TKE DA!..I HEW TIMBER SALE X1170. tktx. DEMORALIZATION G. H. Arnold Sealed Icndrr win be received tr Ibe Local News Notes I 0p pE RUSSIAN ARMY, Relieve Your Liver Minuter or Lamli not later then noon on , --- j uifffiiurrfi i f- r ib tut dir or January, if it, tor tbe pur NOTARY PUBLIC rtiM or Licence X HOI, la nil 1.017.00 at. i ll...n l.fl fnii UliaMlnnl tl r..irrflu. Jit". J.A". Major-chief-front. When your liver la i out of ortlcnyour head, feet or cedar, Bpruec, Hemlock and BUim this nnnerat Honeh-Ilruevllch bile and bowels suffer with it That is why a ' morning. on Ranre en area. CoaiS situated District.In Qaat-loca Inlet, of.slatT at the llustlan -attack is often ecrious. Ward it off with a few iftj We 8el! Ileal Estate. one (I) year will bo allowed for re Mrs. A. fi. Aldous Is In town lit. n.intt a Bloomy picture nn the moral or Umber. day from Mellakalla. condition! of the llutsian armies. V write Fire and Marine rurtber partltalar or tbe Chief forester, In a report to Knslgn Krylenko. BEECHAM'S PILLS Insurance. . Rupert,Victoria,B.B.C a, or District Foreater, rrince Mr. J. O, Scott left tewn (his the commander-in-chief. The We have Apartments, Stores, morning for Vancouver. organliattons are utterly llouses, and OlTlces for " army demorallfd, ha says, the olucers which gently arouse a sJugKuA trrer, and renew the acti-tiea M Hcnt, and Want More. TimBCn SALE X1095. The snovrloOgh preceder) I he neierlenced and the maintenance ntctwtftt to good health. They new produce sr Uai, We Deal In Mortgage Loans. train for the east this meriting. are, of discipline Is Impossible. after-effects. Their prompt use Is bencficltl to the trttera, r.idV Sealed lendera will be received by I be We Sell Timber Limits. Mintfter or tand not later Uian nooa en Mr. J. II. Itoerlg was among the The only possible salvation Prevent Bilious Attad: ibe lOtb day or January. I It. for tbe the the only chance for '3 We do Conveyaqcing. purcitaee of Licence X lOtt, to cut T.000, passengers for Vancouver on the for aimy. 00 feet or Spruce!. Hemlock and Cedar en Princess Sophia today. offering an effective resistance. Worth Guinea a Box an area fituaird on Dana Inlet, Queen h .fiar. is for the various rw ei tw twm i Mu.ttj r,w. H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. charlotte lalanda OlatrtcL The Princess Sophia arrive! sections of the armies to fall back Two f rtera will be allowed for re defences and un-nnd this morning from Alaskan ports to their natural rovval or timber. rurtber partlcalart or tbe Chief forester. left later for Vancouver drrgo a iliorough reorganitatlon ; Victoria. B. C or District forester, rrince 'of the units under trained leaders. Rupert. B.C. IL Mr. W. K Williams was on; Vanr narts of the western front "The Daily News" I board the Princess Sophia today. are entirely open, Oencral Ilonch- lllllllllllillllllllllllllui.llliinii WATER 'OTIGE when she pulled out for Vancou Itruevieh reports, at numerous CLASSIFIED ADS. (Direrston and Use.) ver. places there being only 210 in- ' faQlrymea to the mile. Gasoline For Lumber TAKE .10T1CE Corporation,that Tbe Ltd..Brltisb wboae Canadian address Visitors in town from the) east t n,. r.rmincr in r. 1 Engines Sale I WANTED. jis Yorkshire BuUdinr. Vancouver, wui consiuer me weamer nere imeona pve the men in the trenches and warm, i-amoiuon nau n 3 Dfiow'ii.. I II.... . J.,..Hn In j apply for a licence to take and use ooe WAITED A few Brst-das mlliwrltata.j cubic root per second or water out of on iuesuay. masss. Communications