Til Ml.iV . XXK DAILY H1.W 3 T er Headaches Lota Afc(ts Voes come mostly from disorders of our ihn ernm.nrh. livrf and OOWCIS. these orcans and keep Employees Promptly ? R. ol Regulate NOTARY PUBLIC , Mr. ami Mrs. Randolph, Terrace, have arrived I Hie city tree lrom neaaacnes uy uauns TIMBER SALE X1104. on a visit for a day or twiv. . (to not wish to erllieiie (lie kwal oftrisl. ,,i ( We Sell Real Estaje. BEECHAM'S I i utik. but It'ahlgh time that thos trtleiala t h ,0 Sealed kmn 1U t received by lb ) Mr. Fred ilenning bas arrived responsible for the tlolay in n,,,,' Urn are forwardinst W. write Fire and Marine Minister of Land not Utr than noon on . ii. Insurance. thm tisl At 9 At J.na.rv Itlt. far ftM nr. back in the city for good, having ...yen" ftay etierOwa were brMght to task, Ttiii. i. ,, ttut of utK xim. to cut (.sso.ote. resigned his position at Telkwa PILLS (inn which a(Tee t a not truly I lie employe, but ti,. , . We have Apartments, Stores, feet ef Jprere. Cedar, linstock and Balsam 'll. Houses, and Offices for tm an area sltatted m Leer Lake, rraser Mr. Tom MeMenoroan. who has Imrm 34 of Amr MUkb fct WorU and merchants generally, aid detuaiida a rentruY I "Ill Rent, and Waul'More. Rears. Ran re 4. tXMil District. been li the hospital for the last ye are diMtlrrevL eef totally mo when Uy . . 'I Twe f; year HI be allowed for renters! in 'he protected agaitMt this ineoHvettience by ll t . 'm We Deal In Mortgage Loans. or Umber. few days, confidently eipceta to b "lit lion, whrch was pot Into ofsrt in October. t ?. We Sell Timber Limits. Fanner particulars of tbe Chief Forester, out again today or tomorrow. THE BLACK BUTTERFLY" ... I. Victoria. B. C or District roretter, Frlne it (ompulaory on all otfipanlea oprating in It We do Conveyancing. Repert. B. C. Mr. erman VsLeJIan, one of . h.ni. to be screened; their employee aemi-HMHit ilv. Why is im( ti. ,, I'll) TIMBER SALE X1170. Prince Rupert's old timers. ha.a Weslbolme Theatre this f. reed? Possibly. tbe. G. T.P, ts not tbe oaJy. ...rr.- a I: I la il H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. eome down from Alice Arm Uf MwalIlg on4, Bat is very much lriHr renteuy apptieu wuuji rimw iw UMlDrien. , , Sealed tenders win be received by the spend a few days in the eity. up to date. It tells or Russia Defer li) dmaatisfaetiofi. Minister of Land not laur tbaa coon on, " of Paris before ibe tut dy r January, nil. rr the pr-. The Red Cross sale or heme-rtu the and revolution,daring the war. and of Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday r Licence xtiot. to cut i.atT.oeo cooking will be held as usual in feet ef Cedar. Sprne. Hemlock sad Balsam ... . . . Thlnl Av. the blood eaertflee of a woman . MAI'I.E LEAF MILK. Tb is rut milk on Hi.. ,,,, xi aa area sltaated m Qvat-toca Intel. with a etushed sotil. The story which otTera as big valie-t aa Utia line. It lay "The DaUy News" Raar . Coast Dtttrtet. .tomorrow, and will be In charge i , It is Om d year wot b allowed for r- !of Mrs Hal Peck and Mrs. Hlkin. is dramatic In its intensity. would make bold to say that it i vrtenUi alU n,. moval of timber. nf love and eros loves, and al- q.iality as HI. Charles Milkwhieti whotat .; .,, CLASSIFIED ADS. Fartber particalar or Um Cilef rereiter. Vr. J. n Msririn. hn hn beon will the baekgrWBd of battle i-ar higher. Special per csss 4S tins, $55 1 12 tins for 11 J$, neue. b.c, or Ddtnet Fore.ter. ntac,l. looms In the middle distance.: .,ducUng ,rtpging optrlUM on up npen. , We eipectprlcs to advance at any tlm. BUY NOW QUffa charlolte Islands, bas Madame Petrova is tbe ooe artist WANTED. TIMBER SALE X 926. bean in the eity for the last few who eouW property uEMieriaie