THE DAILY NEWB BIQ DEMAND FROM U. . FOR LAND LEASE NOTICES RECONSTRUCTION PLANS ! LL1 UXE h IMPROVED FARMS ON PRAIRIE ' I.A.MI MTIUCT DI8TMCT Of ARE LAID IN GERMANY :; KOmioiiImi,, jBii. . , Vmt to coait, iMiOE rive rrni n riMO Copofihagen, Jan, 19. tier-man UlP tfllc.. ,,f ,,,. ,,f t), (J,,,! TAkE no ore hal Walter E. Walker, of i-..lire in flnanee, industry, fnrni ill U larnl in Ui- fity ViFMMjver. B c. oeenpttlm Mtntrer. wurkinen, and ahipowtierH arc n"W lliil lhTr nrr pllr up u, . Mteoda le if-l far perUin lo letat IT A I t Vfci" Brought n Joy Of tliiirlf frimi (i UruM HUte for in roHowuir deterit)ed landti hfirig Idially employed in preparation tit 1 Yean' Suf frlr Inniu. TlifM eniulria Conupetieftir at a poit planted tl Inter for the reopening of licr-nian u - wo cirr nun. action of mm water Mirk Tonrait fat trade and eivll luduntry atlc iiik from all t( of ittf V..t hi aad aa Etit and Weil Line paninr the war. Rome day rigo a rum ii iid ffn, ilmtn to Hiutlicrii Cnli-frnl. ttvneili (Concrete Monument at Btrtlclt Tliy nr- nil prnctlcnl PolM. Wtlet liltnd, B. Ct tbence etit pauy wan formed at Hamburg for 0 ehatM; tnenea ialh to chains, more Hie purpoc- of restoring (ii rmarv furinir- ami nr ntlrnrf. o it(. or iM, to Ilitu Waur Muk Tootait Taa- ovemea trade. wheal IhimI of Allwrtn. Thwrv are atrti Ibeoea ooriberly and wetterly fol the Affording to Taegiisehc .iin- miuirla from Ontario aIo. kawHir tba Um af Bud Him Waur Mark Imi lln- grat iinimgratlon llil w Um potal af emnkenremenl( and con ftunlehaii," a aimilar rotnpAnN ui(War fit atrea. more or leia. has heeri formed in Derlin itli a vuai i. ipe(p from tin- t'nilH WALT If! E. WALkER. million innrk rapital. The corn Slid-- farmra. Many of thm nate tun diy of OcUiber. 1(17. has for thr- pany plan ready new u-k f. i it Iran of will a atorkd Ik EES A LA.ID DISTrUCT-CASSIAH. -DisTiucT or great oversea und'i laklng, mj h ifjim nli the option of buying at a harbom, railways, and wat r-worka, tli- mi .f two or thw ar. Tliia which, an a whole, until i- a uii I. Uvtrr, that tli Rana TAkE nouet thai Wilier E. Walker, of Viaeoerer. B. C. oeevpttmi Mamter, now Wwre carried out by Hriliah inan iarmTM not are antioua to iateMea to ippty far permliHoo ta leaae compflnies. 1 make ami in fact will not hear of 1 folhiwlar deaerUied landt: AM UtPLANTE it, Th ar- a nmnlwr of our CommeiMMir at a patt planted at Um ftortb Wtat earner of Lot eti. Caiiitr Salvation Army.. M itr. J. April 4th. AllirU farrrMTn who have collirt Dlitricl; tbenea noriberty and weiterly i ri I WM ( and cil auflMHWl fortune durlnsr th fonowtac tM Una of mm Water Mirk lal fw yar that they are now rortlind Canal to a point where an Eail I'ublla mefltlngs, Tuesdays. ..-..I had tMlfiMwn Uu ready to retire and especially in and Weil Una drawn tbroorb a point (0 Thuradays and Saturdays at 8 p. ttulm Due nortb of IM Point of com r.. Sundays at 7:30 p. rti. i i I iliat I fS-arrl 1 t.ihjM ilio. the cae of tirade who are adtanc-inie meacrmenl lotcriesu wltb laid Una of ' ! I j ! . p iu u in year, they are willing to Him Water Mark; Utenea well 10 cMlnt; I the ' oaatipatiofl Ml ell out at a fair bargain on ar- tbeoct oatberly and eaitarly. paraUel to cwn Juy i .fT.-rwl from Dun in fir eouwt of the eipeclH nhortagc of Um taid hoe of Him Water Mark PortUnd mxnvey Canal to a point 10 cMlni Due Weil of !1 ( II.