THE DAILY NEWS ,,. , - Ml M.S ,,iti imi are I- IM'I' I" laa Lafi'laioa The Daily News Bl BA K OF u , t riu - tmmH SI IM nrtl THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA British Htrll. America w.tai iatt'i f,r it aa art a sa mssrjeraw ttrMeariat a sd;, PublUhed Dally and Weekly rmtfe ceteassts. Guaranteed Largest Circulation anh a'r lo aej testes nasatosae mt H Statement to the Dominion aa'err '" 4 rut inter 0 Government (Condsnsed) mrabr' CarSMftsr. twr- VrHlilWrst. HEAD OFFICE: I., the 30th November, 1)17. . ii i aaiiral Diil New Ballding, Third Avenue. Prince RuperL D.C. TeL 98. lh4, .nd w, ..tsanati see eaneaet Murtl- The goody that Is TRANSIE.VF DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents Inch. LIABILITIES TO THE PCBLIO aa4 prrarnaa aara ww beneficial to per Vole M arcwiaDne 1.111.74 bmtsI rearsraw ai w teeth Contract Rates on appWcatton. NfMlH T,tll.t7f uUrM .ped- s t rrastrrtwrstet and stomach is ! la other Basil. . . . lli.Sf or mrmtrt p m tasM Utrssetl eft aaS best Mlh payable ' ttrrptanr au.BSjtr -r iasraat aaafaaw ' for all liAILV EDITION $S& Monday. Jan. fi, 191. fcy Laadoa OflM)... (.SIMM real and prrweai rwwprrtj " 1 l ages. (mfUm ander Utters ,4 l Or atatiluia. aH I ! xmtnm, c r credti uit.iti mnim Ma ucseet .oe saaeer sa THE HANDMAIDS OF WAR M) araai SI mmt to Si eatrtere feH ia mil' tine research, and invention. il re or lalwDT'tnoa to tx hi rs One of the tiling which in Anotlurr thing ia notable, at aaS to (try laa atasa mm among those most nnUrcable this time, and that is that never ASSETS cea i Hi d sad in mw - tla assira oy at Ibis time, after mre than before have men of letters been atriaroi r Mt b iit.iM.m pn rtn.tiiuKMi ib staanrr aa sasy massages thre of warfare. the mobilhtedto present to the neutral and years ia Deposit OaSWMUMtH rMrd fur by By taw, SM aae scale upun winch knowledge ( world the case for their aa a lets areaume tiMtt koM its immi BMtwn wmn 1 strengthens the Pit hi la Oetral OsM laaeii. saw to M. enjay. am every description i bein employed country. Germany was the Irst nutk i i,i gums. Keeps nrmw sit poeara. ntM saa prm-er-' teeth for military purpose. in this ftekL, as in certain aereaaary, aaeai or aarwaiai an The whole others, but the value of her . clean and knowledge of the n4 eter SaewrlWe. IMO.ttl ff itar a7orcai4 maw breath world today historical. ftn priority is diminishing as the Call .ad -hrl Loaa.. . . T.4IMII BatDSMtW A STACroOLE, Cense I Lmm aed D4a- gatsutsft far ta At-rrat sweet, allays thirst, graphical, even literary, as war is proiotured. German r.aaU A attwr Aaaeta Jl,tll.4l DATED at Victoria. B. C that isth ay well as what is u Dually described scholars have not been partic Ua4Btte f CmMmn of OoemLer tttT. aids appetite and as scientific is mobilized, ularly successful in making the eeder Uttert of crrdH I,ill.Ill and the Germans have worse appear the better rea Bask rrtmtMS MTI.SIT nonce. digestion. even made theology the defend, son!!. Their theologians have ITt.4ll.eSI er of their lust and cruelty. brought ridicule long ago upon -Sa Oafl." -Brown Brar." -Uitfs Teeij Learning and science have become their attempt to prove that rrsruaa. "SaaSlbl FratttM, "Srs Uef I "After I Keep YOUR boy m rrarttae,'. Sbet Astoar rrattJsa." "Sky ) the front supplied. completely th handmaids murder and outrage is in keep -Caap Bard rrscttaa sad "Ofeaar of war. In past generations, ing witn Ine neat lower of tng applied to Iremnd. The British raiory" Mtaoral Oatsss. sttaate la uta the kriuldre of that Christina leeching. Only a few Hestse of Commont turned kaaa Maatas puisne of Oasat Otttmi generation that waged war wa week- ego, one of