metis. ran 'yoBr (Seal Brastdi per lb. o DAIRV aUTTIR He will be returning to tbe title rote of this play. It is on I ft S I otTe - t lb IMS Ft 'a Fraaar w win , . waited a few ant-eta miuwrirhu. Sealed tenders will bo received by tb I stands that aiU her peculiar personality i Bute DiaSxei T-. ... la, foe Si.40 tea i isaiey Bailee it,.. . ( soon. Tout of at months" work. per boar. Minuter of Laada not later tbaa noon on Andsheeer-' Title a Te heal ted cjaaatttyi BS rSa raw I tMr Bull. I li Tare eacb sr will be refunded to em lb tttb day of FeDraary. ISIS. rr tlx 'tjotvn to the ground. Ri.irwav a o'etack Tea l-tb shm so ta "-sji- cleat wi, woo ur util ob U earn nurriuie W Lirenre X StS. to rat S.Sf CSdw I Quite a number of festivities tatftly shine in her part. She i Wia-tMr lt. rr. te. Sfw. t fee tt i Dieted. Lotted Grala Grower. Halloa reel of Hemlock, sprace. Balaam and Cedar'ar to take place this evening, one of the greatest of emotional in Wind ret. ! Stv t fee IS aev Ms. far. Tlw i . t- unit. a. c aa area sltaated on Lour Lake. Fraier Farewell Dirties are PronilnenL .rr ni twrat bfor the tub- W ndKir M. r-f Ske Sfwr ZtV a. Ma pee la. rr ants aaw pe. .. ' ;- i-iir Huarakee aasl par Map Syrwe. w wH araW n ta tarivr Reoefc, Ranra.t, Ooaal Dlatnet. r i i BX5T rrUbed or sa-rarBUbed ofi areount of the departure to lie, and wherever she ts billed Wi-XTID TO Three (1) yeara win be allowed for re far Mr east W eattat bas roa a eM SMk psl veiit ror or St rooaed eoturc moval or umber. night of many of the boys foe, appear, erowded house are the ttu a pnawsSee oVa. If raw tb ! wfcw bar ta .r i aot us &ay sews oacc ranber partiralara at Um enter Foreotef. millUry service. rule. And Prince Rupert has bee-n i,rrptr self rt( Oesjr. UM t m Weiif reei per b Os FOR SALE trtoru, I.C, or DUtrtct roreiter. mc bo exeeptkm hitherto. ihim- wtie4 IT fava roeaew lattrwetteot tus M Satn . pfeeatsai U t Rapcrtt, B.C Fit The Indians at Port Slmpvin, i rtrrt paekr. seal teak Bk bwtker i-. m addltron, there will be a f ki-have rtsMark Paawak rtewe. Stew. 2 fee TS sent down another B C Pe I toes (SMt Askwr ' . , roa SALT Second bad kiubea run. large 1 TIMBER SALE X 894. nfy Drrw comedy, v.r Hsteaar Bajtkwbeat Soar fee TS Cbet. fhobe Crcea U bundle of soeks for the soldiery, I i r.de ut caaaaa Byfwp. L ta 7S aa ja4tf, !- us M-4U ak Mrs. Dr. One! i rte nf Ks4s tyrf HrL tin Stss through Spencer. roa SA1X Jpteadid Pclcrboro tao la Sealed lenderr-wffi be received by tb p-. i.HllM ituort is.1 district. w raHraaii i r a I'rsev or naaada Syratx r) tsa SZ-A xcenrst eondUkw. Colt IX. wu tell X mister or Laada not later tban ooott on Indian matron there has knit one;we have 1vurM ihe ,ervk-es of Hsaaptoa Oeaca FraH Cake. SO tba. Baaewaa AasBtM. pee a.i n jt for US. Complete Pbooe BUck . Um ttta day or Febraary. till, for tb hundred and ten pairs. jMf Martin Kroeger. P.R.II.8. i.- sell at SO la. tessse Swiar. t-Bx Hi t 2U parcbue or Ltcenc XSSt. to cat IS.4TS.- FOUND I Prince llupert, II. C phone nedj SSS reel or Sprace, Cedar, Balaam and Mr. Harold lllakely, one r fOC5D A sum of mooes, on one of tbe Urmlotk on aa are altaated cc 7ootom jru. vonuii mm iwui rnur Prince old time residents, Qaeea Cbulotu troap of UUadi. Owaer river. Bark Caannel. Raac S, Coast DU nuperl's gardes problems. British Colum- Rupert Table Supply trtct. bas just been killed at nuy bare ume by prottaf proiwrty. ia Xurserle, Ltd, Vancouver, kVfAj to ladua Areat. Mute It, B. C Tare (1) yean will be allowed for Tt- Mineola, X. Y. He was an experienced i n umber. P. C tf. aviator, but while flying in LOST Fartber panicalari or tbe Cilef Forester Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, True a