TftK DAILY HRW Do you ever have WATEft NOTICti TAKE ROTItK thai t,.., Arnold Local News Notes j Cttiaujr ne aore, . i k G. H. tlie"bliies"? 1 r c , lit apbly fr a is..,... us ten culie feet of , Ita Tlwt discouracctl fcclInK often out of Trdut Creek, a u,i 4 NOTARY PUBLIC Mr. and Mrs. O. Johnson, o suit nirer nfei im., from disordered stomach, ah Swanson Hay, are visitors in the comes a liar biatrtet. The water TIMBER SALE X1104. city. TIMBER SALE X 1210. ' or nn inactive liver. Get it tb bead of ibe rails i your digestion in shape and Horde Mineral eltim. Lot Itff V Sell Real Estate. Sealed tenders will" be reeelred by the t, r-nrrlimn. nf ItateltnrL, miH be rereOeil by the the bile actina properly-then be used for et " a; We write Fire and Marine Minister of Lands not later thin noon on I In the city'on last nighty TH.fctrt fwfW. Ftlf Raperl. ? U,"r the"blues"will disappear. You ul Pony Yardm Omu. the tut day nf January, till, for tb pur- jarrhnl ' ' cliecrful,if take taim beMf Latt till i. j-, Insurance. than mm n est t will soon be you ie chase of LlctDce X I ITS, to cut l.itt.ttl train. aiHl I..-U lilt la Hit in - . We have Apartments, Stores, feet of Spruce. Cedar, Hemlotk and Balsam ... , itckaa sill, caseiar tHsirlet rut l.see Houses, and Offites for (A an area situated on Lour Lake, Frtser Mr. J. I. .Morgan has eoiue U) U . AppHeauaet a HI be mad i ' are i an Ca Itent, and Want More. Reach, Ranr I. coast District. from his logging camp bn the Is. sarary. Hear . Oaest twrrWV BEKHAM'S nthi to start lie sere tttt , ' at Two (t) year will b allowed for re-moral wM be alteaed r rr take asd I.tet" act feel in lands. iifte (I - year We Deal in Mortgage Loans. of timber. .hi I oeili Traajl Lakes Th. moral of wnber. ' ' We Sell Timber Limits. farther particulars of the Chief Forelter, parttealar of the Cbtrf rorester im stored la Itrel Trout i tk. V ;, Victoria. B. C, or District Forester, Frtnc" Mrs. W. X. Utley, and Miss II. mrihee IMetrtrt rofester. Prince iritetsa of a dam at us '41 r B. C. PILLS Vie tons. m We do Conveyancing. Rupert, B. C. IM. Hermann, of If a sport, are pay- Rupert, c ' rrwSMt. TNrd and rria i u , ing a visit to Prince Rupert. inr rnMlrvelSM of a dam a SALE X1170. -aost TIMBER LAND REOISTRY ACT ..I amaad Trawl Lake t . H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. (SeeUeos II and III.) the people's remedy for life's arr of HJ a be ftaodrd s i '' ' .J Mr. R. Duff, of Telkwa, was . , , . act common ailments. They Ukr i IT sere aad ai S" : Minuter of Lands not later than noon on I among the passengers from up Re AppHcaiM No. Illl L ' thoroughly on the stomach, t'-orife Treat Lake t tri,t , : ID the s 1st day of January, HIS, for the purchase river arriving in the city latt TAKE NOTICE that appttcatlon has been liver and bowels, and soon reR-ulate Tn notlee s puiel I -At or Licence X 1104, to cut I.0IT.K0 evening. n Use III) day made ta retister Arthur A. XcEwan. of and strengthen these important feet or Cedarf Spruce, Hemlock and Balsam a ropy of tat aottr .i tli , un ,; Prince Rupert. B. C as owner in re oo an area situated In Quit-loon Inlet. The regular meeting of the der a Tat Sal Deed rroca th Collector of organs. Purely vegetablecontain .iruaat tlwr, and to irk. 4 - t i "The Daily News" Ranr I. Coast District. date no harmful i4. tn be Md w th -irr ' Trades and Labor Council will be tb City f rrlnc Rupert, brarlnr tie will be allowed for re- On it) year feel Weeardtr at Pnr. v or ALL Whenever you I Ills, drugs. lb tnd day of Nrember, moral