j8y January 10. tlHB. TOE DAItT NEWS BCD CROSS NOTES LAND LEASE NOTICES CLEANSE THE Thr Kocloty arknowlttUos with UtCAA LAM) M9TM0T WSTWCT OF LARGE INTESTINE thank, socks rveefvrxl fWtt the coast, HAnsrnvc. Purl Himpmrn Knitting Gtab, 40 HER TAIE SoMn uut Wlt C Wtke. Of THAT HELPED pairs; Alice Arm broMh, C nart VMToWW, B. c.. WfHqCl MlMW. Present War Cry of Advanced and friMii Mm. A. K. Campbell. m4 is tt for MMHton u kw Physicians. Harrier, II. a, 8 pairs. oh faMewter derttl U&dl. - . 11.... Inln DrnvnA 1(9 ConiBMBtttf tt a pott pUMMl tl Intcr-mum Mrs. O. A. McVfehol or mm Wttcr Mart Tanr Tai- of lbs teadtnr aurreooi of tb and Mrs. tM a tti tod W'Ht UM t'ttilnt orM k ran te fir recenUy tt ta re- Exlraordmary powers K. II. Mortimer will have ehnrge tbraasa cnert Madununl tl BtrlKti more part of the Lar'r lauttMM In caaet of the lied Grots tale of home. FoM, VU fna, D. Ci UMftt ! to airmail ti tbat af Tubertwtoafa and re-atared :wf Qc., March 2nd, ltfi. conking In the hut on Friday. SS Onmtf Uwmt Mtb 10 cluini, inre Um patient lo perfett ntaltb by to ired the moii wondt fut or mm. lo Huh Wttfr Mark Tenrm Fi-Mtt daatr. ikcex MrRMrty in HHfy fI-towMt TM new York America baa roeeaUy . .3 uklnf 'Frult-a-tlrnH. I.ndles ore reminded of the urgent i Lttu at Stid tilth Wiur Mark taM! ,t years from KktumatitMt need for help both for sewing On pot of Btmnwawtnem, a4 too-utmf -Dunar Conttjpatian tM poitont In ; of Ile, and I took etery and to learn the knitting machine. tit term, mat or Utt. Bu 1 trr lauatHu ofuo become ao treat a to rorm a aartoM menace to netltb and pliable without rceulU. I The WALT Ml C WALKCn. sewing .department (ftu fHh day of October, till. era to Hfe. THroetb tbo wall) of lb and It u tha vtives" meets every Tuesday afternoon in fnuaUM tbejr eaur Um Moed and con it rra7f noL the llaptlst Church basement. tKU.'A LAMD DISTRICT DISTftfCT OF hm lb beoJdiy Mead ealu, Unpoterlab .rely well tbe Jtheti- CASSIAH. inc Uw Mood, tnd If lata proeeaa it con There ! I plenty of work eul mil .appeared, and the ter-, iiaoed tons rmofb an ante potaonlny U ami the mom is provided with sit body aroall cone. I TAkC nolle Hut VMr E. W'tlkar. at peadticeC" -, irbo tuffer from aueu sewing inaehlnea. It is hoped that t'Mruurer, B. C, ecwpiUaa NtMrtr, It 1 lwipotaH.lt Mder ar preaeot day as many as an will help. muimU u toaty tor prMiasM to mmu of artnr for tM imeaMM to rtd 11 swum, will try "Fruit, UM followlBt otrtU4 Um: aetr r on wmu, and it M eully pretcn v; ami ISAIK IlOCHO.V. ! The amount realized at last (Xthwi Inf at t pott pUnt4 tl Um inai tner w,an icnmUNM, no roatur trUI iarta Wajt Oanur r ui m, Ctwiar few rvfotar wa are. at; i i 6 fur 2 50, alae, 25. Friday's sale of home-eooklng tent postpaid by Fruit was OHlHct; tiMaea Mrttwrly and wUf!y Drtaaa, ir ukea reraiarty, farm a habit, t or 7.60. The contributors or the MlmrtSi ia Hm of Hitb Water Mark bail tatenaal Batater by means of tbe d. Ottawa. articles fer the drawings and the Ceriums Canal to a potttt wlura an ti -J. a. L, CaaeoaV' ateanae Um Lower