are bro four or five montba' work, toe per hour, 'an unsamed creek, wbwb news southerly available ! rare each way wOl be refunded to ein-tiMi and drama Into Mattel Inlet, about 400 Mr. Frank McKlnnen, of Ilaxrl ken and few horses are One 3-Cyllnder 4 cycle 30 H.P. Falrbsnks-morts mo. ba iut until Job la com- yards northeasterly from tbe soutfiwest I 1110 wire viiiaiiHicuiriiie im ureu Englns $750 leled. United Grain Grower. Hot ton corner or Lot Kit. ton. who has been in the city fordMlroyed making resistance ut- S Mills. B. C Tbe water will be diverted from tbe the last day or two, sailed today lines at terly Impossible on as stream at a point about a quarter or a for Vancouver by the Sophia. One 2-Cyllnder 4 cycle 10 H.P. Palmar Engine $350 located with FOR SALE mile from its mouth and will be used for present een troops. steam purpose upon the land described Various of the.staffs must soon FOR SALE Two-cylinder i cycle It h-p. as Let lilt. Graham Island. Mr. Nelson, of Edmonton, was cease work, because of the disordered One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 10 H.P. Hicks Engine 3 marine enrtoe. wtin Ml force This notice was posted on tbe rround a rmftsenfrer on this mornings abaft and conditions and the economic reed oiler clutch, propeUor. Jump spark I tuition, la nrst elasa order, on tbe tnd day or January, Itlt. A copy train for up river. Mr. Nelson life of the will thus be One 1-Cyllnder 4 cycle 3V4. H.P. Regal Engine rnre tit cash. Apply F-- O. box or this notice and an application pursuant will take his new duties at the army tt7, dty. ft thereto and to tbe -Water Act. Itlt," will up mined, he says. Ont 2-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 14 H.P. Callle Perfection be Bled In tbe cmce of the Water Recorder public school at Dsk. FOR SALE Five-roomed two-storey bouse, Engine !)Zl)Q at rrtnew Rupert, B. C. rurniibed unrurolihcd Hot water The Salvation Army has been or Objections to tbe application rxir be Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, of Port Cne 2-Cyllnder 2 cycle 9 H.P. Fairbanks-Morse and cblckea bouse, furnace, batb, rarden asked to locate Kllnar Hanson, filed with the said Water Recorder or with tilt SUtb Avenue. East. Casb or terms. age Le Prairie, who have been the Englns $200 tbe Comptroller or Water Plants, parliament who is a Norwegian about 25 years Pbono Black tit. tt Boildinra, Victoria, B. C, within guests of Dr. and Mrs. Orant for of age, medium height, fair complexion. Cne 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 2 H.P. Waterman Engine thirty days after tbe first appearance or the last week, left the on train In the summer of 101 1 Practically new, 35 Its. weight and suitable for this notice in Vocal newspaper. a7p LOST this morning for the east. Tbe date or tbe first publication or thla he was known to be In Prince Rupert row boat trolling LOST Between Fulton Street and tbe Oov-eresDent notice la January tth, it It. working, it is presumed, as Wnarf( pocketbook conuinlnr THE BRITISH CAXADIAX LUMBER Mr. .F. II. Mobley. M. P. I ac a baker. Anyone knowing his Cns 1-Cyllnder 2 cycle 4 H.P. Auto Marine Engine $5 sum or money. Owner's name inside, CORPORATION, LTD. companied by Mrs. Mobley, left finder please return to tbe Dally 5ews I. T. T. Pat too. Receiver and Manarer. for Victoria today the present whereabouts kindly com by Princess flee. tr By E. A. Cleveland. AtenL municatewith Majdr Sims. Salva One 1-Cyllndsr 2 cycle 6 H. P. Callle Perfection $125 Sophia, whither Mr. Motley's