FOOD RESTRICTIONS ""tux is urn eby gives iri apples. ""n l" made lo if l.flslatlve Al IN GREAT BRITAIN temwy r dpi inn Columbia lis neti 'ten far tn tct lo Incorportlt in si aoeieiton known at Tbe Entlneerinf and HKOACHES I liili. January zv. Lord Technical Insulate of Brttlih oo'umbla, with power to promote am InerrtM the ,niioii(l.a. food controller, lias knowiedre, klil tnd proficiency of lit taken drastic measures lo deal members in n tbints rcUitnr ... ei. T.I.J 'RU.A.T1VS. with tlio meal shortage. An of. f the Architectural, Enrineertnr, Bur Tjia ham out t r" flelat nrilnr. linn lum . veylnt and technical profession!, and lo I - - 'wit idiucu "innj mat m to etttbllth mil conduct stamina- tllg lO ail llulels. roitnumtlta (Hone and nmniu karh t..t. r boarding houses and publio placet jpu'lr iiniiui od "ral.....tiuncter may be 10 wegin forthwith, it specMea two of membership to thote approved of. and iiipnlli'e daya weekly Tuei- lo pareiiaia or otbanrtaa acauira loJ bold daya and Frldaya in tlie London ral and paraotul property for tb purpoaa dutrici, and Wednesdaya and of Um WMtltslf, and lo dMpoM tbcraof and ralevoit tba procccda In tueh manner at J ridaya in other of parta the may town nt and to m entrance feet and Kingdom. Uelween the houra of annual feea or aabteriptlona to be paid by a and 10:30 o'clock in the morn ib raerabers. and to vary tbe ttme from ing no meal, tun lo time, and to Drorlde for tne mm poultry ro game may aavtaeet of iti affaire by rounrii to be be consumed on any day, and no rotwtitated in mrh manner aa may l( provided iiiiik may be consumed aa a bever for by Dy-law, and to bare Its bead age, except by children under ten aOlea and beM Ita annual meetlnrt within i'" ars of age. artuab Cofambta, and to bare, enjoy, and eiereiae all powers, riaute and prlTlleeei A guest must provide his own aaeaaaary, ettitl or Ineidental to aU or any US ANNIE WAftO , ugar for sweetening beverage or tba aifareiatd purpoaea. ) '.Attn St., St. Jobn, N.B. except that residents of hotels BHADSHAW SoHeitora k STACI-OOLE.rar ina AppHeant. that I rri-- to clubs and boarding houses may be 0ATEO at Vieteria. . C tbte lltb oay' Early ihs great benefit I received auppllod with not exceeding six of betember 1X7. Morning Sunlighl f; ..a dm of your tnetlletae, , ounces of sugar weekly for this LAND LEA8E NOTICES ' I u z f atif-cr purroae, If they do not possess A.J x y ycri from AVrwi Jftad- l ordinary sugar rations. tKECIA LA-ID DISTIUCT f)I STRICT or A ' :i C. HiliHibH, I trid me order gives a table indl. COAST. KA.10E riVE. wll find yonr washing finished earlier and better and r . consulted doctor 5 but ; eating minutely, even Into fractions, TAKE notke tnat Walter E, Walker, or YOU work will become far easier by using Sunlight n mod to help mo until the exact amount of meal, Vanemiter, B. C. oeeopaUoa Mtntrtr, Soap, Ute'. Mtttwat to apply for permitaton ta leata for it cleanses and clothes and " I : A sugar, bread, flour, butler or othe the folloM described lands: purifies more quickly -1 had taken several boies, I I fats allowed eaeh guesl for each CMBnliif at a pott planted at Inter, thoroughly than ordinary soap. . tcly relleTed of th mai for the guidance of hotel and teettao af ItitH Water Mark Tonrtu Ptt-Mta i tad hue been unusually rtMtauranl proprietors In their iikJ an Eatt aod .West Uoe. utlB Sunlight is the most efficient Laundry Soap sold on the Canadian Mws AKKIK WARD, weekly directory. Potat,IbecMib Waiea Conerew Itland,Monument B. C,; tbenca at Bartlett eatt market today It is pure beyond compare. Weekly Allowance. AS cbams; tbenca aoBtb SO ebawi. more a tires' Is freth frail Julcws, The weekly allowance for eaeh leas. t Hirb Water Mark Too rut fas You try Sunlight Soap according to directions, and you'll see auJ and increased In guet is: Meal, thirty ounces; tare; tbrnrc northerly end westerly fol the early line of the whitest rcmblned with finest tonfe-a, awtflf tbe Una eiaild Hltb Water Mark , morning sunlight shining on a a. TeAxdrdUUrenid bread, four pounds; flour, 14 lo too rlR! r commencement, and coo-itunnr clothes that ever spoke of housewife's pride. ourwes; sugar for cooking, two fso acres, mora or lest. i:cs and Constipation, ounces; butter or fats, 84 ozs WALTER IL WALKEJI. a '.. i 6 for 12.60, trial art 36e. bat f Bth day of October, I IT. alcn Fruit-a-Urea In weighing. 