TUB DAILY NF.Wfl Tho Woman Behind to the i.ci I too lll i- it in ncn The Daily News 1.1- iiriiian cotumM """ "' nwi an at tho Gun. She must keep """" In act lv - - "V and BRITISH COLUMBIA ..fc- KnrlnMHll LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN " " THE known the home fires burning, the VtljlZ, imiilute of Brlllth Colombia, PublLhed Dally and Weekly fed ond clothed. !??J?. Z Guaranteed Largest Circulation little ones with r" Don't starve or stint the m.mb.r Tm rclallnt' HEAD OFFICE: children. The perfect food vvln( IBd Arcniiecwrai.. tecnwcai. . l''"1"".ufuiimii wn""i'and--In With the land forces Ditty New Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Tel. 98. for children, the food that and with the fleet tiont and pmrrib VeLft. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. develops sturdy, stalwart hetenor ami mora, - Contract Rates on application. bodies, is Shredded Wheat .. .....i.;.. ta taoe appmtMl of. and Bin cult. The whole wheat tu purchiac or othet wit atrnr ,ld bo,J j WRIGLEYS IAlLY EDITION Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1018. rrtl proni Vvrl "" grain and milk arc the most r the iMtiwic and to dwpo thereof inJ perfect foods rjiven to man. rctnvcM the proceed in tb mmwr at gives solace In the m 111 and to M miraw TIJE PRESSING NEED of tho people hero never knew They rrc better for children may Ions, watch It fresh-ens that the of this metal tad to ary tho mm rrum export nwralrt. ih Tlie first duty which tlio Shredded . ... people than meat or eggs. i n. f Km man - and was prohibited. iimf to umc. ami 1"""" , refreshens, of l'rlnco Rupert have to Prince Rupert got results re- Wheat Biscuit is 100 irritcnt or iia anaira j covocu . j ancB manner aa mar u steadies 'nniliintcd la nerves, get down to and have to con garding the fisheries rcgula p:r cent, whole wheat, noth irtri for by By law, and to bate. Hi iaa sider seriously is the getting of lions by the good work of its ing addcd( nothinB wasted or orico and bold iu aannai nuciinn wumn allays thirst, helps the drydock plant into operation. delegation to Ottawa, and the sntiih cohuntxa.all and rlinta to nao,aftd rrJ.peinwfe appetite and digestion. trrriM powef. UllUWll UWiiy. Ab is utiiuuua times now demand that some This is a matter of much nrceoury. Mai or inrtacniai w " thing of the same nature be for any meal with milk and ir the airoroaaM pajrpoae. greater immediate importance done again. Apparently if wo fruits and costs but a few Bnrsn.v k sTAcrooiE. Utah the matter of the closing are content to see no smoke SotMtier for lb AprMfant. The in Canada. cents. Made DATED at VMtorla. B. C. ItH ! af up of Cow Uay, or even the arising frpm tho big chimney at of December It IT. w matter of further electrical Hays Creek, other people are I Flavour energy; The effect of the Hays content also. Hut wo aro not 850O worih of liquor stored In his MOTIC3. Creek plant in operation would content, and If our discontent 'house. A malicious slory of this Lasts be felt in the city at once. And is of that divine naturo which kind is more than n "terminologi-has Sea Gull." "Brown Bear," UtlU Tmbj the" future will not ho jeopardised been written of, we will 'cal inexactitude," and whoever set rrarlton.',rracilon." "Sbeet"Snllhl Ant nor rracUon.""Sea"87 Uof either by its instant operation. make I' apparent from one end it agoing deserves severe treat- Hne." -camp