-. labor. In thia itmni way many I be point af Commencement; tbence eait .r a riyiirtaa for a year hanraiiin in farm land are to be 1 cbatnt U taid point of commencement. i ! ilki inn mo food at all. had. The American buyer generally aad cootalnlnr tta acrta more or lett. a tif " M tat NMOTt. have no idea of going out WALTER E. WALKER. Pile ttlb of Ot IB 17. day lobar. Done boMS.1 waanMtr to the hinterland, they want land TIMBER SALE X 1082. l twelve) botes ntaao BM within eaay ditlanr if the rail, 8KEEXA LAID DISTBlCt-CA8SIAR. DISTRICT Of 1 nork ail tad UMf .u aay road ami farm with plenty of Setled tenderi will be reeelred by Um Letterheads !ir, no FalpilaUon, ne broken land on them and where MUMster of Landt not later than noon on Envelopes i.', no Cum lit,lis a, do TAkE Mile Uut TIM ADtlo-BMUib Co- thr 1 7 lb day of January, tilt for Um Statements fMmlbte lota of nlock and need v Trouble ud fat Hit UuulAt I'atklnr Conpaoy Umlted. of Vn-eunttr, purrMse of Licence X ttlt to cut 1.100.- Cards, Etc. and it WM "rnit4lMM groin. They hate money to pay B. C. oecuptuoo Btimoa Cxaaen, 00 feet of spruce. Cedar. Hemtotk and Pbobc 98 . Wk health". the prtee arm have no notion of telDdi lo apply for wnntMloa to ktM Balsam on an area lit oiled en KewUh aay doing pioneer work. Mm reHoalor detrrtbrd Until: - Cove. Satan Island. Ranre S. Coat! Dls-trtet M5TIIUK LAI'LAMTB. Cet&aMMar Al poll planted at Hlb i. 6 fur SS ao, trial ail. a Vt'ticr Mark rariUnd Ciail. IS duuu Du om year wiu be allowed for rt-otal n. or Ml poetpaU by Kruit-tinted, BOLSHEVIKI ARREST .Vwili and 10 ttuini, or more. Due Weil of umber, The News Job Press Ottawa, ROUMANIAN MINISTER af Ih Xartb Wtit Conxr of Lol III. rurtber parUcuUra of Um Chief Forester, Caiiur Dutrtcl; tbenca nortberlr and Victoria, B. C, or Dlitricl roreiier. Prince of All Dm PriatBf DCTif4ioi etterty roMoalar Ua Una or Hlra Water Repert. i.e. X17. v-l. DMIMCT W1TWCT or London. Jan. 19. -The Itou. Mirk. roMUod Canal, to a point ber an t. wc nvt rnanian Minister al Petrograd and Eail tod Weil Una drin ibronrb pout TIMBER SALE X 925. III entire la(T have been arrealed M flu mi Da Kartb or Utc point of ton-loeiMriueDl P.O. Box S9 " mat I taorad M apply t Inttnectl I1B Mid Una of Programs by the llolaMviki gn rrnment. it Sealed teodera wHI be received by Um iMnliKor af Lands and mm Water Mark; Uk ore Will 0 cbalni; CaUlogs . tiw tm ii tor dettriud Mi anaifMineed by the HouHianiaii ta aiberty and eaiierly paralled IU MHttttee of Landt not later than noon 'wo Dodgera ftllKtiaii here. Theae arre-KU are lit Mkl Lin at Mih Water Mark. Tort-laatf Ike ftm day of January, ttlt. for Um pur-rbase Poatera,etc. t i tm tainted t ft. canal, la a poHil 10 crulni pat Weil af Licence X lit, to cut l.tlO.000 ftfllewml to have been made In re- of feel Hemlock, Cedar, Balsam and Spruce 'r, Mrk water mart, of Um pMat r ecienmeneement; tnence I .ml Mm tea OkalM tftV prtl for the arreal of a number nil to efeiHu laid potal of eomiDeiica-rmi m aa area Niuaico on uoat Laae. 1 riser ih la Mm fkan Une, then of Ihtlaheviki agitalora at Jaaay. aad aaouHiMf I la atrea mora or Reack. fuare 4, dait District. lea or tb Bed aad of ForUand Two if r years mttl be aWewed for rt- Una (oer of Ike Hon the present rapital of ItoumAnia. rortibera. CaaaL al of timber. IKE ASOUJ BRITIiH COLUMBIA PACtlJIO ranker partieuUre of tbe CMef rnreater. ri...rr a MINERAL ACT COMf AY UMITEO. WUUr E. Walker. A(I Virloru, B. C, or DUtrlct rureater I nn Subscribe for The DailyNews Rapert. B :. J tl Wife Mtad ctaer. Dim- IU day at uetoUr, HIT. . ih. iti7. rti ciRTiricATK or la-eaovmniTa IkEKAA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or NOTICE CASH AR. ad 8aeen" Mineral fiat ALANN SYSTEM. mii m um akeeaa mmmbi Dtvi- TAkE Noute Uut TM AncVe-BrlUib Co- m af caaaHf oaMnet. kMaMa PatkMf Oampaay LlmMed. ar Vaa-caatier, circuit NO. 1. Warn located AtMtt imHea Weiteriy B C, eacvpeueci Salmon Canoe n. the k '.