THE Daily Iews IX NO. it- prince rupkrt, n. c TurjtDAY, January is, Tots. I? " j PRICE FIVB CENT? I C7 7 P FY Iff (OffFM WINTER twr iru it it n 11 ii i i ALL WESTERN FRONT IS SNOWBOUND - BRITAIN WANTS MANY MORE SOLDIERS TURKS BREAK FRSToFSv HUNS COMMIT CHICAGO TIED UP BY MAYOR MCCAFFERY REPORTS EFFECT OF BUZZARD ARMISTICE IN Bf-l la The Xr - MOKE MURDERS (Specul l lb Iiilir PROSPECTS FOR 1918 ARE GOOD London, Jan. 10. Winter has' Chicago. January i5. The city ASIA MINOR now settled down In earnest over I IN BELGIUM is just recovering from the effect FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE CITY IS EMINENTLY SATISFACTORYALL all the Important war front, and of the greatest single blixzard DEBTS PROVIDED FOR AND MONEY IN THE i beyond artillery action, which which has ever struck any city in BANK ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY HAS BEEN UndTw.ntyThou.andTrtoP8to,f"be'n carried on over very One Hundred and Seventy Executions the Cm led Slates, during the TK CHDER OF his Huim eclion.. there has been fifty Every railroad track Reinforce Their Lin.. , Have Been Wade During years. Hear Trebliond Sink little fighting either west or east. Last Year Enquiry leading into the city has been After the business of the coun-jslanlialed by going through the Russian Ship. Only patrol encounters are re. Prevented. blocked, and movement of traffic cil meeting bad been transacted j records at the city hall." ported along the llritlih lines, and was impossible until whole trains ai last evening, His Worship read His worship said thai this coun-llttle the artillery is prevalent at two were dug out, and after the snow-ploughs (Sptru: 14 Tie Dllly Vmi. report to the council re- M must tale credit for th Em-r- points, on the French front. In had put in some strenu ! n Jan. 15. A correspan Italy the terrific artillery and in London, Jan. 15. Word has.ous work. The city I faced with garding the state of affairs In lb !or; Jfl? established here. a,s that a dispatch from faniry fighting has given place to bcCn received here at the Uelgian'a coal famine. The blast furnaces c.t, upon his demitting office. ian(jaie that Mr.j,jg statement Lmerson would that it sub-was K t lt. rts that the Turks have aerial warfare, which, however, omcla! headquarters of flfty-e!ght In South rijicsgo iiuve had to suspend The mayor said: ,on account of lne sland laken by he armistice arranged though spectacular, has little more official executions in Del.' their operations, and the "In vacating this chair, I would the council that he made his final aa. They have taken ad- bearing upon the progress of the glanu TnU brings the number of world's greatest packing plants like lo brietly review the position decision to come here, where now &np . . . hav had to close. The employees when I .f Dm Iruce lo land iieigians execuieq since January, of this city, as I stood (Continued on page three. of Armour" and Swift bare com took cfllce find as it stands today. T thousand troops on he France and nelg,um h ben aI. unfoflunal i menced clearing the railroad "in 1915 the city debt stood at George Hill for Police Commissioner. r Asia Minor In the Luxine most snowbound. Thus the long were at ea,i women, three tracks lo permit the movement of $2,572,781, out of which only 1 4 Tnbuond and Lliea, ana awaueu uerman onensive, wim glri$ fourtfcn iQ sixteen years old coal and cattle. $185,580 was permanently sold. . a t jbinarine has unk a Itus. the neavy reiniorcemems irans- - ,. g(.Veral vouths under Uenlr. Hundreds of thousands of vol-teers 81,371,000 was outstanding in renewed For New Wellington Coal and ferred from the Russian front, has are assisting to clear the which bad AU wer asguroed by the German treasury notes, a sport. Ir Lumber of all dimensions, been delayed for