s,n fluTDJC is liwrBT OIVKN thai applies The Daily News lion will I made to ine BANK OF eembly of rt"l i.olumbla al III BH THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA British North America session for known an act al K"TM Ineorporeis r.nrmeenn an enu at MSG LEY S Published Dally and Weekly Technical Inatlluta of "rltlati Columbia Guaranteed Largest Circulation tin power lo promoM snd Increase the Statement to the Dominion knowledr. ' tna pmncirncy members in all thinrt relatlntr Government (Gcndtnsed) HEAD OFFICE: to the Architectural. Enilneerlnr. Bar 30th November, 1817. technical profeeilons, and to DailNews Building, Third Avenue, Prfnco Rupert, D.C. Tel. 98. that...-..rnd.nd to estsblish and eonduet eiamlna-I Jhe fioody that LIABILITIES TO THE rCBLIO .n.t nresrribe auch teata of com- $ TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. Notes in Circulation I MIl.Tti petemy and moral character at way bt beneficial to teeth Contract Rates on application. Deposits 17,140,171 l,h ..,.hi .tnntieni and to trrant certlllcalea Du la other Banks 414,011 I of membership to those epproted of, and and stomach Is best Riili Payable (Acceptance to mireh or otherwise acquire ami noia DAILY EDITION Saturday, Jan. 10, 1018. by London Office)... 1,111,111 real and peraooal properly for the purpoae for all ages, Acceptance under Letters I er tne Initltnte, and to dispose thereof and J of Credit 1,111,111 rmt tha proceeds In auch manner at Bl and to Bt entrance fees and j f.ttx seem may LEGISLATION (he present tariff would bo in i ICI.7I0.I4I annual fees or atibserlpUon to be paid by wmmxs Over and over again, we havo keeping with tho other radical the members, and to tery the same from been told by those fn authority legislation of Hie present government, ASSETS dine to time, and to provide for the man 1 Canh on Hand and In council lo be I of Ms affairs by of the need, for food for tho allies, even if it does cause Bsnke airmen! tlt.llt.lTI constituted In auch manner aa may be pro and they havo been impressing its reconstruction. Deposit with Gorernment tided for by By-law, and to have Ita neaa massages and us here to "eat less" on a Note Circulation ftl.llt since and bold Ita annual meetinr wttbin strengthens Deposit In Ontral Oold Columbia, and to bate, enjoy, and the in order to have tho more to NOTES AND COMMENTS Brltlih Reterre 1,410,000 taeniae all powers. Minis and primer i fiums. Keeps despatch overseas. Canada is teeth Oorernment, Municipal I necessary, usual or Incidental lo alt or any required to increase her out The coal famine fn the cast is and other Securities. . 11.041,701 I of the afforeteld purposes. clean and breath put of wheat, and the farmers causing some concern, and rigid Call and Short Loana. . . 7.IIMH BRADSIIAW 4t STACFOOLE. are being exhorted to make economy is advocated among Current Loans and DIs- solicitors for the Applicant. f$ f5s swtL allays thirst, rouata k other Assets 11,1(0,401 llih I DATED at Victoria, B. C this day effort to produce more. those who are happy enough to every Liabilities or Customers of December 10 tT. aids petite At the same time, the farm have any at all. The chief action under Letters of Credit 1,110,111 jap and ers are being hampered by the apparently taken by the govern Bank Premises t,J74,l7 NOTICE. lack of proper help, as the best inent is the appointment of an 170,411,001 of it is being conscripted. The assistant fuel controller at "Sea Dull." "Brown Bear." "Utile Tomy farmer is also hampered in the salary of f 25,000 per annum. rraeilon." Sunllrnt fraction " "Sea Uor Keep YOUR boy at Fraction.', "Sheet Anchor Fraction," "Sky. i Hiier i i purchase of the proper ma n n n line," "Camp Bird fraction" and -Obser the front supplied. chlnery, or rather, with its high A resolution was passed at BURGLARS AT THE tatory" Mineral Claims, situate In the I price. Owing to the shortage meeting of the llrandon citizens KAISER'S CASTLE skrena Minlnr Dltlsloo of Coast District I of labor, the one-man tractor the other day recommending the Where located: near Bear Lake, Surf I fnlet. rrlnce Roral Island. will be a tremendous factor in closing up of all non-essential Amsterdam, such is the head-1 take nonce that f, rred m. wtiu.l the economic production of businesses, and the mobilization Ing In the most Important Berlin Certiorate No. not a the wheat. A tractor can be purchased of all male labor for the produc ,- .11. III-1.