nnv n ronnnnliln on a visit to tho city for n few one altogether. Then there is the rlawi AMraMimi Hall, :.... tho present satisfactory stale ofjmounl for tho work done by the altrartlon of Chnrllo Chaplin. oeer chart.arid aid almve toinp any riiirr.othrrvi...1 '., the city's finances, thus departing which would be Of Charlie in Tho Flor Walker" . l u H. Q. KELGERSON, LTD. ........ iaie comnany. .i . ... t at an rlertMl f Srh 1 .i r. .1IIB. .AAMJ.V., w. tin .1 fiinn. Atafi L' ft M in SOinO measure from HIS liaDIl- nnv valnn In IliA Hlv. hut until I at is it m rt anil,, no n . . . ..v wm0,n wi.m lb ld Srhmii Ixstrtii. ual modesty. Jle explained his!pay ll0,h,ng for any rights, a, the r';,VHlg Uwn lh.s.,''?9 .1...iiio I iiuubo ,,ow .-111.nun la to ehwsed ne to f. , , time. Trwslre in sorh clip Srb.i 1. autiuue wiui regaru iu ww uy. did not the rails laughter every company put mnrnlnir br tho lato train otvon ssstier m kaad ai 1 r , , It may be necessary to havo it1 ulf,re. The city had a competent . . . Tonight's is a great programme H. C, tfcM lib day of Jan.... , fllloi! in nt nmA fnttiPA nprind. tHi.,Ann. ...iimAiA n.A r iim u-- it.i t Hie Westholme. mtDcrucK rtTin- ....wv. v" - cugiiiwi ca v i ma vu iiitj uiuo vi v ill J U HIS L lUUl 1 9 dm aro "The Daily News hut in tlm mpnntima lin Ihonsht 'i.-.l- .Lnii - rAniAil n Ia i . i it. M nelurniiif . jnuiA uuhv'i V ft,iusvu m mv- IVIllH a 8UfCr IU HIO VUUIVII Ull Cow Hay was filling quito an im- tailed talement showing Hems Wednesday. January 16 from 5:30 SCANDINAVIAN LEAGUE MUNICIPAL CLASSIFIED ADS. portant mission. If the O. T. P. 8Uch as survey of eighty square t n:30 n. in. Admission. 50c. NOTICE wanted Cow Hay filled In, Alder miles of lerritory, taking of water social after. I! Meets Tuesday, Jan. Ulh, at 6 TAIC NOTIC.K that the tt, . man Nelson wanted to know what records, slashing of ten miles of p. in. to dMsuss mutiioipal nuU af lb CHf af I'rtore h,. .,j WANTED. the plans of tho company were, waterway, etc., and totalling $34,-! The Trades and Labor Council ters. Tent A Awning Co. Ilnll. Tbaesdar, tb um dsr or i,n ,t , when the work would begin, and 000. will hold an open meeting In the JOHN DYItllAVN. Seretary. tsif. at tto CoaKi cbenii rnmmm nqni, o. w as IB iiui. s: !ae WANTED TO BENT--Furnished or unfurnished when it would be completed and Aid. McClytnont said that he Carpenters' Hall tonight at 8 for UHas tto rote of tb ri.;. t four or Ore roomed cottar, of what benefit it would be to tho considered it the duty of the coun. o'clock. All workers are Invited, For I'rine Hnperl una ditr!eL tb reHawlw hjlaw Box m Heirs one. Daily city. If any benefits accruing to cii. irrespective of what their Business: Municipal affairs. ' It we have secured the servire; of "A bylaw redwe nurot. WANTED Man and wife to run lunch the city by tho closing up of Cow private opinions were, if they be- Mr. Martin Krotfer. I". n.H.8. eFU Att rt rto NIHffl city TALC of rnn--!ri.p 1: counter, pool room and drar stsnd. Prince Bay were greater than Cow Day M- Kdwards. of tho New Kng-and "a: D office. Empress Hotel- lieved In the method of initiative Prince lUpert. B. phoe llsd eos sawn aw uin by ban- i '4I Qt Rupert Employment t. open, then he would be the first referendum, which was the 'and Fish Company, in