winners were as follows: Mr. O. tot Waal Una dramo tkfwtb polat It lataatia tu eojure leer to with pur warm cb dm .Tsrta of Um Potot of eon-atHMMiuM water and nuket It Clean, tweet tnd I II. Orme presented a bos of soap. inltttKU lib atd Um of beaitby. which was won by Mrs. Tingley; llirb Waur Mark; ibeeca weal it cnatnf; ai tM tame ttroa It rtraUU lb tyt-teaa Make This Work Easier for Yourself Mr. J. C. flavigan, fruit, won by Umm aoaUMHy tad raaurly. paraBH to ana nukae om reel tbat every runc-ton Um aM Mm of Itirb Waur Mark PorUina and MteraHy Miss It. Sullivan; Miss Holhwell. u workinr anwothly Caaal to t pMi M efcaiu Dm Wtat of lea, won by Mrs. Hal Parker; Mrs. Mm ratal of OamiiMiwcoienli Umm Mat aMMs MM)eMd!v 14 oV), will find that Sunlight Soap is the TMa tetter mm eoaeey t meaaart at YOU TIMBER SALE X1104. I.Me.Vulty, saucepan, won by Mm. M tfeaMM to laid patat or eetnaMatttiseai, Sou cker to nuny: and handiest helper for washing 'Allison; awl eaajUMtar tit aceta mora or Icaa. V. Mekerson Go- fl. On U Do. WALTER E. WALkEft. x WetUnd, dishes ever used. ni be rectited by tbe coffee, won by Mrs. Kyte; Manual oato- tsta day af otiobr. til J. Br. cBm. A. TyrrdM, you uda not uur than nooo oa training elasa, footstool, won by ts cotieta Street, Toronto, OdL ; ''Tmi'"Vu!m5w M,M Ho"e Adams; High School tkEK LAD IHSTWCT-CASS1AR. L4STPI6T OF Dear Sir. We MartMy end Hfe tbe J. Try Sunlight, and the hardest part of f. L. CaaeaSe. aa we Bod in or wrark dish-washing will disappear. The work girl, collar pieces, won by Mr. ..edar. iiemiock and Balaam Umi a toMfe eatoa nuaM a potaeoed tyt J 1- uaud OO LOt Uk. fraacr L. J Christie; Fritz Schullz, to-baeeo, TAkE notlra that Ttw Aorlo-Bntlib Ge-loMMa Man. wsaca. la Iocs, meant lltameatotu will b quicker done, too. - i, ' Diauiei won by Mr. Olcn Morrisiey. rarkmr Compaoy Uratted, or Van-aowftr, eoMrectMn at Um penal matte, arahut ari will be allowed fer r- B. occupation Sahsoo Ciwttn. rtuca oar week u atreated. Of course, Sunlight is the best all-round xtr A from Kt. Dunstan's iUa M aftrtr for prrmtoo to Icaac Aaqrtatnt feetykts m M tanoar refait-Um . a. uurt of lb Chief rereaur, repart it foBowiat derKM4 Uada: w eoMktar a boas, beta to twraelret soap you can huy good for dainty fabrics, Hostel for soldiers and sailora r DiatrWl roreiur, rrtace coasMOjcifir at a pot 4iud at intb aM onr peueau. blinded In the war has been received. Waur Mark rr tUd caaal. tt cnaUu Dm Moat tnertfy. and those woollen blankets you want to SALE X 1170. An appeal for help is also Xorta tad It cMtaa, or moiw. Daa Weal Drt. Itailey and Oartiad. keep fresh and fleecy. RemcnuW, it is TIMBER of Um ftortb Wrat conwr of UI ttt. made in nneion. with the fine ur ata baitrad UMataand are hi en-tawataitte kind the hands. CauUr Wlrtt; ibroc DorUurly and to . '.un.k ..I.I.I. I- l.-lni .r... -1 (21 waera f Um "J. D. L. Caacade," ictt til be melted vj lb " " .