TUB DAILY NEWS m . H..TVM I lit"" 0IV" ,!'V 'r?'J.f! 1 bm m mmHn trd am m mmm The Daily News Appendicitis Opera aembly of British OMumoia ... ineerDorat n THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA tions Not Always Tb Cnrtneerlnf and WKlliLLfS .: :.7-.V r Brium commbi. Publl.h.d Dally and WeoUly Necessary Guaranteed Largest Circulation knowMr. .' .nd proflciency Its . . an wn .... m h r t in IMrel Bethl Rellevee the Caeaa --- HEAD OFFICE: Year physician will tell yo that wlM to th and ArcmteciBra technical prefcKn and to News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, D.C Tel. 93. Appendtrltl I tn Inflamed condition of Mi tad to esuwish and tooducl imia Daily si the of torn. te.U lite little sack celled tb AppendU .d weicrib fb TRANSIENf DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per inch. lower rirbt-hand nmr of tb Colon or Mtency and moral character a may b Isrre Intestine. Br rleanslnf thll Colon ..leai and to tranl tertlScate Contract Rates on application. with purified warm water by tn "J. B of membership to tbow ppwed of, and 5 U Crade" thlt sack U eleaneed and the , w,re otbcrwua accjulre and bold Dear Folks subside. Hundred or for th purpose DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1911. InlUnuntlkm hire been avoided by mint real and personal properly thereof nd tvperations and to diipo of tb institute, S lb wirm water ear for Appendlcltie. retnresl th proceed In cn minner a. i TW at Home: Mr. Jaa. MeLaurblin. tl Evanston street may seem Bt and to Bi entrance fees and PLAIN BUSINESS year. But the canners would Wtnotpet. write : annual fee r tubscripuon to ba PW still I bad cpenl over Bfty dolurt with member, and to tary tna aam from 4 Jit Keep The matters which are due not suffer. They would fin ,iv your soldier doctor trylnr t rare Appendicitis, and to provide for tb man- time, to come up this evening at the have a reasonable profit, and ally the doctor Mid I tnnit w U time Knxni to or us auain 111 wmmv.. sailor i meeting of the Independent the consumers of canned sal IkmmuI tl one for an operation. Tour conitlteted In luch manner ai may be provided Vv or boy well Doal Owners Association and tnon would benefit. advertisement interested me. I boutot a for by By law. and to bar lu M vhSJ supplied J. B. L. Cascade," which relieved me at annual meetinr within with the members of the city council There is no right reason in mr and bold It winy curea nee. and am bow pomp Columbia, and to have, enjoy, and are not things which are with, this world why some firms Meter felt better In my lire: an ram and .em Brills. all power, rtrht and prtvilete out reach, but are simply mat. should have licences for waters aorene rone, and I eat and sleep Hat a necessary, usual or Incidental to all or any ! ters of plain business. Conducted in which they do not fish. They Utt boy. wonderful 1 am tratcful health-tivlnt ia Dr.Intention."Tyrrell for of the afferesald purposes. WRBGLEYS as such, the problems fish not themselves nor will II per cent or all Iranian Ulf arc canted BRADSIIAW Solicitor a STACroOLE,for lb Applicant which they present will be they permit anyone else to fish by accumulated watte In the Colon. DATED at Victoria. B. C tbi IStB oay solved by businesslike methods. This is a stale of things which iDternal Batbtnf with Um "J. B. L Cat- of December HIT. cade" keep thlt larr Intetttn a free Half the trouble in this world will continue Just so long as rrom all watto and at clean at tutor demand! trtJlrr?Vs lnfi fcaturc of would be avoided by going after the people permit it. Privilege It should b for perfect health. ROTtCC. r things in the correct fashion. of any kind flourishes anywhere Ack Cyril II. Orme. Crarmt. comer trd fj ItoTw ,he war "fil1 tie There is no doubt that Just for the same length of Are. and th L, for booklet called -Why Sea Coll.- "Brown Bear." -Utile Tomj Man of Today la Only SO Per Cent Em Fraction." -S unit rat Fraction, -sea uot there is enough trouble with time. If those who are primarily rlent" It U free, lie win alto be pleated Fraction.'