,lar January IIOIR. THE DATLT NEWB FrtANCE WAKE8 LOAN LAND LEASE NOTICES A WAR INDUSTRY FEEL LIKE A TO THE UKRAINIANS SktEilA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT or New Manufnc- York, Jan. 17. Lnnloii, Jan. 17-Franco has COAST, HAJI0E riVE. lonnpil the Ukrnlnn 2,000.000 lure of baby carriages was trundled HEH BEING" TAkE Mtiea that waltrr E. Walker, of rnubk'S In gold, according i tt Vanevavcr, B. c, ocmpatkm Manarcr, into the ranks of essential llipalch from tho Odcsna corrcs-ponduiii Inimdi to ipplj for pnoliilon la Iraaa war industries here when a man TRUIT.A.TIVE3" Drougl.1 The Joy Of of Ihc Times datwl Vri-tay. ib follow Inr draerlbad Undii who makes go-carts, and who was The French mint alto ConimrBcinr at a poll ptanttd al Inlet has rcilon of nirb Watrr Mark Tonrna rn-ura called for service in the National prlnUMl a large quantity of Uk- and aa Eait and Wnl tin paaiiar army, asked the District Hoard for rnm ibraatb paper money. Concrtta Munnmcnl al Bartlrll General Vlnnlclienko, president Potot Walti liUnd. B. Ci tbenta eail deferred classification o n the of the Ukraine (0 chaini; ibrnca aoaib SO ebaim, mora ground that his calling was In. secretariat, It in ar kit, to into water Mark Tonrait rai-irei added. In the course of a Inng re lbeoea nortberly aod atiurlj iol-Hwlor dlHpcnsable lo the needs of the port to the rada, declared that Iba Llo of Bald III lb Water Mark country. He set up the claim that Oreal Ilrilaln, France, the United lo tba polol or eommtncemtnt, and eon-uiainr when called in the 1st draft, ex 149 arrei, mora or leia. 8tat?R. llelgium and lloutnanla, WALTER E. WALKER. emption had been recommended were interested greatly In the or- Oils tltb dar of October. 1117. by Presidential order. A elate- J gknization of the Ukraine republic merit by the Chairman of his local IKEE.1A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of lie added: CASSIAH. board that the claim should be Ar circumspect people they granted "in deference lo tbe n en Hate to rrcognize the republic TAkE do tie mat Walter E. Walker, of resident," drew a protest from a completely, hut when they find it Vancouver. B. C, occupation Manarer. member of the District Hoard and Won't discolor silks or fade Inteoda lo apply for permlaalon lo leal expedient they wilt extend us their Iba fMlowlBf deaertUd laodii the case was continued, pending MADAM LAPLANTC hand which we will accept if we Commeoclor at a pott planted al tbe investigation. colors. think it tieceflsary." Norib Weil Comer of Lot ett, Caailar H -v. r,t , Montreal. -ApriHth. Diitrlci; lbeoea nortberlr and aeiterly If you don't use LUX you naturally dread the : r two vrs I was shU ami Oenral Vlnnlclienko described followlnr tbe Uoa of HUb Wattr Mark NEW CANADIAN LANDS ordeal of wash day for your silk blouses. Silk 1 i fi -.a -i. the Ukraine as an oasis of order rorlliikl canal la a point brt an Eaai fibres are peculiarly sensitive to common soaps and ;. W had rialfiitatio c Ike and constitutional policy, saying: ind Weil Una drawn tbrourb a point to Fairbatiku, Alaska, Jan. 17. to ordinary vash-Ume rubbing and twitting. .. tt4H that I tetrnl I would One constantly hears that the re. cbaim Dua Norte of tbe rotnt of com- Several new large Arctic island The LUX way is away better you make a thick, mmrrnieni Interaecu wltb aald Line of T r. . .! lo be a lump ij uy generation of tho Muscovite monarchy IHrb Water Mark teeoca weal to cbainai wero discovered northwest of creamy lather, you stir the garment gently about, it .1 And the Cotutlpalton wu la impossible and, there. teenca aoaiberly and euurlr, parallel lo Hanks Land in the spring of 1010 you rinse thoroughly, you press out the water h1 I itiflVml from Via in Ik fore, perhaps the Ukraine will ap tbe aald Mm of tilth Water Mark Portland by V. Btefansson, the Arclie ex gently and hang out to dry. 