Jon i.ry li IOI8 TUE DAILY HEWS HOW THE SOLDIER'S LAND LEASE NOTICES ;lf FROM CLEANSE THE VOTE IS ALLOCATED Ikl.K.I iri uuniii.i umrltlCT r LARGE INTESTINE CIMil. BXlE llK STOHAullTRCUBLE iin.u-i whM"h apparently TAKI. ri'.n.. i.,,i Wilier I Wttker, al ''"Minn m certain quarter VsaeoH. ;, H , iMN-upsiion Mtatfar, Present War Cry of Advanced i., ail r ,r lo tat pcnsasslua Physicians. with regard t i In. aoidietV vnt ihr fMloainf dpscrtbad laadi: - Wrelched llilll Marled nod htm they Mill I dealt wilh .oaMurnrinc si t past Hsted tl Ifltrf Peff i cleared away bjr th t lament sectiiai of intk wsier Mirk Tantsti pn af Um hwdtar taffteat of tb Tak2 "Frirt-Mives" of Mr. V. F. o Otnnor, tlie ttt tad ta Kaat tM Wail Lift ptlsfBf wofM kite ten a ftr reeeatty is te remove genera To e."tfti .n.-rie HoMdaaat it utrthti part af Um Leffe latettlae la ease returning orticer, in a statement 'oitit. wur. uiand. B. c.i nnre em o stneat ti tbtt of Taiierealosii tad e ,,ri.M Be., JImiiwC iaued Rt HU In t Mi. to instil, inr toaih It tnstfrs, mar sored Um patient la perfeti batb by to, I dm a rofcjfll O'Connor ; r i.. ; Hirn wticr Mirk TeDfui ri; deiar. , ' KtumnHim ami Mn$utA aye; Uienrp noribsrir sad wtMarfy fol- Tn dew Terk 'Americsii En recently owmr tk l ine of at 14 llirb WiMr Mirk aid: ; to Mm pMat of entaawatuBtat tad at Kurtnr Caeatlpttioti Um pottons lo fr. wretched rfvk ,.1, fait i-i the uvrtitnatil it em. isinuit tia taras. mors ar ksas. in larr latrtuae often beetroa to rreti i tuft-red from Ilhait-iliy, WALTtll t. WALkEtl. u form s tartout meMC la bstlib and i..sfri! under the War Times tilth pains In ray im.' 5ih dsy ut Ortotjar, 111. en ui Ufa. Throe ti tna at Hi of lb . aedim han.l iwollm. l lhii ,rt to allocate certain Iniesua tbay eater trar blood and coo-imir .-. "I ruit tires" and ilh.i i particular cm ktlNA l.i KISTIUCT IH8TMCT Or um netliby blood cells, aepoverltb-inr CASBIAH. the blood, tad If I tin process it on . tli' aid I n ii.-im e, MH u j i,h y neem rX- i, v ma rood. tmued lost eaourb so tatt poHonlni' U U I 'ln-'li. hi. iU)f i . iiiu.-ly incorrect I If vat getting pruduerd." .-T, TAkr. miii umi wstter t. Wstkar, af m truthfully Mr that I lie Kicriinit'iii ii a matter of vaacnutrr. B. : , eccaaauoa Miatrtr. H is uapotslbM ander our prsseni day V I tli.' only medWne Im t, i tri4-t-i) in lh- mime po iateiHl to apply fur penalsstao to kHie BMMkr uf llrlBf for Um Inicsllac lo rid U , touw i.AnniK. -iln.n with repitrd to tin- votea of U fulloaitx aeicrttad laad: saif ut t!l waste, tad It is attUy proven ' ciaasjn im ing ii t post pitaiad tl lot that Umiw is ta tceamaisiion, pa matter i. f r f.C0,lrtal alte,a6c. soldier. The net permits a aol .m W.