-.I- l"7 uinuniru roi Ol m llnnj r. War papers, ui ..v ileal v mi. rrM tllnra rviinu Na nail C I . suitable for one man to lion of food stuffs and war i- .. ii'iii -1 i i. i i i " " F,avour ma casue ni rr iiiieiiiisiiuiie una uceii (intend, alily dan from the date hereof.I handle, which will do the work terial. That would mean the ap broken into, and valuable art ob to apply to the Minlnr Recorder for a of many men and horses under plication of conscription all round. jects, estimated at over 700,000 GerHScate of Impretements, for the pur less modern methods. The which, after all, is only fair to marks, have been stolen. "Favored pose of obtaininr Crown Oraol of each! 4 Lasts if the abote claima. v these more tractors there are the conscripted soldiers. by the storm of wind and rain last aud FtRTiirn take kotiOE that ae-Uon. on the farms in Canada, the T. t, a. night," says the ISerliner Tage-blatt, under section II, must be eora greater will be her crops. The The submarine crews at the "a band of thieves broke meored before the Usee of aaca CerUBcate greater her the of Improtementa. crops, more as Hll navnl tin m I.,.. n.nl I I..I into the Imperial castle at Wil- sistance will Canada be able DATED tola 14th day of October A. D. to xG doubt an example will have helmhohe, and stole a large num-ltoiT biyo iu me aiues. ici in me been made nf v.rv ihfrH . ber of costly watches, jewels, purchasing of this essential the All-l'ighest. The failure of bronze statues, priceless proce- COAL NOTICES """'muo ior uie economic pro- their comrades to rlnrn r.,l th laine, valuable vases, and antique duction of food, the farmer is doubt as to their fate is said to weapons of great artistic merit. SkECIA LA.1D Orl hampered the DISTRICT DISTRICT by of 27 'duty be the cause of the trouble The One of the thieves must have been QUECt CHARLOTTE ISLANDS per cent. As a revenue duty, British naval policy of silence a connoiseur, for the choice of the the amount realized by this tax with regard to the captures of U-boats articles was made by one who tale .iotice that t. James p. Retd. of I upon the industry of the farm, is having its due effect. knew what to lake. It has beenl,'r,nr Prt. B.C. Prospector. Intend to ing community is negligible, to, found out that a few of the rAJZ'J''"" but it effectually permits the Canadian manufacturer of the Once more there are rumors of tides have been sold sub rosa In unds on the weat Coast r Moresby isund. the escape of the citizen Nicholas Casnel, but the most valuable commencinr at a post planted about or same articles to raise his price Romanoff and Mrs. Romanoff, and Ihtntrs have seemlnirlr h.n onl mile southeasterly from a post located by just the amount of the duty. " It is simply giving the Canadian all the little Romanoffs from the abroad The buyer of one of the SZVJSTZXt manufacturer something for prison in Tobolsk. If they es stolen Chinese vases in Cassel de-hsUBda. about i miles northertr aiooe the cape much oftener, it won't be be scribes the seller as an elegant jMoraby island aide of Canoe rasa from kEEV LA nothing, .ID DIITRttT .DliTIUiT Or ' apparently, at the expense bkttA lASD DISTRIi T C .: it lieved when they do vounc man with mnt ill.llmriil.l.- ; theneo south so cnalnj; thence JLIE?I CHARLOTTE ISLANDS escape, i ' of the phople who the .. . .J"" 10 ha!na: "hence north 10 chauu; HtM UlARl.oTTE .