military bi-plane, his machine LAND REGISTRY ACT LOST Between Fallon Street and tb Gov Rupert. B.C. FtS. crashed to the ground, killing Mr. iScctlen and 114.1 ernment Wbarf, pocketbook cootatntnf Dlakely and his mechanic. Mr. turn money. Ownefi nam mslde. TIMBER SAE X1095. is well remembered in the Finder pleai re torn to tbe Dally news lllakely R AppHeauoa No. StSl t. FU III. li dec tr Sealed tenders win b received by tb city. TAkE NOTICE tbat application, baa been Minuter or Laada not later tbaa noon on to re sister Artbar A. McEwaa. of LST Cold SUckptn. between traqaoU rrioe Rapcrt. B. C a owner In few un tbe tttb day of Jaanary. ISIS, for tbe Furniture wanted. Any quantity. Fool Roomi and Ftftb Avenue, C Re parcbase r Licence X IMS. to cat 7.09S.-too der a Tat Sal Deed from tbe 01 lee lor ol ward. Finder pleaa return to DaUy fret or Sprace, Hemlock and Cedar on Good prices paid for com. tb Qty or Prince Rapert, beartar daw HIRAM WALKER & SONS !ttwi office. tr. aa area situated on Dana Ialet( Qoeen lete household furnishings and tad day or November. I SI. f ALL Cbarloit Islands District. all kinds of tools, men's suits, AND SLtOULAR tbat ferula parcel ar tract MISCELLANEOUS Two ) year wiu be allowed for re ools, ete. Phone Red 243 or call t land and premises situate, lytaa;, a Distillers Own Bottling moval or timber. brinr tn tbe MaatetpaBty f Prtae Rupert, DltCSSMAKlMQ VTanted Apprentice or Fartber parUealan or Um CMcf Forester, n F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. Mr parueatarly known and described at belper. Apply MUi Stmpion, Rksmond Victoria, tt. C. or DUtrtct Toreater. Prtnco Lot twenty-tare tl. Stock tbtriy-rottr per bottle fer eaee r - nouni, Tblrd Avenue. ts. Rupert. B. C SL The annual dance of the Great ill). Section Seven 7t. Map ttl. Old War Veterans' Association will Too ar required to eaaletl I'M claim Rye- - - $1.10 $12.00 $5.75 WILL PAT CASH for FURMTURE for LAND ACT of tb ta purt baser wiuua SI iU;s frocn bottled ia twttd ae-rouned cotur. Box lit Dally newt be held In St. Andrew's Hall on lb date of tb service of this noUc one. SKEE5A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF February 8th. Admission, genls tabteti may b effecud by advtrtuiaf a Imperial Rye - 1.50 15.50 7.25 tl.00. ladies 50c. Tiekels'may be directed;, and your sttenUoa U Called to COAST. RA.1CC I. seeuea IS or tb -Land Reanstry Act" wit bottled in bond bad from the Ladies Auxiliary TAKE .10TICE tbat Jobs Grace, or Vso- or amendments, and to tb roUowtor extract Canadian Club 1.75 18.25 8.50 V.L PRIVATE DETECTIVE AQENCT from any of the boys. tbererrom: - coBver, B. C occapatton flabermaa, la-leads 20t SJetropotltaa BMf, Vancouver. -And ta default or a caveat or cerufl bottied in bond to apply for permUston to leas tbe rate of tt penden be lor filed before Day Fbone. Seymour Hit. foBowtor described lands: Um reiisiratkia aa owner of Um person A reduction of CO cent pr gallon on oil order - r Commencur at a post planted on tb XirHI Fbone, Fairmont SOU. foreshore on tb west aid or Stewart IN THE LETTER BOX entitled under such tat sale, all persons two aliens Marrows, about two miles aoutb or Hartley sit so served vitb noUc . . . Prices arc f.ab. Calvary,m Alberta He 01Bt, 312 Hlbaen-Boa Bl and tnose elaiminr tbreuta or under Bay; tbence west SO cnatna, tbene nortb Victoria, a. C-, Phoae 8412. to r talus, tbence east SO cbalns, tbence Prince Rupert, Jan. 23rd, ibrm. and all person clalmUf any Interest All orders shipped the same day as received aoutb to cbalns to Um point or commenev-ment in tb land by virtu or any Editor Daily News. unrvaistercd Instrument, and all and contalnlnr 40 acre more or less. persona JOH.1 CRACJC Dear Sir: In elaiminr aoy Interest in the und Applicant youf issue of today, DATED November It, IS 17. by descent wboo II tic 1 not registered Address all letters and make drafts paral U t you carry an advertisement under tbe provision of thl Act, shall Prince Rupert Feed Go. 8KEE.VA LA.