-.I i.oraar of Let tfl, ctitlsr Row rctaMT aa ire. j or rnt poelpakl by Fruit ilu-r. who m a Jinlinh nuhjeet and Olslnrt. inmee oarlfaarfy tad aailarty bray, if tskea rt tuUrljr, rorta a bablt, ! ' OtUwt. tin. no doiiiM-ili- in t.anada, to roiK ainc um- una of tligk Wslar Mirk but iMtrael Hstbkir by bmsbs or lb NI'iKiialr the constituency in I'oriUnd uansl to i petti fears in tut "I. D. L. Cisttde" ctetosci lb Lower Which od tteii Una driaa tareacli petal It laietuas us eattrt IcatUi with per warm In (il- in to be counted. rnsia Pus norta af tlx Petal af eom- tier sad UMkts it dean, tweet tnd Ill lM permiln linn, if hi knows wacveM-ai itHarstett wIUj it Id Lie tf aatHby. joiiW tin- name "I a place and not HUfe itweca Wilar sxuUMity Msrk;sad Uiaae rtMerty.wstt parttkrl t tminl la At Um sasse tne It rereJit Ute syt-eas Make This Work Easier for Yourself lilif name of ill.- coiialitueney aad SMkst aa feel thai every reoe-in Um said liar of Hire Wslar Msrk Perilind is srurktat smeolbly aad aatartDy which it in situated, to indicate aoel to s sial te abami Bat Wttl of tin' mime of (Id- place, and the in I'.iial of Cammtaetmttili tbeaet cut end. indeed. IMS Is ta. will ilml that Sunlight Soap is the I an leiier will ef t eoavey DMtsire YOU TIMBER SALE X1104. toall'.l i- duly atrreijiled to tt-'proper le nd cSjuim r.iMMMeff to said tte paaM teres af more cammsaemKBt.or let. ud caeer u attay: and handiest helper for wash i-oiiiitiluein-y. Hut hi every WALTER L. WALkER Wetltad oatarta. dishes used. Will b received b Um the matter in nettled by the osia tiib dsr of ortoaer. itlT. or. i.bsi a. Tyrrell. ing you ever ; .i.i. not ller Mus mm im ii colieee Strerl, Toronto, oaL i sjmhJhi hiiimeir ut Ilia time he i Jsnutry. llll, Mr lb psir- tk.Lt LAMt DISTRICT onTWcT. or Orar tir. We aatrttly saiJotii Um 1. Try Sunlight, and tlie hardest part of . X 1 1 Id, M eat 1,, Voln. Neither the government CAtaiAR. h. i.. lascattr, as we Bad la oar wsrk! dish-washing will The work ' dr, llMtwstk sad Balsam Vor the opposition has power to disappear. umi a luaded eolea sat t polimtad tyt- j ua uif Lk. rrMr thanm- (he vole of a single ol. TAKE aoUee Ikal Tb Aur M-Brtttih Ct- trtu. atidi, in tara. mass Mnrnenieu will be quicker done. too. iil ItbHrML : t iii m iinM far re- lier or to allocate it to any ooii- hHfcau i's-rkler CMepsay LUnltcd, ef Vsn- euatrecoea of Um rpHul maitbjs, trsaMt -oasrr. B. c, oecaatuoa BtMBea Cauwrt. wttttb oar wosk kt avetcied. Of is tlie best all-round liiWr falltuency otlttr than that which course, Sunlight nti not u, apply ar isnnlsiloe to leite Aayiwat bchsuia as in tsiaiey rakakt- , i, .war of lae Cbtef rvnwMC. the soldier ha rhen at lae time ika fuliuwiar ilisrrtasd Itaas tkm we eoastder t booa. botb lo ear I tlie soap you can buy good for dainty fabrics, . IMUMI r Of vol i ll K. The ote la counted Caaaaiartar tl t post ptaatsd tl llifb and oar peueaM. and those woollen blanket ml allocated t its proper con-titUIM' Wttar Mark Parusad Caati. efeabM Pee you want to Xortfe tad easts, ar Dae Writ Bea. flat ai sad oirltad. atere. fresh and Remember, it is TIMBER SALE X1170. . in the pi eneiice of elee- ef keep fleecy. Um Korta WrM Career af La til. ocr lv kisidn d utsaitad ra bow en- tlon ofWcern. rnreenlinK ImHIi Castltr Dtsirsrl. Umbos aartkarir tad -I. kind to the hands. 