1HE Daily News k IX NO. 1J. PIUNCK nUI'EtlT, . C, 8ATUHDAY. JANUARY 10, 1918. UNREST PREflBLS THRO V ADSIHA :USSSAN PROPAGANDA SPREADS ON EAST FRONT-RUSSIA REPUDIATES LOANS lUSTRIAN SOLDIERS TO BE MR. ASQUITH FOR RECONSTRUCTION PREPARES HUNS BLOODILY ? nH LLOYD GEORGE SHOT BY-WHOLE COMPANIES iUVfULSbU -UW 1 HEARTENS LABOR (Spetlll to Tn Dtllr Mewi., (By a Ukrainian.) London, Jan. 19. Former Premier AIirrTl Tallin"1 a" a decl outcome of the revo-j kRASTIO ACTION TAKEN BY AUSTRIAN HIGH COMMAND TO Asquith It preparing by llllVrK r I A V r ,ullon ,n Hussia, one or the oldest DELEGATES PREVENT SPREADING. OF RUSSIAN PROPAQ AN DA DISAFFECTION UVWUll 1 lil I XJ democracies In Kurope, that of speech ami pamphlet for the re- QROWINQ AfflONQ GERMANS the Ukranfa, has once more re- construction of the Liberal LABOR TROUBLES IN AUSTRIA party flu,lP0.0ePmiin, Fa l0 Shake lh alni:6 ,t. anclcnl freedom. From No Democracy Will Survive Unless after thn Kir with n nrmrreaiiiva Italian Hold of Strategic the earliest days of which there People are Prepared to Die Sfr.M Ui lb PtUjr ..) j programme based upon the ex- Positions Very .is any record, the Ukrainians, that For It Plain Talk , ogad, Jan. 19 -Order, for CONSCRIPTION NOT ,'perienee gained in the present! Heavy Losses. !people inhabiting the southern; By Premier. tUi ling oi wiioio companies world convulsion, but holding to (provinces of what was till lately j A slnan soldiers imposed by ,APPIlFn TO IRFIAND main planks of free speech isperui to Tb Din Sewf.! I the Russian Empire and Oalicia, ' Tile (Special to ptnj Aemf.) martial have been confirm- fKe (,,oughl and freo lrade 0 Home. Jan. 19. Desperate and in Austria, were a self-governing ,j i y the Austrian High Command continues to follow the policy ho prolonged attempts of the Austro- community, with a free electoral London, January iO. I'remfer .. .. . nan outlined ror nimaeir since me ri........ r.... i .... n. .. .u.n ,,r .mnnmani Tt,.i ii.i Lloyd George addressing the La 1 have been sent to the regi-a, Inndn.Jan. iv. me imuseoi. - ,,,;. -:;., :r w V'c --- b"..v.... b delet-alea lodar airl lhat nd rommander for action. j it atLTSo iuii ui Liiui l ururMc uini ii is iiniian a m i a j fenm HiaI- fA.ia man wn nnn n d rmm vap in w Commons, y a vote oi uo to b , , r . ..,,., . . . ... - - man .iandinit on lhe w alchtower t idlers were charged with yMlerday rejected.. An amendment... . . . " , uuukuw pusuiun on Jiunaay on jrar iuo ijunv coujd den the urttenCT Gf the rimiai i nnssi iiiiisn as. t. tt urau in ina i n w invA r.iini a & tAAniA ann a i a rw nil siiisisiia - w - sympathy for the Ilusslan to the "Man I'ower bill, wiiir-n " . ,u"cl iuucu unci- .i .:.: The tit. and with aiding the proposed to apply conscription to auaii s. ly. The enemy was renulsed with the Ukrainian "nada" constitutes Premier said that no democracy rid A their propaganda, ac. Ireland. .very heavy losses. The fighting tne strongest or tne many gov- has ever long survived the failure to reliable information re-j WANT CANADA ON twa. of a particularly bloody na- ernments taking the place of the u adherenl9 lo be rcady lo die Ilir ami 111 hnltla nniinil n-txm riltn (if thl lain HlflF. here today. The Jiewa AERIAL WARFARE IN for it. He afllrmed that both he PROPER WAR BASIS strewn with the Since Christianity was Intro-! ks lhat the disaffection Is corpses as enemy and President Wilson, without pleading among the Oertnan THE SPRING DRIVE withdrew. They were unable to duced about the year 1,000 this v. nn...lli(lnn h.J , 1 iPre,OU8 tr:ops facing the Ilusslan lines. Urandon.Jan. 17.-Three of the carry ul 'f uuiJ Practice of de.nocracy has had a i very check-.ubilanlaIlr the same pro. T ie tierman government Is mak- 1 London, Jan. 1 1.--Discussing most important reolullo-s ever lue,r "e" ",c,r .. 