Saturday January 10 tLl, TftK DAILY MEW RUSSIA TO ANNUL FOnEION LOANS Do you ever have WATER NOTICE ALL G. H. Arnold Local News Notes ftniipany TAKE rlOTICK wliee addreae thai Dully i (Special lo The Dally Jiew. fhe"bliies"? c. wilt annlv r i. . " l'.lroitrn. Jan. 10. The exec- UM len tubte feel of wu-, p,( ai.j NOTARY PUBLIO Miss M. Simpson left tho city lullve of the Workmen's nnd Hol That discouraged fccllriK often out of Trwit Creek. ini.u I this morning for Vancouver. comes from a disordered stomach, sauli niver newmr into au (,b, TIMBER 8ALE X1104. ders' Delegates have determineti inactive liver. Get nar District. The water win ,,. ." tho Constituent As-sembly or on at the bead of lb rail . n.,i to put before a u,. We Sell neal Estate. The lllght Ilcvercnil Ilishop I)u decree passed by llnir your digestion in 6hapc and Horde Mineral elalm. Lot m( Jcaled tender! will be recelred the a by, Vernet left this morning for Van. the bile nctina nropcrly-thcn be uaed rr pvwef We wrilo Fire and Marine Minlater of Land not later I ban noon on council of commissioners, providing twrpoars i.n ft ".. You nd Dolly Varden Insurance. the Slat day of January, ISIS, for tin pur couver. of nil stale the"blucs"will disappear. Oroupi ,,i for tho annulment la mil belli Lau till thai of Licence XI 170, to cut 1.100,000 t will soon be cheerful,if you take l a ; " ii., We have Apartments, Stores, loans, the annulment of nil guarantees 4IKI 111 lift IO HIT lUrlli.H, feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Balaam Mr. (loldhloom was a passenger i"i i,,t Houses, and Offices for on an area altuited on Lonf Lake, Freser on this morning's train for given by the government H, caMlur DMIMtl piliatkn will be and Want Reach, nana , Coast District. loans advanced by made n.. '" ibe More. Hcnt, by paying over river S points. up BEECH AM uriii to eture lit arm rri ln , Two (f) year will be allowed for removal nnd We Deal in Mortgage Loans. of limber. institutions, and companies, iak' and I.IN acre feel in 1 1 J. tu. ..... ... . .. ...M.h T -k - We Sell Timber Limits Further particular! of the Chief Foreiter, Mr. F. Q. Dawson sailed for the annulment, without exception, ' Victoria, D. C, or Dlatrlct Foreiter, Prince Vancouver and Seattle this morning of all foreign loans. urn awred In lint Trout Uke Id i , We do Conveyancing. nupert, B. C. on a business trip. PILLS irii. ikH) of a dam at it .,uli, , IM",. TIMBER SALE X1170, PEACE NEGOTIATIONS um- ruftitrtRtlon of dam ai u. '.uel ty Miss Isabel Newton was among i.l coOd Trout Uke. The . . H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. the people's remedy for life a . . ... .. . .. . . . . . Sealed tender! will be recelred by the tho passenf-ers leaving Prince Rupert LEAYES BERLIN COLD act n HN W V JimKUH at 1.1-1 I . ,u ailments. They cortmon i' i mrm aua ai aerond, I this morning for the south. Minlater of Land not later than noon on Wd the stomach, urth Trawl Lake la iweni the Slat day of January, I(IS, for the pur- thoroughly on , chaae of Ucer.ce X 1104, to cut 1,017,000 Mr. A, L. Carruthers, provincial Amsterdam, Public feeling in liver and bowels,and soon regulate Tim tvullre wa pated on n . Jtl4 '4 the I lin of feet of Cedar Spruce, Hemlock and Balaam the nnd strengthen these important day OetotM-r. iwi government engineer, sailed this Ileriln is not at all elated over nitty ul tM Mtlre and at. , on an area altuated in Quat-tcon Inlet, a. atijt "The Daily News" Ran re I, Coait District. morning for Victoria, on depart- Russian peace negotiations. Ac-1 organs. lurcly vegetablecontain