. -Sheet Anchor Traction." "T the. state of affairs from the interested in the fishing to tbow and eiplaln Um "J. B. L. Cascade" line." -Camp Bird melton" and "Obaer-vatory" 1 fishermen's point of view ri?ht industry, and In equal to yoa. Mineral Claim, situate la lb ITpZSfe'ii' chewing it." jiow, and they intend to set it rights for every fisherman to Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Co it District Wber located: near Bear Lake, Sort right, if human effort can. And fish wherever the fish are, conversation in another room in Inlet, Prtoe Royal Island. J 1 I there is no reason to believe within proper bounds, make up hotel. He was charged with TAKE NOTICE that I, Fred M. Wells, tjj) Relieves thirst that it cannot. their minds that it is time for eavesdropping" under an old Fre Miner Certificate No. ISIUC th One of the first things which the abolition of privilege in British common law. Those whe duly Free authorised Miner's arent Certificate or Mill 5a trd P.IISIIC Warren. I and fatleue. j they have to set about is the the fishing industry, well, butt in on a party telephone wire Intend. lity day rrom tba date hereof, breaking up of the control there is only one thing that will please note to apply to tn Mlnlnr Recorder for which the cannerymen seem to happen, and that is the abolition m m Certificate of Improvement, for tb pur of obumisr Crown Oraat of each possess over the government of privilege, if they go Democratic ideas are spread of pose the abet claim. Fisheries Departments, both about it in a businesslike way. ing. Charles M. Schwab, presi AND rTRTHtn TAKE NOTICE that ac provincial and Dominion. It The same argument applies dent or the Dethlehem Steel Cor. lion, under section SI, mat I M com looks as if whatever the cannerymen to the newer business of trawling. poration, declared the other day menced before th tasu of inch Certificate of Improvements. say on the British Columbia There are vast potentialities that the time was near at hand DATED this lilh day of October, A. D. coast goes. They seem in this industry. There are "when the men of the working HIT m ' Flavour to consider that they have the all kinds of fish to be got. In classes the men without prop g J sole right to say what shall be fact, they are already gotten erty will control the destinies of COAL NOTICES done, or shall not be done with and being discarded thrown the world. The worker will rule, regard to salmon. And they The excuse is that there away. and the sooner we realize it. the SKEE.1A LXID DISTRICT DISTRICT OF have had things pretty much1 is no market. The market is better it will be." Mr. Schwab QIEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS their own way, for a long time there for the creating, Just as has foresight. now. But the present canners the fish are there for the getting. TAkE .lOnCE that I. James P. Rttd, of have to remember that there' Tell what B. Intend to the people you GOVT. UP AQAINST IT Frlnc Rupert. C. Prospector. are other people interested m have to sell, and if the price is FOR DEPUTY SPEAKER apply for a Heme to proepect for coal and over tb followtai described petroleum the salmon fisheries as well as right they will buy it. Anyone lands on tb Wt Coast of Moresby Island, they. In order to conserve the who has once tasted sole or Ottawa, Jan. 26. The proba cunmeneior at a post planted about of catches of Ash for themselves, j the deep sea flounder, would mil southeasterly from a post located bility of a deputy speaker of the tb chore of a small Bay openlnt out they would that other have it halibut on no cannery as soon as any house of commons having to be or Canoe pass between Morsby and Cbaatl licences be issued for the And in Prince Rupert, day. even S mile alone the selected from the French opposition I lands, about northerly next five years, so that they how many people have members is suggested by the Morsby Island side of Canoe rasa from KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRJ Z 1 9 who have already waxed fat in tasted either? Bock Point: tbrnr sou ID I chains; thence OLttN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Vl ltVI CIURl"THI 1.1; 1 Journal-Press. J. C. Tur this business might wax a little The government wanted the fMornlng west SO chain; theoe north It chain; TAkE NOTICE that Oertrwda Knalt. Of TAKE NOTICE that EKJabca f;atraL riff, M. P., has been mentioned for thene east SO chain to th point of com . a. fatter. This notwithstanding people to subscribe to the Victory rrtnea Raperl, B. C. clerk, tatead la apply or Print Raperl. ca: -tl the post, but it has been dis mencetnenL for a tl cease to prospect fee coal and ia lend u apply far a ..