j,:: :may """"' T11E daily news votes rnoni the was costing ns much as public TWO LONG YEARS COUNCIL CHAMBER work depnrltnont. He again protested ngafnst the coal of opernl- , (Continued From I'ae One.) ing the police dcparlment, which SUFFERED he snld was out of all reason with HE given permission lo sell to Mr. II. tho condition of the city. Aid. : H. Wallace, a special-sized piece McMeekfn bore this statement out of lumber, when (ho matter of re- and referred to two burglaries "Friill-a-flves" Made Him Feel pianking thai sidewalk between! which had been effected within the On Air Hixtli and Seventh Avenues, from last few days, about which nolh. As If Walking Fulton to Taylor streets came up Ing had been done. Mayor Mc-agaln. OattUA, Oirr., Nor. 28th. 1014. The board of works reJCIymotil Pinl aIiipiI (linl tin film Tor ovrf two years, I wu troubled Priu uii mis could only be would like better than himself lo with t JH'Wi(m' D''wtnt"' J done as a local Improvement, and see one man being able lo police , v; uanillttdAchtt, One day I u upon the receipt of a properly the city, but it would not do. With .rtigu which read "Frult-a-tlrcs igned petition from the properly one man on duty on an eight-hour cla to !eti uu walking oa air." owners being received, the matter shift required three men, and in ( Is jpf'd to roe, so I decided to would receive further considera addition, someone was required ! T A lf. In T hort timet 1 tion. to be In the station. Aid. Casey! . -xi fwl better,and no Ifetlfine. The DrydockRoad. suggested an automatic system' I u ifood appetite,relUh everything a recommendation from lha which would obviate having half If. and the Headache are gona board of works was dealt with. a dozen men hanging around the c t . , I reeommend this fUaiant wuicii recommended that the cfly police station, discussing things : rult pJui to all my Mend teams give assistance in the con. with the city solicitor. Which was ! DA.V McLEA.V. structlon of this road by hauling one on Mr. I'elers, who enjoyed it. j 60e a boi, 6"for $2JO, trial alte, 25c cinders when they were not en. After the 1917 ossessmenl roll I At all dealers or aent postpaid by Fruit gaged in other city work, for i being adopted for 1918, the coun- I , j ' n l. OUawa. period not exceeding one week cil adjourned. I Early Morning Sunli.ght Then aune the report of the mar-Let LAND LEASE NOTICES clerk. His commission for the month of December was given IKEEJtA LA.1D DISTIUCT DISTWCT Of ns 4JI73, on a total turnover of COAST, RAX OK FIVE. will find jour washing finished earlier and better and 2,318.55. This report afforded YOU TAKE notice that Wilur E. Walker, of work will become easier tin opportunity for the discussion Vancouver, B. a, occupation Manartr, far by using Sunlight Soap, of cheaper fish. Mayor McClr Htieodt to apply for trmko to lease for it cleanses and purifies clothes more quickly and TIMBER SALE X 108t. mont spoke of tlie quantity of fish it rUowlnr deaerttied Undi: which was culled from the catches tMnroeoeior at a pott planted at later- thoroughly than ordinary soap. teetwii of llirn Water Mark Tooraaa Paa. gft:-d a&tn will be received by the landed here, as unfit for shipment ate and so Eatt and Weil Dm paaitnt Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian t Loae po i uir iimb wb iw m: about one-third of which his In. throwra Omtttu Moaumest at BarUetl dty of Jtnutry. tlU for tbe market It is liu today beyond jlui t Licence X tost 10 till I.SOO.- formation showed was perfectly Point. Wales lilaod. B. C,j tbeoea can pure compare. jr.. 0 cnalni; tbenca aoaUi IS cbalm, tuore f, T r pro re, traar, 1 1 ria tor m. in good. There were the small fish You Sunlight Soap according to directions, and or leaa. to lllrb WaUr Mark Toori ru-art; try you'll see which were rejected .under the Iheora nortberlr and weiterly fol-owlnr IOMS Island, Rar . Coatl Dl- lb Line ot the early morning sunlight shining on a line of the whitest first and second classifications, Said Hl(h Water Mark W.it. lo tlx point of eoauaeaeemenl. and con. clothes that of housewife's ",o yer will be snowed tor re- and also other fish which were ever