of timber. held tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Tb aate of m art i aui ' AND siNOULAR that reruns rare I or tract despondent a few doses will tt CLASSIFIED ADS. Further particulars of th Chief Forester, ete. sur m Ma saeal Business: Election of ofileers, f land and premises si lust. Ijlnr. and ar .a; k s Victoria. B. C, or District Forester. Prince ... , tied day af Octeexr. hit ;, i be 1st in th Munlcipalliy of rrtnea Rupert, m Rupert. B. C Wines and liquors for the home. nwre particularly known and described as Make Things saay be BSad attb ta ' a:j if? tt WANTED. TIMBER SALE X 926. Your money back, from flold Seal. Lot twenty three ill). Block thirty four Water Itiaarder Hhw Unr . taw atd dat. Lld if not satisfied. See II. B. (II).Yon Section are re Seren ired to?,contest Map 111.tb claim look Brighter IMH.LT VAKDEfl MIXES ji WA.lTED TO REJT rnrnisbrd or unfurnished Sealed tender will be reeelred by the Ross, Agent, Empress Hotel. tf of tb tat purchaser within It days from R. P. MeOSMSH. Atcan. per E A rour or C( roomed collate. Minister of Lands not later than noon on ... in data of tb serrle f this notice Urtrt 51 ef Ar MWW la Ik WmU. Boi lit Daily Kewa one. the Jlth day,of February, ISIS, for the Mr. Joe Rogers is In town with (which may be effected by adrertlunt as SsUeevreolMr. S ba ,Ztm, WATKIt NoTI' l purchase of Licence X Its. to cut S.tlt.tOO directed), and your attentsoo Is called to IbHsriksa ssxl i e about worth.of fur. These YVA3TED Nan tod wife to run lunch $20,000 Balsam and Cedar feet of Hemlock. Spruce. section II of th -Land Rertstry Act" with eouuter, pool room and eirar stand. Princ on an area situated on LonrLa ke, Fraser comprise martin, silver for. lynt. smendments. and to tb rollowtaf n tract Ttkt IIOTKC that Tb Br i h lloperl Employment offlc. Lmpnu Ho-teL Reach, Ranr 4, Coast District etc and will be shipped to Lon-dou. tberefromi t.assail rr Caepa rattan. Ltd . i t liinn Three ()) years will b allowed for re- -And la default of a careat or ceriifl-cata D1ENTISTRY sat Taeksasra r. v WAITED man for Janitor work. Vim moral of timber. ... or 11 pendens be lor Bled before spcrfy tor a Main v ukn a: '. 4 IIS month with board and room. Apply Further particulars or the Chief Forester, Furniture wanted. Any quan lb rertstrauon as owner of lb person enow asio ios wont catbtc faat lrt sieucd or u . tf to secretary, Prlne Rupert Oeoeral ictorla. B. C or District Forester. PrHK entitled under such tat sale, all persons A SPEOIALTT a a an an J erck, ahtrh fl trj Hospital tt Rupert, B. C FSI tity. Good prices paid for com. so served with noUea .... and traM lata Musei lain a. s i;i lete household furnishings and and tbos claiminc throurh or under on. J. C. DHOWN twrtbeasterly fruan tb t . WAITED To board two (lrlt. School TIMBER SALE X 894. all kinds of tools, men's suits, them, and all persons clalmlnt any intern OtNTIir f Lai lilt. rlrla preferred. Hear tint Edward call I in th land by rlrtu of any The vase1 ttt be di-'rvt n Phone Red 213 etc. ools. SckooL Apply tit Ktnth Are, EaiL Sealed tenders will be reeelred by the or u art tillered Instrument, and all per tmtx nieaa. Itur areaan at a paeat aboat a u - i Minister of Lands not later than noon on n F. M. Crosby....715 Third Ave. sons claiminr any Interest In lb land fMSI SM aaM rraaa it anautti aad t ; j FOR SALE tb tout day of February, tttl, for lb by descent whosa Utle is not rtrtslered parfMsa spaa tb ucj - - M purchase or Licence Xllt, to cut If,ITS.