their famous down the proposition again last tasM.Wkato ftlaet bsrat Keyal tear lataad.Baar Lata. Sarf utilized, bul never to the extent jurists, who in his own department week. But Ireland is doing what TALE MOTrCX Uut L rred M. WaHS. I that it if I Jay. And to i an interne I tonal authority, she can do equally well for the rra Mtaer-a GtrttSrats a. IHIIC tb and whose works sty tboeHed arret of MttUrd r. War- a great extent the deliberate are winning of the which is war, producing rea. rreo rsterr-s OrUBrat 5a. lltll C. Flavour mobilisation of the intellectual rend wherever men stndy the and and bacon, ships, potatoes, Mead. Mtiy dayt frtan tb date brresf. resources of a country for war history 'and the philosophy of and dairy produce, to atrtr ts Uw xuuot Reesrdrr far a is new- also. raw, he has just declared that ta, m. m Certterste af bsprovtineBU, for Uba pr- 1'ossibly the greatest ex-' "military power has the right Austria is again having trouble if tit at above abuMter ctatiBJ.s Crown Grant of race ample of the mobilization of a to decide the life or death of with her conglomeration of raees. A.VD rURTHtn TAKE MOTfCC tbai se- country resources is given by nations" and that Germany in The Russian propaganda of peace under aertaaa II. moil ta ena- France more than a hundred, accenting the "verdict of God" is finding a fruitful soil among aaeared berar tb later af lb CrrtlArtM years ago. In that flrst "year I in the battle field has decreed oT tmerorrnwola. the ranks of her soldiers. To DATED tttc tltb day af Ottftbrr A.D. of Liberty." in July. 1793. j the death of Delghim. Like the stamp out this "evil from the Austrian IIT it France wan in great danger late Imperial Chancellor and point of view, neeeesitates from dissensions within, and, the All-Highest. Kaiser Wil- the shouting of the disaffected COAL NOTICES from enemies without. The hclm. the German savants have regiments by whole companies. country was in no condition for no respects for scraps of paper That's method. one IkECtA LA.VD WiTWCT DtlTMCT Of war. Her coast were block- The decision as to ' whether T. va. QVEE.V CII IRLOTTE 1SLAJIM - aded by the Hrilisb Aeci. Set-supplies there nar been a breach of The breaking tip or the Holy of war material were treaty is, in the end, a naked Roman Kmpire, as the Anslrfans TAKE nOTICE that I. Jamrs T. HM, of largely purchased from other juettHt of force." The Into! rrtec tatead ti were wont to call theirs, is one of Roprrt. B.C. rraapcrtar. nations. She was up against erable and naked hideousness the asety for s broots I pr(l for eoai sore things as the result of it. The Committee of Public of ucb propositions and scarce aad plrleaa mux lb faUaalar detent t the Just war. as sure as the curtailment tasata oo tb Weal Csatl or Norrtby Ituad. Safety at once xummoned a conceivable war effrontery of of the Turk's marderous raawnraat al s pool rtaated about 0r meeting or the French scientists, thi kind is hardly helpful to proclivities among his subject tan aowthraileriy frtcs a poai lusted and French methods of the iermatrargnment. am tb a bora of s anaB Bay ueoeiar uu: raees. ironwork, of chemical production, If Germany's men of science at Com rata twtvoea Msraey sad Caaail about I ntttos ifc alaer SMrtacrtf and in inan other trade-'. bad helped her no better than Three's a rrwd now ia I'etro-grad. Maod as of Cue as fram klat IWU UltTkli T UlSTHI-.T -r were revolutionized. The! her men of letters, the scholar ''! hi' II which under martial law, the V ss-v cMexoTit lai.vef--. knowledge was there, and when and theologians have done, her police or the military can disperse TE ROTTUt Unl (iwtr... a i --, rid