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT or from the itunert Table Sunnlv Co. be for ever estopped and debarred from IMPERIAL EXPORT CO. COAST. RA5GE S, sellinr up any claim to or in respect with a beading in prominent type. or Um land m sold for tatea, and tb PHONE 58 ReaUtrar abaU reitstcr the person ca Calgary ... Alberta Wake G. T. P Take notice Hut tb Western Salmon up, Pay your employees nned sucb sal under tai a oaner or 1'acklnr Co.. Ltd. or Vancouver. B. C oc-eupauon promptly," and strange to tbe land so sold for Use.' Salmon Canneri, lalend to apply Fon (or permission to leas tb folio win r de-scribed say, enclosed in a deep Clack border. AND WIIERETS appucaUoo baa been mad for a CcrUOcat or Indereasitl TlUe lands: Needless to state, it aroused to Um abovemebiioned land. In tb nam Commencior at a post planted at blia BULBS aaier mark. Steamer Pasiare, on a small tbe indignation of the G. T. P. of Arthur A. McEwan: AND WHEREAS applies Hon has been blrht on tb said pas si re about on mil shop employees, wfien they read mad for a Certificate or tndefeasibl Till tsortb of Qulnamasa Bay) ten (10) cbalns Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, UiU advertisement, und it was uil It appeara tbat prior to tb 1 4 lb day doe west or said bltbl; tbence twenty (SO) .A chain due nortb, tbence" twenty (SO) agreed by the said employees that nf September, till (tb dat on which HOT BATH THE Easter Lilies, Narcissus. rfialns due east, tbene twenty (tO) it was only fit and proper that the the said Und wer sold far overdue utiil, yon wer lb reaisured and IT assessed cbalns aoutb, tbene back to point of commencement, true facts of the case should be owner thereof. MINUTE YOU WANT and contalnlnr forty (40) presented to the public in FURTHER TAkE NOTICE that Si tbe Stall Ordtea Alt your J '" Promptly U. acre more or less. a You are accusU'in. next issue. aarne Ume I shall effect rerlitraUon tn THE WESTER.1 SALMO.f PACaXXO COM- pursuance or aucb application and getting cold water instantly. . PAy, limited, C C Kobertton Art With regard to the II. C. legis issu r Certiacat of Indefeasible Till to tn said Think ..f th sst-lafaation P. O. Bi S3 3. SOS Tblrd At. DATED December list. 1117. lation, making it compulsory for una tn the nam or Arthur A. McEwan "of gelLug 1 NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTIO.1 act. 8,1 companies to pay ineir em u il you tak and prosecute lb proper in Water In the sani. way (H. S. C. Chapter lit.) ployees semi-monthly, the G.T. P. proceedings to estabUsB your claim, ir any, te lb said landa, or to prevent sucb proposed abundance, regardle-t iirnnrnii .nnmn. .... r..wU ' ". ow.i.o u action on my parL bow much has be 1 LIMITED, hereby tire nolle tbat they Nt,leir "nply wages due them DATED at tbe Und Herts try Office, Utfuro. SUEti &L0NCWILL bave, under section or said act deposited up to the 15th of this month,,but Prince Rupert, B. C thl I tin day. of wiib tb Minister or Public Work at llirouKh an oversight, which had September, A. D. 1(17. HOT WATER LIKE MAOI0 II. r. MACLEOD, DUtrtct Re1lrr SANITARY AND HEATINO r ,Tr Z VJZ'LrZ to ! corrected, the shop men have or Titles. ENGINEERS trict or Prtnc RuperL a description or tbiony received the pay due till Dec To Charles FlanlU. Boi 711 Harry Hanson tit and the plana or wharf and other! 