-000 For Prince Rupert and district. under tb proruionj of this Act. shaU a bat till. Ora turn Island. FOR SALE Splendid reterborof canoe In reet of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and we have secured the services of be f.r erer estopped and debarred from Tfcs natlea pealed '-i r sal eirellent condition. Coat III. Will sell Hemlock on an area situated on Ttootum Mr. Martin Kroeger. F. R. U.S. senior up any claim to or ta respect oi sa tnd day at iaaaan. ' AC for 1)0. Complete. Phone Black 40). rtrtr. Burke Channel. Ranr 3, Coast District. or the land so sold for uses, and tn at UN a lire aad aa eppti; . xsast Prince Rupert, D. C phone Red Rettstrar shall retister tb person rail Harry Atkins Uwreta and la tax -Wslcr A' FOUND Three O) year will be allowed for re- 399. Consult him about your tied under such tat sal at owner of be Bled tn acne at tba w a. the land so sold for tates." rialr UAer, Prlaae Report. at Prtaaa Iwpert. B c FOL'.tD A ium or money, on one of the utotal oi timber. garden problems. Dritish Colum- Queen Charlotte troup of Islands. Owner Further particular of the Chief Forester ia Nurseries, Ltd, Vancouver, AND WHERETS ppUeatlo has been. jseca)M ta tba arv1"t ; s may bare same by prorlnf property. Victoria, B. C or District rorester, Prinea mad for a CertlBcat of Indereasibl Till NOTED V01X Bled atttj Haa said Water K a Apply to Indian Arent, Massctt, B. C Rupert, B.C. FtS. D. a ... tf. to l be aboremeotioned land. In tb nam PniME SAUSAGE aba CmpMtUr f Wtiee J r i A- of Arthur A. McEwaa: saeat Itatmat. Vietaru, B X LOST TIMBER SALE X 1095. The wool committee of Queen AND WHEREAS application has been I tarty days after tb arst a,. ic af Mary Chapter I. O. I). K. will hold made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tttl Tomato Sausage a Specialty. ! aattsi a a hsral aeii.- LOST Between Fulton street and the Oor Sealed tender will be reeelred by tb utle it appear that prior to lb 1 1 lb day Tb date at tb ant puti a tea on Saturday, February 1st, ernment Wharf, pocketbook conttlnlnt; Minister or Lands not later than noon on of September, till (tb data on which I Jaaasry Ilk. ttil sum or money, uwners name uuiae. the tfth day of January, ISIS, for th at which they will sell the Queen th said land wer sold lor ererdoe Phone C74 P. O. Bos THE SWIM II CAUia Finder please return to the Dally news purchase of Licence X till, to cut 7,000.- Mary War Cook Hook and also tates). yon were lb refistercd and assessed ooarRtno5 rn Office. tf 000 reet or Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on Home Cookiog made from recipes owner thereof. I. T. T. r Ileal, fceeenrer ta Muam an area situated on Dana Inlet( Queen ri'RTIIER TAKE NOTICE that at th tf L i i trvelar LB IT Gold Stickpin, between IroquoU Charlotte lalands District rontained therein. Mr. fteo II. time I shall effect re nitration tn Pool Rooms and Fifth Avenue, E. Re Two (ti years wiu b allowed for re- Munro has kindly offered his store pursuance of inch application and Issue a ADVERTISE IN Swift's I'ratnium e if ward. Finder please return to Dally moral or timber. on 3rd Ave. for the occasion. Certificate of Indereasibl Title to the said rttM lotrlt lllid hutUr ta 4. 