'V. ' .n .YlT gramme in their demands for the j sr. enuous efforts to slop the the possibilities of the great for. brought before any convention l". ine,r "ou "f !ur"' 'rJn u' termination of the war. jf 'cau oi iue itussian propagauua warj movenieni on uie western ,here, covering unification of rail-e.nl rive nunureu rules, several ma- iy ine uriari, ana on me c. .ri.. , . , sTinpalby with Ilusslan be- front, which is confidently expect-the placing of farm imple-nofs. h,e guns, and a large quantity by the "'"' from 'ed f other war material was left on ferent periods was overrun. And to take place this spring, one;menls and machlrry on the free. ftm, i..... Agitation In German. 'of the best known authorities on nt as a war measure, and the he battlefield. One hundred and their final enemy was found in the ' " , 7 .: ' , ,," :' ; I r.de n, Jan. 1. The political aerial mailers considers lhat the 'mobilization of all male labor as f.y prisoners were also taken. Muscovites from the north. Not. I J.-.i , n l,m V his repulse has broken the withstanding all their enemies, , a tn uermany una ine re- contributions or aeroplanes ironi a means of overcoming in some pres- s w.th Ilus.ia continue to be Canada and the United Stales with i measure the shortage of farm f"" uf"n 'e 'ower lor "'LPJ0,.". .! ' v. mocracy. French Democracy, and . j ,a the Herman press, al- their quoU of trained aviators .help and lessening the widespread l"eare" w enice- T rfH. nf lhe democracy of Europe will be t.: gli there appears lo have been and piechanies will go a long way differenee between the wages paid ," repeciea. ana in ine at the mercy of lhe most cruel frh Hoilinmonlk nf anr n llnnlnir Ilia uiU .Inflnilvlv In i,. -i .i ,r. it,. I'klKlli.KAIl 1, NIIU v. I military autocracy the world has " .-.ay-------- w IliV'I'llill wifv ww.-t ub iiiru SKBi UUIlia fSU IIIVIS Kv I. IIIII1II nil I I a 1 B of civilization gained. were ig ance. I favor of the allies. Germany has Frenches, were passed with only ever seen. Strikes In Austria. (already been doing all she can in one dissentient voice by a crowd.I UNDER MARTIAL LAW..?tf.?l?.r"!.ch.!r:KnId. ' ki, "9-PPL Lc;;dun. January 19. Serious this dlrvclion, and are hoping this 'ed meeting f. of ratepayers, live . of. HUHS MAXIMUM OUTPUT OF learning in these middle ages was ctr.sra accompanied by rioting year to enlarge the scope of their stock men and cilliens generally, i Spai io Tb. Daily jewst. ,,, , ,:, iM!.iw.a.! SUBMARINES IS REACHED tat- a.en place In Vienna and machines su as to bring every part held under the auspices of the Pelrograd. Jan. 19. Petrograd i .:. .. r ..ii-. . uthcT ities throughout Austria. ,if the United Kingdom within Manitoba drain (.rowers' Asso. u-n itiar.i tn h nmlor martial . ..,.........! London. January 17 neuter's di -.g to the News Agency tange of Ihelr air raids. .elation and the Live Slock Asso- aw today by the Ilolsheviki Safety DeODie. hdt Ukralna was lo Aency learns In well-informed gams In Zurich and other i. insistent upon the ac,nation, last night. ,Commission. All attempts at a in her autonomy but bit by bit"quarte" wi,h respecl to.the er" poia s HwtUerland. The trouble celeralion of aeroplane eonstrue-l in the belief lhat the time has revolt are to be vigorously sun- h k.. nih..i marl submarine warfare that we is dc- 'he prolongation of the Uou and says that this year "air come for the complete mobiliza- pressed, their decree declared. . n. nn frn. know wU, certainty the enemy' . . . . .. . . .. . i .l II.... a a x t I .i IL u 11.. a a and at the pesx- tvtin-M i. ine-- oi-raiioni win uc on uu iiniiiciisc- non oi in man iuwcr ui iue w rimer inariiai aw. inrte person ti .A.i.AfiMn minimum losses, are - - sun nun. i iir Kiauuai i rail ii nun LlUr he continuation of tho ly enlarged scale. Hence, when minion, a resolution was adopted together constitute a crowd, and 0 .hejr liberties made the Uk- Bam time aware of his maximum ' d or-ad rations, which are th allioa curry out their air war rwimmeiuliiiir the closinic of all as such can lM dispersed , . i . .u" 'output. It is believed that the r. w ; in ..nr half of the former on Germany, the Huns iu their non-essential businesses, and