Seattle, 399. Consult him about yoar tmomw oautos snsu V teet :-q 0 ti to welcome them. Dut not other keystone of democratic govern- arrived in the city this morning garden prnblems. British Columbia M lit dap of Jawaary. An 1 ' JS WANTED man ror Janitor work. Wares tto haar mt :M a. m. um 11,. ISO moii tii with board and room. Apply wise. . ment, to get this question in such on his way to Ketchikan, at which Nur.erl. Vancouver. T.S4 :T to Secretary, Trlnce nupert Oeneral With regard to the Falls river shape so that the peoplo would Plnl ho has been appointed to B. C. If. Ait rvniiirn takc tUtl tlotpltaL tt power project, ho did not think have all the facts before them represent nis company, rtWOaMCK rtTEItS has bn ;, that the city was in a position to ftstarawis oroeer te use hart WANTED To board two ilrU. School when they came to vole upon it MUNICIPAL ELECTION tlrls preferred. Near klnr Edward grapple with this project in the and decide for themselves. Mr and, Mrs. McLenaghen. ac- r. reTcns. School. Apply it Ninth Are.. EaiL meantime. In any rase, he was A detailed statement was given ompanll by Miss Gertrude Mo PROCLAMATION 1918 .iy FOR RENT not in favor of paying one cent by the alderman of the estimated TJ " TLAW NO. to the defunct Ilydro-Klectrio Co. ... ..... mnrninir f mm Pnrlntrn I.n A Srt.AW TO Ml.tH'CE THE Jl . . f power wnicn wouiu oe aevciopeu, 7. to rt'KLIC KunCK i herrby l lb AUtsMiari Mih the uu , FOn RENT Home, four rooms, Tll Fra as their rights would lapse anyway, and the cost or the project, which M,ft":' v,.9it Je,r df"?n,5r' M.r'-was Cterf- at lh NNatfetpeHir lb aty fturiMT. ser Street. 14 and private was oni. They will be hero for no company one and a half millions. He- r frffter Hift. istsi I fe9fty trqln Wneetat tb fwaaiil -r,r & LOST likely to go after these rights, fore the overhead charges could a few weefc- tb pNitas r t t ma ftutrs t tU rrMew Rrel to power l n tj Inowing that the city was after be met under the scheme, the city CMr tVt OBVe. H IS CXtg Matt. Otf as aad re Ibe tewrinwi ,.f v - LOST or taken by mistake from train ar- them. L(eul p M Mm f lbJ f rrtaa are. a Mstwlif. lh I lift aj Art AmeadiBrflt Act 1117 would have to market for find a n , , t Itfttary. x. O. tax. .t is smi W TIUM.rO THE w V riTior here on Tuesday nlrnt. leather , ,rsh Rfl f smnsi, Aid. Nelson in favor of the was 0.000 home Idea of this covNat or nit conrnrUTi' 1 h.p. AST v suitcase. Initials D. O. t. r lease return Prince n t htt hn nwart,ed UM SWMpM W 4SMS j ITSUI U n to Saroy'Hotel. Reward. It going after the Dominion government amount would be formed when it mm -m ttsc la Um M"ipi rani cjTT or rM.'xcjc rterciiT ti with regard to the establishment the Mlllla The w S SMeswa. IOLLOAVS. considered that at present the LOST Oold Stickpin, between Iroquois of iron works in the city. was frlend, of Lleut MIer n lho clly, The UMd T MnJBttln of Candidates I. Meeeaflee US Cow,! ..r (h-ritwe root Rooms and Firth Avenue, E. Re city can only developo 700 h.p. wl be , , ,f. sbatt Vs as fcitowt.: surpeet sbaM eoaeisi .4 ' . j ward. Finder please return to Dally This was likely to be done some Umler nresent eircutnalnncei. . .. .. . ..... Tl uaMtM sbaH h Bahute4 In d fear III AMenstra. sU ti t- 1 News omce. tf. where on the roast soon, nml .i.,. iteheme