tion Army headquarters. Winni tSST Gold Stickpin, between Iroquois duties call him for the legislature. feet Rooms and Fifth At roue. E. Reward, peg, Man. THESE ENQINE3 ARE SECOND-HAND, BUT HAVE BUS. finder please return to Dally THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED SOME REBUILT Stmt Office, tf. i t There was a meeting of the Hospital Hoard last evening. Mr. ALSO V.L PRIVATE OCTtCTIVf AOCNCY D. O. Stewart was re-elected pres GIES GEARS NEW AND REBUILT X09 Metropolitan BMg Vaaeouvee. ident for the coming year, and the DENTISTRY Day Phone, Seymour net. Rev. W. E. Collison vice-president. .Hint Pnone. ralrmont ttlt. Akerberg, Thomson & Co., Ltd. I CW3WN UNO SIM DOC WOH Miss Hilda Chichester, who Is Head OOlce, at 2 HlbkeA-Boee Bid. a triotaLTT Victoria, . c, Pheeie S412. attending high school here. last TIKBER SALE X 926. H A(ii:vrs for Dr.. J. 8. BROWN night received word of the death Palmer, Fisherman, Anderson, Yale, and Union Engines i ccfmrr ft of her brother Ted, with Ihe Cana Sealed lenders -Ul be received by the MloJtter of Lands not later than nooa OSUai Sllh tint, Tkle-a ateee. dians in France. Miss Chichester the nth day or rebraary, Itlt. for the luilUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIilil PlMMO 4B4 left for Terrace this morning (wrtbese or Licence X ttt. to cut t.ttt.Mt eel oT Hemlock, Cprvce, Balsam and Cedar E. H. SHOCKLEY Mrs. Dupuis, of Haysport. who on an area situated on Loot Lake, Praaer has been in the city for the last Reach, lucre 4, Ceait OlatrtcL STEEN & LONGWILL Three l years wUI be allowed for re ' Successor to i. L. Mckey). day or two, returned to Haytport mote! or Umber. tins morning. She farther the Chief CONTRACTOR A BUILDER was accom jrUculars of forester. SANITARY AND HE ATI NO panied by Mr. Homer Dupuis, who Irtorta B. C, or District Foreiter. Pnev Kopert, B.C. rtt ENGINEERS has been in the hospital recently Fishermen Notice! Store and Office Fixtures, WATKR NOTICE Sash, Door, and Mouldings, A resolution passed by the MYCnSIO.I A.MJ USE. Agent for Oak and Hardwoods of all Hoard or the Vancouver General The Cold Storage Fertltiier and Oil PUm ' u McCLARY FURNACES kinds. Hospital has ben endorsed by the TAKE KATICC that lames 5. rmersoo. now in atid will operation all the ofMeate ye-company whose addresa la fit PaclOc BuUdinr, Van Prince We Specialize In Hardwood Rupert General Hospital PLUMBINO eouer. B.C. will arvly for a licence to will buy all marketable 0h and win ).t Boat Ribs, Sash, Hoard calling upon the irovern uke and use Its CS.r. of water out of and Doors, etc. inent for an increased grant per L'nton Creek, also known ae L'nton Bay. Fish at fifteen dollars per ton (eqtriralent to - hirh floart westerly and drains Into fltb). Halt will be a, SHEET METAL WORKS Plata capita. per provided fre and al and Sheet Glass and Union Bay about at tbe bead ot said bay. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Glazing. Tbe water will be diverted Iran the be purchased at the ComriMjr' store at re ct For Prince Rupert and district. stream at l point about where l'nton Creek Night phones 570 Corner Frater and 6th 8ta. Special facilities are ftrotrided for gas l have we secured the services of leaves Union Bay and vft! be used for and Dlue 270 Mr. Martin Krooger, F.Il.H.S power (and Incidentally manufactarlnrl men bringing their gas boats will bet allow ' n The right work, at the right PHONE GREEN 289 purpose upon the Unde described as Dla- Prince Rupert, II. C phone Red trlrt Lot lot. Caislar DleirlcL penses