Bpoke pride. fio , leaa. uininr acre mora or acial 4 timber. good enough for immediate consumption, WALTER E. WALKER. Fanner particular of the Chief rowttr, but which would not trato- tltn Ur or October, ItiT. Wtcna, B. ' or intinei roieiver, rnon lupe" B. C i HT. stand carriage. There were also IKEE.1A LKXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of flounders, sole and red cod, which CASSIAR. LAND ACT were fine fish, and in many homes preferable to halibut. Were these TAKE ootlre tnal Walter E. Walker, nf Sunlight Soap VaiMMttr. B. C occvpauoa Manartr, i IUENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or placed upon the city market at a loteoda to apply for permission to leaae coast, rance 4. reasonable price, he thought II toe toltowinr deaenbed land: would help to reduce the cost of Coaimeactnr at a pott planted at tbe TAKE NOTICE that John Oraee. or Van- living. Sort Weal Corner or Lot tt, Caaalar r-;v '.' a, t . occupation ntoennaa, w Dlitrtct; tbeoea oortberly and westerly tradi i apply tor permlt.oo M leate lb Aid. Klrkpatriek informed the foUowinr Iba lino of lllrb Water Mark - at described lands.- council that she had had a great rortland Canal to a point vbers an East It's kiawl to tke baada. A $5,000 guarantee nay tkera BSMDtiBf at pott planted oo the deal of experience in rooking fish and Weil Una drawn tbrourb a point SO Follow dlreetioaa. la not particle of auloltennt f,.rrit on Um well I We of Stewart rbaiat Duo ."tcrlb or Um Point and if it were not first-class fish, or com-menretDent Sold at all groccn. mr Imparity lo Sunlight Soap. lar: .& abost two mile too lb or Htrtley Interaeeu wltb aald Line of Ull It; tirac wett tS chains, thence aorta a flrl-clas dish could not be expected. HUb Water Mark; tneora weal SS cbalaa; S i;r tbroee rit to rbala. thmco Aid. Dybhavn explained Ibntco sootberly and eaturty, parallel to c: l (tain to lh point or eetninra. that the fish whieh was sold lb aahl Una or lllrb Water Mark rortland axz, u 1 'ooUiaiar 4 cri hmt or kit. caaal to a potat IS chain Doe We a.or fH.1 OH ACT. AppUfaL among the retailers in town was lbs ratal of Commencement; tbence eatt Dl tO S )nlf It. HIT. only the choice I of the first-class a cnaia to aald potal of commencemenl. fish, and he did not see that fish and aotitalnlnr tts aerea mora or let. Salvation Army. !lttA LAD DISTRICT DISTIUCT Of WALTER E. WALKER, whieh was refused classification ' OAST. KA.10E S, Data Ittb day of Oetober. ISIT. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. could eual these. However, there Public meetings. Tuesday. "Uc tffii Uul lao Wrtiera Stlaoa was nothing done in the matter KEEA LAXD DISTRICT-CASSIAR. DISTRICT OF Thuradays and Saturdays at 8 p CIRCUIT NO. 1. rtrk'.if Ltd.. of VoMiTtr. m. C o-rm meantime. a liimua CunrL Intends lo tr!r 1,. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Boa 11 Ith St. and Srd Ave. t-m I tA I .u IK. ,nl 1st wi f w Aa Raising Pigs. TAKE notice tbat Waller E. Walker, or Boa IS (lb St. and Srd Ave. health Vaneotjrer. B. C, occupation Manartr. Stea 14 Sib St. and Srd Ave. A the t from repot earn. He Daily News delivered by TIMBER SALE X 925. Boa Ik JuncUoa of tnd and lit, Natrnds to apply for to it alia permission seat c lac ti a post pUnt4 initlee came next which said that arrier, 50 cents per month. Srd Ave. te? ert. itr tarr ruur, (oo s simii a fallow-tar deterlbed landi: Krti i hm Mid patMta about ocw milt there was nothing lo prevent the Commrnrinr at a pott planted at Um Sealed lender wm be received by tbe or IS itl Ave, between Stb and i ' jMatii Str " IS) caaiat raising cf pigs within the eity .isrtb Wett Corner of Lot l. Caitiar SKEEXA LA.fD DISTRICT DISTRICT or Minister of Land not later than noon on Sib 81. (Knox Hotel). ; t. : r ttt bltbl. thraro wlv (t) limit. provided that the proper IMstrtct; ibenca north IS chains; tbenca CASSIAR. tbe tttb day of January, HIS, for tbe pur. tea 17 1st Ave. and Jth St. (Central tauai c aorta, ihraco iwraty (It) ' taken. wett 4S cbalm. more or leta, to lllrb chase or Licence X Stt, to cot S.SSO.000 Hotel). tteiat e cut thriKo Iwtaly IIS) . precautions were Water Mark rortland