- i. ,i u, .i... TALE XoTICK Ual oertrude of! a. Ta. t. rU ........ir., i..., iuiu nun mai KaotL Tikr ituna u,i rinh.i! tut government is BSMbence east so chains to the point of appealing to do his father, who was a general and I Prince lupert. B. t , clerk, tnteoda l to- Lj rmn rt.r a . ur ajavta, The mencement. all they can to produce more lengthening of the days ply for a Ucenae lo prospect for coal aad'iaiee to lor ttcense was quite a collector of art objects, had died james p. reid. Applicant. rtt perceptible petroie4UB otr the food. yesterday. Ueur desciiiHNi lut cui ui uiruUum o,,r et The western provinces have spring is coming. he wished to sell most of his art uocatea potemner tin. hit. lands Mt the West Cms I f Moresby ItUnd. j4erttd Ua4s ib W- 4tl p collection, lie as his address . rAcbmeoctor at a post planted about iljtaeotby Island gone on record for the abolition 1. V. 1. gave l.r.rw. t a w r. , , ,, - , ,- , I CetMnefMrtcr a peM t- m a of this Iniquitous lax upon Canada has become a little big. aa J their industry, and if the most ger by the discovery of several miiitiiiiiiuuiiv I i ,., . ixMi .uvui a hums Bormeflf akne Uk'u. .j r.. ..... ...i . . c " is to be made of their willingness, large islands in the arctic Ocean and on that morning he sold TAKE .NOTICE that I. Joseph fx I loo. of ,b'" trxM totol; Uar south (0 ttalea Bortberty tluof the sac t this north of the stolen articles to the value of s-nneo Rupert, B. C, frospecior. Utend chains; thrnc east to ctulni: IlkMx north reset; thetica north it ebaui ssa handicap upon production Yukon. If their min 2000 marks before the theft at the 10 pp,,r tor ' UttaM w proepeet for coal so cm tos; Uieaco tkesi so chaiaa lo Doiot so earns; Ihtaca toath l n am will have tote removed.! eral resources are as great as and petroleum oter the followlnr described oi mtuownccmeiii. well St ettaias U petal - -EUJLtBETU sm Legislation along these lines is! some of the other islands within Imperial castle had been discover. lands oo Um Weat Coast or Morteby Island. OtRTttL'DE ,.OTT. St Till being looked for . This is one the circle, they will h wnrih ed.M Commenelne al a tmai nUniMl hii at .r Lor,,ed By llsnt K. Chruunseo. airnL By Charles E 9- . srttj of the things which the Liberal while having. a milo aouthee-surly from a post located !,9nb' . I7 Locaud Natember ISU. its- Advertise in The laily Nows. the shore of a email Bay openinf oat party has advocated and will be Ioa Canoe Pass between Morseby and ChaaU SH.L.1A LAND titSThiCT DISThJOT Or SkttNA LAND DISTRIi-T I T Ot for the good of Canada as a The Daily News delivered by islands, about J miles Northeriy alone l be Vlt-Ul ClllnLUTTE ISLANDS QlflEN CHARLOTTE i- whole. A radical revision Moresby Island aide of Canoe Put from TAKE NOTICE that Alctander L. Sulher. TAKE NOTICE that AIMo E ' r- 6 of arrier, 50 cents per month. I Buck Points thence south SO chalnsi thence land, or rrtnea ITupert. B. C. miner, la Prtnee Rupert. B. C. smitu it east 10 cbalnti thenca north SO chains; tends to apply ror a Ucense to brvsoeci roe lends l apply far license p ,at i inence vest so cnama to lite point or com- ooai ana pemxrum oter the roUotrioe de eael and petroleun oter t! ' I mencement. scribed lands oo the West Coast or Moresby K ft bed isada oa tha West i as1. ' Hettl JOSEPH SEXTON. ADDUcanL Islandi Commencinr at a post bltnted Island: Cuauoenctof at a liuvtd S. S. PRINCE Located Rotember 0th, 1017. auoui i mite easterly rrom poet located about tM yards easurty a post RUPERT on the abort) or the east aide or Canoe Pasa leeated an the abort oa the eat -Caawej t leaf sailing (KEEN A LAND DISTHICT-DISTWCT Of " SU. ' rasa, and at a point a.' ' K TIMBER SALE X1 036. . QUEEN CIIARLOTT IIMHnt I i . . ' "" ........w nwu northerly alonr I be short ' lutl WEDNESDAY ' " i ma riuina itimm .a MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX Pttnts tbenct north SO chains. Ov vest THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, Sealed tenders will bo reeetted br the south 10 tbainii tnenca tteat 10 chatae lo St chaata; thenct sotith SO chs:"' TAKE NOTICE that t. Charles E. Bariesa. Plnl or cuamenceaMOL VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. Minister or Lands not later than noon on At PHhm btirtAal tl a. a I atraia.apBa a . . east SO Chama to pvHit of r.unm atrai the tiiii a.r r j.n,,.,. .... .k. "r" - ""w, uitoa so butiishland. ALUS E- BLROCSS. S. S. PRINCE JOHN purchase of Licence X toss to rut asa ana I'T. " "r". t':'?l, ,or ,w ms. sieoL By Charles Darreas, sieat "TV f"" r ua roiiowins described I wcaiei notemner l Pin isit. reel or Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock Located Notember 10th. ISIT. and Bat- Sailing alternate lands on the West weeks I lo Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau. Coast or Moresby Island. ".". Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. 'tUtml4 00 Blke' poM plan ted abou I ot IKEENA LAND DISTIUCT DISThlCT nt MINERAL ACT QUEEN CHARLOTTE 3 - - - V? zmste sirs TALE tulTirt: ISal v....ISLANDS TRAIN SERVICE or Umbr I !" . ' rnart CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVCaUNTI rassenrer near. Wednwe.y and Baturda, si 11:19 .!. ror Smltbera nT.r.i.. . " ,ID". miles Dortberly atdnr toe ro l'roipi ror coal iM p(roIum Prince Oeorre. Edmonton and Wlnnlper, maklnr direct connections for all XU?i n i S rore,,er' Moresby Island aide of Canoe from w ,b roUola ribed lands oo the NOTICE points east and south. ' ' ' Buck Polnti thence north SO eh.in., th.n w ' Moresby IsUnd: Commene. Mineral Pal rraction- and "Dally east so chains; thence ln ' tw,t Phted about I mile south to chains; tasurly TIMBER SALE Hiatal X 979. ,ru" Clalm,,situatc In the Partlesd Canal thenca weat 10 chains to locaied oa the abort point of com or the Agency All Ocean Ditistoa of (Ussier District. Steamship Line. meneemenL east aide of Canoe I'asa at a txmt .twut a For information and reservations apply to Sealed tenders will be recelted by the CIIAfiLES E. BL'BOESS. Applicant miiei northerly alonr the shore from Bock Where located: On the east K el City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Minister of Lands not later than noon on I Located Notember 0th, HIT. Point; thenca north to chaiaa; thenca weal Part CaKada land Creek,CanaL it miles from the brad " j i Marrn. iis, ror the pur- cnains; inence south aa rfc.in.. IK... TAKE NOTICE that I. J. Fred :vW feel of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock on an EA LAND DISTWCT-DISTIUcr OP CMUM W t0,n,UETTT r KNOTT.-nmeocemenl. ll'rre Miner's Certiorate No. 0471 cl area adjolnlnr L.III, Swindle Island. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS By Hans k. Chriii.n.n . inr aa arent ror Rerinald Klnr rn Itanre t. Coast District. Located Notember I0ti tBIT. Miners CertiOcate Na tllT-C tntea. Three (1) years -will be allowed for r.. TAKE NOTICE that I. Hans K. Christen- sltty days from the dile bar tor, to aprtf CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY moral or timber. oi i-nnco nuperi, n. ti. Droacector. SKLENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF to the Minlnr Recorder for a Certi0 ste ef Improtrments, obutnisf runner particulars or the Chler rore.ur to appiy ror a Ucenae to Drosoeei LHAnLOTTE ISLANDS for the purpose of im saaMtMaajMakBtaaBa. Victoria. B, C or District Forester, Prince for eo, ,n1 petroleum oter the followlnr TAKE NOTICE thai Thuni.. f.i.ru.n ... Lruwn Oram of the abort claim. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points iiuieri, o. t;. u described lands on the West Coast or I Prince liuoert. U. C . n.irm.n And further Uke ttotlct that arti(:t oa der section SI, must bt commenced t via Steamer to Vancouver i.iaou, umunencinc ai a mat ni'HJ ior a license lo rttn e. and tho the issuance r such Certificate of lm ' pUnted about of a mile petroleum oter the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIMBER SALE X 1235. southeasterly followlnr described meets. s Kaiea on ue snore or a I"" on ins wesi coast of Moresby Islandi Moala and 'Berth Included on Steamer small Bar orjenlne nut nr r.n t.... k.. I CbfiuiMnHn .t . i. Dated Ibis lib day or December. A P rVlrtceee Sophia foe Alaska December Slat. sealed lendcra will be received hr ttullaeen Moresby and rhi.n i.i.n.i. .i. . Ir.rd. e.n.ri. . .... ........ ' .. HIT. Prineeaa Sophia foe Vaneouter January 6th. Minister bt Unds not later than noon on miles northerly alonr the Moreeby Island on the easterly aide or Canoe l ass 'Prlneeaa Royal fee ine 1 4 th day of February. lOIS. for tha I side of Canoe rasa limn Ruk Pnim, Ik.,,,, land al a nuim .i,., . .n.. I..' MINERAL AOT Oranby Bay ' " burchase of iien,. .... . . .t. ... .i... ::. """""f January Bth, 1Sth, 26th r.beusry Bth, ISth, 26th. " - ..., iv mi m.M v vimiuii uwnce w.ti ag coaiiii) " .uure irom Buck PO III: tltenee ooo I rlnt'ss Royal far Vaneouter tla Ocean Falls 8 a-m. December 17th. SfOA feel adjolnlnr of Spruce and Hemlock. on anllhence I .a. a.south 10 chains, thenca east 10 la aoiiih a. 10.....chains; tbenca weal so chain. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. rrth L. ttti. rail m rivra. Arirniini ki nmni sir s.jnniariiaaai iisai ru-ai vrur r a ik January 7 17th, 2Slh Fsbruary 7th, 1Sth and 2Sth. " taraaw-aj VI a-- vwaaa v tWiutf uvtISK as We tr"!tit WW CbalOSi thrnra ! an Mikatla Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Dla- HANS K, CIIR1STENSEN. ApolleanL chains lo point of commencement. inci. Located Notember 0 th. 1017. THOMAS PETERSON. NOTICE. J I. PETERS, General Two Simpson," "Rupert" "Plctou" "EssiM . Aeent (f) tetrs will be allowed r. M. By Mans K. moral of Umber. Chrlstensen. arent. Mi," "Cascade Falls No. i" and "Cascade Co nr Fourth Street and Third Avenue, PrJneo Rupert. B.C. Further particulars or tha rhi.r snr..... SKLENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT orLortt,i Wttember I0lh, ton. 'all No. I" Mineral Claims, situate In I" Victoria. B. O, or District Forester, prince' Qlt-EN CHARLOTTE ISUNDS SKLENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF District.Portland Canal Minlnr Dltlalon of Cassiti FI4 TAKE NOTICE that Daniel U Sutherland. TAKE w--.NOTICE unniuiu tiial faier ISLANDS J.nun Where locaied: On the eail sMs of TIMBER SALE X 925. of Prince Rupert. B, fi, clerk. Inunda to Prlwe Rupert, fl" C Lflsterau. In lend, to cascade Creek, is luil.a from iha bead 'r merely smother appl for a Hc.0M to prospect for c.l and apply I'oriland CanaL your coogb . . le.ws.MM.I ldlsr.li.nm AB V.vr Ik.lUm followlnr described petroleum TAKE NOTICE that I. J. Fred IHKW BlUi1 ta.na.a te.ti oter the f.llnw.n, ... . . . w a.Mwtj.f ay t) U IM nturfrl TlW ffTva, I I.M. a.- atr... a aa a.- a. I ' " wvavi Stvtyt (Free Miner's CerUDcate No. 0IT1-C ) act 'iPIlD 17 !tT Mathieu's 8jrup of Tar and Cod Urer OU ootoaJy Mlnistsr of Landa not UuVii. 7 7'"""?'r""' "" ,fl4 West Co.,, of Moresby Is inr aa arent for Oakley Beaufort Buah. rrc Uie tltb day of ih.T..: ?"mJFS.Jrz:? r al post planted about IjIJIIIj ptwupOy'arreeta cooarhinc, tot thanka to Ha tonic aaal . . January, tits, for intra Ceitincale No. OOltC. inteao, ahasa s w I e Itvaea aa s-va iwe ifa w njaa SlllatlW raw.e.a a. a t. ..a fDC'fal'E prcirtUa tt aaeaaitaj svcvuca 1, ill. ta rut iia aaa i . - . . i-wt luiaini on sltty daya from ttia due hereof, lo app'7 belpe the syin ta throw sl r.r lfa,enna, W ' 7 ' " I"WP Ot IXM ffftfll IO Of CSIKMjl rM ! I lUw fttlOr Ml thai aaafa.a.lar .iu cold and Urn rflectt a pennaaent cure. It la this quality BicJ haa tttja far feet i to tlu Minlnr Recorder for Cerlineale or I largaet aala of aa coafta and cold rasnedy la Caaada. on Reach.an arras has.m .ira liuproreiiimis, ror the purpose or obumn J s crawu Oram of the abote tialni. JA imji hottUt, rmrymkttt, l-Mejiaai, slaVU-a WJ V 1 IMVUt. I rtw.tvn Two I .,,...?r,.., WU1 U tUQ" r.. north SO chalna, thenca east 00 chains to then". Lih so m'.? !?! at a J?! And ruribcr Uke notice thai action. n A K. tUTHBI CSV, Peav, SSalS. rwaV ' wra I ew J n e A at -- - --. --- I t",n,. .,Q eiiit- dr section II, must bt commenced btf"" rurthe, paruculars of lb. Chief r... r""" wTrTm."....."" ' mmen,.menL ilia issuance or such Cerlineale of Imprute Victoria B. c . n, in...... r l I'ETKIt JkNSKN. men is. "U.'B. C r-T."...".";." " ChH.tensen, arenL Dated Ibis IIUi day of Auruat, A, I' HIT, Ml