u THE DAILY NEWB NOTICE. The Daily News Nothing Like Internal -.. n.u Rear, "LIUM Toai THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Bathing for Constipation Free. taM inn"',yraewea,arm dj Publlalied Dally and Wkly Hoe," -Camp itn i.n inter Guaranteed Largest Circulation muni rjnm. tltotte i U ;!!::' Diitrict Mrttert f cni --t ak'ar If peopi only knew what internal UhM toetled L" Your For HEAD OFFICE: it Soldier! Btttrinr l dolor rr tboutandt of other ini,t rm Ray Daily Neva Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 98. uirnr www ur fewer mil ana liiimii, l TAKE notice iui i. noian." "-IK tatlhwed .ml wry miKh lett iiMi Mer- DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cent Inch r .k- ... I.h.1 ..thoftlKl lfBl. MHRYM " TRANSIENT per i wia w fa s i am w snwiiUlHJ I . UIIIC. Stomach and Ntrreut trouble! remittor rm. Fre Mmr Contract Rates on application. from It taxtnd. titty dn frcn tb due hereof. Retniirr tm I Mr. cr. ill tilery St. Vleter!, H.o UTr um MMMir far tb pare DAILY EDITION &JO Saturday, Feb. 2, 1918. S, rllel rwMnif liurrrnwDt, Refer mint tb "J. B. L. Catftde" I mm or iiuwl wrown --i "Semi comttntly fraa OoaiUpalkxi. r i be abet mm. bad frequent WHout attack nd iek AND IURTI1ER TASK NWIIfc "ei CONSTRUCTION shrunken as it is nowadays brtJtrbrt. Sine berlrmlnr year tytlem lln Bflder MtM It. Wi For some time past the merry this is quite a respectable sum r lateroil Bttbtnt- with tb -J. B. L br tb UWf f CWBMMte 'Bless the Hid I She Oa trade" ttmr rooatht ire. I hit hot bad r Impreremeei. sound of blasting has been although not a tithe of which an Sllirk and frel ttrMtvr tnd bcltr Hi DATED UMi 11 in dty ar m, heard at intervals throughout will perforce have yet to be . Mj ly rrrl it Ihtl I dtd I It IT. m never fornets to keep the day and also at night, recalling spent in pursuit of the same well stocked with to many of the older end. By Um proper appttratton of iulsri LAND ACT me tmr. warm wairr. by ntruu or lb -J. B. residents in the city the days Out of this amount will be f thai tAWka IrIuMjuj saw k.aS v that are past when that sound provided a depot, one of th trr from ail poOMMit DrasnulA "IS.0!""",COAST, I.DISTRICT Of WRiGLEYS never ceased; the days when things which Prince Rupert has forr Satsr. lauroal BMblnr aitliu brr. whistle and the lacked since its It Dr. Chat A. Tyrrtll of New Trk, a the warning inception. prdaMfi a iBirrnal BaUUor. InrrauJ aod TAKE NOTICE Ul bn Orare, of Vaa-. clatter and rattle of the steam has been long needed, and its ttttt4 tb "J. B. I Catrade tiMa D. C, ptUa nUMrmao. lo- shovels was to be heard along provision will be welcomed by fca dM mar diir I be (4t f( yrara xrodt M tviJ Mr ritM I the grade; the days when the the travelling public. It is the to mtertat DralUt and tfttrotoa- dla I f8fM drlbd lasdt. - than all other meant cwnbHwd. Atk CyrU iMameatter a! a patl puo'eo ao to city was thronged with hardbitten intention of the company to H. Ormr. dratrttt. (r. Jrd Art. aod (lb rbrtokor on tba t M tf stari and hardworking men, build this new depot large and St.. rr Rklft. "Wby Man r Taday H Narrow, kboat ta ml let ton lb of turtle) drawn from almost every na complete enough to afford ca Only rr Cent