-.. KoaM-rtjr roHowios ttu Um of llltli Waur wwra ra now betas abown and eiplained uur natulan's. Mark. Portland Canal, to a pots! wbrra an iodi not uuo um n at cjtii it. 0x0)01 Drur Stare, cor. Ird iiauuj, t tit, for lb par- Lait tad whi Um drum ihrourti a ptw liww an4 Sta SL, rrtaea nperL a inti. to cut i,tiT,ta as ctuiM Dm ftortn of Um poMi of com-OMtiriiiiHil AT THE WESTHOLME Aak while tbMk of It or m Mwr, yeat X Spruce, lltrakxk and BUun wurtoda ltb laid Um of i '.- tuated in Qua I toon ioitt, Htta Waur Mark; I beet Weal St cfuioa; K uua. A. Tyrrell. M.D. Its CoHete afteei Sunlight Soap est vmiuu When Nell Baxter played Ilosa-litid ttwao MMibrriy a at aMrly paratud wttb Terwnao, for free tn4 naureaHfic DsokUt, "Way Man of Taktay la Only It rr Cent "r iu be allowed far re- in an amateur performance Um aaM Um of 111 ill Waur Mark. Itrt-uad UMtenL to a ixxnt 10 ctulftt Do Wnl :nber Caaal, of As You Like It" her friends ,artir uUre of Km Chief rortiur, at Um polfil of aommrnorounl; Ibrata C Dtetrtcl romicr, Pnac (old her the waa full of talent, tal M rtutaa to uM potot of eomiMoea- Salvation Army. AH grocers i'fhe proftftsioTial instructor who oral a ad euautaiaf Itt arrta mora or ell and lro of ttM Bad tad Fomboro of rarUand had come from New York to stage TIMBER SALE X 926. Canal. Public meetings, Tuesdays, recommend It the performance told her the aame THE ALO BHJTttt COUIMBIA PACMXal Tliursdaye and Saturdays at 8 p. lllilnr. Iikll l .....V nliilf'i n IT i ompaxv uurrtn. wiur c wtiktr. Att wo " 1 '" at 7:30 Sundays m. it't mm b riT4 by tlx n. p. Oaio ttia ay of Ortober. ttlT. mibmitting to tbe tun m uur ifcu imoi m pmtlonf. i ribnttn. l'n. fr um, united rlt of all ooneeraed. tklKSA t-A.1D DISTRICT-CASSIAH. OlSThlCr OF . '.'UI,:r",!,J IK f hum opinion i. ialr4 uQ Leaf Uk. rrur "7r. inn ""mini r aii BMirHt. to ran away from how to make TAkC aotuo taai Tm Jtatto-BMttab Oa ' b ,"1 ,br name uwn U stage to glva kMtbii PMkiaa Compaay Uawud. of Van flowor. B. ore anon SakMat CaaMra. r the wwld the bee(lt of her great the v ,k- waoada to ayajSr For ponMoaoM to kaa Keep c ouiini rwMur. fro. 'arlUlry. Moely-nla girls In real Um foMowaof SaatrMitd laad: up "T AAI assured that Cannrnaictas at a paal plaaaad ai Hitb rti life have done the same IhiHg I'lillllps will enact in the Waur Matk. rarUand CaaaL ts etutna Da A my people will respond ,lorothy Xorta tad It cmim or rmm Dm Wrat or TIMBER 8ALE X 894. ! lilueblnl photoplay at the West- Um .Nona Waal Ourarr of Lot Stt. Caaalar Food Supply to every call holme thin evening. The hundredth Watrvt; tbiM norta as tMiaa: tbrac iu b rwltea by Um necessary to the success girl sueds. but littls oat SS ftuMu. mmt or uaa, to Itlrb but Uur thaa Buoa cm Watr Mark rarUand Caaal; Uunco aonlb-rty with I t-kntrr. Hi, tw ut ell wti not the liumiretlin one. and Mturly foHealnr Um Um of of our cause v ztti, va ml 1 1, Jt.