-ci i 44 awl arc af AMet Araa. and alwl tateoda to apply for prrmtttleo to Irate Keep up i m aa lea Am Ike reatewMf deaeeibed tendl: AM assured that Sc. '4 M Ml Srd A. TAFE ftOYlCE ttal UM W. PlUDore, tamneocttf at a poll planted at Hl(b I Scs i-u af hi, f4 aad taftMktaia illlt-C at Water Mark. Portland Canal. IB rMUtt Due my people will respond ataol of the MatrbdeaM MHdac and He- XerU and 40 cbaiaa or more Due Weil of r. Nnwi la aad I waned. (Maa reraooal Um Sank Weal Oroer ar Lol 411, Caiilar Food Supply to every call laui Hatrfi. rroa Maaert CertMtaia M DUUicI; Umtre DortA It cMlnt Utencc to the success tad Tik H icni ltr -C lalrali atlty dtyi frm Um diU 11 ta ettaM. mora or leaa. to mm necessary Um MaMaf Heoerdtr Water Mark ivrUaad Caul; ibenre ouUh of our cause with a caraWaata af Impeaveawou. far Um ariy and easterly faUewtor Um Una of ..CJIT NO. X. T etAaiaaar a Craaa Gnat of mm Water Mark Portland Canal to Um and Help the same indomitable B .. oar af mm akaia cHMaa. potnl of rommeocemrni and eoatauuer ta ardour and devotion aXP rVMTUEM TAkE .1WTICE ckai acMoa teret more or leaa. aevt Ii. aaater aarUial Ik tai U awinnenead ta-faao THE ASLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PA U0 that have filled me with .i (4 N'Bft) ii. ike uwa af aaab Oaruaeaie af tm COMPACT LIMITED. Walter E. Walker. Aft tci 3 "4 IWd4. Pate-feik day of OeioMr, HIT. Make Victory pride and gratitude Set . u emit. DAT Mi iha 1419 day af Xutember A. D. since the war began." t .7 HIT. Tit IWEL.XA LAMP DISTRICT DISTRICT or COAST. RAXOE HVE. His Majxstt Kino Georok CI ciowit m a, CLEANSE THE TAkE tMUf ttut Walter E. Walker, of Sure t ' uajr itt. VaneMifer. B. C occupation Mini re r. t . LARGE INTESTINE ateodi lo apply for permiuron to lease I . a at At. Um roUowtet described Undt: a, . an rua Cummenctor tl a post planted at Um oaaHra c . ad m Praaent War Cry of Advanced lateraecitoo Uuuufb Coorrele of aa Easi Mooameoi aad at Weit BarUetl Line soldiers must be fed; the people at uncviT no. . Phyalclana. NMt, Walea UUnd. B. C wlib mm Water OUR in of be fed. And " IHl Mark Ttmraia Pauare; tbeoco toutMrty must spite aaaM of um kada( oaritoot of Um and eiiieelr foOawlnr taid IHfb Water at M Mr4a HL rM Ma rM x far receoUy ai M ra- Mirk io a potni wbera a Korth and Soutb Germany's murderous campaign to ,. m unaa . it pari af- Um Urte taieiuiM la caati Uoa drawn Uwoum t point 10 chains Due Bci 44 that of TutMrevMaia and ra- Etit of Um polal or commencement tnter-lecia i BaaN Si. aa iirani aa cut oil the Allies' Jbood supply, oy smKing ' lured Um patte! u perfect bealia by o aaid lllfb Water Mark or Tootait lavru. a , .s raMtra; IMnce touUi 10 cbatnt; tbence I and ' ) Toar t ship on the High Seas an ample every TM Xew York American feu rcceauy aoribwetterly ta a atraimt Una 10 a point Aid: ia chains Put Weil of Um point of com-aiencemeoti nnfoilind flrkw nf fnnH tr Rntf innd nnd I 10 cMlni Due East ot tuartar cemtipaUea Um polaoni in IMnce iht larte laleaUna atten tecuma aa rrtat Um point of commencement and eontainiof at u furm a Mftaua menace 10 bealib and 110 arret, mora or leaa. France must be maintained. m to Ufa. Tbeowrb Um aH af IM WALTER E. WALKER. laieeUM IMy tnlr IM Wood and eon-mm Pile - tllb day of Ocloter. 