would nrnvn n cnatlv' .......decoration, i.ieui. .Miller .was inr- tiUu-. Tk Ha sbaM U betiMM rrvea tb CHy at larr la tto sarr -jr. Prince IluDert had evervthinir in . ... " n.i ' Tncny in mo brokerage business by iww wns r Um HsnlrHjsiHy as as tb Msm and Atdenaea bs MISCELLANEOUS here. twpMir smI sifidtf. sod 11 sbaH b for toea elected. Us favor for the establishment offmnn ir.r.ivmnni ti-n. f ti.a nnin. TM sytiw baa to fl t: tbi WILL FAY CASH for FURNITURE for a smelter here. ion that the time was not yet for a:a. - w oalv -f IbM bHm (M f:M fteai eotaSwy MaobNpal tlrr(i..r 1 ce flve-roonied omce. coture. Box 141 Dally News Votes for Women. the development of this power by THE PATRIOTIC FUND p. u ut (fee i ef immm. tb mm Kteettoa Per tto yaar it if. In a few telling phrases, Mrs. riua sus t (a is Not miibtr t w r.s mc NVKiarAi ttm citv. As Hip Fnlln river u-nnlil b k-Wi.1. m an Mls: MvcttMS AM. THE COf)FOrU?!01 Or TUB t WE WANT TO CONTRACT IMMEDIATELY vv.j. KirKpairicK informed the slin be lnere ycar'9 hcnce ho (Prince Rupert Branch' nd sbaH slat tb ftaasts, imsOisb' MMi'C frr.HT THIS Sisl PtT I With a reliable man as land locator or gathering of her candidature, and lhoUKlt it Deller lo wajt unt,i Subscriber to the above fund, ... .-up Aub drwrtauos of racb prrsoe tMSm. A t. 117. rulde In each district of B. C. Must be that the time has como when wo- conditions bettered, and there was who have not yet completed their iiroMPd in ftt "s-r a usritmjr lAis MiTtcc ttot tto ab. 1 a j tnorourhly familiar with open homestead, eaatp of lb pwniaeid bylaw . 1 eaMitai. 1017 iSssrtlijr MS rrrr (suMiw men are willing to take public subscriptions are earnestly purchase and lease Isnds. and also the up gome demiLnd for power. Shduld hslt blr b 1st eps erf bMf lb rest of tto ratepayeea wi, t Ut 9 B.C. Land Act. Describe climate, soil, work. She was followed by MfYlhe maller come up durlnff lljs requested to forward without de u ii ml ut scsa, mt moi uwt at as maani asaeatoe. :m iu . a transportation, etc State your experience D. W. Morrissey, who had paens tPnure of oface Defore a pIcbe,. lay to the treasurer, Mr. It. Scy I M a'csaek ts tb aftenuoa nt Hw dsr trtb day af JaMary. A l tti and enclose references to A. B. C. of praise for Aid. Montgomery. -iia .- iatAn . ni,i rail n mour Wright, 1. O. Box 1032, any at tummttkm. ksSt H tb dtalaraUaa toatr r s a. tn. m ito bm- ' ' Locators, No. II Dunn Block, Great Falls, II had ba,ance ilin the sbwwMir bts HaBSaU. la Um farm pr- Ata. loo something to say re- outstanding, as Montsna. () puLllc meeting when the pros and srrlUd by MINK. TUdm forms sM t r. rrrtss. aty t Buruiut, iub power question anu cons would be fullv diacu.sed. an "cihr tiuseu ui. suppMed bf tb aty CWt'i omm W p Cow Bay. ,hai ir. oiAinr. ,,vA ore the annual audit. tf. aclntUf prMtattar SMMaatSMi papers LAND ACT daljr ssild. In tb eM f poll to Wlr. 8. M. Newton. i a opportunity of becoming fully in- Pe Rupert Feed Co. Speaking very briefly, Mr. New- formA(i of -it ,iinfi,. hrnr i. same time. 8inco 1015. the as las Thursday necessary tb sueb 171ft piM day will! J fwn4 A. D.m SaEEa LASO DISTMCT OISTSI T 0 ton referred to his manifesto, as nressimr their oninion.. ement had been reduced by Itis ai the couarti duster ts tb Cttf COAST, a AMCC I. PHONE 