weeks, if not lo gUly of espionage, and in strc-rU. The effects o f ibis to be redeemed within six months hone 118. The Final Rupture. months. blizzard have practically tied up many cases arrest, condemnation. after taking office. A further Tbo Daily .News correspond-c Raid Repulsed. ttnd execution took place within everything in Chicago. People amount of 9303,237 was owing to For Police Commissioner, I cti ograd sends the follow. The War onice communication tnree or f0Ur days to prevent ser-Issued were unable lo proceed to their the bank, and $713,961 was un. vote and influence Is solicited your for last night says: "Enemy daily work on account of the , v snatch: ,ous enquiry being made. sold. S. D. Macdonald. 14 mid under of a .. streets being impassable, and it Tbi. Goal rupture of the nego-:a attempted cover , "Today, our entire debt is only heavy barrage, east of will have cost Chicago many Ilrest-Lilovsk be artillery uivr lin 11,621.900, the whole of which is at may Moncby district during the night. oKlllMl fTlANt A1K thousands of dollars. permanently sold, and not one it .. mi any moment, If, as .-. was repulsed by ride and machine bank. On the inill-a cent owing to the , table, the German RAID ON KARLSRUHE h. ii ities impose their gun Are. The enemy's artillery Vote for CapU Rorvlk for Police other band, 878,560 is on deposit our -Vote rt ibeir delegates." was aetive today east of Ypre Commissioner. 13 to meet obligations due next April, and in the vicinity of the Itiver together with $48,210 to meet debentures And Influence is Solicited by VICTORIA'S MAYOR fcarpe and al Messines." Indn. Jan. 15. lOfilcial . Aj Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re due June 10th nexL Itrilish aerial squadron visited duces your fuel bill and Blves asse'ssmentfor HAS NO OPPOSITION "la 1915 our GREAT BRITAIN TO RAISE Karlsruhe, and dropped a ton ana satisfaction. Phone 15. .P.1 R. Uxalion was $!t.85 1757 and tax 7lrT GebrKefr Coal Co. V- 14k 14 TIM t4llj Pfwil. a quarter of bombs. Direct hits rale 12.570 mills. In 1917 our Y ,a, January I !-There is ANOTHER HALF MILLION were made on several of the Important assessment valuation for taxation .. ut yet in sight to con. buildings, and on the was $11,596,295 and our tax rate As Alderman for 1918. mayoralty with Mayor f?pml u Tb Dttir .- railway shops. Hombs were also DANIEL W. MORRISSEY only 10 mills. Property that paid 3, will probably be given London. January J5. -Between uroppeu "P J"". ' '$110 taxation in 1915 paid only a se- i utm of office without 150.000 and 450.000 additional Junellon. a n d the explosions For Alderman. $81 in 1917. ' outbreak of Hre in "Owing to the policy of economy OPPC5 tnop. tnu.l be ra.sed at unrc m J Oreal Rritaln. wa, the pronojnee- muniinn 'clorle. ftespectfully solicits the practiced, our local improvement FOR ALDERMAN Dy : llg for P. W. Hart, you ment of H,r Auckland Oeddes, the The Hrlllsh squadron was at-mlni.ter votes of the Electorate for taxation has been reduced from Mrs it t Huperi, but to the td on their return Journey by $118,000 in 1915 to $81,000 in t). .,t I'riftee of national serv ice, 1918 in Support of W. II. Elizabeth C. Klrkpatrlck v i: ip i make it a live town House of Commons yesterday. el "u,mb" B"-The Montgomery, Mayoralty 1917, so thai taxation as a wbole Solicits your Influence and l i a l -y centre. 13 minister said that this was Pnes nd flghtmg Candidate. has been reduced 55 per cent, Vote. took In the air and several the absolute minimum, and that PU. since taking office. mii.i i.