6. tb asset ue atere af Um L. Cucade," Itrt lie rmtttd bf Uw KrU'ciiinefll and opposition, duly ares is Wj ranoatar taa Uaa ef iHrb Wtier wbtrb u eow baMtf sbsaa sad ssptaiaed laittu tmt UUt Usa tfin m Mark, ritaad caatf. te i petal Bre ta apfMinte ander tlie provitona of el cnl M. tirwM's Dray Sters, cor. trd f iftftutrv ISIS. tr fh Mr. BeH tad Waei Una dssaa tatwerb t pan wr tvstuie aad tttl at, Prtsce Rapert. T,m fcith'n Aet Kiel. t ml ijMMl efcuas Dae Rordref the passl af eauv -i.r. MenlMk a4 VUa Ask or wrtte bow. wbUe yea Baak ef it, il tBtararett iak saM) Ua ef .nutted la Qil Usa MM, THE PATRIOTIC FUND Hit water Mark; states West i rbHU; u cam. A. TyrtaM, M.D.. la CoBaat street Sunlight Soap VsnratMa. far free aad wtertatktt bee.tot. i ootnet. atrojee nettsMi sad esitstty paraHad atto way Use af Today N oaty I far CsaH. ih U sMenei fr rs af aWta WiMr Mark. Pari- mlxr Prince Hupert ))raii tt t petal tt caitai Dat Writ LasTMim." , i mi uisrs W Um ChiH rni. Stibarr.bera the attove fnbU. at Um BotM ef rssssiiiscirririli tbsnee i r lMtrel rMHW, rwss who have not yt -mpMed their te rtsiai to said potat af Salvation Army. AH grocer tat teres 1 W 1 7 aokaeriptioim are aarttetUy SPSS of the Bad tad rureabore of rerUtDd tell and TIMBER SALE X 926. requetd to fm ward without delay Puhlie tfHMtinga, Tuesdays, recommend It to the treasurer, Mr. II. Seymour TUB MUl BRITItM COLUMBIA PACkl.XB 'i lnirian a od tiaturdays at K p. m til I rmtra bjr Um Wright. !'.. liox 1031. any I i.HI-AUT UMITKU. WsltST t WttkeT. Alt i.. Sunday at 7:30 p. m. . iktia fttt dS) 1t orlobar. If IT. uir umb ansa a v. the balance atill outstanding, aa f I frr , it II. rar taa hooka are no lenig rloaJ before SKaXNA land MBTMICT-CAteiAH WKTRICT OF X ft, iu rai t.aa t mct. aslsaai tM ctrfsr the annual audit. tf. i4 oa I '( Lake. Im Oolrict TAVL notice UM Ya ABfto BnUsti ca lfl tut lkw4 tmt rs taasat Parluar Caaaaaay Laaited. of Yia- B. ... ertaniisu stkaea Citatrs. ..urt af ! Cfeirl so itply far friniwe to tttte Keep the r oistrlet fataniT. erw r.iKraioc a.ii'rsas laad: up AM assured that rtt in anansi al t peat pssaled Utffe I Wttrr Mifk. rerttewj CanaL t eaakst Das will my people respond TIMBER SALE X 854. tad I efettaa ar asort Daa Weti of a TIMBER SALE X 1082. Um Bartfe West Oerasr ef Lot til, Casslar Food Supply to every call Uwais astta tt eaala; Ibenre m M rtt4 by u te rfesias. asare ar t. te llife necessary to the success i aut uvr ttoa bw aa rsaaHsd kv Um Water Mark Pattlsed Gaaal; taeaee soats unA t - irkraary. lilt, far Um MtatsMT or of our cause erty tad eastsrtr faUewtar Um uaa of . X Ml. a cat II.IM,--. Hm itui day Maatry. it it l Rita Water Mark Parttaad caaal to um and Help the same indomitable r 4r. B-aHaia aa4 X I all k cat af timtasaainiiai