- There will be an excellent lesson mat Waur Mark rarUand Caaal to tM and Help the same indomitable tea HitDk i t. JHLZ tr glrit who are stage truck in utat at oMunuMfnual and aanutaMS a ardour and devotion rtw, uttKi, rum I, Om.I Dii- (hi photoplay. In addition, there THC ALO-BRJTISII COLUMBIV rACU.XO with will be an ight-rel gazelle and MPAXY UKJTED. Walur C. Walktr. Act that have filled me )r-r m t HemKl for r- a splendid eomedy. Bato IIUj day of 0utr. HIT. Make Victory pride and gratitude j itnif utor a um Cbiff rorur SliEEWA laid district district or since the war began." ' . or tMMiui rsrtiur, Pnnr Advertise in TImi laily Now. COAST. RA0E FIVE. rts. Hts MAjatTT Kwo Gborox TAkC MUr that Walur C Walktr, of Sure M KISTNCT AttTIUCT Or Vaaaaattr, a. C, eacvpauon Manartr. "xt. K4Mt mt Undt ta arply Tar permiaateo to Itaa Hm fttttwtac deaarttud Unda.- Oil I kHo4 U (pp7 14 senuMMUif at a peat planted tl lb r-' B tin ittuuiuoff er Uadf tod tMueaacHan of an Eait and Weal UM W : ) MwvlAC dcMrrUMd Skeatita CMrM Nownl at BarUatt soldiers must be fed; the people at r pUnud it um TIMBER SALE X 1082. ratal,Mark Wau Tontaa lataad.I'aiaat;8. C.tbenro ttb mtb aoiilberly Waur OUR must be fed. And in spite of r. Uxnt (b tur txurk. ad caaurly fotloalnr aaid llifb Water ' in ilua ub ctulai du k4 imam nl b rtctltd by Mm Matk to a potnt brrt a NorUt aal Soutb murderous campaign to - th lo um short utM, Vtta MUHUr er Uixil Ml Uur Uun noaa oa UM drawn Urouta a point SS cnaioa Due Germany's u nutur f ih sbort Um tb I Tib Uty r iMutry. It it for Uu Eatt of Um point of eommeneeaieot inur-cta i 'Xnawottawol. conulnlor mikium or ucfntt X lets to eul l.ltt.- aaid Hitb Wur Mark of Tonraaa cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking m -iv r ittt. a fMi of tvnttr. Cv&tt. Ilemuk and ratuta; tbene aoalb IS cbatna; tbenea itsswjAT. nuiurtr, liilum cn 4n irta tllutud oa nwlb BorUtweaurly In a atraitbt Um ta a potnt every ship on the High Seas an ample and Wtk uun4 CtuMry cq. Suua UUnd, Rot I. CmiI tU-MM it cbaina Dut Weat tt lb potnt of eotn- 4U ltT rit I. Mveuat; tbenea It tbaiai Due Eait el unfailing flow of food to England and um rrr iu i Uow4 ror r-oftl IM pata of eunnwoermeol and eonulnlnc of timtr. 11 arret, mar or iru. France must be maintained. I rurUwr rarueuUrt of Um CfiUf rorur, WALTER t WALKER. Victoria, & C, or outncl four, rrinw Dau ttlb day of Oeuber, till. Anyone Can Have Itupert, a. C. SkEt-XA LAMl DISTRICT DISTRICT or This is National Service TIMBER SALE X103G. CASSIAR. Whipped Cream Not to the Farmer only ud undcrt Ui ba racrtvad by Um TAkE Mtua tbat Waller E. Watter. of Mtoiaur of Landa Ml laur Uun noon on VaaeM.ec. B. a, oeaupaUaa Manater. But to YOU to everybody tha ttlb dar of January. It It, far tM tatuod to apply tar pernxaakm to leaa PACIFIC MILK is so parcbaat of Ucrnct X I0t, to tut I9t.as Um follow las deeeeibed Unda: This appeal is directed nrli in cream that it teal of Cedar. Spruce, iiftnwfa ana ai-attu altMuenelnr at t peat plan led at tM m on an arrt altuaud on Bakrt Inlat. Kertb Weat Gamer of Lot Stt. Caaalar whips as easily as Om.I DlilrlcL Dtatrldi tbe nee nortb. IS cbaina; tbence ftanta I. ii unite Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. Utilize y must aa a lo tilth Om (I) year U1 ba aanj far ra- weal It rnalna, mora or leaa, PLANT WE most of tha fresh feaval of