The Daily News rfAktfaV V , IX NO. 2. PIUXCK UUPKItT, B. C, BATtlUUY, FF.HHUAIIY 2, 1918. ENTB 7? T7 IF) ft GffOTHl 1M? fT?n N STRIKFRS I MM OBfeSOT ITTLE NEWS COMES FROM BERLIN-FOOD HOGS THREATENED FOR HOARDING ErKtwlvt Hnniirn lufcAaUKLo man t nrmnn IN t&t IFOOD CONTROLLER TO GET FRESH HERRING DISAPPOINTINGLY FEW SAMMIES NOW IN 1 GET AFTER FOOD HOGS! FOR BAIT RIGHT NOW MEN DRAFTED FOR ARMY BERLIN TO SCARE STRIKERS FIGHTING LINE i (SpecUl to Tb DtUj tw. Written by Captain Bill 81ms, of Ottawa, Jan. 31 Although the i Ottawa, Feb.2. Drastic, mea-sures Porcher Uland, who hat estimated number of men poten ANNOUNCEMENT MADE THAT TROOPS WILL SHOOT against all persons hoarding Fished Herring all tially available from Class 1 un-'der PERMANENTLY KILL AND NO DlSTinuTiun iul ntiwLtn the. food are being considered by His Life. TO the Military Service Act is be. STRIKERS AND OTHERS PUBLIC MEETINGS the Food Controller. A warning ALL BANNED NEWS SUPPRESSED i was issued on Thursday last that Adverting to the question which twen fifty and sixty thousand, 8leioP ot Fighting Front Taken householders and others may Arid was discussed at the city hall on tne tolaI number who have thus Over by U. 8. Troops British M tc TIm Dtiljr eral atnke which in alill in effect 'themselves in an unenviable Dre. Tuesday night last between the far responded to the first call Post Raided Warships a n. rcb. 2. -Germany throughout the country. jdicamenl, if spoiled flour is found fishermen and the mayor and issued on January 3rd last, is only at Vladivostok. r shoot to kill" as a Newspapers Suppressed. upon their premises and other Interested citl- some 10,300. This number is apparently London, Feb. 2. Little fresh llakers who have been in con- council, (Special to Tbe Dilj .tews.) . ate means of putting information of the strike movement fcrence with the Food Controller (z ens, viz., the necessity for a con-this disappointingly small, Washington, February 2. The ncral strike. "Nu dls- week, that bail for compared with what the country b. in Oernisny has come recommend gro- slant supply of herring United States forces in France ai be made between through today, and virtually all ccrs send in lists showing the'te halibut fishermen, one of the has been led to expect in view of taken have over permanently a General Mewburn's announcement c J others." it was offl-nced (he news in the morning papers names of all persons, with their which overlooked is Berlin. had been delayed in transmission. addresses, who have purchased or things was of last December that 20,000 men sector of the fighting front, and in r t today that there is at present a demand would be drafted and by overseas alongside the None of the Berlin newspapers of who do purchase more than one will hereafter fight . meetings throughout Wednesday have arrived in Amsterdam, ninety-eight pound bag of flour for bait, which is not being considered. now. In reality, however, to this allied soldiers; it was learned officially have been banned today and several of them have during the month. I' may be good business number of 10,300 put into khaki today. f the superior command been unable to isue owing to the to look ahead for two or three by the Military Service Act, there Raids Near Ypres. months, but the requirements of should be added probably some n l ; to suppress the gen- J strike of their employees. WHALING FLEET NOW the present hour demand some( five or six thousand more who London, Feb. 2, Under cover consideration as well, flight now(Joined various branches of the of a thick fog, the enemy raided a ALPHONSO WILL PROTEST BEING OVERHAULED nRD LlNIDDWSt suntLt there are halibut boats laid up, combatant services in November British advanced post on the ALLIES' WAR AIMS TO EMPEROR WILHELM WITH for the lack of suitable bait, and and December, knowing that they Victoria, Jan. 31. A start has,for that reason only. While for would not be exempted under thej' " . .. t 1K A. k Tfe IUjr .vs.l lltJtl IS TtM Dttir been made with tbe overhauling the last two weeks the herring acL and desiring