sad eeauiataf k Hcak iiuM4 aa .laattia aaa aM at aorac. ardour and devotion rltr, ...a.1 Kino 1. CuaH Ms- aa Namis TMC AJraLO-BftJIttH CULIMBIA PALklXU V Caaa. aaaaa 1st ad. Maar Caaal B that have filled me with COMPART LIMITED. Wsltsr t Walker. Aft am iw tllaaed far ra Bata U day af oetobar. hit Make Victory pride and gratitude oa im I t aaaaad for "Mrs H la OUr rtrrlMr aual ut IkRXA LAXD MS1MCT DISTRICT or since the war began." il imm' i Mwtur. rnM rarUvr sucatwa af ttw MH rsraaksr. COAtT. HA0t riVK a Virion, ft. C. aa Otatrlrl for . rnaaa Hu Majxsty Kino Geokox aupefi, B. C ' i liltTiu 1 MsTKItit or TAkC Umi WUier C Wttktr. of Sure '. aa.i live. TIMBER SALE X1036. Vaaewurar, B. C ecrupaUoa Manacer. to pair hy perauestoa ta true dsicrtbed It ad: uul I il'IrBKi I4 tppT t fretted Mtkere wttl ka ttajetvad kjr ika al t peat plsaied It Um iter Laads aBd MtakHar at Uaas aoi hMar ihia aaa a mtarsretsna of aa Rest and West Una lllr r ''vtat desrrtiMtf MMik day or Maaarj. '. taruua Cuorretfi Moaaasrat tl BsrUtll soldiers must be fed; the people at aarokiM r uomms x ii, ta cat rolal. Watts ItUad. B 0 . witb Hlth Wtter " s ...i planted st 11m fast ar cadar, apraca. Ilsatliwk and al Mark Tuatasa rasssta; tbsaes teaUierly OUR must be fed. And in spite of Mft mtttr mark. aa oa ta araa MUHMd aa ftakert total, tasterly Mttater tttd Hlb Watar ' Us u leg raahu dM naaca I. UmN Otstttcl. Mark to a petal abet a Mart tnd aovtb murderous " " Um kaara Uh, itvn on 1 1 : jraar wtU ka attaaad tar re Ua drawn tbreetb t petal tt resint Due Germany campaign to ' -moiir af lbs bar Una astatl af aaskae. tVtn of Um potat ef owwueeeatwol Inter- ' oimocaeai, cueumior rwrtaar DorUaaUra af Iba Chttf rresier sect said III lb Wtter Mark ar Teotu cut off tlie Allies' Food supply, by sinking 1' ' "r mm. viciaru, . c . ur Dtttnci rurasier. rnao- Psatasa; Ik ears suutk e cbaku; thence i DiiiY. maiuttr. RlHrl. 'a. C ' eunbwatteriy at t ttraitbt bo u t point every ship on the High Seas an ample and 'u4 Cannery. I afeaiat Ihi Wetl t tb petal ef cem-r s ti ru MINERAL ACT inrssatrt; tbenee M cbaint Put Eatl at unfailing flow o( food to England and petal ef eetnmsaawueni aad eeeuinioc ccaTif icatk or turnovxaKKTB lit acres, mors WALTER ar las.E. WALtiER. France must be maintained. Bats- tltt day ef Otlsber. It IT. Anyo ne Can Have M.dtbdeaaai" HOTICK tad ttmct" ktaMrU SLLEJOA LA-tD DtSTIUOr DISTRICT or This is National Service Uum, i:imm ta ta tkataa MkMar Dhl CAStiAIi Whipp ed Cream kia u UMUr Oltarlrl. Not to the Farmer only Warre loci-l - At I at Vwr TAkE aaUre ttat Walter E. Walker, of rruM um asal Ana. na mm Vaaeoatar, B. &. sewer Itoti Nanartr. But to YOU to everybody tjltlt Irani Um bffi. utifli ta tpaty far pewntistiin te kite I'ACIFIP. MILK U o tAafc ROTJCK aat LtM W. rUar, ike foMowlar deiKbed laodlt This appeal is directed i u h in cream thul It riM MMwr-; tvrWtaie ne. Illtl-C Citisineariag at a past planted