58 published, and which would be Fishing. $0,000,000 and the rale by 0 mill llU In tb aty f rnne Hsprrt. rrwn lb TAkE .NUTICK that iba Ortre - Tis placed in the hands of every voter. on me dollar, making a net re busir f S 'ebstk a m. to tb hour f 7 easef. B. C. occopauoa Ssbemas bv He thought that there was but Ilegarding the matter of Cow diictlon in the Imp ilnrinc? lhoi o'rtork p. m.. al wbicb ey iroa is shmIs to appfp tt pertblssloa 1. toes a fou little danger of the city paying the Bay, Aid. McClymont had no in- two ycar, of fl2 per cent Now. Morir bertby repaired US DotSr aad rttra fuitovtof dritod uivts sum already offered to the Hydro terests tlfere. except the city's, Prince Huoerl tin. the lowe.t rsi. CiMamrocsay at a poet Uai Us QUALiriCATION fOH CANDIDATES PON tsrtstoc oa the west aid ' f- sr. BULBS Eleclrio Co. for their imurove- a,,u u,e 8,,,n? muusiry neing me la Canada west of Winnipeg. He MAYOR. .larrow. stosil two sntos south ' brty ments. The present council was ,nainlay e community, that gave instances from each section Tn qsalWeallvn rr a eandMal fr Bay; IbetMW west t trains, tbr.. rt criticised for having accepted the t,,e one lu ene- Tne ,ack at 'random showing the great re-report Mtjvr u thai lb said candidal shall to a ebsSM. thene east ts !. tsean Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, of the of Lail ,n this Prt was a rloua ducllon. The Wallace used person Mi a British Subject or tb full soath f ebatna to tb polal 1 "Snacnr Cngiueer corner regarding sueai end cMiUiolot IS acres pv re or less. r f II not dlsqvaMed UDdc Easter Lilies, Narcissus. Falls river without having a re- 11,B,ier- ,Jur "ermen oucn naa iu i0 $539, amj was now $230. law and who yesrs.has for lb sis ntootbs Mil any JOHS OHACK. App' i' port in the same detail regarding lo B0 to Ketchikan to buy bait, Another lot on Third Avenue wa preevdtar the day f nemlnalicsi. tom tb DATED ."Uvemtor II, lilt Wnrk HhAnnpl. withmit iha fnri where at the same time they g202. and is now t80. In uecllnn renstered owner In the Land lierlstry NAmtBLE S A T all Orders Promptly Attended to. beintr taken into account that the bought their other supplies, which 5 on Sixth Avenue a lot that was omr. Bf land or real prpety la tbe aty IIL WATCnS S. C Cbapter fltoTE'us 1: data is not available regarding !n,K'!1 "e as ea8,i" Purchased here. taxed $50.70 Is now $10. In Sec- nt Ih rrlm last Hxfel Municipal to Ih Astossmeai tuttl. ma nt cnMrAST r O. fee tii. Mi Third At. iWark Channel, as the city has 116 ,ou8"i mai 11 private enter- ton 0, what used lo be $0.8I is 1 1. . r inwre oter aad atosa any UMITLO.AklABSIM tort by THOMSON pit aad' ur' never secured such, as did the prue fa,k'd lo )rov,t3 adequate now $20, and on Kleventb. Avenue miatvrwl udsHmii ur clwrfir. and bw is bar, aad scl or ssm a ovpuei Hydro-Electric Co. at Falls river. 