-- v the increasing demand for loan. They advertised. The covered that the law states that JAMES P. RtlD. Applicant pet rote am aver tb foUowtnt described for eal and petraleaca Va t-in foodstuffs all over the world. people subscribed. IMbe gov. Located November Its, HIT. lands oo lb Weal Coail of Moresby Island: deeettbed Unda an tb Wnt 3t when the speaker is English the This is not business. It Is ernment want the people to eat CcumnetB at a post planted about I Moresby UUad ceinarae3f at I deputy speaker must be French. SKEE.1A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF mil easterly from a poet located to the ptaaced about tot yards at- m I simple selfishness, which is fish, let them advertise, and the Canadian. Dr. Chabot, of Ottawa, QlEEJt CHARLOTTE ISLANDS bora or in eait tide of Canoe Fas at a pael avtated H IM Ik o 3 tie caaet never good business. Any people will do the rest. That's is the only purely French-Cana point about I mile northerly aloof tb cede tt Canoe rasa, and at a r aM ' business that Is not founded plain business, and results sbor from Buck Potnt; tbeac south tt oatVs northerly alont lb tr rs M dian member supporting the gov. TAKE .IOTICE that t, Joseph Seiloo. of chains; the ace east It chain) ibenc norUc ratal: theoe aorU i ba r upon justice is not good business, would be achieved at a tithe of Prince Rupert, B, C, Prospector, Intend ernment, and it is understood he 10 chains; thence well tt chain la potnt 10 chela; theoe out2 I SiJ Sea neither for those engaged the cost of advertising the-Vic to apply for a Nevus to prospect for coal -a has no ambition to become deputy of comnMncetneot west It chain! to poii i in it, nor anyway else. lory loan. and petroleum over tb foUowtnt described GERTRUDE KNOTT. EUXABETH -"S speaker. Unda 00 th Weal Coast of Morse by Island. Were all the British Columbian By liana E. Chrttlenaca, arent By Chariot r r Comment lot at a post planted about 4 of Located November I HIT. Located NecemUr lilt tl) waters fished equally, NOTES AND COMMENTS tin, a mil southeaiterly from a post located Advertise in The Daily Nowa. there would be supplies for on th (bore of a small Bay opcniat out SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRJ T r-tlTKIf many more canneries. In that A man in Montreal found him of Canoe pas between Morseby and Cbaatl QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS QUEEN CHARL' i - IMS about S mile the Islands, Northerly alone case, the price per case might self in the police office for using Moresby Island side of Canoe Pais from TAKE NOTICE that Ale lander U Sutherland, TAKE NOTICE thai A E orf not be so large as it was last a dictaphone for overhearing the Buck Point; Ibenc south IS chains; thence of Prince Rupert, B. C, miner. Intends Prtnea Rupert, B. t. aurrle . I to apply for a licence to prospect for knda U apply far a ' t V east SO chain) thence north) It chains roal and petroteaia over tb follow tor described eosl and petroleuna w a fitowttt tbeur west tt chain to th point of cn land on lb West Coast of Moreaby scribed leade o the Wt a "fJ me nee menL Island: Commenclnt at a post planted laUnd: Cotamenetat as P JOSEPH SEXT05. Applicant. about I mil eaiterty from a poel located Uboul lit yarda eu T Located ftovember tin, HIT. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT oo th chore of the east aid of Caaoe Pace located on tb shore . n tnr . - al l about mile a sm.. mmJk cat a - i.t aCCke TIMBER SALE XI 036. a pot a northerly aloof SwjaT f , S4M as t " - SaEE.IA LA.tD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF tb sbor from Buck tb sailing Potnt; tbence north awrtberly alont WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX Sealed tendera UI tie retelTed by tn QIEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLA.1DS It chain; thence eait SO chain; thence t-MOt. tbence MUt 10 ha:a. Oraa w"i Minister of Land not later than noon on eoulb It chain; thene west It chain to 10 (hams: theoc south I a THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, the