Canal; tbeoce somb feet ofllemtock. Cedar, Balaam and Spruce runs tt Uworo Urk lo Kolal or ron The warrant book for the ex- erly and eatterty followior Hirb Water TAKE notice tlut Tbe Anro-Brtilb ot Van-Co- on an area situated on Lonr Lake. Fratcr CIRCUIT NO. 2. himMa racklor Limited, cxvTTz- i: i roauiaiac fortr ! j pendltures for the month of Ie- Mark rortland Canal to polct of commenca- B. Company salmon Reach, Raare 4, Coast Dlitrtct. Boa 22 Srd Ave and Srd SL (Pott O. occupation caoner. asent and cootalnior US acre more er confer. Two it) year will be allowed for re- Offlee). intend to apply for to leu Til tS7tM SALMON PACU.10 COM. let. pertnltttoa moral of timber. oa 23 Srd Ave. ant McBrtde SL 'AST ..!rtD C t Robnca. Art. brought from Aid. Casey the com- WALTER E. WALKER. tbe follewlnr deacrlbed land: runner particular of tbe Chief Forester. Baa 24 1st Ave. tad McBrld SL tA-tU) bwtttktr I tit. HIT. parison that the police department Date Ittb day of October, HIT. ater Cooimenclnr Mark rortland at a pott Canal.planted SO cbalnt at lllrb Due Victoria, B. C. or Dlttrtet Foreater. Prince Boa 25 tnd Ave. and tnd SL Rupert. B. C J 11 Baa 2S tod Ave. and (lb St. 5ortb aad 4S r bains, or more. Doe Weal Boa 27 3. T. P. of tbe Mortb Wett Corner ot Lot 411. MINERAL ACT Caatlar District; tbrore nortberly and CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS CIRCUIT NO. 3. wctterly follow tnr lbs Line of lllrb Water Baa SI Stb Ave. and Fulton SL to where Mark, rortland Canal, a point an NOTICE Bat 32 Borden and St. East aud Weal Line drawn tbrvnrb a point Taylor "Molybdenum" and "Succett" Mineral Bit 34 ?tb Ave. and Fulton SL SS attain Due ortb of tbe point of com-tnancetueat This is Intersect wltb aald Line of Jalmt, situate In tbe Skecna Mtnlor Divi Bat 39 tlb Ave. and Comoi Ave. sion' of Caatlar Dlitrtct. Baa ST Stb Ave. and Dodre puce lllrb Water Mark; tbence Wett SO chain; Keep National tbence southerly and raaterly paralled wltb Where located: About 4 miles Westerly Bea SS lb Ave. and Tbompaon SL from tbe bead ot Alice Arm, and about the tatd Une or lllrb Water Mark, rortland Service mile from the Beach. CIRCUIT NO. 4. canal, to a point 10 chains Due Wett TAk'E NOTICE tbat Lewis W. ratmore of tbe point of commencement; tbence Bea 41 4 tb Art. and Emmerton . Free Miner's certificate No. lltSt-C. a east SO chains to aald point of commence-iocdI riacc. treat ot tbe Molybdenum Mlnlnr and Reduction aad eontainlnr 10 acre more or 8a 42 Stb Ave. and McBrtde SL Company, Limited. (Non Persona! Chickens tea ot Ibe Bed and roreinore of rortland Baa 43 Stb Ave. aud Green SL Liability) rree Miner's CertUcate No. ranaL -4 lb Ave. aad Bull SL lOStl-C. Intend tiny day from tbe date Bet AS 7 lb Ave. and Eberl. THE AXJLO-BRITISIl COLUM8IA PACU.tQ hereof, to apply to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder They ciiMrAMV LIMITED, Walter E. Walker, Aru fur a Certificate of Improvement, for tbe Bea 141 7th Ave, and Tounr 8u rat tun day of October. HIT. purpose of obtalnlnr a Crown Orant of The of is the eacb of tbe above claims. cost meat heavy Or TAkE NOTICE that acUon will help SkEO'A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT AND FURTHER item in the food bill. . CASSIAR. under Section SI mutt be commenced be rore Ibe Issue of auch Certiorate of Im Keep you TAliE notice tbat Tbe Aotlo-Brliua Co provementa.DATED tbU tttb day or November A. D. Poultry and Eggs will help lumbia racklnr Company Limited, of Van ISIT. Fit Anyone Can Have router. B. occupation Salmon Cannera, take the place of meat. tutend lo apply for permission to lease WATER NOTICE the fulluwlnr deacrtbed Unda: Cream How to go Conuuenclnr at a pot I planted at Wrb Whipped The food that goes to the garbage Water Mark, rortland Canal. SO chain Due TAKE NOTICE that Dolly Vardea Mines about it Mortb and 40 chains or more Due Weal or Company wbote aJJrest I Alice Arm. B pall from the average table will provide the North Weal Corner or Lot St. Caidar C. will apply for a II rente to take and CfSt PACIFIC MILK is bo BUY It k.tchla rday.M District; tbence north SO chains; tbence use ten cubic feet of 'water per second