5ws Office. tf. lands tn the nam of Arthur A. McEwaa Further particular of tb Chief Forester. The Daily Nr.vs 40c pr lb. Irm- Victoria, B. C. or District rorester. Prince. unless you tak and prosecute the proper Jbttticr. MISCELLANEOUS Rupert, B. C IL AT THE WESTHOLME TONIGHT proeecdinrs to establish your c la lie. if aay. to tb said lands, or to pre rent such proposed DRESSMAkUtO Wanted-Apprentice or LAND ACT action on my part. Pauline Frederick is the star helper. Apply Miss Simpson. Richmond DATED at lb Land Retlstry Offlc. Rooms, Third Arenue. II actress at the Weotholme Theatre Prior Rupert. B. C, this I lib day of ,A HOT BATH THE Sa.EE.1A LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF tonight. One of the screen's September. A. D. 1117. WILL lire-roomed FAT CASH cottare.for Boi Fl'RAITL'RE III Dally for news COAST. RA.1CE 4. greatest emotional actresses, she H. r. MACLEOD, District Reanstrar MINUTE YOU WANT IT of once. TAKE NOTICE that John Grace, or Tan would grace any role she was Title. courer, B. C occupation flibermaa. in given to perform, but In the play To Charles planus, Bot Til, . You art) accustomed U tends to apply for permission to lease the foUowlnr described lands for tonight. "The love that lives." stltln;? cold water ,z-tUnllf. Prince Feed Co. Commenclnr at a post planted on the as an office scrubwoman, she attains Think f the stL. Rupert foreshore on the west aid of Stewart to new heights of artistry. It far if on of rtt n t Marrows, about two miles south or Hartley There would seem to be few. if PAHCRTMJJD. Walor in the same ay a PHONE 64 Bay; thence west SO chains, thence north ' SO chains, thence east (0 chains, thence any possibilities in a role of this E ahumianee. rega: e?t south to chains to tne point or commencement kind, yet to it, Pauline Frederick ho mush has bee ted FOR and containlna- 40 acres more or less. has imparted all the charm and General Teaming avatar. . JOK.1 GRACE. Applicant. DATED Tlorember tt, 1117. pathos, an J infinite understanding, HOT WATEft LIKE W40IC of which she alone is capable. DOMESTIC BULBS SKEE.XA LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Tragedy, and Hanson pathos self sacrifice BLACKSMITH COAL Harry COAST. RA.1GE S. are vividly portrayed in this Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Careful Attention to Piano Hut Water Sem e brtofi photoplay by the mother Take notice that tb Western Salmon young Easter Lilies, Narcissus. racklna- Co, Ltd, or Vaneourer, B. C. oc- fighting for her children, and their and Turnlture Removals. you this eoov.-PHONE cupaUon Salmon Canners, Intends to apply welfare. Yet the tale is lit up 4S9 P. O. BOX 3S for permission to leas th followloz de PHONE 93. with flashes of humor, and in the scribed lands.- tall Order Promptly AUeated ta. end a light of such happiness Commendns; at a post planted at blrh water mark. Steamer Passare, (on a small flashes over the face of the scrub blrbt on the said passare about one mil completely transfiguring r. a set nt OS Third As. north of Qulnamass Bay) ten (II) chains jwoman FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Miss I-rederick her. has made V. I. PRIVATE DETECTIVE due west or said blrbt; tbenc twenty (10) ACtENCY chains due north, tbenc twenty (t0 this role one of the most brilliant 20 Metropolitan B1, Vaaeauter. chains due cut, thence twenty (tO) In her career. FOR CANNERYMEN chains south, thence back to point of commencement, There will also be shown off) Day Phone, Seymour lilt. and containlnr forty (40) Mint Phone, ralrmont SOU. We htiv) added to our stork of valves and pipes a complete J.L.HICKEY acres more or less. cial war views and a fine comedy. line of llubber Helling at right prices. THE WESTER."! aALMO.1 PACkl.fO COM. H4 Office, 912 Mlbbea-Beae Bile. FOR FISHERMEN PAXr, LIMITED; C. C Robertson Art Victoria, B. C-, Ph S412. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER DATED December Slst, 1017. A complete stock of the beat goods that money can buy for New Open Unler New Manaiement trolling-Spring Iirass, 8ilver and lifonie. XAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Store and Office Fixtures, (R. B. C Chapter III.) TOR THE WATERFRONT Sash, Door and Moldings. 0M1NECA HOTEL The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special t tt Oak and Hard Woods of all Ak'ERBERO THOMSON and COMPANY, paint TLOOLAZK" A complete line of Ship Chanel r LIMITED, hereby sir nolle that they kinds. g bare, under section or said act deposited HAZELTON - - - B. C. Stuart J. Martin FOR EVERYONE with tb Minister or Public ' Work at (Old llaietion) A fine stock of Hardware. tJurney'a Oxford Stovrs We Specialize In Hardwood Otuwa ana In the omce of th District Boat Ribs, Sash, Rertstrar or the Land Rertitry Offlce, District REMODELLED,REDECORATED REFURNISHED n ASSAYEh We Sell Nothing But The Best. or Prince Rupert, a description or the Door, etc., Erery Protista fee the Comfort f site and tb plans of wharf and other Plate and Sheet Qlaas and works proposed to b built on lot one. Ladlee and Oefitlem'a. HAZELTON B. C. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Waterfront Block F. City of Prince Rupert. Glazing. Prorloce of British Columbia, and tak Corner Fraser and 8th St. notice that after th etplratlon or on The oldest established Assay W,., month from tb date or tn nrst public. PHONE OREEN 2St lloo or this nolle Akerberr Thomson and Tills weather promotes Offlc) In the North. Company Limited will under Section seren P. O. BOX 448. or tb said Act, apply to tb Minister or Coughs Ulietltcr Public works at bis omce in tb City or Ottawa for approral of tb said sit and Those who bare trouble in BABY'S For Yourself plans and for lear to construct th said shaking off a cough slioukl of aa a STEEN if. LONG WILL wharf Dated and at Print works.Rupert. B. C, this second Tar note and tuat Malbieu'a Cod Liter Syrup Oil not of OWNSOAP Gift fo your Friend mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma day of January till. on) soothe th irritatiou of AkERBERO THOMSON and COMPANY. LTD. the bronchial tubes, and SANITARY AND HEATINQ Darld Thomson. Secretary. promptly stop tli rough, ENGINEERS but being asplend id tonicand healer it soon enables Ui PERRIN'S system topermanentlr throw Agent for Hairy A. Harvey off the cold and restores th mucuon membrane to their 'oa Ac CLARY FURNACES (Late Leasee, , Cones rttolr normal healthy condition. r Musis) Malhl.u's Synipof Tar and GLOVES PLUMBING runt or lansoowni cottell Cod Urer Od ha won, by its merit, tb larjcea: sal la Pupili Taken for and VIOLIN. PIANO, VIOUNCELLO and Canada of any medicine for The wtll known rcrrln trademark sj SHEET METAL WORKS HARMONY. cough J5C larg bottle, " In oltTercrywher. cuts should U on evrry flor Phone B, 831 Second Avenue. - EXAMINATIONS ru ftt, ta thU of J. U MATUILU CO. Prep, Tba tit.rr.y I i of assure you perfection Night phones 570 Pupil Prepared fee Isamlaalloa fch.rbcMltc. P.O. Baby's Own Soepl. it. u.i : escalated Board, Vsaaawier, Ceatsr If i Style, Fit and Finish. and lilue 270 oral Cell! f Musle, LenSM, t. A ttnlretaat or '. 1 Is . I ttnm, T4 fnm Ml 1 a, I tkt faM M4 MA m wnefktal t i ' iu 4 ,, The right work, at the right IMnl. sWad dmUrw tkm mrid r nU IA time, and at the right prise. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 s-l-u Albert Soaps Haul!,MaaUaal. tttmuUm PBMJUM'J CLOVES, I