'ntf Piifte.. pear nlo as an oasis of a revolu tee Canal Point to a or point Coromenracnenti to cbaina Dee tbenee Weal eaal of plorer, according to Captain A. The result is a fabric as fresh as when new. This refers )r- . mm' T puyaieiAii a a a lor year tionary conquest." 10 cbaina lo aald point af commencement Lane, who arrived here last night to anything that pure water itself will not harm. . . if; q i u i iaa no i. u'u 1: mQ ru w I ai- II The correspondent of the Times and eootatninr tto acrta mora or leia. from the Arctic ocean, bringing BriHJt muJ, ty 1 1 .. r rult-a-lirra" aa a Ut rrort. says that the feeling of the llou-inanians WALTER E. WALKER. direct news from the explorer, e'f aartae wtUtmt Lover IJ rot hem Date fltb dar of October, 1917. .( bks mm tioirt, i w grmiy toward the Mutilans Is . at aU Limited . . . k - . , who, he says, is spending the I li r. .j s -u iweiTO nin duiio mo embittered greatly. The Iloli- (rooera Toron to 30 KECNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or 1917.18 winter In the northern I id work all fll-.fl.lt ilaf B1 there manians feel that they have been CASSIAR. seas of Hartcl Island. The ex. l - - thrice betrayed by Russia, first by plorer claimed the new lands for i I ar Troutfc, no Comti ration, no TAKE notice tbal Toe Aatfo-Brltiib Co- the Czar's government; next by Canada. I'ua cr RjJey Troablo and Ifttl tile lumbla Parktnr Company limited, of Vin-eouver, the provisional government, and B. C, occupatlaa Salmon Caanera, ztr- -anJltwanTult-AtWe' a m. ag now, worst of all, by the Ilolshe. Inteodi lo apply for prnnliiloo lo leaie Letterheads back health m. 1. s.o me my viki government. Iba telloalor deacrlbed Undi: MiDiM AUTIIUU LAPLANTC. Commrnclnr at a poa! planted al llllb Envelopes UH a boi,6 for 12X0, trial alia, 23c Water Mark Portland Canal, to cbaina Due Statements Ml dealers or sent poatpaid by FrulW Furniture wanted. Any quan Norte and 40 cbaina, or mare. Due Weal Cards, Etc Paose.98 or tea Norte Writ Corner or Lot 411. Good for a tires Limited, OtUw. tity. prices paid com. Cattiar Dlitrtct; tbrnca sonberly and lele household furnishings and weatrrlr followlnr tea Una of fllrb Water UL.1A LAJD DISTRICT DISTRICT or all kinds of tools, men's suits. Mark, Portland Canal, lo a point wbere an TIMBER SALE X 1082. COAST. IU.10E nVE. oots, etc. Mione lied 2(3 or call Eaal and Writ Line drawn terourb a point The News Job Press tt cbaina Doe Norte of tbe point of com- F. M. 715 Third Ave. n Crosby. Sealed lendera will be received tee "ike aoUce IMI I lateed la apply to meorement tnteraecta wltb aald Line of by ki Honorable Commliwooer or Laaaa im llirb Water Mark; tbenee Weat SO cbainai Mtnliter of Landa nol later tban oooo on Priatiaj of AH Descri?tww Done Iwaaa la UtM Um foll1o oaecruwa' Salvation Army. terare aoutberlr and eaiterly pa railed wltb tbe I Ttb day of January. Itll for tbe tied! tbe aald Line of lli(b Water Mark, Port-land purebaae of Licence X lOtt to cut 1.100,- .too net nr it a poet planted al Use Canal to A point JO cbaina Doe Weal 000 feel of Pprnee. Cedar, Hemlock and Balaam en an area moated on Nowlab P.O. Box 89 Public meetings, Tuesdays, tbe point of commencement tbenee jc aa.l corner. Abova nian water roar a, Programs doe rail 10 cbaina lo aald point of commencement Cove, Suaan liland, iusre S. Coait D timet 'ii BariMi rolnl thea fa cbalni Thursdays and Saturdays al 8 p. Catalogs . uwa aoaUt la tea Shore Um, lfc and rucuiainr lie acrea mora or ik Sundays at 7:30 p. m. One win be allowed for Dodgers year re- alar Ibe contour of tea Shore Una leia of tee Bed and Fortibore of Portland aoval of timber. Posters,etc CanaL U; place of eomiDraceeaeBt, eoolalnlDl acrea, aaore ar leaa. MINERAL ACT THE ANOLO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING Further particular of tee Cbief Foreater, Victoria, B. C. or DUtrlct Foreiter. Pruee JAMES DESBRJSAT. manarer, COMPANY LIMITED, Walter E. Walker. Art Wales liliod Cannery. CERTIFICATE Of IHRROVESIEArTS Date IIW day of OcloUr, It IT. Rupert B-C. I