to be volunteers number or men. Anomer nos-of i ... Feb. 2. The Marquis Madrid. Feb. 2. The Spanish the vessels of the whaling fleet, have been swarming in the waters 'rathen than to await the actual i We party attempted to approach -j hp. in ait address lo-a steamer Olralda was sunk by a Three of the steam vessels of the between Porcher Island and Prince'enforcement of conscription. Uhe British positions west of J he concurred entirely German submarine on January Victoria Whaling Co. have been Ilupert and also further down the. Although comparatively few of)ohnluevet but was repulsed with ent speeches of Pre 20. after the erew of the U-boat taken from their moorings to coast. The trap such as was these men Joined the infantry,!i09Se9, and President Ksquimalt, where they will be suggested for Pearl Harbor, there,other branches of the combatant i Tne Paris Raid. yu iieorge had the The crew vessel. pillaged n the war aims and docked and overhauled, prepare- is no objection to, but that will forces have experienced a recruit-! tari. j.D . Forty-five per- ,i,s 4 of the allies, were saved. tory to setting out to hunt the not supply the present needs of ting boom during the past two or'8ng were jailed, including eleven ready The cabinet met today, under whale. The other cleamers of the the fishermen, nor will it for some three months, tor the montn or women and five children, and two te all of us are this war, terrible as it the presidency of King Alphonso. fleet will be overhauled In sue monlhs to come. What is wanted 1 November voluntary enlistments hundred were injured on Wednes it we gel a clean peace," ami decided to send a strong pro. cession and it is expected thai u herring, fresh herring right!totalled more than four thousand day night's air raid on Paris, ac- they will all be ready as soon as now, in preference to herring cording to the official announce, ader of the opposition (est to Germany. Ileparalion will the mammals are reported to be'which have been frozen for nearly old TIMER OF NORTH ment made today. n U'.use of Urds , ... .ii demanded .ft Spain, for the-! pouting off the coast. II fTex- fa yjarTand vhich "were probably j - - - TURNS INVENTOR Italian Front. -rtome. MQMTQN FIRE BEIT. sinking of the vessel. The note pected that the season will open'not in the best condition fori , Feb. 2 After repeated PROTEST BY STRIKING will be telegraphed direct to the this year about April 1. and the!freezing- when they were put up.I The revival and development of unsuccessful attempts to regain Hpanish ambassador at Berlin. stations are being prepared to It is possible to put a supply, the wooden shipbuilding industry the lost ground in the area of i to Tfc Pall JUwS.1 handle a big catch. All the oft of fresh herring into the port of ha seen the business revolution- Sasso Rosso, tbe enemy made a from last season's operations has j Prince Rupert at the present time jlej by the introduction of me-been strong attempt to drive the Italians OERMAN OFFICERS IN U. S. marketed. .on very short notice. The method chanical devices for the saving of off from Mor.le di val Bella, 1 u:e or tne city nre oe-i OET SAME TREATMENT In connection with the opera- u easy, and the only objection to abor. but Iheir attempt was foiled by uulforuiK jfd their . lions this year, the company will ' it u that it has not been tried be- jj, S a big step from the days ()6 valor of the Italian troops. a strike today when Washington. Jan. 31.--Germany operate a cannery for whale meat. fore on a large scale. It is the when the shipwright used to make nemy aviators made a raid on Ik- aled its agreement, has fallal to reply to the A start has already been made Scottish gill net that will get the ror the woods with a broad-axe 'the town of Bassano. Several d a flro chief from proposal of the lulled Slates that with the construction of the can- herring right jiow. Tbe herring anj hew out the ship timbers, to bombs were dropped, but the dam- . instead of reoognix-of officers held , ( German command nenr. which will be situated at at nresent lie in me deeD waier, n,- nrint Rtat:e or ueveioomeni '. .innn wan ulisht. sen ice. prisoner here recede Ihe pay fKytiquoL on the west coast of and are not schooling at this time when the use of bandsaw, airj Protect Allied Interests, their grade iu return for similar .Vancouver Island. The cannery('of year. When the herring reach 'drills and rivetters, eliminates all J London, Feb. 2 Five more FISNIKO ARRIVALS privileges being accorded Amcri- w, ,,aVe an initial capscity oft I he -surface any fool method will 1 8uperflous energy. 