'uwf " " r ao. n reduction lias been made from Voter.Iherwls duly quallfled a a MunMSDai wth lb M rattler of public Works it Tha VoCip Ll.t ns' eiecieu, wouiu lie lo con- SlO.l 4 to $4.20. In face of these 01 taw 1 and la Ito omee ot tb Di-tr I fer with 1,1086 who knowledge QUALIFICATION f ON CAMDIOATCS fOH Neftstrar f lb Und Beptltrr Offlw t J Mr. John Hank had a few words figures he defied anyone to state lw description J.L.HICKEY ALDtRMAN. Irtet of rrUkse Bupoct. a to in asking the was mo" U8e,ul ,or 11,0 P"rPOe truthfully that the city going say suffrage of iif inlltlnl Ilia tmd n B.i.tnm . ... ...was Tb qualaSeatton tar rim hit 14 for Alder- aad tto plan of wharf ana Hie electorate, tfnd objected to the """" w,c uan- 10 me uogs, wiuie at me same in I that lb ssid raadtdat shall to a work pftaf to to tout t CONTRACTOR A BUILDER several votes which certain elec- " neceeary, tne city to erect a time the city's debt had been re person w bo Is a British Subject of lb Wslerfroni Block r. Ctly of rrtnc tors had, while tho speech of Mr. sman p,anl for 1,1,8 80,0 Purpose, dured by $250,000. full ar of tl year, nil disqualified under rruvine r Brliitb Columbia, and tUi aotic that arter Ih tplratlon Store and Office couia Vo done Xor ,e88 u,an any law and who has ror tb sis months Fixtures, y. W. w",.cn Alderman '' Hart, who followed him. McClymont promised preHii ih day of nmuMuifen toen lb muaui rrora ito Mt ot tto Bni i-l Bash, Door and Moldings. was inaudible for the storm of unru mo mnouni proposeu w mc same care and watchfulness refltlcrtd owner In Ih Land Rettsiry non ut ihs notiee Akertorr Tbomt ac oe paiu 10 mo nyuro-tlcctrlo Co. inv lo Ih tsnpaay United will under Sertln scM Oak and llard Woods of all cheering. over tho city's affairs, if elected aty or Print RwpefL of land Mr. Thos. McClymont. ana wuii more immediate bene- mayor, as heretofore he had given ur real property in Ui uty l frlne of the asld Act. apply to lb Mil. i-ubltr Wirks bis the al office in kinds. "ls- imperl of tb sain on lb last Municipal i With the view possibly of keep, as alderman, and was out for tho Atsestmerii ftoli or tie. or tour over oiuwa for approval or tto ssld "is Wo Specialize In Hard-wood ing the best wine to the last, it A Personal Matter. progress of Prlnco Ilunert In and alms any retlsiered judrment or plam snd Tor leave to cooslrvrt the ml Boat Ribs, Sash, was not until quarter to eleven A story was in circulation, said closing, he made an anneal In th rhsrr snd who Is otnemis duly outlined wharf and works. Oatod at 1' B. C . this nl Doors, etc. lcu,ymoni, 10 me eiiect mat ladies for as Municipal Vuler. Ituperl. -- their that Aid. McClymont was named , ,u: support on elec- day of ianwary it IP. Plats and Sheet Qlass and uy me chairman. After thanking . " ""'",""s "c "vw non nay. no mauo mem one (LtOTION Or FOLIC! COSSMISSIONCftS. AktllBLIKl THOMSON and COMrAMV i'1 1,r 8lwrei1 m 11,9 h0U8?' Al which AMU IL'llTlltll TAKE .lOTICt! that under David Tbotnson, Seretsi'v Olaulno. those who called tho meeting for u,.uor promise, on Thursday he lb protisiwns or th Munidpai Art Amend- lho invitation to be present. Aid. " "e V'0"" ,ai ' waa 0 may regret, which was to look tueiil Art tl7. I require tii presenr of . Cornsr Fraier and 6th Sts. roviotvo.i h. ioKe, and had treated It as such, after Hie kiddles, while the mntli lit Lrtctor at tb plac and Um auov leading up to the present negotia- "owever, this story was ugaln be- crs came down town to vote for iiietilloned. for lb purpose or (lectins two V. I. PRIVATt DETECTIVE A0ENCV PHONE GREEN 269 reln,leJ al 1,10 lfeet persons who shall serf oil lb Hoard or EOS Mtrpllta BISp VsnosureC' ! tipns between tho City Council and ,nK. corners, him. Aid. McClymont