Efflrteat" II HI t(o Bay; Uteaw. tl It rhatal. tbr nortb tion known. These were the pacity for all the traffic arising be pirated im bo and ripUin tb J. B. It eaaha. tbeaea rati It efcaHtt. tbeoe Catead to yau. toain l ebant U tb potot af ewnroeae days when money was plentiful. for the next ten years. In a eaecl and moutnlnf it atrr mr or lea when it was spent as fast as new city particularly, it is JOHN OftACK. AppMtaat made, and when "blowing in" somewhat of a difficult matter eemed pleased. Hope we're all DATED Norrmber If. It IT. was fashionable, at least among to forecast with any degree of pleased very soon. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of quite a proportion. exactitude what -will be the ex. COAST. RANOC mi Prince Rupert is a different tent of the t raffle passing ten V trans-Paoifle line of steam- city nowadays, with the completion years hence, or even long before hips will call here as soon at Tak naUra tbal t la trod W pp7 M of the great bulk of the that lime. proper dockage is provided. Some b ItanaraMa Oommittlaoer af Land tnd construction work necessary in With the Increase of the development f our optimists are talking about Ubdt:Wart t t at ut fallevfiit dearntod Teeth, breath, appetite a new city, and the more so of the natural resources city waterfront already. CommHMtor tt pott plaaifd at tb and dtiesttor. all V1 (7 with the advent of the Prohibition of the province, and of W VI 4. aartbwrti ooroer, tbott blfb vaur nvtrk. Act. No longer is it possible this particular district of it. Hindcnburg has warned the ti Btrtleu ratal then tea rtutot da benefit from It. Thirst att. Ih-H tMif h to th Sha Lin, the to bear the dialects of a the traffic passing over the line oerinan workers that the strikes I rauaviar in raotaar af tb Sbar Us and fatigue fade dozen different languages of the O. T. P. Is bound to increase must cease. King Canute oncel PUr t roeamenreroent, eooumiBt away. Pluck returns around the hotels, or in the and by all appearances, nommanded the rising tide te lately ten: mar ar let. bars, all being heard at once, it will increase at a very rapid top, too. JAMES DESBR1SAT. mtnattr. by Its made aid. Wilet Ittaad in different degrees of coherence. rate in the very near future. Cannery. Norembcr I lib. ItlT. ru The great bulk of the That this fact is evident to the The Flavour Herring, and all kinds of them floating population which bad officials of the railroad is apparent MADE IN are reported between here and COAL NOTICES After every congregated here at that time by their preparing to Pfircher Island. This, however. CANADA Lasis! has drifted to other centres of handle it efficiently. More meat T2 w does not solve the bail scarcity IkttNA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF industry, where is the demand traffic means more trains, more The herring have to be caught Ql'ELTf CHARLOTTE tt LANDS for labor. trains require more locomo first But withal, a steam shovel is tives to haul them, and the accommodation N TV NSk I TAkE NOTICE tbal L Jumi P. Held, ar again to be seen working at for (he extra locomotives I PrltM-a hurart II C tbtVmatnaWar-laJ Ifltaaw tA full speed at a rock pile on the has to be increased -liiiusitrs, uie cnurcn Kinu, anuitpply far Heme to pronwet tor coal not the political ones this time, I84 Piram r tba ruwtf de bribed grade, and train after train of as well. In lumber alone, the are reoorted to be anrinir nn.lv 00 mi watt ar Maretsy it una loaded dump cars are being G. T. I, expect to haul four hauled away dally. There is thousand cars this year, which things about the Canadian sol a bum aautbeaturly firtu a pat luraled still lots of rock to be blasted on an average means two extra diers now in the old country. Of Ut I hot of a I mad Bay apratat' an ?t course its not true, any more than or Cano Pats betaeen Martby and CaatU and hauled away, and there trains every three days through Itlaadi, about 3 reilet noritxrly ttoev tb the nasty things which were kEEM LAND DISTRI' T DISTRICT "F (kkkt UtNO Dl-.lf still a great deal of development out the year. This in itself Mortby Itlasd IK1 of caaa fat rmta spread around in Ol'IEN LHARLUTTB ULANUB Ot SBN UUR1.' work to be done. The city means a large increase in the Canada about Bavt fain I. I be or twulb It rfeatiu, tbrnea TAkl NOTICE UMI OartrttaW kaati. af TAkE NoTKX taut t the soldiers' wives in the old ! St taalnt; Ibrne nortb it cbtint has and extended grown back rapacity of the shops and PneM Rapart, a. C , dark, astaaaM la tp . m ruait teapaet, B si aa old country and the they Uktara eatl it cbaiaa la tb petal of com so much from the waterfront roundhouse. way W far a for js rsa that no longer is what happens These expenditures, together spent their separation allowance meocemeni JAMES( P. RUD, AppUcAOt ita atar tba ;l in the early months kMaa at) tb Watt GM of Mantby ialtad all of the war. there known instantly throughout with the additional wharfage Laeated Navrmber tin. HIT. at a pi pkaaiad abwal i at tt l pa the town. required, are essential for the aU aaettriy traia a pal bMM b I'tinta) tjiial ta itr t . i Interest in the development handling of this war production, If lhn M llt,vita- ..u nml-. .lti V- .ll.l,n ' IkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP af the tail tide a Caaa Pttt at a aui iueia4 act lb tt - tktettt of the port will, however, be and will remain as permanent grenes will only fight the Ger- QlEEJf "CHARLOTTE ISLANDS aba I nMet aarthirty tta of c4ao Pat. aai s a i eta inani I. r .DAnlr. ...ill l.t it. taar fraca Baek Paiavt. then aaaui SB aoriaeri) akuaf -FotM. quickened by the information improvements after the ...-o, ... ,ri vwi-m. TJUf. j,0TIC. L Jofph 9f tnaMtt; tbeeat eatl SB ebalnti tfceee north latetto ttarta given by the general manager war is over uu.u an me Krain anu coal uiey Prtnea Rupert. B. Froepeetar, intend ta ctAtat; therte wtt I cbaint u petal a rhaiaa. I he are 1. 1 of the G. T. P. that his company want. Willi the German peace w w'J tar iot pratpect ror coal af eMbiBenreibeet. aei ae chautt te p- intends this year to spend NOTES AND COMMENTS proposals rejected, there seems to r tb rutar dcbed OERTRUDE KHOTT. EUEAIXTll latvlt an tb Wet I Coat I of Marteby ItUad. By I Hat k. CafWHsmn, aitert. B) Cba- something like a quarter of a be little else for it, if the Ilus- Oommencinr a pott pttntd aboat af LaealatJ Naaetnbe lth. HIT, Uwaled NortnEr Itir - million