one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to borrow r buy broody out of Trout Creek, a tributary of lit rich in cream thai it ortlSxUI browlor. A ! to chains, more or lets, to lllrb 10 hens. km laltod or pocklM-boa will boss. Use Water Mark rortland Canals tbence southerly ault River now lor Into Alice Arm. Cat whips as easily as b.a ood cbscka. Food lb chick, and easterly follow Inr tbe tins of tiar District Tbe water will be diverted brood crtisBbo oookod la milk and llltb Water Mark rortland Canal to tbe at tbe bead of tbe Fallt on tbe Stiver moit Of (ho fresh Poultry will thrive where vegetables aqtsoosod dry. Food S. tlmM a point of commencement and rontalnlnr SO Horde Mineral claim. Lot SSOl, and will day. atioraattad wlih pr.ptr.d let. be used for power purpose oo tb Wolf cream sold around or will not grow. The outlay Is small. chick will oat lod.up cUoia.oaiy Honiombor much a. th.r tbat THE arrca AN0LO-BRITISH more COLUMBIA PACil.NO ixt Dolly Vrden Oroup of Mineral Us the Province. A few minutes a buary(bleb t.a bo.lt by chick. cOMr-A-ir LIMITED, Walter E. Walker, Art latma belnr Lot S7S4 to S70T tncluilve. Is all the time a day and Lota Sift to SI07 Inclusive and Lot CAUTIONt CbUk snu.l ssot bo rial--tttb day of October. HIT. New Westminster of Mrs. McCary required. lod aatll at Ua.l 4 boor old,and SSS4. Cattlar DlttiicL tb.a oaty aparlasly. SKEF-.N A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Application will be made also for the wrote lu to Bay thai she whips right to tluie StO acre feet In Flrat Trout with PACIFIQ MILK regularly for a 11 you can, start now COAST, RANQE FIVE. A small flock In back will It arrange Lake and t.tO acre feet In Second. Third your yard eCK or chicks; not, treat for the youngster for and Tourtb Trout Lake. Tbe water will with the local poultry go far to keep you supplied with eggs, at association one (or pullets In the TAlE notice that Walter E. W'aiktr, ot be stored in rtrtt Trout Lak by tbe con breakfast. broilers and (all. Vancouver. B. C. occupation Manartr. struction ot a dim at It outlet and In All she does Is to set aside tho roasters. tiienda to apply for permission lo leas Second, Third and Fourth Trout Lake by amount she wants, in a cool place, the follow lur deacrtbed land! the construction of a dam at tbe outlet and thn beats it with, lime Conunencinr si a putt planted at tbe or Second Trout Lake. Tbe et Unit led for a intersection of an East and Wett Una arc ot land to be flooded at First Trout a seive egg-beuter. She puts this for Poultry Bulletins to thntuih Concrete Monument tt BarUetl l ake la II aerea and at Second. Third and on toast and gives it to the child. point. Walei Island. B. C, with lllru Water fourth Trout Laket I twenty acre. rcn for break fait. INFORMATION BUREAU Mark Tonraee I'aaaarti tbence southerly This notice wat potted on tbe r round and easterly followior aald lllrb Water on tbe llib dty or October, ISIT. You'll And it la good on cakea and Maik lo s point where a Mortn and South A ropy of this notice and an application THE DOMINION line drawn Ihroutb s point 40 chain Due rureuaut thereto and to tbe Water Act. PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. Eatl of the point of commencement Inter-seel tt4. win be Bled In the oroce ot Um tatd lllrb Water Mark ot Tonrate Water Recorder at Prince RuperL B. C Factory at Ladnar, B. C. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, l'atari Ibeuce south SO chains; tbenca i be date of the Brat appearance of this nurihwctitrty In s atrairbt Una lo .a poiui notice In. the local newspaper wat the If you have a good recipe send II OTTAWA SO rbaln Dus West of the (wist of com- llrd day of October, HIT, and objection Id, You may get a nice surprise m tnenrenienl; tbence SO chain Du East ot may be riled with tbe rotrpiroller or (i return. Address Dos 882, Van. IIONOURAI1LE MARTIN BURRKLL, Uini$Ur, Iba polut ot cuuunericemenl and cootalnlDr,Water Recorder wlibin tblrtr day after eouver, H. C. fio acre, more or lea. the said date. WALTER K. WALKER, DOLLY VARDE.1 MINES COMPANY, Dale- SI lb day of October. HIT ft B, McOlnnl. A real, per E, A, Cleveland.