31, 1917, and needless to state Edmonton. Alt. Hot Water Service bunr work! proposed to b built on Lot one, hope to receive their wages due WATER NOTICE this conveuten.-e Agents for Waterfront Block F, City of Princ Rupert, you to the 15th this of month by the . (Diversion Province or British Columbia, and tak and lis.) PHONE 4S9 P. O. BOX 35 McCLARY FURNACES notice that after tbe expiration or on next passenger train in. month from tb daw or tb Brat publication Hut what we wish to emphasize TAKE NOTICE that Tb BrIUab Canadian irf" PLUMBINO of Ibis nolle Akerberr Thomson and is that the O. T. P. shop employees i Luuiber 109 Yerkshir Corporation, Ltd., wboa address Bulldlnr. Vancouver, will Company Limited w'll under Section seven and of the said Act, apply to tb Minister of and carmen are a hundred apply for a licence to tak and us on SHEET METAL"wORKS 1-uMie Work at his otnee In lb City of per cent organized union cubic fool per second of water out of Ottawa for approval or tb said site and men and have a schedule of rules an uunamed creek, which flrwt touUierly wwseiexew Phone 5, 834 Becond Avenue. plans and for lav to construct tb said with which and drain Into Missel inlet, about 400 wharf and work. our company, governs yard northeasterly from the southwest FRED HARDWARE STORK'S Night 578 phones jjulh and Dated at Princ Rupert. B, C thl second company employees, and corner of Lot uil. and Ulue 270 day or January ISIS. we deeply resent any interference Tt water willy dlvtrted from the The right work, at the right AKERBERQ THOMSO.t and COMPANY, LTD. from any outsido person or persons, slrtaui at point about a quarter or s lull rroin it mouth and will FOR OANNERYMEN b used for time, and at the right prloe. David Thomson, Secretary. not connected with the rail-road, steam purpose upon lb Und desulhed We have added to our stock of valves nnd pipes a co'ia1'''1. or with our affairs. as Lot 1411, Oraham Island. Hue of Rubber Ileltiug al right priurs. In conclusion we wish to state This nolle was posted on lb (round A. on the tnd day or January. Ills. A copy FOR FISHERMEN Harry Harvey that the wages from the G. T. P. of thla nolle and an A 'r application pursuant complain stock of the best goods that money can buy (Lata Ltn, Eni., OoaaarvaUIr shop employees, from a business (hereto lad to tb "Water Act, 1(14," will Harry Atkins f Nuel point of view, must be worth Le tiled in Um omc or tlx Water Recorder trolling -Spring Uross, 8ilver and limine. PUPIL OP LANSDOWNE COTTELL catering for, and in this case, it al Prince Rupert, li. a FOR THE WATERFRONT remHi BMtobor, Prlaca Rupert. Objection to tb application Uiy b Tho celebrated Maplo Leuf boat Paints Special Pupils Taken for does not pay to ndvertlse. Died with tb said Water Recorder or with and Varnishes NOTKD KOH VIOLIN, PIANO, VI0L1NCELLO and Klgned on behalf of the G. T. P. tlio Comptroller of Waur Itirbts. Parlla- paint TLOOLAZE'- -A complete line of Ship Chandloo PRIME 3AUSAQE HARMONY. employees. uwdi Euildio, Victoria, U. c. within FOR EVERYONE EXAMINATION! . liuny day after tb flrii appearane or A line atook of Hardware, Oxford Stove (lurney a Pupils Prsparad far Esamlaatloos ibis nolle In a local newspaper. Tomato Sausage a Specialty, Associated Board, Vaneeuvee, Caatae Salvation Army. Tb dat of lb Oral publication of thl W Sell Nothlna But Tho Best. Rairal Celts r klualc, Ln4n, Enf. nolle I Jinuary'Sib. Itll. Public meetings, THE BAITISII CANADIAN LUMOtll Phone 574 P. O. Box Tuesdays, Cdlll'OIUTION, LTD. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 Thursdays and flatunlays at 8 p, J. T. T. Pllton, Receiver and Manager. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 1aakSStjBaa$RdB0j i,. eundays at 7:30 p. in. By E. A Clevaland, A lent.