IT. r. wtaUt lltfc, HIT. Fit SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF NOTICK CASSIAR. "MoljUVnum" ae4 "Ins" kllocral riRC ALARM SYSTEM. CUinta. aitaau la tea Skecoa Mioiof Diti-tiua TAkE notice teal Tbe Aarlo-BrlUab Co- of CAMiar Dlitnct himbiA Packing Company Limited, of Van ciacvtT NO. 1. Wkrr kxand. Atooal 4 milea Wtairrlj couver, n. C occupation Salmon Cannera, A 11 IM IL and I rt Are. rrua tea brad at AUca Ana. aad aXKHii uiteada la apply for pennlaalon lo leaae Keep the B.1 ft 4ih St aa4 Srd Ava. Ml rrua tea Bcacn. iba followlnr deaentied landai up "T AM assured that W. ralmora 41 14 ite sl aa4 tnt A. TAAC OTICX teal Uata Cunaneoclor at a poet planted at Hlb At I 11 JnorUoa r III, fad rrM Minar'a carusrau .la. lllll-C ai Water Mark, Portland Canal. 10 cbaina Due A my people will re lr4 Atra. aral of tea MotjMraua Muuar aod Ra Norte and 10 cbaim or mora Due Weat of 1 HI kt.. trlta StU aad daua CoaBpaay. LUnlMd, (oo rtraooal tee Norte Weat Corner of Lot 411, Caaalar Food Supply spond to every call tr; u tool HoUl). UabiUif) rrrt MUtera CaruflcaM .la DUtrtct; teenca aorte AO cbalnit tee ore to the success IT M and Tlk St (Oa- Itt-C iaitnda ililr Uj frn tea data eat SO cbaina, more or leaa, lo Hlrb necessary "ti MoUI l brrvor, to applr M'tea Miaior Mecmtt Water Mark PorUaad CaoaIi teenca aoutb of ourcause-with Imr a CtrUScala f ImproiMzwoU. Tor tea erly and eaiterly foUowtnr tee tine of CIRCUIT NO. -Ut Mireaaa or oCUtstor A unrn uraai si Hlrb Water Mark rorUand Canal to tbe and Help the same indomitable ram of tea abota clatisa. point of comrBencemeol aad con talnlnr (0 U St4 A aad trd St (TmI ardour and devotion AAD rt'RTIIER TAAC .NOTICE teat actioo acrea mora or leaa. aodrr txuoa st taail la cauiMDrad M THE ANOLO-BRITtSII COLUMBIA PACK1NO that have with a t "4 a. aat McArlJa St filled me rara Iba Uu of aatb CarUOtata of Ua COMPANY LIMITED, Walter E. Walker. Art 4 aa aad MtBrlda St a a q4 At aad tad St MVTaarota. Date tl ill day of October, I0IT. Make Victory pride and gratitude DATED tela f t lb day ar nvtmit a. u. a t ,a Aa. aad Ua St since the war began." tr o. t r. it it. rn SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of COAST, RANGE FIVE. His Majxstt Kikq Gborok CIRCUIT RO. S. THE CLEANSE Sure Ml SI A aad ration St TAKE notice teat Walter E. Walker, of Ml XI B "tea aad Ta.'ia f U. ancouver, B. C, occupation Manarer, 4 a Ara aan ralutt St LARGE INTESTINE ntenda lo apply for permlaalon to leaie I AS it Att. aod Comria Ata. tee followlnr deacrlbed landa.- I 17 sa At tod Dodta ruca Commenclnr at a poll planted at tbe ai m a aad Tboapaoo St Present War Cry of Advanced tbroutb inuraection Concrete or aa Eail Monument and at Weat Bartlett Una soldiers must be fed; the people at CIRCUIT Physicians. rotnt Walea Uland. B. C wltb lUtb Water OUR NO. 4. fed. Andin of a i i 4a A. aad Ejnmaraoo Mark Tonraae Paiaaret tbenee aouteerty must be spite 'u ..I IL. luiLuc aurawoa o( tee tad eaiterly followlnr aald Hlrb Water Mark to a point wbere a Norte aod Sou lb murderous campaign to Sai l to At, and MtBrlda St world bate rone aa far rtcantty aa to re Germany's la caaci Una drawn terourb a point to cbaina Due Inteatine A tt 44 41 f na lh Aa.A. aod and Raul Orvro St St move aa aertoua part aa of tbal tee Larre of Tttberculoaie nealtb ana by re M Eait ecu of aald tee Hlrb point Water of commencement Mark of Too Inter ran cut of f the Allies' Food supply, by sinking Ml to 44. 