tiut day of January, ISIS, for the TAKE ROTICE that I. Cbarle E. Barre, point of commencement east It enema to poial of 'j VICTORIA AND SEATTLE. purchase of Licence X I03S, la cat tOt.OOO of Prince Rupert, B. C, miner Inund to ALEXANDER f. SUTHERLAND, ALUS k- m reel or ceaar, spruce, neniiocs and Bai apply for licence to prospect for coal and By Charles E Burreas, airnt Br charua E. B ft 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN 1 am on an area situated on Baker Inlet, petroleum over lb rollowlnf described Located November 10th HIT. Located November Htb, lit' Ranee 4, Coast District. lands on th Weil Coast of Moresby Island. Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF On (t) year will b allowed for r Commenclnr at a poet planted about of MINERAL ACT Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. moral or Umber. a mile southeaiterly from'a pott located QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS further particular of th Chief Forester on tb chore of a small Bay openlnt out TAKE NOTICE that Betty Knott Of nine OF ltPR0l"tTI TRAIN SERVICE Victoria, D. C or District Forester, Prloea of Canoe pas between Moreaby and Cbaatl Rupert, B. C. nurse. Intends to apply for CERTIFICATE FiiKiitr Header, Wedaeedai tod Saturday at tt:J a. m. for Smiiber. Rvperl. I. C J It Islanda. about t mile northerly etdo the a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum Prince Oeorte. Edmonton and Winnipeg, makint direct connection for ill Moresby Island sld of Canoe racs from over the followlnt deacribed land on lb NOTICE point eait tod south. TIMBER SALE X 979. Buck Ppinlt thence north It chains: thence West Coast of Moreaby Island: Comment -Pal Traction" and Da J east It chain; tbence aouth It chains; lot at a poet planted about t mil easterly U aim. aituaia In tna PorlUnd a" Sealed tenders will he received by th thene weat 10 chains to point of com from a post located on the bora of tb Dlviuoo of Caciur DUUin- t Agency All Oosan Steamship Lines. Minister of Lands not later than noon on mencrmenL east id of Canon pass at a point about S Wber located on lb t For Information and reservations apply to the Min day of March. ISIS, for tb pur CHARLES E. BL'ROESS, Applicant milea northerly akot th abort from Buck Cascade creek, tt mlUa frim th City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue. chase of Ucenc X STS. to cut 6.710.000 Located November tth, HIT. Point; thene north It ehalni; thene weal Portland CanaL PHONE 2 CO It chains; ibenc feet or Sprue. Cedar and Hemlock on an aouth 10 chain; thene TAKE NOTICE that I, I f4 ""L, area adjololnr L. Sit, Swindle Island, SKEE.1A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ein rnain to point of contmenecment trre Miner's Cer nil eat N. s ' Ranr S. Coast DIstrlcL QIEE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLANDS BETTY KNOTT. int ateot for Reiinald K H 'Jj Three (1) year will he allowed for r By Han K. CbrUicneen, arent, Miner" CerUflcat No. I; "V. nova! of limber. Located nevenioer ISM HIT. amy daya from the dat here ' JZZ Further particular of th Chief Foreiier, TAKE NOTICE that I, Han K. Christen hi ina nioinc nviwucr - , CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Vie tort. B. C, or District Fonder, Prince sen. of Prince Rupert, B, C, prospector. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Improvement, for lb parp'e ' u"" Intend to for license QUEEN apply a CHARLOTTE to prospect ISLANDS ' Rupert. B.C. M. IS a Crown (Irani of tna aoove for coal and petroleum over the followlnt TAKE NOTICE that Thorn Peterson of . . . . ..l. ..u ,k. rlio. m TIMBER SALE X1235. described lands on the Weal ' Coat I of Princ huDert B. C- Bihtmun im.n! der settlon SI, must b commrBCed " Lowest Rates all Eastern Points to Moreaby Island. Commenclnr at a post apply for license to prospect for ccal and lb Istuanc of auoh Cerliflrat' ' '0n via Steamer to Vancouver and th Sealed tender will he received by th planted about or a mil southeasterly i.rvi.uui over in rollowlnf deacribed menu. ..ia CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Minister of Lands not later than noon on from a pod located on the shore of a w west coat I or Morecy lalandi Dated this 1 1 lb day of