mat t i applied, the results were pro-' successes in the leid would east se tua4 t tb patat af saca- rrsaos ftaaart, a c. attrt ... i. i -a. i -.,. k n. a in such a manner as seems fit. We duced. As each difficulty arose.) have been less numerous, and ptjr foe s Bassa U, art, i t ,, .4i .u-i t., i, i-t-i' Utt a i recollect many occasion, wh ikMU r. RHI), AyeUsasL troeoa oear SW tuiiwwiuc th-mtrua f i i Hi troatMKi it wax met nn'-efully. ever her science, tnongn it ha Coca tad .1 a r lis, ltlT. we were younger, being ia such lead oa ta Won Caaal Nuraatiy lalaad k uriixl m u These same principlea have spoken many a bmtal word. a crowd, and wishing for the dis mm i arias a I a bm iaatad aboai I trin been adapted and extended has never spoken the last word. persal of tklCVt ULVD M4TWCT DtSTWCT or Mir oa.terty tnm a ti e ta i-uau J atnoi r a yard- one third. among the belligerent of to. QUtCt CHARLOTTE IHA.'M aura or mm aaat ste of cax, rssa ai a I Ml hMntaa o ia efcm eaaa aanei a tatkta BMrthari) ! taa'atdaol Casae tit- ui ai ua, dui ine log or war enuresis' NOTES AND COMMENTS the work of the laboratories Mr. Aoijullh, the late premier of TAKE .lOTKE Ibal t, Jsaepb aattan. Of ana rruaa naea ruiau. ntaae aaaUj awaMty ataas u Great Drilain, is getting ready for Aeport, B. C- rrwpaetor. laieod " caaiaa; i at are aorta : taSMi as well as the plans of Coastal Lraine to and from the retMHHtructkKi of the Liberal ta art tor a taecoa ts prerpeet tar coal as easiSM; taaora wost t ihaiai to generals and admirals, and Prince Hupert neeesitat the wJ pateatteia ate tb roUewiar deaenboS of n earrs west SS asanas ta a there are few who know what aequiretnenl by the O. T I. of party there after the wsr, when tandt oo tb Wall Coal I or Mart by lalaad. ouiTaupt 1.1 OTT. we parties win emerge more or By K. m amrt GasotMaatsf ai t pott ptasted aboet ef tue Jirltuh Kmpire and her al- another steamer. They intend le ISth. ISIt. i.'lasts ajoaaajsjse lu different out of the present a nil seetbeattertjr fraaa s tt tocaled lies owe to Iheir men of science. : purchasing this one. Mope the national government. Jle will on lb abar of s amatl Bay opeMac set v hen the tale comes to be told, t one will be built here, retain of Caoo rata be I mem Xoraeby and CbatU titA MsmicT -mnmct or SSMNA tUM MSth it will be a long chapter de-' i ta as his main planks freedom IHaadf, aboet 1 mutt !trtbrtr aleac tb Vtvk.1 CMAJILorit tnlAJIM ejetrn au." of trade, freedom of speech and Xsreabf- lataad atd af Caao Pat from TALE NonUI ISM AlasaeBat L. TiOl JIlrfBCS ssi voted to the records of scien-' liven yet conscription is not be- oh. He! Mr. Asiiuith freedom of Beak ratal; tbeoc aautti SS ebalati tbetw load, or rrtees Raxwei. B. C. rm rn'tsa nnjart. n. c. thought. At least that rati Si ciutnt; tbeoc norUi so ebtma Mtia ts aifty far a lasaess to leatts s seety Ser s t is accord. coal tart 1 1 Hid Hi i Aeoc wttt SS cbaina Is tb point ef sum ing to the telegraphic dispatch rnenertneoL or) la oo tea West Coast f " J asaate an sae We He'll be getting in bad with the JOSEPH SEXTO. Applicant laaji Cafnmiattst al a S. aoa-eonformui eonseienee if Leraied .Mat ember tin. 1117. asaei I nan oatstrtj leaea a sftutat aes rare. aai-isreaX S. PRINCE RUPERT on tfc ststse er he lee east ant r caao tress aa ta Mte aa starts anything like that, to say at t imoM abawt I MSIa earttwrty anus rao, ana at ' " SLEE.VA ULtD DISTRICT 7-i DISTMCT Or sail ng thing of the High Churchmen UtIEEA CIIAALOTTE ISLA.1DS as taaia rracu tMttk Fatal Inaees aarta i mailt, atoae t a n, WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX with their creeds. He'll be getting ss cnasss; Hi,aas satt