dollars in further construction Watch Prince Itupert progress. sians want to regain their terri a mil tou tbeaiterty trim a pott located and development vt lory. on tb tbor of a tmali Bay opentaf oi IkEENA LAND DtBTPdCT DWTRfCT Or SkEBJIA LAND! DIM) work along the grade. Even When talking about the dry- of Cano fail between Morteby and CbatU QVtm CHARLOTTE MLAND4 WHEN CII4B1 X J Ittandt, about l mllei Nortberly aloof tba TAkE NOTICE tbal Ate under L Satber TAkE V'TKE thai E rrL with the value o f money dock plant yesterday, the mayor Advertise in The Ually Nows. Morctby Itlasd tlda or Caaoa patt from Und. af PrtBta laaptat. B. C, miaer. lev Praaae Rapeft, B. on.' VJ WLttk Duck Paint; tbrnc tou Lb It ebalnti tbeoc land ta trpey lar t Hatate t pmatw far w tu apply far a : i a-l ft rati it cbaint; tbrnc nortb It cbatat: roal tai patnlttim aaar the Mkaaair da- ral and petrol eatw I Hie rr writ It cbaint to lb point af ton MttDrd Undt an tba Wttt Oaail af Marytby arrawrd land M lb 4 H rttkj tneaceownL Mandi ficeaaeaeter l a patl pfaftlad Ctennweyn n , tt l S. S. PRINCE RUPERT JOSEPH SEXTON, Applicant abaat i bum rattatiy rrwa a patt Uealed t pa) ytrdt Located Norrmber ttb, HIT. an tb t bar af the eatl ttd af Cta Patt htcetai tae a ear ht sailing l a paat aba I I oawa aartaettjr aJame -aaw Pass, atal at a ISkEOA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP w tttare trua Back Paai. thtmtt aarHt aiaar th WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT TO ANYOX UtEE-N CJIARLOTTK ISLANDS tfetta; laaaae ettl ttuaMi tbeoe ratal; mitm aavt THURSDAY MIDNIGHT TO VANCOUVER, i oaia SB eaalaa; thaaoe weal rhitnt ta B etVthMi latitat VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE. TlMQEfl 8ALE X 979. TAkE NOTICE tbal I, Cbarlra Bureau, paal af waMiepiemntl. A a a i ax to lor pnor Hupert, U. C miner Intend In ALEXANDER L. SUTHERLAND. ALUE I 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN Sealed tenders wlU be recelrrd br ibal'If'r tur liccnt to pratpect far coal and bF Owrlea E. Baftaaa. ataat try Caartri Minuter of Landt not later tban noon oo ff,ro,M"n ov,r tb foUevinr detcrlbed Laealed Notatr lata, HIT. feaaethlter 101b 17 Sailing alternate weeks to Ketchikan, Wrangelllf?uneau, tbe iiu day of Marrb. till, for tb our-1 on tba Weil Coatt of Moretby laland. BkEENA LAND WSTIUCT HMTklCT or Skagway and the Queen Charlotte Islands. rbate of Licence X ITS, to cut t,1ii,O0o'M""tDtia Pl pUated about of OUKCN CHARLOTTE IB LAN M MINERAL ACT reel or spruce, cedar and Hemlock on an I uineatieriy rrwn a pott locatad TAkE NOTICE tail Betty kaolL af Me TRAIN SERVICE area adjotnlny L. Ill, Swlndl IiUrd.tn ,b lbur r " "r opettlni out Rvpert. B. C . nurte. laleada ta iulf far CERTIFICATE OF tPR0VI""T Pataeoter Hor, Wtn4ay and Saturday at I lilt a.m. ror Smllhert, Ranye I, Coast Dlttrlct I"' Caoo Patt between Morctby and Chat 1 1 a KeeaM i protpetx rw awl and Pclretaum friar Oeorrc, Edmonton and Wlnniprr. maklnr direct roonectlooi for til Three ) year will t allowed for r. lndi. about I raUea northerly aldnr lb eer in rauowMf deacttbad ItMt on tb NOTICE moral of timber. I Moretby It land tlda of Cano polnta eatl and touln. t Patt from wett coati of Moretby Itlattd: rnmima)S