f IWftf i li HE Daily NEWS - V..I. IX NO. 17. IMUNCi: ItUPTltT, 11. C MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1918. PRICE FIVE CfttfTh PEACE COMFEEEMCE CP K7 K9 STMT3 MDED AGAIN COMPULSORY RATIONING FOR BRITAIN - MUD ON WEST FRONT TIES THINGS UP AUSTRO-GERMAN ATTEMPTS NAVAL ACTION CONFERENCE AT j GREAT BRITAIN TO GO ON AGAIN FAIL IN ITALY ATENTRANCETO BREST-LITOVSK COMPULSORY RATIONS ON LOWER PIAVE, ITALIANS SUCCESSFULLY WITHSTAND HUNS DARDANELLES AGAIN STOPPED INDIVIDUAL FOOD CARDS TO BE ISSUED TO EVERY PERSON, EFFORTS TO DRIVE WEDOE TOWARDS VENICE PROGRESS ADULT OR CHILD NEW REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE ON MADE IN PALESTINE FLANDERS MUD FEBRUARY 25 PRESENT SYSTEM OF SUPPLY AGAIN HOLDS UP OPERATIONS IN WEST Two Turkish Cruisers Destroyed Trotsky Returns to Petrograd CAUSING DISSATISFACTION One Sunk and One Beached Germany Refuses to With spei! w Tbs Duy juwsi. .wards Venice. This latest as-,di. Formerly German Qoe-ben draw Her Troops from London, Jan. 21 Compulsory for the purchase of other food-rationing ii Jan. 21. The War Of- nault appears to have been no and Breslau. Occupied Areas. has come. The city of stuffs. ui-i night Issued the follow. 'mure successful than their other London and the home counties' Extreme dissatisfaction has af nient regarding the op-'recent efforts. The Italians are (Special 10 TIM Dtlly 5twi) (Speeltl lo Tbt Duly Xtmt.: will be on rations, so much per .been expressed from different i:s tit raiesuue: irsicruny :ineetniK tne enemy witii a uevast London, Jan. 21. A sharp na- London. Jan. 21. The peace head of population, and no more, parts of the country at the manner . . . . , a was aiivanccu- to- a man i ating artillery fire, and are wfp. val action between the Ilrilish and conference proceedings at ItresU by February 25th. The actual tie- ;in which food is at present being i Ui nth of a mile on a four 'inir oni u.(th mnriiin mm. anil Turkish forces look nlace near lo Lltovsk again have been suspend- tails of the scheme have not been distributed. The supplies of bul- i in lha neighborhood of 'rllle fire the few detachments who Ihe entrance of the Dardanelles.'d, and Trotsky is reported lo' Irrevocably decided yet, because'ter, etc, are so small, even al- I): an ttlve miles north of Jer-'succeed in gelling across, no The Turkish cruiser Midulla has have returned to Petrograd. For- the local food committees nave though the shopkeepers can only 53. Ii- Some prisoners were man's land to the defensive barri- been sunk, and the Sultan Selim eign observers in Petrograd be-'until Monday (today' to proffer'sell a limited quantity to each aj .fed. cades. had to be beached in order to save I'eve mat me negotiations are any late suggestions as lo tne customer, oiten dj miauay me Italian Front. British Front I the lives of the crew. These were working towards a final break, and workings of the plan proposed, slocks are exhausted. In order formerly the German cruisers the falling of the price of the Ger- It is probable, however, that In-J to obtain supplies at all, in many IlriUsh Tut-" is only one other spot on Headquarters France oe,n and Hreslau. which es- man mark In neutral countries is dividual food cards will be issued parts the housewife finds it neces- showing oc- January 21. Small Infantry raids thr .nary map any caped from Ihe Mediterranean Into pointed lo as an indication of loss to every one, including children1 sary to be out very early in the . it of the ordinary during with the customary amount of ar "heller of the Dardanelles im- of confidence among neutrals as below legal age, who will receive'morning to get a place In the (tin rnndable winter weather, tlllerr and air activity on both f'mfdlWr after the outbreak of the result of the parley. cards different in color. queues which stream from each L .ii mat is on -the right flank of till !laV ur ii,J h., imt,, These vessels have been hill The obstacle to the further dis- Each card will contain four sets merchant's, door. Kven In some tt;. Italian river front on the low. isriiisn iront.' . , . ,. . , , t. n. .!... 1.. . r -iih m fi ..