the pat on of all authority by Peter z:--lit. together with the se- irv firal tn.rloni'. of aueh raids .Ir.riKiir of men for farm work a ntw hlasuk run .. r- . rk.i. . ii.in,, . the monthly losses of German -e mrasures against the peace will he treated lo something far who are not engaged in essential GOVERNMENT CONTROL thu tim ubmafne are by now approach-' -c.sgnif the workers. more terrible than the worst as- occupations; lhe immediate reg- 'mous by Hyrona"S?m. Sweden their monthly outputs it would - aull on Iindon. Hearing in mind islratlon of all available men with speui ta tbe biiir w. , em thftt w'th the increaslhg .was lo come to tne aid or tne. AUSTRALIA SELLS FIFTY the underlrinr hysteria which n view to placing them In posi- Washington, Jan. 19. A dele- ',trln,nn. hi Wnr thpir ns. 'means al the disposal of lhe allies miLLiON POUNDS OF JAM exj.i. Oermany, it will be un lions where Ihey may render the gallon from the workers In the .laiance arrived the battle of for a1511 lhese Pes,s atf Ger- m... - , .- ... . derstood lhat there is excellent most effective service to the na- 'meat packing plants of Chicago p0ilaVa had been fought and lost, man PrPPamme ' operations j.ii. ii. Ativices nave opportunity for breaking tne nerve tin: the forcing oi a maximum has called upon President wuson and from thenceforth, this free ca""0,, WUB, "oa bers i- rivp, here that the inin- of the war.makers. wane for competent men and a and urged the government to lake K.m ,. .iva nr h.ben in force. While the a lluation o!r - "t trade and customs for shiiur Enamv'a Nerves. i minimum waite for boys and in- over the meat Dackintr industry.Uf......ti.. .calls for the exercise of the great- A s -at a has completed a con- -With thousands of airplanes experienced men; the immediate because of the large number ofi ,h' ia.i i.n hnw.l .ml,"1 economy of food on our part. tad f r the sale of 50,000,000 circling In and out of Oermany registration of all those engaged aliens among their fellow em.. years, the Ukrainians have ,l is uslinable lo eipresS the be-reached ils f surplus Australian jam iBlit after niahl and day after m the production of foodstuffs, ployees. inHao. Th.ii. rhnir 'Hef that the menace has 'III' Imperial Gnvirnrriiil Df .i .. ...nt. -u...i. nrmnn town uilli n vlaw In hrlncrinir locfther i worst stage taking it as a i and men of letters have consist- th DRASTIC TREATMENT OF I I- a i I J : 1 1 1.- s amount. 12,000,000 pounds made the centres of aerial battles, employer and employee; and that, ;Llp.v ently been banished to Siberia, or "u . J ' w ie snipped to Great llrilaln with the main railway lines bat- for the protection of both cm LOOTERS IN ; fr,. turns of any one week as an ef- ar:J 38.000,000 pounds to the i.rtxl nt manv nlaces. troop rrains 'plover and employee their rela I ..m.k n ... f- p.. ifeclive force. There is every rea- I r (led This huffn CAHai &-aav It a.I a ri i viint irlilffi like linn, ahmilil hrt under the super An lixchange telegram " back twelve lo beUev8 the operation, as far as years ago. tart which will practically ab. ii,,..h f ih lihlne demolished, we vision of some competent author- 'spatched from .New ork to Lon- ik. ....- .-.i nnr. of the German submarines should r u the whole of the Australian hal assuredly shatter the two ily appointed by lhe Government. don appeared in the HritUh news-! Ur new8Daper published .fn lne near fulure wl on be he,d "plus uf the coininir season's .. .v.imn whieh have enabled i lMaBkaIal IU nfll 11 "lltah VaA til fl . the language of the country, I but gradually repressed. H followa: ".New 'iork, Dec. 13. Ain. . . fruits, involves approximate- Germany to defy the world so CALIFORNIA WILL h,,-..,.,,.,,. ly 15 MO.000. The transaction is i I TAKE MEXICANS Halifax, a looter was shot, and his ' ' . . VaA ,ha nAnla BRITISH STEAMER SUNK bemg financed by lhe llrillsh gov- "These two nerve systems are. BUT NO CHINESE:body was gapped up on a post, ,gnonnU SQ that they would be . (5pUl lo