piiruai there to and to the t . One (I) year will be allowed for re mental business. jcordlng to tho Ucrllner Tagcblalt, ! no harmful ivlt. WIO b Bled lu lb ..fn- f um moral of timber. drugs. Whenever you feel rtal-r Heevrder at PrHtre Ruptt: .!... most of the Ilerllnera remain (. CLASSIFIED ADS. Further particular of the Chief Foreiter, Mrs. Paul Wicks, of .North Pa-!8Ccr,lIcni anJ , not believe In despondent a few doses will i r or too am appearati" ' IUI noiirv in Um Uk nemipaiH' B. Dlitrlct Prince Victoria, C, or Foreiter, Rupert, B. C. ciHc, was among the passengers the iastlng qualities of tho Maxi- tlrd day of (HWber, 117 aod -i... aa on Doaru mo rnncess sopma mis malisl Government. They Im-, Malic Tilings My Iw RmmI with the rumpir . or WANTED. TIMBER SALE X926. morning for the south. agine, to use the words of Schiller, Water IWcordef wllhm thlrt 'U.. Ktif that "it wilt be dinicull to, look Brighter WA.1TSD TO RENT Furnlsbed or tin Sealed lender will be recelred by the Mrs. II. Montador will give a tea very IXJLI.T VARritl MI.1ES ) .v,-in. build hut the lava which the' B. tfeOkM. Aleut, per E A ruralibed four or Ave roomed cottite. a on Minlater of Land not later than noon on nrtrl mil 1a a r 1 a nn Afrtn ilitf ilnat U IIU IIIUO IV OUIQ VII lUUUUII a. Li UU.f Ar MWk We la It WmU. Box Hi Dally Kew omc. the tllh day of February, lilt, for the I i -""'I i Mt . iU UUiHiUt. from 3 to 5 In aid of the Seal Cove ,." W.VTKIl NOTIU purcbae of Licence X OKI, to cut O.III.OOO earthquake." No feverish opli- WANTED Nan and wife io ran lunch feet of Hemlock, Spruce, Balaam and Cedar ried Cross. All arc welcome. 16 IDtveraKjit and I'M counttr, pool room and tint aland. Prince j mism has taken hold of the nntion on an area altuated on Lonf Lake, Fraier Rupert Employment omce. Empress Hotel, Reach, Ranre 4, Coait Dlitrlct. The Princess Sophia arrived as has been occasioned twenty TAKE VmCE that Tbe Brlllib Unadtu tr. Three (J) years will be allowed for re this mornintt from Alaska on her. m nce war Droe out Dy , DENTISTRY LMittirf Qarturatlvo, Ltd.. whuae addmi moval of timber. la if Yerksbife Biritdior. VanroMvtr. m WANTED man for Janitor work. Wart" and this south Sho took good(8Purlous Pace rumors; board and Further particular! of the Chief Foreiter. way on n Hty for a Meeaes lo ul sad o m ill wltb room. Apply lit mon la Secretary, Prince Bupert Oeoeral Ictorla, B. C or Dlatrlct Foreiter, Prlnr ntitnliAP nf nmtAnffiiri Hapa .lime in particular, when tnern is; AND Bit I DOS WOl ewMe foel r eond of watei of Hospital, tr Rupert. B. C Ft 4 ... :s,ome sugni grounu ror nope, no a spratALTv a sasaamed creek, wbleh Oui t lVIj h" been shaken out of their tut tot Wis hit) Massel Inkl. air i a Mrs. Dalnter left this morning, 9 WANTED To board two tirli. School TIMBER SALE X894. . . - ....... .I... .I.IMIi DR. J. S. DROWN yam rwrtiwasterly frccn Um kc t flrla preferred. Hear Klnr Edward ny me I'rincess soniiia ror van-;':,crJr-uay niuiiuHy, OCMTIST ranter of Ul Ills. School. Apply tie Mmn Are.. Eait. couver. Uerore returning here. Thieves In Clover. Tj water win U diverted n. Qt Sealed tender! will be received by the CPtei ltS Sleet, r!rd Aveaee Mrs. Halnter will pay a visit lo "One calamity Is very notice-able ifm at a ral slwel quatr cf i Minuter of Land not later than noon on rMl LOST mUr reatn II nwuth and will t nu ) 'm the SOU day of February, till, for the Chicago. In Oermany just now,' says maat iHtrpnas tipad tbe land : i M LOST Between Fulton Street and the Government purchase of Licence XSI4, to cut 11,170.