-iim,......... tv,. hn,ir. ,i. repcateuiy ur toe iiussian ar.i'" i,r"-u vuiumu ui i-pair. .u. ioihciiih j , -, hi of the Piave. Here th ti,. ,,,-i. mii.t.- ....it. i r.-a. s .... . , . . By Ihe card oanicd I,...,i riln SHIPS in HIP lllavfc Ieil BI1U UJ wipim-l."....,!, jt iiiu at rimu.(-7.ri ii v. u.r r. i ..muvu.. made further have AuH'nans a i " 1,,rm 1 j 1 1"i. aeronlanes while they Pires to withdraw all troops in used for the purchase of butter, system, it is hoped to regulate i.n .M ihoip tloinntel ilriv BUfiit ikiv Hi In.l itf tho nnu- . tbe'but al anlr in the Golden the occupied regions of Ilussia, margarine, etc, and the other sets supplies mucn Detter. ui. lutian lines near the mud remains as Ihe die-!WM" Horn. Ich time, however. Ihelr and their uncertain altitude re- s ! ( wedge their to-;talor in affairs military. ajr way German crews have been able to garding ihe return of the deported FINANCING THE WAR MRS. HUGO JOHNSTON effect repairs. On this occasion, population before Ihe question of IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY BURIED ON SATURDAY fcOLSHEVIKI DISSOLVE ISLANDS SPRUCE IS linnrifr. tbev are bevnnd renair. elf determination is put. The CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY ' . a s .a a 1 . Ilii..innu hma r n m atAn I la .IiaL'Inrr I n an rl A. 1 funeral of Mrs. Hugo nr(K tit ritr nnniiiitAP titans oi tne anion in wuirn tue unmau mc "h"""111; " .uricii. Jan. t toe .Ausiro- The dui in inc. rnuYintc nrm.h kessels disposed of them just as firmly as ever to their de- Hungarian Hank has just made a Johnston, of Seal Cove, took place are meantime vague. mands along these lines. in Vancouver on Saturday. Mr. loan to the Austrian and Hungar P i gad. Jan. 21. The Con-: Stand of Timber on the Queen 'Johnston and his family accom ' Assembly has been dis- Charlotte Islands Is Sufficient DISAPPOINTMENT FOR TRAWLING ADVOCATED ian Governments of 1,500,000.000 panied the casket from Prince The decree of dissolution for Years. kroner, repayable 18 months after llunert by last Thursday's steam U brr i issued by Council vf a-os SIMPSON THIRSTY ONES BY PREMIER BREWSTER tne conclusion oi peace aim wearing er, and lh furiefanfn"hcouver mnussion. and passed by Mr. Win. Ktiannon. who hasj interest at the rate of 1 M per was attended by the immediate executive committee of relatives of the decVased ai lady. been interested in timber in the! rent. Ax the bank has really no a i and workmen's depu-Tti' Mr. Xeysmoulh keps a store'. Victoria. January 21. Premier There were very many floral offer prtvinee tor tne ia.i lorty years,, r.W9l wIlo nn auth0rity on means of providing this sum. it j 'Mly elected assembly raoaniiv iuih an inisrviru in thi on tne intiiaii reserve at ion . . i ings as tributes to her memory. . . r" .r inning on tne I'acinc coast, nas simply prints bank notes and for the first time on jvress in which he staled that the Simpson. Mr. Neysimmth sells. among wnicn were many from I iU h Tauride Palace. The lUii lng the lon of to the respective Prince Itupert. Among these latter be found in the south i,..ini,n""uie",u" nruee to naiun? oilier lliincs. mire arnle o..i. . -i toUf I.. 'rrident showed that were the cards of Mr. J. II. is of an Inferior qualljy and an Julce. which is called cider. He conduj-d that HriUsli Columbia;overnments. The newspapers, the Ik -h. v.ki giernmenl head. Thompson, Mr. and Mcs. Boddie, not stand up as compared with keeps a cask of it u(Min his coun- can BUppiy ast for food to all ca" attention lo the perils at- ri by L'Tim and TroUky was Mr and Mrs. Akerburg, Dr. and thal to be found In some sections (rr. Mr. Neysmouth apparently ,Western Canada as far east as taching to such methods of s a y ii u. nunorily, hence Mrs. Eggert, Mr. and Mrs. Grant of the north and on the islands, had customers who oonsid- some Winnipeg This can be done at finance. !. taken to Thorburn. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Han promptly !. put He pointed out that considerable Wed lhal cider was rather insipid ucn fajr prjCe9 a9 wui induce the Mr", and Mrs. C. J. R. Anderson. expense oould be saved to the t the palate. It lacked kick. Il people of the prairie provinces, as SORTING SOLDIERS' son, Mr. and" Mrs. V. Cummings, PATRIOTIC government were Ihe lumber ship- wns not of the "stingo" family. we as lne nterjor Gf this prov- VOTE IS A BIG JOB Mr. and Mrs, John Dybhavn, Mr. FUND DRIVE ped from Prince Itupert, hleh l To please his customers, and at inc(l lo (,ubstitute more generally and Mrs. D. A. Candow, Mr. and I TORONTO TODAY the of production, In- the lime increase hla Irade, nsi,'f0r near source same beef and bacon. He pro. Ottawa, Jan. 21. The counting Mrs. W. Christisen. Seal Cove; Mr. r - nr., Jan la. stead of towing the logs vu nuies Mr. .teysmnulli arrangeu lor ..,., the taking vt small ground ,i. .i.u vi.. mi. m and Mrs. K. A. Rood, Mr. and Mrs. Duke of -The to Vancouver. importation inlo Ihe reserve of a flsh wiln otleP lTH9t nnj by thu;..i. IK and . Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. has arrived here lo be The spruce to be found In the greybtard. A Jar of gin. with i ... cliea,v method. the consumer m,mnlMP.i bv Kehmarv Olh. s in at the of the Ihree ., .... .... ,i. ... . ui . .ii i ...ui.i Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. De- opening aujoining states ami in me iuiu- which to naur ins uueru iusijiu should get two pounds of fish for anj flnaj election results will be mers. ' ilnve for the Pa-1 ern part pf this province," said cider. fifteen cents. 'announced and I'jHd immediately. The mother of Mr.Johnson, .in Monday. This Mr. Shannon, "Is of on Inferior On u fateful morning last wees This method of fishing has been the ballots a't. 11 Tne worfc 0r sorting his four sisters are living in Van Kxcellency visited quality. It is a hard spruce carry- the Joyful word went around the successfully pursued from Prince constituencies is DaMsMiie according to now couver, with whom his children Military Hospital. ... ..ilol. Ilia. iunanlill or mer. I.nnvn.... Willi uirn iiittriiiloil in T. a . . ,t A I ' ... lll I'lftvia, v .vmv..wp-. v. --- -- - -- ----- - - iiupert tor mure muu u jcar proceeding for -tne overseas vote will remain in the meantime, and THE POPE AND THE chantable lumber being very "etder-witb.a.kick." The inirsty, ial London and for the home vote Mr. Johnson will return to Prince small. In the north we have Ihe Ones were gathered together inl, FUTURE THE CRADLE at Ottawa. The actual counting Rupert in the course of a few JERUSALEM white spruce, named, probably, the store in solemn conclave. V'l Horn to Mr. and Mrs. H. N. will not begin until the ballots weeks. Hm. after ll Color.. It. is iree iroui iniy us uepr.uio. .u "''ifMa.ivn.lloon. of TelVwa. 11. C i'r .nrl.l nnd allocated lo their Jan. 19. According to 1 t II. I ll-.....i.... II. . ' '" --- " Hie knots ami is most uesirauie lor lor mo jr in .,,,, M,iM iimm n..nnrol lfn '.niu.. nn.iii..An.i. Thi. U AUSTRIAN TROOPS FOR Messaggero" the Pope will for which the He passed the greybeard-ve the address a (he special purpoae January 20th, a daughter.'ihe big part of the task and will THE WESTERN FRONT circular letter to all the ! . authorities require II. counter in the sight of as- , , ''"s thai 10,f belligerent Slates saying He wenl on lo say that a large sembled Thirsty Ones. li in an- wnen ,ne 8ame constable met him nPn. nf eonnlinir will be a com. London, Jan. 19. The special assiM tj,,. any (yirlstlan country percentage of the spruce on the tleipatlon were smacking liieir aa casually enquired what he had jiaratively simple and brief task, correspondent of the Press Association, Turks in an atlempl to Charlotte Islands was of lips. Tle cider barrel was all hu in slick- "' '"iqupi- Jerusalem it will be gueen undep nrin wrapped a j' A gtatT of twelve scrutineers. telegraphing from Italian "do i Ihe white variety, wnicu couiu oo reauy, i u,.(, ul. er. Mr. Shepherd Tell sad, aiso, representing the Government Headquarters, says: "The Emperor miod by ihe Vatican. found in sufficient quantities lo one stood expectant lowliness the bul lie ,owed wjiat he had. It , ix tho Opposition. Is now at Karl, who is reported to HINDENBURG supply the ixuninion governmcm. cercmuiiy Ma8 notiies oi goou rcoicn ai:work Dn the forty thousand bol have a weakness for General Kro-batin. AND for years lo come. It was partlo-Juice with the "LlUIr of life, icon's llay rum. fit for any ,oU casl by lnen,bers of the Can has chosen him to com. HIS GUIDING STAR ularly strong in fibre and hail very mereoy to ma u ur..m.