1017. Anyone Can Have IM bealUiy Ittood retu. tmpoterUb-w This is National Service Um Mood, and it tbl practu U ceo- SKEEMA LVD DISTRICT DISTRICT or Whipped Cream cradaecd.UMMd toot eoourn an rnta paiioiunr u CASSIAR. Not to the Farmer only It m inKMMiiMa under our preieai-oaj TAKE notice Uial Walter E. Walker, of naada of Uttnr for tM Uteitiae w no n Vanouuver. B. C. occupation Minarer, But to YOU to everybody C . i :iKin MILK i so tr of aU uu, awl It U eaiuy prvitu lateudt to apply far permission 10 lease that tbera It an aertimulaUon, no matter Um follow lor described landti This appeal is directed i k Ii in eream that i( bow rttulir a are. Contmeurlnf at a pott planted tl tM Druft. if Ukeo rtruurty. rorm a naon. North Weil Corner or Lol SIS. catsiar iiipa aa aoUy at tt lAlanul Balbloi by meant oi mm DUtrlct: IMnce north SO cMlnt; IMnce must unite aa a Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. Utilize tleanaet um uer mora or lata, to Illtb PLANT t. B. L. Caitado" est it chains, WE moat of the frodh iu enure lenUi with pure aim Water Mark Portland Caul; IMnce southerly to SAVEarul to PRODUCE. Men, back yard. Cultivate the vtmmm auld around ..! uukea 11 dean. ll ana and easterly follow lot lllfb Water women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food Iilu Mark Portland Canal to point or commence heiKhy. I ho Province, At Um lime nine it reruiwi um j mnt and conlalninf 10 icrei more or aged and the old all can help In the tta ibJ uikM one real IMI eery tunc lets. Nation's Army of Production. f "t Kw NVtmlnlw Ml la wvrkuit MiMatbly and ntturttly WALTER WALKER. WOMEN of towns can find no better thli U to. Date tub day of ocioMr, 1117. outlet for their i ' " that ane whip ad. kMaed. pound of FOOD raised, helps Important Of TMa teller Mill cootey a meaitie VM.K roajularly fur EVERY energies than in cultivating a vegetable u tawl bef l manyi the cost of living and adds to tba yourujatara for Wetland, Ontario, tei"KttY the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. or. Ckai. A. TyrraM. lai Cull re SlrnL Toronto. Out 1 "TO 7IIEL0INt.yktFINtMLN .I...-Ii. " ia to l (wklo tha ivar Bar. We beartlly eudorie MM I Be patriotic in act as auta, iu a ouol pluae. a. l. caaaad. ai find in our work 7Y font tMtt cferit For information on any subject Hlating "Md thu beata it with um a leaded eoaau lueau a ixsltoiied ijfi- to tht Farm and Garden, unit: well as in thought. Uiameatout - beater. Mliu puta thia ana, Mtk, in turn, meant risi of Um tpinil wuitUi, titiiMt nntrtrtava INFORMATION QUJtEAU .t la. 7 la 1t-l i vtvea it tq lh olitlil htli mtr work it diretltd. I'l'i-akfuat. Anilbuir beliint ua In ttintnf rauu Maeia Pawae, Department of Agriculture available" Use t u Uua we aauilder a iiooo, botli U ourieoei 0,1. S a-4 la. kr every means 100,1 .n iakea uiul OTTAWA tad our plirti. Haeia fewer. Overlook nothing. Moil tinrerely, 0L 1.t la. b S w-. aw- PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. tn. llailey and Dtriind. Maeia Pa war. 0 tar aa iMuMiroU ibouiand are now en-Uiualaitle Factory at Ladnar, D. 0. uaart of tba "J. B. L. CaMtde." of Dominion Department Agriculture LwMrb 11 now tMiitv tlMwn ind aipltined For Furthor Information knoll ttiiul it r .... . . riTipi' ai i.rii 11. or met uruv aiura, wr. Apply to a HH'f xiirpnae ahu and atb ai., t'rtnce Ituperl. OTTAWA, CANADA. i u, hh', Yaii- Aik ur write now, wbila yon Uuiik of It. 1 ( I'hai. A. TyrrolL M.U. Ill Callefa tireet W, E. WILHSCROFT nON. MARTIN BURRBLL, MlaUter. Tuihihui. for rrra and latereiltni booklet. Prlnca RuporL B. . Wh Man r Tuttty It only 10 Itr Cent trtlrlrlil. 1 I niurr