eaat. Htaaes aarta S lt " THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO the anathema uiaranatha." ss eSilnii tSasri waal ss caste. Ikrarr auolb VANCOUVER, TAkE .tOTICE tbai I. Cbarlei E. Borreta. of sisaaiiewatwi. real to rtwia VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. of rnoeo hifprrt. B. C, nucwr la tend lo t BVTttfUUJUto. ALUS t ai Hii Advertise in The liaily Nous. apply for a Itcecu to prospect for coal sad By Ctatsss E. Bar rasa, naai By Caarw, Burs S. S. PRINCE JOHN petroleum oer tb feHowtsr deacrtbed Located .leasobse INS. mt Boveaatwr isw. ISIT Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan. Wrangetl, Juneau laoda an tb Wttt Co it or Moresby laUnd. Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. GBOHnetKiar at a poai planted aboat of kEBKA OUCEN LA.1D CHAHLOTTE t4TWCT OtBTIUCT tm MINERAL ACT a tan ISLAHM saaibsaturly from a pott located on tb abore of a amall Bay opteinr on I TAkE NOTtCX ttttt Batty kaotL af eaaaa. TRAIN SERVICE of Canoe Paaa between Moresby and Cbtitl bsrart. a. c. Bates, tenaai ta aeaity far ctsiTiricATK or iireoiiTi PiBtfr Monday, Wdnelay sod Saturday tt li t .m. tot Smltbera. iHaiwia. about 1 ml lei nortberly aldsr tb a llc.aet ta prate el tar anal aa nmAii., Prince Oeorfa, Edmonton sod Winnipeg, nuking Moreebjr itland ar is saswjst SMcrtsoal direct connections for all aid of Caoo put from NOTICE polnU can and too lb. Buck Wast Coatl of Mors .ta perni; tbrnce north is cbalnii the ace ihi tiBiiissr an " J0 ' SO cbaint; ihene sou lb is cbauiti ksr si s past pliesad seoel t , a TIMBER SALE X1036. ibeec wen IS cbaina to point of coca- rrota a mmi leeatoi aa m Wisiaa of Caa.ter taaux ' Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. mrncrmettL ssat sie Caao Pass si s paaat attattt t Waate kaslT n Ik -J. S'1 For information and reservations apply to seated tenders will b recolttd br tb CHARLES E. BUHGESS. APDUCSOL sHI ttortaarty stoar ta afeor frata ansa rassstst cseet, it taafaa laoi. i- t I City Ticket Located room, umi aorta I Office, 626 Third Avenue. Sovember lib, 1117. PHONE 260 MiDtaier of Laoda not later tbaa noon on SS cttatas; Hismt aoaSk lb tstb day of January, mi. for tb I ss sSmmm ta poial of TASJt MOTiCC SBM U t purcbat cf Licence X I0J to cat IQt.oae SaEtCtA LA.1D DISTHICT DISTA1CT Or BTTT kJlOTT. ire Miaar-a Cunaieia n reel or cedar. Spruce, Hemlock tod Btl- 0UEEI1 CHAhLOTTE ISLA.1DS By Itaae k. -- lac as aaent far Wtstntsi in, taut on an area altuated on Battfi Inlet, UMtad Kotaetber tste my. fcsts Casfttaatls Us, tu iiant t. coaai DitlrlcL TAKE NOTICE tbat I, Hint Cbrli ten- alaty days rrota lea data a CANADIAN PACIFIC on (li year will b aOowtd for ra ten, of prlne Iluperl, B. C protpecter. Ikt'ENA LAND tISTMCT IMliam am to tea Miaur nsinnsf for RAILWAY p-oral of timber. lncaMsnsBBtS, he sae aarp Intend lo apply for a ilcent to protpeel 0VEC.1 CHAHLOTTE IILA.1M Furttwr particulars of tb Chief crawe Oreat er Bat ae rorMter. for coal and petroleum over lb fullowlnr. TAkE NOTICE teal Tbamn Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Vletorla, B. c, or UlitrUl former, Prinr detrrtbed landt on lb Watt Coatl of Prlora nttpsrL B. C, Babermaa. uuil u Ani rtjMaer tttjs aett u lKfU HuperL B. C j ai Mertabr ear saSjtssa . ajass h emiM' .1 Itland. Commeoeln PHf for at a noil a Nsern t praafaat fer ssal via Steamer to Vancouver and tod the th planted about of a mil soutbeatierlv I-irataaao aaar tb itsaes af ansa t4rtstiai. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIMBER SALE X 979. rroui s poai located on tb tbor of lna uaa Waal Coatl r Msrtstjr ter diertl4 Wandi Meale and Barth included on St ma. mall Bay opentnr out of Cano I an U-laeen Commends a Mat araaatad bt eaa Bstad ssts I sa any f" rrlnceea Sophia for Alaeka December Slit. Sealed teoderi will be received br lb Moretby and Cbaatl Itlanda. about 1 yard. tarty frata I pa.I km ted aa tb ISIT. Print... Sophia for Vancouver Junvtry Bin. MlaMter or Landa not later Into noon on miles northerly along to Msreaby Itland an tb saatsttr aid ef ee Fiss. lb It lb day of March, id of Cano I'aaa from Butk Point; MINERAL A OT frlncaaa Ryal far Or an by Bay till, for lbs our- tbeuco " t, aoaai y raaaas sj aauary Bth. loth, 2th February Bth, ISth, 26th. ebat of Licence X t7l. to cut 6,710,600 north 10 cbaina; ibene weal 10 cbaint; akwr Ik abar frost Busk ruteti rlac'.e Rotal far Veatouvar tla fall S a. m. December 17th, oci oi sprue. Odar sod Hemlock on an ncs sotttn so ciialut; tbeoc taal SS " coaiua, Ikaoee aa sa oiTiricATE or iiraoi,,T area adjoliilnf L. m, Swlndl ehaia to point of cwuintBceiiirnL aortii to Itland. chain., 7lh tasstii January 7th, 17lh, Slh rtbruary 7th, ISth an 2Stn. luot 1, Coai l UUtrttl. HA.1I K. CIIIUSTE8E.4. AppllcaOL hiui i.r TSraai - Tbrr (1) yeara will b allowed for ra- Located November Sib, HIT. THOMAS TTBtHOfl WOTHJE. M J. I. PETERS, General Aeent moral of Umber. I urtber parlltulars Of lb ChUf roreilar. 8KEE.1A LA.10 Loea lad Njvrmber a," 'Tisatas lane He. " a i 1 w Co Stroat UISTIUCT DISTIUCT or isit. ner Fourth and Third Attnut, Prince leto, Rupert. B.C. Victoria, U. raits a. a- fasaai Ualtaw, .iim J" c. or Dttlrlct Foretler, rrlnc QL'EE.1 CHAHLOTTE ISLANDS ' RUperl, B.C. y II ikEEitA laid district wstsict or Dtalrtst,rerttaai Csaai Ntarnsr iMriai TIMBER 8ALE X 1235. TAkE NOTICE Ibal Daniel L. lutberland. TAkfc v-...rn'M-nuiiit v ih.t ...ISLANDS. waeas of I'rlnrs Rupert, B. C, clerk, Inundt lo rnurt- Huu-ri."' II rillff ara a aaslat rroau - Don't apply for s llceoa lo protpeel for coal and CtSTktA. I. . . i: wuennan. latanda U , iMHUnd merely smother your cough Sealed irudrra will La received ht tb petroleum over lbs following described a ....-i,. lit r.,.p, f, ea,, tn4 TAkl I. J Miuiiirr of Unda r' IIO- folL.m.... t'i not later loan noon on landt oo lb Weal Coatl of Mriby la-land. uwd- OeacnoeS In. k aa. s. i Mathleu's of lb 1 1 lb day of February, it II. for lb Commtntlnr si s poll planted about S i inati i.r m "M'J l Him aaas foti ' .ii ira aPITDI? TT Strap Tar sad Cod Lira Oil nooaly purrbaa of Ureic Hill . I,, , . .1 . ,. , ,IJKf I - prouipUy arrtaU eooshisf, bat thank to Ha took sad x I til, u cat i.tis.. I mil aatlerly from s pott located on lit " l"""-tJ abhi jlwr'a no awo IV real of ?7TL H. rtrtubrnUr propertlea it helpa theiatem to throw caf ij-ruc and Hemlock on an of lbs tail aid of Cano rata tt a E rr; ...lil tfc cold sad thus etTtctt a permanent enra. It ia Uiia quality which tuu ea tar ar.a adjoutltir I., till, tail Sbors of a boo t ml 14 norlbarly skwy tbe u n tea Urgtat sals of say coagto ti)d told reined la Juakalla Inlet. Uueea Cbsrlotl l.landa Ilt alwrs from liutk I'olnll tbeoc aoitib is 1 aim.. ,, ' b""' 1' "",M Hs-n l.......rr..Bt.. f, r Htr IHItaoar r . inci. taenia; mens waal to cbainai inem-a Ii '" -mu ..ram ..I in.- aaosa Two (f) years will b sllowcd fur re jurib se cbainti tbeoc em is rhamt to in. ,t .l4, ""' " "'. Mm i,.mi.., Mt, tat taal 1 M. u MATntcu cx. rsv. HiaiaaaM, re uietal af uuibrr prrtnl ef couimaneemanl, .llSin. t ,. , ' """ """" - 1 1 ' at. lni.l l"i asasBMWi iWlber ptriieulara of lbs Chief roroatr UANIEt, U. WTIIEHI ANIl. ' i. a. . ! I. . inHsatii Victoria, B, c , or Dieirlei furtiur Princ II y Cbarlei E, Burreaa, tfrnl ' ' ' ' 41 1 fiupari, B, c rii Located Morriuber 191b HIT. L'Attd Ou ia day af n tilt. a