tl Um saaau of Um Meiffcdeaeto Maif sod R Morta West Oeraer af Lai ll. Cstitar whip aa eniily at aacuaa cmiay, Uoied. I.os rtraoiui OUtrtet; tbeoea norUi ft tbaiat; Ibenre Luuniri rraa Winers oerttnrt na ttt to eaafct. cttra tr last, to llifb musfunite as a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden small or large. Utilize (iiost of h0 frali '.etM'C. tatarrU siity yt from im atta Wttsr Msrk Parllind Canal; Utrnre tatitb-sad WE toSAVEandtorRODUCE. Men. back yard. Cultivate the dareaf. Va .pair ta t Ma haearocr innrn old n round fir t CarUBaste af istpwrmaati. far v Mirk roriuad easlariy CMasl fottoatof te petal sr IHrb aewinenr-Wltcr women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food I he 1'iovinre. arr"e " ttuiatr t crn nwai aad raatstataff tCt iitref more tr aged and the old all can help in the ck of toe audte ausat, Aftll H'RTilkii i ASK KOTICC IMI MUOU WALKER. Nation's Army of Production. better . of New WestiniunlM- WALTER K of towns can find no 4er aaatMm l nnul be asmiurncad tt- lle- t: . day uf oetobar. HIT WOMEN to say that alii; whl re tin iMttc of aceo UfUMtte f liu- pound of FOOD raised, helps important outlet for their "I' MILK retilrly fr a I'rovenwat. EVERY in cultivating vegetable the cost of living and adds to energies than a ' i Uic yoiiimtir for lTi:n Hat u est ar Rovrwear a. w. iQf&v'tttttt -'.iM. Iti7 rtt the Food Supply for Overseas, garden. l!" does it to sel aside lilt kE.V I.ANU DmUCT--MiTllICT Or THE WGKtrirMLNTy ut nttoG I, Be patriotic in act as si)., wunlt, in u imm'I plaisa, coAtT, for information on any tubjtel rtlating 1 ' and llii'M IichIs It with Ttk nellre Uttt lb WtsttiU silmon ltMINHl t IMOJNfc to the Farm and Garden, mitt: well as in thought. Mit-iieatat . Mie puis thi-"lid aaUBs ''-I.. IM., af Vtatoatrtr. B. C, vivo U to the child-' i up llsti y-alman Csbbst. latend W KX I OftB 3t I. k ? tl'tS INroRMATIONJlURIAU 1' i'renkfutt, fur triiitku i tt tee rmnanf " Hei Paasr. Department of Agriculture 1 '""I i ih Rood on unka and sertbad Itiwtsi Ci-a - '8 ' Use every means available r.utwxwptni tl t patt pltolad tl Wi" Mars Pse. . - OTTAWA wttar mark, li.wer MMif. (oc tuiU otlS tl bl ' Overlook nothing. fAOino MILK CO., LTD. i itbt an tbe stwl ptsttr tbaul on rotle Meets Pease. iturih ( wuiitiu- Ptri tea (! clutat factory at Ladner, B. C. du wt of said bithi. UMdM laeaty ilti rhaiii aur aori Iheaea laenik (19 For Further Informstlon Dominion Department of Agriculture i :i inn. I ri-i ipi. neiid It (Ml i lull.' daa lifesace tUiy Apply to a li! mil pi'IMi rbaiit wulfe. ihern (Met to petal af eaoi-m. OTTAWA, CANADA. ' ii ddi !-. liii Kl Vim u.rtwHi tud ' Uiia l ry till - ti ivt iitorv ur Irs. w. c. vviLLiscnorr Till; WESTERN SALMON PACkl.NQ -OS? U. 0. HON. MARTIN flURRHLL, MlaUteV. i litca Rupert, l'ANY LIMtTEP: C :. HoberltoO, Aft p.tu pvci'iulwr mi, I I r. MM,M,M,,..,1,,tM,BB,B,BfBfBajBBB BBsaBBBass-, swassaaaaaawtayywaaWaamBm