UaiUr. Waur Mark rortlaod Canalj thence aauth- toSAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the l-urttur pariiculart of lb cbwf rti rrir and eaiurly fallow in 1 llifb Water all food Make them cream old around women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. yield Vktorla. n. c. r DUtrUI rartaur. rtinta Mark Portland Canal ta potnt or eomroenc the Province. llwwiL B. C nuaii and ata(ninr lafl arret more er aged and the old all can help In the tea a. Nation's of Production. M. i ary of New Westminster MINERAL ACT WALTER t WALKER. Army of towns can find no better WOMEN Data lltb day af ottobor. ItlT. tu to say that she whips pound of FOOD raised, helps Important outlet for their ' v 'Hi. MILK regularly for a CIRTtriCATC of tueaowiuiNTS NOTICE. EVERY U10 cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable fur the youngsters for akfatt. NOTICE Set Qi I." -Brawn Bear." "UUi Tomj the Food Supply for Overaeaa. garden. "Motibdraum" and "Succeta" MiMfal rraatUn." "SunMiM rrttuon," -bc Vi h. dues is to sat ntUlo (he nialma. illuato In lb Skeent Mlnlot DM-tin t-rtctlon.'. "Wteel Aneoar rrtttten," -y-MtM," Be in act -obaer patriotic as and ' "'t h of Caaalar DlilrlcL -camp Bled rratUon- wants, in a coal place, Mineral Clauna. aimate la lb for information on any subject relating ' Where loaatcd - About 4 mllet Wtiterty vaiory" 1 lime and thi bawls It with from tbe bead of Alice Arm. and about akeent MMoff DlvuMn of Caaal Dlatrlct. to the Farm end Garden, write: well as in thought. ir Bgg.ueaier. ne puts this tulle frtaa tbe Beach. Wlwr loeaud:-ar Bear Lak. Surf . li t..iul i.. la a al a a laland. INFORMATION BUREAU aim Kives ii 10 mo cuiiu. TAkE NOTICE tbat UU W. PlUnore, IwUt. rnoce Ratal n fp breakfust. tree Mlncf! cetllDcaU No. UIIIC ta TAkE JIOTItE that I. Tred M. WtHl, Department of Agriculture Latent of tbe Molybdenum Mininy tnd Re free NMtrt CerOSeaU No. UIIIC. lb Use every means available llnd it ia cakes und I of Millard f. Warren, good on action Company. Limited, (flea reraonai auly tuUMHaed a fee OTTAWA Liability) rree Miner! Ctrtlncate no rree MHura CerttoetU Na. UIIIC. Overlook nothing. (rum tne dale uund. mi) da from the data hereof, PACIFIO ttltt-c. munde titty dayt MILK LTD. for t 90., um Mia Rtaorder beravf, 10 apety la tbe Mlnlnf Reaarder to 4hi m Fsaory at Ladner, U. 0, for a (eettaul of Impraiementi, far tbe lertiarau of impeoaernenia, far tbe pur-r each Duroua f UiUtnlDt a Crown Grant at uWaiajns a Crown flraal of Dominion Department of Agriculture v " tiovo a good recipe uend it earto of lb tbeve tlauaa. if ttw abuve claim. It-iton. that NOTICE V may f,.t a nu-e surprise AMU rtllTIIER TAkE NOTICE that alUon A.tD HRTIIER tectlon TAKE II. uil be Run-(Mtwl OTTAWA, CANADA. " under tr(IHX) tl luuil be cwiuinenctd before under ""11. Address Ilox 88?. Van- Im before Ibe laaue of tuch CertlBctte luch of tbe laaue of Ctrtlflctt pruifnieult, of imprevrojenia. HON. MARTIN BURRBLL, Mtatoter. DATKII Ibl ttlb day of November A. D DATED Ihlt Ilia day Of Oclnbr, A. D. HIT ItlT