Bird rratUon" and 'Objer It is not a matter either, of Canada to tho other. jne,nt. filory" Mineral C!tlm, altuaie In IU demanding the outlay of hundreds This is simply a matter of Saeeoa Solnr Diniton or Dittrkl of thousands of dollars doing first things first. We Russia and flcrmany have again Inlet,When rrlnre lw Rey lilaad.r E4r sorr by the ratepayers. want Industries. Here is one started to discuss peace. Hut the TAKE .NOTICE Ibll !. ma M. Wells. It is all very well to say that that the plant is all ready for Russian delegates represent Pel-the fm Mtaera Certincate .lo. ISIC. tnc something' should be done and industry to commence. rograd, not Ihe whole of Russia, duly aatborued airnt of MlUaro r. War to wrile to the government, and With a new government at Ot- and flcrmany is divided upon Ihe rrn.intend,rre titty Mioefa dayt Certmeaio from Ihe Mo.due IM hereof to tho G. T. P. Development Co. tawa, a Union government, 'question of no indemnities and no to apply to tbo Mtoinr Recorder tor a The time is past for writing. working for the Interests of the 'annexations. The Itolshevikl could rlinrale of Iropreveaentt. for tbo pur We-have to get right after "both whole Dominion, irrespective! not enforce peace upon the Pom of obulWni- t Crown Oraot of eacb of these parlies, and at once. of party, the present affords an Ukranians, who have now Iheir if A.ND tbo abore FURTHER tlatma.TAkE NOTICE tbal ai The matter is one in which j opportunity which, if properly own government and are independent lion, under aectlen II. nMitt b ra every resident in the city is in-' taken advantage of, may mean of Trotsky. If a treaty nered berera tbo Ittuo r turb Certiacali terested, whether property' a lot for the fortunes of this "of peace were signed it would only at Impreremenlt. DATED tbla SStb day cf Octnber. A. D holder or wage earner. The city Immediately. be n sham one. HIT ill people of this city want to select This is one of the points 1. TV v a delegation of the citizens which not one of the municipal Potatoes are to be put on the COAL NOTICES who can make their voice articulate,. candidates touched upon at free liot. according to Oflavrj. IHt So that it will appeal to their meeting on Saturday by bit reciprocity i coming. kLL.Vt ULtD DISTRICT DISTHJ-T or the ears of the powers that"be night. Possibly they did not whether those who voted against QlfECI CHARLOTTE 13UX0S in no uncertain manner. If the know what to say they would it in 1911 like it or not. And there cost of this delegation amounted do. if elected, in this connection. are many other unnecessary taxes TAKE NOTICE tbal I, Jar .t r held, of I to 50c or even $1.00 per We have pointed out to of foodstuffs yet to be lifted PrtAee ftjrl, B. C, I'roapeeue. intend tc I head of the population at present them cne thing which could be H U 11 apply for beeero to proopett fi.-r euai in the city, the benefits accruing and must be done. We have ard petrelettiD er Ibo rodowlof defrux. Under the old style of reckon jMda on tbo Wett Colli er Moretby HlaiM, to the ciiy by the not yet done much as a city as operation ing, yesterday, the llth of January, (.tniMAetar at a peat pUate4 aboat 4 of the drydock plant would as might have been done, but wa New Year's Day. In many t iihIo aouUioatlerly Inn pool leaved be cheap at the price. It is nq from what has been done, we parts of Europe, the titli is still