Tt DaUr .lfwt.1 r,"nnnL ni os u iuvici it wiH 0f the iiiai'urutru, nrl ,,e nerv0 OP gov- the more submissive. rumored that others have been New York. Jan. 19. The Hrilish is for caMei' who San Francisco. Jan. 16. Hopes , The spirit of freedom broke it New Wellington Coal and f,". treated similarly." steamship City of Iloston has been i. i .. .. . war. ami. aecond. entertained.... by California..... farmers. . In revolt from time to time, but a-uiiiuar at an a mini am. i sunk German submarine. No by a 'hone bundle of nerves Known as mo anu iruii grurr umi irf ""(, was as promptly crushed, until 116. THE POLICE COURT details have been received. German railway system. Paralyze be allowed lo import t.nmese laDor the great days of the revolution, yet either of these nerve systems and !temporarily to aid in harvesting The case which was adjourned .when the power of the Czar was! the way lo a victorious peace Is'the 1918 crops were blighted late on Wednesday at the police court ,once and for all thrown off. The CARD OF THANKS easy. vcMertiay wnen ueau inomua i.v MntrUirni Pnr wn nirain treat University of Lemburg is a Thank You! Make Germany Suffer. !Hunt of the College of Agriculture i1Pl!f.i., n ihi, morninfir. but m standing monument to the quail-, Mr. Thomas McMeekln "So far in this war the govern- of the University of California one of tne accUaed failed to- ap-ities of this people who have been desires to rntitey to tho lug classes of Germany have suf- ,stated dellnilely that he had beenlpeaPt u wa a(faln njj0i,rned un-oppressed for so long. i electors of Prince llupert informed lhe Government would number about forty I sincerely thank the ladles fered very little and have..profited t .M0mja., ti,Is w as the case of j Today they i his hearly thanks for their very much. The war lo them a has 'not permit sucn a a pmcm-v.2 rVl.uc the boys who were charged with millions, speas tne same languaue and gentlemen who accorded mtes in tho municipal been an exciting game. We have assertion was made at a confer-not breaking into the Hub Pool lloom, and nave tne same national aspir- ine their support in the contest election. been able to strike dlrecthy at enco of growers and farmers with and inlo Spurr's Market. A war- atlona as had tnetr ratners lor sen for Police Commissioner these people, because they aro Federal and stato agencies under rani wna U ued for the arrest of government. As the outcome of well entrenched behind their the auspices of the Stale Council the missing boy. lhe war. this people, who realty nrnilm I.n.aAa tiaVO befallen 'of Defence. A resolullon propos- represent the brains and the J. Q. 8TEEN. them, but we have nol been nble'ing a substitute plan of having wealth of what was Ilussla, will WESTHOLMF, to break Ihelr nerve nor have we,tho 1500 head tax imposed upon he In the van of the European been uble to break the magnificent immigrant Mexicans reduced was COAL democracies. OPERA 1I0USK railway system of Oermany, which adopted. - TONlOHT ONLY I may call her national Iron nerve. beef at the Cen. Jesse I.. Lasky presents I nero is a very airoon vuc, Uulkley Valley Will be sold for cash during CARD OF THANKS Cooking apples FANNIE WARD therefore, for a powerful attack tral Cash Market. tho year 1018.- v Kindly pay -IN- on lhe two nerve systems by which and onions, each 7 lbs. ror .sc. at tho office, or be prepared Mr. George Hill wishes "THE CRY8TAL OA2ER" Germany holds out so delermln- Mrs. Clapp; phone 13-. to pay when delivered. to thank the electors for FOR QUALITY edly. and when we come to analyze Coal ALUKIIT A McCAFFKIlY. LD. Ihelr support in electing TWO COMEDIES methods by which we can make Ladysmlth Wellington and gUss reduces PKTKU IlLACK for Prince htm as police Coinmls- WtWCh and SATISFACTION fuel bill AMD A direct attacks on Germany's your llupert Coal Co. toner. 15. .P. - a iv my Phone WF.F.K FOK HWiP. Show Starts 7;15 Sharp. nerves we find only one instrument aatlsfactlon. , . P-7 available, the airplane." Coal Co.