-. palate. They nau come au tne nil,an ipeditionary Forces in mand some Austrian divisions tmt.M little heart. i.uniDerman. .way irom caikuicucnaii, Canada. There are 200 bags or which have been removed from dam -On the occasion of INeysmoum stoou, si n uio jar singing silently. "Thou art o b ots anJ cvery baiot has to be the Italian front, and are destined mmi of a party of publishers COURT !hls arms, when suddenly, a Hrm am, )el 0 faPi Mr Shep- MpiiI, THE POLICE M,ar ,n-peclw for the ll0me address of to help the Germans against the t Main German Head-1"lerv step was heard upon Iho doorstep, herd in these early hours was alo the vo,ep nm, allocation to the Franco-Hritish forces in France. Field Marshal von Hln- Three boya were arraigned be- and the smiling countenance of uckeil up and parted with 1100; constituency. Accordingly General Krobatin has i.uurg is reported by the "Hoi. i. m,.i-..i p.... in thn nollcn Constable Watklnson appeared. t rMin his freedom. I left the Trentiuo with the mission "-lie nod's V..lksteitung" lo have said, court this iiMrnlng charged with The soleiiuiity and gravity of the, Mr, ,,erryi lhe dlan agent.' T. P. ARRANGING FOR of returning to Germany the as. help anJ uur riBj,te0UII "breaking nnd entering the Hub occasion increase! isipi. happened I he at Minpson at tne ANOTHER STEAMER sistance which the German troops -io arc our guiding star." and I'lHH i ii 1111(1111. ti,A nn.iMi iruiiiv. situaiiun was iriisi-. ,'time ami neiu court, it is FOR ALASKA TRADE have given to Austria against auaed,''n raising his voice, lo have and on account of their extreme, A nod was ns good as a wink, pcclpd that the Dominion govem- Italy. "Kep your courago up. youth, the case was dismissed, ami auiy .nr. .tjhuumi.. w illlPni Wlll iake uw luullvr uv uu Vancouver, Jan. 10. On account u la' ticrmnn. that's Prussian, The eldest of the boys, however, (panted the constable to whert proecute the firms who supplied of the growth of the trade Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces niunclandlsh." has to leave town and go lo work.!there was a "Jug." The barre o ttlU Ul,uor, arising lo and . from Alaskan your fuel bill and gives He goes up the line on this morn- pure apple Juice still stand u on, - jjjfffrrfrr , ports and Prince Rupert, the O. satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. 'lug's train ithe counter of Mr. .Neysmouth T. P. Steamship Compauy are at Coal Co. WESTHOLMF, store, and lhe Thirsty Ones ore arranging for tho purchase ... .I .r dder-wilh-a- COAL present VnTKH'nwiiuii ft... ..lonli'v w .if .....llinr. .Mllll WHIIUUl llll-ll of the steamer F. A. Kilburn OPERA HOUSE i... .... iii.n .i.nlJtuik. The "Jug stlll eontains Steamship TONIGHT I'liiiiuiise nas nrvn iisui - , , i.i vv from the Independent ONLY age.1 by water. Therefore. It must m": line Co. The Kilburn has been plying? Sirs PAULINE FREDERICK be.sold at a loss lo clear. A new mouth got out after palng a Will be sold for eash during between the Columbia river and uml complete Helcction of spring,of 1100. tho year 1018. Kindly pay van Francisco in the freight and ''THE LOVE THAT LIVES" n.,.i ...er umuU: swond to I That same morning, iu the earl) at the office, or be prepared passenger trade. "Mots FLAYEIll l'HODUCTIO.1 none in quality, will arrive abort- hour.. Mr to pay when delivered. Negotiations are at present under FOR QUALITY . liU ly.-HOlIMANH of the Port 8lmpo" reserve,. eon. AL1I11HT & McGAFFKRY, LD. way at San FranoUeo, whither fw ,na KRVICK and SATISFACTION PATHE GAZETTE or h .... Piri'KIl HLACK for Prince Captain C. 11. .Nicholson, manager s AND A kini omcm wr Vli. For New Wellington Coal .nd;boe. whleh had oome Rupert Coal Co. or the Grand Truuk Paclflo Steamship IX DAY WF.KK FOH HF.LP, COMEDY Ir Lumber of all dimensions.I He was early. h 0m"e' ..,.. i..i.jii)i(iii"""f Co has gone. on lus way hone Ht, around. He was