tho ijiore of a niuH Bay ufotnr uu good sitting tight and bemoaning have found out that corresponding f canoo i'tu bciween Moroby and ciuau regarded the to culebrale. as day lalacxU, about mite noetnetiy ikr ioe the apparent stagnation is little use. It is up In Russia, the Iiolsheviki have de Mortby Itland aid of Caooe rata fnau SkLE' I AM) lUMRi I I'l-i.', I ' . . i it-ii. which has overwhelmed the to us, therefore, now to adopt creed that from that day henee Btk ratal; tbeaco toatti IS ciuiai, UieiKe J 1 1 ll In." I It l-l vM.i . I I. ItM.. I city. We must be up and doing. other method; ett 10 cbatott tbeoco nor in IS tAalnt. 71.1. .VtTH.i. lial K.. ii. " ,-! i l . If.ai '. . i.j. This is the first forth, phonetic spelling is to replace tbMico eatl 10 cbauu to tbo powt of com i riixi l....-.fi. . ri. k. ! "I. i.. ap . ,i. . lvi" f I. l I-','ilinl, step the present system. From aK-nrenent. pi rr a Uc.ii. t. p.- ;-i f t "4i aawl 1" Hf "' " whereby something may be NOTES AND COMMENTS our standards it Is time, too. Yet JAMES r. REID, AppMrant priroicua over law follow tnc oVtcribe! ttuj .l aavi ptlr tmum o,.' done towards getting a start. from the standards of other Euro Locatod Morember ttb, HIT. land on the Wcet coatl of Uatwf UeaM rita i taaMl oat IM V- ' It is noticeable that when No one can say truthfully that iJumamtiMt at pl piaaied aMMt I worvabr HlaoS i.ioaFO- pean countries there Is great AVFE.Vt LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT 01' rata oatieety frees a aH tar)teal m the p!ni-d tto-Ml yonSa ,a ancouver or Victoria wac there are any party lines being room for improvement in the 0CEE.X CHARLOTTE ISU.NUS bore of tbe eaat atda of Caieue raea at a i- i t.tr4 -, iim aw re o anything they are lot chary at dravra in Prince Rupert at this King's Knglish. petal abotit iiiat orioeety aaaM ut or I'aei. kl at f sending representatives to Ot- n'inicipal I?ction. Let the best abato rrum BtKk liOK Uaence) eon 111 ft auiara anrtawri) aiuatf taw i tawa, and in many instances Jnian wiu. IJut, before you vote, TAKE .NOTICE tbat I, ioaepb Seiton. t,t ctulM; tbeeK ! eaaia; tbenee r.artli l-irfal, tbrltca awrtli cbein-la Victoria and Vancouver are al frlnco Rupert. B. C, rroopector. Inlefid ta caUaw; Uieore eetl M K, pM rhil. Itrer, WNt a lu they gel what they want The consider carefully who Is tiic iest each to apply for a licenae to pripect for cool f eminmw mtm. 'ai ae raaiaat to porno ( ready hollering that of these recent removal of the ban upon 'man. It's worth it. tnd petroleum erer tbo foilowinr dettrtbrd OEHIfWaV k-.oTT. ! IUIABKTM il mi I Vlaces is the only one for the pro landt on tbo Weal Coal! of Mortety laUnd. I ' the export of molybdenum is a ' v ia. Uy IUm K. Ctenliantea, araavt. By. cattrt I n - case in poin. They look prompt Our mayoralty candidate. Alder-action, posed iron and steel works which Cutuinencloi al pool planted about f Of Lee led Noeetane Ittii, hit. j Located ! mi water istk, in the government to a mile toutbeaiterly from a poat located altftugh the greatest man McClymoui nailed a He to lablish this coast.proposes es all Ibo i bo re of a amall Bay -pnlnr out SktENA LAND WSTWCT MS1R4CT Of 'aVB.VA LAND DMTMi T I' deposits of molybdenum are the counter on Saturday night, on They're of Canoo fat between Moraeby and Cbaatl 1VCMH CUARLAIIIa, ISLANIMI I QtSJJUi VMAHUll la i- lying only eighty miles from when he