- ..r. .lurinir of the enemy machines were ) "Today we stand in the env iable ou;;; of the ye;7; take even farced I. descend Th. nrill.1. position of having all our obligations FOR ALDERMAN more men from civil life for the J , . provided tor no outstanding Saieiy. WIlllOUl IUSIll a mail vi a debts with an asset in tax Y"T loll army. machine. COAL arrears valued at $178,000 with Your Vote and Influence George Hill for pftlice Commissioner. This is one of the most successful no pledge against it, together with ftespectfully Solicited THOMAS McMEEKIN I of the allied aerial attacks a reserve fund of $39,000 to provide for ever made upon Germany, Will be sold for cash during interest and redemption HARRY B. ROCHESTER T 1 MAN YOU KNOW and may be taken by the Germans the year 1918. Kindly pay charges on our bonded debt." for c earnest of what will b in all as an "Administration charge ALDERMAN at the office, or be prepared J a IiMsmess Adminls. JOHN RANK coming to them w ith much greater lo when delivered. departments have reduced to a pay tration. For Alderman frequency from now on. minimum consistent witn emci- ALIIKIIT & MeCAFFEItY. LD. ency. General administration of .. pirrKft HLACK for Prince broom, sweeps cleanly city hall and aldermen's indemnity Ilupert Coal Co. in 1915 was $17,308.26; in 1917 e - was $14,10.00. Fire department MR. FRED SHAW 1915 was $13,370; In 1917 was To the Electors of Prince Candidates Endorsed by the e of Mclirlde Street in RuperL $12,513. Police department Prince Rupert Trade for him and Asks you to vote 1915 cost $12,379,961 in 1917 the Labor Council for the Municipal TO THE ELECTORS OF as For Alderman cost was $11,055, which includes GEORGE B. CASEY Election, 1018. PRINCE RUPERT e ALDERMAN 1 1.350 for snecial service men. Aldermanio Candidate for for a practical Public works, health and utilities Re-election. For Mayor Ladies and Oentlcmen: Administration. were reduced in the same ratio. The advocate of social and W. M, Montgomery e In answer lo a very general R. J. D. Smith "Oir tax rate is the lowest of industrial progress, solicits For Aldermen e request on the part of any city west of Winnipeg. The your vote and W. Q. Barrle the electorale of I'rlnco above statement shows the largest Influence. Qso. B. Casey ilupert, I have decided to Solicits your Voto and reduction of indebtedness concurrent n Oeo. W, Kerr offer myself for mayor for Influence. with the reduction of taxes Mrs. J. W. Klrkpatrlck the coming In the year. of any city in the West, John Rank I appeal to you on my ARTHUR SILVERSIDES last two years, and can be sub- Fred Shaw w record In public ofllcc, and F. W. Hart Arthur Sllversldea solicit your vols and Influence, For Alderman Candidate for Alderman. For School Trustee assuring you, that Oeo. W. Nlckerson If elected, I will make it my FOR ALDERMAN THE MAYORALTY Absolutely IndependenL or Police Commissioner constant care to seo that Your vote and Influence is My Platform Prince Rupert 8. D. Macdonald the interests of our city VOTE FOR HIM Solicited by To the Electors of Prince first, last and all the Capt. Rorvlk advanced, W. Q. BARRIE ilupert: time. I respectfully solicit are O. 11. N1XSON. In the coming election. Ladies and Gentlemen:-In your vole and influence. response to many urgent Yours, for a progressive requests, and in view Prince Rupert, of the critical state of F. W. HART. WESTKOLMR municipal affairs, I have TONlQHT ONLY Your Vote and Influence is consented a candidate to for again the become office of Mayor. I, therefore ask G. Steen At 7:15 sharp, . Solicited on Behalf of for your support, and if GRACE CUNARD elected you can rely upon s riv n rrtiure For Police Commissioner. receiving stralghtfoiward, "SOCIETY DRIFTWOOD progressive and non-partisan New Gazette, full of omclai Thos. McClymont service. FOR QUALITY war views be read My platform can Your Vote will be appreciated -AND EnVICE and 8ATI8FAOTION CHARLIE CHAPLIN For Mayor hi the "Empire." AND A s - in on lllectlon Day. 8. M. NEWTON. IX DAY WEEK FOR HELP. "THE FLOOR uuiiurn'i