tut Further partlcuUrt of tb Chief Foretler. lBlw Point; tbeoc nortb It cbaint: tbenc lar at a put ptaaiad abaai I uattt etMerti Ptl rratHaa" tad 131 iciona. B. c, or Dlttrlct Fore tier, Prlnc " ,0 cnaint; inenc tofllb It cbaint: ima a pii loeatad oa IU thera af tna UaJSB. ttMi In tb prta: Agency All Ocean Steamship Llnea. Rupert, B.jC. M ,vllbenr wett SO cbaint to point of com- am no af caao Patt al a petal abeajl I Ditlatua af Caialif l" For information and reservations apply to ntenceuni. mil northerly aloay Um thore rratai Bewk Whm kaatted "n ciiarles t caeead Creak, II niir " City Ticket Office, E26 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 TIMBER 8ALE X1235. PLHGEaS, Applicant wMa noriB) is eaelaei itaaaea waat Partltad OaaaL .,ruiver via, ivir. IB cbaint; tkwsjee aanth t eaaMtti ihanaa I. TAKE NOTICE thai Sealed lenders will I., aatt t caacajt t torn I af be recelred by th . . (Fraa Mia carufktto N Minuter of Landt not later I ban noon on u flSTIUCT-DiaTRICT OF BETTY kHOTT. lay at trenl far Rini k tb fith day of rebruary. IBIS, for tb QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS By Hta K. Cfwlaieaaan. ima Miner' carmie n,, v purrnate of Licence X lilt, to cut 1,116, nervaocr I Sib T alaty day rrwm the dai V KFl uov reei or spruce and Hemlock on an TAkE NOTICE tbal I, Hint Cbritlea to Mm Mieaay fteaarder r a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY area adjoininr U till, Eatl Shore of ten, or Prinr Ruperr. B. c. protpcrtor, SkEENA LAND DHTIUCT burntrr na heifvi ttaaatt. far tb f-'. JutkaUa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Itlandt Dlt mtend to apply for a llcentc la pretpeel VUt.Gn CHAItLOTTE ISLANM a Crtrwa Orl af tbe tb trlct for coal tnd petroleum orer lb faUewtnc TAKE NOTICE thai Thnnut huu. r Aad fartaar tak ooti Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point Two (I) yetri will t allowed for re detcrlbed landt on the Wett coati of FHoe Itapari, V. C. fttharniaa. tail r HVk II, iMttl be ' a:' via Steamer to Vancouver and th movtl of timber. aioretby itiand. Commenclnf al a pott iw tar a nc ta praepeet rr eatl and th hiBiBee of tart inur CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Further particular of tb Chief Fore tier planted about of a mil toulhettterlr p.r.o attr we (eftewlsr dtaenbed rheolt. Victoria. B.C., or Dlt trie l Foretter. Prince frwn I10" located on tn anor of a an ma mm Cattl of Marat by ItJand: Dt led that uib dty - Mal and Deith Included on Sltamii nuperi. u.ii. Fill " " vv"" out oi udm I'lll M- inioeaeiar it poti tdaatad aboat t HIT. i llwrcn Moretby and Chat 1 1 lilaruli. abuui i rardt aatlerly from a tai w.ii PRINCESS SOPHIA FOR ALASKA JANUARY 2S FEBRUARY 11 and 28th. PRINCESS SOPHIA PON VANCOUVER FEBRUARY 2, 1t MARCH 2nd. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Ji"Ut northerly alone in Moretby liltnd f" 0,1 nfly aid of Canoa patt, MINERAL ACT n. 8. C Chapter III.) I tide cf Canoe I'ttt from Buck Point; tbenc Prlaaatt Rtyal far Aran by Bay 2Sth norm to chtinti ;nenr weti to cbaint frwa wk I'otnii Ibeoc January Bth, 16th, February Bth, 1Cth, 28th. Prlnc't Rertl for Vancouitr tla Ocean Fallt B a. m. Dtctmbar 17th, AaEIIDEHO TIIOMSCTV at COMPANY, ttienc aoutb 10 chalnt; Ibrnca eatl 10 CERTIFICATE OF IHFRO!"" 