2H ounces of or Limited, poultry or game are reckoned the Ik EES LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of a. same as one ounce of meat;'four CAS8IAH. LI" . lA-ID DISTRICT DISTRICT Of otme of bread are reckoned as Sue TAkE Aouca that Walter E. Walker, of Soap AST. rtANOE I. three ounces of flour. Vaneoater. B. C occupation Manarer. i light it . 9 tail ItM Wrttern talmoa Public eating places which do u la ads to apply far permittioa to lease i-k fit nt ViBMular It A A. net serve meals exceeding 10 aa fauovjiot deaertbed lands: Obinmeneinr at post planted at tbe tDtrndi lo irelv r; i f.mja iiattn. in pence price, exelusite of bever artb West Garner of Lot SIS, Catiiar lb d- r ( : i i- Im fetltof .kjii Ages, are exempted from observ bitirut; tbenca nortberlr and metterly feUovtof tbe line af Hirb Water Mark ing meatless days. :;f at a pot I pUoi4 at hit .r fc IT mm tVftAaA lull amn rrt!aud Canal to a point where an East It's kind to Que haada. A f 5,000 guarantee aava there TIMBER SALE X 1082. sad Weal Uoa drawn throtirb a point SO A Follow dlrectioae. la not a particle of adulterant ebatne Dae North of tbe Point of com Said at all i j wh tea 1 1? ihuh r Impurity la Sunlight Soap meacemenl Intertecu witb ssld Una of UU c t j I ifhl. ikHN Ittrnlr ! ale4 Urfrkrs vlll i rr-lted ittc by llifb Water Mark; tbenca weal SO chains; t hi itefMW lMy ( MSMMcr uT LsmH at later Uua bom n and aoauterty easterly, parallel to 1, : (hrtKw lHr f lb ITta Jtf af Jsaturjr. 1(11 far It tbe saad IttM A Klrh Water Mark Portland i bark la paai ef eucn-a parakata at txaa X last U rut I.Saa,-ass lo a petal as cbaias Due Writ of t ruoutatar frtr fH mt apewca. Cadtr. Htmiatk aod f-oMM or Commeacement; tbenca eatt Baitua oa a ara ataaatad a Mthb SS ebahaa aa aaM point of eommeoccment. i. n sai mi."i racuna 00 M- Cb, atataa I tit ad. luata I. Ceatl tMi- aad ciaUiwit tia seres mora or leas. Salvation MilCl). C C. IVlMriM4l( Att. ItttL Army. WALTER E. WALKER. nJxr Hit, HIT. oa Jttr IS b tSuvrd tt ft-oval Mia tstb day af October. KIT. FUtE ALARM SYSTEM. of HoOwr. Public meetings, Tuesdays, rwutae partamUra af um caiaf rarvaur. SKEE.1A LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT or varaarta, B C or Mtril rairtwr. Trtan CASS1AR. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. CIRCUIT NO. 1. IMfwri. C I IT. r.. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Boa 12 1th St. and Srd Are, (Uu tMa, 0artaulr TAKE natka that Waller E. Walker, of Sea IS Stb St. and Srd Are. f atit TIMBER SALE X 894. Vanaaver, B. C, occapatloa Maoarer, Baa 14 Stb 8L and Jrd Ave. , Stated UwJtrt ltl Im rartt4 fcr Ux taienda to apply far permit Hon to Irate Ihe Daily News delivered hy TIMBER SALE X 925. Bea IB Junction or 1st, tnd and rvpit. or lan too wn a cottcu. Matitarr af Land not Ultr than nana oa i rolloatar deacrtbel lands: arrier, 50-t'enta per month. 3rd Area. s TUta foe Um taut day of rrbraary. till, far Um Ceemoenrlas si a post planted at tba Sealed tenders will be receired by tbe Boe 1 1st Are. between 8th and - i t.0, VIoUncXLLU aa4 attrtaaM of Ucvoea X lit. la eal II.4J0.- Sort West Corner of Lai at. Casstar SKEE.1A LAD DISTRICT DISTRICT or Minister of Lands' not later than noon on fth Sts. (Knox Hotel). .IT rti ar sprwra. CMir, Battaaa aaa DUttiei; tbroca north SO cbalns; tbenca CA3SIAR. tbe tstb day or January. I til, for the pur Bea 17 1st Are, and 7th St. (Central HAHnTI0. a aa arra aitiiatcd oc 5aotum est is chains, mora or leaf, to Hlh chase of U fence I III, to cat J.640.000 Hotel). rtttr. Batka CAaaoH, iuaia S. Cat bla Water Mark Portland Canals tbenca south feel of Hemlock, Cedar, Balsam and Spruce 'fit Prtr4 far Citailttt TAKE notice that Tbe Ahslo-BrlUth Co Amtiatta trwt. erty aad eaiterty fallowmr Hifb Water on an area situated on Loor Lake, Eraser CIRCUIT NO. 2. Bt4, Vwtttw, OMlt lumbia Facktnr Limited, of Van-coueer. Company Tarra il yaara Hi ta aHoaad far ra Mark Portland Canal la point ef commence Reach, runce 4, Coast District. Baa 22 Srd Are and Srd St. (Post B. C. occupation Salmon Canoe i tantjvr. at and containtas 100 acres mora ar rt, Two (t) years will be allowed for re- Omce). intends to for to lease rrOar partlmlara of tht UUf raraawr less. apply permission moral of timber. 