11 Is but ar9hip9 of the eolente navies T ran umrrri- unu ..-....-,. -" so.000 cases, and the plant will .do to catch tnem, dui me gin nev 8,gn of the times, inereiore, io have arrived at VJadivostocK, ac fishing boat Pacific the war department loIay cut off be complete and ready for opera will get herring nt times when ,ee the advent of the mechanical 'cordjng to dispatches received arrival in port today. (he payments which were dciuk t0n within two months. Only traps and seines are useless. 'caulking machine. from Petrograd. It is added that m m sj.uuu ius. iicr tnaje ia Oermans selected portions of the big animal To try to Ket herring with i Mr. J. E. Gilmour, late of the China, acting upon advices from r, i ts very rough weaih-K he used for canning, the seine net today would be as much,oceanic Cannery, and well known the allies, has forbidden the ex- outside. Last night SERIOUS FOOD RIOTS Juiciest and tenderesl for prefer-THROUQHOUT use as to fish for halibut with a'au aiong this coast, has Invented portatjon of foodstuffs Into Ilus g Dixon's Entrance, it POLAND ence. and It is expected that this lly. When the herring are at the!a simple caulking contrivance1 gja Pacific nine hours lo will prove to be a growing in- bottom and there is a big body which it is claimed can do the! it: i n miles, so strong was Washington. Jan. 31. Food dustry. of herring right now between here work of ten men. The inventor DEATH OF BROTHER-IN- Her catch will be sold riots in the city of Cracow. Po and Porcher the gill net will go I had it tested In Victoria the other LAW OF MRS. F. W. HART land, have become so serious, said THE CANADIAN CLUB down and get them. The seine day for the first time, before a and the use until the number of Interested shipping been received an oiuciai uispaicn lousy irum, .Lununmn utr tnnm trap are no The sad news has - an wauls situation as cook Switierland. that the authorities , fish come iushore and come up to and shipbuilding officials. in town by Mrs. F. V. Hart, of the ' r restauraul. Years of have appealed to the Austrian' )r. s. H. ii'.uld, who v,as to the surface. Men who have followed The machine is worked by compressed death of her brother-in-law, Mr. My-V-w 'filce." ' Apply Bqx 1 17 Daily prime minister for aid In quieting have addressed the Canadian Club the herring all their lives air and its possibilities II. C. Clarke, of Vancouver, at 29 tbe disturbances. Martial law iu.r today, lias been prevented know mostly all there Is to know-regarding were at once realized by those Pasadena, Cal whither he had has been proclaimed and the from doing so on account f the herring, which even at who were watching the demon irnnA in nprfi nf health. Mr. lleaman, engineer for hours of public eating houses cur- mirt rtainly of his return from a the best, is but little, but of the stration. A fourteen-foot seam'Clarke had been in partnership T P.. and Mr. L. V. Druce, methods to catch them, caulked In forty-five seconds 'm, and the tailed. Thousands of women and visit to Mussel on the Queen successful was Colonel Duff Stewart, ai Iralllc agent at lUliuon- children aro reported parading uharlotte Islands. He will give they know more. In bcotland they and 250 feet, the area covered by j flrin 0f Clarke & Stewart is one haf hfen in the oily for the streets daily demanding food, his address in the Church of Kng- had to use every scheme to catch the test, was oone in iwcui; :that is well Known tnrouguoui me f-w days, left again for land on Sunday evening. It will the herring