declared that there wa wrong; The one and only place uiacAa, about 1 milea riortberly alooc tbo TAKE NOTICE Mil AjMt&Jef L. Satiwe TASK NOTICE ak! Ail. i Prince Rupert-and the truth the that he haU is Prince Rupert. And we speak Morttby laland tido of Canoo rata from Uwt. at Prtewe Ktiperl. B. C, iaataer. Hi rrtaww Itooort, B. C. mari-) majority io in story .' Buck rolnl; I brace to u 111 10 cbtlnti tnenca . with ju!t as much authority as tend to apelf tmr Ke preepe el far to foe the southern eatl 10 cbalnt; tbenco norm 10 cbtlnti oalaad petfadeim ef tbe tottewmr de eoel at a pettnteueai aoejr i ; ' newspapers. Wc thence wett 19 cbalnt la Uie point of etn-fuenccmenL . .i v eeetbed Una or. the Weal tout of Moreaby ettixd Moxbi eo U Weel know i. i ii lataad: Cemmenetof el a poat tta(rd JOSEPH SEXTO.t, Appllcaot. about I ratio eatterly frua a poat tocaied .o)t te yard eaeaerD S, S. PRINCE RUPERT 'Ihe Daily News delivered by Located Notember tin. HIT. on the i base of tbe eatl td of Caaoe fat 'tooU4 oa tbo there eei taw al a point about I luiiee ooeifteely akKU iConuo Paee. atad al a puiei - sailing airier. 50 cents per month. Skr.E.XA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of tbe abatra rrMo Buck rotMs iQeaee uatxb aurUBerty Ham? Ute a" l-l QltEN CHARLOTTE JSUNDS IS cbaln; tbeoaw tail m ebaiai; iSoaw l uini. Uwatc awriS aio, wednesday iwidnitlht to anyox aoutb IS efaai&e; tbeoee et etvtuM to (V chalae; Urawe aouih " ' thursday midnight to vancouver, petal of entsmettetnieavL .-eat clk.,iu to awiol u r-iawav i.. d TAKE NOTICE tbal I, Cbarle E. Burteet, S. ALEXANDER L. SUTHERLAND, ALU ! hO victoria and Seattle. of I'rtoce Rupert, B. C. miner. Intend to ,., a By Cbarle K. Bwrroaa. arean. B ll.Utrt t. Hul r apply for licenae to proepect for coal and S. 3. PRINCE JOHN petroleum over the followinr deecribed Located Novriaber ltb. III?. Locakcal.....SiieaoaaVr ISIS), w" Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan. WrangelS, Juneau, landt on tbo Weal Coatl of Moretby 1 1 land. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of MINERAL. ACT Commenclnr at a pott planted about 4 of CHARLOTTE Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. QUEEN ItiJtNM a mile aoutbeatterly from a poat located TAKE NOTICE tbal Belly Knott, of Pftoeo TIMOER SALE X103Q. on the a bo re of a email Bay openinr out B. CIRTIflCATI Or latfUOVEMItTS TRAIN 8ERVICE ( ftapeft, C, Bern, Kiteaoe to arfSy for of Canoe rata between and Cbaatl Moreaby Iteeette a to peoepeet for coal and pe4rteai Paatenyer Monday, Wadnetday end Saturday t 1 1:30 a.m. for Smltber. Itlandt, about s mile northerly aldnr lb Ibo over fotlowKir deecetbed land ) lb NOTICE Prince atari, Edmonton tnd Winnipeg, cttfinr direct connection for til Se,iMt tenders aiil be received by tbo Moretby Itland aide of Caooe rail from r" Wett Ceatt or points cut and couth. Minuter of Landt not later than noon on Buck Point; tbenc north 10 cbalnt; tbenee Moreeby lataad: Comniaiu 'Tat rwHM" snd l'H) ' lbs Itin day of January, ttlt. for I tie eatl to chain; tbenc aoutb 10 cbaln; tar ai a poat peanted about I out eaMettr cleans, Hla ta tbs fortund ar. " purcbate ot Licence X toil, to cut 104,000 from a poll located on I tie thor tba Detiatoti or Oman r tmtnci Ibence wett 10 cbaln to point of com-iitencemenL Asency All Ocean Steamship Lines. reel of Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock and Balaam eatl aid of Cao feat at a potnl aboat Vkm aosatoOs On tbe For Information and mi an area altuated on Baker's Inlet, CHARLES E. mite nortbeety tloar tbe tbore ffotn Bsk catoade Oeeek, it aaue rrvto n- i.l i-'( reservations apply to BL'ROESS, Applicant. Hanie 4, Cvatl DletrteL fowl; ibeoco nortb cbatai t brae wet Puctaaod Caatal. city Ticket omce, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE One (I) year will be allowed for removal LbcatedaNoveniber Stb, 1117. cliaiM; tbeno aotitb IS efeaM; tbeoaw TAKE NOTICE t)l I. J. Tu i, hi of timber. eatl 10 cbaln to point of rmmiiemeiiiatn. Ifrro Mluor't cottiaeat So. .i Furtber particulars of tbo Cblef roretter, SKEE.1A LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of BETTY KNOTT, U aa inM for aMinald Kior I it Victoria, B. C, or Dlttrlct former, rrlnce QL'EE.l CHARLOTTE ISLANDS By lltaa K. Cbrlsteotea, rtt. Minor a cortitleaio Uo. thtt . .h ut) Rupert, B. C. 1 14 Locate November 101b, 117. tuty day I row u date iMror. 1 iT' TAKE NOTICE Ibat I, Han K. Cbrliten-aen, to tbe Mioaur ItecaSHle, for c k .Ir "' TIMBER SALE X 925. of rrlnce Rupert, U. C, protpecior. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of MiitetNetil, fof lb pairpore ' : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY intend to apply for a Ucena to propect QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS a Crow) Oraail of lb above clam I tmwxAmm aa,lll tv Maalaa Ssax Sham for coal and petroleum over the followinr TAKE NOTICE that Tbomt retemn of A.aat vrUr tak tioUo Umi 1 mvavta ttWDif w tta w j tvti I cu av hw Minltier of Landt not later loan noon on detcribed landt on lb Weil Coatt of rrlno Ruperi. B. a, nibernuo, intend to our Jatt I, met bo oohhw-h" 1 ' Lcv.-ii Ratts ali Castern Points apply for a lwne to proapeat ror oal and in . or io Ihe 1 1 lb day of Januaiy, 1911, for the purcbate Moreaby itland. Coaunenctny at a poll tbe loeuano f eu Coetiocau via Steamer to Vancouver aud tho or Licence XI5, to cut S.SI0.000 planted about 4 or s mile aoutbeatterly petroleum over Ibo roilovlnf deeertbed I.MM. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY feel of Hemlock, Cedar, Baliain and Spruce from a poat located on the) abort of a landt on the Wool Coatt of Moreaby lalaodi Dated mt llth day of Derenib" 1 amall Bay openinr out of Canoe pat be-Ineea Conimenctnc at a poet planted about 14 MSIf. altuated rrater on an area on Long Lake, Moala and Berth Included on lc-mer yard eaaiecly froiu a poll located tbe l h-rh, name 4, Coatl DittrlcL Moretby and Cbaatl It landt, about I in i rrlncoao Sophia for Alaika Docomber 31 tt. Two tii yeara will be allowed for removal lullet northerly a lour tbo Moretby liltod tliore on too etttecly thl of Canoe rate, MINEHAL AOT rintoao Sophia foe Vtncoutor January1 6th. of limber. tide of Canoe Fat from Bucii rolnl; tbenc and at a point about 7 mtlee northerly rrlneota Royal for Oranby Bay Tut tii't particular or tbo Cblef Forciler, north 10 cbalnt; tbenca wetl 10 cbalnt; aloor the tboro from buck Pototi tbeaco CCRTIMCAIK Of imrRCVEMINTS. omb is January 6th, ISth, 26th rtbruary Bth, 16th, 20th. Victoria, U. c, nr Dlttrlct t'oretier, I'rince lueuc eoulb lb cbaln; Itteuce eatl SO cbalfM; tloae woat i etului; rrlncio Royal for Vancouf or la Ocean Falla a. m. Ooctmber 17th, lluperl,B1C. J 14 rltaina to point of cmiunencriiKnt. Iheoea nortb SO etwlM; Itatae out SO 7mj January 7th. 17th, 2Sth Flbruary 7th, ISth an4 21th. HANS K. CllltlSTENSEN, Applicant. chain to point of omiueruiei. NOTICE. 8KEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Located November lib. 1017. THOMAS I'ETEhSON. "SimiaMn," "Ruiiert." l leuu Ill Ut Hint K. Cbrlaieiiien. arrnt. ton." "Ouead raN No. 4" and ill J, I. PETERS, General Asm.: coast; RANOE I, Loctted November 1 0th (9IT. rati No. i" winoril Ciaitna. nui tlie SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince itupert. U.C. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS milind Canal MkWfir IHvttion nf ''" Take notice tbal the Wet tern Salmon SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Dt4rtf t. recking Co., Ltd., of Vancouver, B. C, occupation VI am CHARLOTTE 1 1 LAN HI Vbar loealedi On th l "' "'. Salmon Cannert, Intend to apply TAKE NOTICE tbal Daniel L, Sutherland, TAKE NOTICE tbal leler Jeuaeo, of catotd Creek, II utile from lb "' fur peniiliiloa to lene tba followinr do-tcrlbed of Prince Rupert, B, C., clerk, Intrude to I'rlnce liuperl. U. C. mherman. imp m foetland cautL land: apply for s licenae to rfPri for coal and apply for a licenae to prpert for coal and TAKE NOTICE Ihtl I. I. Fred 'i'"" Don't merely smother your cough Commcnrlnr tl s pott planted at blib petroleum over the followinr detcribed peiroiewii over the loUwin iteaeribed ill'aaa Ulu -liaWla Na III ' 1,1 vatcr mark, Steamer ratiite, (on a amall land on tb4 Weil Coatl or Morttby It land on tho Waal Com of Moreaby la tar aa areni for Oakioy Uufori Bum i " j ' Mtrnl oil Ibo aald petiate about one mile land. Commenclnr al poht planted about lamli CuaiMeic al a pol planted lb.Mil Miiwr certlfleale No. SIIS C. i"" '1 aflf Til ll TfTI Uatblen's 8ynip ot Tar and Cod liver Oil not om2t norm of yuiiwuitit Bay) ten (10) chain I mile eatterly from a poil located on Ihe 100 ytrde vatlerty frmn a n lore ted on .uiv ii fneii I ha dale hereof. " 1 I IIKr I I reoP1' arreota couichiaf, but thanka to futoukaad due wett of aald bltbl; tbeoco twenty (10) bore or ihe eatt tide of Canoe rat al a I lie ahurv on tax .-a.lily iiilr of i:ii,w i the Miniur Reeirde ror Cer'.ii'J VJAaVJ AR atreuglbenlcj propertUa It belpe the tyaUm to throw oat chaiiii due north, tbenca twenty f0) point about ml Ir a northerly slr tbo rat, uJ a point about 7 mil.'- iK.ril.nrly Impr..n un in,, fur tao of ' ' pttrpo tha cold and thna electa a ueitaanent cure. U it thtt quality -rnkkh baa weaa lea- maim due eaal, Ihenco twenty (10) aber from Buck I'olnll tbenc touts 10 kjff the alv.i.' fn,ni Ouik I' .lni, thmce a ' n urani i.f the above claim It tlae laVfcst oaJo of any cooh and cold remedy Is Canada. rlieina aoutb, tlience bacV to point of com-foenceiuenl, chaiiii; tbenco wett IJ crulni; tbenc aoutb S i-naiim. them rim inainx. MhI f.iril,. r take HOMaa Ihtl ill"ii. and contalnlnr forty (40) north 10 cbtlnti llienc etil 10 chain to Ummhv iii.nti . imini, (i ii..- i at u uYi c umi i, uui b oommeiui"! ' acre iiuire or let. point of toiiiriiencemenl, tbaina to w iiumm ( wwiianiiiimnl. lut uauncc oi tuui Ceeilftealo of Iwi" JL L. aeaTMIEU CO, rat, T. THE WESTERN SALMON FACkl.tO COM-I' DANIEL L. UTHERLAND, HETEH JENSEN, HlPH. AM Y. UNITED) C C. KoberUou Alt, By Cbarle E, Burrett, areol. Uy Hani k. ChrlilMiten, renl. Iitted Ihl 1Mb dty of Aurott 0 DATED December lltt, HIT. Loctted November I0lb( HIT. Lociled November lOtn, T. HIT.