9oa 23 Jrd Are. n1 McBrtda SL Tt'Mj PHCNEBLUC VMmrta. B, C. m Dutrui rarttr, rnn WALTER E. WALKER, tba feUowlov described lands: runner particulars of tbe Chief Fore iter. Bea 24 1st Ate. and McBrtda SL . c no. ate tttb day af October. HIT. Gommrnelnc at a pott planted at Illlb District prtner Rwpert, Victoria, B.C. or Forester, Bea ZS tnd Are. and tnd SL .ater Mark Portland Canal, SS chalna Doe Rupert, B. C. J S4 Bea 28 tnd Are. and tth SL North and 40 cnains. or more. Due West Im 27 O. T. P. or the North West Corner or Lot SS, MINERAL ACT Catsiar District; tbenca northerly and CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENTS CIRCUIT NO. a. westerly foUowlnr tba Una of Hirb Water Mark, Portland Canal, to a point where an Bea 31 Stb Are. and Flilton 3L East and Weal Una dreaa Ihrouarb a point NOTICE Boa 32 Borden and Taylor Sts. ae cbaina Due Sorth of tba point of com- "Molybdenum and "Success" Mineral B 34 7th Are. ana Fulton SL This is .talma, situate In tbe Skeena Mlnlnt Dirt- BTrnrenxnl Intersects with said Una of Boa 38 tut Ave. and Comos Ave. tlon of Casslar DUtrtcL Bet 37 Stb Ave. and Dodra Place Hub water Mark; thence West SO chains; Keep National Wbera located About 4 miles Westerly tbenca southerly and easterly paralled wltb Baa 33 tth Ave. and Thompson SL from Um bead ot Alice Arm. and about tbe taut Una of llitb Water Mark. Port Service mile from the Beach. land tanal( la a point SO chains Due West CIRCUIT NO. a, TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. of the point of commencement; tbencc Cea 41 4tb Ave. and Emmerson rree Miner's certiorate Ko. Utlt-C. aa east sa cutlnt to said point of eommenca-met Place, arent of tba Molybdenum Mlnlnt and Reduction and containinr ISO arret mora or Cea 42 Sin Ave. and McBrtJe St. Company, Limited. (Hon Personal Chickens iraa of tba Bed and Feretbora of Portland ea 43 Stb Ave. and Oreen SL UablUtyl Free Miner's Certificate rto.1 Bee, 44 Clh Ave. and Basil SL IOStt-C Intends sixty days from the date Sea 5 7tb Ave. and Eberta. THE A.1GLO-8IUTISH COLUMBIA PACU.10 hereof, to apply to tba Mlnlnr Recorder They iroMPA.tY UNITED. Walter R. Walker. Aft. for a Certificate of Improvemcau. for tba Bea 141- 7th Ave. aod Tounr SL Hate IM day of October,-! IT. pnrposa of obtalnlnr a Crown Orant of' The cost of meat is the heavy each of tbe above claims. i will help 4KEE.XA LA.ND DISTIUCT DISTIUCT or AND FVHTIIER TAKE NOTICE thai aeUon l item in the food bill. CASMAR. under Section SS must be commenced be- ; fore tba ttsua ot such Certlflcata of Im- mmmmmmaaammm ewnaBBBUBujaaBBBuaBBBnaBBBBBBnusauasui wh aaasaBBBBBaajaBaBawaBBaaw Keep TAKE notice that Tbe Anlo-BrlUih Co- protaments. you DATED ibis tttb day of November A. D. Poultry and Eggs will help liimbta Parkins Company U ml ted, of Van 1017. Fttl Anyone Can Have ruaver. B. C occupation Salmon Cannera, take the of place meat. intends to apply fur permission to lease WATER NOTICE the foUowlnr described lands: How to go Comroenclna at a post planted at Hlfb Whipped Cream The food that goes to the garbage Water Mark. Portland CanaL SO cbaina Due TAKE NOTICE Ibal Dolly Varden Mines pall from about it ?rorth and 40 rbalns or mora Duo West of Conipsny whose address Is Alice Arm, B. the average table will provide tba .north West Corner of Lot OtS. Casslar C. will apply for a license to take and PACIFIC MILK is so one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to BUY eatt fee barrw baubIM er buy ee dtyM broody District, tbenca north SO chains; tbenca use ten cubic feel of water per aeeond rich in cream that it kea ertlScUl