'u A. aod Eterta. iiored tee paUeot per Bl 141 lib Are aod Youaf St dolDf.Tbe New York American baa racenuj aorteweaterly Paiiara; tbenee la a aoulh eiraltbt 10 Una cbalaat to a tbenee point every ship on the High Seas an ample and 10 cbaina Due Weat of tee point of com 11 Id! of food and Durtor CotuUpaUon tea poiaona u aaencemenlt teenca to cbaina Due Eait at unfailing flow to England itM. iirn loieauna often become ao treat the pulnt of commeocemeBl and cootalnlnr aa to form a aertoua menace to bealte and tlO acrea, mora or leaa. France must be maintained. ven to Ufa. Tbroutb tbe waiu oi tne WALTER E. WALKER. InteiUne teey enter tee wooa ana w Data tltb day of October, HIT. Anyone Can Have aume Iba bealtey blood celli. Unpovertab This is National Service in tea blood, and If tell proceaa la eon SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF imiurf Lur muiirk an acute potaootna ta CASSIAR. Whipped Cream Druduced." Not to the Farmer only -But It la Impoaalble under our prtaent day TAKE notice teal Walter E. Walker, of mode of llvtnr for tbe inteiune to na u Vancouver. B. C occupation Manarer. to YOU to everybody aeir uf aU waiw, and 11 la rainy proven tntenda to apply for permlaalon to leaw PACIFIC MILK is so teal tbera la ao aecumulaUon. no matter the followlnr deacrlbed land!: This appeal is directed rich In cream that it huw reenter wa are. Commenclnr al a poit planted at tee MM Drori. reruiariy, form a naoii. Norte Weat Corner of Lot III, caaalar wiups ns easily as but Internal Balblnr BT meana oi DUtrlct; teenca norib tO cbalnat tbenee must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden small or Large. Utilize i b. L. Caicada" cteaniaa tea K)r well 10 cbaina. more or leaa. to Hlrb WE PLANT most of tho frvah Inteatine lla entire lentte wltb pure warm Water Mark Portland Cabal) teenca aoutb to SAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the cream sold around ..i.p ni tinkri it clean, aaeel ana erly and eaiterly followlnr mrn water women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food Canal lo or commence bralibr. Mark Portland pocui IlLtal tho Province. At Iba aame tune II rtruiawa am j. ment and cootalnlnr ItO acrea more or aged and the old all can help in tbe imi maaea oaa real tnai ri kia. Nation's Army of Production. M a McCary of New Westminster tun la worklnr amoothly and naturauj WALTER E. WALKER. WOMEN of towns can find no better rote In to ml. indeed, tela la ao. Data- tub day of October, HIT. important outlet for their that she say whips tmi i.u.r mil eonver A maaaata af pound of FOOD raised, helps J'ai;i-!G MILK EVERY energies than iu cultivating a vegetable for regularly rood cbeer lo manyi the cost of living and adds to 'at for the for uounu. youngsters vaiiana( garden. the Food Supply for Overseas. 1' eakfast. Dr. Cbai. A. Tyrrell. Ill Collate Street. Toronto, unt LNOINtyKLf U she does is to set aside the Dear air We beartilr aodorae tbe .BVBBMBk. m.mr THE v Be patriotic in act as sinount sho wants, in a cool nlace, a. L. Caarade. aa we and in our wur 1ST For information on any subject relating rr a tune and then beats II with Uial a loaded colon meaua t polaoned tl a trin. which. In turn, uieana Utamenwua to the Farm and Garden, mite: well as in thought seivo egg-beater. Bhe puts this cuntractlon of Iba aplnal uuictoa, lialmt ' " toast and gives it to the child. wbicb our work la directed. I CL 1 la- Sl T la. 1t-tt INFORMATION DUUAU 'fm for breakfast. Ainihina belDlnt ua In talnlnr reiaia Marie Pewae, Department of Agriculture V'tu'll lion we conalder s boon, bote lo ouraehea 4 CU S-4 la. ky S 1.t la , re Use every means available" find it Is good on cakes and Haeae rewae. OTTAWA and our palleuli. Overlook nothing. Moil aiocarciy, S Ct 1.S la. b S ra-sa PACIFIO MILK CO., LTD. Pri. lloiley and Oarlwd. Meree rewae. Over Dvt hundred teouaand are now eo Factory at Ladner, B. C. ihuklatile uaera of Iba -i, B. L. Caacana, of whirb la now belnr abown aod eipUined Fop Further Information Dominion Department Agriculture f you have a good ruclpe oend it it i vnl II. Orine'a Drus Stora. cor. Ird Apply to ion may get a nice surnrls Avenue aiul ttb St. Priuce lupert OTTAWA, CANADA. return. Aak or wrlle now, while you tblnk of It Address llox Van H82, ,.. . Tvrn.ii u ii taa 1 alreel W. E. WILLI8CR0FT "-liver, II. a, HON. MARTIN BURRJUX, Minister. Inlereitlor.booklet Toronto, for free and Prlnoe Rupert, B. 0. "Wbr Man of Today ia Ouly 10 Itr Cent imcient."