-000 Ihe Frankfurter Zeitung, "namely, aa L its. Orabaoi Island. Wharf, porketbook containing feet of Spruce, Cedar, Balaam and The Military Appeal Court sat:tal the arl of stealing is flourish-yesterday, Tlst twite pealed tbe r :U lum of money. Owner name Inalde. Hemlock on an area altuated on Nootura when several anneals ' in, and more than one long- am the day Jtoutrr. -ill a jci river. Burke cnannel, Ranre Coait Dlitrlct. I, Finder pleaie return to the Daily New if Him ate aod aa appUratx.i) i mh were heard. Some were granted Angered gentleman is making his Atkins omce. tf Harry ihmto aad te tbe -Water Art. i . . wj Three (1) year will be allowed for removal and some were disallowed. The!fort,,ne by selling possessions o AM la lb offlee ef tbe Wakr r. '4 LAST Oold Stickpin, between Iroquoi ui umber. court will sit again this afternoon. other than his own. The watch eawlly Betcnee, Prince Rupert. al I'rwr IHipvft, S C. Peel Room and Fifth Avenue, E. Reward. Further particular of the Chler Foreiter fulness of the has ijfuaM lo ib apptteau.iii tl; U Finder please return to Dally Victoria, B. C, or Dlitrlct Foreiter. Prince police neces .NOTED FOR UmI wUS tbe aald Waur aeraV' ;a new omce. tf. Rupert. B.C. rto. No- further word has been received sarlly been slackened, and prop PRIME SAUSAGE Mh CuatprmUrt f Water ftialiu :t-smI MISCELLANEOUS TIMBER SALE X1095. in the city yet regarding erty cannot be so strictly guarded IhwMNit. Vtfterta, R ia the finding of a dead man near as before. It Is a well known fact Hurty day after tbe Bffl arca.: af DJiESSMAKT.NQ Wanted Apprentice or Sealed tender will be received by the Wales Island. Search parties are that the thief who before the war Tomato Sausage a Specialty. Um Bsjma) lo t teeal Mrspaer Ttw date r Um em ' helper. Apply Mil Simpson, Richmond Mloltter or Land not later than noon on out, and their return is awaited slunk about In terror with hi muiHm m Jaaaary lib. If pttbiieauoa IS tbu Room, Third Avenue. It. the 10th day or January, till, ror the . . stolen Jewels, and found some dif Phone S74 p. O. Bos TIIC SMTtlll CANIDUN i.i tla pure ha e or Licence X toil, to cut 7,000,-000 WILL JAY CASH for FURNITURE for a feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on The appeals against the de Acuity in gelling rid of them, now COMhOrtATtON. LTD fiv-roomed cot tare. Box 146 Dally New an area altuated on Dana Inlet Queen clsion given In the liquor cases finds no such embarrassment. Th I. T T. Pat lea. fteeeever sad Manarer By C A. cats eland. omce. Charlotte Iilandi Dlitrlct. which were up in the police court thief of today lives like a lord, and r WE WANT TO CONTRACT IMMEDIATELY moval Two of()timber.year will be allowed for re a few days ago, will come up be makes huge profits off stolen ADVERTISE IN Pwifl's Premium Olec-ma pa. With a reliable man ai land locator or Further parttculara of the Chler Foreiter, fore his Honor Judge Young on foodstuffs, for most people buy rirte looks like butler. Ut s . rulde in eacb dlitrlct of B. C. Must be a The Daily IborotirbJy familiar with open bomeitead, Victoria, B. C, or Dlitrlct Foreiter, Prince .Monday. without bothering to ask whenc News butler. tOe pf lb. Friiroll I purchase and leaae land and alao the Rupert. B. C it. . the sausage roll or the butler or B.C. Land Act Describe climate, 1L LAND ACT Mrs. B. H. Paterson was a pas the flour has originated. Most of iiMisvuiMuvu, vc aie your expert senger on Ihe train this morning the foodstuffs stolen from private enc Locatora,and."to.encloae II Dunn reference Block, Oreat to A.Fall,B SKEE.tA LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF for up river. She will Join Mr, houses have been unlawfully A HOT BATH THE Montana. (t) COAST, RAXCE 4. Paterson at the ranch near Hays hoarded, and the owners are thu port, where he is spending a few- afraid lo prosecute the thieves. MINUTE YOU WANT IT TAKE NOTICE that John Orace. of Vancouver. days' vacation. Sliding Forbidden. B. C, occupation oinerman. intend to apply for Dermliilon to leaae the Snow has lost all Its charm for You are acruslomed to Prince fluperf Feed Co. fotiowinr deicribed land!. Miss Maisie floss, niece of Mr. the German children this year, getting cold water in commeneinr at a poit planted on the and Mrs. K. II Paterson, Taylor because all sliding has been ofll Untly. Think of the sat PHONE 68 xarmm roreabore.h.,t on the well mi.. aide It Stewart...ZZ Street, who has been visiting daily forbidden. The authorities tafaeltan of getting i; I Bay? thence weit to chains, thence, returned to her home in give two reasons for this order n3k Water in the same wsy .a 10 chalm, thence eait to chain, thence Nanalmo by the Princess Sophia nameiy mat sliding is very abundance, regar.tleas ' FOR. aoutb o chains to the point of commencement Ihts morning. wearing for th - boots and shoes How much has been uied and containing- 40 acre more or less. JOll.t GRACE. AppIlcanL which will require to be carefully blore. 'BULBS DATED November It. lit 7. The Sons of F.ngland had a re saved this winter. If they are to HOT WATER LIKE (TAQIC IRPntlnn Inal nicrht In e last till and spring, that since the SKEEJtA LA.ND DISTRICT DISTRICT " ... .., IL.I- . . , f i a n n Tulips, Hyacinths, COAST. nA.tCE I, I""""' " nieir ineiiiuers wno nave street lighting has had lo be stopped 'Ti Harry Hanson Daffodils, ibeeft called up. Some have al- such slides on the pavements Easter "Lilies, Narcissus. Take notice tbat the Weitern salmon !ready left, and those going Im are a great danger to foot pas Hot Water 8enii e brimc racawt u Ltd.. or Vancouver. B. C. oc mediately are Mfr. Albin. sengers. and slides on the main you this convert' n ? """ vuiiers. lOKUua apply ii it, nnfJ omnP. T-l,0 MS 7 road PHONE 429 P.O. BOX 395 all Ordere for permiiilon to leai the followinr de are equally dangerous for Attanded Promptly to. icrlbed land!: Ings were of a very happy nature horses. Commeneinr at a poll planted at bltb ... water mark. Steamer Paaiare, (on imall For Prince Ilupert and district i r. O. sWa S3S. SOS Third Ave. bltbt on the laid paasare about one mil we have secured the north of Qolnamass Bay) ten (10) chain services of V. I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY FRED Mr. Martin Kroeger. F. n. 11.8 STORK'S HARDWARE due wen or aald blfht; thence twenty (to) 209 M.tropollten !., Vancouver. chalm due north, thence Iwenir (toi Prince Ilupert, n. O, phone Red In due eait, thence twenty (101 399. Consult him about your Day PDone, Seymour (46t. chains south, tbence back lo point of commencement, Nlrbl Phone, Fairmont SOU. FOrt CANNERYMEN garden problems. Ilritlsh Colum J.L.HICKEY and contalnlnr forty (40) bia Nurseries, We have added to our utock of valves and pipes a complete acre more or less. Ltd., Vancouver, Head Ome, 312 Hlbben-Bone Bld. line of Hubber HeJting at right prices. THE WESTER SALMON PACII.NO COM- . tf, Victoria. B. C., Phone S412. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER PA.1Y: LIMITED; C. C Robertson. Art. . . FOR FISHERMEN DATED December list. HIT. Mr. I). II. Morrison has return A complete stuck of the lt goods that money can buy for a Store and Ofllco Fixtures, .1AVI0ADLE WATERS PROTECTIO.t ACT. ed to the city from Sitka, where trolling Spring Hrass, 8ilvcr and Hronxe. Sash, Door and Moldings. (R. S. C. Chapter III.) he has been engaged in the erec FOR THE WATERFRONT Oak and Hard Woods of all AWEItBERO TIIOMSO.t and COMPANY. tion of buildings for the Doolh Tho celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special beat LIMITED, hereby rive notice that they Fisheries, Ltd. He finds Sitka to paint "FI.Ofll.A.K" A complete line of Ship Chandlery kinds. have, tinder section of said act deposited be a quaint old town. A great Stuart J. Martin FOR EVERYONE We Specialize In Hardwood un ine Minister of Public Work at number of the Ottawa and in the omce of the District buildings date from A fine stock of Hardware. Gurney's Oxford Stoves. Boat Ribs, Sash, lietistrar of the Land the time of the Russian occuna nerfstry omce, District ASSAYCH . We Sell Nothing But The BesL Doors, etc. or rrlnce Rupert, a description of the lion, and their architecture Is In nd the plan of wharf and other the Russian style. Plata and Sheet Glass and work proposed to be built on Lot one. HAZELTON B. O. Glazing. aterrroni mock F. City of Prlneo Rupert. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE "THE CRYSTAL Province of British Columbia, and take GAZER" Corner Fraser and 6th Sts. notice thai after the ei pi ration of one The oldest established Assay month from the date o(. the Dm public- Miss Fanny Ward is the star lo PHONE GREEN 269 lion or mi nonce Akerberr Thomson and be filmed Offlos In the North. at the Westholme (his Company Limited will under Section (even P. O. BOX 48. of tbe ald Act, apply to fhe Minister of evening. She is one of the favor- ee.-t i ublie Work at bia omce in tbe cur orlitbs in Prince Ilimprl Tim aini-v Whether . .... ..... - - ... . nti.. r. i . .Vy,,., Vl ,.IU ua oi in s For pnoloi is rama a great Yourself one, plana and for leave to construct tbe IdL,, BABY'S wharf and work. gives the star an opportunity STEEN & LONGWILL or aa Dated at Prince Rupert B. C. thl teeond for me great powers. In this play .... ... , . .. Gift fo j vi ituuir mil, thd case of an actress sacrificing OWNggjSOAP your Friend SANITARY AND HEATING AkEItBEHQ THOMSON David Thomson.and COMPANV,Becreiary.LTD herseir for her art Is exemplified, ENGINEERS There Is a lerrlflo fight scene In this photodrama and In the course 2W PERRIN'S of the filming Miss Ward's shoul Agents for Harry A. Harvey Her was accldently dislocated. PL MoCLARV FURNACES (Lat Lon4.ii, Knf., oenaervaUIre With the exception of a sharp f Muala) cream, wnich is plainly shown on GLOVES PLUMBING PUPIL OP LANSDOWNI OOTTILL the screen, Miss Ward gave no and Pupil Taken for indication of her Tnjury until the 8HEET METAL WORKS VIOUft,, VI0U.1CILLO and scene was completed, when she Th well known Ptrrin trademark as Phone 5, 831 Second Avenue. EXAMINATIONS , , collapsed. All work on this picture iown In cuts should be on every jlove Night phones 670 Pupils Prepared fee Iismlnetlon had to be suspended for three Tb ) !. ul J sti this assure you perfection of and Wue 270 Aasoalated Board, Vaaeouvar, oenter weeks, until the patient recovered. j lUfcy'a u . S ; I. iv ..!.. u Hotal Collate ef Music, Leaden, KnV. There are two fine comedies also ' a Urturt al r J umi is ( Style, Fit and Finish. The right work, at the right on tonight's lTAt! programme, which r I lime, and at the right price. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 received.from their quality, should be well Altrli4irA,Mi'n''Ml.4ij j Bf fmuU dUn PBRJUM'J tkm wrtd ClOUBS,tr ttl A LltlV