or trip to Pacofl. The plant is leeatt i time, and at the right prise. BOX P. O. 1S8 v uv. oonsu... mm aDoui your This notice waa potted on tbo rround of the flthing grounds and tiog (Ish eon be c . garden problems Hrltish Cotum. on tbe 1 1 lb day of January. Itlt. A copy numbers all the year round, Oetne to Paeon if la Nurseries, Ltd.. Vancouver, or ibis notice and an application pursuant B. C. tf, toe re to ant to tbe "Water Act, till," will make money every day fishing. be filed la the cmce or the Water He-eorder at Prince tapert, B. C FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Furniture wanted. Any quantity. Objet lions to the application may be Good prices paid for com. nied with tbe tald Water Recorder or with International Chemical Co., Lll the Comptroller or Water Rlrblt, parlia lete household furnishings and men! BuUdinr. Victoria, B. C, within FOR CANNERYMEN all kinds of tools, men's suits. thirty days after tbe Brat appearance of Pacofl, Queen Cha lotte Islands. We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete oots, etc. Phone lied 213 or call ibis notice in a local newipaper. line of Rubber Helling at right prices. n F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. Tbe dati of tbe Drat publication or this FOR FISHERMEN notice la lanuary ttth. ltd. rtt JAMES S. EMCnSO.1. Applicant, A complete slock of tbe best goods that money can buy for by lioherl M. Walker, a rent. trolling Spring Ilrass, Silver and Jironze. FOR THE WATERFRONT The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat paint "FLOGLAZK" A complete lino of Ship Chandlery. Harry Atkins FOR EVERYONE fL9m9''e U1mV&mW 1 eamlly Butseee, Print Rupert. EPrice's A fine slock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stoves. NOTKD FOR We Sell Nothing But The Best. 'BBBiAaAiBBSWBBSf PRIME SAUSAGE CREAM FRED STORK'S HARDWARE sBHHbVbV'hc!bbV Tomato Sausage a Specialty. BAKING POWDER Phonn S74 P. O. Bos Saves Eggs B S In recipes for cake, muffins, corn brend, etc At the Westliolme Theatre to. fewer cgf's may bq used nnd excellent results A HOT BATH THE night. nnd healthful, nppctizing food obtained by using MINUTE YOU WANT IT Prince Rupert Feed Co. nn additional quantity of Dr. Price's Cream A lUl (4IU SIOMtUtUO Baking Powder, about n teaspoon, in place You are accustomed to PHONE SS of each getting cold water in. GOLU WATGEI FREE. egg omitted, ttantly. Think of the satisfaction caoLtsa wurnNa a miefcitamrt rm.r.m t e.p HI Ae IM Mat! FOR I top mux OIKECTIONSt-MI. mm .IS i'f of getting Hot tiM. Dr Ptlr.',CiMm la4lat. Mi mUh, lrUi Water in the same way In arrij win m lasstnAa ll.kto-wd ell l-e. ere Mil e4 m in abundance, regardless of BULBS I I.Mmimm. w,u abe1alBe-. UmI wall how much has been used t t.blMM. ,hrtilBa Mte ti mtmmt.m. before, The old method called for 3 sets. Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Make is Mulftns HOT WATER LIKE MAGIO 'H' ') cM.mi, I ho alki5?3idr aul Im1iIISJ Eatter Lilies, Narcissus. I'Wil,, lnerllal P..II.J Iim. AJJ'M t St. Liim. ttoolneie, Moatrt. Harry Hanson WLi -i"JSy m tM rM "BBtS'mmmmmmWmV e 4m4 uIim a HML h Dr. Price's Cream liaklng Powder is mads Hot Water Service Mall C-eir Premptli Attended le. from brings Crtsm of Tartar derived from grapes, Um . mm M tm to tail W Mimt you this convenience. m m mm mvm iIm Ik Uimui and makes wholesome food. Im I uah U.M -te In mmi to W Um. h4 mm4 PHONE 48 P. O. BOX 36 a to.. M HM -. Made in Canada Alum Imw Uiwt. ,u- m mmmYlmmZZmZ r. O. mt SSS. tot Third Ave. No eeeeeeeeeeeee4i tf4ftfmmm