browlar. A weal to chains, mora or lets, to Hlfb out of Trout Creek, a tributary of k'll-tault 10 hens. letted rkla(-fcol will houM the Water Mark Portland Canal tbenca south River Dowlnr Into Alice Arm. Cat-nar whips as easily as bea ea4 ckkk. read tbe cblc'tt erty and easterly foUowtuf tba line ot DlstrlcL Tbe water will be diverted bread craatbe tMltd la anllk end lllth Water Mark Portland Canal to the al the bead or the rails on tba Stiver 7m most of the fresh Poultry will thrive where vegetables day.queued Iiaraatlnt dry, T4 with St prepared time a point of cutnmeneement and con la into f 00 Horde Mloeral claim. Lot 3101. and wiu will chick faaJ, enlj enttch tbay acres mora or less. be used for power purposes on tba Wolf cream sold it round not grow. The outlay is small. nd Varden 0 of Mineral Dolly IU aal up c). Remtotbae that THE AMOLO-BRITISII COLUMBIA PACKl.tO roups the Province. A few minutes a day is all the time a buairy cblek It a healthy rhkk. COMPANY UNITED, Walter E. Walker. Af L laimt bclnr Lota 3701 to 3707 Inclusive. and Lou Slot to 3107 Inclusiva and Lot CAlmON: Cbkke mutt not be "ate Ulh day of October. 1017. required. fad uatll at laett ta beure M, aad till Catsiar District Mrs. McCary of New Westminster thea ealy partntly. SKEE.NA LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Application will be made also for tbe wrote in to say that sho whips rltht lo t lore 310 acre fret In First Trout If you can, atari now with COAST, IUKGE TIVE. PACIFIC MILK regularly for o A small flock in your back yard will ra or thicket If not,urrang Lake and t.!0t acre feet In Second. Third treat for the youngsters for at once with tba local poultry and rourib Trout Lakes. Tba water will o far to keep you supplied with eggs, aaaociatlon for pullela In th TAKE notice thai Walter E. Walker, of be ilored In First Trout Lake by tba construction breakfast. broilers and fall. Vancouver, B. C, occupation Manarer, of a dam at Us '-outlet and In All she does is to set aside the roasters. ntenda to apply for permission to lease Second, Third arid Fourth Trout Lakea by amount she wants, in a cool place, Hie foUowlnr described lands: tba construction of a dam at tba outlet conunenclnf al a post planted at the or Second Trout Lake. Tba estimated for a time and then beats It with intersection of an East and West Une in-t of land to be flooded al Ftrtt Trout a serve eggbealer. She puts this Bulletins to Write for Poultry throuyh Concrete Monument at Bartlett Lake la 17 acre and at Second, Third and on toast and gives It to the child. ruiiil, Walea Island. B. C wltb lllth Water Fourth Trout Lakea Is twenty arree. INFORMATION BUREAU Mtrk Tonsats rattetei tbenca southerly This tio Ure was posted oa tba t round re it for breakfast. tut catterly folloalns said IHh Water on the lltb day Of October, 1017. You'll find it is Kood on cakes and Maik to a point wbera a Worth and south A copy of this notice and an applies lion THE DOMINION Una drawn throutn a point so cbaina Due rur.uini l tic re to and to tba Water Act, PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. East of tbe point of conuiiencement luter- ail. wlU be filed In tba ofltca of tba tecit said tilth Water Mark of Tonrasa Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C Factory at Ladnsr, B, C. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Passat, tbenca south id cbalns; tbenca i he date of tba Brit appearance ef Ibis northaettcrly In a slraithl Una lo a point nonce in Ihe local newspaper was tba If you have a good roip send it OTTAWA to cbalua Dua Wtsl of the point or com- 13 rd day of October. 1117. and objections in. You may get a nice surprise manreiuenl; tbenca 10 cbaina Dua East ol may ba filed with the comptroller or i i return. Address llox 882, Van. IIONOUKAM K MARTIN UUKKELL, AWifar, tba point of commcncemeai and coutalniot.Water Recorder within thirty daya after t40 acrel, mora or leas. I ho said data. fouver. 1), C. WALTER E. WALKER, DOLLY VARDEN MINES COMPANY, Data tltb day of October, HIT- R. B. McOlnnls, A tent, per K, A. Cleveland. 4