27th January Tin, 17th, 2Sth Ftkruary 7th, lllh and 2Slh. LIMITED, hereby rite notice tnat they cnaint to point of rowmenrrinent iivriii a csamai lauu .... litre, under tec Hon pf tald act depot l ted HANS K. CliniSTENSEN. ApoUcant NOTICE. wltn tbe Minuter of public Work at Located Norrmber Ith, HIT. THOMAI rKTEftSOJI, Hlim," -Itupert ' LUllf- J. I. General PETERS, Aeent Ottawa ana In the office of tb Dlttrlct Dy Hint k. iim.u.... " "Catctdf File N" Co nr Fourtli Street and Third Anu, Pr'ne Rupert B.C. nerittrar or iht Und Retltiry Office. Dlt S KEEN A LAND DUTRICT-DISTRICT or Lueaiad NoteiNber iiB Ft lit No t" Mineral r.iain it n trlct of Prince Rupert, deterlptlon of th (JUELN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ParUtad Caal Mtelny D ill aod lb pltnt of wbtrf tnd other IKEENA LAND DISTRICT- DISTRICT OF DHtriet. worat propotta to be bull I on Lot one.I TAkE NOTICE that Daniel L. Butberland. "WIAHUTTE W)U.M Where I netted.- 'o Ibe :' VViterfroni Block F, City of Print Itupert. of I rlnc Itupert. H. C. clerk. Intend to fritw TAkE Notice ih.i ...... ,.iZTr. f' caeead Creek, tl mile n k-t4 Prorinc of Brltltb Columbia, and take apply for a Hceute to protpect for coal and Rupart. it. i-. n,h-m.n iNirUand Gknat Don'l smother Itiff Ifaw thai a r I a a .a akAa..i. m I ' tMU '" t it;:' merely your cough ,h Z amraiioB oi on petroleum or lb foiiowinr deterlUd cl and TAKE NOTICE ItMl t ' r .. oi iu nrti publics- land on In Will Coall of Moretby It iFrea Miner' Cflinci t0 tiuu vi mi none aaeroerr TDomton and land. Conimenelo al a noil nUni.H T f Mi :ottl or Moretby It Iht a arl fr Otkley Beat' ' " Matbitu't Syrap cf Tar and Cod Urr Oil not oahr Q-iiipany Limited aPlflFlaP IT wiu under Sectlpn ima l mil ettterly from s poll located on tb M inert CetlUiaal N I'llKr. II prouipOy arrctU cooxninf, put thaaka to it ioole aa4 or tb tald Act, apply to lb Mlnltttr oflhr.r titty Oa) tVani Um tl tr n UJKmMJ ttrenftbeninj proprrtlea it helpttbetyetew to tbrow Public Work tt bit offlra In Ibe Cllr of Irx.lM about 1 mllaa norlharlr .... IT ." "" ,,w 'riy nd rf car the Miuni liaaarder rm lav ud1 and tba ciTcctt a permanent cox. It la thLt quality wkklt be aw la . . an.i ai I....... . t - It Ua largtat aai of any cough aad cold remedy La Canada., w... ,r ,vvm oi in tarn tit and I tbor from Buck Poloti tbenc aoutb to " .."" "ll'Hi- luruanr.. iwiiniirini nu. (r. w.... ....."i , riillll... M.rk ru. ..w ir h.... o com true i in taid . U..1..1 .i ebalnti inriic veil 10 ebalnti tbenc (k m ujriir, i i.rwn irtui on uie lZ eWttM, ewrjajUer. ... litlli. . th. ,.Bkt an . I( . taAit.. B JLK. iiujiin ma eiiainii in,nn an .hii.. -.- , ., r... ,, . . .... .1 " - " u iwn" n.riin iwmuw miu ioi uii'i late " aiiMiv nuixri. u, u.. lull itcoiui I rujnl or eiduiuenreinanl he flii'm-e wi o dr n Hon I luutl b ' "mm liin , mXtbiku ru i J, l. cav. rss. Mrtintii, p,,, ',,' r ' . , ' jiiiii "?u,,,r DANIEL U 8UTIIEHLAND, tn in ,,,.,-, ,,r att.4i cortlfl' "as mmm mS tmm'tlt r-m tils TiiT Smt mVTV1 Aar.fiDc.nu iiimmsuii ana cuMrANy, LTD.I By Cbtrlc E, IJurieit. ttrnL ETl,t JENSEN imcnit k v,u iuuhmvu, aecreitry. LocaUd NoreuiiMf ioid. 1117. ,,,,, atT ot ';f II