in tha open sea. Then,inutes. This amount of seam province. t n this morning. CONSCRIPT WEALTH ,le greatly to the advantage or all demand there was so great that it done by hand, the Inventor claims. One of Mr. Clarke's brothers,is M BEFORE MAN-POWEn who make it a point to hear him. became imperative to get some.would occupy seven hours. Dr. Clarke the late premier of 'tc.ii-ge Clothier, provincial method whereby herring might be , The possibilities of this inven. j New Brunswick, while a cousin is oKineer for this district, 31. The Mer- "THE WEB OF DESIRE" caught all the year through. There Hon of Mr Gllmour's were made, Mr. C Norris. nremier of Mani- ' Jan. I 'Ins morning for Victoria I.iberpool. the cill net was adopted, as the manifest In the demonstration 1 toba, of KlIRi- .ll.trinl .'.ilrntioll ' 3 'mental business. and Shipbuilding Trade. The photoplay to be screened method that could not be beat. which was successful in ever 1 .jPlJ. uart expects to go down iirinff nt the Wetholm lheatre tonight And if the fishermen of the North way. Mr. Gilmour's many menus lo Vancouver to attend the ob. Ulfl M . K. illy was again up before attended by members,all adopted possible n is one of Ihe society dramas which Sea do not know what is the best will be glad to hear of his success I equies. for p; ire Magistrate this morn resolution calling call have proved to be so popular way, it is not for lack of experience in this direction. Besides being on. u aunt ot his failure to .....resistance to any further nntia wherever they are shown, tins or experiment. The gill net nn expert caulker, Mr. Gilmour r.ui i bondsmen for his good Hie viHimij .....-,...nn ... , - , ..., , is not knowjj as a generru rule or rather "Gil," as he was more FOR YOUR NEW SUITS iflia' r He DiviMi until Ihe Bovernuitiiil declares us win- piny i IV rlTll'll ssv a m4 hereabouts, was wim Foaluring F.thcl Clayton and xvilh among Canadian llshermen, uui popularly known ''"-"'lay to furnish bonds for "ur to adopt the Labor facilitate party's an all-.tar cast, tonight's show they will eventually use u gill net a contractor by trade, and built Steve King to uims. promises to bo of the best ever of from ono Inch to one and a the old Premier Hotel in this city. confer- is bound one ail international:.. workers'im rnnierin. nut on. The Pathe Gnzeite dls- hnlf inch mesh, and when they and the Wallace Carnery at Naden Prompt Cleaning A Pressing si i a v it 1 1 1 ukicii " ... ...... i.. ...ill. I... ..nail do they Will wonder why they did Harbor. Phone Often 418. WESTjHOLME lion of wealth.: There were omy jpiayeu" tonight.ernmn This has proved to not do so long before, as they did iwn ? ekUiVflSl. exceedingly popular, and this wonder when the long line superseded scuppers with herring and he OPERA HOUSK Bl Au director .1 V Ib. d the dories for halibut fishing. back In Prince Ilupert within ten TONtQHT ONLY of natiima. .ervice. was invited U. ; oj hours from the time of starting attend and surprised the meeting noi ne ffa . It may be stated ilh evory respect out. sm evening ETHEL CLAYTON he InvlUtlon. He it U.t tonight. Iho oil - for veracity that a vessel This is the system pursued with Ll' V ZL chance Wim in til tur ri, m and was other "THE WEB -noech such as the "Carruthers" or the success on the North Sea. and It OF w llrimt.DESIRE" "Kelly" with say a hundred nets is what our fishermen here will PATHE GAZETTE aboard, and sewn fishermen that have to get down to if they want FOR QUALITY ( I!: ' Ul ttllhl m rrprtUxl understand the gill net system, fresh halt and marketable herring F.HVICK and SATISFACTION nilhl ii s o'tWk by rtqtwii, Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces Wellington Coal and could, by drifting with these nets all the year round. Introduce the s AND A your fuel bill and at"" For Now of all dimensions, for five hours al night in the herring Kill net system, and the herring IX DAY WF.F.K FOR HHLP. COMEDY satisfaction. Phone 16V .P. R. Ir Lumber area, be loaded down to the Industry will become a live one. hone Coal Co.