declined to uoiiiniistioners or Police, oil ror th P. O. BOX 448. - uiiu im iiiuuijiii iv vuuiu nave omjr ne Hound ly any oilier promise period or two yesrs from the del or such t)sy Phone. Srjmour 4111, nave oeen pui 11110 circurauon than this, and If elected as mayor election, and lb other fur a period or Nlphl phone, ralimonl SO I S DENTISTRY with the view of damaging his Vould govern tho city with all the Mi year rrun in data or such election. character, and because of Tb luude or nomination of candidates for Hesd Omte, Sis MikSsn-Ben BIS. the:common ho endowed sense was surh I'ollc Conuuissroner slull to as Victoria, a. a, Phone S4IE. stand he had taken in tho CHOWS NO BMIDttl WORK pro with, follows: Candidates shall to uoinlnaled In STEEN & LONGWILL S SPE3ISLTV lilbiliou campaign, to make out wrltint, lb writlor stall to subscribed by that what he would deny others, two voters or Ihe MunlcipsUiy as onouur oil j. s. nnowN ho would not deny himself. "No ami seconder and II shall to delivered to SANITARY AND MEATINO otNTirr ma at any lUn between tb data or this ENGINEERS OftUtl SMlth Blsak, ThlH SIMM person can light that low in. none ark 1.00 p. ru. or lb day or noinl-nstloa Harry . Hartley PSM 404 sldious method of attack," said Tb wrlllna- iiisr to in ih form (Lai Lonson. t , 0rraMlr Aid. nuuioer 111 III schedule to th. McClymont. "If any man has Muni r Musi) Agents for any charge lo make against me, 01 cipal i-onr Elections uosrd Act,in Insertlnt lb SKDrooriat Conuultsloner pLvi ruriL or lansdownc oottell McCLARY FURNACES let him come out in the open. and sliall slate lb nances, resldenc anil Tuplls Tsken for Harry Atkins Let him make his charge here and TIMBER 1 SALE X1095. ucnipaitoii or descripiion or each person VIOLIN, PIANO, VIOUNCELLO and PLUMBINO I now, und not act like an assassin, roposoa in such a manner s sufficiently II A ft M Oft Y. family BuUhsr, rrlnts Rvpsct. Staled tenders will be received br the liWtlllfy sncli eandldil stabbing In the back." In other kXAMl.t ATluMS and Minuter of Lands nol later than noon on SHEET METAL WORKS NOTED FOU words, this tale Is a "frigid, cal- lit I Oil) dsr of January, till, for In QUALIFICATION SO CCMMISSIONIN Of rupll rrsparad tor Eismlnll purtnass or Llcents X POLICE. AtsMlstsd Board, Vutr, C"lc uuiuieu ue. 1091, la cul 7,000,-009 Phone 634 PRIME 8AUSAQE Th quaiiBcailun of rindldt r... ih. He sl Ooliif s f Musis, Lnt, 5, Second Avenue. reel r Sprue, llmloek and Cedar on said Taxation, Board la llial th eandidat ahall to an sltuaiad area Dana on Queen Night phones 876 How ths city had gotten out of Charlotte Inlet, eon who 1 a Urliiih sui.i.i-i . r Tomato Sausags a Specialty. Islands Dlslrlel. TEflMS PHONE BLUE 278 Uw full and Blue 270 tho hole during the last two years Twu (I) years will t allowed ror rs- as of si ..,. Ths right work, at the right was clearly shown by Alderman okjmI or limber, SCHOOL TRUSTEES. time, and at ths right prlos. Phono 574 P. O. Box McClymont. Both assessment and runner particulars. or In Chief rorestsr. I Sill notified by tru, lunm. nr ih. ADVERTISE IN Victoria, vr ti.iriti imniir, rrinc Srhool Board Mmwaa yesa ss the rate had been reduced at thejiiuperi, B.C. il Iwid an election lh for ft I will wo persons to neceissry 10 serve la The Daily News V