pe""", -HIT. mall Bay openlnt out of Canoe Commenclnt at Pais be a rn niim.a iwrn Meal and Berth Included on Steamer lite I lib day of February, ISIS, for tb purchase of Licence X Itll, to cut !,!!, tween Moreaby and Cbaatl litandl. about 3 yards eaclerly from a post located on lb PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR ALASKA JANUARY 2S FEBRUARY 11 and 26th. 000 Icet of Sprue and Hemlock on an milea northerly alont I he Moresby Island ..r. va ina cacieny aid or Canoe Pass, MINERAL ACT PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR VANCOUVER FEBRUARY 2, It) MARCH 2nd. U aide of Canoe pace from Buck Point; I hence and al t point ahout v miu, m.i..i. area adjoining I tit, East Shore of Prlaeeea Royal fee Oranky Bay Juikatla Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island Dll north 10 chains) thene weal 10 chains; alont the shore from Buck Point; thene aaaer Sth, 1Sth, 2U) February Bin, Itth, 21. trlct. thene eoulb It ebalnlj thene caal 10 ruaine; inene well It Cbllnt; CERTIFICATE OF tMPROVt"" Prlaeee Royal for Vaaceover vie Ocean Falla t a. m. December 17th, Two (t) year will t allowed for r chains to point of commencement ttieoce north 10 chains; tbrnra aM It 7U January Tin, 17th, 2Slh February 7th, 18th and zSlh. moral of limber. HANS K. CliniSTENSE.I, Applicant chalna to point of eonuneneement "0T.,?.,: Located November Ith, HIT. Further particular of tb Chief Forester, THOMAS PETERSON, -siinpaon,- -nuperi, r J. I. PETERS, General Aeent Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince B' ",n Chrlteoaen, aient Ion," "Caarad Fall No. 1" 'J, Itupert. B, C Ft S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Located November IClb, HIT. Fall No. S" Mineral Claims. """. Co ncr Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Portland Canal Mlnlot Dlvui' laEE.IA LA.1D DISTRICTDISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF B"trltt . .uc a COAST. RA.10E FIVE. TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L, Sutherland, TAKE QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS NOTICE thai Peter Jensen, of caarad Creek, It mile from lb of 1'rlnc nuperl, B, C, clerk. Intend to Prince Rupert B. c . nih.mu ini.n. ,. Tea notlc thai I Intend to apply to PPy for 1 licence to prospect for coal and pply for Portland CknaL . .iuui Don't merely smother your cough be llonorkol Commissioner of Land and petroleum over th followlnt described ' ' licence to prospect for coal and TAKE NOTICE thai I. J. Work to leas lb followlnt described land on tb Wl Coat I of Moresby H nda on the"w ina rouowltif deacribed trre Miners ceruneai n - r(W c m lands: land. Cotnraenelni at a post planted about wen cnasi of Moreiby la-"d Int aa afenl for OahUy Beaufort aPlTsBsI? VP Wetbleu'e Syrup of Tar aa4 Cod Urtr OQ not onrr Commeoeinf al a post planted at tb I mil easterly from post located on th ist cmmencini al a post planted about Miner' Ceruneai no. " I I I W f 1 II promptly arreaU eooxbing, bat tbanka to tta tonia aad northwest comer, abov nifb water mark, hor of the cast able of Canoe Pan at a yardc -elrly frwn a post located on my a rruu in uw ...u l VVIllJ UarUnUg tOTfwtka lthelptnysUt toUrewaal al Bartlell point then ten chain du point about I mlleii northerly .alont tn S.V..'?'? tb " W of cano to the Mlnlnr Recorder for I 1 ' r"n , sad thaa effect It U tbi vkkk baa Sar " ' bou ' a permanent ctwa. quJlt ma oflhrly IniuruVMuMUis. rue lb DurPO Kvald eaat, then eoulb to tb Sbor Una, then bor from Buck Point) Ibenc soutb 10 aaia of any 0004- and cold remedy in Canada, followlnt lb contour of tb Sbor Lin chains; thence well It chain)) thence S .!T ,n"u Buth felMi thene I Crown Oranl of lb bov ' win to the plae of cuumenccntenl, coolalnlnt north 10 cbelnt; thence eait to chain to L 'n,i 'haina, And further take nolle lb ''"' twenty acres, more or lees. point of commencement, thalna t der see lion si, must N w''l,JL AkfetATSBBS JAMES DEIBA1SAY, minster. DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, pat of eMWoenreiiienL lb lecuanc of furlt Crlinl Wale Island Cannery, By Charles E, Buryeas, areut. ETKR JENSEN, wo". l November 1 4 lb, HIT. Fit, Located November I0lbf hit. UKeied November' k- Chrltlenaen, stent Haled tbi llth day Of a g 1 Hib, HIT. HIT, BBTll